1classdef factorization_lu_dense < factorization
2%FACTORIZATION_LU_DENSE A(p,:) = L*U where A is square and full.
4% Copyright 2011-2012, Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com
6    methods
8        function F = factorization_lu_dense (A, fail_if_singular)
9            %FACTORIZATION_LU_DENSE : A(p,:) = L*U
10            [m, n] = size (A) ;
11            if (m ~= n)
12                error ('FACTORIZE:wrongdim', ...
13                    'LU for rectangular matrices not supported.  Use QR.') ;
14            end
15            [f.L, f.U, f.p] = lu (A, 'vector') ;
16            F.A_condest = cheap_condest (get_diag (f.U), fail_if_singular) ;
17            F.A = A ;
18            F.Factors = f ;
19            F.A_rank = n ;
20            F.kind = 'dense LU factorization: A(p,:) = L*U' ;
21        end
23        function e = error_check (F)
24            %ERROR_CHECK : return relative 1-norm of error in factorization
25            % meant for testing only
26            f = F.Factors ;
27            e = norm (F.A (f.p,:) - f.L*f.U, 1) / norm (F.A, 1) ;
28        end
30        function x = mldivide_subclass (F,b)
31            %MLDIVIDE_SUBCLASS x=A\b using dense LU
32            % x = U \ (L \ (b (p,:))) ;
33            f = F.Factors ;
34            opL.LT = true ;
35            opU.UT = true ;
36            y = b (f.p, :) ;
37            if (issparse (y))
38                y = full (y) ;
39            end
40            x = linsolve (f.U, linsolve (f.L, y, opL), opU) ;
41        end
43        function x = mrdivide_subclass (b,F)
44            %MRDIVIDE_SUBCLASS x = b/A using dense LU
45            % x (:,p) = (L' \ (U' \ b'))'
46            f = F.Factors ;
47            opUT.UT = true ;
48            opUT.TRANSA = true ;
49            opLT.LT = true ;
50            opLT.TRANSA = true ;
51            y = b' ;
52            if (issparse (y))
53                y = full (y) ;
54            end
55            x = (linsolve (f.L, linsolve (f.U, y, opUT), opLT))';
56            x (:, f.p) = x ;
57        end
58    end