1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10   This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11   the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12   PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation.
17   Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
18   the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 // .NAME vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy - lays out tree in stacked boxes or rings
21 //
22 // .SECTION Description
23 // Performs a tree ring layout or "icicle" layout on a tree.
24 // This involves assigning a sector region to each vertex in the tree,
25 // and placing that information in a data array with four components per
26 // tuple representing (innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle).
27 //
28 // This class may be assigned as the layout strategy to vtkAreaLayout.
29 //
30 // .SECTION Thanks
31 // Thanks to Jason Shepherd from Sandia National Laboratories
32 // for help developing this class.
34 #ifndef vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy_h
35 #define vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy_h
37 #include "vtkInfovisLayoutModule.h" // For export macro
38 #include "vtkAreaLayoutStrategy.h"
40 class vtkTree;
41 class vtkDataArray;
43 class VTKINFOVISLAYOUT_EXPORT vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy :
44   public vtkAreaLayoutStrategy
45 {
46 public:
47   static vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy* New();
48   vtkTypeMacro(vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy,vtkAreaLayoutStrategy);
49   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
51   // Description:
52   // Perform the layout of the input tree, and store the sector
53   // bounds of each vertex as a tuple
54   // (innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle)
55   // in a data array.
56   virtual void Layout(vtkTree *inputTree, vtkDataArray *sectorArray,
57       vtkDataArray* sizeArray);
59   // Description:
60   // Fill edgeRoutingTree with points suitable for routing edges of
61   // an overlaid graph.
62   virtual void LayoutEdgePoints(vtkTree *inputTree, vtkDataArray *sectorArray,
63       vtkDataArray* sizeArray, vtkTree *edgeRoutingTree);
65   // Description:
66   // Define the tree ring's interior radius.
67   vtkSetMacro(InteriorRadius, double);
68   vtkGetMacro(InteriorRadius, double);
70   // Description:
71   // Define the thickness of each of the tree rings.
72   vtkSetMacro(RingThickness, double);
73   vtkGetMacro(RingThickness, double);
75   // Description:
76   // Define the start angle for the root node.
77   // NOTE: It is assumed that the root end angle is greater than the
78   // root start angle and subtends no more than 360 degrees.
79   vtkSetMacro(RootStartAngle, double);
80   vtkGetMacro(RootStartAngle, double);
82   // Description:
83   // Define the end angle for the root node.
84   // NOTE: It is assumed that the root end angle is greater than the
85   // root start angle and subtends no more than 360 degrees.
86   vtkSetMacro(RootEndAngle, double);
87   vtkGetMacro(RootEndAngle, double);
89   // Description:
90   // Define whether or not rectangular coordinates are being used
91   // (as opposed to polar coordinates).
92   vtkSetMacro(UseRectangularCoordinates, bool);
93   vtkGetMacro(UseRectangularCoordinates, bool);
94   vtkBooleanMacro(UseRectangularCoordinates, bool);
96   // Description:
97   // Define whether to reverse the order of the tree stacks from
98   // low to high.
99   vtkSetMacro(Reverse, bool);
100   vtkGetMacro(Reverse, bool);
101   vtkBooleanMacro(Reverse, bool);
103   // Description:
104   // The spacing of tree levels in the edge routing tree.
105   // Levels near zero give more space
106   // to levels near the root, while levels near one (the default)
107   // create evenly-spaced levels. Levels above one give more space
108   // to levels near the leaves.
109   vtkSetMacro(InteriorLogSpacingValue, double);
110   vtkGetMacro(InteriorLogSpacingValue, double);
112   // Description:
113   // Returns the vertex id that contains pnt (or -1 if no one contains it).
114   virtual vtkIdType FindVertex(vtkTree* tree, vtkDataArray* array, float pnt[2]);
116 protected:
117   vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy();
118   ~vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy();
120   float InteriorRadius;
121   float RingThickness;
122   float RootStartAngle;
123   float RootEndAngle;
124   bool UseRectangularCoordinates;
125   bool Reverse;
126   double InteriorLogSpacingValue;
128   void ComputeEdgeRoutingPoints(
129       vtkTree* inputTree, vtkDataArray* coordsArray, vtkTree* outputTree);
131   void LayoutChildren(
132       vtkTree *tree, vtkDataArray *coordsArray, vtkDataArray *sizeArray,
133       vtkIdType nchildren, vtkIdType parent, vtkIdType begin,
134       float parentInnerRad, float parentOuterRad,
135       float parentStartAng, float parentEndAng);
137 private:
138   vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy(const vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy&);  // Not implemented.
139   void operator=(const vtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategy&);  // Not implemented.
140 };
142 #endif