1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkReduceTable.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 // .NAME vtkReduceTable - combine some of the rows of a table
16 //
17 // .SECTION Description
18 // Collapses the rows of the input table so that one particular
19 // column (the IndexColumn) does not contain any duplicate values.
20 // Thus the output table will have the same columns as the input
21 // table, but potentially fewer rows.  One example use of this
22 // class would be to generate a summary table from a table of
23 // observations.
24 // When two or more rows of the input table share a value in the
25 // IndexColumn, the values from these rows will be combined on a
26 // column-by-column basis.  By default, such numerical values will be
27 // reduced to their mean, and non-numerical values will be reduced to
28 // their mode.  This default behavior can be changed by calling
29 // SetNumericalReductionMethod() or SetNonNumericalReductionMethod().
30 // You can also specify the reduction method to use for a particular
31 // column by calling SetReductionMethodForColumn().
33 #ifndef vtkReduceTable_h
34 #define vtkReduceTable_h
36 #include "vtkInfovisCoreModule.h" // For export macro
37 #include "vtkTableAlgorithm.h"
39 #include <map>                   // For ivar
40 #include <set>                   // For ivar
41 #include <vector>                // For ivar
43 class vtkVariant;
45 class VTKINFOVISCORE_EXPORT vtkReduceTable : public vtkTableAlgorithm
46 {
47 public:
48   static vtkReduceTable* New();
49   vtkTypeMacro(vtkReduceTable,vtkTableAlgorithm);
50   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
52   // Description:
53   // Get/Set the column that will be used to reduce the input table.
54   // Any rows sharing a value in this column will be collapsed into
55   // a single row in the output table.
56   vtkGetMacro(IndexColumn, vtkIdType);
57   vtkSetMacro(IndexColumn, vtkIdType);
59   // Description:
60   // Get/Set the method that should be used to combine numerical
61   // values.
62   vtkGetMacro(NumericalReductionMethod, int);
63   vtkSetMacro(NumericalReductionMethod, int);
65   // Description:
66   // Get/Set the method that should be used to combine non-numerical
67   // values.
68   vtkGetMacro(NonNumericalReductionMethod, int);
69   vtkSetMacro(NonNumericalReductionMethod, int);
71   // Description:
72   // Get the method that should be used to combine the values within
73   // the specified column.  Returns -1 if no method has been set for
74   // this particular column.
75   int GetReductionMethodForColumn(vtkIdType col);
77   // Description:
78   // Set the method that should be used to combine the values within
79   // the specified column.
80   void SetReductionMethodForColumn(vtkIdType col, int method);
82   //BTX
83   // Description:
84   // Enum for methods of reduction
85   enum
86     {
87     MEAN,
88     MEDIAN,
89     MODE
90     };
91   //ETX
93 protected:
94   vtkReduceTable();
95   ~vtkReduceTable();
97   int RequestData(
98     vtkInformation*,
99     vtkInformationVector**,
100     vtkInformationVector*);
102   // Description:
103   // Initialize the output table to have the same types of columns as
104   // the input table, but no rows.
105   void InitializeOutputTable(vtkTable *input, vtkTable *output);
107   // Description:
108   // Find the distinct values in the input table's index column.
109   // This function also populates the mapping of new row IDs to old row IDs.
110   void AccumulateIndexValues(vtkTable *input);
112   // Description:
113   // Populate the index column of the output table.
114   void PopulateIndexColumn(vtkTable *output);
116   // Description:
117   // Populate a non-index column of the output table.  This involves
118   // potentially combining multiple values from the input table into
119   // a single value for the output table.
120   void PopulateDataColumn(vtkTable *input, vtkTable *output, vtkIdType col);
122   // Description:
123   // Find the mean of a series of values from the input table
124   // and store it in the output table.
125   void ReduceValuesToMean(vtkTable *input, vtkTable *output,
126                           vtkIdType row, vtkIdType col,
127                           std::vector<vtkIdType> oldRows);
129   // Description:
130   // Find the median of a series of values from the input table
131   // and store it in the output table.
132   void ReduceValuesToMedian(vtkTable *input, vtkTable *output,
133                             vtkIdType row, vtkIdType col,
134                             std::vector<vtkIdType> oldRows);
136   // Description:
137   // Find the mode of a series of values from the input table
138   // and store it in the output table.
139   void ReduceValuesToMode(vtkTable *input, vtkTable *output,
140                           vtkIdType row, vtkIdType col,
141                           std::vector<vtkIdType> oldRows);
143   vtkIdType IndexColumn;
144   std::set<vtkVariant> IndexValues;
145   std::map<vtkVariant, std::vector<vtkIdType> > NewRowToOldRowsMap;
146   std::map<vtkIdType, int> ColumnReductionMethods;
148   int NumericalReductionMethod;
149   int NonNumericalReductionMethod;
151 private:
152   vtkReduceTable(const vtkReduceTable&); // Not implemented
153   void operator=(const vtkReduceTable&);   // Not implemented
154 };
156 #endif