1 /*===========================================================================*/
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /* This file is part of a demonstration application for use with the         */
4 /* SYMPHONY Branch, Cut, and Price Library. This application is a solver for */
5 /* the Vehicle Routing Problem and the Traveling Salesman Problem.           */
6 /*                                                                           */
7 /* This application was developed by Ted Ralphs (ted@lehigh.edu)             */
8 /* This file was modified by Ali Pilatin January, 2005 (alp8@lehigh.edu)     */
9 /*                                                                           */
10 /* (c) Copyright 2000-2005 Ted Ralphs. All Rights Reserved.                  */
11 /*                                                                           */
12 /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License. Please see    */
13 /* accompanying file for terms.                                              */
14 /*                                                                           */
15 /*===========================================================================*/
17 #include "mst.h"
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
mst(void)20 void mst(void)
21 {
22   printf("\nIn mst....\n\n");
23   lb_prob *p;
24   int mytid, info, s_bufid, r_bufid, parent, bytes, msgtag;
25   int *tree, *best_tree;
26   int *lamda;
27   int cur_cost, cur_bound, best_bound = 0, alpha = 0;
28   int vertnum, numroutes;
29   int y, cur_node1, cur_node2, m1;
30   int iter_count = 0, i, k, max_iter;
31   int tree_cost, upper_bound;
32   edge_data *cheapest_edges, *depot_costs, *best_edges, *cur_edges;
33   char best = FALSE;
34   double t=0, cpu_time;
36   (void) used_time(&t);
38   mytid = pvm_mytid();
40   p = (lb_prob *) calloc ((int)1, sizeof(lb_prob));
42   /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
43   |                      Receive the VRP data                                |
44   \*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
45   //the block below is same as receive(P), except for freeing r_bufid
46   PVM_FUNC(r_bufid, pvm_recv(-1, VRP_BROADCAST_DATA));
47   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_bufinfo(r_bufid, &bytes, &msgtag, &parent));
48   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&(p->dist.wtype), 1, 1));
49   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&(p->vertnum), 1, 1));
50   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&(p->depot), 1, 1));
51   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&p->capacity, 1, 1));
52   p->demand = (int *) calloc (p->vertnum, sizeof(int));
53   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(p->demand, p->vertnum, 1));
54   p->edgenum = p->vertnum*(p->vertnum-1)/2;
55   if (p->dist.wtype){ /* not EXPLICIT */
56     p->dist.coordx = (double *) calloc(p->vertnum, sizeof(double));
57     p->dist.coordy = (double *) calloc(p->vertnum, sizeof(double));
58     PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkdouble(p->dist.coordx, (int)p->vertnum, 1));
59     PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkdouble(p->dist.coordy, (int)p->vertnum, 1));
60     if ((p->dist.wtype == _EUC_3D) || (p->dist.wtype == _MAX_3D) ||
61         (p->dist.wtype == _MAN_3D)){
62       p->dist.coordz = (double *) calloc(p->vertnum, sizeof(double));
63       PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkdouble(p->dist.coordz, (int)p->vertnum, 1));
64     }
65   }
66   else{ /* EXPLICIT */
67     p->dist.cost = (int *) malloc ((int)p->edgenum*sizeof(int));
68     PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(p->dist.cost, (int)p->edgenum, 1));
69   }//above mentioned block ends here
71   PVM_FUNC(r_bufid, pvm_recv(-1, VRP_LB_DATA));
72   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&numroutes, 1, 1));
73   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&upper_bound, 1, 1));
74   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&max_iter, 1, 1));
75   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&m1, 1, 1));
77   PVM_FUNC(r_bufid, pvm_recv(-1, VRP_LB_DATA2));
78   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&y, 1, 1));
79   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_upkint(&alpha, 1, 1));
81   vertnum = p->vertnum;
83   /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
84   |                      Allocate arrays                                     |
85   \*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
86   tree           = (int *)      calloc (vertnum, sizeof(int));
87   best_tree      = (int *)      calloc (vertnum, sizeof(int));
88   lamda          = (int *)          calloc (vertnum, sizeof(int));
89   cheapest_edges = (edge_data *)      calloc (vertnum-1, sizeof(edge_data));
90   best_edges     = (edge_data *)      calloc (numroutes, sizeof(edge_data));
91   cur_edges      = (edge_data *)      calloc (numroutes, sizeof(edge_data));
92   depot_costs    = (edge_data *)      calloc (vertnum-1, sizeof(edge_data));
94   /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
95   | My lower bound calculation will follow the methodology in _____________  |
96   | See that paper for details.                                              |
97   \*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
99   k=2*numroutes-y;
101   for(iter_count = 0; iter_count < max_iter;){
103     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*\
104     | Calculate a k-degree-centre-tree with penalties lamda                 |
105     \*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
107     tree_cost = make_k_tree(p, tree, lamda, k);
109     /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*\
110     | Construct a sorted list of the cheapest edges adjacent to each node in |
111     | the graph.                                                             |
112     \*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
114     for (cur_node1 = 1; cur_node1 < vertnum; cur_node1++)
115       cheapest_edges[cur_node1-1].cost = MAXINT;
117     for (cur_node1 = 1; cur_node1 < vertnum; cur_node1++)
118       for (cur_node2 = cur_node1 + 1; cur_node2 < vertnum; cur_node2++)
119 	if (((cur_cost = MCOST(&p->dist, cur_node1, cur_node2, lamda)) <
120 	     cheapest_edges[cur_node1-1].cost) && tree[cur_node1] != cur_node2
121 	     && tree[cur_node2] != cur_node1){
122 	  cheapest_edges[cur_node1-1].cost = cur_cost;
123 	  cheapest_edges[cur_node1-1].v0 = cur_node1;
124 	  cheapest_edges[cur_node1-1].v1 = cur_node2;
125 	}
127     qsort(cheapest_edges, vertnum-1, sizeof(edge_data), edgecompar);
129     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*\
130     | Construct a sorted list of the cheapest edges adjacent to the depot   |
131     \*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
133     for (cur_node1 = 1; cur_node1 < vertnum; cur_node1++){
134       depot_costs[cur_node1-1].cost = MCOST(&p->dist, 0, cur_node1, lamda);
135       depot_costs[cur_node1-1].v1 = cur_node1;
136     }
138     qsort(depot_costs, vertnum-1, sizeof(edge_data), edgecompar);
140     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*\
141     | Form the bound by taking edges from cheapest_edges and depot_costs,   |
142     | along with the tree calculated earlier.                               |
143     \*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
145     memcpy (cur_edges, cheapest_edges, (numroutes-y)*sizeof(edge_data));
146     memcpy (cur_edges+numroutes-y, depot_costs, m1*sizeof(edge_data));
147     for (i = 0; i < y-m1; i++)
148       cur_edges[numroutes-y+m1+i] = depot_costs[m1+2*i+1];
149     for (cur_bound = i = 0; i < numroutes; i++)
150       cur_bound += MCOST(&p->dist, cur_edges[i].v0, cur_edges[i].v1, lamda);
151     cur_bound += tree_cost;
153     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*\
154     | Check if this bound improves the previous best bound                  |
155     \*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
157     if (cur_bound > best_bound){
158       best_bound = cur_bound;
159       memcpy (best_tree, tree, vertnum*sizeof(int));
160       memcpy (best_edges, cur_edges, numroutes*sizeof(edge_data));
161     }
163     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*\
164     | Update the penalties and go back to the beginning                     |
165     \*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
167     iter_count++;
168     if ((iter_count == 1) && (!alpha))
169       alpha = best_bound/(10*vertnum);
170     if (iter_count < max_iter)
171       best = new_lamda(p, upper_bound, cur_bound, lamda, numroutes,
172 		       tree, cur_edges, alpha);
174     if ((best) || (iter_count >= max_iter) || (cur_bound < 0)) break;
175   }
177   /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
178   |        Transmit the tree and best_edges back to the parent               |
179   \*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
181   PVM_FUNC(s_bufid, pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw));
182   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_pkint(best_tree, vertnum, 1));
183   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_pkbyte((char *)best_edges, numroutes*sizeof(edge_data),
184 			     1));
185   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_pkint(&best_bound, 1, 1));
186   cpu_time = used_time (&t);
187   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_pkdouble(&cpu_time, 1, 1));
188   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_send(parent, LOWER_BOUND));
189   PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_freebuf(s_bufid));
191   if ( tree )   free ((char *) tree);
192   if ( best_tree ) free ((char *) best_tree);
193   if ( lamda ) free ((char *) lamda);
194   if ( cheapest_edges ) free ((char *) cheapest_edges);
195   if ( best_edges ) free ((char *) best_edges);
196   if ( cur_edges ) free ((char *) cur_edges);
197   if ( depot_costs ) free ((char *) depot_costs);
199   free_lb_prob(p);
201 }