1 #include "matrixconstructiondefault.h"
2 #include "../matrix/invert.h"
3 #include "../matrix/rank.h"
4 #include "../yal/logger.h"
6 using namespace sympol;
7 using namespace yal;
9 static LoggerPtr logger(Logger::getLogger("SymMatrixD"));
construct(const Polyhedron & poly)11 bool MatrixConstructionDefault::construct(const Polyhedron& poly) {
12 	YALLOG_DEBUG(logger, "matrix construction with default");
13 	const ulong matrixRank = poly.dimension() - 1;
14 	const ulong matrixRows = poly.rows();
15 	typedef matrix::Matrix<mpq_class> QMatrix;
17 	// compute column defect of inequality matrix
18 	QMatrix* Acopy = new QMatrix(poly.rows(), matrixRank);
19 	{ulong j=0;
20 	BOOST_FOREACH(const QArray& row, poly.rowPair()) {
21 		for (ulong i=0; i<matrixRank; ++i) {
22 			mpq_set(Acopy->at(j,i).get_mpq_t(), row[i+1]);
23 		}
24 		++j;
25 	}}
26 	matrix::Rank<QMatrix> r(Acopy);
27 	// freeColumns will contain the column indices we may skip to get a full dimensional polyhedron
28 	std::set<uint> freeColumns;
29 	r.columnDefect(std::inserter(freeColumns, freeColumns.end()));
30 	delete Acopy;
32 	typedef std::map<mpq_class,uint> WeightMap;
33 	WeightMap weights;
34 	mpq_t temp;
35 	mpq_init(temp);
37 	//
38 	// calculate vertex weights
39 	//
40 	QMatrix Q(matrixRank - freeColumns.size());
41 	ulong iQ = 0, jQ = 0;
42 	for (ulong i=0; i<matrixRank; ++i) {
43 		if (freeColumns.count(i)) {
44 			YALLOG_DEBUG3(logger, "free column #" << (i+1));
45 			continue;
46 		}
47 		jQ = 0;
48 		for (ulong j=0; j<matrixRank; ++j) {
49 			if (freeColumns.count(j))
50 				continue;
51 			BOOST_ASSERT(iQ < matrixRank - freeColumns.size());
52 			BOOST_ASSERT(jQ < matrixRank - freeColumns.size());
53 			BOOST_FOREACH(const QArray& row, poly.rowPair()) {
54 				mpq_mul(temp, row[i+1], row[j+1]);
55 				mpq_add(Q.at(iQ,jQ).get_mpq_t(), Q.at(iQ,jQ).get_mpq_t(), temp);
56 				//Q.at(i,j) += row[i] * row[j];
57 			}
58 			++jQ;
59 		}
60 		++iQ;
61 	}
63 	YALLOG_DEBUG2(logger, "supposed rank of Q = " << matrixRank << "; rank defect = " << freeColumns.size() << ";  Q = " << std::endl << Q);
65 	QMatrix Qinv(Q.rows());
66 	if (!matrix::Invert<QMatrix>(&Q).invert(&Qinv)) {
67 		YALLOG_ERROR(logger, "could not invert matrix");
68 		return false;
69 	}
71 	YALLOG_INFO(logger, "matrix inversion complete");
72 	YALLOG_DEBUG3(logger, "Qinv = " << std::endl << Qinv);
74 	m_zMatrix = new matrix::ZMatrix(matrixRows);
76 	uint weightIndex = 0;
77 	ulong i = 0, j = 0;
78 	BOOST_FOREACH(const QArray& row1, poly.rowPair()) {
79 		j = 0;
80 		BOOST_FOREACH(const QArray& row2, poly.rowPair()) {
81 			if (i < j)
82 				break;
83 			mpq_class newWeight;
84 			ulong kQ = 0, lQ = 0;
85 			for (uint k = 0; k < matrixRank; ++k) {
86 				if (freeColumns.count(k))
87 					continue;
88 				lQ = 0;
89 				for (uint l = 0; l < matrixRank; ++l) {
90 					if (freeColumns.count(l))
91 						continue;
92 					BOOST_ASSERT(kQ < matrixRank - freeColumns.size());
93 					BOOST_ASSERT(lQ < matrixRank - freeColumns.size());
94 					mpq_mul(temp, row1[k+1], row2[l+1]);
95 					mpq_mul(temp, temp, Qinv.at(kQ,lQ).get_mpq_t());
96 					mpq_add(newWeight.get_mpq_t(), newWeight.get_mpq_t(), temp);
97 					//newWeight += Qinv.at(k,l) * row1[k] * row2[l];
98 					++lQ;
99 				}
100 				++kQ;
101 			}
102 			std::pair<WeightMap::iterator, bool> suc = weights.insert(std::make_pair(newWeight, weightIndex));
103 			m_zMatrix->at(i,j) = suc.first->second;
104 			m_zMatrix->at(j,i) = suc.first->second;
105 			if (suc.second)
106 				++weightIndex;
107 			++j;
108 		}
109 		++i;
110 	}
111 	mpq_clear(temp);
113 	m_zMatrix->k() = weightIndex;
115 	YALLOG_DEBUG(logger, "zMatrix = " << std::endl << *m_zMatrix);
117 	initData(poly, weightIndex);
118 	return true;
119 }
weightAt(unsigned int i,unsigned int j) const122 unsigned int MatrixConstructionDefault::weightAt(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const {
123 	BOOST_ASSERT(m_zMatrix != 0);
124 	return m_zMatrix->at(i,j);
125 }