1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
2  * Programmer(s): Shelby Lockhart @ LLNL
3  *---------------------------------------------------------------
4  * Based on the serial code ark_heat1D_adapt.c developed
5  * by Daniel R. Reynolds and parallelized with OpenMP 4.5
6  *---------------------------------------------------------------
7  * SUNDIALS Copyright Start
8  * Copyright (c) 2002-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security
9  * and Southern Methodist University.
10  * All rights reserved.
11  *
12  * See the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files for details.
13  *
14  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
15  * SUNDIALS Copyright End
16  *---------------------------------------------------------------
17  * Example problem:
18  *
19  * The following test simulates a simple 1D heat equation,
20  *    u_t = k*u_xx + f
21  * for t in [0, 10], x in [0, 1], with initial conditions
22  *    u(0,x) =  0
23  * Dirichlet boundary conditions, i.e.
24  *    u_t(t,0) = u_t(t,1) = 0,
25  * and a heating term of the form
26  *    f = 2*exp(-200*(x-0.25)*(x-0.25))
27  *        - exp(-400*(x-0.7)*(x-0.7))
28  *        + exp(-500*(x-0.4)*(x-0.4))
29  *        - 2*exp(-600*(x-0.55)*(x-0.55));
30  *
31  * The spatial derivatives are computed using a three-point
32  * centered stencil (second order for a uniform mesh).  The data
33  * is initially uniformly distributed over N points in the interval
34  * [0, 1], but as the simulation proceeds the mesh is adapted.
35  *
36  * This program solves the problem with a DIRK method, solved with
37  * a Newton iteration and SUNLinSol_PCG linear solver, with a
38  * user-supplied Jacobian-vector product routine.
39  *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
41 /* Header files */
42 #include <stdio.h>
43 #include <stdlib.h>
44 #include <math.h>
45 #include <arkode/arkode_arkstep.h>     /* prototypes for ARKStep fcts., consts */
46 #include <nvector/nvector_openmpdev.h> /* OpenMPDEV N_Vector types, fcts., macros */
47 #include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_pcg.h>   /* access to PCG SUNLinearSolver        */
48 #include <sundials/sundials_types.h>   /* defs. of realtype, sunindextype, etc */
49 #include <sundials/sundials_math.h>    /* def. of SUNRsqrt, etc.               */
51 #ifdef _OPENMP
52 #include <omp.h>                      /* OpenMP functions */
53 #endif
56 #define GSYM "Lg"
57 #define ESYM "Le"
58 #define FSYM "Lf"
59 #else
60 #define GSYM "g"
61 #define ESYM "e"
62 #define FSYM "f"
63 #endif
65 /* constants */
66 #define ZERO        RCONST(0.0)
67 #define PT25        RCONST(0.25)
68 #define PT4         RCONST(0.4)
69 #define PT5         RCONST(0.5)
70 #define PT55        RCONST(0.55)
71 #define PT7         RCONST(0.7)
72 #define ONE         RCONST(1.0)
73 #define TWO         RCONST(2.0)
74 #define TWOHUNDRED  RCONST(200.0)
75 #define FOURHUNDRED RCONST(400.0)
76 #define FIVEHUNDRED RCONST(500.0)
77 #define SIXHUNDRED  RCONST(600.0)
79 /* user data structure */
80 typedef struct {
81   sunindextype N;       /* current number of intervals */
82   realtype *x_host;     /* current mesh on host */
83   realtype *x_dev;      /* current mesh on device */
84   realtype k;           /* diffusion coefficient */
85   realtype refine_tol;  /* adaptivity tolerance */
86 } *UserData;
88 /* User-supplied Functions Called by the Solver */
89 static int f(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, void *user_data);
90 static int Jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t, N_Vector y,
91                N_Vector fy, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp);
93 /* Private function to check function return values */
94 realtype * adapt_mesh(N_Vector y, sunindextype *Nnew, UserData udata);
95 static int project(sunindextype Nold, realtype *xold, N_Vector yold,
96                    sunindextype Nnew, realtype *xnew, N_Vector ynew);
97 static int check_flag(void *flagvalue, const char *funcname, int opt);
99 /* Main Program */
main()100 int main() {
102   /* general problem parameters */
103   realtype T0 = RCONST(0.0);         /* initial time */
104   realtype Tf = RCONST(1.0);         /* final time */
105   realtype rtol = RCONST(1.e-3);     /* relative tolerance */
106   realtype atol = RCONST(1.e-10);    /* absolute tolerance */
107   realtype hscale = RCONST(1.0);     /* time step change factor on resizes */
108   UserData udata = NULL;
109   realtype *data;
110   sunindextype N = 21;               /* initial spatial mesh size */
111   realtype refine = RCONST(3.0e-3);  /* adaptivity refinement tolerance */
112   realtype k = RCONST(0.5);          /* heat conductivity */
113   sunindextype i;
114   long int nni, nni_tot=0, nli, nli_tot=0;
115   int iout=0;
117   /* general problem variables */
118   int flag;                    /* reusable error-checking flag */
119   N_Vector y  = NULL;          /* empty vector for storing solution */
120   N_Vector y2 = NULL;          /* empty vector for storing solution */
121   N_Vector yt = NULL;          /* empty vector for swapping */
122   SUNLinearSolver LS = NULL;   /* empty linear solver object */
123   void *arkode_mem = NULL;     /* empty ARKode memory structure */
124   FILE *XFID, *UFID;
125   realtype t, olddt, newdt;
126   realtype *xnew_host = NULL;
127   realtype *xnew_dev = NULL;
128   sunindextype Nnew;
129   int dev, host;
131   /* get host and offloading device */
132   dev  = omp_get_default_device();
133   host = omp_get_initial_device();
135   /* allocate and fill initial udata structure */
136   udata = (UserData) malloc(sizeof(*udata));
137   udata->N = N;
138   udata->k = k;
139   udata->refine_tol = refine;
140   udata->x_host = malloc(N * sizeof(realtype));
141   for (i=0; i<N; i++)  udata->x_host[i] = ONE*i/(N-1);
142   udata->x_dev = omp_target_alloc(N * sizeof(realtype), dev);
143   omp_target_memcpy(udata->x_dev, udata->x_host, N * sizeof(realtype), 0, 0, dev, host);
145   /* Initial problem output */
146   printf("\n1D adaptive Heat PDE test problem:\n");
147   printf("  diffusion coefficient:  k = %"GSYM"\n", udata->k);
148   printf("  initial N = %li\n", (long int) udata->N);
150   /* Initialize data structures */
151   y = N_VNew_OpenMPDEV(N);   /* Create initial OpenMPDEV vector for solution */
152   if (check_flag((void *) y, "N_VNew_OpenMPDEV", 0)) return 1;
153   N_VConst(ZERO, y);  /* Set initial conditions */
155   /* output mesh to disk */
156   XFID=fopen("heat_mesh.txt","w");
158   /* output initial mesh to disk */
159   for (i=0; i<udata->N; i++)  fprintf(XFID," %.16"ESYM, udata->x_host[i]);
160   fprintf(XFID,"\n");
162   /* Open output stream for results, access data array */
163   UFID=fopen("heat1D.txt","w");
165   /* output initial condition to disk */
166   N_VCopyFromDevice_OpenMPDEV(y);
167   data = N_VGetHostArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(y);
168   for (i=0; i<udata->N; i++)  fprintf(UFID," %.16"ESYM, data[i]);
169   fprintf(UFID,"\n");
171   /* Initialize the ARK timestepper */
172   arkode_mem = ARKStepCreate(NULL, f, T0, y);
173   if (check_flag((void *) arkode_mem, "ARKStepCreate", 0)) return 1;
175   /* Set routines */
176   flag = ARKStepSetUserData(arkode_mem, (void *) udata);   /* Pass udata to user functions */
177   if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetUserData", 1)) return 1;
178   flag = ARKStepSetMaxNumSteps(arkode_mem, 10000);         /* Increase max num steps  */
179   if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetMaxNumSteps", 1)) return 1;
180   flag = ARKStepSStolerances(arkode_mem, rtol, atol);      /* Specify tolerances */
181   if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSStolerances", 1)) return 1;
182   flag = ARKStepSetAdaptivityMethod(arkode_mem, 2, 1, 0, NULL);  /* Set adaptivity method */
183   if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetAdaptivityMethod", 1)) return 1;
184   flag = ARKStepSetPredictorMethod(arkode_mem, 0);     /* Set predictor method */
185   if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetPredictorMethod", 1)) return 1;
187   /* Specify linearly implicit RHS, with time-dependent Jacobian */
188   flag = ARKStepSetLinear(arkode_mem, 1);
189   if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetLinear", 1)) return 1;
191   /* Initialize PCG solver -- no preconditioning, with up to N iterations  */
192   LS = SUNLinSol_PCG(y, 0, (int) N);
193   if (check_flag((void *)LS, "SUNLinSol_PCG", 0)) return 1;
195   /* Linear solver interface -- set user-supplied J*v routine (no 'jtsetup' required) */
196   flag = ARKStepSetLinearSolver(arkode_mem, LS, NULL);        /* Attach linear solver to ARKStep */
197   if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetLinearSolver", 1)) return 1;
198   flag = ARKStepSetJacTimes(arkode_mem, NULL, Jac);     /* Set the Jacobian routine */
199   if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetJacTimes", 1)) return 1;
201   /* Main time-stepping loop: calls ARKStepEvolve to perform the integration, then
202      prints results.  Stops when the final time has been reached */
203   t = T0;
204   olddt = ZERO;
205   newdt = ZERO;
206   printf("  iout          dt_old                 dt_new               ||u||_rms       N   NNI  NLI\n");
207   printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
208   printf(" %4i  %19.15"ESYM"  %19.15"ESYM"  %19.15"ESYM"  %li   %2i  %3i\n",
209          iout, olddt, newdt, SUNRsqrt(N_VDotProd(y,y)/udata->N),
210          (long int) udata->N, 0, 0);
211   while (t < Tf) {
213     /* "set" routines */
214     flag = ARKStepSetStopTime(arkode_mem, Tf);
215     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetStopTime", 1)) return 1;
216     flag = ARKStepSetInitStep(arkode_mem, newdt);
217     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetInitStep", 1)) return 1;
219     /* call integrator */
220     flag = ARKStepEvolve(arkode_mem, Tf, y, &t, ARK_ONE_STEP);
221     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepEvolve", 1)) return 1;
223     /* "get" routines */
224     flag = ARKStepGetLastStep(arkode_mem, &olddt);
225     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepGetLastStep", 1)) return 1;
226     flag = ARKStepGetCurrentStep(arkode_mem, &newdt);
227     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepGetCurrentStep", 1)) return 1;
228     flag = ARKStepGetNumNonlinSolvIters(arkode_mem, &nni);
229     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1)) return 1;
230     flag = ARKStepGetNumLinIters(arkode_mem, &nli);
231     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepGetNumLinIters", 1)) return 1;
233     /* print current solution stats */
234     iout++;
235     printf(" %4i  %19.15"ESYM"  %19.15"ESYM"  %19.15"ESYM"  %li   %2li  %3li\n",
236            iout, olddt, newdt, SUNRsqrt(N_VDotProd(y,y)/udata->N),
237            (long int) udata->N, nni, nli);
238     nni_tot += nni;
239     nli_tot += nli;
241     /* output results and current mesh to disk */
242     N_VCopyFromDevice_OpenMPDEV(y);
243     data = N_VGetHostArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(y);
244     for (i=0; i<udata->N; i++)  fprintf(UFID," %.16"ESYM, data[i]);
245     fprintf(UFID,"\n");
246     for (i=0; i<udata->N; i++)  fprintf(XFID," %.16"ESYM, udata->x_host[i]);
247     fprintf(XFID,"\n");
249     /* adapt the spatial mesh */
250     xnew_host = adapt_mesh(y, &Nnew, udata);
251     if (check_flag(xnew_host, "ark_adapt", 0)) return 1;
253     /* create N_Vector of new length */
254     y2 = N_VNew_OpenMPDEV(Nnew);
255     if (check_flag((void *) y2, "N_VNew_OpenMPDEV", 0)) return 1;
257     /* copy new mesh from host array to device array */
258     xnew_dev = omp_target_alloc(Nnew * sizeof(realtype), dev);
259     omp_target_memcpy(xnew_dev, xnew_host, Nnew*sizeof(realtype), 0, 0, dev, host);
261     /* project solution onto new mesh */
262     flag = project(udata->N, udata->x_dev, y, Nnew, xnew_dev, y2);
263     if (check_flag(&flag, "project", 1)) return 1;
265     /* delete old vector, old mesh */
266     N_VDestroy(y);
267     free(udata->x_host);
268     omp_target_free(udata->x_dev, dev);
270     /* swap x and xnew so that new mesh is stored in udata structure */
271     udata->x_host = xnew_host;
272     xnew_host = NULL;
273     udata->N = Nnew;   /* store size of new mesh */
274     udata->x_dev = xnew_dev;
275     xnew_dev = NULL;
277     /* swap y and y2 so that y holds new solution */
278     yt = y;
279     y  = y2;
280     y2 = yt;
282     /* call ARKStepResize to notify integrator of change in mesh */
283     flag = ARKStepResize(arkode_mem, y, hscale, t, NULL, NULL);
284     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepResize", 1)) return 1;
286     /* destroy and re-allocate linear solver memory; reattach to ARKStep interface */
287     SUNLinSolFree(LS);
288     LS = SUNLinSol_PCG(y, 0, (int) N);
289     if (check_flag((void *)LS, "SUNLinSol_PCG", 0)) return 1;
290     flag = ARKStepSetLinearSolver(arkode_mem, LS, NULL);
291     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetLinearSolver", 1)) return 1;
292     flag = ARKStepSetJacTimes(arkode_mem, NULL, Jac);
293     if (check_flag(&flag, "ARKStepSetJacTimes", 1)) return 1;
295   }
296   printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
298   /* print some final statistics */
299   printf(" Final solver statistics:\n");
300   printf("   Total number of time steps = %i\n", iout);
301   printf("   Total nonlinear iterations = %li\n", nni_tot);
302   printf("   Total linear iterations    = %li\n\n", nli_tot);
304   /* Clean up and return with successful completion */
305   fclose(UFID);
306   fclose(XFID);
307   N_VDestroy(y);               /* Free vectors */
308   free(udata->x_host);         /* Free user data */
309   omp_target_free(udata->x_dev, dev);
310   free(udata);
311   ARKStepFree(&arkode_mem);    /* Free integrator memory */
312   SUNLinSolFree(LS);           /* Free linear solver */
314   return 0;
315 }
317 /*--------------------------------
318  * Functions called by the solver
319  *--------------------------------*/
321 /* f routine to compute the ODE RHS function f(t,y). */
f(realtype t,N_Vector y,N_Vector ydot,void * user_data)322 static int f(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, void *user_data)
323 {
324   UserData udata = (UserData) user_data;    /* access problem data */
325   sunindextype N = udata->N;                /* set variable shortcuts */
326   realtype k  = udata->k;
327   realtype *x = udata->x_dev;
328   realtype *Y=NULL, *Ydot=NULL;
329   realtype dxL, dxR;
330   sunindextype i;
331   int dev;
333   dev = omp_get_default_device();
335   /* access data arrays */
336   Y = N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(y);
337   if (check_flag((void *) Y, "N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer", 0)) return 1;
338   Ydot = N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(ydot);
339   if (check_flag((void *) Ydot, "N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer", 0)) return 1;
341   /* Initialize ydot to zero - also handles boundary conditions */
342   N_VConst(ZERO, ydot);
344   /* iterate over domain interior, computing all equations */
345 #pragma omp target map(to:N) is_device_ptr(x, Ydot, Y) device(dev)
346 #pragma omp teams distribute parallel for schedule(static, 1)
347   for (i=1; i<N-1; i++) {        /* interior */
348     dxL = x[i]-x[i-1];
349     dxR = x[i+1]-x[i];
350     Ydot[i] = Y[i-1]*k*TWO/(dxL*(dxL+dxR))
351       - Y[i]*k*TWO/(dxL*dxR)
352       + Y[i+1]*k*TWO/(dxR*(dxL+dxR))
353       + TWO*SUNRexp(-TWOHUNDRED*(x[i]-PT25)*(x[i]-PT25)) /* source term */
354       - SUNRexp(-FOURHUNDRED*(x[i]-PT7)*(x[i]-PT7))
355       + SUNRexp(-FIVEHUNDRED*(x[i]-PT4)*(x[i]-PT4))
356       - TWO*SUNRexp(-SIXHUNDRED*(x[i]-PT55)*(x[i]-PT55));
357   }
359   return 0;                      /* Return with success */
360 }
362 /* Jacobian routine to compute J(t,y) = df/dy. */
Jac(N_Vector v,N_Vector Jv,realtype t,N_Vector y,N_Vector fy,void * user_data,N_Vector tmp)363 static int Jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t, N_Vector y,
364                N_Vector fy, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp)
365 {
366   UserData udata = (UserData) user_data;     /* variable shortcuts */
367   sunindextype N = udata->N;
368   realtype k  = udata->k;
369   realtype *x = udata->x_dev;
370   realtype *V=NULL, *JV=NULL;
371   realtype dxL, dxR;
372   sunindextype i;
373   int dev;
375   dev  = omp_get_default_device();
377   /* access data arrays */
378   V = N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(v);
379   if (check_flag((void *) V, "N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer", 0)) return 1;
380   JV = N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(Jv);
381   if (check_flag((void *) JV, "N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer", 0)) return 1;
383   /* initialize Jv product to zero - also handles boundary conditions */
384   N_VConst(ZERO, Jv);
386   /* iterate over domain, computing all Jacobian-vector products */
387 #pragma omp target map(to:N) is_device_ptr(x, JV, V) device(dev)
388 #pragma omp teams distribute parallel for schedule(static, 1)
389   for (i=1; i<N-1; i++) {
390     dxL = x[i]-x[i-1];
391     dxR = x[i+1]-x[i];
392     JV[i] = V[i-1]*k*TWO/(dxL*(dxL+dxR))
393           - V[i]*k*TWO/(dxL*dxR)
394           + V[i+1]*k*TWO/(dxR*(dxL+dxR));
395   }
397   return 0;                                  /* Return with success */
398 }
400 /*-------------------------------
401  * Private helper functions
402  *-------------------------------*/
404 /* Adapts the current mesh, using a simple adaptivity strategy of
405    refining when an approximation of the scaled second-derivative is
406    too large.  We only do this in one sweep, so no attempt is made to
407    ensure the resulting mesh meets these same criteria after adaptivity:
408       y [input] -- the current solution vector
409       Nnew [output] -- the size of the new mesh
410       udata [input] -- the current system information
411    The return for this function is a pointer to the new mesh. */
adapt_mesh(N_Vector y,sunindextype * Nnew,UserData udata)412 realtype* adapt_mesh(N_Vector y, sunindextype *Nnew, UserData udata)
413 {
414   sunindextype i, j;
415   int *marks=NULL;
416   realtype ydd, *xold=NULL, *Y=NULL, *xnew=NULL;
417   sunindextype num_refine, N_new;
419   /* Access current solution and mesh arrays */
420   xold = udata->x_host;
421   Y = N_VGetHostArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(y);  /* assumes copy to host already done */
422   if (check_flag((void *) Y, "N_VGetHostArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV", 0)) return NULL;
424   /* create marking array */
425   marks = calloc(udata->N-1, sizeof(int));
427   /* perform marking:
428       0 -> leave alone
429       1 -> refine */
430   for (i=1; i<udata->N-1; i++) {
432     /* approximate scaled second-derivative */
433     ydd = Y[i-1] - TWO*Y[i] + Y[i+1];
435     /* check for refinement */
436     if (fabs(ydd) > udata->refine_tol) {
437       marks[i-1] = 1;
438       marks[i] = 1;
439     }
441   }
443   /* allocate new mesh */
444   num_refine = 0;
445   for (i=0; i<udata->N-1; i++)
446     if (marks[i] == 1)   num_refine++;
447   N_new = udata->N + num_refine;
448   *Nnew = N_new;            /* Store new array length */
449   xnew = malloc((N_new) * sizeof(realtype));
452   /* fill new mesh */
453   xnew[0] = xold[0];    /* store endpoints */
454   xnew[N_new-1] = xold[udata->N-1];
455   j=1;
456   /* iterate over old intervals */
457   for (i=0; i<udata->N-1; i++) {
458     /* if mark is 0, reuse old interval */
459     if (marks[i] == 0) {
460       xnew[j++] = xold[i+1];
461       continue;
462     }
464     /* if mark is 1, refine old interval */
465     if (marks[i] == 1) {
466       xnew[j++] = PT5*(xold[i]+xold[i+1]);
467       xnew[j++] = xold[i+1];
468       continue;
469     }
470   }
472   /* verify that new mesh is legal */
473   for (i=0; i<N_new-1; i++) {
474     if (xnew[i+1] <= xnew[i]) {
475       fprintf(stderr,"adapt_mesh error: illegal mesh created\n");
476       free(xnew);
477       return NULL;
478     }
479   }
481   free(marks);              /* Delete marking array */
482   return xnew;              /* Return with success */
483 }
486 /* Projects one vector onto another:
487       Nold [input] -- the size of the old mesh
488       xold [input] -- the old mesh
489       yold [input] -- the vector defined over the old mesh
490       Nnew [input] -- the size of the new mesh
491       xnew [input] -- the new mesh
492       ynew [output] -- the vector defined over the new mesh
493                        (allocated prior to calling project) */
project(sunindextype Nold,realtype * xold,N_Vector yold,sunindextype Nnew,realtype * xnew,N_Vector ynew)494 static int project(sunindextype Nold, realtype *xold, N_Vector yold,
495                    sunindextype Nnew, realtype *xnew, N_Vector ynew)
496 {
497   sunindextype iv, i, j;
498   realtype *Yold=NULL, *Ynew=NULL;
500   int dev = omp_get_default_device();
502   /* Access data arrays */
503   Yold = N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(yold);    /* access data arrays */
504   if (check_flag((void *) Yold, "N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV", 0)) return 1;
505   Ynew = N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV(ynew);
506   if (check_flag((void *) Ynew, "N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer_OpenMPDEV", 0)) return 1;
508   /* loop over new mesh, finding corresponding interval within old mesh,
509      and perform piecewise linear interpolation from yold to ynew */
510   iv=0;
511 #pragma omp target map(to:iv) is_device_ptr(Yold,Ynew,xnew,xold) device(dev)
512 #pragma omp teams distribute parallel for schedule(static, 1)
513   {
514     for (i=0; i<Nnew; i++) {
516       /* find old interval, start with previous value since sorted */
517       for (j=iv; j<Nold-1; j++) {
518         if (xnew[i] >= xold[j] && xnew[i] <= xold[j+1]) {
519           iv = j;
520           break;
521         }
522         iv = Nold-1;     /* just in case it wasn't found above */
523       }
525       /* perform interpolation */
526       Ynew[i] = Yold[iv]*(xnew[i]-xold[iv+1])/(xold[iv]-xold[iv+1])
527               + Yold[iv+1]*(xnew[i]-xold[iv])/(xold[iv+1]-xold[iv]);
528     }
529   }
531   return 0;            /* Return with success */
532 }
535 /* Check function return value...
536     opt == 0 means SUNDIALS function allocates memory so check if
537              returned NULL pointer
538     opt == 1 means SUNDIALS function returns a flag so check if
539              flag >= 0
540     opt == 2 means function allocates memory so check if returned
541              NULL pointer
542 */
check_flag(void * flagvalue,const char * funcname,int opt)543 static int check_flag(void *flagvalue, const char *funcname, int opt)
544 {
545   int *errflag;
547   /* Check if SUNDIALS function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */
548   if (opt == 0 && flagvalue == NULL) {
549     fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n",
550             funcname);
551     return 1; }
553   /* Check if flag < 0 */
554   else if (opt == 1) {
555     errflag = (int *) flagvalue;
556     if (*errflag < 0) {
557       fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed with flag = %d\n\n",
558               funcname, *errflag);
559       return 1; }}
561   /* Check if function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */
562   else if (opt == 2 && flagvalue == NULL) {
563     fprintf(stderr, "\nMEMORY_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n",
564             funcname);
565     return 1; }
567   return 0;
568 }
571 /*---- end of file ----*/