1 /*===========================================================================*/
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /* This file is part of the SYMPHONY MILP Solver Framework.                  */
4 /*                                                                           */
5 /* SYMPHONY was jointly developed by Ted Ralphs (ted@lehigh.edu) and         */
6 /* Laci Ladanyi (ladanyi@us.ibm.com).                                        */
7 /*                                                                           */
8 /* (c) Copyright 2000-2019 Ted Ralphs. All Rights Reserved.                  */
9 /*                                                                           */
10 /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License. Please see    */
11 /* accompanying file for terms.                                              */
12 /*                                                                           */
13 /*===========================================================================*/
15 #ifndef _LP_H
16 #define _LP_H
20 #include "symphony.h"
21 #include "sym_timemeas.h"
22 #include "sym_lp_params.h"
23 #include "sym_types.h"
24 #include "sym_lp_solver.h"
25 #include "sym_lp_u.h"
27 #ifdef COMPILE_IN_CG
28 #include "sym_cg.h"
29 #endif
31 #ifdef COMPILE_IN_CP
32 #include "sym_cp.h"
33 #endif
35 #ifdef COMPILE_IN_LP
36 #include "sym_tm.h"
37 #endif
39 /*===========================================================================*/
40 /*===========================================================================*/
42 typedef struct OUR_COL_SET{
43    int           dual_feas;
45    int           rel_lb;
46    int          *rel_lb_ind;
47    int           rel_ub;
48    int          *rel_ub_ind;
50    int           num_vars;
51    int          *userind;
53    double       *objx;
54    double       *lb;
55    double       *ub;
56    int          *matbeg;
57    int          *matind;
58    double       *matval;
59    int           nzcnt;
60 }our_col_set;
62 /*===========================================================================*/
63 typedef struct LP_PROB{
64    double       str_time;
66    int           proc_index;
67    void         *user;
69    lp_params     par;
71    int           has_ub;
72    double        ub;
74    double        root_objval;
76    int           phase;
78    double        start_time;
80    base_desc     base;
82    branch_desc  *bdesc;        /* there are p->bc_level branch_desc's */
83    bounds_change_desc *bnd_changes; /* there are p->bc_level bnd_change's */
84    int           bdesc_size;
86    int           master;
87    int           draw_graph;
88    int           tree_manager;
89    int           cut_pool;
90    int           cut_gen;
92 #ifdef COMPILE_IN_CG
93    cg_prob      *cgp;
94 #endif
95 #ifdef COMPILE_IN_LP
96    tm_prob      *tm;
97 #endif
98    lp_sol        best_sol;
99    double        obj[2];
100    double        utopia[2];
101    int           has_mc_ub;
102    double        mc_ub;
104    double        tt;
105    node_times    comp_times;
106    lp_stat_desc  lp_stat;
108    node_desc    *desc;
109    int           bc_index;
110    int           bc_level;
111    int           vars_at_ub;
112    int           vars_at_lb;
113    int           vars_deletable; /* a subset of vars at LB */
115    int           dive;
116    int           colgen_strategy;
117    char          colgen_happened;
118    char          colset_changed;
120    int           iter_num;
121    int           node_iter_num;
122    int           bound_changes_in_iter;
123    int           vars_recently_fixed_to_ub;
124    LPdata       *lp_data;
125    MIPdesc      *mip; /* Holds the MIP description when read in from MPS */
127    double        last_gap;
128    double       *obj_history;
129    int           has_tailoff;
130    int           obj_no_impr_iters;
132    //double        str_br_impr_count; /* if we dont have 3 consequent
133    //				       improvements, return to initials */
135    /*========================================================================*\
136     * The following fields refer to the cuts/rows arrived to the LP,
137     * but not yet added
138    \*========================================================================*/
140    int           waiting_row_num;
141    waiting_row **waiting_rows;
142    int           waiting_rows_size;
144    /*========================================================================*\
145     * The following fields refer to the rows that once have been added to
146     * the problem, but became slack
147    \*========================================================================*/
149    int         slack_cut_num;
150    cut_data  **slack_cuts;
151    int         slack_cuts_size;
153    /* pseudo costs and reliability measures */
154    double         *pcost_down;
155    double         *pcost_up;
156    int            *br_rel_down;
157    int            *br_rel_up;
158    int            *br_inf_down;
159    int            *br_inf_up;
160    int            *br_rel_cand_list;
161    char            str_br_check;
162    int            *br_rel_down_min_level;
163    int            *br_rel_up_min_level;
164    double          str_check_obj;
165    int             str_check_trial;
166    int             str_check_freq;
167    int             str_check_cnt;
169    int             var_rank_cnt;
170    double         *var_rank;
171    double         *root_lp;
173    int            *frac_var_cnt;
175    int             branch_var;
176    char            branch_dir;
178    double          cgl_init_obj;
179    int             cgl_chain_stop;
180    int             cgl_chain_stop_cnt;
181    int             cgl_chain_pause_cnt;
183    double          cgl_impr;
184    int             cgl_impr_cnt;
185    int             is_diving;
186 }lp_prob;
188 /*===========================================================================*/
189 /*============= LP general purpose functions (lp_genfunc.c) =================*/
190 /*===========================================================================*/
192 lp_prob *get_lp_ptr PROTO((lp_prob **lp_list));
193 int lp_initialize PROTO((lp_prob *p, int master_tid));
194 int process_chain PROTO((lp_prob *p));
195 int fathom_branch PROTO((lp_prob *p));
196 int check_bounds PROTO((lp_prob *p, int *termcode));
197 int fathom PROTO((lp_prob *p, int primal_feasible, int time_limit_reached));
198 int repricing PROTO((lp_prob *p));
199 int bfind PROTO((int key, int *table, int size));
200 int collect_nonzeros PROTO((lp_prob *p, double *x, int *tind, double *tx));
201 int collect_fractions PROTO((lp_prob *p, double *x, int *tind, double *tx));
202 int collect_int_fractions PROTO((lp_prob *p, double *x, int *tind, double *tx, int *int_cnt));
203 node_desc *create_explicit_node_desc PROTO((lp_prob *p));
204 int check_tailoff PROTO((lp_prob *p));
205 void lp_exit PROTO((lp_prob *p));
206 void lp_close PROTO((lp_prob *p));
207 int generate_cgl_cuts_new PROTO((lp_prob *p, int *num_cuts, cut_data ***cuts,
208       int send_to_pool, int *bound_changes));
209 int should_use_cgl_generator PROTO ((lp_prob *p, int *should_generate,
210       int which_generator, void *generator));
211 int generate_cgl_cut_of_type PROTO((lp_prob *p, int i, OsiCuts *cutlist_p,
212          int *was_tried));
213 int check_and_add_cgl_cuts PROTO((lp_prob *p, int i, cut_data ***cuts, int *num_cuts, int *bound_changes, OsiCuts *cutlist, int send_to_pool));
214 int should_stop_adding_cgl_cuts PROTO((lp_prob *p, int i, int *should_stop));
215 int add_col_cuts PROTO((lp_prob *p, OsiCuts *cutlist, int *bound_changes));
216 int add_cut_to_mip_inf PROTO((lp_prob *p, int cut_n, int *cut_ind, double *cut_val, double cut_rhs, char cut_sense));
217 int update_pcost PROTO ((lp_prob *p));
218 int str_br_bound_changes PROTO((lp_prob *p, int num_bnd_changes,
219          double *bnd_val, int *bnd_ind, char *bnd_sense));
221 /*===========================================================================*/
222 /*======== LP functions related to variable management (lp_varfunc.c) =======*/
223 /*===========================================================================*/
225 void add_col_set PROTO((lp_prob *p, our_col_set *new_cols));
226 void colind_sort_extra PROTO((lp_prob *p));
227 void userind_sort_extra PROTO((lp_prob *p));
228 void tighten_bounds PROTO((lp_prob *p));
229 int save_root_reduced_costs(lp_prob *p);
230 //int tighten_root_bounds(lp_prob *p);
231 our_col_set *price_all_vars PROTO((lp_prob *p));
232 int restore_lp_feasibility PROTO((lp_prob *p, our_col_set *new_cols));
233 void userind_sort_extra PROTO((lp_prob *p));
234 void colind_sort_extra PROTO((lp_prob *p));
235 int var_uind_comp PROTO((const void *v0, const void *v1));
236 int var_cind_comp PROTO((const void *v0, const void *v1));
238 /*===========================================================================*/
239 /*========== LP functions related to row management (lp_rowfunc.c) ==========*/
240 /*===========================================================================*/
242 int check_row_effectiveness PROTO((lp_prob *p));
243 void add_row_set PROTO((lp_prob *p, waiting_row **wrows, int length));
244 void add_new_rows_to_waiting_rows PROTO((lp_prob *p, waiting_row **new_rows,
245 					 int new_row_num));
246 void order_waiting_rows_based_on_sender PROTO((lp_prob *p));
247 int add_best_waiting_rows PROTO((lp_prob *p));
248 void add_waiting_rows PROTO((lp_prob *p, waiting_row **wrows,int add_row_num));
249 int waiting_row_comp PROTO((const void *wr0, const void *wr1));
250 int compute_violations PROTO((lp_prob *p,
251 			      int new_row_num, waiting_row **new_rows));
252 void compress_slack_cuts PROTO((lp_prob *p));
254 /*===========================================================================*/
255 /*================= LP branching functions (lp_branch.c) ====================*/
256 /*===========================================================================*/
258 void add_slacks_to_matrix PROTO((lp_prob *p, int cand_num,
259 				 branch_obj **candidates));
260 int add_violated_slacks PROTO((lp_prob *p, int cand_num,
261 			       branch_obj **candidates));
262 int select_branching_object PROTO((lp_prob *p, int *cuts,
263 				   branch_obj **can));
264 int should_continue_strong_branching PROTO((lp_prob *p, int i, int cand_num,
265                                      double st_time, int total_iters,
266                                      int *should_continue));
267 int strong_branch(lp_prob *p, int branch_var, double lb, double ub,
268 		  double new_lb, double new_ub, double *obj, int should_use_hot_starts,
269                   int *termstatus, int *iterd, int sos_cnt, int *sos_ind);
270 int branch PROTO((lp_prob *p, int cuts));
271 int col_gen_before_branch PROTO((lp_prob *p, int *new_vars));
273 int prep_tighten_bounds PROTO((LPdata *lp_data, int *num_changes, double *bnd_val, int *bnd_ind,
274 			       char *bnd_sense, double *row_ub, double *row_lb, char *cand_fixed));
275 int prep_row_violated PROTO((double row_lb, double row_ub, double si_row_lb, double si_row_ub,
276 			     double aval, double old_col_lb, double old_col_ub,
277 			     double new_col_lb, double new_col_ub, double lpetol,
278 			     double inf));
279 int prep_col_fixable PROTO((double xval, double aval, double c_lb, double c_ub,
280 			    double row_lb, double row_ub, double si_row_lb, double si_row_ub,
281 			    double *col_fixed_lb, double *col_fixed_ub, double etol,
282 			    double inf));
283 /*----------- Generic selection rules to be used by the user ----------------*/
285 void branch_close_to_half PROTO((lp_prob *p, int max_cand_num, int *cand_num,
286 				 branch_obj ***candidates));
287 void branch_close_to_half_and_expensive PROTO((lp_prob *p, int max_cand_num,
288 					       int *cand_num,
289 					       branch_obj ***candidates));
290 void branch_close_to_one_and_cheap PROTO((lp_prob *p, int max_cand_num,
291 					  int *cand_num,
292 					  branch_obj ***candidates));
293 /*===========================================================================*/
294 /*================ LP communication functions (lp_proccomm.c) ===============*/
295 /*===========================================================================*/
297 void check_ub PROTO((lp_prob *p));
298 int process_message PROTO((lp_prob *p, int r_bufid, int *pindex, int *pitnum));
299 void lp_process_ub_message PROTO((lp_prob *p));
300 int receive_active_node PROTO((lp_prob *p));
301 int receive_cuts PROTO((lp_prob *p, int first_lp, int no_more_cuts_count));
302 void send_node_desc PROTO((lp_prob *p, int node_type));
303 array_desc pack_array_desc_diff PROTO((array_desc *ad, array_desc *new_ad,
304 				       int *itmp));
305 basis_desc pack_basis_diff PROTO((node_desc *oldnode, node_desc *newnode,
306 				  char uind_type, char cutind_type,
307 				  int *itmp));
308 char pack_base_diff PROTO((int *size, int *oldstat, int *newstat, int *itmp));
309 char pack_extra_diff PROTO((array_desc *olddesc, int *oldstat,
310 			    array_desc *newdesc, int *newstat,
311 			    char oldbasis_type_in_tm, char newdesc_type_in_tm,
312 			    int *itmp, int *size));
313 void send_branching_info PROTO((lp_prob *p, branch_obj *can, char *action,
314 				int *keep));
315 void send_lp_is_free PROTO((lp_prob *p));
316 void send_cuts_to_pool PROTO((lp_prob *p, int eff_cnt_limit));
317 int add_bound_changes_to_desc PROTO((node_desc *new_tm_desc, lp_prob *p));
318 int update_cut_parameters(lp_prob *p);
319 int update_solve_parameters(lp_prob *p);
321 /*===========================================================================*/
322 /*======================= Freeing things (lp_free.c) ========================*/
323 /*===========================================================================*/
325 void free_cut PROTO((cut_data **lpcut));
326 void free_waiting_row PROTO((waiting_row **wrow));
327 void free_waiting_rows PROTO((waiting_row **rows, int row_num));
328 void free_waiting_row_array PROTO((waiting_row ***rows, int row_num));
329 void free_cuts PROTO((cut_data **lpcuts, int cut_num));
330 void free_col_set PROTO((our_col_set **colset));
331 void free_candidate PROTO((branch_obj **cand));
332 void free_candidate_completely PROTO((branch_obj **cand));
333 void free_node_dependent PROTO((lp_prob *p));
334 void free_node_desc PROTO((node_desc **desc));
335 void free_lp PROTO((lp_prob *p));
337 /*===========================================================================*/
338 /*==================== LP wrapper functions (lp_wrapper.c) ==================*/
339 /*===========================================================================*/
341 int receive_lp_data_u PROTO((lp_prob *p));
342 void free_prob_dependent_u PROTO((lp_prob *p));
343 int comp_cut_name PROTO((const void *c0, const void *c1));
344 int create_subproblem_u PROTO((lp_prob *p));
345 int is_feasible_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, char branching, char is_last_iter));
346 void send_feasible_solution_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, int xlevel, int xindex,
347 				     int xiter_num, double lpetol,
348 				     double new_ub, int cnt, int *xind,
349 				     double *xval));
350 void display_lp_solution_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, int which_sol));
351 int select_candidates_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, int *cuts, int *new_vars,
352 			       int *cand_num, branch_obj ***candidates));
353 int compare_candidates_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, double oldobjval,
354 				branch_obj *best,branch_obj *can));
355 int select_child_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, branch_obj *can, char *action));
356 void print_branch_stat_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, branch_obj *can, char *action));
357 void add_to_desc_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, node_desc *desc));
358 int same_cuts_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, waiting_row *wrow1, waiting_row *wrow2));
359 void unpack_cuts_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, int from, int type,
360 			  int cut_num, cut_data **cuts,
361 			  int *new_row_num, waiting_row ***new_rows));
362 int send_lp_solution_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, int tid));
363 void logical_fixing_u PROTO((lp_prob *p));
364 int generate_column_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, int lpcutnum, cut_data **cuts,
365 			     int prevind, int nextind, int generate_what,
366 			     double *colval, int *colind, int *collen,
367 			     double *obj, double *ub, double *lb));
368 void print_stat_on_cuts_added_u PROTO((lp_prob *p, int added_rows));
369 void purge_waiting_rows_u PROTO((lp_prob *p));
370 int generate_cuts_in_lp_u PROTO((lp_prob *p));
371 int analyze_multicriteria_solution PROTO((lp_prob *p, int *indices,
372 					   double *values, int length,
373 					   double *true_objval, double etol,
374 					  char branching, int feasible));
375 #endif