1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkHeap.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkHeap
17  * @brief   replacement for malloc/free and new/delete
18  *
19  * This class is a replacement for malloc/free and new/delete for software
20  * that has inherent memory leak or performance problems. For example,
21  * external software such as the PLY library (vtkPLY) and VRML importer
22  * (vtkVRMLImporter) are often written with lots of malloc() calls but
23  * without the corresponding free() invocations. The class
24  * vtkOrderedTriangulator may create and delete millions of new/delete calls.
25  * This class allows the overloading of the C++ new operator (or other memory
26  * allocation requests) by using the method AllocateMemory(). Memory is
27  * deleted with an invocation of CleanAll() (which deletes ALL memory; any
28  * given memory allocation cannot be deleted). Note: a block size can be used
29  * to control the size of each memory allocation. Requests for memory are
30  * fulfilled from the block until the block runs out, then a new block is
31  * created.
32  *
33  * @warning
34  * Do not use this class as a general replacement for system memory
35  * allocation.  This class should be used only as a last resort if memory
36  * leaks cannot be tracked down and eliminated by conventional means. Also,
37  * deleting memory from vtkHeap is not supported. Only the deletion of
38  * the entire heap is. (A Reset() method allows you to reuse previously
39  * allocated memory.)
40  *
41  * @sa
42  * vtkVRMLImporter vtkPLY vtkOrderedTriangulator
43 */
45 #ifndef vtkHeap_h
46 #define vtkHeap_h
48 #include "vtkCommonMiscModule.h" // For export macro
49 #include "vtkObject.h"
51 class vtkHeapBlock; //forward declaration
53 class VTKCOMMONMISC_EXPORT vtkHeap : public vtkObject
54 {
55 public:
56   static vtkHeap *New();
57   vtkTypeMacro(vtkHeap,vtkObject);
58   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
60   /**
61    * Allocate the memory requested.
62    */
63   void* AllocateMemory(size_t n);
65   //@{
66   /**
67    * Set/Get the size at which blocks are allocated. If a memory
68    * request is bigger than the block size, then that size
69    * will be allocated.
70    */
71   virtual void SetBlockSize(size_t);
GetBlockSize()72   virtual size_t GetBlockSize() { return this->BlockSize;};
73   //@}
75   //@{
76   /**
77    * Get the number of allocations thus far.
78    */
79   vtkGetMacro(NumberOfBlocks,int);
80   vtkGetMacro(NumberOfAllocations,int);
81   //@}
83   /**
84    * This methods resets the current allocation location
85    * back to the beginning of the heap. This allows
86    * reuse of previously allocated memory which may be
87    * beneficial to performance in many cases.
88    */
89   void Reset();
91   /**
92    * Convenience method performs string duplication.
93    */
94   char* StringDup(const char* str);
96 protected:
97   vtkHeap();
98   ~vtkHeap() override;
100   void Add(size_t blockSize);
101   void CleanAll();
102   vtkHeapBlock* DeleteAndNext();
104   size_t BlockSize;
105   int    NumberOfAllocations;
106   int    NumberOfBlocks;
107   size_t Alignment;
109   // Manage the blocks
110   vtkHeapBlock* First;
111   vtkHeapBlock* Last;
112   vtkHeapBlock* Current;
113   // Manage the memory in the block
114   size_t Position; //the position in the Current block
116 private:
117   vtkHeap(const vtkHeap&) = delete;
118   void operator=(const vtkHeap&) = delete;
119 };
121 #endif