1  /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkLookupTable.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 // .NAME vtkLookupTable - map scalar values into colors via a lookup table
16 // .SECTION Description
17 // vtkLookupTable is an object that is used by mapper objects to map scalar
18 // values into RGBA (red-green-blue-alpha transparency) color specification,
19 // or RGBA into scalar values. The color table can be created by direct
20 // insertion of color values, or by specifying a hue, saturation, value, and
21 // alpha range and generating a table.
22 //
23 // A special color for NaN values in the data can be specified via
24 // SetNanColor(). In addition, a color for data values below the
25 // lookup table range minimum can be specified with
26 // SetBelowRangeColor(), and that color will be used for values below
27 // the range minimum when UseBelowRangeColor is on.  Likewise, a color
28 // for data values above the lookup table range maximum can be
29 // specified with SetAboveRangeColor(), and it is used when
30 // UseAboveRangeColor is on.
31 //
32 // This class behaves differently depending on how \a IndexedLookup is set.
33 // When true, vtkLookupTable enters a mode for representing categorical color maps.
34 // By setting \a IndexedLookup to true, you indicate that the annotated
35 // values are the only valid values for which entries in the color table
36 // should be returned. The colors in the lookup \a Table are assigned
37 // to annotated values by taking the modulus of their index in the list
38 // of annotations. \a IndexedLookup changes the behavior of \a GetIndex,
39 // which in turn changes the way \a MapScalarsThroughTable2 behaves;
40 // when \a IndexedLookup is true, \a MapScalarsThroughTable2 will search for
41 // scalar values in \a AnnotatedValues and use the resulting index to
42 // determine the color. If a scalar value is not present in \a AnnotatedValues,
43 // then \a NanColor will be used.
44 //
45 // .SECTION Caveats
46 // You need to explicitly call Build() when constructing the LUT by hand.
47 //
48 // .SECTION See Also
49 // vtkLogLookupTable vtkWindowLevelLookupTable
51 #ifndef vtkLookupTable_h
52 #define vtkLookupTable_h
54 #include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h" // For export macro
55 #include "vtkScalarsToColors.h"
57 #include "vtkUnsignedCharArray.h" // Needed for inline method
59 #define VTK_RAMP_LINEAR 0
60 #define VTK_RAMP_SCURVE 1
61 #define VTK_RAMP_SQRT 2
62 #define VTK_SCALE_LINEAR 0
63 #define VTK_SCALE_LOG10 1
65 class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkLookupTable : public vtkScalarsToColors
66 {
67 public:
68   // Description:
69   // Constants for offsets of special colors (e.g., NanColor, BelowRangeColor,
70   // AboveRangeColor) from the maximum index in the lookup table.
71   const static vtkIdType BELOW_RANGE_COLOR_INDEX;
72   const static vtkIdType ABOVE_RANGE_COLOR_INDEX;
73   const static vtkIdType NAN_COLOR_INDEX;
74   const static vtkIdType NUMBER_OF_SPECIAL_COLORS;
76   // Description:
77   // Construct with range=[0,1]; and hsv ranges set up for rainbow color table
78   // (from red to blue).
79   static vtkLookupTable *New();
81   vtkTypeMacro(vtkLookupTable,vtkScalarsToColors);
82   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
84   // Description:
85   // Return true if all of the values defining the mapping have an opacity
86   // equal to 1.
87   virtual int IsOpaque();
89   // Description:
90   // Allocate a color table of specified size.
91   int Allocate(int sz=256, int ext=256);
93   // Description:
94   // Generate lookup table from hue, saturation, value, alpha min/max values.
95   // Table is built from linear ramp of each value.
96   virtual void Build();
98   // Description:
99   // Force the lookup table to regenerate from hue, saturation, value,
100   // and alpha min/max values.  Table is built from a linear ramp of
101   // each value.  ForceBuild() is useful if a lookup table has been
102   // defined manually (using SetTableValue) and then an application
103   // decides to rebuild the lookup table using the implicit process.
104   virtual void ForceBuild();
106   // Description:
107   // Set the shape of the table ramp to either linear or S-curve.
108   // The default is S-curve, which tails off gradually at either end.
109   // The equation used for the S-curve is y = (sin((x - 1/2)*pi) + 1)/2,
110   // while the equation for the linear ramp is simply y = x.  For an
111   // S-curve greyscale ramp, you should set NumberOfTableValues to 402
112   // (which is 256*pi/2) to provide room for the tails of the ramp.
113   // The equation for the SQRT is y = sqrt(x).
114   vtkSetMacro(Ramp,int);
SetRampToLinear()115   void SetRampToLinear() { this->SetRamp(VTK_RAMP_LINEAR); };
SetRampToSCurve()116   void SetRampToSCurve() { this->SetRamp(VTK_RAMP_SCURVE); };
SetRampToSQRT()117   void SetRampToSQRT() { this->SetRamp(VTK_RAMP_SQRT); };
118   vtkGetMacro(Ramp,int);
120   // Description:
121   // Set the type of scale to use, linear or logarithmic.  The default
122   // is linear.  If the scale is logarithmic, then the TableRange must not
123   // cross the value zero.
124   void SetScale(int scale);
SetScaleToLinear()125   void SetScaleToLinear() { this->SetScale(VTK_SCALE_LINEAR); };
SetScaleToLog10()126   void SetScaleToLog10() { this->SetScale(VTK_SCALE_LOG10); };
127   vtkGetMacro(Scale,int);
129   // Description:
130   // Set/Get the minimum/maximum scalar values for scalar mapping. Scalar
131   // values less than minimum range value are clamped to minimum range value.
132   // Scalar values greater than maximum range value are clamped to maximum
133   // range value.
134   //
135   // The \a TableRange values are only used when \a IndexedLookup is false.
136   void SetTableRange(double r[2]);
137   virtual void SetTableRange(double min, double max);
138   vtkGetVectorMacro(TableRange,double,2);
140   // Description:
141   // Set the range in hue (using automatic generation). Hue ranges
142   // between [0,1].
143   vtkSetVector2Macro(HueRange,double);
144   vtkGetVector2Macro(HueRange,double);
146   // Description:
147   // Set the range in saturation (using automatic generation). Saturation
148   // ranges between [0,1].
149   vtkSetVector2Macro(SaturationRange,double);
150   vtkGetVector2Macro(SaturationRange,double);
152   // Description:
153   // Set the range in value (using automatic generation). Value ranges
154   // between [0,1].
155   vtkSetVector2Macro(ValueRange,double);
156   vtkGetVector2Macro(ValueRange,double);
158   // Description:
159   // Set the range in alpha (using automatic generation). Alpha ranges from
160   // [0,1].
161   vtkSetVector2Macro(AlphaRange,double);
162   vtkGetVector2Macro(AlphaRange,double);
164   // Description:
165   // Set the color to use when a NaN (not a number) is encountered.  This is an
166   // RGBA 4-tuple of doubles in the range [0,1].
167   vtkSetVector4Macro(NanColor, double);
168   vtkGetVector4Macro(NanColor, double);
170   // Description:
171   // Return the \a NanColor as a pointer to 4 unsigned chars. This
172   // will overwrite any data returned by previous calls to MapValue.
173   unsigned char* GetNanColorAsUnsignedChars();
175   // Description:
176   // Cast a double color in a type T color. colorIn and colorOut are
177   // expected to be RGBA[4] and colorIn to be in [0.0, 1.0]
178   static void GetColorAsUnsignedChars(const double colorIn[4],
179                                       unsigned char colorOut[4]);
181   // Description:
182   // Set the color to use when a value below the range is
183   // encountered. This is an RGBA 4-tuple of doubles in the range [0, 1].
184   vtkSetVector4Macro(BelowRangeColor, double);
185   vtkGetVector4Macro(BelowRangeColor, double);
187   // Description:
188   // Set whether the below range color should be used.
189   vtkSetMacro(UseBelowRangeColor, int);
190   vtkGetMacro(UseBelowRangeColor, int);
191   vtkBooleanMacro(UseBelowRangeColor, int);
193   // Description:
194   // Set the color to use when a value above the range is
195   // encountered. This is an RGBA 4-tuple of doubles in the range [0, 1].
196   vtkSetVector4Macro(AboveRangeColor, double);
197   vtkGetVector4Macro(AboveRangeColor, double);
199   // Description:
200   // Set whether the below range color should be used.
201   vtkSetMacro(UseAboveRangeColor, int);
202   vtkGetMacro(UseAboveRangeColor, int);
203   vtkBooleanMacro(UseAboveRangeColor, int);
205   // Description:
206   // Map one value through the lookup table.
207   unsigned char* MapValue(double v);
209   // Description:
210   // Map one value through the lookup table and return the color as
211   // an RGB array of doubles between 0 and 1.
212   void GetColor(double x, double rgb[3]);
214   // Description:
215   // Map one value through the lookup table and return the alpha value
216   // (the opacity) as a double between 0 and 1.
217   double GetOpacity(double v);
219   // Description:
220   // Return the table index associated with a particular value.
221   //
222   // Do not use this function when \a IndexedLookup is true:
223   // in that case, the set of values \a v may take on is exactly the integers
224   // from 0 to \a GetNumberOfTableValues() - 1;
225   // and \a v serves directly as an index into \a TableValues.
226   virtual vtkIdType GetIndex(double v);
228   // Description:
229   // Specify the number of values (i.e., colors) in the lookup
230   // table.
231   void SetNumberOfTableValues(vtkIdType number);
GetNumberOfTableValues()232   vtkIdType GetNumberOfTableValues() { return this->NumberOfColors; };
234   // Description:
235   // Directly load color into lookup table. Use [0,1] double values for color
236   // component specification. Make sure that you've either used the
237   // Build() method or used SetNumberOfTableValues() prior to using this
238   // method.
239   virtual void SetTableValue(vtkIdType indx, double rgba[4]);
241   // Description:
242   // Directly load color into lookup table. Use [0,1] double values for color
243   // component specification.
244   virtual void SetTableValue(vtkIdType indx,
245                               double r, double g, double b, double a=1.0);
247   // Description:
248   // Return a rgba color value for the given index into the lookup table. Color
249   // components are expressed as [0,1] double values.
250   double *GetTableValue(vtkIdType id);
252   // Description:
253   // Return a rgba color value for the given index into the lookup table. Color
254   // components are expressed as [0,1] double values.
255   void GetTableValue(vtkIdType id, double rgba[4]);
257   // Description:
258   // Get pointer to color table data. Format is array of unsigned char
259   // r-g-b-a-r-g-b-a...
GetPointer(const vtkIdType id)260   unsigned char *GetPointer(const vtkIdType id) {
261     return this->Table->GetPointer(4*id); };
263   // Description:
264   // Get pointer to data. Useful for direct writes into object. MaxId is bumped
265   // by number (and memory allocated if necessary). Id is the location you
266   // wish to write into; number is the number of rgba values to write.
267   unsigned char *WritePointer(const vtkIdType id, const int number);
269   // Description:
270   // Sets/Gets the range of scalars which will be mapped.  This is a duplicate
271   // of Get/SetTableRange.
GetRange()272   double *GetRange() { return this->GetTableRange(); };
SetRange(double min,double max)273   void SetRange(double min, double max) { this->SetTableRange(min, max); };
SetRange(double rng[2])274   void SetRange(double rng[2]) { this->SetRange(rng[0], rng[1]); };
276   //BTX
277   // Description:
278   // Returns the log of \c range in \c log_range.
279   // There is a little more to this than simply taking the log10 of the
280   // two range values: we do conversion of negative ranges to positive
281   // ranges, and conversion of zero to a 'very small number'.
282   static void GetLogRange(const double range[2], double log_range[2]);
284   // Description:
285   // Apply log to value, with appropriate constraints.
286   static double ApplyLogScale(double v, const double range[2],
287     const double log_range[2]);
288   //ETX
290   // Description:
291   // Set the number of colors in the lookup table.  Use
292   // SetNumberOfTableValues() instead, it can be used both before and
293   // after the table has been built whereas SetNumberOfColors() has no
294   // effect after the table has been built.
295   vtkSetClampMacro(NumberOfColors,vtkIdType,2,VTK_ID_MAX);
296   vtkGetMacro(NumberOfColors,vtkIdType);
298   // Description:
299   // Set/Get the internal table array that is used to map the scalars
300   // to colors.  The table array is an unsigned char array with 4
301   // components representing RGBA.
302   void SetTable(vtkUnsignedCharArray *);
303   vtkGetObjectMacro(Table,vtkUnsignedCharArray);
305   // Description:
306   // map a set of scalars through the lookup table
307   void MapScalarsThroughTable2(void *input, unsigned char *output,
308                                int inputDataType, int numberOfValues,
309                                int inputIncrement, int outputIncrement);
311   // Description:
312   // Copy the contents from another LookupTable
313   void DeepCopy(vtkScalarsToColors *lut);
315   // Description:
316   // This should return 1 is the subclass is using log scale for mapping scalars
317   // to colors. Returns 1 is scale == VTK_SCALE_LOG10.
UsingLogScale()318   virtual int UsingLogScale()
319     {
320     return (this->GetScale() == VTK_SCALE_LOG10)? 1 : 0;
321     }
323   // Description:
324   // Get the number of available colors for mapping to.
325   virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfAvailableColors();
327   // Description:
328   // Return a color given an integer index.
329   //
330   // This is used to assign colors to annotations (given an offset into the
331   // list of annotations).
332   // If the table is empty or \a idx < 0, then NanColor is returned.
333   virtual void GetIndexedColor(vtkIdType idx, double rgba[4]);
335 protected:
336   vtkLookupTable(int sze=256, int ext=256);
337   ~vtkLookupTable();
339   vtkIdType NumberOfColors;
340   vtkUnsignedCharArray *Table;
341   double TableRange[2];
342   double HueRange[2];
343   double SaturationRange[2];
344   double ValueRange[2];
345   double AlphaRange[2];
346   double NanColor[4];
347   double BelowRangeColor[4];
348   int    UseBelowRangeColor;
349   double AboveRangeColor[4];
350   int    UseAboveRangeColor;
352   int Scale;
353   int Ramp;
354   vtkTimeStamp InsertTime;
355   vtkTimeStamp BuildTime;
356   double RGBA[4]; //used during conversion process
357   unsigned char NanColorChar[4];
359   int OpaqueFlag;
360   vtkTimeStamp OpaqueFlagBuildTime;
362 private:
363   vtkLookupTable(const vtkLookupTable&);  // Not implemented.
364   void operator=(const vtkLookupTable&);  // Not implemented.
365 };
367 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WritePointer(const vtkIdType id,const int number)368 inline unsigned char *vtkLookupTable::WritePointer(const vtkIdType id,
369                                                    const int number)
370 {
371   this->InsertTime.Modified();
372   return this->Table->WritePointer(4*id,4*number);
373 }
375 #endif