1 /*! \file
2 Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through
3 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required
4 approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy)
6 All rights reserved.
8 The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt
9 at the top-level directory.
10 */
12 /*! @file zcolumn_dfs.c
13  * \brief Performs a symbolic factorization
14  *
15  * <pre>
16  * -- SuperLU routine (version 3.0) --
17  * Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
18  * and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
19  * October 15, 2003
20  *
21  * Copyright (c) 1994 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
22  *
25  *
26  * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program for any
27  * purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
28  * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is
29  * granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that
30  * the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice.
31  * </pre>
32 */
34 #include "slu_zdefs.h"
36 /*! \brief What type of supernodes we want */
37 #define T2_SUPER
40 /*! \brief
41  *
42  * <pre>
43  * Purpose
44  * =======
45  *   ZCOLUMN_DFS performs a symbolic factorization on column jcol, and
46  *   decide the supernode boundary.
47  *
48  *   This routine does not use numeric values, but only use the RHS
49  *   row indices to start the dfs.
50  *
51  *   A supernode representative is the last column of a supernode.
52  *   The nonzeros in U[*,j] are segments that end at supernodal
53  *   representatives. The routine returns a list of such supernodal
54  *   representatives in topological order of the dfs that generates them.
55  *   The location of the first nonzero in each such supernodal segment
56  *   (supernodal entry location) is also returned.
57  *
58  * Local parameters
59  * ================
60  *   nseg: no of segments in current U[*,j]
61  *   jsuper: jsuper=EMPTY if column j does not belong to the same
62  *	supernode as j-1. Otherwise, jsuper=nsuper.
63  *
64  *   marker2: A-row --> A-row/col (0/1)
65  *   repfnz: SuperA-col --> PA-row
66  *   parent: SuperA-col --> SuperA-col
67  *   xplore: SuperA-col --> index to L-structure
68  *
69  * Return value
70  * ============
71  *     0  success;
72  *   > 0  number of bytes allocated when run out of space.
73  * </pre>
74  */
75 int
zcolumn_dfs(const int m,const int jcol,int * perm_r,int * nseg,int * lsub_col,int * segrep,int * repfnz,int * xprune,int * marker,int * parent,int * xplore,GlobalLU_t * Glu)76 zcolumn_dfs(
77 	   const int  m,         /* in - number of rows in the matrix */
78 	   const int  jcol,      /* in */
79 	   int        *perm_r,   /* in */
80 	   int        *nseg,     /* modified - with new segments appended */
81 	   int        *lsub_col, /* in - defines the RHS vector to start the dfs */
82 	   int        *segrep,   /* modified - with new segments appended */
83 	   int        *repfnz,   /* modified */
84 	   int        *xprune,   /* modified */
85 	   int        *marker,   /* modified */
86 	   int        *parent,	 /* working array */
87 	   int        *xplore,   /* working array */
88 	   GlobalLU_t *Glu       /* modified */
89 	   )
90 {
92     int     jcolp1, jcolm1, jsuper, nsuper, nextl;
93     int     k, krep, krow, kmark, kperm;
94     int     *marker2;           /* Used for small panel LU */
95     int	    fsupc;		/* First column of a snode */
96     int     myfnz;		/* First nonz column of a U-segment */
97     int	    chperm, chmark, chrep, kchild;
98     int     xdfs, maxdfs, kpar, oldrep;
99     int     jptr, jm1ptr;
100     int     ito, ifrom, istop;	/* Used to compress row subscripts */
101     int     mem_error;
102     int     *xsup, *supno, *lsub, *xlsub;
103     int     nzlmax;
104     int     maxsuper;
106     xsup    = Glu->xsup;
107     supno   = Glu->supno;
108     lsub    = Glu->lsub;
109     xlsub   = Glu->xlsub;
110     nzlmax  = Glu->nzlmax;
112     maxsuper = sp_ienv(3);
113     jcolp1  = jcol + 1;
114     jcolm1  = jcol - 1;
115     nsuper  = supno[jcol];
116     jsuper  = nsuper;
117     nextl   = xlsub[jcol];
118     marker2 = &marker[2*m];
120     /* For each nonzero in A[*,jcol] do dfs */
121     for (k = 0; lsub_col[k] != EMPTY; k++) {
123 	krow = lsub_col[k];
124     	lsub_col[k] = EMPTY;
125 	kmark = marker2[krow];
127 	/* krow was visited before, go to the next nonz */
128         if ( kmark == jcol ) continue;
130 	/* For each unmarked nbr krow of jcol
131 	 *	krow is in L: place it in structure of L[*,jcol]
132 	 */
133 	marker2[krow] = jcol;
134 	kperm = perm_r[krow];
136    	if ( kperm == EMPTY ) {
137 	    lsub[nextl++] = krow; 	/* krow is indexed into A */
138 	    if ( nextl >= nzlmax ) {
139 		if ( mem_error = zLUMemXpand(jcol, nextl, LSUB, &nzlmax, Glu) )
140 		    return (mem_error);
141 		lsub = Glu->lsub;
142 	    }
143             if ( kmark != jcolm1 ) jsuper = EMPTY;/* Row index subset testing */
144   	} else {
145 	    /*	krow is in U: if its supernode-rep krep
146 	     *	has been explored, update repfnz[*]
147 	     */
148 	    krep = xsup[supno[kperm]+1] - 1;
149 	    myfnz = repfnz[krep];
151 	    if ( myfnz != EMPTY ) {	/* Visited before */
152 	    	if ( myfnz > kperm ) repfnz[krep] = kperm;
153 		/* continue; */
154 	    }
155 	    else {
156 		/* Otherwise, perform dfs starting at krep */
157 		oldrep = EMPTY;
158 	 	parent[krep] = oldrep;
159 	  	repfnz[krep] = kperm;
160 		xdfs = xlsub[krep];
161 	  	maxdfs = xprune[krep];
163 		do {
164 		    /*
165 		     * For each unmarked kchild of krep
166 		     */
167 		    while ( xdfs < maxdfs ) {
169 		   	kchild = lsub[xdfs];
170 			xdfs++;
171 		  	chmark = marker2[kchild];
173 		   	if ( chmark != jcol ) { /* Not reached yet */
174 		   	    marker2[kchild] = jcol;
175 		   	    chperm = perm_r[kchild];
177 		   	    /* Case kchild is in L: place it in L[*,k] */
178 		   	    if ( chperm == EMPTY ) {
179 			    	lsub[nextl++] = kchild;
180 				if ( nextl >= nzlmax ) {
181 				    if ( mem_error =
182 					 zLUMemXpand(jcol,nextl,LSUB,&nzlmax,Glu) )
183 					return (mem_error);
184 				    lsub = Glu->lsub;
185 				}
186 				if ( chmark != jcolm1 ) jsuper = EMPTY;
187 			    } else {
188 		    	    	/* Case kchild is in U:
189 				 *   chrep = its supernode-rep. If its rep has
190 			         *   been explored, update its repfnz[*]
191 			         */
192 		   	    	chrep = xsup[supno[chperm]+1] - 1;
193 		   		myfnz = repfnz[chrep];
194 		   		if ( myfnz != EMPTY ) { /* Visited before */
195 				    if ( myfnz > chperm )
196      				  	repfnz[chrep] = chperm;
197 				} else {
198 		        	    /* Continue dfs at super-rep of kchild */
199 		   		    xplore[krep] = xdfs;
200 		   		    oldrep = krep;
201 		   		    krep = chrep; /* Go deeper down G(L^t) */
202 				    parent[krep] = oldrep;
203 		    		    repfnz[krep] = chperm;
204 		   		    xdfs = xlsub[krep];
205 				    maxdfs = xprune[krep];
206 				} /* else */
208 			   } /* else */
210 			} /* if */
212 		    } /* while */
214 		    /* krow has no more unexplored nbrs;
215 	   	     *    place supernode-rep krep in postorder DFS.
216 	   	     *    backtrack dfs to its parent
217 		     */
218 		    segrep[*nseg] = krep;
219 		    ++(*nseg);
220 		    kpar = parent[krep]; /* Pop from stack, mimic recursion */
221 		    if ( kpar == EMPTY ) break; /* dfs done */
222 		    krep = kpar;
223 		    xdfs = xplore[krep];
224 		    maxdfs = xprune[krep];
226 		} while ( kpar != EMPTY ); 	/* Until empty stack */
228 	    } /* else */
230 	} /* else */
232     } /* for each nonzero ... */
234     /* Check to see if j belongs in the same supernode as j-1 */
235     if ( jcol == 0 ) { /* Do nothing for column 0 */
236 	nsuper = supno[0] = 0;
237     } else {
238    	fsupc = xsup[nsuper];
239 	jptr = xlsub[jcol];	/* Not compressed yet */
240 	jm1ptr = xlsub[jcolm1];
242 #ifdef T2_SUPER
243 	if ( (nextl-jptr != jptr-jm1ptr-1) ) jsuper = EMPTY;
244 #endif
245 	/* Make sure the number of columns in a supernode doesn't
246 	   exceed threshold. */
247 	if ( jcol - fsupc >= maxsuper ) jsuper = EMPTY;
249 	/* If jcol starts a new supernode, reclaim storage space in
250 	 * lsub from the previous supernode. Note we only store
251 	 * the subscript set of the first and last columns of
252    	 * a supernode. (first for num values, last for pruning)
253 	 */
254 	if ( jsuper == EMPTY ) {	/* starts a new supernode */
255 	    if ( (fsupc < jcolm1-1) ) {	/* >= 3 columns in nsuper */
256 #ifdef CHK_COMPRESS
257 		printf("  Compress lsub[] at super %d-%d\n", fsupc, jcolm1);
258 #endif
259 	        ito = xlsub[fsupc+1];
260 		xlsub[jcolm1] = ito;
261 		istop = ito + jptr - jm1ptr;
262 		xprune[jcolm1] = istop; /* Initialize xprune[jcol-1] */
263 		xlsub[jcol] = istop;
264 		for (ifrom = jm1ptr; ifrom < nextl; ++ifrom, ++ito)
265 		    lsub[ito] = lsub[ifrom];
266 		nextl = ito;            /* = istop + length(jcol) */
267 	    }
268 	    nsuper++;
269 	    supno[jcol] = nsuper;
270 	} /* if a new supernode */
272     }	/* else: jcol > 0 */
274     /* Tidy up the pointers before exit */
275     xsup[nsuper+1] = jcolp1;
276     supno[jcolp1]  = nsuper;
277     xprune[jcol]   = nextl;	/* Initialize upper bound for pruning */
278     xlsub[jcolp1]  = nextl;
280     return 0;
281 }