1 /****************************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                                      */
3 /*                                    vinci_file.c                                      */
4 /*                                                                                      */
5 /****************************************************************************************/
6 /*                                                                                      */
7 /* Authors: Benno Bueeler (bueeler@ifor.math.ethz.ch)                                   */
8 /*          and                                                                         */
9 /*          Andreas Enge (enge@ifor.math.ethz.ch)                                       */
10 /*          Institute for Operations Research                                           */
11 /*	    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich                                */
12 /*	    Switzerland                                                                 */
13 /*                                                                                      */
14 /* Last Changes: May 19, 2003                                                           */
15 /*                                                                                      */
16 /****************************************************************************************/
17 /*                                                                                      */
18 /* functions allowing to read data files in the format of Avis and Fukuda               */
19 /*                                                                                      */
20 /****************************************************************************************/
22 #include "vinci.h"
24 /****************************************************************************************/
open_read(char filename[255])26 FILE * open_read (char filename [255])
27    /* opens the specified file, reads all lines up to a line 'begin' and returns a      */
28    /* pointer to the file */
30 {  FILE    *fp;
31    char    line [255];
32    boolean begin_found = FALSE;
35    if (! (fp = fopen (filename, "r")))
36    {  fprintf (stderr, "\n***** ERROR: Could not open file '%s' in 'open_read'.\n", filename);
37       exit (0);
38    };
39    while (!feof (fp) && !begin_found)
40    {  fgets (line, 255, fp);
41       if (!strncmp (line, "begin", 5)) begin_found = TRUE;
42    };
43    if (!begin_found)
44    {  fprintf (stderr, "\n***** ERROR: File '%s' in 'open_read does not contain a line 'begin'.\n",
45               filename);
46       exit (0);
47    };
48    return fp;
49 }
51 /****************************************************************************************/
determine_data_type(char * data_type)53 int determine_data_type (char *data_type)
54    /* returns the integer code for the data type written in "data_type"                 */
56 {
57    if (!strcmp (data_type, "integer"))
58       return INTEGER_T;
59    else if (!strcmp (data_type, "real"))
60       return REAL_T;
61    else if (!strcmp (data_type, "rational"))
62       return RATIONAL_T;
63    else
64    {  fprintf (stderr, "\n***** ERROR: '%s' is not a known data type; use integer, real or rational.",
65               data_type);
66       return NONE;
67    }
68 }
70 /****************************************************************************************/
sread_rational_value(char * s,rational * value)72 void sread_rational_value (char *s, rational *value)
73    /* reads a rational value from the specified string "s" and assigns it to "value"    */
75 {
76    char     *numerator_s, *denominator_s = NULL, *position, token;
77    int      sign = 1, i;
78    rational numerator, denominator;
80    /* determine the sign of the number */
81    numerator_s = s;
82    if (s [0] == '-')
83    {  sign = -1;
84       numerator_s++;
85    }
86    else if (s [0] == '+')
87       numerator_s++;
89    /* look for a sign '/' and in this case split the number in numerator and denominator */
90    position = strchr (numerator_s, '/');
91    if (position != NULL)
92    {  *position = '\0'; /* terminates the numerator */
93       denominator_s = position + 1;
94    };
96    /* determine the floating point values of numerator and denominator */
97    numerator = 0;
98    for (i = 0; i < strlen (numerator_s); i++)
99    {  token = numerator_s [i];
100       if (strchr ("0123456789", token)) /* token is a cypher */
101          numerator = 10 * numerator + (int) token - 48;
102    }
104    if (position != NULL)
105    {  denominator = 0;
106       for (i = 0; i < strlen (denominator_s); i++)
107       {  token = denominator_s [i];
108          if (strchr ("0123456789", token)) /* token is a cypher */
109             denominator = 10 * denominator + (int) token - 48;
110       }
111    }
112    else denominator = 1;
114    *value = sign * numerator / denominator;
115 }
117 /****************************************************************************************/
fread_rational_value(FILE * f,real * value)119 static void fread_rational_value (FILE *f, real *value)
120    /* reads a rational value from the specified file "f" and assigns it to "value"      */
122 {
123    char     number_s [255];
124    rational rational_value;
126    fscanf (f, "%s ", number_s);
127    sread_rational_value (number_s, &rational_value);
128    *value = rational_value;
130 }
132 /****************************************************************************************/
read_vertices(char filename[255])134 void read_vertices (char filename [255])
135    /* reads the vertices from the specified file to the global variable G_Vertices and  */
136    /* sets G_n and G_d                                                                  */
137    /* The file must contain the vertices in the following polyhedra format of Avis and  */
138    /* Fukuda:                                                                           */
139    /* comments                                                                          */
140    /* begin                                                                             */
141    /* number of vertices n  dimension + 1   type of coordinates                         */
142    /* 1   v1                                                                            */
143    /*   ...                                                                             */
144    /* 1   vn                                                                            */
145    /* end or any other text (is ignored)                                                */
147 {  FILE     *f;
148    int      i, j;
149    T_Vertex *v;
150    char     data_type_string [255];
151    int      data_type;
153    G_Vertices = create_empty_set ();
154    f = open_read (filename);
155    fscanf (f, "%i %i %s ", &G_n, &G_d, data_type_string);
156    G_d --;
157    data_type = determine_data_type (data_type_string);
158    if (data_type == RATIONAL_T)
159    {  fprintf (stderr, "\n***** WARNING: The vertex file is of rational type; the ");
160       fprintf (stderr, "vertex coordinates\nwill be transformed to floating point ");
161       fprintf (stderr, "values.\n");
162    }
164    for (i = 0; i < G_n; i++)
165    {  v = create_vertex ();
166       fscanf (f, "%*i "); /* skips the entry one */
167       v -> no = i; /* this assures v to be added at the end of the list */
168       if (data_type == REAL_T)
169          for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
170             fscanf (f, "%lg ", &(v -> coords [j]));
171       else
172          for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
173             fread_rational_value (f, &(v -> coords [j]));
174       add_element (&G_Vertices, v);
175    };
176    fclose (f);
177 }
179 /****************************************************************************************/
read_hyperplanes(char filename[255])181 void read_hyperplanes (char filename [255])
182    /* reads the hyperplanes from the specified file to the global variable              */
183    /* G_Hyperplanes and sets G_m and G_d                                                */
184    /* The file must contain the hyperplanes in the following polyhedra format of Avis   */
185    /* and Fukuda:                                                                       */
186    /* comments                                                                          */
187    /* begin                                                                             */
188    /* number of hyperplanes m  dimension + 1   type of coordinates                      */
189    /* b   -A                                                                            */
190    /* end or any other text (is ignored)                                                */
192 {  FILE       *f;
193    int        i, j;
194    char       data_type_string [255];
195    int        data_type;
198    f = open_read (filename);
199    fscanf (f, "%i %i %s ", &G_m, &G_d, data_type_string);
200    G_d --;
201    data_type = determine_data_type (data_type_string);
202    if (data_type == RATIONAL_T)
203    {  fprintf (stderr, "\n***** WARNING: The planes file is of rational type; all ");
204       fprintf (stderr, "coordinates will be\ntransformed to floating point values.\n");
205    }
207    create_hyperplanes ();
209    if (data_type == REAL_T)
210       for (i = 0; i < G_m; i++)
211       {  fscanf (f, "%le ", &(G_Hyperplanes [i] [G_d]));
212          for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
213          {  fscanf (f, "%le ", &(G_Hyperplanes [i] [j]));
214             G_Hyperplanes [i] [j] = - G_Hyperplanes [i] [j];
215          }
216       }
217    else
218       for (i = 0; i < G_m; i++)
219       {  fread_rational_value (f, &(G_Hyperplanes [i] [G_d]));
220          for (j = 0; j < G_d; j++)
221          {  fread_rational_value (f, &(G_Hyperplanes [i] [j]));
222             G_Hyperplanes [i] [j] = - G_Hyperplanes [i] [j];
223          }
224       }
226    fclose (f);
227 }
229 /****************************************************************************************/
compute_incidence()231 void compute_incidence ()
232    /* determines the incidence of facettes and vertices and stores the structure in the */
233    /* global variable G_Incidence                                                       */
234    /* Beware that vertices and hyperplanes have to be read before.                      */
236 {  int  i, j, k;
237    real diff;
239    create_incidence ();
241    for (j = 0; j < G_m; j++)
242       for (i = 0; i < G_n; i++)
243       {  /* check if vertex i is incident with hyperplane j */
244          diff = G_Hyperplanes [j][G_d];
245          for (k = 0; k < G_d; k++)
246             diff -= (G_Vertices.loe [i] -> coords [k]) * G_Hyperplanes [j][k];
247          if (fabs (diff) < INCIDENCE_EPSILON)
248             G_Incidence [i][j] = TRUE;
249          else
250             G_Incidence [i][j] = FALSE;
251      }
253 }
255 /****************************************************************************************/
256 /****************************************************************************************/