1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkXYPlotActor.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 // .NAME vtkXYPlotActor - generate an x-y plot from input dataset(s) or field data
16 // .SECTION Description
17 // vtkXYPlotActor creates an x-y plot of data from one or more input data
18 // sets or field data. The class plots dataset scalar values (y-axis) against
19 // the points (x-axis). The x-axis values are generated by taking the point
20 // ids, computing a cumulative arc length, or a normalized arc length. More
21 // than one input data set can be specified to generate multiple plots.
22 // Alternatively, if field data is supplied as input, the class plots one
23 // component against another. (The user must specify which component to use
24 // as the x-axis and which for the y-axis.)
25 //
26 // To use this class to plot dataset(s), you must specify one or more
27 // input datasets containing scalar and point data.  You'll probably also
28 // want to invoke a method to control how the point coordinates are converted
29 // into x values (by default point ids are used).
30 //
31 // To use this class to plot field data, you must specify one or more input
32 // data objects with its associated field data. You'll also want to specify
33 // which component to use as the x-axis and which to use as the y-axis.
34 // Note that when plotting field data, the x and y values are used directly
35 // (i.e., there are no options to normalize the components).
36 //
37 // Once you've set up the plot, you'll want to position it.  The
38 // PositionCoordinate defines the lower-left location of the x-y plot
39 // (specified in normalized viewport coordinates) and the Position2Coordinate
40 // define the upper-right corner. (Note: the Position2Coordinate is relative
41 // to PositionCoordinate, so you can move the vtkXYPlotActor around the
42 // viewport by setting just the PositionCoordinate.) The combination of the
43 // two position coordinates specifies a rectangle in which the plot will lie.
44 //
45 // Optional features include the ability to specify axes labels, label
46 // format and plot title. You can also
47 // manually specify the x and y plot ranges (by default they are computed
48 // automatically). The Border instance variable is used to create space
49 // between the boundary of the plot window (specified by PositionCoordinate
50 // and Position2Coordinate) and the plot itself.
51 //
52 // The font property of the plot title can be modified through the
53 // TitleTextProperty attribute.
54 // The font property of the axes titles and labels can be modified through the
55 // AxisTitleTextProperty and AxisLabelTextProperty attributes. You may also
56 // use the GetXAxisActor2D or GetYAxisActor2D methods
57 // to access each individual axis actor to modify their font properties.
58 // In the same way, the GetLegendBoxActor method can be used to access
59 // the legend box actor to modify its font properties.
60 //
61 // There are several advanced features as well. You can assign per curve
62 // properties (such as color and a plot symbol). (Note that each input
63 // dataset and/or data object creates a single curve.) Another option is to
64 // add a plot legend that graphically indicates the correspondance between
65 // the curve, curve symbols, and the data source. You can also exchange the
66 // x and y axes if you prefer you plot orientation that way.
68 // .SECTION Caveats
69 // If you are interested in plotting something other than scalar data, you
70 // can use the vtk data shuffling filters (e.g.,
71 // vtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilter and vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter)
72 // to convert the data into scalar data and/or points.
74 // .SECTION Thanks
75 // This class was written by:
76 // Will Schroeder, Jim Miller, Charles Law, Sebastien Barre, Amy Squillacote,
77 // Ken Martin, Mathieu Malaterre, Jeff Lee, Francois Finet, Julien Bertel,
78 // Claire Guilbaud, and Philippe Pebay
80 // .SECTION See Also
81 // vtkActor2D vtkTextMapper vtkScalarBarActor vtkAxisActor2D vtkCubeAxesActor2D
82 // vtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilter vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter
83 // vtkTextProperty
85 #ifndef vtkXYPlotActor_h
86 #define vtkXYPlotActor_h
88 #define VTK_XYPLOT_INDEX                 0
89 #define VTK_XYPLOT_ARC_LENGTH            1
91 #define VTK_XYPLOT_VALUE                 3
93 #define VTK_XYPLOT_ROW 0
94 #define VTK_XYPLOT_COLUMN 1
96 #define VTK_XYPLOT_Y_AXIS_TOP     0
98 #define VTK_XYPLOT_Y_AXIS_VCENTER 2 // rotate by 90 degrees (y-axis aligned)
100 #include "vtkRenderingAnnotationModule.h" // For export macro
101 #include "vtkActor2D.h"
102 #include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For SP
104 class vtkXYPlotActorConnections;
105 class vtkAlgorithmOutput;
106 class vtkAppendPolyData;
107 class vtkAxisActor2D;
108 class vtkDataObject;
109 class vtkDataObjectCollection;
110 class vtkDataSet;
111 class vtkDataSetCollection;
112 class vtkDoubleArray;
113 class vtkGlyph2D;
114 class vtkGlyphSource2D;
115 class vtkIntArray;
116 class vtkLegendBoxActor;
117 class vtkPlanes;
118 class vtkPolyData;
119 class vtkPolyDataMapper2D;
120 class vtkTextActor;
121 class vtkTextMapper;
122 class vtkTextProperty;
124 class VTKRENDERINGANNOTATION_EXPORT vtkXYPlotActor : public vtkActor2D
125 {
126 public:
127   vtkTypeMacro(vtkXYPlotActor,vtkActor2D);
128   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
130   // Description:
131   // Instantiate object with autorange computation; bold, italic, and shadows
132   // on; arial font family; the number of labels set to 5 for the x and y
133   // axes; a label format of "%-#6.3g"; and x coordinates computed from point
134   // ids.
135   static vtkXYPlotActor *New();
137   //---Data Set Input----------------------------------------------------------
138   // The following methods are used to plot input datasets. Datasets
139   // will be plotted if set as input; otherwise the input data objects
140   // will be plotted (if defined).
142   // Description:
143   // Add a dataset to the list of data to append. The array name specifies
144   // which point array to plot. The array must be a vtkDataArray subclass, i.e.
145   // a numeric array. If the array name is NULL, then the default
146   // scalars are used.  The array can have multiple components, but only the
147   // first component is ploted. Note that AddInputDataSet() does not setup
148   // a pipeline connection whereas AddInputConnection() does.
149   void AddDataSetInput(vtkDataSet *ds, const char* arrayName, int component);
AddDataSetInput(vtkDataSet * ds)150   void AddDataSetInput(vtkDataSet *ds) {this->AddDataSetInput(ds, NULL, 0);}
151   void AddDataSetInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *in, const char* arrayName, int component);
AddDataSetInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput * in)152   void AddDataSetInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *in) {this->AddDataSetInputConnection(in, NULL, 0);}
154   // Description:
155   // Remove a dataset from the list of data to append.
156   void RemoveDataSetInput(vtkDataSet *ds, const char* arrayName, int component);
RemoveDataSetInput(vtkDataSet * ds)157   void RemoveDataSetInput(vtkDataSet *ds) {this->RemoveDataSetInput(ds, NULL, 0);}
158   void RemoveDataSetInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *in, const char* arrayName, int component);
RemoveDataSetInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput * in)159   void RemoveDataSetInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *in)
160   {
161     this->RemoveDataSetInputConnection(in, NULL, 0);
162   }
164   // Description:
165   // This removes all of the data set inputs,
166   // but does not change the data object inputs.
167   void RemoveAllDataSetInputConnections();
169   // Description:
170   // If plotting points by value, which component to use to determine the
171   // value. This sets a value per each input dataset (i.e., the ith dataset).
172   void SetPointComponent(int i, int comp);
173   int GetPointComponent(int i);
174   //---end Data Set Input-----------------------------------------------------
176   // Description:
177   // Specify how the independent (x) variable is computed from the points.
178   // The independent variable can be the scalar/point index (i.e., point id),
179   // the accumulated arc length along the points, the normalized arc length,
180   // or by component value. If plotting datasets (e.g., points), the value
181   // that is used is specified by the PointComponent ivar.  (Note: these
182   // methods also control how field data is plotted. Field data is usually
183   // plotted by value or index, if plotting length 1-dimensional length
184   // measures are used.)
185   vtkSetClampMacro(XValues,int,VTK_XYPLOT_INDEX,VTK_XYPLOT_VALUE);
186   vtkGetMacro(XValues,int);
SetXValuesToIndex()187   void SetXValuesToIndex(){this->SetXValues(VTK_XYPLOT_INDEX);};
SetXValuesToArcLength()188   void SetXValuesToArcLength() {this->SetXValues(VTK_XYPLOT_ARC_LENGTH);};
SetXValuesToNormalizedArcLength()189   void SetXValuesToNormalizedArcLength()
190     {this->SetXValues(VTK_XYPLOT_NORMALIZED_ARC_LENGTH);};
SetXValuesToValue()191   void SetXValuesToValue() {this->SetXValues(VTK_XYPLOT_VALUE);};
192   const char *GetXValuesAsString();
194   //---Data Object Input------------------------------------------------------
195   // The following methods are used to plot input data objects. Datasets will
196   // be plotted in preference to data objects if set as input; otherwise the
197   // input data objects will be plotted (if defined).
199   // Description:
200   // Add a data object to the list of data to display.
201   void AddDataObjectInput(vtkDataObject *in);
202   void AddDataObjectInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *alg);
204   // Description:
205   // Remove a dataset from the list of data to display.
206   void RemoveDataObjectInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *aout);
207   void RemoveDataObjectInput(vtkDataObject *in);
209   // Description:
210   // Indicate whether to plot rows or columns. If plotting rows, then
211   // the dependent variables is taken from a specified row,
212   // versus rows (y).
213   vtkSetClampMacro(DataObjectPlotMode,int,VTK_XYPLOT_ROW,VTK_XYPLOT_COLUMN);
214   vtkGetMacro(DataObjectPlotMode,int);
SetDataObjectPlotModeToRows()215   void SetDataObjectPlotModeToRows()
216     {this->SetDataObjectPlotMode(VTK_XYPLOT_ROW);}
SetDataObjectPlotModeToColumns()217   void SetDataObjectPlotModeToColumns()
218     {this->SetDataObjectPlotMode(VTK_XYPLOT_COLUMN);}
219   const char *GetDataObjectPlotModeAsString();
221   // Description:
222   // Specify which component of the input data object to use as the
223   // independent variable for the ith input data object. (This ivar is
224   // ignored if plotting the index.) Note that the value is interpreted
225   // differently depending on DataObjectPlotMode. If the mode is Rows, then
226   // the value of DataObjectXComponent is the row number; otherwise it's the
227   // column number.
228   void SetDataObjectXComponent(int i, int comp);
229   int GetDataObjectXComponent(int i);
231   // Description:
232   // Specify which component of the input data object to use as the
233   // dependent variable for the ith input data object. (This ivar is
234   // ignored if plotting the index.) Note that the value is interpreted
235   // differently depending on DataObjectPlotMode. If the mode is Rows, then
236   // the value of DataObjectYComponent is the row number; otherwise it's the
237   // column number.
238   void SetDataObjectYComponent(int i, int comp);
239   int GetDataObjectYComponent(int i);
240   //---end Data Object Input--------------------------------------------------
242   //---Per Curve Properties---------------------------------------------------
243   // The following methods are used to set properties on each curve that is
244   // plotted. Each input dataset (or data object) results in one curve. The
245   // methods that follow have an index i that corresponds to the input dataset
246   // or data object.
247   void SetPlotColor(int i, double r, double g, double b);
SetPlotColor(int i,const double color[3])248   void SetPlotColor(int i, const double color[3]) {
249     this->SetPlotColor(i, color[0], color[1], color[2]); };
250   double *GetPlotColor(int i);
251   void SetPlotSymbol(int i,vtkPolyData *input);
252   vtkPolyData *GetPlotSymbol(int i);
253   void SetPlotLabel(int i, const char *label);
254   const char *GetPlotLabel(int i);
256   // Allow per-curve specification of line and point rendering.  These override
257   // global settings PlotPoints and PlotLines.  If not on, the default behavior
258   // is governed by PlotPoints and PlotLines ivars.
259   vtkGetMacro(PlotCurvePoints, int);
260   vtkSetMacro(PlotCurvePoints, int);
261   vtkBooleanMacro(PlotCurvePoints, int);
263   vtkGetMacro(PlotCurveLines, int);
264   vtkSetMacro(PlotCurveLines, int);
265   vtkBooleanMacro(PlotCurveLines, int);
267   void SetPlotLines(int i, int);
268   int GetPlotLines(int i);
270   void SetPlotPoints(int i, int);
271   int GetPlotPoints(int i);
272   //---end Per Curve Properties-----------------------------------------------
274   // Description:
275   // Enable/Disable exchange of the x-y axes (i.e., what was x becomes y, and
276   // vice-versa). Exchanging axes affects the labeling as well.
277   vtkSetMacro(ExchangeAxes, int);
278   vtkGetMacro(ExchangeAxes, int);
279   vtkBooleanMacro(ExchangeAxes, int);
281   // Description:
282   // Normally the x-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance
283   // variable causes the x-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that
284   // boolean always applies to the x-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.
285   vtkSetMacro(ReverseXAxis, int);
286   vtkGetMacro(ReverseXAxis, int);
287   vtkBooleanMacro(ReverseXAxis, int);
289   // Description:
290   // Normally the y-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance
291   // variable causes the y-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that
292   // boolean always applies to the y-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.
293   vtkSetMacro(ReverseYAxis, int);
294   vtkGetMacro(ReverseYAxis, int);
295   vtkBooleanMacro(ReverseYAxis, int);
297   // Description:
298   // Retrieve handles to the legend box and glyph source. This is useful
299   // if you would like to change the default behavior of the legend box
300   // or glyph source. For example, the default glyph can be changed from
301   // a line to a vertex plus line, etc.)
302   vtkGetObjectMacro(LegendActor,vtkLegendBoxActor);
303   vtkGetObjectMacro(GlyphSource,vtkGlyphSource2D);
305   // Description:
306   // Set/Get the title of the x-y plot.
307   vtkSetStringMacro(Title);
308   vtkGetStringMacro(Title);
310   // Description:
311   // Set/Get the title of the x axis
312   vtkSetStringMacro(XTitle);
313   vtkGetStringMacro(XTitle);
315   // Description:
316   // Set/Get the title of the y axis
317   virtual void SetYTitle( const char* );
318   char* GetYTitle();
320   // Description:
321   // Retrieve handles to the X and Y axis (so that you can set their text
322   // properties for example)
GetXAxisActor2D()323   vtkAxisActor2D *GetXAxisActor2D()
324     {
325     return this->XAxis;
326     }
GetYAxisActor2D()327   vtkAxisActor2D *GetYAxisActor2D()
328     {
329     return this->YAxis;
330     }
332   // Description:
333   // Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables)
334   // to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot
335   // range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where
336   // v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that
337   // the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent
338   // variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).
339   vtkSetVector2Macro(XRange,double);
340   vtkGetVectorMacro(XRange,double,2);
341   vtkSetVector2Macro(YRange,double);
342   vtkGetVectorMacro(YRange,double,2);
SetPlotRange(double xmin,double ymin,double xmax,double ymax)343   void SetPlotRange(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax)
344     {this->SetXRange(xmin,xmax); this->SetYRange(ymin,ymax);}
346   // Description:
347   // Set/Get the number of annotation labels to show along the x and y axes.
348   // This values is a suggestion: the number of labels may vary depending
349   // on the particulars of the data. The convenience method
350   // SetNumberOfLabels() sets the number of x and y labels to the same value.
351   vtkSetClampMacro(NumberOfXLabels, int, 0, 50);
352   vtkGetMacro(NumberOfXLabels, int);
353   vtkSetClampMacro(NumberOfYLabels, int, 0, 50);
354   vtkGetMacro(NumberOfYLabels, int);
SetNumberOfLabels(int num)355   void SetNumberOfLabels(int num)
356     {this->SetNumberOfXLabels(num); this->SetNumberOfYLabels(num);}
358   // Description:
359   // Set/Get the flag that controls whether the labels and ticks are
360   // adjusted for "nice" numerical values to make it easier to read
361   // the labels. The adjustment is based in the Range instance variable.
362   // Call GetAdjustedRange and GetAdjustedNumberOfLabels to get the adjusted
363   // range and number of labels.
364   void SetAdjustXLabels(int adjust);
365   vtkGetMacro( AdjustXLabels, int );
366   void SetAdjustYLabels(int adjust);
367   vtkGetMacro( AdjustYLabels, int );
369   // Description:
370   // Set/Get the number of minor ticks in X or Y.
371   void SetNumberOfXMinorTicks(int num);
372   int GetNumberOfXMinorTicks();
373   void SetNumberOfYMinorTicks(int num);
374   int GetNumberOfYMinorTicks();
376   // Description:
377   // Enable/Disable the creation of a legend. If on, the legend labels will
378   // be created automatically unless the per plot legend symbol has been
379   // set.
380   vtkSetMacro(Legend, int);
381   vtkGetMacro(Legend, int);
382   vtkBooleanMacro(Legend, int);
384   // Description:
385   // Set/Get the position of the title. This has no effect if
386   // AdjustTitlePosition is true.
387   vtkSetVector2Macro(TitlePosition,double);
388   vtkGetVector2Macro(TitlePosition,double);
390   // Description:
391   // If true, the xyplot actor will adjust the position of the title
392   // automatically to be upper-middle. Default is true.
393   vtkSetMacro(AdjustTitlePosition, int);
394   vtkGetMacro(AdjustTitlePosition, int);
395   vtkBooleanMacro(AdjustTitlePosition, int);
397 //BTX
398 enum Alignment {
399   AlignLeft = 0x1,
400   AlignRight = 0x2,
401   AlignHCenter = 0x4,
402   AlignTop = 0x10,
403   AlignBottom = 0x20,
404   AlignVCenter = 0x40,
405   AlignAxisLeft = 0x100,
406   AlignAxisRight = 0x200,
407   AlignAxisHCenter = 0x400,
408   AlignAxisTop = 0x1000,
409   AlignAxisBottom = 0x2000,
410   AlignAxisVCenter = 0x4000
411 };
412 //ETX
413   // Description:
414   // If AdjustTitlePosition is true, the xyplot actor will
415   // adjust the position of the title automatically depending on the
416   // given mode, the mode is a combination of the Alignment flags.
417   // by default: vtkXYPlotActor::AlignHCenter | vtkXYPlotActor::Top
418   // | vtkXYPlotActor::AlignAxisVCenter
419   vtkSetMacro(AdjustTitlePositionMode, int);
420   vtkGetMacro(AdjustTitlePositionMode, int);
422   // Description:
423   // Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables
424   // LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right
425   // position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized
426   // values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and
427   // Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to
428   // LegendPosition.
429   vtkSetVector2Macro(LegendPosition,double);
430   vtkGetVector2Macro(LegendPosition,double);
431   vtkSetVector2Macro(LegendPosition2,double);
432   vtkGetVector2Macro(LegendPosition2,double);
434   // Description:
435   // Set/Get the title text property.
436   virtual void SetTitleTextProperty(vtkTextProperty *p);
437   vtkGetObjectMacro(TitleTextProperty,vtkTextProperty);
439   // Description:
440   // Set/Get the title text property of all axes. Note that each axis can
441   // be controlled individually through the GetX/YAxisActor2D() methods.
442   virtual void SetAxisTitleTextProperty(vtkTextProperty *p);
443   vtkGetObjectMacro(AxisTitleTextProperty,vtkTextProperty);
445   // Description:
446   // Set/Get the labels text property of all axes. Note that each axis can
447   // be controlled individually through the GetX/YAxisActor2D() methods.
448   virtual void SetAxisLabelTextProperty(vtkTextProperty *p);
449   vtkGetObjectMacro(AxisLabelTextProperty,vtkTextProperty);
451   // Description:
452   // Enable/Disable plotting of Log of x-values.
453   vtkSetMacro(Logx, int);
454   vtkGetMacro(Logx, int);
455   vtkBooleanMacro(Logx, int);
457   // Description:
458   // Set/Get the format with which to print the labels . This sets both X
459   // and Y label formats. GetLabelFormat() returns X label format.
460   virtual void SetLabelFormat ( const char* );
GetLabelFormat()461   const char* GetLabelFormat()
462     {
463     return this->GetXLabelFormat();
464     }
466   // Description:
467   // Set/Get the format with which to print the X label.
468   virtual void SetXLabelFormat ( const char* );
469   vtkGetStringMacro(XLabelFormat);
471   // Description:
472   // Set/Get the format with which to print the Y label.
473   virtual void SetYLabelFormat ( const char* );
474   vtkGetStringMacro(YLabelFormat);
476   // Description:
477   // Set/Get the spacing between the plot window and the plot. The value
478   // is specified in pixels.
479   vtkSetClampMacro(Border, int, 0, 50);
480   vtkGetMacro(Border, int);
482   // Description:
483   // Set/Get whether the points are rendered.  The point size can be set in
484   // the property object. This is a global flag which affects the plot only
485   // if per curve symbols are not defined.
486   vtkGetMacro(PlotPoints, int);
487   vtkSetMacro(PlotPoints, int);
488   vtkBooleanMacro(PlotPoints, int);
490   // Description:
491   // Set/Get whether the lines are rendered.  The line width can be set in
492   // the property object.
493   vtkGetMacro(PlotLines, int);
494   vtkSetMacro(PlotLines, int);
495   vtkBooleanMacro(PlotLines, int);
497   // Description:
498   // Set/Get the factor that controls how big glyphs are in the plot.
499   // The number is expressed as a fraction of the length of the diagonal
500   // of the plot bounding box.
501   vtkSetClampMacro(GlyphSize, double, 0.0, 0.2);
502   vtkGetMacro(GlyphSize, double);
504   // Description:
505   // Given a position within the viewport used by the plot, return the
506   // the plot coordinates (XAxis value, YAxis value)
507   void ViewportToPlotCoordinate(vtkViewport *viewport, double &u, double &v);
509   // Description:
510   // An alternate form of ViewportToPlotCoordinate() above. This method
511   // inputs the viewport coordinate pair (defined by the ivar
512   // ViewportCoordinate)and then stores them in the ivar PlotCoordinate.
513   void ViewportToPlotCoordinate(vtkViewport *viewport);
514   vtkSetVector2Macro(PlotCoordinate,double);
515   vtkGetVector2Macro(PlotCoordinate,double);
517   // Description:
518   // Given a plot coordinate, return the viewpoint position
519   void PlotToViewportCoordinate(vtkViewport *viewport, double &u, double &v);
521   // Description:
522   // An alternate form of PlotToViewportCoordinate() above. This method
523   // inputs the plot coordinate pair (defined in the ivar PlotCoordinate)
524   // and then stores them in the ivar ViewportCoordinate. (This method
525   // can be wrapped.)
526   void PlotToViewportCoordinate(vtkViewport *viewport);
527   vtkSetVector2Macro(ViewportCoordinate,double);
528   vtkGetVector2Macro(ViewportCoordinate,double);
530   // Description:
531   // Is the specified viewport position within the plot area (as opposed to the
532   // region used by the plot plus the labels)?
533   int IsInPlot(vtkViewport *viewport, double u, double v);
535   // Description:
536   // Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled
537   // corresponding to the chart box.
538   vtkSetMacro(ChartBox, int);
539   vtkGetMacro(ChartBox, int);
540   vtkBooleanMacro(ChartBox, int);
542   // Description:
543   // Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled
544   // corresponding to the legend box.
545   vtkSetMacro(ChartBorder, int);
546   vtkGetMacro(ChartBorder, int);
547   vtkBooleanMacro(ChartBorder, int);
549   // Description:
550   // Get the box vtkProperty2D.
GetChartBoxProperty()551   vtkProperty2D* GetChartBoxProperty() { return this->ChartBoxActor->GetProperty(); };
553   // Description:
554   // Set/Get if the X reference line is visible. hidden by default
555   vtkSetMacro(ShowReferenceXLine, int);
556   vtkGetMacro(ShowReferenceXLine, int);
557   vtkBooleanMacro(ShowReferenceXLine, int);
559   // Description
560   // Set/Get the value for the X reference line
561   vtkSetMacro(ReferenceXValue, double);
562   vtkGetMacro(ReferenceXValue, double);
564   // Description:
565   // Set/Get if the Y reference line is visible. hidden by default
566   vtkSetMacro(ShowReferenceYLine, int);
567   vtkGetMacro(ShowReferenceYLine, int);
568   vtkBooleanMacro(ShowReferenceYLine, int);
570   // Description
571   // Set/Get the value for the Y reference line
572   vtkSetMacro(ReferenceYValue, double);
573   vtkGetMacro(ReferenceYValue, double);
575   // Description:
576   // Take into account the modified time of internal helper classes.
577   unsigned long GetMTime();
579   // Description:
580   // Write the XY Ploat Actor as a CSV (comma separated value) representation.
581   void PrintAsCSV(ostream &os);
583 //BTX
584   // Description:
587   // Draw the x-y plot.
588   int RenderOpaqueGeometry(vtkViewport*);
589   int RenderOverlay(vtkViewport*);
RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry(vtkViewport *)590   virtual int RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry(vtkViewport *) {return 0;}
592   // Description:
593   // Does this prop have some translucent polygonal geometry?
594   virtual int HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry();
596   // Description:
597   // Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this actor.
598   // The parameter window could be used to determine which graphic
599   // resources to release.
600   void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *);
601 //ETX
603   // Description:
604   // Set/Get the position of the title of X axis.
605   void SetXTitlePosition(double position);
606   double GetXTitlePosition();
608   // Description:
609   // Set/Get the position of the title of Y axis.
610   vtkSetMacro(YTitlePosition,int);
611   vtkGetMacro(YTitlePosition,int);
SetYTitlePositionToTop()612   void SetYTitlePositionToTop()
613   {
614     this->SetYTitlePosition( VTK_XYPLOT_Y_AXIS_TOP );
615   }
SetYTitlePositionToHCenter()616   void SetYTitlePositionToHCenter()
617   {
618     this->SetYTitlePosition( VTK_XYPLOT_Y_AXIS_HCENTER );
619   }
SetYTitlePositionToVCenter()620   void SetYTitlePositionToVCenter()
621   {
622     this->SetYTitlePosition( VTK_XYPLOT_Y_AXIS_VCENTER );
623   }
625   // Description:
626   // Set plot properties
627   virtual void SetPlotGlyphType( int, int );
628   virtual void SetLineWidth( double );
629   virtual void AddUserCurvesPoint( double, double, double );
630   virtual void RemoveAllActiveCurves();
632   // Description:
633   // Set legend properties
634   virtual void SetLegendBorder( int );
635   virtual void SetLegendBox( int );
636   virtual void SetLegendUseBackground( int );
637   virtual void SetLegendBackgroundColor( double, double, double );
639   // Description:
640   // Set title properties
641   virtual void SetTitleColor( double, double, double );
642   virtual void SetTitleFontFamily( int );
643   virtual void SetTitleBold( int );
644   virtual void SetTitleItalic( int );
645   virtual void SetTitleShadow( int );
646   virtual void SetTitleFontSize( int );
647   virtual void SetTitleJustification( int );
648   virtual void SetTitleVerticalJustification( int );
650   // Description:
651   // Set axes properties
652   virtual void SetXAxisColor( double, double, double );
653   virtual void SetYAxisColor( double, double, double );
655   // Description:
656   // Set axis title properties
657   virtual void SetAxisTitleColor( double, double, double );
658   virtual void SetAxisTitleFontFamily( int );
659   virtual void SetAxisTitleBold( int );
660   virtual void SetAxisTitleItalic( int );
661   virtual void SetAxisTitleShadow( int );
662   virtual void SetAxisTitleFontSize( int );
663   virtual void SetAxisTitleJustification( int );
664   virtual void SetAxisTitleVerticalJustification( int );
666   // Description:
667   // Set axis label properties
668   virtual void SetAxisLabelColor( double, double, double );
669   virtual void SetAxisLabelFontFamily( int );
670   virtual void SetAxisLabelBold( int );
671   virtual void SetAxisLabelItalic( int );
672   virtual void SetAxisLabelShadow( int );
673   virtual void SetAxisLabelFontSize( int );
674   virtual void SetAxisLabelJustification( int );
675   virtual void SetAxisLabelVerticalJustification( int );
677 protected:
678   vtkXYPlotActor();
679   ~vtkXYPlotActor();
681   vtkXYPlotActorConnections* InputConnectionHolder;
682   char** SelectedInputScalars; // list of data set arrays to plot
683   vtkIntArray* SelectedInputScalarsComponent; // list of components
684   vtkXYPlotActorConnections *DataObjectInputConnectionHolder; //list of data objects to plot
685   char*  Title;
686   char*  XTitle;
687   vtkTextActor* YTitleActor;
688   int   XValues;
689   int   NumberOfXLabels;
690   int   NumberOfYLabels;
691   int   Logx;
692   char* XLabelFormat;
693   char* YLabelFormat;
694   double XRange[2];
695   double YRange[2];
696   double XComputedRange[2];  //range actually used by plot
697   double YComputedRange[2];  //range actually used by plot
698   int Border;
699   int PlotLines;
700   int PlotPoints;
701   int PlotCurveLines;
702   int PlotCurvePoints;
703   int ExchangeAxes;
704   int ReverseXAxis;
705   int ReverseYAxis;
706   int AdjustXLabels;
707   int AdjustYLabels;
708   int AdjustTitlePosition;
709   double TitlePosition[2];
710   int AdjustTitlePositionMode;
712   vtkTextMapper*   TitleMapper;
713   vtkActor2D*      TitleActor;
714   vtkTextProperty* TitleTextProperty;
716   vtkAxisActor2D*  XAxis;
717   vtkAxisActor2D*  YAxis;
719   vtkTextProperty* AxisTitleTextProperty;
720   vtkTextProperty* AxisLabelTextProperty;
722   double ViewportCoordinate[2];
723   double PlotCoordinate[2];
725   //Handle data objects and datasets
726   int DataObjectPlotMode;
727   vtkIntArray* XComponent;
728   vtkIntArray* YComponent;
729   vtkIntArray* LinesOn;
730   vtkIntArray* PointsOn;
732   //The data drawn within the axes. Each curve is one polydata.
733   //color is controlled by scalar data. The curves are appended
734   //together, possibly glyphed with point symbols.
735   int NumberOfInputs;
736   vtkPolyData             **PlotData;
737   vtkGlyph2D              **PlotGlyph;
738   vtkAppendPolyData       **PlotAppend;
739   vtkPolyDataMapper2D     **PlotMapper;
740   vtkActor2D              **PlotActor;
741   void                    InitializeEntries();
743   // Legends and plot symbols. The legend also keeps track of
744   // the symbols and such.
745   int Legend;
746   double LegendPosition[2];
747   double LegendPosition2[2];
748   vtkLegendBoxActor *LegendActor;
749   vtkGlyphSource2D *GlyphSource;
750   vtkPlanes *ClipPlanes;
751   double GlyphSize;
753   // Background box
754   int ChartBox;
755   vtkPolyData                *ChartBoxPolyData;
756   vtkPolyDataMapper2D        *ChartBoxMapper;
757   vtkActor2D                 *ChartBoxActor;
758   int ChartBorder;
759   vtkPolyData                *ChartBorderPolyData;
760   vtkPolyDataMapper2D        *ChartBorderMapper;
761   vtkActor2D                 *ChartBorderActor;
763   // Reference lines
764   int ShowReferenceXLine;
765   int ShowReferenceYLine;
766   double ReferenceXValue;
767   double ReferenceYValue;
769   vtkPolyData                *ReferenceLinesPolyData;
770   vtkPolyDataMapper2D        *ReferenceLinesMapper;
771   vtkActor2D                 *ReferenceLinesActor;
773   // Keep track of changes.
774   int CachedSize[2];
775   vtkTimeStamp  BuildTime;
777   void ComputeXRange(double range[2], double *lengths);
778   void ComputeYRange(double range[2]);
779   void ComputeDORange(double xrange[2], double yrange[2], double *lengths);
781   virtual void CreatePlotData(int *pos, int *pos2, double xRange[2],
782                               double yRange[2], double *norms,
783                               int numDS, int numDO);
784   void PlaceAxes(vtkViewport *viewport, int *size, int pos[2], int pos2[2]);
785   void GenerateClipPlanes(int *pos, int *pos2);
786   double ComputeGlyphScale(int i, int *pos, int *pos2);
787   void ClipPlotData(int *pos, int *pos2, vtkPolyData *pd);
788   double *TransformPoint(int pos[2], int pos2[2], double x[3], double xNew[3]);
790 //BTX
791   vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> ActiveCurve;
792 //ETX
793   int YAxisTitleSize;
794   int ActiveCurveIndex;
795   int PlotColorIndex;
797 private:
798   vtkXYPlotActor(const vtkXYPlotActor&);  // Not implemented.
799   void operator=(const vtkXYPlotActor&);  // Not implemented.
801   bool DoesConnectionMatch(int i, vtkAlgorithmOutput* in);
803   int IsInputPresent(vtkAlgorithmOutput* in,
804                      const char* arrayName,
805                      int component);
807   // Description:
808   // Estimated sizes of Y axis title
809   int YTitleSize[2];
811   // Description:
812   // Position and orientation of Y axis title
813   int YTitlePosition;
815   // Description:
816   // Estimated size of Y axis spacing
817   int YTitleDelta;
818 };
821 #endif