1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkTensorGlyph.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkTensorGlyph
17  * @brief   scale and orient glyph(s) according to eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetrical part of tensor
18  *
19  * vtkTensorGlyph is a filter that copies a geometric representation
20  * (specified as polygonal data) to every input point. The geometric
21  * representation, or glyph, can be scaled and/or rotated according to
22  * the tensor at the input point. Scaling and rotation is controlled
23  * by the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of the symmetrical part of the tensor
24  * as follows:
25  * For each tensor, the eigenvalues (and associated eigenvectors) are sorted
26  * to determine the major, medium, and minor eigenvalues/eigenvectors.
27  * The eigenvalue decomposition only makes sense for symmetric tensors,
28  * hence the need to only consider the symmetric part of the tensor, which is
29  * 1/2 (T + T.transposed()).
30  *
31  * If the boolean variable ThreeGlyphs is not set the major eigenvalue
32  * scales the glyph in the x-direction, the medium in the y-direction,
33  * and the minor in the z-direction. Then, the glyph is rotated so
34  * that the glyph's local x-axis lies along the major eigenvector,
35  * y-axis along the medium eigenvector, and z-axis along the minor.
36  *
37  * If the boolean variable ThreeGlyphs is set three glyphs are produced,
38  * each of them oriented along an eigenvector and scaled according to the
39  * corresponding eigenvector.
40  *
41  * If the boolean variable Symmetric is set each glyph is mirrored (2 or 6
42  * glyphs will be produced)
43  *
44  * The x-axis of the source glyph will correspond to the eigenvector
45  * on output. Point (0,0,0) in the source will be placed in the data point.
46  * Variable Length will normally correspond to the distance from the
47  * origin to the tip of the source glyph along the x-axis,
48  * but can be changed to produce other results when Symmetric is on,
49  * e.g. glyphs that do not touch or that overlap.
50  *
51  * Please note that when Symmetric is false it will generally be better
52  * to place the source glyph from (-0.5,0,0) to (0.5,0,0), i.e. centred
53  * at the origin. When symmetric is true the placement from (0,0,0) to
54  * (1,0,0) will generally be more convenient.
55  *
56  * A scale factor is provided to control the amount of scaling. Also, you
57  * can turn off scaling completely if desired. The boolean variable
58  * ClampScaling controls the maximum scaling (in conjunction with
59  * MaxScaleFactor.) This is useful in certain applications where
60  * singularities or large order of magnitude differences exist in
61  * the eigenvalues.
62  *
63  * If the boolean variable ColorGlyphs is set to true the glyphs are
64  * colored.  The glyphs can be colored using the input scalars
65  * (SetColorModeToScalars), which is the default, or colored using the
66  * eigenvalues (SetColorModeToEigenvalues).
67  *
68  * Another instance variable, ExtractEigenvalues, has been provided to
69  * control extraction of eigenvalues/eigenvectors. If this boolean is
70  * false, then eigenvalues/eigenvectors are not extracted, and the
71  * columns of the tensor are taken as the eigenvectors (the norm of
72  * column, always positive, is the eigenvalue).  This allows
73  * additional capability over the vtkGlyph3D object. That is, the
74  * glyph can be oriented in three directions instead of one.
75  *
76  * @par Thanks:
77  * Thanks to Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida for enhancements.
78  *
79  * @sa
80  * vtkGlyph3D vtkPointLoad vtkHyperStreamline
81 */
83 #ifndef vtkTensorGlyph_h
84 #define vtkTensorGlyph_h
86 #include "vtkFiltersCoreModule.h" // For export macro
87 #include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h"
89 class VTKFILTERSCORE_EXPORT vtkTensorGlyph : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
90 {
91 public:
92   vtkTypeMacro(vtkTensorGlyph,vtkPolyDataAlgorithm);
93   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
95   /**
96    * Construct object with scaling on and scale factor 1.0. Eigenvalues are
97    * extracted, glyphs are colored with input scalar data, and logarithmic
98    * scaling is turned off.
99    */
100   static vtkTensorGlyph *New();
102   //@{
103   /**
104    * Specify the geometry to copy to each point.
105    * Note that this method does not connect the pipeline. The algorithm will
106    * work on the input data as it is without updating the producer of the data.
107    * See SetSourceConnection for connecting the pipeline.
108    */
109   void SetSourceData(vtkPolyData *source);
110   vtkPolyData *GetSource();
111   //@}
113   //@{
114   /**
115    * Specify a source object at a specified table location. New style.
116    * Source connection is stored in port 1. This method is equivalent
117    * to SetInputConnection(1, id, outputPort).
118    */
119   void SetSourceConnection(int id, vtkAlgorithmOutput* algOutput);
SetSourceConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput * algOutput)120   void SetSourceConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput* algOutput)
121   {
122       this->SetSourceConnection(0, algOutput);
123   }
124   //@}
126   //@{
127   /**
128    * Turn on/off scaling of glyph with eigenvalues.
129    */
130   vtkSetMacro(Scaling,vtkTypeBool);
131   vtkGetMacro(Scaling,vtkTypeBool);
132   vtkBooleanMacro(Scaling,vtkTypeBool);
133   //@}
135   //@{
136   /**
137    * Specify scale factor to scale object by. (Scale factor always affects
138    * output even if scaling is off.)
139    */
140   vtkSetMacro(ScaleFactor,double);
141   vtkGetMacro(ScaleFactor,double);
142   //@}
144   //@{
145   /**
146    * Turn on/off drawing three glyphs
147    */
148   vtkSetMacro(ThreeGlyphs,vtkTypeBool);
149   vtkGetMacro(ThreeGlyphs,vtkTypeBool);
150   vtkBooleanMacro(ThreeGlyphs,vtkTypeBool);
151   //@}
153   //@{
154   /**
155    * Turn on/off drawing a mirror of each glyph
156    */
157   vtkSetMacro(Symmetric,vtkTypeBool);
158   vtkGetMacro(Symmetric,vtkTypeBool);
159   vtkBooleanMacro(Symmetric,vtkTypeBool);
160   //@}
162   //@{
163   /**
164    * Set/Get the distance, along x, from the origin to the end of the
165    * source glyph. It is used to draw the symmetric glyphs.
166    */
167   vtkSetMacro(Length,double);
168   vtkGetMacro(Length,double);
169   //@}
171   //@{
172   /**
173    * Turn on/off extraction of eigenvalues from tensor.
174    */
175   vtkSetMacro(ExtractEigenvalues,vtkTypeBool);
176   vtkBooleanMacro(ExtractEigenvalues,vtkTypeBool);
177   vtkGetMacro(ExtractEigenvalues,vtkTypeBool);
178   //@}
180   //@{
181   /**
182    * Turn on/off coloring of glyph with input scalar data or
183    * eigenvalues. If false, or input scalar data not present, then the
184    * scalars from the source object are passed through the filter.
185    */
186   vtkSetMacro(ColorGlyphs,vtkTypeBool);
187   vtkGetMacro(ColorGlyphs,vtkTypeBool);
188   vtkBooleanMacro(ColorGlyphs,vtkTypeBool);
189   //@}
191   enum
192   {
195   };
197   //@{
198   /**
199    * Set the color mode to be used for the glyphs.  This can be set to
200    * use the input scalars (default) or to use the eigenvalues at the
201    * point.  If ThreeGlyphs is set and the eigenvalues are chosen for
202    * coloring then each glyph is colored by the corresponding
203    * eigenvalue and if not set the color corresponding to the largest
204    * eigenvalue is chosen.  The recognized values are:
205    * COLOR_BY_SCALARS = 0 (default)
207    */
208   vtkSetClampMacro(ColorMode, int, COLOR_BY_SCALARS, COLOR_BY_EIGENVALUES);
209   vtkGetMacro(ColorMode, int);
SetColorModeToScalars()210   void SetColorModeToScalars()
211     {this->SetColorMode(COLOR_BY_SCALARS);};
SetColorModeToEigenvalues()212   void SetColorModeToEigenvalues()
213     {this->SetColorMode(COLOR_BY_EIGENVALUES);};
214   //@}
216   //@{
217   /**
218    * Turn on/off scalar clamping. If scalar clamping is on, the ivar
219    * MaxScaleFactor is used to control the maximum scale factor. (This is
220    * useful to prevent uncontrolled scaling near singularities.)
221    */
222   vtkSetMacro(ClampScaling,vtkTypeBool);
223   vtkGetMacro(ClampScaling,vtkTypeBool);
224   vtkBooleanMacro(ClampScaling,vtkTypeBool);
225   //@}
227   //@{
228   /**
229    * Set/Get the maximum allowable scale factor. This value is compared to the
230    * combination of the scale factor times the eigenvalue. If less, the scale
231    * factor is reset to the MaxScaleFactor. The boolean ClampScaling has to
232    * be "on" for this to work.
233    */
234   vtkSetMacro(MaxScaleFactor,double);
235   vtkGetMacro(MaxScaleFactor,double);
236   //@}
238 protected:
239   vtkTensorGlyph();
240   ~vtkTensorGlyph() override;
242   int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation *,  vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override;
243   int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override;
244   int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info) override;
246   vtkTypeBool Scaling; // Determine whether scaling of geometry is performed
247   double ScaleFactor; // Scale factor to use to scale geometry
248   vtkTypeBool ExtractEigenvalues; // Boolean controls eigenfunction extraction
249   vtkTypeBool ColorGlyphs; // Boolean controls coloring with input scalar data
250   int ColorMode; // The coloring mode to use for the glyphs.
251   vtkTypeBool ClampScaling; // Boolean controls whether scaling is clamped.
252   double MaxScaleFactor; // Maximum scale factor (ScaleFactor*eigenvalue)
253   vtkTypeBool ThreeGlyphs; // Boolean controls drawing 1 or 3 glyphs
254   vtkTypeBool Symmetric; // Boolean controls drawing a "mirror" of each glyph
255   double Length; // Distance, in x, from the origin to the end of the glyph
256 private:
257   vtkTensorGlyph(const vtkTensorGlyph&) = delete;
258   void operator=(const vtkTensorGlyph&) = delete;
259 };
261 #endif