1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === Include/cholmod_core.h =============================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod_core.h.
7  * Copyright (C) 2005-2019, Univ. of Florida.  Author: Timothy A. Davis
8  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10 /* CHOLMOD Core module: basic CHOLMOD objects and routines.
11  * Required by all CHOLMOD modules.  Requires no other module or package.
12  *
13  * The CHOLMOD modules are:
14  *
15  * Core		basic data structures and definitions
16  * Check	check/print the 5 CHOLMOD objects, & 3 types of integer vectors
17  * Cholesky	sparse Cholesky factorization
18  * Modify	sparse Cholesky update/downdate/row-add/row-delete
19  * MatrixOps	sparse matrix functions (add, multiply, norm, ...)
20  * Supernodal	supernodal sparse Cholesky factorization
21  * Partition	graph-partitioning based orderings
22  *
23  * The CHOLMOD objects:
24  * --------------------
25  *
26  * cholmod_common   parameters, statistics, and workspace
27  * cholmod_sparse   a sparse matrix in compressed column form
28  * cholmod_factor   an LL' or LDL' factorization
29  * cholmod_dense    a dense matrix
30  * cholmod_triplet  a sparse matrix in "triplet" form
31  *
32  * The Core module described here defines the CHOLMOD data structures, and
33  * basic operations on them.  To create and solve a sparse linear system Ax=b,
34  * the user must create A and b, populate them with values, and then pass them
35  * to the routines in the CHOLMOD Cholesky module.  There are two primary
36  * methods for creating A: (1) allocate space for a column-oriented sparse
37  * matrix and fill it with pattern and values, or (2) create a triplet form
38  * matrix and convert it to a sparse matrix.  The latter option is simpler.
39  *
40  * The matrices b and x are typically dense matrices, but can also be sparse.
41  * You can allocate and free them as dense matrices with the
42  * cholmod_allocate_dense and cholmod_free_dense routines.
43  *
44  * The cholmod_factor object contains the symbolic and numeric LL' or LDL'
45  * factorization of sparse symmetric matrix.  The matrix must be positive
46  * definite for an LL' factorization.  It need only be symmetric and have well-
47  * conditioned leading submatrices for it to have an LDL' factorization
48  * (CHOLMOD does not pivot for numerical stability).  It is typically created
49  * with the cholmod_factorize routine in the Cholesky module, but can also
50  * be initialized to L=D=I in the Core module and then modified by the Modify
51  * module.  It must be freed with cholmod_free_factor, defined below.
52  *
53  * The Core routines for each object are described below.  Each list is split
54  * into two parts: the primary routines and secondary routines.
55  *
56  * ============================================================================
57  * === cholmod_common =========================================================
58  * ============================================================================
59  *
60  * The Common object contains control parameters, statistics, and
61  * You must call cholmod_start before calling any other CHOLMOD routine, and
62  * must call cholmod_finish as your last call to CHOLMOD, with two exceptions:
63  * you may call cholmod_print_common and cholmod_check_common in the Check
64  * module after calling cholmod_finish.
65  *
66  * cholmod_start		first call to CHOLMOD
67  * cholmod_finish		last call to CHOLMOD
68  * -----------------------------
69  * cholmod_defaults		restore default parameters
70  * cholmod_maxrank		maximum rank for update/downdate
71  * cholmod_allocate_work	allocate workspace in Common
72  * cholmod_free_work		free workspace in Common
73  * cholmod_clear_flag		clear Flag workspace in Common
74  * cholmod_error		called when CHOLMOD encounters an error
75  * cholmod_dbound		for internal use in CHOLMOD only
76  * cholmod_hypot		compute sqrt (x*x + y*y) accurately
77  * cholmod_divcomplex		complex division, c = a/b
78  *
79  * ============================================================================
80  * === cholmod_sparse =========================================================
81  * ============================================================================
82  *
83  * A sparse matrix is held in compressed column form.  In the basic type
84  * ("packed", which corresponds to a MATLAB sparse matrix), an n-by-n matrix
85  * with nz entries is held in three arrays: p of size n+1, i of size nz, and x
86  * of size nz.  Row indices of column j are held in i [p [j] ... p [j+1]-1] and
87  * in the same locations in x.  There may be no duplicate entries in a column.
88  * Row indices in each column may be sorted or unsorted (CHOLMOD keeps track).
89  * A->stype determines the storage mode: 0 if both upper/lower parts are stored,
90  * -1 if A is symmetric and just tril(A) is stored, +1 if symmetric and triu(A)
91  * is stored.
92  *
93  * cholmod_allocate_sparse	allocate a sparse matrix
94  * cholmod_free_sparse		free a sparse matrix
95  * -----------------------------
96  * cholmod_reallocate_sparse	change the size (# entries) of sparse matrix
97  * cholmod_nnz			number of nonzeros in a sparse matrix
98  * cholmod_speye		sparse identity matrix
99  * cholmod_spzeros		sparse zero matrix
100  * cholmod_transpose		transpose a sparse matrix
101  * cholmod_ptranspose		transpose/permute a sparse matrix
102  * cholmod_transpose_unsym	transpose/permute an unsymmetric sparse matrix
103  * cholmod_transpose_sym	transpose/permute a symmetric sparse matrix
104  * cholmod_sort			sort row indices in each column of sparse matrix
105  * cholmod_band			C = tril (triu (A,k1), k2)
106  * cholmod_band_inplace		A = tril (triu (A,k1), k2)
107  * cholmod_aat			C = A*A'
108  * cholmod_copy_sparse		C = A, create an exact copy of a sparse matrix
109  * cholmod_copy			C = A, with possible change of stype
110  * cholmod_add			C = alpha*A + beta*B
111  * cholmod_sparse_xtype		change the xtype of a sparse matrix
112  *
113  * ============================================================================
114  * === cholmod_factor =========================================================
115  * ============================================================================
116  *
117  * The data structure for an LL' or LDL' factorization is too complex to
118  * describe in one sentence.  This object can hold the symbolic analysis alone,
119  * or in combination with a "simplicial" (similar to a sparse matrix) or
120  * "supernodal" form of the numerical factorization.  Only the routine to free
121  * a factor is primary, since a factor object is created by the factorization
122  * routine (cholmod_factorize).  It must be freed with cholmod_free_factor.
123  *
124  * cholmod_free_factor		free a factor
125  * -----------------------------
126  * cholmod_allocate_factor	allocate a factor (LL' or LDL')
127  * cholmod_reallocate_factor	change the # entries in a factor
128  * cholmod_change_factor	change the type of factor (e.g., LDL' to LL')
129  * cholmod_pack_factor		pack the columns of a factor
130  * cholmod_reallocate_column	resize a single column of a factor
131  * cholmod_factor_to_sparse	create a sparse matrix copy of a factor
132  * cholmod_copy_factor		create a copy of a factor
133  * cholmod_factor_xtype		change the xtype of a factor
134  *
135  * Note that there is no cholmod_sparse_to_factor routine to create a factor
136  * as a copy of a sparse matrix.  It could be done, after a fashion, but a
137  * lower triangular sparse matrix would not necessarily have a chordal graph,
138  * which would break the many CHOLMOD routines that rely on this property.
139  *
140  * ============================================================================
141  * === cholmod_dense ==========================================================
142  * ============================================================================
143  *
144  * The solve routines and some of the MatrixOps and Modify routines use dense
145  * matrices as inputs.  These are held in column-major order.  With a leading
146  * dimension of d, the entry in row i and column j is held in x [i+j*d].
147  *
148  * cholmod_allocate_dense	allocate a dense matrix
149  * cholmod_free_dense		free a dense matrix
150  * -----------------------------
151  * cholmod_zeros		allocate a dense matrix of all zeros
152  * cholmod_ones			allocate a dense matrix of all ones
153  * cholmod_eye			allocate a dense identity matrix
154  * cholmod_sparse_to_dense	create a dense matrix copy of a sparse matrix
155  * cholmod_dense_to_sparse	create a sparse matrix copy of a dense matrix
156  * cholmod_copy_dense		create a copy of a dense matrix
157  * cholmod_copy_dense2		copy a dense matrix (pre-allocated)
158  * cholmod_dense_xtype		change the xtype of a dense matrix
159  * cholmod_ensure_dense  	ensure a dense matrix has a given size and type
160  *
161  * ============================================================================
162  * === cholmod_triplet ========================================================
163  * ============================================================================
164  *
165  * A sparse matrix held in triplet form is the simplest one for a user to
166  * create.  It consists of a list of nz entries in arbitrary order, held in
167  * three arrays: i, j, and x, each of length nk.  The kth entry is in row i[k],
168  * column j[k], with value x[k].  There may be duplicate values; if A(i,j)
169  * appears more than once, its value is the sum of the entries with those row
170  * and column indices.
171  *
172  * cholmod_allocate_triplet	allocate a triplet matrix
173  * cholmod_triplet_to_sparse	create a sparse matrix copy of a triplet matrix
174  * cholmod_free_triplet		free a triplet matrix
175  * -----------------------------
176  * cholmod_reallocate_triplet	change the # of entries in a triplet matrix
177  * cholmod_sparse_to_triplet	create a triplet matrix copy of a sparse matrix
178  * cholmod_copy_triplet		create a copy of a triplet matrix
179  * cholmod_triplet_xtype	change the xtype of a triplet matrix
180  *
181  * ============================================================================
182  * === memory management ======================================================
183  * ============================================================================
184  *
185  * cholmod_malloc		malloc wrapper
186  * cholmod_calloc		calloc wrapper
187  * cholmod_free			free wrapper
188  * cholmod_realloc		realloc wrapper
189  * cholmod_realloc_multiple	realloc wrapper for multiple objects
190  *
191  * ============================================================================
192  * === Core CHOLMOD prototypes ================================================
193  * ============================================================================
194  *
195  * All CHOLMOD routines (in all modules) use the following protocol for return
196  * values, with one exception:
197  *
198  * int			TRUE (1) if successful, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
199  *			(exception: cholmod_divcomplex)
200  * SuiteSparse_long     a value >= 0 if successful, or -1 otherwise.
201  * double		a value >= 0 if successful, or -1 otherwise.
202  * size_t		a value > 0 if successful, or 0 otherwise.
203  * void *		a non-NULL pointer to newly allocated memory if
204  *			successful, or NULL otherwise.
205  * cholmod_sparse *	a non-NULL pointer to a newly allocated matrix
206  *			if successful, or NULL otherwise.
207  * cholmod_factor *	a non-NULL pointer to a newly allocated factor
208  *			if successful, or NULL otherwise.
209  * cholmod_triplet *	a non-NULL pointer to a newly allocated triplet
210  *			matrix if successful, or NULL otherwise.
211  * cholmod_dense *	a non-NULL pointer to a newly allocated triplet
212  *			matrix if successful, or NULL otherwise.
213  *
214  * The last parameter to all routines is always a pointer to the CHOLMOD
215  * Common object.
216  *
217  * TRUE and FALSE are not defined here, since they may conflict with the user
218  * program.  A routine that described here returning TRUE or FALSE returns 1
219  * or 0, respectively.  Any TRUE/FALSE parameter is true if nonzero, false if
220  * zero.
221  */
223 #ifndef CHOLMOD_CORE_H
224 #define CHOLMOD_CORE_H
226 /* ========================================================================== */
227 /* === CHOLMOD version ====================================================== */
228 /* ========================================================================== */
230 /* All versions of CHOLMOD will include the following definitions.
231  * As an example, to test if the version you are using is 1.3 or later:
232  *
233  *	if (CHOLMOD_VERSION >= CHOLMOD_VER_CODE (1,3)) ...
234  *
235  * This also works during compile-time:
236  *
238  *	    printf ("This is version 1.3 or later\n") ;
239  *	#else
240  *	    printf ("This is version is earlier than 1.3\n") ;
241  *	#endif
242  */
246 #define CHOLMOD_DATE "Oct 22, 2019"
247 #define CHOLMOD_VER_CODE(main,sub) ((main) * 1000 + (sub))
251 #define CHOLMOD_VERSION \
255 /* ========================================================================== */
256 /* === non-CHOLMOD include files ============================================ */
257 /* ========================================================================== */
259 /* This is the only non-CHOLMOD include file imposed on the user program.
260  * It required for size_t definition used here.  CHOLMOD itself includes other
261  * ANSI C89 standard #include files, but does not expose them to the user.
262  *
263  * CHOLMOD assumes that your C compiler is ANSI C89 compliant.  It does not make
264  * use of ANSI C99 features.
265  */
267 #include <stddef.h>
268 #include <stdlib.h>
270 /* ========================================================================== */
271 /* === CUDA BLAS for the GPU ================================================ */
272 /* ========================================================================== */
274 /* The number of OMP threads should typically be set to the number of cores   */
275 /* per socket inthe machine being used.  This maximizes memory performance.   */
278 #endif
280 /* Define buffering parameters for GPU processing */
282 #ifdef GPU_BLAS
283 #include <cublas_v2.h>
284 #endif
285 #endif
291 /* ========================================================================== */
292 /* === CHOLMOD objects ====================================================== */
293 /* ========================================================================== */
295 /* Each CHOLMOD object has its own type code. */
297 #define CHOLMOD_COMMON 0
298 #define CHOLMOD_SPARSE 1
299 #define CHOLMOD_FACTOR 2
300 #define CHOLMOD_DENSE 3
301 #define CHOLMOD_TRIPLET 4
303 /* ========================================================================== */
304 /* === CHOLMOD Common ======================================================= */
305 /* ========================================================================== */
307 /* itype defines the types of integer used: */
308 #define CHOLMOD_INT 0		/* all integer arrays are int */
309 #define CHOLMOD_INTLONG 1	/* most are int, some are SuiteSparse_long */
310 #define CHOLMOD_LONG 2		/* all integer arrays are SuiteSparse_long */
312 /* The itype of all parameters for all CHOLMOD routines must match.
313  * FUTURE WORK: CHOLMOD_INTLONG is not yet supported.
314  */
316 /* dtype defines what the numerical type is (double or float): */
317 #define CHOLMOD_DOUBLE 0	/* all numerical values are double */
318 #define CHOLMOD_SINGLE 1	/* all numerical values are float */
320 /* The dtype of all parameters for all CHOLMOD routines must match.
321  *
322  * Scalar floating-point values are always passed as double arrays of size 2
323  * (for the real and imaginary parts).  They are typecast to float as needed.
324  * FUTURE WORK: the float case is not supported yet.
325  */
327 /* xtype defines the kind of numerical values used: */
328 #define CHOLMOD_PATTERN 0	/* pattern only, no numerical values */
329 #define CHOLMOD_REAL 1		/* a real matrix */
330 #define CHOLMOD_COMPLEX 2	/* a complex matrix (ANSI C99 compatible) */
331 #define CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX 3	/* a complex matrix (MATLAB compatible) */
333 /* The xtype of all parameters for all CHOLMOD routines must match.
334  *
335  * CHOLMOD_PATTERN: x and z are ignored.
336  * CHOLMOD_DOUBLE:  x is non-null of size nzmax, z is ignored.
337  * CHOLMOD_COMPLEX: x is non-null of size 2*nzmax doubles, z is ignored.
338  * CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX: x and z are non-null of size nzmax
339  *
340  * In the real case, z is ignored.  The kth entry in the matrix is x [k].
341  * There are two methods for the complex case.  In the ANSI C99-compatible
342  * CHOLMOD_COMPLEX case, the real and imaginary parts of the kth entry
343  * are in x [2*k] and x [2*k+1], respectively.  z is ignored.  In the
344  * MATLAB-compatible CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX case, the real and imaginary
345  * parts of the kth entry are in x [k] and z [k].
346  *
347  * Scalar floating-point values are always passed as double arrays of size 2
348  * (real and imaginary parts).  The imaginary part of a scalar is ignored if
349  * the routine operates on a real matrix.
350  *
351  * These Modules support complex and zomplex matrices, with a few exceptions:
352  *
353  *	Check	    all routines
354  *	Cholesky    all routines
355  *	Core	    all except cholmod_aat, add, band, copy
356  *	Demo	    all routines
357  *	Partition   all routines
358  *	Supernodal  all routines support any real, complex, or zomplex input.
359  *			There will never be a supernodal zomplex L; a complex
360  *			supernodal L is created if A is zomplex.
361  *	Tcov	    all routines
362  *	Valgrind    all routines
363  *
364  * These Modules provide partial support for complex and zomplex matrices:
365  *
366  *	MATLAB	    all routines support real and zomplex only, not complex,
367  *			with the exception of ldlupdate, which supports
368  *			real matrices only.  This is a minor constraint since
369  *			MATLAB's matrices are all real or zomplex.
370  *	MatrixOps   only norm_dense, norm_sparse, and sdmult support complex
371  *			and zomplex
372  *
373  * These Modules do not support complex and zomplex matrices at all:
374  *
375  *	Modify	    all routines support real matrices only
376  */
378 /* Definitions for cholmod_common: */
379 #define CHOLMOD_MAXMETHODS 9	/* maximum number of different methods that */
380 				/* cholmod_analyze can try. Must be >= 9. */
382 /* Common->status values.  zero means success, negative means a fatal error,
383  * positive is a warning. */
384 #define CHOLMOD_OK 0			/* success */
385 #define CHOLMOD_NOT_INSTALLED (-1)	/* failure: method not installed */
386 #define CHOLMOD_OUT_OF_MEMORY (-2)	/* failure: out of memory */
387 #define CHOLMOD_TOO_LARGE (-3)		/* failure: integer overflow occured */
388 #define CHOLMOD_INVALID (-4)		/* failure: invalid input */
389 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_PROBLEM (-5)        /* failure: GPU fatal error */
390 #define CHOLMOD_NOT_POSDEF (1)		/* warning: matrix not pos. def. */
391 #define CHOLMOD_DSMALL (2)		/* warning: D for LDL'  or diag(L) or */
392 					/* LL' has tiny absolute value */
394 /* ordering method (also used for L->ordering) */
395 #define CHOLMOD_NATURAL 0	/* use natural ordering */
396 #define CHOLMOD_GIVEN 1		/* use given permutation */
397 #define CHOLMOD_AMD 2		/* use minimum degree (AMD) */
398 #define CHOLMOD_METIS 3		/* use METIS' nested dissection */
399 #define CHOLMOD_NESDIS 4	/* use CHOLMOD's version of nested dissection:*/
400 				/* node bisector applied recursively, followed
401 				 * by constrained minimum degree (CSYMAMD or
402 				 * CCOLAMD) */
403 #define CHOLMOD_COLAMD 5	/* use AMD for A, COLAMD for A*A' */
405 /* POSTORDERED is not a method, but a result of natural ordering followed by a
406  * weighted postorder.  It is used for L->ordering, not method [ ].ordering. */
407 #define CHOLMOD_POSTORDERED 6	/* natural ordering, postordered. */
409 /* supernodal strategy (for Common->supernodal) */
410 #define CHOLMOD_SIMPLICIAL 0	/* always do simplicial */
411 #define CHOLMOD_AUTO 1		/* select simpl/super depending on matrix */
412 #define CHOLMOD_SUPERNODAL 2	/* always do supernodal */
414 typedef struct cholmod_common_struct
415 {
416     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
417     /* parameters for symbolic/numeric factorization and update/downdate */
418     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
420     double dbound ;	/* Smallest absolute value of diagonal entries of D
421 			 * for LDL' factorization and update/downdate/rowadd/
422 	* rowdel, or the diagonal of L for an LL' factorization.
423 	* Entries in the range 0 to dbound are replaced with dbound.
424 	* Entries in the range -dbound to 0 are replaced with -dbound.  No
425 	* changes are made to the diagonal if dbound <= 0.  Default: zero */
427     double grow0 ;	/* For a simplicial factorization, L->i and L->x can
428 			 * grow if necessary.  grow0 is the factor by which
429 	* it grows.  For the initial space, L is of size MAX (1,grow0) times
430 	* the required space.  If L runs out of space, the new size of L is
431 	* MAX(1.2,grow0) times the new required space.   If you do not plan on
432 	* modifying the LDL' factorization in the Modify module, set grow0 to
433 	* zero (or set grow2 to 0, see below).  Default: 1.2 */
435     double grow1 ;
437     size_t grow2 ;	/* For a simplicial factorization, each column j of L
438 			 * is initialized with space equal to
439 	* grow1*L->ColCount[j] + grow2.  If grow0 < 1, grow1 < 1, or grow2 == 0,
440 	* then the space allocated is exactly equal to L->ColCount[j].  If the
441 	* column j runs out of space, it increases to grow1*need + grow2 in
442 	* size, where need is the total # of nonzeros in that column.  If you do
443 	* not plan on modifying the factorization in the Modify module, set
444 	* grow2 to zero.  Default: grow1 = 1.2, grow2 = 5. */
446     size_t maxrank ;	/* rank of maximum update/downdate.  Valid values:
447 			 * 2, 4, or 8.  A value < 2 is set to 2, and a
448 	* value > 8 is set to 8.  It is then rounded up to the next highest
449 	* power of 2, if not already a power of 2.  Workspace (Xwork, below) of
450 	* size nrow-by-maxrank double's is allocated for the update/downdate.
451 	* If an update/downdate of rank-k is requested, with k > maxrank,
452 	* it is done in steps of maxrank.  Default: 8, which is fastest.
453 	* Memory usage can be reduced by setting maxrank to 2 or 4.
454 	*/
456     double supernodal_switch ;	/* supernodal vs simplicial factorization */
457     int supernodal ;		/* If Common->supernodal <= CHOLMOD_SIMPLICIAL
458 				 * (0) then cholmod_analyze performs a
459 	* simplicial analysis.  If >= CHOLMOD_SUPERNODAL (2), then a supernodal
460 	* analysis is performed.  If == CHOLMOD_AUTO (1) and
461 	* flop/nnz(L) < Common->supernodal_switch, then a simplicial analysis
462 	* is done.  A supernodal analysis done otherwise.
463 	* Default:  CHOLMOD_AUTO.  Default supernodal_switch = 40 */
465     int final_asis ;	/* If TRUE, then ignore the other final_* parameters
466 			 * (except for final_pack).
467 			 * The factor is left as-is when done.  Default: TRUE.*/
469     int final_super ;	/* If TRUE, leave a factor in supernodal form when
470 			 * supernodal factorization is finished.  If FALSE,
471 			 * then convert to a simplicial factor when done.
472 			 * Default: TRUE */
474     int final_ll ;	/* If TRUE, leave factor in LL' form when done.
475 			 * Otherwise, leave in LDL' form.  Default: FALSE */
477     int final_pack ;	/* If TRUE, pack the columns when done.  If TRUE, and
478 			 * cholmod_factorize is called with a symbolic L, L is
479 	* allocated with exactly the space required, using L->ColCount.  If you
480 	* plan on modifying the factorization, set Common->final_pack to FALSE,
481 	* and each column will be given a little extra slack space for future
482 	* growth in fill-in due to updates.  Default: TRUE */
484     int final_monotonic ;   /* If TRUE, ensure columns are monotonic when done.
485 			 * Default: TRUE */
487     int final_resymbol ;/* if cholmod_factorize performed a supernodal
488 			 * factorization, final_resymbol is true, and
489 	* final_super is FALSE (convert a simplicial numeric factorization),
490 	* then numerically zero entries that resulted from relaxed supernodal
491 	* amalgamation are removed.  This does not remove entries that are zero
492 	* due to exact numeric cancellation, since doing so would break the
493 	* update/downdate rowadd/rowdel routines.  Default: FALSE. */
495     /* supernodal relaxed amalgamation parameters: */
496     double zrelax [3] ;
497     size_t nrelax [3] ;
499 	/* Let ns be the total number of columns in two adjacent supernodes.
500 	 * Let z be the fraction of zero entries in the two supernodes if they
501 	 * are merged (z includes zero entries from prior amalgamations).  The
502 	 * two supernodes are merged if:
503 	 *    (ns <= nrelax [0]) || (no new zero entries added) ||
504 	 *    (ns <= nrelax [1] && z < zrelax [0]) ||
505 	 *    (ns <= nrelax [2] && z < zrelax [1]) || (z < zrelax [2])
506 	 *
507 	 * Default parameters result in the following rule:
508 	 *    (ns <= 4) || (no new zero entries added) ||
509 	 *    (ns <= 16 && z < 0.8) || (ns <= 48 && z < 0.1) || (z < 0.05)
510 	 */
512     int prefer_zomplex ;    /* X = cholmod_solve (sys, L, B, Common) computes
513 			     * x=A\b or solves a related system.  If L and B are
514 	 * both real, then X is real.  Otherwise, X is returned as
515 	 * CHOLMOD_COMPLEX if Common->prefer_zomplex is FALSE, or
516 	 * CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX if Common->prefer_zomplex is TRUE.  This parameter
517 	 * is needed because there is no supernodal zomplex L.  Suppose the
518 	 * caller wants all complex matrices to be stored in zomplex form
519 	 * (MATLAB, for example).  A supernodal L is returned in complex form
520 	 * if A is zomplex.  B can be real, and thus X = cholmod_solve (L,B)
521 	 * should return X as zomplex.  This cannot be inferred from the input
522 	 * arguments L and B.  Default: FALSE, since all data types are
523 	 * supported in CHOLMOD_COMPLEX form and since this is the native type
524 	 * of LAPACK and the BLAS.  Note that the MATLAB/cholmod.c mexFunction
525 	 * sets this parameter to TRUE, since MATLAB matrices are in
526 	 * CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX form.
527 	 */
529     int prefer_upper ;	    /* cholmod_analyze and cholmod_factorize work
530 			     * fastest when a symmetric matrix is stored in
531 	 * upper triangular form when a fill-reducing ordering is used.  In
532 	 * MATLAB, this corresponds to how x=A\b works.  When the matrix is
533 	 * ordered as-is, they work fastest when a symmetric matrix is in lower
534 	 * triangular form.  In MATLAB, R=chol(A) does the opposite.  This
535 	 * parameter affects only how cholmod_read returns a symmetric matrix.
536 	 * If TRUE (the default case), a symmetric matrix is always returned in
537 	 * upper-triangular form (A->stype = 1).  */
539     int quick_return_if_not_posdef ;	/* if TRUE, the supernodal numeric
540 					 * factorization will return quickly if
541 	* the matrix is not positive definite.  Default: FALSE. */
543     int prefer_binary ;	    /* cholmod_read_triplet converts a symmetric
544 			     * pattern-only matrix into a real matrix.  If
545 	* prefer_binary is FALSE, the diagonal entries are set to 1 + the degree
546 	* of the row/column, and off-diagonal entries are set to -1 (resulting
547 	* in a positive definite matrix if the diagonal is zero-free).  Most
548 	* symmetric patterns are the pattern a positive definite matrix.  If
549 	* this parameter is TRUE, then the matrix is returned with a 1 in each
550 	* entry, instead.  Default: FALSE.  Added in v1.3. */
552     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
553     /* printing and error handling options */
554     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
556     int print ;		/* print level. Default: 3 */
557     int precise ;	/* if TRUE, print 16 digits.  Otherwise print 5 */
559     /* CHOLMOD print_function replaced with SuiteSparse_config.print_func */
561     int try_catch ;	/* if TRUE, then ignore errors; CHOLMOD is in the middle
562 			 * of a try/catch block.  No error message is printed
563 	 * and the Common->error_handler function is not called. */
565     void (*error_handler) (int status, const char *file,
566         int line, const char *message) ;
568 	/* Common->error_handler is the user's error handling routine.  If not
569 	 * NULL, this routine is called if an error occurs in CHOLMOD.  status
570 	 * can be CHOLMOD_OK (0), negative for a fatal error, and positive for
571 	 * a warning. file is a string containing the name of the source code
572 	 * file where the error occured, and line is the line number in that
573 	 * file.  message is a string describing the error in more detail. */
575     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
576     /* ordering options */
577     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
579     /* The cholmod_analyze routine can try many different orderings and select
580      * the best one.  It can also try one ordering method multiple times, with
581      * different parameter settings.  The default is to use three orderings,
582      * the user's permutation (if provided), AMD which is the fastest ordering
583      * and generally gives good fill-in, and METIS.  CHOLMOD's nested dissection
584      * (METIS with a constrained AMD) usually gives a better ordering than METIS
585      * alone (by about 5% to 10%) but it takes more time.
586      *
587      * If you know the method that is best for your matrix, set Common->nmethods
588      * to 1 and set Common->method [0] to the set of parameters for that method.
589      * If you set it to 1 and do not provide a permutation, then only AMD will
590      * be called.
591      *
592      * If METIS is not available, the default # of methods tried is 2 (the user
593      * permutation, if any, and AMD).
594      *
595      * To try other methods, set Common->nmethods to the number of methods you
596      * want to try.  The suite of default methods and their parameters is
597      * described in the cholmod_defaults routine, and summarized here:
598      *
599      *	    Common->method [i]:
600      *	    i = 0: user-provided ordering (cholmod_analyze_p only)
601      *	    i = 1: AMD (for both A and A*A')
602      *	    i = 2: METIS
603      *	    i = 3: CHOLMOD's nested dissection (NESDIS), default parameters
604      *	    i = 4: natural
605      *	    i = 5: NESDIS with nd_small = 20000
606      *	    i = 6: NESDIS with nd_small = 4, no constrained minimum degree
607      *	    i = 7: NESDIS with no dense node removal
608      *	    i = 8: AMD for A, COLAMD for A*A'
609      *
610      * You can modify the suite of methods you wish to try by modifying
611      * Common.method [...] after calling cholmod_start or cholmod_defaults.
612      *
613      * For example, to use AMD, followed by a weighted postordering:
614      *
615      *	    Common->nmethods = 1 ;
616      *	    Common->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_AMD ;
617      *	    Common->postorder = TRUE ;
618      *
619      * To use the natural ordering (with no postordering):
620      *
621      *	    Common->nmethods = 1 ;
622      *	    Common->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_NATURAL ;
623      *	    Common->postorder = FALSE ;
624      *
625      * If you are going to factorize hundreds or more matrices with the same
626      * nonzero pattern, you may wish to spend a great deal of time finding a
627      * good permutation.  In this case, try setting Common->nmethods to 9.
628      * The time spent in cholmod_analysis will be very high, but you need to
629      * call it only once.
630      *
631      * cholmod_analyze sets Common->current to a value between 0 and nmethods-1.
632      * Each ordering method uses the set of options defined by this parameter.
633      */
635     int nmethods ;	/* The number of ordering methods to try.  Default: 0.
636 			 * nmethods = 0 is a special case.  cholmod_analyze
637 	* will try the user-provided ordering (if given) and AMD.  Let fl and
638 	* lnz be the flop count and nonzeros in L from AMD's ordering.  Let
639 	* anz be the number of nonzeros in the upper or lower triangular part
640 	* of the symmetric matrix A.  If fl/lnz < 500 or lnz/anz < 5, then this
641 	* is a good ordering, and METIS is not attempted.  Otherwise, METIS is
642 	* tried.   The best ordering found is used.  If nmethods > 0, the
643 	* methods used are given in the method[ ] array, below.  The first
644 	* three methods in the default suite of orderings is (1) use the given
645 	* permutation (if provided), (2) use AMD, and (3) use METIS.  Maximum
646 	* allowed value is CHOLMOD_MAXMETHODS.  */
648     int current ;	/* The current method being tried.  Default: 0.  Valid
649 			 * range is 0 to nmethods-1. */
651     int selected ;	/* The best method found. */
653     /* The suite of ordering methods and parameters: */
655     struct cholmod_method_struct
656     {
657 	/* statistics for this method */
658 	double lnz ;	    /* nnz(L) excl. zeros from supernodal amalgamation,
659 			     * for a "pure" L */
661 	double fl ;	    /* flop count for a "pure", real simplicial LL'
662 			     * factorization, with no extra work due to
663 	    * amalgamation.  Subtract n to get the LDL' flop count.   Multiply
664 	    * by about 4 if the matrix is complex or zomplex. */
666 	/* ordering method parameters */
667 	double prune_dense ;/* dense row/col control for AMD, SYMAMD, CSYMAMD,
668 			     * and NESDIS (cholmod_nested_dissection).  For a
669 	    * symmetric n-by-n matrix, rows/columns with more than
670 	    * MAX (16, prune_dense * sqrt (n)) entries are removed prior to
671 	    * ordering.  They appear at the end of the re-ordered matrix.
672 	    *
673 	    * If prune_dense < 0, only completely dense rows/cols are removed.
674 	    *
675 	    * This paramater is also the dense column control for COLAMD and
676 	    * CCOLAMD.  For an m-by-n matrix, columns with more than
677 	    * MAX (16, prune_dense * sqrt (MIN (m,n))) entries are removed prior
678 	    * to ordering.  They appear at the end of the re-ordered matrix.
679 	    * CHOLMOD factorizes A*A', so it calls COLAMD and CCOLAMD with A',
680 	    * not A.  Thus, this parameter affects the dense *row* control for
681 	    * CHOLMOD's matrix, and the dense *column* control for COLAMD and
682 	    * CCOLAMD.
683 	    *
684 	    * Removing dense rows and columns improves the run-time of the
685 	    * ordering methods.  It has some impact on ordering quality
686 	    * (usually minimal, sometimes good, sometimes bad).
687 	    *
688 	    * Default: 10. */
690 	double prune_dense2 ;/* dense row control for COLAMD and CCOLAMD.
691 			    *  Rows with more than MAX (16, dense2 * sqrt (n))
692 	    * for an m-by-n matrix are removed prior to ordering.  CHOLMOD's
693 	    * matrix is transposed before ordering it with COLAMD or CCOLAMD,
694 	    * so this controls the dense *columns* of CHOLMOD's matrix, and
695 	    * the dense *rows* of COLAMD's or CCOLAMD's matrix.
696 	    *
697 	    * If prune_dense2 < 0, only completely dense rows/cols are removed.
698 	    *
699 	    * Default: -1.  Note that this is not the default for COLAMD and
700 	    * CCOLAMD.  -1 is best for Cholesky.  10 is best for LU.  */
702 	double nd_oksep ;   /* in NESDIS, when a node separator is computed, it
703 			     * discarded if nsep >= nd_oksep*n, where nsep is
704 	    * the number of nodes in the separator, and n is the size of the
705 	    * graph being cut.  Valid range is 0 to 1.  If 1 or greater, the
706 	    * separator is discarded if it consists of the entire graph.
707 	    * Default: 1 */
709 	double other_1 [4] ; /* future expansion */
711 	size_t nd_small ;    /* do not partition graphs with fewer nodes than
712 			     * nd_small, in NESDIS.  Default: 200 (same as
713 			     * METIS) */
715 	size_t other_2 [4] ; /* future expansion */
717 	int aggressive ;    /* Aggresive absorption in AMD, COLAMD, SYMAMD,
718 			     * CCOLAMD, and CSYMAMD.  Default: TRUE */
720 	int order_for_lu ;  /* CCOLAMD can be optimized to produce an ordering
721 			     * for LU or Cholesky factorization.  CHOLMOD only
722 	    * performs a Cholesky factorization.  However, you may wish to use
723 	    * CHOLMOD as an interface for CCOLAMD but use it for your own LU
724 	    * factorization.  In this case, order_for_lu should be set to FALSE.
725 	    * When factorizing in CHOLMOD itself, you should *** NEVER *** set
726 	    * this parameter FALSE.  Default: TRUE. */
728 	int nd_compress ;   /* If TRUE, compress the graph and subgraphs before
729 			     * partitioning them in NESDIS.  Default: TRUE */
731 	int nd_camd ;	    /* If 1, follow the nested dissection ordering
732 			     * with a constrained minimum degree ordering that
733 	    * respects the partitioning just found (using CAMD).  If 2, use
734 	    * CSYMAMD instead.  If you set nd_small very small, you may not need
735 	    * this ordering, and can save time by setting it to zero (no
736 	    * constrained minimum degree ordering).  Default: 1. */
738 	int nd_components ; /* The nested dissection ordering finds a node
739 			     * separator that splits the graph into two parts,
740 	    * which may be unconnected.  If nd_components is TRUE, each of
741 	    * these connected components is split independently.  If FALSE,
742 	    * each part is split as a whole, even if it consists of more than
743 	    * one connected component.  Default: FALSE */
745 	/* fill-reducing ordering to use */
746 	int ordering ;
748 	size_t other_3 [4] ; /* future expansion */
750     } method [CHOLMOD_MAXMETHODS + 1] ;
752     int postorder ;	/* If TRUE, cholmod_analyze follows the ordering with a
753 			 * weighted postorder of the elimination tree.  Improves
754 	* supernode amalgamation.  Does not affect fundamental nnz(L) and
755 	* flop count.  Default: TRUE. */
757     int default_nesdis ;    /* Default: FALSE.  If FALSE, then the default
758 			     * ordering strategy (when Common->nmethods == 0)
759 	* is to try the given ordering (if present), AMD, and then METIS if AMD
760 	* reports high fill-in.  If Common->default_nesdis is TRUE then NESDIS
761 	* is used instead in the default strategy. */
763     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
764     /* memory management, complex divide, and hypot function pointers moved */
765     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
767     /* Function pointers moved from here (in CHOLMOD 2.2.0) to
768        SuiteSparse_config.[ch].  See CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod_back.h
769        for a set of macros that can be #include'd or copied into your
770        application to define these function pointers on any version of CHOLMOD.
771        */
773     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
774     /* METIS workarounds */
775     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
777     /* These workarounds were put into place for METIS 4.0.1.  They are safe
778        to use with METIS 5.1.0, but they might not longer be necessary. */
780     double metis_memory ;   /* This is a parameter for CHOLMOD's interface to
781 			     * METIS, not a parameter to METIS itself.  METIS
782 	* uses an amount of memory that is difficult to estimate precisely
783 	* beforehand.  If it runs out of memory, it terminates your program.
784 	* All routines in CHOLMOD except for CHOLMOD's interface to METIS
785 	* return an error status and safely return to your program if they run
786 	* out of memory.  To mitigate this problem, the CHOLMOD interface
787 	* can allocate a single block of memory equal in size to an empirical
788 	* upper bound of METIS's memory usage times the Common->metis_memory
789 	* parameter, and then immediately free it.  It then calls METIS.  If
790 	* this pre-allocation fails, it is possible that METIS will fail as
791 	* well, and so CHOLMOD returns with an out-of-memory condition without
792 	* calling METIS.
793 	*
794 	* METIS_NodeND (used in the CHOLMOD_METIS ordering option) with its
795 	* default parameter settings typically uses about (4*nz+40n+4096)
796 	* times sizeof(int) memory, where nz is equal to the number of entries
797 	* in A for the symmetric case or AA' if an unsymmetric matrix is
798 	* being ordered (where nz includes both the upper and lower parts
799 	* of A or AA').  The observed "upper bound" (with 2 exceptions),
800 	* measured in an instrumented copy of METIS 4.0.1 on thousands of
801 	* matrices, is (10*nz+50*n+4096) * sizeof(int).  Two large matrices
802 	* exceeded this bound, one by almost a factor of 2 (Gupta/gupta2).
803 	*
804 	* If your program is terminated by METIS, try setting metis_memory to
805 	* 2.0, or even higher if needed.  By default, CHOLMOD assumes that METIS
806 	* does not have this problem (so that CHOLMOD will work correctly when
807 	* this issue is fixed in METIS).  Thus, the default value is zero.
808 	* This work-around is not guaranteed anyway.
809 	*
810 	* If a matrix exceeds this predicted memory usage, AMD is attempted
811 	* instead.  It, too, may run out of memory, but if it does so it will
812 	* not terminate your program.
813 	*/
815     double metis_dswitch ;	/* METIS_NodeND in METIS 4.0.1 gives a seg */
816     size_t metis_nswitch ;	/* fault with one matrix of order n = 3005 and
817 				 * nz = 6,036,025.  This is a very dense graph.
818      * The workaround is to use AMD instead of METIS for matrices of dimension
819      * greater than Common->metis_nswitch (default 3000) or more and with
820      * density of Common->metis_dswitch (default 0.66) or more.
821      * cholmod_nested_dissection has no problems with the same matrix, even
822      * though it uses METIS_ComputeVertexSeparator on this matrix.  If this
823      * seg fault does not affect you, set metis_nswitch to zero or less,
824      * and CHOLMOD will not switch to AMD based just on the density of the
825      * matrix (it will still switch to AMD if the metis_memory parameter
826      * causes the switch).
827      */
829     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
830     /* workspace */
831     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
833     /* CHOLMOD has several routines that take less time than the size of
834      * workspace they require.  Allocating and initializing the workspace would
835      * dominate the run time, unless workspace is allocated and initialized
836      * just once.  CHOLMOD allocates this space when needed, and holds it here
837      * between calls to CHOLMOD.  cholmod_start sets these pointers to NULL
838      * (which is why it must be the first routine called in CHOLMOD).
839      * cholmod_finish frees the workspace (which is why it must be the last
840      * call to CHOLMOD).
841      */
843     size_t nrow ;	/* size of Flag and Head */
844     SuiteSparse_long mark ;	/* mark value for Flag array */
845     size_t iworksize ;	/* size of Iwork.  Upper bound: 6*nrow+ncol */
846     size_t xworksize ;	/* size of Xwork,  in bytes.
847 			 * maxrank*nrow*sizeof(double) for update/downdate.
848 			 * 2*nrow*sizeof(double) otherwise */
850     /* initialized workspace: contents needed between calls to CHOLMOD */
851     void *Flag ;	/* size nrow, an integer array.  Kept cleared between
852 			 * calls to cholmod rouines (Flag [i] < mark) */
854     void *Head ;	/* size nrow+1, an integer array. Kept cleared between
855 			 * calls to cholmod routines (Head [i] = EMPTY) */
857     void *Xwork ; 	/* a double array.  Its size varies.  It is nrow for
858 			 * most routines (cholmod_rowfac, cholmod_add,
859 	* cholmod_aat, cholmod_norm, cholmod_ssmult) for the real case, twice
860 	* that when the input matrices are complex or zomplex.  It is of size
861 	* 2*nrow for cholmod_rowadd and cholmod_rowdel.  For cholmod_updown,
862 	* its size is maxrank*nrow where maxrank is 2, 4, or 8.  Kept cleared
863 	* between calls to cholmod (set to zero). */
865     /* uninitialized workspace, contents not needed between calls to CHOLMOD */
866     void *Iwork ;	/* size iworksize, 2*nrow+ncol for most routines,
867 			 * up to 6*nrow+ncol for cholmod_analyze. */
869     int itype ;		/* If CHOLMOD_LONG, Flag, Head, and Iwork are
870                          * SuiteSparse_long.  Otherwise all three are int. */
872     int dtype ;		/* double or float */
874 	/* Common->itype and Common->dtype are used to define the types of all
875 	 * sparse matrices, triplet matrices, dense matrices, and factors
876 	 * created using this Common struct.  The itypes and dtypes of all
877 	 * parameters to all CHOLMOD routines must match.  */
879     int no_workspace_reallocate ;   /* this is an internal flag, used as a
880 	* precaution by cholmod_analyze.  It is normally false.  If true,
881 	* cholmod_allocate_work is not allowed to reallocate any workspace;
882 	* they must use the existing workspace in Common (Iwork, Flag, Head,
883 	* and Xwork).  Added for CHOLMOD v1.1 */
885     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
886     /* statistics */
887     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
889     /* fl and lnz are set only in cholmod_analyze and cholmod_rowcolcounts,
890      * in the Cholesky modudle.  modfl is set only in the Modify module. */
892     int status ;	    /* error code */
893     double fl ;		    /* LL' flop count from most recent analysis */
894     double lnz ;	    /* fundamental nz in L */
895     double anz ;	    /* nonzeros in tril(A) if A is symmetric/lower,
896 			     * triu(A) if symmetric/upper, or tril(A*A') if
897 			     * unsymmetric, in last call to cholmod_analyze. */
898     double modfl ;	    /* flop count from most recent update/downdate/
899 			     * rowadd/rowdel (excluding flops to modify the
900 			     * solution to Lx=b, if computed) */
901     size_t malloc_count ;   /* # of objects malloc'ed minus the # free'd*/
902     size_t memory_usage ;   /* peak memory usage in bytes */
903     size_t memory_inuse ;   /* current memory usage in bytes */
905     double nrealloc_col ;   /* # of column reallocations */
906     double nrealloc_factor ;/* # of factor reallocations due to col. reallocs */
907     double ndbounds_hit ;   /* # of times diagonal modified by dbound */
909     double rowfacfl ;	    /* # of flops in last call to cholmod_rowfac */
910     double aatfl ;	    /* # of flops to compute A(:,f)*A(:,f)' */
912     int called_nd ;	    /* TRUE if the last call to
913 			     * cholmod_analyze called NESDIS or METIS. */
914     int blas_ok ;           /* FALSE if BLAS int overflow; TRUE otherwise */
916     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
917     /* SuiteSparseQR control parameters: */
918     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
920     double SPQR_grain ;      /* task size is >= max (total flops / grain) */
921     double SPQR_small ;      /* task size is >= small */
922     int SPQR_shrink ;        /* controls stack realloc method */
923     int SPQR_nthreads ;      /* number of TBB threads, 0 = auto */
925     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
926     /* SuiteSparseQR statistics */
927     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
929     /* was other1 [0:3] */
930     double SPQR_flopcount ;         /* flop count for SPQR */
931     double SPQR_analyze_time ;      /* analysis time in seconds for SPQR */
932     double SPQR_factorize_time ;    /* factorize time in seconds for SPQR */
933     double SPQR_solve_time ;        /* backsolve time in seconds */
935     /* was SPQR_xstat [0:3] */
936     double SPQR_flopcount_bound ;   /* upper bound on flop count */
937     double SPQR_tol_used ;          /* tolerance used */
938     double SPQR_norm_E_fro ;        /* Frobenius norm of dropped entries */
940     /* was SPQR_istat [0:9] */
941     SuiteSparse_long SPQR_istat [10] ;
943     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
944     /* GPU configuration and statistics */
945     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
947     /*  useGPU:  1 if gpu-acceleration is requested */
948     /*           0 if gpu-acceleration is prohibited */
949     /*          -1 if gpu-acceleration is undefined in which case the */
950     /*             environment CHOLMOD_USE_GPU will be queried and used. */
951     /*             useGPU=-1 is only used by CHOLMOD and treated as 0 by SPQR */
952     int useGPU;
954     /* for CHOLMOD: */
955     size_t maxGpuMemBytes;
956     double maxGpuMemFraction;
958     /* for SPQR: */
959     size_t gpuMemorySize;       /* Amount of memory in bytes on the GPU */
960     double gpuKernelTime;       /* Time taken by GPU kernels */
961     SuiteSparse_long gpuFlops;  /* Number of flops performed by the GPU */
962     int gpuNumKernelLaunches;   /* Number of GPU kernel launches */
964     /* If not using the GPU, these items are not used, but they should be
965        present so that the CHOLMOD Common has the same size whether the GPU
966        is used or not.  This way, all packages will agree on the size of
967        the CHOLMOD Common, regardless of whether or not they are compiled
968        with the GPU libraries or not */
970 #ifdef GPU_BLAS
971     /* in CUDA, these three types are pointers */
972     #define CHOLMOD_CUBLAS_HANDLE cublasHandle_t
973     #define CHOLMOD_CUDASTREAM    cudaStream_t
974     #define CHOLMOD_CUDAEVENT     cudaEvent_t
975 #else
976     /* ... so make them void * pointers if the GPU is not being used */
977     #define CHOLMOD_CUBLAS_HANDLE void *
978     #define CHOLMOD_CUDASTREAM    void *
979     #define CHOLMOD_CUDAEVENT     void *
980 #endif
982     CHOLMOD_CUBLAS_HANDLE cublasHandle ;
984     /* a set of streams for general use */
987     CHOLMOD_CUDAEVENT     cublasEventPotrf [3] ;
988     CHOLMOD_CUDAEVENT     updateCKernelsComplete;
991     void *dev_mempool;    /* pointer to single allocation of device memory */
992     size_t dev_mempool_size;
994     void *host_pinned_mempool;  /* pointer to single allocation of pinned mem */
995     size_t host_pinned_mempool_size;
997     size_t devBuffSize;
998     int    ibuffer;
1000     double syrkStart ;          /* time syrk started */
1002     /* run times of the different parts of CHOLMOD (GPU and CPU) */
1003     double cholmod_cpu_gemm_time ;
1004     double cholmod_cpu_syrk_time ;
1005     double cholmod_cpu_trsm_time ;
1006     double cholmod_cpu_potrf_time ;
1007     double cholmod_gpu_gemm_time ;
1008     double cholmod_gpu_syrk_time ;
1009     double cholmod_gpu_trsm_time ;
1010     double cholmod_gpu_potrf_time ;
1011     double cholmod_assemble_time ;
1012     double cholmod_assemble_time2 ;
1014     /* number of times the BLAS are called on the CPU and the GPU */
1015     size_t cholmod_cpu_gemm_calls ;
1016     size_t cholmod_cpu_syrk_calls ;
1017     size_t cholmod_cpu_trsm_calls ;
1018     size_t cholmod_cpu_potrf_calls ;
1019     size_t cholmod_gpu_gemm_calls ;
1020     size_t cholmod_gpu_syrk_calls ;
1021     size_t cholmod_gpu_trsm_calls ;
1022     size_t cholmod_gpu_potrf_calls ;
1024 } cholmod_common ;
1026 /* size_t BLAS statistcs in Common: */
1027 #define CHOLMOD_CPU_GEMM_CALLS      cholmod_cpu_gemm_calls
1028 #define CHOLMOD_CPU_SYRK_CALLS      cholmod_cpu_syrk_calls
1029 #define CHOLMOD_CPU_TRSM_CALLS      cholmod_cpu_trsm_calls
1030 #define CHOLMOD_CPU_POTRF_CALLS     cholmod_cpu_potrf_calls
1031 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_GEMM_CALLS      cholmod_gpu_gemm_calls
1032 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_SYRK_CALLS      cholmod_gpu_syrk_calls
1033 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_TRSM_CALLS      cholmod_gpu_trsm_calls
1034 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_POTRF_CALLS     cholmod_gpu_potrf_calls
1036 /* double BLAS statistics in Common: */
1037 #define CHOLMOD_CPU_GEMM_TIME       cholmod_cpu_gemm_time
1038 #define CHOLMOD_CPU_SYRK_TIME       cholmod_cpu_syrk_time
1039 #define CHOLMOD_CPU_TRSM_TIME       cholmod_cpu_trsm_time
1040 #define CHOLMOD_CPU_POTRF_TIME      cholmod_cpu_potrf_time
1041 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_GEMM_TIME       cholmod_gpu_gemm_time
1042 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_SYRK_TIME       cholmod_gpu_syrk_time
1043 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_TRSM_TIME       cholmod_gpu_trsm_time
1044 #define CHOLMOD_GPU_POTRF_TIME      cholmod_gpu_potrf_time
1045 #define CHOLMOD_ASSEMBLE_TIME       cholmod_assemble_time
1046 #define CHOLMOD_ASSEMBLE_TIME2      cholmod_assemble_time2
1048 /* for supernodal analysis */
1049 #define CHOLMOD_ANALYZE_FOR_SPQR     0
1053 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1054 /* cholmod_start:  first call to CHOLMOD */
1055 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1057 int cholmod_start
1058 (
1059     cholmod_common *Common
1060 ) ;
1062 int cholmod_l_start (cholmod_common *) ;
1064 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1065 /* cholmod_finish:  last call to CHOLMOD */
1066 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1068 int cholmod_finish
1069 (
1070     cholmod_common *Common
1071 ) ;
1073 int cholmod_l_finish (cholmod_common *) ;
1075 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1076 /* cholmod_defaults:  restore default parameters */
1077 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1079 int cholmod_defaults
1080 (
1081     cholmod_common *Common
1082 ) ;
1084 int cholmod_l_defaults (cholmod_common *) ;
1086 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1087 /* cholmod_maxrank:  return valid maximum rank for update/downdate */
1088 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1090 size_t cholmod_maxrank	/* returns validated value of Common->maxrank */
1091 (
1092     /* ---- input ---- */
1093     size_t n,		/* A and L will have n rows */
1094     /* --------------- */
1095     cholmod_common *Common
1096 ) ;
1098 size_t cholmod_l_maxrank (size_t, cholmod_common *) ;
1100 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1101 /* cholmod_allocate_work:  allocate workspace in Common */
1102 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1104 int cholmod_allocate_work
1105 (
1106     /* ---- input ---- */
1107     size_t nrow,	/* size: Common->Flag (nrow), Common->Head (nrow+1) */
1108     size_t iworksize,	/* size of Common->Iwork */
1109     size_t xworksize,	/* size of Common->Xwork */
1110     /* --------------- */
1111     cholmod_common *Common
1112 ) ;
1114 int cholmod_l_allocate_work (size_t, size_t, size_t, cholmod_common *) ;
1116 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1117 /* cholmod_free_work:  free workspace in Common */
1118 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1120 int cholmod_free_work
1121 (
1122     cholmod_common *Common
1123 ) ;
1125 int cholmod_l_free_work (cholmod_common *) ;
1127 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1128 /* cholmod_clear_flag:  clear Flag workspace in Common */
1129 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1131 /* use a macro for speed */
1132 #define CHOLMOD_CLEAR_FLAG(Common) \
1133 { \
1134     Common->mark++ ; \
1135     if (Common->mark <= 0) \
1136     { \
1137 	Common->mark = EMPTY ; \
1138 	CHOLMOD (clear_flag) (Common) ; \
1139     } \
1140 }
1142 SuiteSparse_long cholmod_clear_flag
1143 (
1144     cholmod_common *Common
1145 ) ;
1147 SuiteSparse_long cholmod_l_clear_flag (cholmod_common *) ;
1149 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1150 /* cholmod_error:  called when CHOLMOD encounters an error */
1151 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1153 int cholmod_error
1154 (
1155     /* ---- input ---- */
1156     int status,		/* error status */
1157     const char *file,	/* name of source code file where error occured */
1158     int line,		/* line number in source code file where error occured*/
1159     const char *message,/* error message */
1160     /* --------------- */
1161     cholmod_common *Common
1162 ) ;
1164 int cholmod_l_error (int, const char *, int, const char *, cholmod_common *) ;
1166 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1167 /* cholmod_dbound:  for internal use in CHOLMOD only */
1168 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1170 double cholmod_dbound	/* returns modified diagonal entry of D or L */
1171 (
1172     /* ---- input ---- */
1173     double dj,		/* diagonal entry of D for LDL' or L for LL' */
1174     /* --------------- */
1175     cholmod_common *Common
1176 ) ;
1178 double cholmod_l_dbound (double, cholmod_common *) ;
1180 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1181 /* cholmod_hypot:  compute sqrt (x*x + y*y) accurately */
1182 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1184 double cholmod_hypot
1185 (
1186     /* ---- input ---- */
1187     double x, double y
1188 ) ;
1190 double cholmod_l_hypot (double, double) ;
1192 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1193 /* cholmod_divcomplex:  complex division, c = a/b */
1194 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1196 int cholmod_divcomplex		/* return 1 if divide-by-zero, 0 otherise */
1197 (
1198     /* ---- input ---- */
1199     double ar, double ai,	/* real and imaginary parts of a */
1200     double br, double bi,	/* real and imaginary parts of b */
1201     /* ---- output --- */
1202     double *cr, double *ci	/* real and imaginary parts of c */
1203 ) ;
1205 int cholmod_l_divcomplex (double, double, double, double, double *, double *) ;
1208 /* ========================================================================== */
1209 /* === Core/cholmod_sparse ================================================== */
1210 /* ========================================================================== */
1212 /* A sparse matrix stored in compressed-column form. */
1214 typedef struct cholmod_sparse_struct
1215 {
1216     size_t nrow ;	/* the matrix is nrow-by-ncol */
1217     size_t ncol ;
1218     size_t nzmax ;	/* maximum number of entries in the matrix */
1220     /* pointers to int or SuiteSparse_long: */
1221     void *p ;		/* p [0..ncol], the column pointers */
1222     void *i ;		/* i [0..nzmax-1], the row indices */
1224     /* for unpacked matrices only: */
1225     void *nz ;		/* nz [0..ncol-1], the # of nonzeros in each col.  In
1226 			 * packed form, the nonzero pattern of column j is in
1227 	* A->i [A->p [j] ... A->p [j+1]-1].  In unpacked form, column j is in
1228 	* A->i [A->p [j] ... A->p [j]+A->nz[j]-1] instead.  In both cases, the
1229 	* numerical values (if present) are in the corresponding locations in
1230 	* the array x (or z if A->xtype is CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX). */
1232     /* pointers to double or float: */
1233     void *x ;		/* size nzmax or 2*nzmax, if present */
1234     void *z ;		/* size nzmax, if present */
1236     int stype ;		/* Describes what parts of the matrix are considered:
1237 			 *
1238 	* 0:  matrix is "unsymmetric": use both upper and lower triangular parts
1239 	*     (the matrix may actually be symmetric in pattern and value, but
1240 	*     both parts are explicitly stored and used).  May be square or
1241 	*     rectangular.
1242 	* >0: matrix is square and symmetric, use upper triangular part.
1243 	*     Entries in the lower triangular part are ignored.
1244 	* <0: matrix is square and symmetric, use lower triangular part.
1245 	*     Entries in the upper triangular part are ignored.
1246 	*
1247 	* Note that stype>0 and stype<0 are different for cholmod_sparse and
1248 	* cholmod_triplet.  See the cholmod_triplet data structure for more
1249 	* details.
1250 	*/
1252     int itype ;		/* CHOLMOD_INT:     p, i, and nz are int.
1253 			 * CHOLMOD_INTLONG: p is SuiteSparse_long,
1254                          *                  i and nz are int.
1255 			 * CHOLMOD_LONG:    p, i, and nz are SuiteSparse_long */
1257     int xtype ;		/* pattern, real, complex, or zomplex */
1258     int dtype ;		/* x and z are double or float */
1259     int sorted ;	/* TRUE if columns are sorted, FALSE otherwise */
1260     int packed ;	/* TRUE if packed (nz ignored), FALSE if unpacked
1261 			 * (nz is required) */
1263 } cholmod_sparse ;
1265 typedef struct cholmod_descendant_score_t {
1266   double score;
1267   SuiteSparse_long d;
1268 } descendantScore;
1270 /* For sorting descendant supernodes with qsort */
1271 int cholmod_score_comp (struct cholmod_descendant_score_t *i,
1272 			       struct cholmod_descendant_score_t *j);
1274 int cholmod_l_score_comp (struct cholmod_descendant_score_t *i,
1275 			       struct cholmod_descendant_score_t *j);
1277 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1278 /* cholmod_allocate_sparse:  allocate a sparse matrix */
1279 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1281 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_allocate_sparse
1282 (
1283     /* ---- input ---- */
1284     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of A */
1285     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of A */
1286     size_t nzmax,	/* max # of nonzeros of A */
1287     int sorted,		/* TRUE if columns of A sorted, FALSE otherwise */
1288     int packed,		/* TRUE if A will be packed, FALSE otherwise */
1289     int stype,		/* stype of A */
1290     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_PATTERN, _REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
1291     /* --------------- */
1292     cholmod_common *Common
1293 ) ;
1295 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_allocate_sparse (size_t, size_t, size_t, int, int,
1296     int, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1298 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1299 /* cholmod_free_sparse:  free a sparse matrix */
1300 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1302 int cholmod_free_sparse
1303 (
1304     /* ---- in/out --- */
1305     cholmod_sparse **A,	/* matrix to deallocate, NULL on output */
1306     /* --------------- */
1307     cholmod_common *Common
1308 ) ;
1310 int cholmod_l_free_sparse (cholmod_sparse **, cholmod_common *) ;
1312 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1313 /* cholmod_reallocate_sparse:  change the size (# entries) of sparse matrix */
1314 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1316 int cholmod_reallocate_sparse
1317 (
1318     /* ---- input ---- */
1319     size_t nznew,	/* new # of entries in A */
1320     /* ---- in/out --- */
1321     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to reallocate */
1322     /* --------------- */
1323     cholmod_common *Common
1324 ) ;
1326 int cholmod_l_reallocate_sparse ( size_t, cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_common *) ;
1328 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1329 /* cholmod_nnz:  return number of nonzeros in a sparse matrix */
1330 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1332 SuiteSparse_long cholmod_nnz
1333 (
1334     /* ---- input ---- */
1335     cholmod_sparse *A,
1336     /* --------------- */
1337     cholmod_common *Common
1338 ) ;
1340 SuiteSparse_long cholmod_l_nnz (cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_common *) ;
1342 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1343 /* cholmod_speye:  sparse identity matrix */
1344 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1346 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_speye
1347 (
1348     /* ---- input ---- */
1349     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of A */
1350     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of A */
1351     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_PATTERN, _REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
1352     /* --------------- */
1353     cholmod_common *Common
1354 ) ;
1356 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_speye (size_t, size_t, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1358 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1359 /* cholmod_spzeros:  sparse zero matrix */
1360 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1362 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_spzeros
1363 (
1364     /* ---- input ---- */
1365     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of A */
1366     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of A */
1367     size_t nzmax,	/* max # of nonzeros of A */
1368     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_PATTERN, _REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
1369     /* --------------- */
1370     cholmod_common *Common
1371 ) ;
1373 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_spzeros (size_t, size_t, size_t, int,
1374     cholmod_common *) ;
1376 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1377 /* cholmod_transpose:  transpose a sparse matrix */
1378 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1380 /* Return A' or A.'  The "values" parameter is 0, 1, or 2 to denote the pattern
1381  * transpose, the array transpose (A.'), and the complex conjugate transpose
1382  * (A').
1383  */
1385 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_transpose
1386 (
1387     /* ---- input ---- */
1388     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to transpose */
1389     int values,		/* 0: pattern, 1: array transpose, 2: conj. transpose */
1390     /* --------------- */
1391     cholmod_common *Common
1392 ) ;
1394 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_transpose (cholmod_sparse *, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1396 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1397 /* cholmod_transpose_unsym:  transpose an unsymmetric sparse matrix */
1398 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1400 /* Compute F = A', A (:,f)', or A (p,f)', where A is unsymmetric and F is
1401  * already allocated.  See cholmod_transpose for a simpler routine. */
1403 int cholmod_transpose_unsym
1404 (
1405     /* ---- input ---- */
1406     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to transpose */
1407     int values,		/* 0: pattern, 1: array transpose, 2: conj. transpose */
1408     int *Perm,		/* size nrow, if present (can be NULL) */
1409     int *fset,		/* subset of 0:(A->ncol)-1 */
1410     size_t fsize,	/* size of fset */
1411     /* ---- output --- */
1412     cholmod_sparse *F,	/* F = A', A(:,f)', or A(p,f)' */
1413     /* --------------- */
1414     cholmod_common *Common
1415 ) ;
1417 int cholmod_l_transpose_unsym (cholmod_sparse *, int, SuiteSparse_long *,
1418     SuiteSparse_long *, size_t, cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_common *) ;
1420 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1421 /* cholmod_transpose_sym:  transpose a symmetric sparse matrix */
1422 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1424 /* Compute F = A' or A (p,p)', where A is symmetric and F is already allocated.
1425  * See cholmod_transpose for a simpler routine. */
1427 int cholmod_transpose_sym
1428 (
1429     /* ---- input ---- */
1430     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to transpose */
1431     int values,		/* 0: pattern, 1: array transpose, 2: conj. transpose */
1432     int *Perm,		/* size nrow, if present (can be NULL) */
1433     /* ---- output --- */
1434     cholmod_sparse *F,	/* F = A' or A(p,p)' */
1435     /* --------------- */
1436     cholmod_common *Common
1437 ) ;
1439 int cholmod_l_transpose_sym (cholmod_sparse *, int, SuiteSparse_long *,
1440     cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_common *) ;
1442 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1443 /* cholmod_ptranspose:  transpose a sparse matrix */
1444 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1446 /* Return A' or A(p,p)' if A is symmetric.  Return A', A(:,f)', or A(p,f)' if
1447  * A is unsymmetric. */
1449 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_ptranspose
1450 (
1451     /* ---- input ---- */
1452     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to transpose */
1453     int values,		/* 0: pattern, 1: array transpose, 2: conj. transpose */
1454     int *Perm,		/* if non-NULL, F = A(p,f) or A(p,p) */
1455     int *fset,		/* subset of 0:(A->ncol)-1 */
1456     size_t fsize,	/* size of fset */
1457     /* --------------- */
1458     cholmod_common *Common
1459 ) ;
1461 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_ptranspose (cholmod_sparse *, int, SuiteSparse_long *,
1462     SuiteSparse_long *, size_t, cholmod_common *) ;
1464 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1465 /* cholmod_sort:  sort row indices in each column of sparse matrix */
1466 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1468 int cholmod_sort
1469 (
1470     /* ---- in/out --- */
1471     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to sort */
1472     /* --------------- */
1473     cholmod_common *Common
1474 ) ;
1476 int cholmod_l_sort (cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_common *) ;
1478 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1479 /* cholmod_band:  C = tril (triu (A,k1), k2) */
1480 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1482 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_band
1483 (
1484     /* ---- input ---- */
1485     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to extract band matrix from */
1486     SuiteSparse_long k1,    /* ignore entries below the k1-st diagonal */
1487     SuiteSparse_long k2,    /* ignore entries above the k2-nd diagonal */
1488     int mode,		/* >0: numerical, 0: pattern, <0: pattern (no diag) */
1489     /* --------------- */
1490     cholmod_common *Common
1491 ) ;
1493 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_band (cholmod_sparse *, SuiteSparse_long,
1494     SuiteSparse_long, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1496 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1497 /* cholmod_band_inplace:  A = tril (triu (A,k1), k2) */
1498 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1500 int cholmod_band_inplace
1501 (
1502     /* ---- input ---- */
1503     SuiteSparse_long k1,    /* ignore entries below the k1-st diagonal */
1504     SuiteSparse_long k2,    /* ignore entries above the k2-nd diagonal */
1505     int mode,		/* >0: numerical, 0: pattern, <0: pattern (no diag) */
1506     /* ---- in/out --- */
1507     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix from which entries not in band are removed */
1508     /* --------------- */
1509     cholmod_common *Common
1510 ) ;
1512 int cholmod_l_band_inplace (SuiteSparse_long, SuiteSparse_long, int,
1513     cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_common *) ;
1515 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1516 /* cholmod_aat:  C = A*A' or A(:,f)*A(:,f)' */
1517 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1519 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_aat
1520 (
1521     /* ---- input ---- */
1522     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* input matrix; C=A*A' is constructed */
1523     int *fset,		/* subset of 0:(A->ncol)-1 */
1524     size_t fsize,	/* size of fset */
1525     int mode,		/* >0: numerical, 0: pattern, <0: pattern (no diag),
1526 			 * -2: pattern only, no diagonal, add 50%+n extra
1527 			 * space to C */
1528     /* --------------- */
1529     cholmod_common *Common
1530 ) ;
1532 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_aat (cholmod_sparse *, SuiteSparse_long *, size_t,
1533     int, cholmod_common *) ;
1535 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1536 /* cholmod_copy_sparse:  C = A, create an exact copy of a sparse matrix */
1537 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1539 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_copy_sparse
1540 (
1541     /* ---- input ---- */
1542     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to copy */
1543     /* --------------- */
1544     cholmod_common *Common
1545 ) ;
1547 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_copy_sparse (cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_common *) ;
1549 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1550 /* cholmod_copy:  C = A, with possible change of stype */
1551 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1553 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_copy
1554 (
1555     /* ---- input ---- */
1556     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to copy */
1557     int stype,		/* requested stype of C */
1558     int mode,		/* >0: numerical, 0: pattern, <0: pattern (no diag) */
1559     /* --------------- */
1560     cholmod_common *Common
1561 ) ;
1563 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_copy (cholmod_sparse *, int, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1565 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1566 /* cholmod_add: C = alpha*A + beta*B */
1567 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1569 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_add
1570 (
1571     /* ---- input ---- */
1572     cholmod_sparse *A,	    /* matrix to add */
1573     cholmod_sparse *B,	    /* matrix to add */
1574     double alpha [2],	    /* scale factor for A */
1575     double beta [2],	    /* scale factor for B */
1576     int values,		    /* if TRUE compute the numerical values of C */
1577     int sorted,		    /* if TRUE, sort columns of C */
1578     /* --------------- */
1579     cholmod_common *Common
1580 ) ;
1582 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_add (cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_sparse *, double *,
1583     double *, int, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1585 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1586 /* cholmod_sparse_xtype: change the xtype of a sparse matrix */
1587 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1589 int cholmod_sparse_xtype
1590 (
1591     /* ---- input ---- */
1592     int to_xtype,	/* requested xtype (pattern, real, complex, zomplex) */
1593     /* ---- in/out --- */
1594     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* sparse matrix to change */
1595     /* --------------- */
1596     cholmod_common *Common
1597 ) ;
1599 int cholmod_l_sparse_xtype (int, cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_common *) ;
1602 /* ========================================================================== */
1603 /* === Core/cholmod_factor ================================================== */
1604 /* ========================================================================== */
1606 /* A symbolic and numeric factorization, either simplicial or supernodal.
1607  * In all cases, the row indices in the columns of L are kept sorted. */
1609 typedef struct cholmod_factor_struct
1610 {
1611     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1612     /* for both simplicial and supernodal factorizations */
1613     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1615     size_t n ;		/* L is n-by-n */
1617     size_t minor ;	/* If the factorization failed, L->minor is the column
1618 			 * at which it failed (in the range 0 to n-1).  A value
1619 			 * of n means the factorization was successful or
1620 			 * the matrix has not yet been factorized. */
1622     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1623     /* symbolic ordering and analysis */
1624     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1626     void *Perm ;	/* size n, permutation used */
1627     void *ColCount ;	/* size n, column counts for simplicial L */
1629     void *IPerm ;       /* size n, inverse permutation.  Only created by
1630                          * cholmod_solve2 if Bset is used. */
1632     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1633     /* simplicial factorization */
1634     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1636     size_t nzmax ;	/* size of i and x */
1638     void *p ;		/* p [0..ncol], the column pointers */
1639     void *i ;		/* i [0..nzmax-1], the row indices */
1640     void *x ;		/* x [0..nzmax-1], the numerical values */
1641     void *z ;
1642     void *nz ;		/* nz [0..ncol-1], the # of nonzeros in each column.
1643 			 * i [p [j] ... p [j]+nz[j]-1] contains the row indices,
1644 			 * and the numerical values are in the same locatins
1645 			 * in x. The value of i [p [k]] is always k. */
1647     void *next ;	/* size ncol+2. next [j] is the next column in i/x */
1648     void *prev ;	/* size ncol+2. prev [j] is the prior column in i/x.
1649 			 * head of the list is ncol+1, and the tail is ncol. */
1651     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1652     /* supernodal factorization */
1653     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1655     /* Note that L->x is shared with the simplicial data structure.  L->x has
1656      * size L->nzmax for a simplicial factor, and size L->xsize for a supernodal
1657      * factor. */
1659     size_t nsuper ;	/* number of supernodes */
1660     size_t ssize ;	/* size of s, integer part of supernodes */
1661     size_t xsize ;	/* size of x, real part of supernodes */
1662     size_t maxcsize ;	/* size of largest update matrix */
1663     size_t maxesize ;	/* max # of rows in supernodes, excl. triangular part */
1665     void *super ;	/* size nsuper+1, first col in each supernode */
1666     void *pi ;		/* size nsuper+1, pointers to integer patterns */
1667     void *px ;		/* size nsuper+1, pointers to real parts */
1668     void *s ;		/* size ssize, integer part of supernodes */
1670     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1671     /* factorization type */
1672     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1674     int ordering ;	/* ordering method used */
1676     int is_ll ;		/* TRUE if LL', FALSE if LDL' */
1677     int is_super ;	/* TRUE if supernodal, FALSE if simplicial */
1678     int is_monotonic ;	/* TRUE if columns of L appear in order 0..n-1.
1679 			 * Only applicable to simplicial numeric types. */
1681     /* There are 8 types of factor objects that cholmod_factor can represent
1682      * (only 6 are used):
1683      *
1684      * Numeric types (xtype is not CHOLMOD_PATTERN)
1685      * --------------------------------------------
1686      *
1687      * simplicial LDL':  (is_ll FALSE, is_super FALSE).  Stored in compressed
1688      *	    column form, using the simplicial components above (nzmax, p, i,
1689      *	    x, z, nz, next, and prev).  The unit diagonal of L is not stored,
1690      *	    and D is stored in its place.  There are no supernodes.
1691      *
1692      * simplicial LL': (is_ll TRUE, is_super FALSE).  Uses the same storage
1693      *	    scheme as the simplicial LDL', except that D does not appear.
1694      *	    The first entry of each column of L is the diagonal entry of
1695      *	    that column of L.
1696      *
1697      * supernodal LDL': (is_ll FALSE, is_super TRUE).  Not used.
1698      *	    FUTURE WORK:  add support for supernodal LDL'
1699      *
1700      * supernodal LL': (is_ll TRUE, is_super TRUE).  A supernodal factor,
1701      *	    using the supernodal components described above (nsuper, ssize,
1702      *	    xsize, maxcsize, maxesize, super, pi, px, s, x, and z).
1703      *
1704      *
1705      * Symbolic types (xtype is CHOLMOD_PATTERN)
1706      * -----------------------------------------
1707      *
1708      * simplicial LDL': (is_ll FALSE, is_super FALSE).  Nothing is present
1709      *	    except Perm and ColCount.
1710      *
1711      * simplicial LL': (is_ll TRUE, is_super FALSE).  Identical to the
1712      *	    simplicial LDL', except for the is_ll flag.
1713      *
1714      * supernodal LDL': (is_ll FALSE, is_super TRUE).  Not used.
1715      *	    FUTURE WORK:  add support for supernodal LDL'
1716      *
1717      * supernodal LL': (is_ll TRUE, is_super TRUE).  A supernodal symbolic
1718      *	    factorization.  The simplicial symbolic information is present
1719      *	    (Perm and ColCount), as is all of the supernodal factorization
1720      *	    except for the numerical values (x and z).
1721      */
1723     int itype ; /* The integer arrays are Perm, ColCount, p, i, nz,
1724                  * next, prev, super, pi, px, and s.  If itype is
1725 		 * CHOLMOD_INT, all of these are int arrays.
1726 		 * CHOLMOD_INTLONG: p, pi, px are SuiteSparse_long, others int.
1727 		 * CHOLMOD_LONG:    all integer arrays are SuiteSparse_long. */
1728     int xtype ; /* pattern, real, complex, or zomplex */
1729     int dtype ; /* x and z double or float */
1731     int useGPU; /* Indicates the symbolic factorization supports
1732 		 * GPU acceleration */
1734 } cholmod_factor ;
1737 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1738 /* cholmod_allocate_factor: allocate a factor (symbolic LL' or LDL') */
1739 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1741 cholmod_factor *cholmod_allocate_factor
1742 (
1743     /* ---- input ---- */
1744     size_t n,		/* L is n-by-n */
1745     /* --------------- */
1746     cholmod_common *Common
1747 ) ;
1749 cholmod_factor *cholmod_l_allocate_factor (size_t, cholmod_common *) ;
1751 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1752 /* cholmod_free_factor:  free a factor */
1753 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1755 int cholmod_free_factor
1756 (
1757     /* ---- in/out --- */
1758     cholmod_factor **L,	/* factor to free, NULL on output */
1759     /* --------------- */
1760     cholmod_common *Common
1761 ) ;
1763 int cholmod_l_free_factor (cholmod_factor **, cholmod_common *) ;
1765 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1766 /* cholmod_reallocate_factor:  change the # entries in a factor */
1767 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1769 int cholmod_reallocate_factor
1770 (
1771     /* ---- input ---- */
1772     size_t nznew,	/* new # of entries in L */
1773     /* ---- in/out --- */
1774     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
1775     /* --------------- */
1776     cholmod_common *Common
1777 ) ;
1779 int cholmod_l_reallocate_factor (size_t, cholmod_factor *, cholmod_common *) ;
1781 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1782 /* cholmod_change_factor:  change the type of factor (e.g., LDL' to LL') */
1783 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1785 int cholmod_change_factor
1786 (
1787     /* ---- input ---- */
1788     int to_xtype,	/* to CHOLMOD_PATTERN, _REAL, _COMPLEX, _ZOMPLEX */
1789     int to_ll,		/* TRUE: convert to LL', FALSE: LDL' */
1790     int to_super,	/* TRUE: convert to supernodal, FALSE: simplicial */
1791     int to_packed,	/* TRUE: pack simplicial columns, FALSE: do not pack */
1792     int to_monotonic,	/* TRUE: put simplicial columns in order, FALSE: not */
1793     /* ---- in/out --- */
1794     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
1795     /* --------------- */
1796     cholmod_common *Common
1797 ) ;
1799 int cholmod_l_change_factor ( int, int, int, int, int, cholmod_factor *,
1800     cholmod_common *) ;
1802 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1803 /* cholmod_pack_factor:  pack the columns of a factor */
1804 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1806 /* Pack the columns of a simplicial factor.  Unlike cholmod_change_factor,
1807  * it can pack the columns of a factor even if they are not stored in their
1808  * natural order (non-monotonic). */
1810 int cholmod_pack_factor
1811 (
1812     /* ---- in/out --- */
1813     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
1814     /* --------------- */
1815     cholmod_common *Common
1816 ) ;
1818 int cholmod_l_pack_factor (cholmod_factor *, cholmod_common *) ;
1820 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1821 /* cholmod_reallocate_column:  resize a single column of a factor */
1822 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1824 int cholmod_reallocate_column
1825 (
1826     /* ---- input ---- */
1827     size_t j,		/* the column to reallocate */
1828     size_t need,	/* required size of column j */
1829     /* ---- in/out --- */
1830     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
1831     /* --------------- */
1832     cholmod_common *Common
1833 ) ;
1835 int cholmod_l_reallocate_column (size_t, size_t, cholmod_factor *,
1836     cholmod_common *) ;
1838 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1839 /* cholmod_factor_to_sparse:  create a sparse matrix copy of a factor */
1840 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1842 /* Only operates on numeric factors, not symbolic ones */
1844 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_factor_to_sparse
1845 (
1846     /* ---- in/out --- */
1847     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to copy, converted to symbolic on output */
1848     /* --------------- */
1849     cholmod_common *Common
1850 ) ;
1852 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_factor_to_sparse (cholmod_factor *,
1853 	cholmod_common *) ;
1855 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1856 /* cholmod_copy_factor:  create a copy of a factor */
1857 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1859 cholmod_factor *cholmod_copy_factor
1860 (
1861     /* ---- input ---- */
1862     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to copy */
1863     /* --------------- */
1864     cholmod_common *Common
1865 ) ;
1867 cholmod_factor *cholmod_l_copy_factor (cholmod_factor *, cholmod_common *) ;
1869 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1870 /* cholmod_factor_xtype: change the xtype of a factor */
1871 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1873 int cholmod_factor_xtype
1874 (
1875     /* ---- input ---- */
1876     int to_xtype,	/* requested xtype (real, complex, or zomplex) */
1877     /* ---- in/out --- */
1878     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to change */
1879     /* --------------- */
1880     cholmod_common *Common
1881 ) ;
1883 int cholmod_l_factor_xtype (int, cholmod_factor *, cholmod_common *) ;
1886 /* ========================================================================== */
1887 /* === Core/cholmod_dense =================================================== */
1888 /* ========================================================================== */
1890 /* A dense matrix in column-oriented form.  It has no itype since it contains
1891  * no integers.  Entry in row i and column j is located in x [i+j*d].
1892  */
1894 typedef struct cholmod_dense_struct
1895 {
1896     size_t nrow ;	/* the matrix is nrow-by-ncol */
1897     size_t ncol ;
1898     size_t nzmax ;	/* maximum number of entries in the matrix */
1899     size_t d ;		/* leading dimension (d >= nrow must hold) */
1900     void *x ;		/* size nzmax or 2*nzmax, if present */
1901     void *z ;		/* size nzmax, if present */
1902     int xtype ;		/* pattern, real, complex, or zomplex */
1903     int dtype ;		/* x and z double or float */
1905 } cholmod_dense ;
1907 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1908 /* cholmod_allocate_dense:  allocate a dense matrix (contents uninitialized) */
1909 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1911 cholmod_dense *cholmod_allocate_dense
1912 (
1913     /* ---- input ---- */
1914     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of matrix */
1915     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of matrix */
1916     size_t d,		/* leading dimension */
1917     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
1918     /* --------------- */
1919     cholmod_common *Common
1920 ) ;
1922 cholmod_dense *cholmod_l_allocate_dense (size_t, size_t, size_t, int,
1923     cholmod_common *) ;
1925 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1926 /* cholmod_zeros: allocate a dense matrix and set it to zero */
1927 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1929 cholmod_dense *cholmod_zeros
1930 (
1931     /* ---- input ---- */
1932     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of matrix */
1933     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of matrix */
1934     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
1935     /* --------------- */
1936     cholmod_common *Common
1937 ) ;
1939 cholmod_dense *cholmod_l_zeros (size_t, size_t, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1941 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1942 /* cholmod_ones: allocate a dense matrix and set it to all ones */
1943 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1945 cholmod_dense *cholmod_ones
1946 (
1947     /* ---- input ---- */
1948     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of matrix */
1949     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of matrix */
1950     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
1951     /* --------------- */
1952     cholmod_common *Common
1953 ) ;
1955 cholmod_dense *cholmod_l_ones (size_t, size_t, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1957 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1958 /* cholmod_eye: allocate a dense matrix and set it to the identity matrix */
1959 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1961 cholmod_dense *cholmod_eye
1962 (
1963     /* ---- input ---- */
1964     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of matrix */
1965     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of matrix */
1966     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
1967     /* --------------- */
1968     cholmod_common *Common
1969 ) ;
1971 cholmod_dense *cholmod_l_eye (size_t, size_t, int, cholmod_common *) ;
1973 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1974 /* cholmod_free_dense:  free a dense matrix */
1975 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1977 int cholmod_free_dense
1978 (
1979     /* ---- in/out --- */
1980     cholmod_dense **X,	/* dense matrix to deallocate, NULL on output */
1981     /* --------------- */
1982     cholmod_common *Common
1983 ) ;
1985 int cholmod_l_free_dense (cholmod_dense **, cholmod_common *) ;
1987 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1988 /* cholmod_ensure_dense:  ensure a dense matrix has a given size and type */
1989 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1991 cholmod_dense *cholmod_ensure_dense
1992 (
1993     /* ---- input/output ---- */
1994     cholmod_dense **XHandle,    /* matrix handle to check */
1995     /* ---- input ---- */
1996     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of matrix */
1997     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of matrix */
1998     size_t d,		/* leading dimension */
1999     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
2000     /* --------------- */
2001     cholmod_common *Common
2002 ) ;
2004 cholmod_dense *cholmod_l_ensure_dense (cholmod_dense **, size_t, size_t, size_t,
2005     int, cholmod_common *) ;
2007 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2008 /* cholmod_sparse_to_dense:  create a dense matrix copy of a sparse matrix */
2009 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2011 cholmod_dense *cholmod_sparse_to_dense
2012 (
2013     /* ---- input ---- */
2014     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to copy */
2015     /* --------------- */
2016     cholmod_common *Common
2017 ) ;
2019 cholmod_dense *cholmod_l_sparse_to_dense (cholmod_sparse *,
2020     cholmod_common *) ;
2022 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2023 /* cholmod_dense_to_sparse:  create a sparse matrix copy of a dense matrix */
2024 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2026 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_dense_to_sparse
2027 (
2028     /* ---- input ---- */
2029     cholmod_dense *X,	/* matrix to copy */
2030     int values,		/* TRUE if values to be copied, FALSE otherwise */
2031     /* --------------- */
2032     cholmod_common *Common
2033 ) ;
2035 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_dense_to_sparse (cholmod_dense *, int,
2036     cholmod_common *) ;
2038 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2039 /* cholmod_copy_dense:  create a copy of a dense matrix */
2040 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2042 cholmod_dense *cholmod_copy_dense
2043 (
2044     /* ---- input ---- */
2045     cholmod_dense *X,	/* matrix to copy */
2046     /* --------------- */
2047     cholmod_common *Common
2048 ) ;
2050 cholmod_dense *cholmod_l_copy_dense (cholmod_dense *, cholmod_common *) ;
2052 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2053 /* cholmod_copy_dense2:  copy a dense matrix (pre-allocated) */
2054 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2056 int cholmod_copy_dense2
2057 (
2058     /* ---- input ---- */
2059     cholmod_dense *X,	/* matrix to copy */
2060     /* ---- output --- */
2061     cholmod_dense *Y,	/* copy of matrix X */
2062     /* --------------- */
2063     cholmod_common *Common
2064 ) ;
2066 int cholmod_l_copy_dense2 (cholmod_dense *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_common *) ;
2068 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2069 /* cholmod_dense_xtype: change the xtype of a dense matrix */
2070 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2072 int cholmod_dense_xtype
2073 (
2074     /* ---- input ---- */
2075     int to_xtype,	/* requested xtype (real, complex,or zomplex) */
2076     /* ---- in/out --- */
2077     cholmod_dense *X,	/* dense matrix to change */
2078     /* --------------- */
2079     cholmod_common *Common
2080 ) ;
2082 int cholmod_l_dense_xtype (int, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_common *) ;
2085 /* ========================================================================== */
2086 /* === Core/cholmod_triplet ================================================= */
2087 /* ========================================================================== */
2089 /* A sparse matrix stored in triplet form. */
2091 typedef struct cholmod_triplet_struct
2092 {
2093     size_t nrow ;	/* the matrix is nrow-by-ncol */
2094     size_t ncol ;
2095     size_t nzmax ;	/* maximum number of entries in the matrix */
2096     size_t nnz ;	/* number of nonzeros in the matrix */
2098     void *i ;		/* i [0..nzmax-1], the row indices */
2099     void *j ;		/* j [0..nzmax-1], the column indices */
2100     void *x ;		/* size nzmax or 2*nzmax, if present */
2101     void *z ;		/* size nzmax, if present */
2103     int stype ;		/* Describes what parts of the matrix are considered:
2104 			 *
2105 	* 0:  matrix is "unsymmetric": use both upper and lower triangular parts
2106 	*     (the matrix may actually be symmetric in pattern and value, but
2107 	*     both parts are explicitly stored and used).  May be square or
2108 	*     rectangular.
2109 	* >0: matrix is square and symmetric.  Entries in the lower triangular
2110 	*     part are transposed and added to the upper triangular part when
2111 	*     the matrix is converted to cholmod_sparse form.
2112 	* <0: matrix is square and symmetric.  Entries in the upper triangular
2113 	*     part are transposed and added to the lower triangular part when
2114 	*     the matrix is converted to cholmod_sparse form.
2115 	*
2116 	* Note that stype>0 and stype<0 are different for cholmod_sparse and
2117 	* cholmod_triplet.  The reason is simple.  You can permute a symmetric
2118 	* triplet matrix by simply replacing a row and column index with their
2119 	* new row and column indices, via an inverse permutation.  Suppose
2120 	* P = L->Perm is your permutation, and Pinv is an array of size n.
2121 	* Suppose a symmetric matrix A is represent by a triplet matrix T, with
2122 	* entries only in the upper triangular part.  Then the following code:
2123 	*
2124 	*	Ti = T->i ;
2125 	*	Tj = T->j ;
2126 	*	for (k = 0 ; k < n  ; k++) Pinv [P [k]] = k ;
2127 	*	for (k = 0 ; k < nz ; k++) Ti [k] = Pinv [Ti [k]] ;
2128 	*	for (k = 0 ; k < nz ; k++) Tj [k] = Pinv [Tj [k]] ;
2129 	*
2130 	* creates the triplet form of C=P*A*P'.  However, if T initially
2131 	* contains just the upper triangular entries (T->stype = 1), after
2132 	* permutation it has entries in both the upper and lower triangular
2133 	* parts.  These entries should be transposed when constructing the
2134 	* cholmod_sparse form of A, which is what cholmod_triplet_to_sparse
2135 	* does.  Thus:
2136 	*
2137 	*	C = cholmod_triplet_to_sparse (T, 0, &Common) ;
2138 	*
2139 	* will return the matrix C = P*A*P'.
2140 	*
2141 	* Since the triplet matrix T is so simple to generate, it's quite easy
2142 	* to remove entries that you do not want, prior to converting T to the
2143 	* cholmod_sparse form.  So if you include these entries in T, CHOLMOD
2144 	* assumes that there must be a reason (such as the one above).  Thus,
2145 	* no entry in a triplet matrix is ever ignored.
2146 	*/
2148     int itype ; /* CHOLMOD_LONG: i and j are SuiteSparse_long.  Otherwise int */
2149     int xtype ; /* pattern, real, complex, or zomplex */
2150     int dtype ; /* x and z are double or float */
2152 } cholmod_triplet ;
2154 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2155 /* cholmod_allocate_triplet:  allocate a triplet matrix */
2156 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2158 cholmod_triplet *cholmod_allocate_triplet
2159 (
2160     /* ---- input ---- */
2161     size_t nrow,	/* # of rows of T */
2162     size_t ncol,	/* # of columns of T */
2163     size_t nzmax,	/* max # of nonzeros of T */
2164     int stype,		/* stype of T */
2165     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_PATTERN, _REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
2166     /* --------------- */
2167     cholmod_common *Common
2168 ) ;
2170 cholmod_triplet *cholmod_l_allocate_triplet (size_t, size_t, size_t, int, int,
2171     cholmod_common *) ;
2173 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2174 /* cholmod_free_triplet:  free a triplet matrix */
2175 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2177 int cholmod_free_triplet
2178 (
2179     /* ---- in/out --- */
2180     cholmod_triplet **T,    /* triplet matrix to deallocate, NULL on output */
2181     /* --------------- */
2182     cholmod_common *Common
2183 ) ;
2185 int cholmod_l_free_triplet (cholmod_triplet **, cholmod_common *) ;
2187 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2188 /* cholmod_reallocate_triplet:  change the # of entries in a triplet matrix */
2189 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2191 int cholmod_reallocate_triplet
2192 (
2193     /* ---- input ---- */
2194     size_t nznew,	/* new # of entries in T */
2195     /* ---- in/out --- */
2196     cholmod_triplet *T,	/* triplet matrix to modify */
2197     /* --------------- */
2198     cholmod_common *Common
2199 ) ;
2201 int cholmod_l_reallocate_triplet (size_t, cholmod_triplet *, cholmod_common *) ;
2203 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2204 /* cholmod_sparse_to_triplet:  create a triplet matrix copy of a sparse matrix*/
2205 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2207 cholmod_triplet *cholmod_sparse_to_triplet
2208 (
2209     /* ---- input ---- */
2210     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to copy */
2211     /* --------------- */
2212     cholmod_common *Common
2213 ) ;
2215 cholmod_triplet *cholmod_l_sparse_to_triplet (cholmod_sparse *,
2216     cholmod_common *) ;
2218 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2219 /* cholmod_triplet_to_sparse:  create a sparse matrix copy of a triplet matrix*/
2220 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2222 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_triplet_to_sparse
2223 (
2224     /* ---- input ---- */
2225     cholmod_triplet *T,	/* matrix to copy */
2226     size_t nzmax,	/* allocate at least this much space in output matrix */
2227     /* --------------- */
2228     cholmod_common *Common
2229 ) ;
2231 cholmod_sparse *cholmod_l_triplet_to_sparse (cholmod_triplet *, size_t,
2232     cholmod_common *) ;
2234 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2235 /* cholmod_copy_triplet:  create a copy of a triplet matrix */
2236 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2238 cholmod_triplet *cholmod_copy_triplet
2239 (
2240     /* ---- input ---- */
2241     cholmod_triplet *T,	/* matrix to copy */
2242     /* --------------- */
2243     cholmod_common *Common
2244 ) ;
2246 cholmod_triplet *cholmod_l_copy_triplet (cholmod_triplet *, cholmod_common *) ;
2248 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2249 /* cholmod_triplet_xtype: change the xtype of a triplet matrix */
2250 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2252 int cholmod_triplet_xtype
2253 (
2254     /* ---- input ---- */
2255     int to_xtype,	/* requested xtype (pattern, real, complex,or zomplex)*/
2256     /* ---- in/out --- */
2257     cholmod_triplet *T,	/* triplet matrix to change */
2258     /* --------------- */
2259     cholmod_common *Common
2260 ) ;
2262 int cholmod_l_triplet_xtype (int, cholmod_triplet *, cholmod_common *) ;
2265 /* ========================================================================== */
2266 /* === Core/cholmod_memory ================================================== */
2267 /* ========================================================================== */
2269 /* The user may make use of these, just like malloc and free.  You can even
2270  * malloc an object and safely free it with cholmod_free, and visa versa
2271  * (except that the memory usage statistics will be corrupted).  These routines
2272  * do differ from malloc and free.  If cholmod_free is given a NULL pointer,
2273  * for example, it does nothing (unlike the ANSI free).  cholmod_realloc does
2274  * not return NULL if given a non-NULL pointer and a nonzero size, even if it
2275  * fails (it returns the original pointer and sets an error code in
2276  * Common->status instead).
2277  *
2278  * CHOLMOD keeps track of the amount of memory it has allocated, and so the
2279  * cholmod_free routine also takes the size of the object being freed.  This
2280  * is only used for statistics.  If you, the user of CHOLMOD, pass the wrong
2281  * size, the only consequence is that the memory usage statistics will be
2282  * corrupted.
2283  */
2285 void *cholmod_malloc	/* returns pointer to the newly malloc'd block */
2286 (
2287     /* ---- input ---- */
2288     size_t n,		/* number of items */
2289     size_t size,	/* size of each item */
2290     /* --------------- */
2291     cholmod_common *Common
2292 ) ;
2294 void *cholmod_l_malloc (size_t, size_t, cholmod_common *) ;
2296 void *cholmod_calloc	/* returns pointer to the newly calloc'd block */
2297 (
2298     /* ---- input ---- */
2299     size_t n,		/* number of items */
2300     size_t size,	/* size of each item */
2301     /* --------------- */
2302     cholmod_common *Common
2303 ) ;
2305 void *cholmod_l_calloc (size_t, size_t, cholmod_common *) ;
2307 void *cholmod_free	/* always returns NULL */
2308 (
2309     /* ---- input ---- */
2310     size_t n,		/* number of items */
2311     size_t size,	/* size of each item */
2312     /* ---- in/out --- */
2313     void *p,		/* block of memory to free */
2314     /* --------------- */
2315     cholmod_common *Common
2316 ) ;
2318 void *cholmod_l_free (size_t, size_t, void *, cholmod_common *) ;
2320 void *cholmod_realloc	/* returns pointer to reallocated block */
2321 (
2322     /* ---- input ---- */
2323     size_t nnew,	/* requested # of items in reallocated block */
2324     size_t size,	/* size of each item */
2325     /* ---- in/out --- */
2326     void *p,		/* block of memory to realloc */
2327     size_t *n,		/* current size on input, nnew on output if successful*/
2328     /* --------------- */
2329     cholmod_common *Common
2330 ) ;
2332 void *cholmod_l_realloc (size_t, size_t, void *, size_t *, cholmod_common *) ;
2334 int cholmod_realloc_multiple
2335 (
2336     /* ---- input ---- */
2337     size_t nnew,	/* requested # of items in reallocated blocks */
2338     int nint,		/* number of int/SuiteSparse_long blocks */
2339     int xtype,		/* CHOLMOD_PATTERN, _REAL, _COMPLEX, or _ZOMPLEX */
2340     /* ---- in/out --- */
2341     void **Iblock,	/* int or SuiteSparse_long block */
2342     void **Jblock,	/* int or SuiteSparse_long block */
2343     void **Xblock,	/* complex, double, or float block */
2344     void **Zblock,	/* zomplex case only: double or float block */
2345     size_t *n,		/* current size of the I,J,X,Z blocks on input,
2346 			 * nnew on output if successful */
2347     /* --------------- */
2348     cholmod_common *Common
2349 ) ;
2351 int cholmod_l_realloc_multiple (size_t, int, int, void **, void **, void **,
2352     void **, size_t *, cholmod_common *) ;
2354 /* ========================================================================== */
2355 /* === version control ====================================================== */
2356 /* ========================================================================== */
2358 int cholmod_version     /* returns CHOLMOD_VERSION */
2359 (
2360     /* output, contents not defined on input.  Not used if NULL.
2361         version [0] = CHOLMOD_MAIN_VERSION
2362         version [1] = CHOLMOD_SUB_VERSION
2363         version [2] = CHOLMOD_SUBSUB_VERSION
2364     */
2365     int version [3]
2366 ) ;
2368 int cholmod_l_version (int version [3]) ;
2370 /* Versions prior to 2.1.1 do not have the above function.  The following
2371    code fragment will work with any version of CHOLMOD:
2373    v = cholmod_version (NULL) ;
2374    #else
2375    v = CHOLMOD_VERSION ;
2376    #endif
2377 */
2379 /* ========================================================================== */
2380 /* === symmetry types ======================================================= */
2381 /* ========================================================================== */
2391 /* ========================================================================== */
2392 /* === Numerical relop macros =============================================== */
2393 /* ========================================================================== */
2395 /* These macros correctly handle the NaN case.
2396  *
2397  *  CHOLMOD_IS_NAN(x):
2398  *	True if x is NaN.  False otherwise.  The commonly-existing isnan(x)
2399  *	function could be used, but it's not in Kernighan & Ritchie 2nd edition
2400  *	(ANSI C89).  It may appear in <math.h>, but I'm not certain about
2401  *	portability.  The expression x != x is true if and only if x is NaN,
2402  *	according to the IEEE 754 floating-point standard.
2403  *
2404  *  CHOLMOD_IS_ZERO(x):
2405  *	True if x is zero.  False if x is nonzero, NaN, or +/- Inf.
2406  *	This is (x == 0) if the compiler is IEEE 754 compliant.
2407  *
2409  *	True if x is nonzero, NaN, or +/- Inf.  False if x zero.
2410  *	This is (x != 0) if the compiler is IEEE 754 compliant.
2411  *
2412  *  CHOLMOD_IS_LT_ZERO(x):
2413  *	True if x is < zero or -Inf.  False if x is >= 0, NaN, or +Inf.
2414  *	This is (x < 0) if the compiler is IEEE 754 compliant.
2415  *
2416  *  CHOLMOD_IS_GT_ZERO(x):
2417  *	True if x is > zero or +Inf.  False if x is <= 0, NaN, or -Inf.
2418  *	This is (x > 0) if the compiler is IEEE 754 compliant.
2419  *
2420  *  CHOLMOD_IS_LE_ZERO(x):
2421  *	True if x is <= zero or -Inf.  False if x is > 0, NaN, or +Inf.
2422  *	This is (x <= 0) if the compiler is IEEE 754 compliant.
2423  */
2427 /* Yes, this is exceedingly ugly.  Blame Microsoft, which hopelessly */
2428 /* violates the IEEE 754 floating-point standard in a bizarre way. */
2429 /* If you're using an IEEE 754-compliant compiler, then x != x is true */
2430 /* iff x is NaN.  For Microsoft, (x < x) is true iff x is NaN. */
2431 /* So either way, this macro safely detects a NaN. */
2432 #define CHOLMOD_IS_NAN(x)	(((x) != (x)) || (((x) < (x))))
2433 #define CHOLMOD_IS_ZERO(x)	(((x) == 0.) && !CHOLMOD_IS_NAN(x))
2434 #define CHOLMOD_IS_NONZERO(x)	(((x) != 0.) || CHOLMOD_IS_NAN(x))
2435 #define CHOLMOD_IS_LT_ZERO(x)	(((x) < 0.) && !CHOLMOD_IS_NAN(x))
2436 #define CHOLMOD_IS_GT_ZERO(x)	(((x) > 0.) && !CHOLMOD_IS_NAN(x))
2437 #define CHOLMOD_IS_LE_ZERO(x)	(((x) <= 0.) && !CHOLMOD_IS_NAN(x))
2439 #else
2441 /* These all work properly, according to the IEEE 754 standard ... except on */
2442 /* a PC with windows.  Works fine in Linux on the same PC... */
2443 #define CHOLMOD_IS_NAN(x)	((x) != (x))
2444 #define CHOLMOD_IS_ZERO(x)	((x) == 0.)
2445 #define CHOLMOD_IS_NONZERO(x)	((x) != 0.)
2446 #define CHOLMOD_IS_LT_ZERO(x)	((x) < 0.)
2447 #define CHOLMOD_IS_GT_ZERO(x)	((x) > 0.)
2448 #define CHOLMOD_IS_LE_ZERO(x)	((x) <= 0.)
2450 #endif
2452 #endif