1 /****************************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                                      */
3 /*                                  vinci_computation.c                                 */
4 /*                                                                                      */
5 /****************************************************************************************/
6 /*                                                                                      */
7 /* Authors: Benno Bueeler (bueeler@ifor.math.ethz.ch)                                   */
8 /*          and                                                                         */
9 /*          Andreas Enge (enge@ifor.math.ethz.ch)                                       */
10 /*          Institute for Operations Research                                           */
11 /*	    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich                                */
12 /*	    Switzerland                                                                 */
13 /*                                                                                      */
14 /* Last Changes: February 2, 2001                                                       */
15 /*                                                                                      */
16 /****************************************************************************************/
17 /*                                                                                      */
18 /* the main computational routines of the package                                       */
19 /*                                                                                      */
20 /****************************************************************************************/
22 #include "vinci.h"
24 /****************************************************************************************/
factorial(int n)26 rational factorial (int n)
27    /* calculates n! by calculating all i! for 0 <= i <= G_d and storing them in an      */
28    /* array */
30 {  static rational *fact;
31    static boolean  first_call = TRUE;
32    int i;
34    if (first_call)
35    {
36       fact = create_fact ();
37       fact [0] = 1;
38       for (i = 1; i <= G_d; i++) fact [i] = i * fact [i - 1];
39       first_call = FALSE;
40    }
42    return (fact [n]);
43 }
45 /****************************************************************************************/
46 /*                computations with simplices and determinants                          */
47 /****************************************************************************************/
det_and_invert(rational ** A,int rows,int columns,boolean verbose)49 rational det_and_invert (rational **A, int rows, int columns, boolean verbose)
50    /* Let B be the quadratic submatrix of A defined by the first "rows" rows and        */
51    /* columns of A. Then this function turns B into an upper triangular matrix by means */
52    /* of Gaussian pivot operations. At the same time, the colums "rows + 1" up to       */
53    /* "columns" of A are replaced by B^-1 times these columns. As a byproduct, the de-  */
54    /* terminant of B (modulo its sign) is returned.                                     */
55    /* If verbose is TRUE an error message is output for zero volume.                    */
57 {  rational dummy, det = 1, *row_pointer;
58    int      i, j, k, r;
59 #if PIVOTING == 2
60    int      s;
61 #elif PIVOTING == 0
62    boolean  pivot_found = FALSE;
63 #endif
65    for (k = 0; k < rows; k++)
66    {  /* look for a pivot element */
67       r = k;
69 #if PIVOTING == 0
70       /* choose the first row r with r >= k and A (r, k) > MIN_PIVOT */
71       for (i = k + 1; i < rows && !pivot_found; i++)
72       {  dummy = fabs (A [i] [k]);
73          if (dummy > MIN_PIVOT)
74          {  r = i;
75             pivot_found = TRUE;
76          }
77          else if (dummy > fabs (A [r] [k])) r = i;
78       }
79 #elif PIVOTING == 2
80       /* total pivoting; choose row r and column s with maximal |A (r, s)|, but only if */
81       /* columns is equal to rows (no equations have to be solved); otherwise use par-  */
82       /* tial pivoting                                                                  */
83       if (columns == rows)
84          for (i = k; i < G_d; i++)
85             for (j = k; j < G_d; j++)
86                if (fabs (A [i] [j]) > fabs (A [r] [s]))
87                {  r = i;
88                   s = j;}
89       else
90          for (i = k + 1; i < rows; i++)
91             if (fabs (A [i] [k]) > fabs (A [r] [k])) r = i;
92 #else
93       /* partial pivoting; choose row r with maximal |A (r, k)| */
94       for (i = k + 1; i < rows; i++)
95          if (fabs (A [i] [k]) > fabs (A [r] [k])) r = i;
96 #endif
98       if (r != k) /* exchange the rows r and k */
99       {  row_pointer = A [k];
100          A [k] = A [r];
101          A [r] = row_pointer;
102       }
104       /* check for singularity */
105       if (fabs (A [k] [k]) < EPSILON)
106       {  if (verbose)
107          {  fprintf (stderr, "\n***** ERROR: (Almost) singular matrix in 'det_and_");
108             fprintf (stderr, "invert';\n      One pivot is %20.18e.\n", (real) A [k] [k]);
109          }
110          return 0;
111       }
113       /* now make an elimination step */
114       for (i = k + 1; i < rows; i++)
115       {  dummy = A [i] [k] / A [k] [k]; /* store the factor once for the row */
116          for (j = k + 1; j < columns; j++) A [i] [j] -= dummy * A [k] [j];
117       };
118       det *= A [k] [k];
119    }
121    /* now B is an upper triangular matrix; calculate B^-1 times the last columns */
122    for (k = rows; k < columns; k++)
123       for (i = rows - 1; i >= 0; i--)
124       {  /* compute (B^-1 * A_k)_i */
125          for (j = i + 1; j < rows; j++) A [i] [k] -= A [i] [j] * A [j] [k];
126          A [i] [k] /= A [i] [i];
127       }
129    return det;
130 }
132 /****************************************************************************************/
simplex_volume(T_VertexSet S,rational * volume,boolean verbose)134 void simplex_volume (T_VertexSet S, rational *volume, boolean verbose)
135    /* From a set of vertices which are presumed of number G_d + 1 and affinely indepen- */
136    /* dent, the function computes G_d! times the volume of the corresponding simplex    */
137    /* and stores it in volume.                                                          */
138    /* If verbose is TRUE an error message is output for zero volume.                    */
140 {  static rational **A;
141    static boolean  first_call = TRUE;
142    rational dummy;
143    int      i, j;
145    if (first_call)
146    {
147       A = create_matrix (G_d, G_d);
148       first_call = FALSE;
149    }
151    /* copy the relevant information into A */
152    for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
153    {  dummy = S.loe [G_d] -> coords [j];
154       for (i = 0; i < G_d; i++)
155          A [i] [j] = (S.loe [i] -> coords [j]) - dummy;
156    }
158    *volume = det_and_invert (A, G_d, G_d, verbose);
160    if (*volume < 0) *volume = - (*volume);
162 #ifdef STATISTICS
163    if (*volume > EPSILON) update_statistics ((real) *volume / factorial (G_d));
164 #endif
166 }
168 /****************************************************************************************/
169 /*                      routines for computing orthonormal bases                        */
170 /****************************************************************************************/
add_orthonormal(int d,T_VertexSet face,rational ** H,T_Vertex * vertex)172 rational add_orthonormal (int d, T_VertexSet face, rational **H, T_Vertex *vertex)
173    /* The function assumes Householder vectors of the linear subspace associated with   */
174    /* the variable face in the first d-1 rows of H. It computes the Householder vector  */
175    /* for the new vertex minus a vertex of face and stores it into the dth row of H.    */
176    /* The first k-1 zero entries of the Householder vector k are neglected, its essen-  */
177    /* tial part is stored in the columns k to dimension. All Householder vectors are    */
178    /* normalised. This may be changed, but then do not forget to divide by its norm in  */
179    /* later steps!                                                                      */
180    /* Return value is the distance of the vertex to face.                               */
182 {  int      i, j;
183    rational scalar_product, alpha_squared, alpha, divisor, distance, mindistance = 1e99;
185    /* look for the vertex in face with the smallest distance to the given vertex  */
186    for (i = 0; i <= face.lastel; i++)
187    {
188       distance = 0;
189       for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
190          distance +=   (vertex -> coords [j] - face.loe [i] -> coords [j])
191                      * (vertex -> coords [j] - face.loe [i] -> coords [j]);
192       if (distance < mindistance)
193       {  mindistance = distance;
194          for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
195             H [d-1] [j] = vertex -> coords [j] - face.loe [i] -> coords [j];
196       }
197    }
199    /* multiply from the left with the previous Householder matrices */
200    for (i = 0; i < d-1; i++)
201    {  scalar_product = 0;
202       for (j = i; j < G_d; j++)
203          scalar_product += H [i] [j] * H [d-1] [j];
204       scalar_product *= 2;
205       for (j = i; j < G_d; j++)
206          H [d-1] [j] -= scalar_product * H [i] [j];
207    }
209    /* compute the new Householder vector and the distance */
210    alpha_squared = 0;
211    for (j = d-1; j < G_d; j++)
212       alpha_squared += H [d-1] [j] * H [d-1] [j];
213    alpha = sqrt (alpha_squared);
214    if (H [d-1] [d-1] < 0)
215       alpha = - alpha;
217    divisor = sqrt (2 * (alpha_squared + alpha * H [d-1] [d-1]));
218    H [d-1] [d-1] += alpha;
219    for (j = d-1; j < G_d; j++)
220       H [d-1] [j] /= divisor;
222    return fabs (alpha);
224 }
226 /****************************************************************************************/
orthonormal(int d,T_VertexSet face,rational ** H)228 rational orthonormal (int d, T_VertexSet face, rational **H)
229    /* The function computes Householder vectors for the linear subspace associated with */
230    /* the variable face. The vectors are returned via the first d rows of H.            */
231    /* This routine uses pivoting techniques and should be numerically stable.           */
232    /* The return value is d! times the volume of the orthonormalised simplex.           */
234 {  static rational **local_H;
235    static int      m = 0;
236       /* the number of rows in local_H */
237    rational *dummy_row;
238    int      i, j, k, maxindex = 0;
239    rational scalar_product, alpha_squared = -1, alpha, divisor;
240    rational volume = 1;
242    /* create local_H in the correct dimension */
243    if (m == 0)
244    {
245       m = face.lastel;
246       local_H = create_matrix (m, G_d + 1);
247          /* The last component of each row will contain the norm of the essential part  */
248          /* of the vector  */
249    }
250    else if (face.lastel > m)
251    {
252       redim_matrix (&local_H, m, face.lastel, G_d + 1);
253       m = face.lastel;
254    }
256    /* copy the spanning vectors into local_H; the zeroth vertex of face [d] is trans-   */
257    /* lated into the origin                                                             */
258    for (i = 0; i < face.lastel; i++)
259    {  local_H [i] [G_d] = 0;
260       for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
261       {  local_H [i] [j] =   face.loe [i+1] -> coords [j]
262                            - face.loe [0  ] -> coords [j];
263          local_H [i] [G_d] += local_H [i] [j] * local_H [i] [j];
264       }
265       if (local_H [i] [G_d] > alpha_squared)
266       {  alpha_squared = local_H [i] [G_d];
267          maxindex = i;
268       }
269    }
271    for (k = 0; k < d; k++)
272    {  /* compute k-th Householder vector; choose the element whose relevant part has    */
273       /* the biggest norm as next element                                               */
275       /* If alpha_squared is 0 matrix has not got the full rank. Stop orthonormalising. */
276       if (alpha_squared / volume < EPSILON)
277       {  return 0;
278       }
280       /* otherwise exchange rows */
281       dummy_row = local_H [k];
282       local_H [k] = local_H [maxindex];
283       local_H [maxindex] = dummy_row;
285       /* compute the new Householder vector */
286       alpha = sqrt (alpha_squared);
287       volume *= alpha;
288       if (local_H [k] [k] < 0)
289          alpha = - alpha;
290       divisor = sqrt (2 * (alpha_squared + alpha * local_H [k] [k]));
291       local_H [k] [k] += alpha;
292       for (j = k; j < G_d; j++)
293          local_H [k] [j] /= divisor;
295       /* apply the Householder matrix to the resting rows of local_H; at the same time  */
296       /* compute the norms of the relevant parts                                        */
297       alpha_squared = -1;
298       for (i = k + 1; i < face.lastel; i++)
299       {
300          scalar_product = 0;
301          for (j = k; j < G_d; j++)
302             scalar_product += local_H [k] [j] * local_H [i] [j];
303          scalar_product *= 2;
304          for (j = k; j < G_d; j++)
305             local_H [i] [j] -= scalar_product * local_H [k] [j];
307          local_H [i] [G_d] -= local_H [i] [k] * local_H [i] [k];
308          if (local_H [i] [G_d] > alpha_squared)
309          {  alpha_squared = local_H [i] [G_d];
310             maxindex = i;
311          }
312       }
314    } /* for */
316    /* copy the results into H */
317    for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
318       for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
319          H [i] [j] = local_H [i] [j];
321    return volume;
322 }
324 /****************************************************************************************/