1 /*===========================================================================*/
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /* This file is part of a demonstration application for use with the         */
4 /* SYMPHONY Branch, Cut, and Price Library. This application is a solver for */
5 /* the Vehicle Routing Problem and the Traveling Salesman Problem.           */
6 /*                                                                           */
7 /* (c) Copyright 2000-2013 Ted Ralphs. All Rights Reserved.                  */
8 /*                                                                           */
9 /* This application was developed by Ted Ralphs (ted@lehigh.edu)             */
10 /*                                                                           */
11 /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License. Please see    */
12 /* accompanying file for terms.                                              */
13 /*                                                                           */
14 /*===========================================================================*/
16 #ifndef _VRP_TYPES2_H
17 #define _VRP_TYPES2_H
19 /* SYMPHONY include files */
20 #include "sym_proto.h"
22 /* VRP include files */
23 #include "vrp_common_types.h"
24 #include "vrp_cg_params.h"
25 #include "vrp_lp_params.h"
27 #include "heur_params.h"
28 #include "lb_params.h"
30 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
31  * Here we keep track of the computation time for the lower and upper
32  * bounding procedures
33 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
35 typedef struct BD_TIMES{
36    double ub_overhead; /*overhead time used doing the upper bounding*/
37    double ub_heurtime; /*actual comp time spent doing the upper bounding*/
38    double lb_overhead; /*overhead time spent doing the lower bounding*/
39    double lb_heurtime; /*actual comp time spent doing the lower bounding*/
40 }bd_times;
42 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
43  * The heurs structure is used to keep track of the various heuristic processes
44  * which are currently running. The jobs field contains the number of processes
45  * currently running. The tids field is an array containing the tid's of these
46  * processes.
47 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
49 typedef struct HEURS{
50    int   jobs;
51    int  *tids;
52    char *finished;
53    int  *starter;
54 }heurs;
56 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
57  * Contains the tree correspoding to the best lower bound found using
58  * lagrangian relaxation
59 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
61 typedef struct LOW_BD{
62    int *tree;
63    edge_data *best_edges;
64    double lower_bound;
65 }low_bd;
67 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
68  * This structure contains the values of the time out parameters for
69  * upper and lower bounding routines.
70 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
72 typedef struct TIME_OUT_PAR{
73    int ub;
74    int lb;
75 }time_out_par;
76 #endif
79 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
80  * Here we store the names of the executables to be used for each part of the
81  * code. This way, we can run different versions of each part of the code
82  * simply by changing the parameter file
83 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
85 typedef struct EXEC{
86    char winprog[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
88    char heuristics[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
89 #endif
90 }exec;
92 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
93  * This structure contains debugging parameters for PVM. If they are zero,
94  * then no debugging window comes up when the process is spawned. If any of
95  * them are set at 4, then a debugging window for that process will be
96  * launched on the host machine. 0 and 4 are the only two meaningful values
97 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
99  typedef struct DEBUGGING{
100    int winprog;
101    int heuristics;
102 }debugging;
105 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
106  * The "small_graph" data structure is used to store the subset of the
107  * edges that will be used initially in actually solving the problem.
108  * These edges usually consist of any edges found among the ones used in
109  * the heuristics solutions and the set of shortest edges adjacent to
110  * each node in the graph
111 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
113 typedef struct SMALL_GRAPH{   /* this gets passed eg. to lin-kerninghan */
114    int vertnum;               /* vertnum in the restricted (small) graph */
115    int edgenum;               /* edgenum in the restricted (small) graph */
116    int allocated_edgenum;
117    int del_edgenum;
118    edge_data *edges;       /* The data for these edges */
119 }small_graph;
121 #ifndef COMPILE_HEURS
122 typedef struct CLOSENODE{ /*close node to a particular one */
123    int node;
124    int cost;
125 }closenode;
126 #endif
128 typedef struct VRP_PARAMS{
129    char          infile[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
130    int           verbosity;
131    char          tsp_prob;
133    char          bpp_prob;
135    int           k_closest;
136    int           min_closest;
137    int           max_closest;
138    int           add_all_edges;
139    int           add_depot_edges;
140    int           base_variable_selection;
141    int           use_small_graph;
142    char          small_graph_file[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
143    int           colgen_strat[2];
145    exec          executables;
146    debugging     debug;
148 #ifdef COMPILE_HEURS
149    int          *rand_seed;
150    int           tours_to_keep;
151    time_out_par  time_out;
152    int           do_heuristics;
153 #endif
155    int           test;
156    char          test_dir[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH +1]; /* Test files directory */
157 }vrp_params;
159 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
160  * The problem data structure contains the data for a problem instance, as
161  * well as some of the tours that have been generated.
162 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
164 typedef struct VRP_PROBLEM{
165    char            name[100];  /* the name of the problem instance */
166    vrp_params      par;
167    vrp_cg_params   cg_par;
168    vrp_lp_params   lp_par;
169 #ifdef COMPILE_HEURS
170    heur_params     heur_par;
171    lb_params       lb_par;
172 #endif
173    int             dg_id;     /* drawgraph process id */
174    int             vertnum;   /* the number of nodes in the problem, including
175 				 the depot */
176    int             edgenum;   /* number of edges in the problem */
177    int            *edges;
178    int             numroutes; /* contains the number of routes that the problem
179 				 is to be solved with. can be prespecified. */
180    int             depot;     /* the index of the depot, usually 1 */
181    int             capacity;  /* the capacity of a truck */
182    int            *demand;    /* an array containing the demands for each node.
183 				 node i's demand is p->demand[i-1] */
184    int            *posx;      /* x coordinate for display purposes */
185    int            *posy;      /* y coordinate for display purposes */
187    distances       dist;      /* the data about the distances in the problem */
189    best_tours     *cur_tour;  /* temporary tour storage */
190 #ifdef COMPILE_HEURS
191    best_tours     *tours;     /* an array of the best tours found */
192    int            *tourorder; /* a binary tree containing the ordering of the
193 				 tours in best_tours */
194    int             tournum;   /* the number of tours stored in best_tours-1 */
195    low_bd         *lb;        /* contains the information on the best lower
196 				 bound */
197 #endif
198    small_graph    *g;         /* contains the edge data for the reduced graph*/
199 #if defined(CHECK_CUT_VALIDITY) || defined(TRACE_PATH)
200    int             feas_sol_size;
201    int            *feas_sol;
202 #endif
203 #ifdef COMPILE_HEURS
204    bd_times        bd_time;
205 #endif
207    int             sol_pool_col_num;
208    int            *sol_pool_cols;
210    int            *zero_vars;
211    int             zero_varnum;
212 }vrp_problem;
214 #endif