1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === Cholesky/cholmod_rowcolcounts ======================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * CHOLMOD/Cholesky Module.  Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Timothy A. Davis
7  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
9 /* Compute the row and column counts of the Cholesky factor L of the matrix
10  * A or A*A'.  The etree and its postordering must already be computed (see
11  * cholmod_etree and cholmod_postorder) and given as inputs to this routine.
12  *
13  * For the symmetric case (LL'=A), A is accessed by column.  Only the lower
14  * triangular part of A is used.  Entries not in this part of the matrix are
15  * ignored.  This is the same as storing the upper triangular part of A by
16  * rows, with entries in the lower triangular part being ignored.  NOTE: this
17  * representation is the TRANSPOSE of the input to cholmod_etree.
18  *
19  * For the unsymmetric case (LL'=AA'), A is accessed by column.  Equivalently,
20  * if A is viewed as a matrix in compressed-row form, this routine computes
21  * the row and column counts for L where LL'=A'A.  If the input vector f is
22  * present, then F*F' is analyzed instead, where F = A(:,f).
23  *
24  * The set f is held in fset and fsize.
25  *	fset = NULL means ":" in MATLAB. fset is ignored.
26  *	fset != NULL means f = fset [0..fset-1].
27  *	fset != NULL and fsize = 0 means f is the empty set.
28  *	Common->status is set to CHOLMOD_INVALID if fset is invalid.
29  *
30  * In both cases, the columns of A need not be sorted.
31  * A can be packed or unpacked.
32  *
33  * References:
34  * J. Gilbert, E. Ng, B. Peyton, "An efficient algorithm to compute row and
35  * column counts for sparse Cholesky factorization", SIAM J. Matrix Analysis &
36  * Applic., vol 15, 1994, pp. 1075-1091.
37  *
38  * J. Gilbert, X. Li, E. Ng, B. Peyton, "Computing row and column counts for
39  * sparse QR and LU factorization", BIT, vol 41, 2001, pp. 693-710.
40  *
41  * workspace:
42  *	if symmetric:   Flag (nrow), Iwork (2*nrow)
43  *	if unsymmetric: Flag (nrow), Iwork (2*nrow+ncol), Head (nrow+1)
44  *
45  * Supports any xtype (pattern, real, complex, or zomplex).
46  */
48 #ifndef NCHOLESKY
50 #include "cholmod_internal.h"
51 #include "cholmod_cholesky.h"
53 /* ========================================================================== */
54 /* === initialize_node ====================================================== */
55 /* ========================================================================== */
initialize_node(Int k,Int Post[],Int Parent[],Int ColCount[],Int PrevNbr[])57 static Int initialize_node  /* initial work for kth node in postordered etree */
58 (
59     Int k,		/* at the kth step of the algorithm (and kth node) */
60     Int Post [ ],	/* Post [k] = i, the kth node in postordered etree */
61     Int Parent [ ],	/* Parent [i] is the parent of i in the etree */
62     Int ColCount [ ],	/* ColCount [c] is the current weight of node c */
63     Int PrevNbr [ ]	/* PrevNbr [u] = k if u was last considered at step k */
64 )
65 {
66     Int p, parent ;
67     /* determine p, the kth node in the postordered etree */
68     p = Post [k] ;
69     /* adjust the weight if p is not a root of the etree */
70     parent = Parent [p] ;
71     if (parent != EMPTY)
72     {
73 	ColCount [parent]-- ;
74     }
75     /* flag node p to exclude self edges (p,p) */
76     PrevNbr [p] = k ;
77     return (p) ;
78 }
81 /* ========================================================================== */
82 /* === process_edge ========================================================= */
83 /* ========================================================================== */
85 /* edge (p,u) is being processed.  p < u is a descendant of its ancestor u in
86  * the etree.  node p is the kth node in the postordered etree.  */
process_edge(Int p,Int u,Int k,Int First[],Int PrevNbr[],Int ColCount[],Int PrevLeaf[],Int RowCount[],Int SetParent[],Int Level[])88 static void process_edge
89 (
90     Int p,		/* process edge (p,u) of the matrix */
91     Int u,
92     Int k,		/* we are at the kth node in the postordered etree */
93     Int First [ ],	/* First [i] = k if the postordering of first
94 			 * descendent of node i is k */
95     Int PrevNbr [ ],	/* u was last considered at step k = PrevNbr [u] */
96     Int ColCount [ ],	/* ColCount [c] is the current weight of node c */
97     Int PrevLeaf [ ],	/* s = PrevLeaf [u] means that s was the last leaf
98 			 * seen in the subtree rooted at u.  */
99     Int RowCount [ ],	/* RowCount [i] is # of nonzeros in row i of L,
100 			 * including the diagonal.  Not computed if NULL. */
101     Int SetParent [ ],	/* the FIND/UNION data structure, which forms a set
102 			 * of trees.  A root i has i = SetParent [i].  Following
103 			 * a path from i to the root q of the subtree containing
104 			 * i means that q is the SetParent representative of i.
105 			 * All nodes in the tree could have their SetParent
106 			 * equal to the root q; the tree representation is used
107 			 * to save time.  When a path is traced from i to its
108 			 * root q, the path is re-traversed to set the SetParent
109 			 * of the whole path to be the root q. */
110     Int Level [ ]	 /* Level [i] = length of path from node i to root */
111 )
112 {
113     Int prevleaf, q, s, sparent ;
114     if (First [p] > PrevNbr [u])
115     {
116 	/* p is a leaf of the subtree of u */
117 	ColCount [p]++ ;
118 	prevleaf = PrevLeaf [u] ;
119 	if (prevleaf == EMPTY)
120 	{
121 	    /* p is the first leaf of subtree of u; RowCount will be incremented
122 	     * by the length of the path in the etree from p up to u. */
123 	    q = u ;
124 	}
125 	else
126 	{
127 	    /* q = FIND (prevleaf): find the root q of the
128 	     * SetParent tree containing prevleaf */
129 	    for (q = prevleaf ; q != SetParent [q] ; q = SetParent [q])
130 	    {
131 		;
132 	    }
133 	    /* the root q has been found; re-traverse the path and
134 	     * perform path compression */
135 	    s = prevleaf ;
136 	    for (s = prevleaf ; s != q ; s = sparent)
137 	    {
138 		sparent = SetParent [s] ;
139 		SetParent [s] = q ;
140 	    }
141 	    /* adjust the RowCount and ColCount; RowCount will be incremented by
142 	     * the length of the path from p to the SetParent root q, and
143 	     * decrement the ColCount of q by one. */
144 	    ColCount [q]-- ;
145 	}
146 	if (RowCount != NULL)
147 	{
148 	    /* if RowCount is being computed, increment it by the length of
149 	     * the path from p to q */
150 	    RowCount [u] += (Level [p] - Level [q]) ;
151 	}
152 	/* p is a leaf of the subtree of u, so mark PrevLeaf [u] to be p */
153 	PrevLeaf [u] = p ;
154     }
155     /* flag u has having been processed at step k */
156     PrevNbr [u] = k ;
157 }
160 /* ========================================================================== */
161 /* === finalize_node ======================================================== */
162 /* ========================================================================== */
finalize_node(Int p,Int Parent[],Int SetParent[])164 static void finalize_node    /* compute UNION (p, Parent [p]) */
165 (
166     Int p,
167     Int Parent [ ],	/* Parent [p] is the parent of p in the etree */
168     Int SetParent [ ]	/* see process_edge, above */
169 )
170 {
171     /* all nodes in the SetParent tree rooted at p now have as their final
172      * root the node Parent [p].  This computes UNION (p, Parent [p]) */
173     if (Parent [p] != EMPTY)
174     {
175 	SetParent [p] = Parent [p] ;
176     }
177 }
180 /* ========================================================================== */
181 /* === cholmod_rowcolcounts ================================================= */
182 /* ========================================================================== */
CHOLMOD(rowcolcounts)184 int CHOLMOD(rowcolcounts)
185 (
186     /* ---- input ---- */
187     cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to analyze */
188     Int *fset,		/* subset of 0:(A->ncol)-1 */
189     size_t fsize,	/* size of fset */
190     Int *Parent,	/* size nrow.  Parent [i] = p if p is the parent of i */
191     Int *Post,		/* size nrow.  Post [k] = i if i is the kth node in
192 			 * the postordered etree. */
193     /* ---- output --- */
194     Int *RowCount,	/* size nrow. RowCount [i] = # entries in the ith row of
195 			 * L, including the diagonal. */
196     Int *ColCount,	/* size nrow. ColCount [i] = # entries in the ith
197 			 * column of L, including the diagonal. */
198     Int *First,		/* size nrow.  First [i] = k is the least postordering
199 			 * of any descendant of i. */
200     Int *Level,		/* size nrow.  Level [i] is the length of the path from
201 			 * i to the root, with Level [root] = 0. */
202     /* --------------- */
203     cholmod_common *Common
204 )
205 {
206     double fl, ff ;
207     Int *Ap, *Ai, *Anz, *PrevNbr, *SetParent, *Head, *PrevLeaf, *Anext, *Ipost,
208 	*Iwork ;
209     Int i, j, r, k, len, s, p, pend, inew, stype, nf, anz, inode, parent,
210 	nrow, ncol, packed, use_fset, jj ;
211     size_t w ;
212     int ok = TRUE ;
214     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
215     /* check inputs */
216     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
220     RETURN_IF_NULL (Parent, FALSE) ;
221     RETURN_IF_NULL (Post, FALSE) ;
222     RETURN_IF_NULL (ColCount, FALSE) ;
223     RETURN_IF_NULL (First, FALSE) ;
224     RETURN_IF_NULL (Level, FALSE) ;
226     stype = A->stype ;
227     if (stype > 0)
228     {
229 	/* symmetric with upper triangular part not supported */
230 	ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "symmetric upper not supported") ;
231 	return (FALSE) ;
232     }
233     Common->status = CHOLMOD_OK ;
235     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
236     /* allocate workspace */
237     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
239     nrow = A->nrow ;	/* the number of rows of A */
240     ncol = A->ncol ;	/* the number of columns of A */
242     /* w = 2*nrow + (stype ? 0 : ncol) */
243     w = CHOLMOD(mult_size_t) (nrow, 2, &ok) ;
244     w = CHOLMOD(add_size_t) (w, (stype ? 0 : ncol), &ok) ;
245     if (!ok)
246     {
247 	ERROR (CHOLMOD_TOO_LARGE, "problem too large") ;
248 	return (FALSE) ;
249     }
251     CHOLMOD(allocate_work) (nrow, w, 0, Common) ;
252     if (Common->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
253     {
254 	return (FALSE) ;
255     }
257     ASSERT (CHOLMOD(dump_perm) (Post, nrow, nrow, "Post", Common)) ;
258     ASSERT (CHOLMOD(dump_parent) (Parent, nrow, "Parent", Common)) ;
260     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
261     /* get inputs */
262     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
264     Ap = A->p ;	/* size ncol+1, column pointers for A */
265     Ai = A->i ;	/* the row indices of A, of size nz=Ap[ncol+1] */
266     Anz = A->nz ;
267     packed = A->packed ;
268     ASSERT (IMPLIES (!packed, Anz != NULL)) ;
270     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
271     /* get workspace */
272     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
274     Iwork = Common->Iwork ;
275     SetParent = Iwork ;		    /* size nrow (i/i/l) */
276     PrevNbr   = Iwork + nrow ;	    /* size nrow (i/i/l) */
277     Anext     = Iwork + 2*((size_t) nrow) ;    /* size ncol (i/i/l) (unsym only) */
278     PrevLeaf  = Common->Flag ;	    /* size nrow */
279     Head      = Common->Head ;	    /* size nrow+1 (unsym only)*/
281     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
282     /* find the first descendant and level of each node in the tree */
283     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
285     /* First [i] = k if the postordering of first descendent of node i is k */
286     /* Level [i] = length of path from node i to the root (Level [root] = 0) */
288     for (i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++)
289     {
290 	First [i] = EMPTY ;
291     }
293     /* postorder traversal of the etree */
294     for (k = 0 ; k < nrow ; k++)
295     {
296 	/* node i of the etree is the kth node in the postordered etree */
297 	i = Post [k] ;
299 	/* i is a leaf if First [i] is still EMPTY */
300 	/* ColCount [i] starts at 1 if i is a leaf, zero otherwise */
301 	ColCount [i] = (First [i] == EMPTY) ? 1 : 0 ;
303 	/* traverse the path from node i to the root, stopping if we find a
304 	 * node r whose First [r] is already defined. */
305 	len = 0 ;
306 	for (r = i ; (r != EMPTY) && (First [r] == EMPTY) ; r = Parent [r])
307 	{
308 	    First [r] = k ;
309 	    len++ ;
310 	}
311 	if (r == EMPTY)
312 	{
313 	    /* we hit a root node, the level of which is zero */
314 	    len-- ;
315 	}
316 	else
317 	{
318 	    /* we stopped at node r, where Level [r] is already defined */
319 	    len += Level [r] ;
320 	}
321 	/* re-traverse the path from node i to r; set the level of each node */
322 	for (s = i ; s != r ; s = Parent [s])
323 	{
324 	    Level [s] = len-- ;
325 	}
326     }
328     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
329     /* AA' case: sort columns of A according to first postordered row index */
330     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
332     fl = 0.0 ;
333     if (stype == 0)
334     {
335 	/* [ use PrevNbr [0..nrow-1] as workspace for Ipost */
336 	Ipost = PrevNbr ;
337 	/* Ipost [i] = k if i is the kth node in the postordered etree. */
338 	for (k = 0 ; k < nrow ; k++)
339 	{
340 	    Ipost [Post [k]] = k ;
341 	}
342 	use_fset = (fset != NULL) ;
343 	if (use_fset)
344 	{
345 	    nf = fsize ;
346 	    /* clear Anext to check fset */
347 	    for (j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
348 	    {
349 		Anext [j] = -2 ;
350 	    }
351 	    /* find the first postordered row in each column of A (post,f)
352 	     * and place the column in the corresponding link list */
353 	    for (jj = 0 ; jj < nf ; jj++)
354 	    {
355 		j = fset [jj] ;
356 		if (j < 0 || j > ncol || Anext [j] != -2)
357 		{
358 		    /* out-of-range or duplicate entry in fset */
359 		    ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "fset invalid") ;
360 		    return (FALSE) ;
361 		}
362 		/* flag column j as having been seen */
363 		Anext [j] = EMPTY ;
364 	    }
365 	    /* fset is now valid */
366 	    ASSERT (CHOLMOD(dump_perm) (fset, nf, ncol, "fset", Common)) ;
367 	}
368 	else
369 	{
370 	    nf = ncol ;
371 	}
372 	for (jj = 0 ; jj < nf ; jj++)
373 	{
374 	    j = (use_fset) ? (fset [jj]) : jj ;
375 	    /* column j is in the fset; find the smallest row (if any) */
376 	    p = Ap [j] ;
377 	    pend = (packed) ? (Ap [j+1]) : (p + Anz [j]) ;
378 	    ff = (double) MAX (0, pend - p) ;
379 	    fl += ff*ff + ff ;
380 	    if (pend > p)
381 	    {
382 		k = Ipost [Ai [p]] ;
383 		for ( ; p < pend ; p++)
384 		{
385 		    inew = Ipost [Ai [p]] ;
386 		    k = MIN (k, inew) ;
387 		}
388 		/* place column j in link list k */
389 		ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < nrow) ;
390 		Anext [j] = Head [k] ;
391 		Head [k] = j ;
392 	    }
393 	}
394 	/* Ipost no longer needed for inverse postordering ]
395 	 * Head [k] contains a link list of all columns whose first
396 	 * postordered row index is equal to k, for k = 0 to nrow-1. */
397     }
399     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
400     /* compute the row counts and node weights */
401     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
403     if (RowCount != NULL)
404     {
405 	for (i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++)
406 	{
407 	    RowCount [i] = 1 ;
408 	}
409     }
410     for (i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++)
411     {
412 	PrevLeaf [i] = EMPTY ;
413 	PrevNbr [i] = EMPTY ;
414 	SetParent [i] = i ;	/* every node is in its own set, by itself */
415     }
417     if (stype != 0)
418     {
420 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
421 	/* symmetric case: LL' = A */
422 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
424 	/* also determine the number of entries in triu(A) */
425 	anz = nrow ;
426 	for (k = 0 ; k < nrow ; k++)
427 	{
428 	    /* j is the kth node in the postordered etree */
429 	    j = initialize_node (k, Post, Parent, ColCount, PrevNbr) ;
431 	    /* for all nonzeros A(i,j) below the diagonal, in column j of A */
432 	    p = Ap [j] ;
433 	    pend = (packed) ? (Ap [j+1]) : (p + Anz [j]) ;
434 	    for ( ; p < pend ; p++)
435 	    {
436 		i = Ai [p] ;
437 		if (i > j)
438 		{
439 		    /* j is a descendant of i in etree(A) */
440 		    anz++ ;
441 		    process_edge (j, i, k, First, PrevNbr, ColCount,
442 			    PrevLeaf, RowCount, SetParent, Level) ;
443 		}
444 	    }
445 	    /* update SetParent: UNION (j, Parent [j]) */
446 	    finalize_node (j, Parent, SetParent) ;
447 	}
448 	Common->anz = anz ;
449     }
450     else
451     {
453 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
454 	/* unsymmetric case: LL' = AA' */
455 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
457 	for (k = 0 ; k < nrow ; k++)
458 	{
459 	    /* inode is the kth node in the postordered etree */
460 	    inode = initialize_node (k, Post, Parent, ColCount, PrevNbr) ;
462 	    /* for all cols j whose first postordered row is k: */
463 	    for (j = Head [k] ; j != EMPTY ; j = Anext [j])
464 	    {
465 		/* k is the first postordered row in column j of A */
466 		/* for all rows i in column j: */
467 		p = Ap [j] ;
468 		pend = (packed) ? (Ap [j+1]) : (p + Anz [j]) ;
469 		for ( ; p < pend ; p++)
470 		{
471 		    i = Ai [p] ;
472 		    /* has i already been considered at this step k */
473 		    if (PrevNbr [i] < k)
474 		    {
475 			/* inode is a descendant of i in etree(AA') */
476 			/* process edge (inode,i) and set PrevNbr[i] to k */
477 			process_edge (inode, i, k, First, PrevNbr, ColCount,
478 				PrevLeaf, RowCount, SetParent, Level) ;
479 		    }
480 		}
481 	    }
482 	    /* clear link list k */
483 	    Head [k] = EMPTY ;
484 	    /* update SetParent: UNION (inode, Parent [inode]) */
485 	    finalize_node (inode, Parent, SetParent) ;
486 	}
487     }
489     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
490     /* finish computing the column counts */
491     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
493     for (j = 0 ; j < nrow ; j++)
494     {
495 	parent = Parent [j] ;
496 	if (parent != EMPTY)
497 	{
498 	    /* add the ColCount of j to its parent */
499 	    ColCount [parent] += ColCount [j] ;
500 	}
501     }
503     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
504     /* clear workspace */
505     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
507     Common->mark = EMPTY ;
508     /* CHOLMOD(clear_flag) (Common) ; */
509     CHOLMOD_CLEAR_FLAG (Common) ;
511     ASSERT (CHOLMOD(dump_work) (TRUE, TRUE, 0, Common)) ;
513     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
514     /* flop count and nnz(L) for subsequent LL' numerical factorization */
515     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
517     /* use double to avoid integer overflow.  lnz cannot be NaN. */
518     Common->aatfl = fl ;
519     Common->lnz = 0. ;
520     fl = 0 ;
521     for (j = 0 ; j < nrow ; j++)
522     {
523 	ff = (double) (ColCount [j]) ;
524 	Common->lnz += ff ;
525 	fl += ff*ff ;
526     }
528     Common->fl = fl ;
529     PRINT1 (("rowcol fl %g lnz %g\n", Common->fl, Common->lnz)) ;
531     return (TRUE) ;
532 }
533 #endif