1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkFLUENTReader.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 // Thanks to Brian W. Dotson & Terry E. Jordan (Department of Energy, National
16 // Energy Technology Laboratory) & Douglas McCorkle (Iowa State University)
17 // who developed this class.
18 //
19 // Please address all comments to Brian Dotson (brian.dotson@netl.doe.gov) &
20 // Terry Jordan (terry.jordan@sa.netl.doe.gov)
21 // & Doug McCorkle (mccdo@iastate.edu)
23 #include "vtkFLUENTReader.h"
24 #include "vtkDataArraySelection.h"
25 #include "vtkErrorCode.h"
26 #include "vtkMultiBlockDataSet.h"
27 #include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h"
28 #include "vtkInformation.h"
29 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
30 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
31 #include "vtkFieldData.h"
32 #include "vtkPointData.h"
33 #include "vtkCellData.h"
34 #include "vtkByteSwap.h"
35 #include "vtkIdTypeArray.h"
36 #include "vtkFloatArray.h"
37 #include "vtkIntArray.h"
38 #include "vtkByteSwap.h"
39 #include "vtkCellArray.h"
40 #include "vtkHexahedron.h"
41 #include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
42 #include "vtkPoints.h"
43 #include "vtkTriangle.h"
44 #include "vtkQuad.h"
45 #include "vtkTetra.h"
46 #include "vtkWedge.h"
47 #include "vtkPyramid.h"
48 #include "vtkConvexPointSet.h"
50 #include <string>
51 #include <map>
52 #include <vector>
53 #include <set>
54 #include "fstream"
55 #include <sstream>
56 #include <algorithm>
58 #include <cctype>
59 #include <sys/stat.h>
61 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkFLUENTReader);
66 //Structures
67 struct vtkFLUENTReader::Cell
68 {
69   int type;
70   int zone;
71   std::vector< int > faces;
72   int parent;
73   int child;
74   std::vector< int > nodes;
75 };
77 struct vtkFLUENTReader::Face
78 {
79   int type;
80   unsigned int zone;
81   std::vector< int > nodes;
82   int c0;
83   int c1;
84   int periodicShadow;
85   int parent;
86   int child;
87   int interfaceFaceParent;
88   int interfaceFaceChild;
89   int ncgParent;
90   int ncgChild;
91 };
93 struct vtkFLUENTReader::ScalarDataChunk
94 {
95   int subsectionId;
96   unsigned int zoneId;
97   std::vector< double > scalarData;
98 };
100 struct vtkFLUENTReader::VectorDataChunk
101 {
102   int subsectionId;
103   unsigned int zoneId;
104   std::vector< double > iComponentData;
105   std::vector< double > jComponentData;
106   std::vector< double > kComponentData;
107 };
109 struct vtkFLUENTReader::stdString
110 {
111   std::string value;
112 };
113 struct vtkFLUENTReader::intVector
114 {
115   std::vector<int> value;
116 };
117 struct vtkFLUENTReader::doubleVector
118 {
119   std::vector<double> value;
120 };
121 struct vtkFLUENTReader::stringVector
122 {
123   std::vector< std::string > value;
124 };
125 struct vtkFLUENTReader::cellVector
126 {
127   std::vector< Cell > value;
128 };
129 struct vtkFLUENTReader::faceVector
130 {
131   std::vector< Face > value;
132 };
133 struct vtkFLUENTReader::stdMap
134 {
135   std::map< int, std::string > value;
136 };
137 struct vtkFLUENTReader::scalarDataVector
138 {
139   std::vector< ScalarDataChunk > value;
140 };
141 struct vtkFLUENTReader::vectorDataVector
142 {
143   std::vector< VectorDataChunk > value;
144 };
145 struct vtkFLUENTReader::intVectorVector
146 {
147   std::vector< std::vector< int > > value;
148 };
150 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkFLUENTReader()151 vtkFLUENTReader::vtkFLUENTReader()
152 {
153   this->SwapBytes = 0;
154   this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(0);
155   this->FileName  = nullptr;
156   this->Points = vtkPoints::New();
157   this->Triangle = vtkTriangle::New();
158   this->Tetra = vtkTetra::New();
159   this->Quad = vtkQuad::New();
160   this->Hexahedron = vtkHexahedron::New();
161   this->Pyramid = vtkPyramid::New();
162   this->Wedge = vtkWedge::New();
163   this->ConvexPointSet = vtkConvexPointSet::New();
165   this->CaseBuffer = new stdString;
166   this->DataBuffer = new stdString;
167   this->Cells = new cellVector;
168   this->Faces = new faceVector;
169   this->VariableNames = new stdMap;
170   this->CellZones = new intVector;
171   this->ScalarDataChunks = new scalarDataVector;
172   this->VectorDataChunks = new vectorDataVector;
173   this->SubSectionZones = new intVectorVector;
174   this->SubSectionIds = new intVector;
175   this->SubSectionSize = new intVector;
176   this->ScalarVariableNames = new stringVector;
177   this->ScalarSubSectionIds = new intVector;
178   this->VectorVariableNames = new stringVector;
179   this->VectorSubSectionIds = new intVector;
180   this->FluentCaseFile = new ifstream;
181   this->FluentDataFile = new ifstream;
183   this->NumberOfCells=0;
185   this->CellDataArraySelection = vtkDataArraySelection::New();
186   this->SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian();
187 }
189 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
~vtkFLUENTReader()190 vtkFLUENTReader::~vtkFLUENTReader()
191 {
192   this->Points->Delete();
193   this->Triangle->Delete();
194   this->Tetra->Delete();
195   this->Quad->Delete();
196   this->Hexahedron->Delete();
197   this->Pyramid->Delete();
198   this->Wedge->Delete();
199   this->ConvexPointSet->Delete();
201   delete this->CaseBuffer;
202   delete this->DataBuffer;
203   delete this->Cells;
204   delete this->Faces;
205   delete this->VariableNames;
206   delete this->CellZones;
207   delete this->ScalarDataChunks;
208   delete this->VectorDataChunks;
209   delete this->SubSectionZones;
210   delete this->SubSectionIds;
211   delete this->SubSectionSize;
212   delete this->ScalarVariableNames;
213   delete this->ScalarSubSectionIds;
214   delete this->VectorVariableNames;
215   delete this->VectorSubSectionIds;
216   delete this->FluentCaseFile;
217   delete this->FluentDataFile;
219   this->CellDataArraySelection->Delete();
221   delete[] this->FileName;
222 }
224 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RequestData(vtkInformation * vtkNotUsed (request),vtkInformationVector ** vtkNotUsed (inputVector),vtkInformationVector * outputVector)225 int vtkFLUENTReader::RequestData(
226   vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
227   vtkInformationVector **vtkNotUsed(inputVector),
228   vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
229 {
230   if (!this->FileName)
231   {
232     vtkErrorMacro("FileName has to be specified!");
233     return 0;
234   }
236   vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
238   vtkMultiBlockDataSet *output = vtkMultiBlockDataSet::SafeDownCast(
239     outInfo->Get(vtkMultiBlockDataSet::DATA_OBJECT()));
241   output->SetNumberOfBlocks(
242     static_cast< unsigned int >(this->CellZones->value.size()) );
243   //vtkUnstructuredGrid *Grid[CellZones.size()];
245   std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > grid;
246   grid.resize(this->CellZones->value.size());
248   for(int test=0; test < (int)this->CellZones->value.size(); test++)
249   {
250     grid[test] = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
251   }
253   for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->Cells->value.size(); i++)
254   {
255     int location =
256       std::find(this->CellZones->value.begin(),
257                    this->CellZones->value.end(),
258                    this->Cells->value[i].zone) -
259       this->CellZones->value.begin();
260                                     ;
261     if (this->Cells->value[i].type == 1 )
262     {
263       for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
264       {
265         this->Triangle->GetPointIds()->SetId(j, this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j]);
266       }
267       grid[location]->InsertNextCell(this->Triangle->GetCellType(),
268                                      this->Triangle->GetPointIds());
269     }
270     else if (this->Cells->value[i].type == 2 )
271     {
272       for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
273       {
274         this->Tetra->GetPointIds()->SetId(j, Cells->value[i].nodes[j]);
275       }
276       grid[location]->InsertNextCell(this->Tetra->GetCellType(),
277                                      this->Tetra->GetPointIds());
278     }
279     else if (this->Cells->value[i].type == 3 )
280     {
281       for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
282       {
283         this->Quad->GetPointIds()->SetId(j, this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j]);
284       }
285       grid[location]->InsertNextCell(this->Quad->GetCellType(),
286                                      this->Quad->GetPointIds());
287     }
288     else if (this->Cells->value[i].type == 4 )
289     {
290       for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
291       {
292         this->Hexahedron->GetPointIds()->
293               SetId(j, this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j]);
294       }
295       grid[location]->InsertNextCell(this->Hexahedron->GetCellType(),
296                                      this->Hexahedron->GetPointIds());
297     }
298     else if (this->Cells->value[i].type == 5 )
299     {
300       for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
301       {
302         this->Pyramid->GetPointIds()->SetId(j, this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j]);
303       }
304       grid[location]->InsertNextCell(this->Pyramid->GetCellType(),
305                                      this->Pyramid->GetPointIds());
306     }
307     else if (this->Cells->value[i].type == 6 )
308     {
309       for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
310       {
311         this->Wedge->GetPointIds()->SetId(j, this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j]);
312       }
313       grid[location]->InsertNextCell(this->Wedge->GetCellType(),
314                                      this->Wedge->GetPointIds());
315     }
316     else if (this->Cells->value[i].type == 7 )
317     {
318       this->ConvexPointSet->GetPointIds()->
319             SetNumberOfIds(static_cast<vtkIdType>(this->Cells->value[i].nodes.size()));
320       for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].nodes.size(); j++)
321       {
322         this->ConvexPointSet->GetPointIds()->
323               SetId(j, this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j]);
324       }
325       grid[location]->InsertNextCell(this->ConvexPointSet->GetCellType(),
326                                      this->ConvexPointSet->GetPointIds());
327     }
328   }
329 //  this->Cells->value.clear();
331   //Scalar Data
332   for (int l = 0; l < (int)this->ScalarDataChunks->value.size(); l++)
333   {
334     int location =
335       std::find(this->CellZones->value.begin(),
336                    this->CellZones->value.end(),
337                    this->ScalarDataChunks->value[l].zoneId) -
338       this->CellZones->value.begin();
340     vtkDoubleArray *v = vtkDoubleArray::New();
341     for (int m = 0; m <
342          (int)this->ScalarDataChunks->value[l].scalarData.size(); m++)
343     {
344       v->InsertValue(m, this->ScalarDataChunks->value[l].scalarData[m]);
345     }
346     //v->SetName(this->ScalarVariableNames->
347     //           value[l/this->CellZones->value.size()].c_str());
348     v->SetName(this->VariableNames->
349       value[this->ScalarDataChunks->value[l].subsectionId].c_str());
350     grid[location]->GetCellData()->AddArray(v);
351     v->Delete();
352   }
353   this->ScalarDataChunks->value.clear();
355   //Vector Data
356   for (int l = 0; l < (int)this->VectorDataChunks->value.size(); l++)
357   {
358     int location =
359       std::find(this->CellZones->value.begin(),
360                    this->CellZones->value.end(),
361                    this->VectorDataChunks->value[l].zoneId) -
362       this->CellZones->value.begin();
363     vtkDoubleArray *v = vtkDoubleArray::New();
364     v->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
365     for (int m = 0;
366          m < (int)this->VectorDataChunks->value[l].iComponentData.size(); m++)
367     {
368       v->InsertComponent(m, 0,
369                          this->VectorDataChunks->value[l].iComponentData[m]);
370       v->InsertComponent(m, 1,
371                          this->VectorDataChunks->value[l].jComponentData[m]);
372       v->InsertComponent(m, 2,
373                          this->VectorDataChunks->value[l].kComponentData[m]);
374     }
375     //v->SetName(this->VectorVariableNames->
376     //           value[l/this->CellZones->value.size()].c_str());
377     v->SetName(this->VariableNames->
378       value[this->VectorDataChunks->value[l].subsectionId].c_str());
379     grid[location]->GetCellData()->AddArray(v);
380     v->Delete();
381   }
382   this->VectorDataChunks->value.clear();
384   for(int addTo = 0; addTo < (int)this->CellZones->value.size(); addTo++)
385   {
386     grid[addTo]->SetPoints(Points);
387     output->SetBlock(addTo, grid[addTo]);
388     grid[addTo]->Delete();
389   }
390   return 1;
391 }
393 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)394 void vtkFLUENTReader::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
395 {
396   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);
397   os << indent << "File Name: "
398      << (this->FileName ? this->FileName : "(none)") << endl;
399   os << indent << "Number Of Cells: " << this->NumberOfCells << endl;
400 }
402 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RequestInformation(vtkInformation * vtkNotUsed (request),vtkInformationVector ** vtkNotUsed (inputVector),vtkInformationVector * vtkNotUsed (outputVector))403 int vtkFLUENTReader::RequestInformation(
404   vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
405   vtkInformationVector **vtkNotUsed(inputVector),
406   vtkInformationVector *vtkNotUsed(outputVector))
407 {
408   if (!this->FileName)
409   {
410     vtkErrorMacro("FileName has to be specified!");
411     return 0;
412   }
414   if(!this->OpenCaseFile(this->FileName))
415   {
416     vtkErrorMacro("Unable to open cas file.");
417     return 0;
418   }
420   int dat_file_opened = this->OpenDataFile(this->FileName);
421   if(!dat_file_opened)
422   {
423     vtkWarningMacro("Unable to open dat file.");
424   }
426   this->LoadVariableNames();
427   this->ParseCaseFile();  // Reads Necessary Information from the .cas file.
428   this->CleanCells();  //  Removes unnecessary faces from the cells.
429   this->PopulateCellNodes();
430   this->GetNumberOfCellZones();
431   this->NumberOfScalars = 0;
432   this->NumberOfVectors = 0;
433   if(dat_file_opened)
434   {
435     this->ParseDataFile();
436   }
437   for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->SubSectionIds->value.size(); i++)
438   {
439     if (this->SubSectionSize->value[i] == 1)
440     {
441       this->CellDataArraySelection->AddArray(this->VariableNames->value[this->
442                                              SubSectionIds->value[i]].c_str());
443       this->ScalarVariableNames->value.
444         push_back(this->VariableNames->value[this->SubSectionIds->value[i]]);
445       this->ScalarSubSectionIds->value.push_back(this->SubSectionIds->value[i]);
446     }
447     else if (this->SubSectionSize->value[i] == 3)
448     {
449       this->CellDataArraySelection->
450             AddArray(this->VariableNames->
451                      value[this->SubSectionIds->value[i]].c_str());
452       this->VectorVariableNames->value.push_back(this->VariableNames->value[
453                                             this->SubSectionIds->value[i]]);
454       this->VectorSubSectionIds->value.push_back(this->SubSectionIds->value[i]);
455     }
456   }
457   this->NumberOfCells = (int)this->Cells->value.size();
458   return 1;
459 }
461 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
OpenCaseFile(const char * filename)462 bool vtkFLUENTReader::OpenCaseFile(const char *filename)
463 {
464 #ifdef _WIN32
465   //this->FluentCaseFile->open(filename, ios::in | ios::binary);
466   this->FluentCaseFile = new ifstream(filename, ios::in | ios::binary);
467 #else
468   //this->FluentCaseFile->open(filename, ios::in);
469   this->FluentCaseFile = new ifstream(filename, ios::in);
470 #endif
472   if (!this->FluentCaseFile->fail())
473   {
474     return true;
475   }
476   else
477   {
478     return false;
479   }
480 }
482 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetNumberOfCellArrays()483 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetNumberOfCellArrays()
484 {
485   return this->CellDataArraySelection->GetNumberOfArrays();
486 }
488 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCellArrayName(int index)489 const char* vtkFLUENTReader::GetCellArrayName(int index)
490 {
491   return this->CellDataArraySelection->GetArrayName(index);
492 }
494 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCellArrayStatus(const char * name)495 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetCellArrayStatus(const char* name)
496 {
497   return this->CellDataArraySelection->ArrayIsEnabled(name);
498 }
500 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetCellArrayStatus(const char * name,int status)501 void vtkFLUENTReader::SetCellArrayStatus(const char* name, int status)
502 {
503   if(status)
504   {
505     this->CellDataArraySelection->EnableArray(name);
506   }
507   else
508   {
509     this->CellDataArraySelection->DisableArray(name);
510   }
511 }
513 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EnableAllCellArrays()514 void vtkFLUENTReader::EnableAllCellArrays()
515 {
516   this->CellDataArraySelection->EnableAllArrays();
517 }
519 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DisableAllCellArrays()520 void vtkFLUENTReader::DisableAllCellArrays()
521 {
522   this->CellDataArraySelection->DisableAllArrays();
523 }
525 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
OpenDataFile(const char * filename)528 bool vtkFLUENTReader::OpenDataFile(const char *filename)
529 {
530   std::string dfilename(filename);
531   dfilename.erase(dfilename.length()-3, 3);
532   dfilename.append("dat");
534 #ifdef _WIN32
535   //this->FluentDataFile->open(dfilename.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);
536   this->FluentDataFile = new ifstream(dfilename.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);
537 #else
538   //this->FluentDataFile->open(dfilename.c_str(), ios::in);
539   this->FluentDataFile = new ifstream(dfilename.c_str(), ios::in);
540 #endif
542   if (this->FluentDataFile->fail())
543   {
544     return false;
545   }
546   else
547   {
548     return true;
549   }
550 }
552 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCaseChunk()553 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetCaseChunk ()
554 {
555   this->CaseBuffer->value = "";  // Clear buffer
557   //
558   // Look for beginning of chunk
559   //
560   while(this->FluentCaseFile->peek() != '(')
561   {
562     this->FluentCaseFile->get();
563     if (this->FluentCaseFile->eof())
564     {
565       return 0;
566     }
567   }
569   //
570   // Figure out whether this is a binary or ascii chunk.
571   // If the index is 3 digits or more, then binary, otherwise ascii.
572   //
573   std::string index;
574   while(this->FluentCaseFile->peek() != ' ')
575   {
576     //index.push_back(this->FluentCaseFile->peek());
577         index += this->FluentCaseFile->peek();
578         //this->CaseBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentCaseFile->get());
579         this->CaseBuffer->value += this->FluentCaseFile->get();
580     if (this->FluentCaseFile->eof())
581     {
582       return 0;
583     }
584   }
586   index.erase(0,1);  // Get rid of the "("
588   //
589   //  Grab the chunk and put it in buffer.
590   //  You have to look for the end of section std::string if it is
591   //  a binary chunk.
592   //
594   if (index.size() > 2)
595   {  // Binary Chunk
596     char end[120];
597     strcpy(end, "End of Binary Section   ");
598     strcat(end, index.c_str());
599     strcat(end, ")");
600     size_t len = strlen(end);
602     // Load the case buffer enough to start comparing to the end std::string.
603     while (this->CaseBuffer->value.size() < len)
604     {
605       //this->CaseBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentCaseFile->get());
606       this->CaseBuffer->value += this->FluentCaseFile->get();
607     }
609     //while (CaseBuffer.compare(CaseBuffer.size()-strlen(end),
610     //strlen(end), end))
611     while (strcmp(this->CaseBuffer->value.c_str()+
612                    (this->CaseBuffer->value.size()-len), end))
613     {
614       //this->CaseBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentCaseFile->get());
615       this->CaseBuffer->value += this->FluentCaseFile->get();
616     }
618   }
619   else
620   {  // Ascii Chunk
621     int level = 0;
622     while ((this->FluentCaseFile->peek() != ')') || (level != 0) )
623     {
624       //this->CaseBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentCaseFile->get());
625       this->CaseBuffer->value += this->FluentCaseFile->get();
626       if (this->CaseBuffer->value.at(this->CaseBuffer->value.length()-1) == '(')
627       {
628         level++;
629       }
630       if (this->CaseBuffer->value.at(this->CaseBuffer->value.length()-1) == ')')
631       {
632         level--;
633       }
634       if (this->FluentCaseFile->eof())
635       {
636         return 0;
637       }
638     }
639     //this->CaseBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentCaseFile->get());
640     this->CaseBuffer->value += this->FluentCaseFile->get();
641   }
642   return 1;
643 }
645 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCaseIndex()646 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetCaseIndex()
647 {
648   std::string sindex;
650   int i = 1;
651   while (this->CaseBuffer->value.at(i) != ' ')
652   {
653     //sindex.push_back(this->CaseBuffer->value.at(i++));
654     sindex += this->CaseBuffer->value.at(i++);
655   }
656   return atoi(sindex.c_str());
657 }
659 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetNumberOfCellZones()660 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetNumberOfCellZones()
661 {
662   int match;
664   for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->Cells->value.size(); i++)
665   {
666     if (this->CellZones->value.empty())
667     {
668       this->CellZones->value.push_back(this->Cells->value[i].zone);
669     }
670     else
671     {
672       match = 0;
673       for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->CellZones->value.size(); j++)
674       {
675         if (this->CellZones->value[j] == this->Cells->value[i].zone)
676         {
677           match = 1;
678         }
679       }
680       if (match == 0)
681       {
682         this->CellZones->value.push_back(this->Cells->value[i].zone);
683       }
684     }
685   }
686 }
689 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDataIndex()690 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetDataIndex()
691 {
692   std::string sindex;
694   int i = 1;
695   while (this->DataBuffer->value.at(i) != ' ')
696   {
697     //sindex.push_back(this->DataBuffer->value.at(i++));
698     sindex += this->DataBuffer->value.at(i++);
699   }
700   return atoi(sindex.c_str());
701 }
703 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDataChunk()704 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetDataChunk ()
705 {
706   this->DataBuffer->value = "";  // Clear buffer
707   //
708   // Look for beginning of chunk
709   //
710   while(this->FluentDataFile->peek() != '(')
711   {
712     this->FluentDataFile->get();
713     if (this->FluentDataFile->eof())
714     {
715       return 0;
716     }
717   }
719   //
720   // Figure out whether this is a binary or ascii chunk.
721   // If the index is 3 digits or more, then binary, otherwise ascii.
722   //
723   std::string index;
724   while(this->FluentDataFile->peek() != ' ')
725   {
726     //index.push_back(this->FluentDataFile->peek());
727     index += this->FluentDataFile->peek();
728     //this->DataBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentDataFile->get());
729     this->DataBuffer->value += this->FluentDataFile->get();
730     if (this->FluentDataFile->eof())
731     {
732       return 0;
733     }
734   }
736   index.erase(0,1);  // Get rid of the "("
738   //
739   //  Grab the chunk and put it in buffer.
740   //  You have to look for the end of section std::string if it is
741   //  a binary chunk.
742   //
743   if (index.size() > 3)
744   {  // Binary Chunk
745     //it may be in our best interest to do away with the index portion of the
746     //"end" string - we have found a dataset, that although errant, does work
747     //fine in ensight and the index does not match - maybe just an end string
748     //that contains "End of Binary Section" and and a search to relocate the
749     //file pointer to the "))" entry.
750     char end[120];
751     strcpy(end, "End of Binary Section   ");
752     //strcat(end, index.c_str());
753     //strcat(end, ")");
754     size_t len = strlen(end);
756     // Load the data buffer enough to start comparing to the end std::string.
757     while (this->DataBuffer->value.size() < len)
758     {
759       //this->DataBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentDataFile->get());
760       this->DataBuffer->value += this->FluentDataFile->get();
761     }
763     //while (DataBuffer.compare(DataBuffer.size()-strlen(end),
764     //strlen(end), end))
765     while (strcmp(this->DataBuffer->value.c_str()+
766                   (this->DataBuffer->value.size()-len), end))
767     {
768       //this->DataBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentDataFile->get());
769       this->DataBuffer->value += this->FluentDataFile->get();
770     }
772   }
773   else
774   {  // Ascii Chunk
775     int level = 0;
776     while ((this->FluentDataFile->peek() != ')') || (level != 0) )
777     {
778       //this->DataBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentDataFile->get());
779       this->DataBuffer->value += this->FluentDataFile->get();
780       if (this->DataBuffer->value.at(this->DataBuffer->value.length()-1) == '(')
781       {
782         level++;
783       }
784       if (this->DataBuffer->value.at(this->DataBuffer->value.length()-1) == ')')
785       {
786         level--;
787       }
788       if (this->FluentDataFile->eof())
789       {
790         return 0;
791       }
792     }
793     //this->DataBuffer->value.push_back(this->FluentDataFile->get());
794     this->DataBuffer->value += this->FluentDataFile->get();
795   }
797   return 1;
798 }
LoadVariableNames()801 void vtkFLUENTReader::LoadVariableNames()
802 {
803   this->VariableNames->value[1]  = "PRESSURE";
804   this->VariableNames->value[2]  = "MOMENTUM";
805   this->VariableNames->value[3]  = "TEMPERATURE";
806   this->VariableNames->value[4]  = "ENTHALPY";
807   this->VariableNames->value[5]  = "TKE";
808   this->VariableNames->value[6]  = "TED";
809   this->VariableNames->value[7]  = "SPECIES";
810   this->VariableNames->value[8]  = "G";
811   this->VariableNames->value[9]  = "WSWIRL";
812   this->VariableNames->value[10] = "DPMS_MASS";
813   this->VariableNames->value[11] = "DPMS_MOM";
814   this->VariableNames->value[12] = "DPMS_ENERGY";
815   this->VariableNames->value[13] = "DPMS_SPECIES";
816   this->VariableNames->value[14] = "DVOLUME_DT";
817   this->VariableNames->value[15] = "BODY_FORCES";
818   this->VariableNames->value[16] = "FMEAN";
819   this->VariableNames->value[17] = "FVAR";
820   this->VariableNames->value[18] = "MASS_FLUX";
821   this->VariableNames->value[19] = "WALL_SHEAR";
822   this->VariableNames->value[20] = "BOUNDARY_HEAT_FLUX";
823   this->VariableNames->value[21] = "BOUNDARY_RAD_HEAT_FLUX";
824   this->VariableNames->value[22] = "OLD_PRESSURE";
825   this->VariableNames->value[23] = "POLLUT";
826   this->VariableNames->value[24] = "DPMS_P1_S";
827   this->VariableNames->value[25] = "DPMS_P1_AP";
828   this->VariableNames->value[26] = "WALL_GAS_TEMPERATURE";
829   this->VariableNames->value[27] = "DPMS_P1_DIFF";
830   this->VariableNames->value[28] = "DR_SURF";
831   this->VariableNames->value[29] = "W_M1";
832   this->VariableNames->value[30] = "W_M2";
833   this->VariableNames->value[31] = "DPMS_BURNOUT";
835   this->VariableNames->value[32] = "DPMS_CONCENTRATION";
836   this->VariableNames->value[33] = "PDF_MW";
837   this->VariableNames->value[34] = "DPMS_WSWIRL";
838   this->VariableNames->value[35] = "YPLUS";
839   this->VariableNames->value[36] = "YPLUS_UTAU";
840   this->VariableNames->value[37] = "WALL_SHEAR_SWIRL";
841   this->VariableNames->value[38] = "WALL_T_INNER";
842   this->VariableNames->value[39] = "POLLUT0";
843   this->VariableNames->value[40] = "POLLUT1";
844   this->VariableNames->value[41] = "WALL_G_INNER";
845   this->VariableNames->value[42] = "PREMIXC";
846   this->VariableNames->value[43] = "PREMIXC_T";
847   this->VariableNames->value[44] = "PREMIXC_RATE";
848   this->VariableNames->value[45] = "POLLUT2";
849   this->VariableNames->value[46] = "POLLUT3";
850   this->VariableNames->value[47] = "MASS_FLUX_M1";
851   this->VariableNames->value[48] = "MASS_FLUX_M2";
852   this->VariableNames->value[49] = "GRID_FLUX";
853   this->VariableNames->value[50] = "DO_I";
854   this->VariableNames->value[51] = "DO_RECON_I";
855   this->VariableNames->value[52] = "DO_ENERGY_SOURCE";
856   this->VariableNames->value[53] = "DO_IRRAD";
857   this->VariableNames->value[54] = "DO_QMINUS";
858   this->VariableNames->value[55] = "DO_IRRAD_OLD";
859   this->VariableNames->value[56] = "DO_IWX=56";
860   this->VariableNames->value[57] = "DO_IWY";
861   this->VariableNames->value[58] = "DO_IWZ";
862   this->VariableNames->value[59] = "MACH";
863   this->VariableNames->value[60] = "SLIP_U";
864   this->VariableNames->value[61] = "SLIP_V";
865   this->VariableNames->value[62] = "SLIP_W";
866   this->VariableNames->value[63] = "SDR";
867   this->VariableNames->value[64] = "SDR_M1";
868   this->VariableNames->value[65] = "SDR_M2";
869   this->VariableNames->value[66] = "POLLUT4";
870   this->VariableNames->value[67] = "GRANULAR_TEMPERATURE";
871   this->VariableNames->value[68] = "GRANULAR_TEMPERATURE_M1";
872   this->VariableNames->value[69] = "GRANULAR_TEMPERATURE_M2";
873   this->VariableNames->value[70] = "VFLUX";
874   this->VariableNames->value[80] = "VFLUX_M1";
875   this->VariableNames->value[90] = "VFLUX_M2";
876   this->VariableNames->value[91] = "DO_QNET";
877   this->VariableNames->value[92] = "DO_QTRANS";
878   this->VariableNames->value[93] = "DO_QREFL";
879   this->VariableNames->value[94] = "DO_QABS";
880   this->VariableNames->value[95] = "POLLUT5";
881   this->VariableNames->value[96] = "WALL_DIST";
882   this->VariableNames->value[97] = "SOLAR_SOURCE";
883   this->VariableNames->value[98] = "SOLAR_QREFL";
884   this->VariableNames->value[99] = "SOLAR_QABS";
885   this->VariableNames->value[100] = "SOLAR_QTRANS";
886   this->VariableNames->value[101] = "DENSITY";
887   this->VariableNames->value[102] = "MU_LAM";
888   this->VariableNames->value[103] = "MU_TURB";
889   this->VariableNames->value[104] = "CP";
890   this->VariableNames->value[105] = "KTC";
891   this->VariableNames->value[106] = "VGS_DTRM";
892   this->VariableNames->value[107] = "VGF_DTRM";
893   this->VariableNames->value[108] = "RSTRESS";
894   this->VariableNames->value[109] = "THREAD_RAD_FLUX";
895   this->VariableNames->value[110] = "SPE_Q";
896   this->VariableNames->value[111] = "X_VELOCITY";
897   this->VariableNames->value[112] = "Y_VELOCITY";
898   this->VariableNames->value[113] = "Z_VELOCITY";
899   this->VariableNames->value[114] = "WALL_VELOCITY";
900   this->VariableNames->value[115] = "X_VELOCITY_M1";
901   this->VariableNames->value[116] = "Y_VELOCITY_M1";
902   this->VariableNames->value[117] = "Z_VELOCITY_M1";
903   this->VariableNames->value[118] = "PHASE_MASS";
904   this->VariableNames->value[119] = "TKE_M1";
905   this->VariableNames->value[120] = "TED_M1";
906   this->VariableNames->value[121] = "POLLUT6";
907   this->VariableNames->value[122] = "X_VELOCITY_M2";
908   this->VariableNames->value[123] = "Y_VELOCITY_M2";
909   this->VariableNames->value[124] = "Z_VELOCITY_M2";
910   this->VariableNames->value[126] = "TKE_M2";
911   this->VariableNames->value[127] = "TED_M2";
912   this->VariableNames->value[128] = "RUU";
913   this->VariableNames->value[129] = "RVV";
914   this->VariableNames->value[130] = "RWW";
915   this->VariableNames->value[131] = "RUV";
916   this->VariableNames->value[132] = "RVW";
917   this->VariableNames->value[133] = "RUW";
918   this->VariableNames->value[134] = "DPMS_EROSION";
919   this->VariableNames->value[135] = "DPMS_ACCRETION";
920   this->VariableNames->value[136] = "FMEAN2";
921   this->VariableNames->value[137] = "FVAR2";
922   this->VariableNames->value[138] = "ENTHALPY_M1";
923   this->VariableNames->value[139] = "ENTHALPY_M2";
924   this->VariableNames->value[140] = "FMEAN_M1";
925   this->VariableNames->value[141] = "FMEAN_M2";
926   this->VariableNames->value[142] = "FVAR_M1";
927   this->VariableNames->value[143] = "FVAR_M2";
928   this->VariableNames->value[144] = "FMEAN2_M1";
929   this->VariableNames->value[145] = "FMEAN2_M2";
930   this->VariableNames->value[146] = "FVAR2_M1";
931   this->VariableNames->value[147] = "FVAR2_M2";
932   this->VariableNames->value[148] = "PREMIXC_M1";
933   this->VariableNames->value[149] = "PREMIXC_M2";
934   this->VariableNames->value[150] = "VOF";
935   this->VariableNames->value[151] = "VOF_1";
936   this->VariableNames->value[152] = "VOF_2";
937   this->VariableNames->value[153] = "VOF_3";
938   this->VariableNames->value[154] = "VOF_4";
939   this->VariableNames->value[160] = "VOF_M1";
940   this->VariableNames->value[161] = "VOF_1_M1";
941   this->VariableNames->value[162] = "VOF_2_M1";
942   this->VariableNames->value[163] = "VOF_3_M1";
943   this->VariableNames->value[164] = "VOF_4_M1";
944   this->VariableNames->value[170] = "VOF_M2";
945   this->VariableNames->value[171] = "VOF_1_M2";
946   this->VariableNames->value[172] = "VOF_2_M2";
947   this->VariableNames->value[173] = "VOF_3_M2";
948   this->VariableNames->value[174] = "VOF_4_M2";
949   this->VariableNames->value[180] = "VOLUME_M2";
950   this->VariableNames->value[181] = "WALL_GRID_VELOCITY";
951   this->VariableNames->value[182] = "POLLUT7";
952   this->VariableNames->value[183] = "POLLUT8";
953   this->VariableNames->value[184] = "POLLUT9";
954   this->VariableNames->value[185] = "POLLUT10";
955   this->VariableNames->value[186] = "POLLUT11";
956   this->VariableNames->value[187] = "POLLUT12";
957   this->VariableNames->value[188] = "POLLUT13";
958   this->VariableNames->value[190] = "SV_T_AUX";
959   this->VariableNames->value[191] = "SV_T_AP_AUX";
960   this->VariableNames->value[192] = "TOTAL_PRESSURE";
961   this->VariableNames->value[193] = "TOTAL_TEMPERATURE";
962   this->VariableNames->value[194] = "NRBC_DC";
963   this->VariableNames->value[195] = "DP_TMFR";
965   this->VariableNames->value[200] = "Y_00";
966   this->VariableNames->value[201] = "Y_01";
967   this->VariableNames->value[202] = "Y_02";
968   this->VariableNames->value[203] = "Y_03";
969   this->VariableNames->value[204] = "Y_04";
970   this->VariableNames->value[205] = "Y_05";
971   this->VariableNames->value[206] = "Y_06";
972   this->VariableNames->value[207] = "Y_07";
973   this->VariableNames->value[208] = "Y_08";
974   this->VariableNames->value[209] = "Y_09";
975   this->VariableNames->value[210] = "Y_10";
976   this->VariableNames->value[211] = "Y_11";
977   this->VariableNames->value[212] = "Y_12";
978   this->VariableNames->value[213] = "Y_13";
979   this->VariableNames->value[214] = "Y_14";
980   this->VariableNames->value[215] = "Y_15";
981   this->VariableNames->value[216] = "Y_16";
982   this->VariableNames->value[217] = "Y_17";
983   this->VariableNames->value[218] = "Y_18";
984   this->VariableNames->value[219] = "Y_19";
985   this->VariableNames->value[220] = "Y_20";
986   this->VariableNames->value[221] = "Y_21";
987   this->VariableNames->value[222] = "Y_22";
988   this->VariableNames->value[223] = "Y_23";
989   this->VariableNames->value[224] = "Y_24";
990   this->VariableNames->value[225] = "Y_25";
991   this->VariableNames->value[226] = "Y_26";
992   this->VariableNames->value[227] = "Y_27";
993   this->VariableNames->value[228] = "Y_28";
994   this->VariableNames->value[229] = "Y_29";
995   this->VariableNames->value[230] = "Y_30";
996   this->VariableNames->value[231] = "Y_31";
997   this->VariableNames->value[232] = "Y_32";
998   this->VariableNames->value[233] = "Y_33";
999   this->VariableNames->value[234] = "Y_34";
1000   this->VariableNames->value[235] = "Y_35";
1001   this->VariableNames->value[236] = "Y_36";
1002   this->VariableNames->value[237] = "Y_37";
1003   this->VariableNames->value[238] = "Y_38";
1004   this->VariableNames->value[239] = "Y_39";
1005   this->VariableNames->value[240] = "Y_40";
1006   this->VariableNames->value[241] = "Y_41";
1007   this->VariableNames->value[242] = "Y_42";
1008   this->VariableNames->value[243] = "Y_43";
1009   this->VariableNames->value[244] = "Y_44";
1010   this->VariableNames->value[245] = "Y_45";
1011   this->VariableNames->value[246] = "Y_46";
1012   this->VariableNames->value[247] = "Y_47";
1013   this->VariableNames->value[248] = "Y_48";
1014   this->VariableNames->value[249] = "Y_49";
1016   this->VariableNames->value[250] = "Y_M1_00";
1017   this->VariableNames->value[251] = "Y_M1_01";
1018   this->VariableNames->value[252] = "Y_M1_02";
1019   this->VariableNames->value[253] = "Y_M1_03";
1020   this->VariableNames->value[254] = "Y_M1_04";
1021   this->VariableNames->value[255] = "Y_M1_05";
1022   this->VariableNames->value[256] = "Y_M1_06";
1023   this->VariableNames->value[257] = "Y_M1_07";
1024   this->VariableNames->value[258] = "Y_M1_08";
1025   this->VariableNames->value[259] = "Y_M1_09";
1026   this->VariableNames->value[260] = "Y_M1_10";
1027   this->VariableNames->value[261] = "Y_M1_11";
1028   this->VariableNames->value[262] = "Y_M1_12";
1029   this->VariableNames->value[263] = "Y_M1_13";
1030   this->VariableNames->value[264] = "Y_M1_14";
1031   this->VariableNames->value[265] = "Y_M1_15";
1032   this->VariableNames->value[266] = "Y_M1_16";
1033   this->VariableNames->value[267] = "Y_M1_17";
1034   this->VariableNames->value[268] = "Y_M1_18";
1035   this->VariableNames->value[269] = "Y_M1_19";
1036   this->VariableNames->value[270] = "Y_M1_20";
1037   this->VariableNames->value[271] = "Y_M1_21";
1038   this->VariableNames->value[272] = "Y_M1_22";
1039   this->VariableNames->value[273] = "Y_M1_23";
1040   this->VariableNames->value[274] = "Y_M1_24";
1041   this->VariableNames->value[275] = "Y_M1_25";
1042   this->VariableNames->value[276] = "Y_M1_26";
1043   this->VariableNames->value[277] = "Y_M1_27";
1044   this->VariableNames->value[278] = "Y_M1_28";
1045   this->VariableNames->value[279] = "Y_M1_29";
1046   this->VariableNames->value[280] = "Y_M1_30";
1047   this->VariableNames->value[281] = "Y_M1_31";
1048   this->VariableNames->value[282] = "Y_M1_32";
1049   this->VariableNames->value[283] = "Y_M1_33";
1050   this->VariableNames->value[284] = "Y_M1_34";
1051   this->VariableNames->value[285] = "Y_M1_35";
1052   this->VariableNames->value[286] = "Y_M1_36";
1053   this->VariableNames->value[287] = "Y_M1_37";
1054   this->VariableNames->value[288] = "Y_M1_38";
1055   this->VariableNames->value[289] = "Y_M1_39";
1056   this->VariableNames->value[290] = "Y_M1_40";
1057   this->VariableNames->value[291] = "Y_M1_41";
1058   this->VariableNames->value[292] = "Y_M1_42";
1059   this->VariableNames->value[293] = "Y_M1_43";
1060   this->VariableNames->value[294] = "Y_M1_44";
1061   this->VariableNames->value[295] = "Y_M1_45";
1062   this->VariableNames->value[296] = "Y_M1_46";
1063   this->VariableNames->value[297] = "Y_M1_47";
1064   this->VariableNames->value[298] = "Y_M1_48";
1065   this->VariableNames->value[299] = "Y_M1_49";
1067   this->VariableNames->value[300] = "Y_M2_00";
1068   this->VariableNames->value[301] = "Y_M2_01";
1069   this->VariableNames->value[302] = "Y_M2_02";
1070   this->VariableNames->value[303] = "Y_M2_03";
1071   this->VariableNames->value[304] = "Y_M2_04";
1072   this->VariableNames->value[305] = "Y_M2_05";
1073   this->VariableNames->value[306] = "Y_M2_06";
1074   this->VariableNames->value[307] = "Y_M2_07";
1075   this->VariableNames->value[308] = "Y_M2_08";
1076   this->VariableNames->value[309] = "Y_M2_09";
1077   this->VariableNames->value[310] = "Y_M2_10";
1078   this->VariableNames->value[311] = "Y_M2_11";
1079   this->VariableNames->value[312] = "Y_M2_12";
1080   this->VariableNames->value[313] = "Y_M2_13";
1081   this->VariableNames->value[314] = "Y_M2_14";
1082   this->VariableNames->value[315] = "Y_M2_15";
1083   this->VariableNames->value[316] = "Y_M2_16";
1084   this->VariableNames->value[317] = "Y_M2_17";
1085   this->VariableNames->value[318] = "Y_M2_18";
1086   this->VariableNames->value[319] = "Y_M2_19";
1087   this->VariableNames->value[320] = "Y_M2_20";
1088   this->VariableNames->value[321] = "Y_M2_21";
1089   this->VariableNames->value[322] = "Y_M2_22";
1090   this->VariableNames->value[323] = "Y_M2_23";
1091   this->VariableNames->value[324] = "Y_M2_24";
1092   this->VariableNames->value[325] = "Y_M2_25";
1093   this->VariableNames->value[326] = "Y_M2_26";
1094   this->VariableNames->value[327] = "Y_M2_27";
1095   this->VariableNames->value[328] = "Y_M2_28";
1096   this->VariableNames->value[329] = "Y_M2_29";
1097   this->VariableNames->value[330] = "Y_M2_30";
1098   this->VariableNames->value[331] = "Y_M2_31";
1099   this->VariableNames->value[332] = "Y_M2_32";
1100   this->VariableNames->value[333] = "Y_M2_33";
1101   this->VariableNames->value[334] = "Y_M2_34";
1102   this->VariableNames->value[335] = "Y_M2_35";
1103   this->VariableNames->value[336] = "Y_M2_36";
1104   this->VariableNames->value[337] = "Y_M2_37";
1105   this->VariableNames->value[338] = "Y_M2_38";
1106   this->VariableNames->value[339] = "Y_M2_39";
1107   this->VariableNames->value[340] = "Y_M2_40";
1108   this->VariableNames->value[341] = "Y_M2_41";
1109   this->VariableNames->value[342] = "Y_M2_42";
1110   this->VariableNames->value[343] = "Y_M2_43";
1111   this->VariableNames->value[344] = "Y_M2_44";
1112   this->VariableNames->value[345] = "Y_M2_45";
1113   this->VariableNames->value[346] = "Y_M2_46";
1114   this->VariableNames->value[347] = "Y_M2_47";
1115   this->VariableNames->value[348] = "Y_M2_48";
1116   this->VariableNames->value[349] = "Y_M2_49";
1118   this->VariableNames->value[350] = "DR_SURF_00";
1119   this->VariableNames->value[351] = "DR_SURF_01";
1120   this->VariableNames->value[352] = "DR_SURF_02";
1121   this->VariableNames->value[353] = "DR_SURF_03";
1122   this->VariableNames->value[354] = "DR_SURF_04";
1123   this->VariableNames->value[355] = "DR_SURF_05";
1124   this->VariableNames->value[356] = "DR_SURF_06";
1125   this->VariableNames->value[357] = "DR_SURF_07";
1126   this->VariableNames->value[358] = "DR_SURF_08";
1127   this->VariableNames->value[359] = "DR_SURF_09";
1128   this->VariableNames->value[360] = "DR_SURF_10";
1129   this->VariableNames->value[361] = "DR_SURF_11";
1130   this->VariableNames->value[362] = "DR_SURF_12";
1131   this->VariableNames->value[363] = "DR_SURF_13";
1132   this->VariableNames->value[364] = "DR_SURF_14";
1133   this->VariableNames->value[365] = "DR_SURF_15";
1134   this->VariableNames->value[366] = "DR_SURF_16";
1135   this->VariableNames->value[367] = "DR_SURF_17";
1136   this->VariableNames->value[368] = "DR_SURF_18";
1137   this->VariableNames->value[369] = "DR_SURF_19";
1138   this->VariableNames->value[370] = "DR_SURF_20";
1139   this->VariableNames->value[371] = "DR_SURF_21";
1140   this->VariableNames->value[372] = "DR_SURF_22";
1141   this->VariableNames->value[373] = "DR_SURF_23";
1142   this->VariableNames->value[374] = "DR_SURF_24";
1143   this->VariableNames->value[375] = "DR_SURF_25";
1144   this->VariableNames->value[376] = "DR_SURF_26";
1145   this->VariableNames->value[377] = "DR_SURF_27";
1146   this->VariableNames->value[378] = "DR_SURF_28";
1147   this->VariableNames->value[379] = "DR_SURF_29";
1148   this->VariableNames->value[380] = "DR_SURF_30";
1149   this->VariableNames->value[381] = "DR_SURF_31";
1150   this->VariableNames->value[382] = "DR_SURF_32";
1151   this->VariableNames->value[383] = "DR_SURF_33";
1152   this->VariableNames->value[384] = "DR_SURF_34";
1153   this->VariableNames->value[385] = "DR_SURF_35";
1154   this->VariableNames->value[386] = "DR_SURF_36";
1155   this->VariableNames->value[387] = "DR_SURF_37";
1156   this->VariableNames->value[388] = "DR_SURF_38";
1157   this->VariableNames->value[389] = "DR_SURF_39";
1158   this->VariableNames->value[390] = "DR_SURF_40";
1159   this->VariableNames->value[391] = "DR_SURF_41";
1160   this->VariableNames->value[392] = "DR_SURF_42";
1161   this->VariableNames->value[393] = "DR_SURF_43";
1162   this->VariableNames->value[394] = "DR_SURF_44";
1163   this->VariableNames->value[395] = "DR_SURF_45";
1164   this->VariableNames->value[396] = "DR_SURF_46";
1165   this->VariableNames->value[397] = "DR_SURF_47";
1166   this->VariableNames->value[398] = "DR_SURF_48";
1167   this->VariableNames->value[399] = "DR_SURF_49";
1169   this->VariableNames->value[400] = "PRESSURE_MEAN";
1170   this->VariableNames->value[401] = "PRESSURE_RMS";
1171   this->VariableNames->value[402] = "X_VELOCITY_MEAN";
1172   this->VariableNames->value[403] = "X_VELOCITY_RMS";
1173   this->VariableNames->value[404] = "Y_VELOCITY_MEAN";
1174   this->VariableNames->value[405] = "Y_VELOCITY_RMS";
1175   this->VariableNames->value[406] = "Z_VELOCITY_MEAN";
1176   this->VariableNames->value[407] = "Z_VELOCITY_RMS";
1177   this->VariableNames->value[408] = "TEMPERATURE_MEAN";
1178   this->VariableNames->value[409] = "TEMPERATURE_RMS";
1179   this->VariableNames->value[410] = "VOF_MEAN";
1180   this->VariableNames->value[411] = "VOF_RMS";
1181   this->VariableNames->value[412] = "PRESSURE_M1";
1182   this->VariableNames->value[413] = "PRESSURE_M2";
1183   this->VariableNames->value[414] = "GRANULAR_TEMPERATURE_MEAN";
1184   this->VariableNames->value[415] = "GRANULAR_TEMPERATURE_RMS";
1186   this->VariableNames->value[450] = "DPMS_Y_00";
1187   this->VariableNames->value[451] = "DPMS_Y_01";
1188   this->VariableNames->value[452] = "DPMS_Y_02";
1189   this->VariableNames->value[453] = "DPMS_Y_03";
1190   this->VariableNames->value[454] = "DPMS_Y_04";
1191   this->VariableNames->value[455] = "DPMS_Y_05";
1192   this->VariableNames->value[456] = "DPMS_Y_06";
1193   this->VariableNames->value[457] = "DPMS_Y_07";
1194   this->VariableNames->value[458] = "DPMS_Y_08";
1195   this->VariableNames->value[459] = "DPMS_Y_09";
1196   this->VariableNames->value[460] = "DPMS_Y_10";
1197   this->VariableNames->value[461] = "DPMS_Y_11";
1198   this->VariableNames->value[462] = "DPMS_Y_12";
1199   this->VariableNames->value[463] = "DPMS_Y_13";
1200   this->VariableNames->value[464] = "DPMS_Y_14";
1201   this->VariableNames->value[465] = "DPMS_Y_15";
1202   this->VariableNames->value[466] = "DPMS_Y_16";
1203   this->VariableNames->value[467] = "DPMS_Y_17";
1204   this->VariableNames->value[468] = "DPMS_Y_18";
1205   this->VariableNames->value[469] = "DPMS_Y_19";
1206   this->VariableNames->value[470] = "DPMS_Y_20";
1207   this->VariableNames->value[471] = "DPMS_Y_21";
1208   this->VariableNames->value[472] = "DPMS_Y_22";
1209   this->VariableNames->value[473] = "DPMS_Y_23";
1210   this->VariableNames->value[474] = "DPMS_Y_24";
1211   this->VariableNames->value[475] = "DPMS_Y_25";
1212   this->VariableNames->value[476] = "DPMS_Y_26";
1213   this->VariableNames->value[477] = "DPMS_Y_27";
1214   this->VariableNames->value[478] = "DPMS_Y_28";
1215   this->VariableNames->value[479] = "DPMS_Y_29";
1216   this->VariableNames->value[480] = "DPMS_Y_30";
1217   this->VariableNames->value[481] = "DPMS_Y_31";
1218   this->VariableNames->value[482] = "DPMS_Y_32";
1219   this->VariableNames->value[483] = "DPMS_Y_33";
1220   this->VariableNames->value[484] = "DPMS_Y_34";
1221   this->VariableNames->value[485] = "DPMS_Y_35";
1222   this->VariableNames->value[486] = "DPMS_Y_36";
1223   this->VariableNames->value[487] = "DPMS_Y_37";
1224   this->VariableNames->value[488] = "DPMS_Y_38";
1225   this->VariableNames->value[489] = "DPMS_Y_39";
1226   this->VariableNames->value[490] = "DPMS_Y_40";
1227   this->VariableNames->value[491] = "DPMS_Y_41";
1228   this->VariableNames->value[492] = "DPMS_Y_42";
1229   this->VariableNames->value[493] = "DPMS_Y_43";
1230   this->VariableNames->value[494] = "DPMS_Y_44";
1231   this->VariableNames->value[495] = "DPMS_Y_45";
1232   this->VariableNames->value[496] = "DPMS_Y_46";
1233   this->VariableNames->value[497] = "DPMS_Y_47";
1234   this->VariableNames->value[498] = "DPMS_Y_48";
1235   this->VariableNames->value[499] = "DPMS_Y_49";
1237   this->VariableNames->value[500] = "NUT";
1238   this->VariableNames->value[501] = "NUT_M1";
1239   this->VariableNames->value[502] = "NUT_M2";
1240   this->VariableNames->value[503] = "RUU_M1";
1241   this->VariableNames->value[504] = "RVV_M1";
1242   this->VariableNames->value[505] = "RWW_M1";
1243   this->VariableNames->value[506] = "RUV_M1";
1244   this->VariableNames->value[507] = "RVW_M1";
1245   this->VariableNames->value[508] = "RUW_M1";
1246   this->VariableNames->value[509] = "RUU_M2";
1247   this->VariableNames->value[510] = "RVV_M2";
1248   this->VariableNames->value[511] = "RWW_M2";
1249   this->VariableNames->value[512] = "RUV_M2";
1250   this->VariableNames->value[513] = "RVW_M2";
1251   this->VariableNames->value[514] = "RUW_M2";
1252   this->VariableNames->value[515] = "ENERGY_M1";
1253   this->VariableNames->value[516] = "ENERGY_M2";
1254   this->VariableNames->value[517] = "DENSITY_M1";
1255   this->VariableNames->value[518] = "DENSITY_M2";
1256   this->VariableNames->value[519] = "DPMS_PDF_1";
1257   this->VariableNames->value[520] = "DPMS_PDF_2";
1258   this->VariableNames->value[521] = "V2";
1259   this->VariableNames->value[522] = "V2_M1";
1260   this->VariableNames->value[523] = "V2_M2";
1261   this->VariableNames->value[524] = "FEL";
1262   this->VariableNames->value[525] = "FEL_M1";
1263   this->VariableNames->value[526] = "FEL_M2";
1264   this->VariableNames->value[527] = "LKE";
1265   this->VariableNames->value[528] = "LKE_M1";
1266   this->VariableNames->value[529] = "LKE_M2";
1267   this->VariableNames->value[530] = "SHELL_CELL_T";
1268   this->VariableNames->value[531] = "SHELL_FACE_T";
1269   this->VariableNames->value[532] = "SHELL_CELL_ENERGY_M1";
1270   this->VariableNames->value[533] = "SHELL_CELL_ENERGY_M2";
1271   this->VariableNames->value[540] = "DPMS_TKE";
1272   this->VariableNames->value[541] = "DPMS_D";
1273   this->VariableNames->value[542] = "DPMS_O";
1274   this->VariableNames->value[543] = "DPMS_TKE_RUU";
1275   this->VariableNames->value[544] = "DPMS_TKE_RVV";
1276   this->VariableNames->value[545] = "DPMS_TKE_RWW";
1277   this->VariableNames->value[546] = "DPMS_TKE_RUV";
1278   this->VariableNames->value[547] = "DPMS_TKE_RVW";
1279   this->VariableNames->value[548] = "DPMS_TKE_RUW";
1280   this->VariableNames->value[549] = "DPMS_DS_MASS";
1281   this->VariableNames->value[550] = "DPMS_DS_ENERGY";
1282   this->VariableNames->value[551] = "DPMS_DS_TKE";
1283   this->VariableNames->value[552] = "DPMS_DS_D";
1284   this->VariableNames->value[553] = "DPMS_DS_O";
1285   this->VariableNames->value[554] = "DPMS_DS_TKE_RUU";
1286   this->VariableNames->value[555] = "DPMS_DS_TKE_RVV";
1287   this->VariableNames->value[556] = "DPMS_DS_TKE_RWW";
1288   this->VariableNames->value[557] = "DPMS_DS_TKE_RUV";
1289   this->VariableNames->value[558] = "DPMS_DS_TKE_RVW";
1290   this->VariableNames->value[559] = "DPMS_DS_TKE_RUW";
1291   this->VariableNames->value[560] = "DPMS_DS_PDF_1";
1292   this->VariableNames->value[561] = "DPMS_DS_PDF_2";
1293   this->VariableNames->value[562] = "DPMS_DS_EMISS";
1294   this->VariableNames->value[563] = "DPMS_DS_ABS";
1295   this->VariableNames->value[564] = "DPMS_DS_SCAT";
1296   this->VariableNames->value[565] = "DPMS_DS_BURNOUT";
1297   this->VariableNames->value[566] = "DPMS_DS_MOM";
1298   this->VariableNames->value[567] = "DPMS_DS_WSWIRL";
1299   this->VariableNames->value[580] = "MU_TURB_L";
1300   this->VariableNames->value[581] = "MU_TURB_S";
1301   this->VariableNames->value[582] = "TKE_TRANS";
1302   this->VariableNames->value[583] = "TKE_TRANS_M1";
1303   this->VariableNames->value[584] = "TKE_TRANS_M2";
1304   this->VariableNames->value[585] = "MU_TURB_W";
1305   this->VariableNames->value[600] = "DELH";
1306   this->VariableNames->value[601] = "DPMS_MOM_AP";
1307   this->VariableNames->value[602] = "DPMS_WSWIRL_AP";
1308   this->VariableNames->value[603] = "X_PULL";
1309   this->VariableNames->value[604] = "Y_PULL";
1310   this->VariableNames->value[605] = "Z_PULL";
1311   this->VariableNames->value[606] = "LIQF";
1312   this->VariableNames->value[610] = "PDFT_QBAR";
1313   this->VariableNames->value[611] = "PDFT_PHI";
1314   this->VariableNames->value[612] = "PDFT_Q_TA";
1315   this->VariableNames->value[613] = "PDFT_SVOL_TA";
1316   this->VariableNames->value[614] = "PDFT_MASS_TA";
1317   this->VariableNames->value[615] = "PDFT_T4_TA";
1318   this->VariableNames->value[620] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR1 ";
1319   this->VariableNames->value[621] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR2 ";
1320   this->VariableNames->value[622] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR3 ";
1321   this->VariableNames->value[623] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR1_M1 ";
1322   this->VariableNames->value[624] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR2_M1 ";
1323   this->VariableNames->value[625] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR3_M1 ";
1324   this->VariableNames->value[626] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR1_M2 ";
1325   this->VariableNames->value[627] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR2_M2 ";
1326   this->VariableNames->value[628] = "MICRO_MIX_FVAR3_M2 ";
1327   this->VariableNames->value[630] = "SCAD_LES ";
1328   this->VariableNames->value[635] = "UFLA_Y    ";
1329   this->VariableNames->value[636] = "UFLA_Y_M1 ";
1330   this->VariableNames->value[637] = "UFLA_Y_M2 ";
1331   this->VariableNames->value[645] = "CREV_MASS";
1332   this->VariableNames->value[646] = "CREV_ENRG";
1333   this->VariableNames->value[647] = "CREV_MOM";
1334   this->VariableNames->value[650] = "ACOUSTICS_MODEL";
1335   this->VariableNames->value[651] = "AC_RECEIVERS_DATA";
1336   this->VariableNames->value[652] = "SV_DPDT_RMS";
1337   this->VariableNames->value[653] = "SV_PRESSURE_M1";
1338   this->VariableNames->value[654] = "AC_PERIODIC_INDEX";
1339   this->VariableNames->value[655] = "AC_PERIODIC_PS";
1340   this->VariableNames->value[656] = "AC_F_NORMAL";
1341   this->VariableNames->value[657] = "AC_F_CENTROID";
1342   this->VariableNames->value[660] = "IGNITE";
1343   this->VariableNames->value[661] = "IGNITE_M1";
1344   this->VariableNames->value[662] = "IGNITE_M2";
1345   this->VariableNames->value[663] = "IGNITE_RATE";
1347   this->VariableNames->value[680] = "WALL_SHEAR_MEAN";
1348   this->VariableNames->value[681] = "UV_MEAN";
1349   this->VariableNames->value[682] = "UW_MEAN";
1350   this->VariableNames->value[683] = "VW_MEAN";
1351   this->VariableNames->value[684] = "UT_MEAN";
1352   this->VariableNames->value[685] = "VT_MEAN";
1353   this->VariableNames->value[686] = "WT_MEAN";
1354   this->VariableNames->value[687] = "BOUNDARY_HEAT_FLUX_MEAN";
1356   this->VariableNames->value[700] = "UDS_00";
1357   this->VariableNames->value[701] = "UDS_01";
1358   this->VariableNames->value[702] = "UDS_02";
1359   this->VariableNames->value[703] = "UDS_03";
1360   this->VariableNames->value[704] = "UDS_04";
1361   this->VariableNames->value[705] = "UDS_05";
1362   this->VariableNames->value[706] = "UDS_06";
1363   this->VariableNames->value[707] = "UDS_07";
1364   this->VariableNames->value[708] = "UDS_08";
1365   this->VariableNames->value[709] = "UDS_09";
1366   this->VariableNames->value[710] = "UDS_10";
1367   this->VariableNames->value[711] = "UDS_11";
1368   this->VariableNames->value[712] = "UDS_12";
1369   this->VariableNames->value[713] = "UDS_13";
1370   this->VariableNames->value[714] = "UDS_14";
1371   this->VariableNames->value[715] = "UDS_15";
1372   this->VariableNames->value[716] = "UDS_16";
1373   this->VariableNames->value[717] = "UDS_17";
1374   this->VariableNames->value[718] = "UDS_18";
1375   this->VariableNames->value[719] = "UDS_19";
1376   this->VariableNames->value[720] = "UDS_20";
1377   this->VariableNames->value[721] = "UDS_21";
1378   this->VariableNames->value[722] = "UDS_22";
1379   this->VariableNames->value[723] = "UDS_23";
1380   this->VariableNames->value[724] = "UDS_24";
1381   this->VariableNames->value[725] = "UDS_25";
1382   this->VariableNames->value[726] = "UDS_26";
1383   this->VariableNames->value[727] = "UDS_27";
1384   this->VariableNames->value[728] = "UDS_28";
1385   this->VariableNames->value[729] = "UDS_29";
1386   this->VariableNames->value[730] = "UDS_30";
1387   this->VariableNames->value[731] = "UDS_31";
1388   this->VariableNames->value[732] = "UDS_32";
1389   this->VariableNames->value[733] = "UDS_33";
1390   this->VariableNames->value[734] = "UDS_34";
1391   this->VariableNames->value[735] = "UDS_35";
1392   this->VariableNames->value[736] = "UDS_36";
1393   this->VariableNames->value[737] = "UDS_37";
1394   this->VariableNames->value[738] = "UDS_38";
1395   this->VariableNames->value[739] = "UDS_39";
1396   this->VariableNames->value[740] = "UDS_40";
1397   this->VariableNames->value[741] = "UDS_41";
1398   this->VariableNames->value[742] = "UDS_42";
1399   this->VariableNames->value[743] = "UDS_43";
1400   this->VariableNames->value[744] = "UDS_44";
1401   this->VariableNames->value[745] = "UDS_45";
1402   this->VariableNames->value[746] = "UDS_46";
1403   this->VariableNames->value[747] = "UDS_47";
1404   this->VariableNames->value[748] = "UDS_48";
1405   this->VariableNames->value[749] = "UDS_49";
1407   this->VariableNames->value[750] = "UDS_M1_00";
1408   this->VariableNames->value[751] = "UDS_M1_01";
1409   this->VariableNames->value[752] = "UDS_M1_02";
1410   this->VariableNames->value[753] = "UDS_M1_03";
1411   this->VariableNames->value[754] = "UDS_M1_04";
1412   this->VariableNames->value[755] = "UDS_M1_05";
1413   this->VariableNames->value[756] = "UDS_M1_06";
1414   this->VariableNames->value[757] = "UDS_M1_07";
1415   this->VariableNames->value[758] = "UDS_M1_08";
1416   this->VariableNames->value[759] = "UDS_M1_09";
1417   this->VariableNames->value[760] = "UDS_M1_10";
1418   this->VariableNames->value[761] = "UDS_M1_11";
1419   this->VariableNames->value[762] = "UDS_M1_12";
1420   this->VariableNames->value[763] = "UDS_M1_13";
1421   this->VariableNames->value[764] = "UDS_M1_14";
1422   this->VariableNames->value[765] = "UDS_M1_15";
1423   this->VariableNames->value[766] = "UDS_M1_16";
1424   this->VariableNames->value[767] = "UDS_M1_17";
1425   this->VariableNames->value[768] = "UDS_M1_18";
1426   this->VariableNames->value[769] = "UDS_M1_19";
1427   this->VariableNames->value[770] = "UDS_M1_20";
1428   this->VariableNames->value[771] = "UDS_M1_21";
1429   this->VariableNames->value[772] = "UDS_M1_22";
1430   this->VariableNames->value[773] = "UDS_M1_23";
1431   this->VariableNames->value[774] = "UDS_M1_24";
1432   this->VariableNames->value[775] = "UDS_M1_25";
1433   this->VariableNames->value[776] = "UDS_M1_26";
1434   this->VariableNames->value[777] = "UDS_M1_27";
1435   this->VariableNames->value[778] = "UDS_M1_28";
1436   this->VariableNames->value[779] = "UDS_M1_29";
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1438   this->VariableNames->value[781] = "UDS_M1_31";
1439   this->VariableNames->value[782] = "UDS_M1_32";
1440   this->VariableNames->value[783] = "UDS_M1_33";
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1442   this->VariableNames->value[785] = "UDS_M1_35";
1443   this->VariableNames->value[786] = "UDS_M1_36";
1444   this->VariableNames->value[787] = "UDS_M1_37";
1445   this->VariableNames->value[788] = "UDS_M1_38";
1446   this->VariableNames->value[789] = "UDS_M1_39";
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1448   this->VariableNames->value[791] = "UDS_M1_41";
1449   this->VariableNames->value[792] = "UDS_M1_42";
1450   this->VariableNames->value[793] = "UDS_M1_43";
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1452   this->VariableNames->value[795] = "UDS_M1_45";
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1454   this->VariableNames->value[797] = "UDS_M1_47";
1455   this->VariableNames->value[798] = "UDS_M1_48";
1456   this->VariableNames->value[799] = "UDS_M1_49";
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1471   this->VariableNames->value[813] = "UDS_M2_13";
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1480   this->VariableNames->value[822] = "UDS_M2_22";
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1483   this->VariableNames->value[825] = "UDS_M2_25";
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1492   this->VariableNames->value[834] = "UDS_M2_34";
1493   this->VariableNames->value[835] = "UDS_M2_35";
1494   this->VariableNames->value[836] = "UDS_M2_36";
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1500   this->VariableNames->value[842] = "UDS_M2_42";
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1502   this->VariableNames->value[844] = "UDS_M2_44";
1503   this->VariableNames->value[845] = "UDS_M2_45";
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1505   this->VariableNames->value[847] = "UDS_M2_47";
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1524   this->VariableNames->value[865] = "DPMS_DS_Y_15";
1525   this->VariableNames->value[866] = "DPMS_DS_Y_16";
1526   this->VariableNames->value[867] = "DPMS_DS_Y_17";
1527   this->VariableNames->value[868] = "DPMS_DS_Y_18";
1528   this->VariableNames->value[869] = "DPMS_DS_Y_19";
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1531   this->VariableNames->value[872] = "DPMS_DS_Y_22";
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1533   this->VariableNames->value[874] = "DPMS_DS_Y_24";
1534   this->VariableNames->value[875] = "DPMS_DS_Y_25";
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1536   this->VariableNames->value[877] = "DPMS_DS_Y_27";
1537   this->VariableNames->value[878] = "DPMS_DS_Y_28";
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1542   this->VariableNames->value[883] = "DPMS_DS_Y_33";
1543   this->VariableNames->value[884] = "DPMS_DS_Y_34";
1544   this->VariableNames->value[885] = "DPMS_DS_Y_35";
1545   this->VariableNames->value[886] = "DPMS_DS_Y_36";
1546   this->VariableNames->value[887] = "DPMS_DS_Y_37";
1547   this->VariableNames->value[888] = "DPMS_DS_Y_38";
1548   this->VariableNames->value[889] = "DPMS_DS_Y_39";
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1550   this->VariableNames->value[891] = "DPMS_DS_Y_41";
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1552   this->VariableNames->value[893] = "DPMS_DS_Y_43";
1553   this->VariableNames->value[894] = "DPMS_DS_Y_44";
1554   this->VariableNames->value[895] = "DPMS_DS_Y_45";
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1556   this->VariableNames->value[897] = "DPMS_DS_Y_47";
1557   this->VariableNames->value[898] = "DPMS_DS_Y_48";
1558   this->VariableNames->value[899] = "DPMS_DS_Y_49";
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1568   this->VariableNames->value[923] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_03";
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1570   this->VariableNames->value[925] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_05";
1571   this->VariableNames->value[926] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_06";
1572   this->VariableNames->value[927] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_07";
1573   this->VariableNames->value[928] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_08";
1574   this->VariableNames->value[929] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_09";
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1576   this->VariableNames->value[931] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_11";
1577   this->VariableNames->value[932] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_12";
1578   this->VariableNames->value[933] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_13";
1579   this->VariableNames->value[934] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_14";
1580   this->VariableNames->value[935] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_15";
1581   this->VariableNames->value[936] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_16";
1582   this->VariableNames->value[937] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_17";
1583   this->VariableNames->value[938] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_18";
1584   this->VariableNames->value[939] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_19";
1585   this->VariableNames->value[940] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_20";
1586   this->VariableNames->value[941] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_21";
1587   this->VariableNames->value[942] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_22";
1588   this->VariableNames->value[943] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_23";
1589   this->VariableNames->value[944] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_24";
1590   this->VariableNames->value[945] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_25";
1591   this->VariableNames->value[946] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_26";
1592   this->VariableNames->value[947] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_27";
1593   this->VariableNames->value[948] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_28";
1594   this->VariableNames->value[949] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_29";
1595   this->VariableNames->value[950] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_30";
1596   this->VariableNames->value[951] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_31";
1597   this->VariableNames->value[952] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_32";
1598   this->VariableNames->value[953] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_33";
1599   this->VariableNames->value[954] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_34";
1600   this->VariableNames->value[955] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_35";
1601   this->VariableNames->value[956] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_36";
1602   this->VariableNames->value[957] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_37";
1603   this->VariableNames->value[958] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_38";
1604   this->VariableNames->value[959] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_39";
1605   this->VariableNames->value[960] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_40";
1606   this->VariableNames->value[961] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_41";
1607   this->VariableNames->value[962] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_42";
1608   this->VariableNames->value[963] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_43";
1609   this->VariableNames->value[964] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_44";
1610   this->VariableNames->value[965] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_45";
1611   this->VariableNames->value[966] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_46";
1612   this->VariableNames->value[967] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_47";
1613   this->VariableNames->value[968] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_48";
1614   this->VariableNames->value[969] = "DPMS_DS_SURFACE_SPECIES_49";
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1619   this->VariableNames->value[1002] = "Y_MEAN_02";
1620   this->VariableNames->value[1003] = "Y_MEAN_03";
1621   this->VariableNames->value[1004] = "Y_MEAN_04";
1622   this->VariableNames->value[1005] = "Y_MEAN_05";
1623   this->VariableNames->value[1006] = "Y_MEAN_06";
1624   this->VariableNames->value[1007] = "Y_MEAN_07";
1625   this->VariableNames->value[1008] = "Y_MEAN_08";
1626   this->VariableNames->value[1009] = "Y_MEAN_09";
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1628   this->VariableNames->value[1011] = "Y_MEAN_11";
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1632   this->VariableNames->value[1015] = "Y_MEAN_15";
1633   this->VariableNames->value[1016] = "Y_MEAN_16";
1634   this->VariableNames->value[1017] = "Y_MEAN_17";
1635   this->VariableNames->value[1018] = "Y_MEAN_18";
1636   this->VariableNames->value[1019] = "Y_MEAN_19";
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1638   this->VariableNames->value[1021] = "Y_MEAN_21";
1639   this->VariableNames->value[1022] = "Y_MEAN_22";
1640   this->VariableNames->value[1023] = "Y_MEAN_23";
1641   this->VariableNames->value[1024] = "Y_MEAN_24";
1642   this->VariableNames->value[1025] = "Y_MEAN_25";
1643   this->VariableNames->value[1026] = "Y_MEAN_26";
1644   this->VariableNames->value[1027] = "Y_MEAN_27";
1645   this->VariableNames->value[1028] = "Y_MEAN_28";
1646   this->VariableNames->value[1029] = "Y_MEAN_29";
1647   this->VariableNames->value[1030] = "Y_MEAN_30";
1648   this->VariableNames->value[1031] = "Y_MEAN_31";
1649   this->VariableNames->value[1032] = "Y_MEAN_32";
1650   this->VariableNames->value[1033] = "Y_MEAN_33";
1651   this->VariableNames->value[1034] = "Y_MEAN_34";
1652   this->VariableNames->value[1035] = "Y_MEAN_35";
1653   this->VariableNames->value[1036] = "Y_MEAN_36";
1654   this->VariableNames->value[1037] = "Y_MEAN_37";
1655   this->VariableNames->value[1038] = "Y_MEAN_38";
1656   this->VariableNames->value[1039] = "Y_MEAN_39";
1657   this->VariableNames->value[1040] = "Y_MEAN_40";
1658   this->VariableNames->value[1041] = "Y_MEAN_41";
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1660   this->VariableNames->value[1043] = "Y_MEAN_43";
1661   this->VariableNames->value[1044] = "Y_MEAN_44";
1662   this->VariableNames->value[1045] = "Y_MEAN_45";
1663   this->VariableNames->value[1046] = "Y_MEAN_46";
1664   this->VariableNames->value[1047] = "Y_MEAN_47";
1665   this->VariableNames->value[1048] = "Y_MEAN_48";
1666   this->VariableNames->value[1049] = "Y_MEAN_49";
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1683   this->VariableNames->value[1065] = "Y_RMS_15";
1684   this->VariableNames->value[1066] = "Y_RMS_16";
1685   this->VariableNames->value[1067] = "Y_RMS_17";
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1687   this->VariableNames->value[1069] = "Y_RMS_19";
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1689   this->VariableNames->value[1071] = "Y_RMS_21";
1690   this->VariableNames->value[1072] = "Y_RMS_22";
1691   this->VariableNames->value[1073] = "Y_RMS_23";
1692   this->VariableNames->value[1074] = "Y_RMS_24";
1693   this->VariableNames->value[1075] = "Y_RMS_25";
1694   this->VariableNames->value[1076] = "Y_RMS_26";
1695   this->VariableNames->value[1077] = "Y_RMS_27";
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1699   this->VariableNames->value[1081] = "Y_RMS_31";
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1701   this->VariableNames->value[1083] = "Y_RMS_33";
1702   this->VariableNames->value[1084] = "Y_RMS_34";
1703   this->VariableNames->value[1085] = "Y_RMS_35";
1704   this->VariableNames->value[1086] = "Y_RMS_36";
1705   this->VariableNames->value[1087] = "Y_RMS_37";
1706   this->VariableNames->value[1088] = "Y_RMS_38";
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1711   this->VariableNames->value[1093] = "Y_RMS_43";
1712   this->VariableNames->value[1094] = "Y_RMS_44";
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1715   this->VariableNames->value[1097] = "Y_RMS_47";
1716   this->VariableNames->value[1098] = "Y_RMS_48";
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1737   this->VariableNames->value[1217] = "SITE_F_17";
1738   this->VariableNames->value[1218] = "SITE_F_18";
1739   this->VariableNames->value[1219] = "SITE_F_19";
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1742   this->VariableNames->value[1222] = "SITE_F_22";
1743   this->VariableNames->value[1223] = "SITE_F_23";
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1745   this->VariableNames->value[1225] = "SITE_F_25";
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1747   this->VariableNames->value[1227] = "SITE_F_27";
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1750   this->VariableNames->value[1230] = "SITE_F_30";
1751   this->VariableNames->value[1231] = "SITE_F_31";
1752   this->VariableNames->value[1232] = "SITE_F_32";
1753   this->VariableNames->value[1233] = "SITE_F_33";
1754   this->VariableNames->value[1234] = "SITE_F_34";
1755   this->VariableNames->value[1235] = "SITE_F_35";
1756   this->VariableNames->value[1236] = "SITE_F_36";
1757   this->VariableNames->value[1237] = "SITE_F_37";
1758   this->VariableNames->value[1238] = "SITE_F_38";
1759   this->VariableNames->value[1239] = "SITE_F_39";
1760   this->VariableNames->value[1240] = "SITE_F_40";
1761   this->VariableNames->value[1241] = "SITE_F_41";
1762   this->VariableNames->value[1242] = "SITE_F_42";
1763   this->VariableNames->value[1243] = "SITE_F_43";
1764   this->VariableNames->value[1244] = "SITE_F_44";
1765   this->VariableNames->value[1245] = "SITE_F_45";
1766   this->VariableNames->value[1246] = "SITE_F_46";
1767   this->VariableNames->value[1247] = "SITE_F_47";
1768   this->VariableNames->value[1248] = "SITE_F_48";
1769   this->VariableNames->value[1249] = "SITE_F_49";
1771   this->VariableNames->value[1250] = "CREV_Y_00";
1772   this->VariableNames->value[1251] = "CREV_Y_01";
1773   this->VariableNames->value[1252] = "CREV_Y_02";
1774   this->VariableNames->value[1253] = "CREV_Y_03";
1775   this->VariableNames->value[1254] = "CREV_Y_04";
1776   this->VariableNames->value[1255] = "CREV_Y_05";
1777   this->VariableNames->value[1256] = "CREV_Y_06";
1778   this->VariableNames->value[1257] = "CREV_Y_07";
1779   this->VariableNames->value[1258] = "CREV_Y_08";
1780   this->VariableNames->value[1259] = "CREV_Y_09";
1781   this->VariableNames->value[1260] = "CREV_Y_10";
1782   this->VariableNames->value[1261] = "CREV_Y_11";
1783   this->VariableNames->value[1262] = "CREV_Y_12";
1784   this->VariableNames->value[1263] = "CREV_Y_13";
1785   this->VariableNames->value[1264] = "CREV_Y_14";
1786   this->VariableNames->value[1265] = "CREV_Y_15";
1787   this->VariableNames->value[1266] = "CREV_Y_16";
1788   this->VariableNames->value[1267] = "CREV_Y_17";
1789   this->VariableNames->value[1268] = "CREV_Y_18";
1790   this->VariableNames->value[1269] = "CREV_Y_19";
1791   this->VariableNames->value[1270] = "CREV_Y_20";
1792   this->VariableNames->value[1271] = "CREV_Y_21";
1793   this->VariableNames->value[1272] = "CREV_Y_22";
1794   this->VariableNames->value[1273] = "CREV_Y_23";
1795   this->VariableNames->value[1274] = "CREV_Y_24";
1796   this->VariableNames->value[1275] = "CREV_Y_25";
1797   this->VariableNames->value[1276] = "CREV_Y_26";
1798   this->VariableNames->value[1277] = "CREV_Y_27";
1799   this->VariableNames->value[1278] = "CREV_Y_28";
1800   this->VariableNames->value[1279] = "CREV_Y_29";
1801   this->VariableNames->value[1280] = "CREV_Y_30";
1802   this->VariableNames->value[1281] = "CREV_Y_31";
1803   this->VariableNames->value[1282] = "CREV_Y_32";
1804   this->VariableNames->value[1283] = "CREV_Y_33";
1805   this->VariableNames->value[1284] = "CREV_Y_34";
1806   this->VariableNames->value[1285] = "CREV_Y_35";
1807   this->VariableNames->value[1286] = "CREV_Y_36";
1808   this->VariableNames->value[1287] = "CREV_Y_37";
1809   this->VariableNames->value[1288] = "CREV_Y_38";
1810   this->VariableNames->value[1289] = "CREV_Y_39";
1811   this->VariableNames->value[1290] = "CREV_Y_40";
1812   this->VariableNames->value[1291] = "CREV_Y_41";
1813   this->VariableNames->value[1292] = "CREV_Y_42";
1814   this->VariableNames->value[1293] = "CREV_Y_43";
1815   this->VariableNames->value[1294] = "CREV_Y_44";
1816   this->VariableNames->value[1295] = "CREV_Y_45";
1817   this->VariableNames->value[1296] = "CREV_Y_46";
1818   this->VariableNames->value[1297] = "CREV_Y_47";
1819   this->VariableNames->value[1298] = "CREV_Y_48";
1820   this->VariableNames->value[1299] = "CREV_Y_49";
1822   this->VariableNames->value[1301] = "WSB";
1823   this->VariableNames->value[1302] = "WSN";
1824   this->VariableNames->value[1303] = "WSR";
1825   this->VariableNames->value[1304] = "WSB_M1";
1826   this->VariableNames->value[1305] = "WSB_M2";
1827   this->VariableNames->value[1306] = "WSN_M1";
1828   this->VariableNames->value[1307] = "WSN_M2";
1829   this->VariableNames->value[1308] = "WSR_M1";
1830   this->VariableNames->value[1309] = "WSR_M2";
1831   this->VariableNames->value[1310] = "MASGEN";
1832   this->VariableNames->value[1311] = "NUCRAT";
1833   this->VariableNames->value[1330] = "TEMPERATURE_M1";
1834   this->VariableNames->value[1331] = "TEMPERATURE_M2";
1836   this->VariableNames->value[1350] = "SURF_F_00";
1837   this->VariableNames->value[1351] = "SURF_F_01";
1838   this->VariableNames->value[1352] = "SURF_F_02";
1839   this->VariableNames->value[1353] = "SURF_F_03";
1840   this->VariableNames->value[1354] = "SURF_F_04";
1841   this->VariableNames->value[1355] = "SURF_F_05";
1842   this->VariableNames->value[1356] = "SURF_F_06";
1843   this->VariableNames->value[1357] = "SURF_F_07";
1844   this->VariableNames->value[1358] = "SURF_F_08";
1845   this->VariableNames->value[1359] = "SURF_F_09";
1846   this->VariableNames->value[1360] = "SURF_F_10";
1847   this->VariableNames->value[1361] = "SURF_F_11";
1848   this->VariableNames->value[1362] = "SURF_F_12";
1849   this->VariableNames->value[1363] = "SURF_F_13";
1850   this->VariableNames->value[1364] = "SURF_F_14";
1851   this->VariableNames->value[1365] = "SURF_F_15";
1852   this->VariableNames->value[1366] = "SURF_F_16";
1853   this->VariableNames->value[1367] = "SURF_F_17";
1854   this->VariableNames->value[1368] = "SURF_F_18";
1855   this->VariableNames->value[1369] = "SURF_F_19";
1856   this->VariableNames->value[1370] = "SURF_F_20";
1857   this->VariableNames->value[1371] = "SURF_F_21";
1858   this->VariableNames->value[1372] = "SURF_F_22";
1859   this->VariableNames->value[1373] = "SURF_F_23";
1860   this->VariableNames->value[1374] = "SURF_F_24";
1861   this->VariableNames->value[1375] = "SURF_F_25";
1862   this->VariableNames->value[1376] = "SURF_F_26";
1863   this->VariableNames->value[1377] = "SURF_F_27";
1864   this->VariableNames->value[1378] = "SURF_F_28";
1865   this->VariableNames->value[1379] = "SURF_F_29";
1866   this->VariableNames->value[1380] = "SURF_F_30";
1867   this->VariableNames->value[1381] = "SURF_F_31";
1868   this->VariableNames->value[1382] = "SURF_F_32";
1869   this->VariableNames->value[1383] = "SURF_F_33";
1870   this->VariableNames->value[1384] = "SURF_F_34";
1871   this->VariableNames->value[1385] = "SURF_F_35";
1872   this->VariableNames->value[1386] = "SURF_F_36";
1873   this->VariableNames->value[1387] = "SURF_F_37";
1874   this->VariableNames->value[1388] = "SURF_F_38";
1875   this->VariableNames->value[1389] = "SURF_F_39";
1876   this->VariableNames->value[1390] = "SURF_F_40";
1877   this->VariableNames->value[1391] = "SURF_F_41";
1878   this->VariableNames->value[1392] = "SURF_F_42";
1879   this->VariableNames->value[1393] = "SURF_F_43";
1880   this->VariableNames->value[1394] = "SURF_F_44";
1881   this->VariableNames->value[1395] = "SURF_F_45";
1882   this->VariableNames->value[1396] = "SURF_F_46";
1883   this->VariableNames->value[1397] = "SURF_F_47";
1884   this->VariableNames->value[1398] = "SURF_F_48";
1885   this->VariableNames->value[1399] = "SURF_F_49";
1887   this->VariableNames->value[7700] = "PB_DISC_00";
1888   this->VariableNames->value[7701] = "PB_DISC_01";
1889   this->VariableNames->value[7702] = "PB_DISC_02";
1890   this->VariableNames->value[7703] = "PB_DISC_03";
1891   this->VariableNames->value[7704] = "PB_DISC_04";
1892   this->VariableNames->value[7705] = "PB_DISC_05";
1893   this->VariableNames->value[7706] = "PB_DISC_06";
1894   this->VariableNames->value[7707] = "PB_DISC_07";
1895   this->VariableNames->value[7708] = "PB_DISC_08";
1896   this->VariableNames->value[7709] = "PB_DISC_09";
1897   this->VariableNames->value[7710] = "PB_DISC_10";
1898   this->VariableNames->value[7711] = "PB_DISC_11";
1899   this->VariableNames->value[7712] = "PB_DISC_12";
1900   this->VariableNames->value[7713] = "PB_DISC_13";
1901   this->VariableNames->value[7714] = "PB_DISC_14";
1902   this->VariableNames->value[7715] = "PB_DISC_15";
1903   this->VariableNames->value[7716] = "PB_DISC_16";
1904   this->VariableNames->value[7717] = "PB_DISC_17";
1905   this->VariableNames->value[7718] = "PB_DISC_18";
1906   this->VariableNames->value[7719] = "PB_DISC_19";
1907   this->VariableNames->value[7720] = "PB_DISC_20";
1908   this->VariableNames->value[7721] = "PB_DISC_21";
1909   this->VariableNames->value[7722] = "PB_DISC_22";
1910   this->VariableNames->value[7723] = "PB_DISC_23";
1911   this->VariableNames->value[7724] = "PB_DISC_24";
1912   this->VariableNames->value[7725] = "PB_DISC_25";
1913   this->VariableNames->value[7726] = "PB_DISC_26";
1914   this->VariableNames->value[7727] = "PB_DISC_27";
1915   this->VariableNames->value[7728] = "PB_DISC_28";
1916   this->VariableNames->value[7729] = "PB_DISC_29";
1917   this->VariableNames->value[7730] = "PB_DISC_30";
1918   this->VariableNames->value[7731] = "PB_DISC_31";
1919   this->VariableNames->value[7732] = "PB_DISC_32";
1920   this->VariableNames->value[7733] = "PB_DISC_33";
1921   this->VariableNames->value[7734] = "PB_DISC_34";
1922   this->VariableNames->value[7735] = "PB_DISC_35";
1923   this->VariableNames->value[7736] = "PB_DISC_36";
1924   this->VariableNames->value[7737] = "PB_DISC_37";
1925   this->VariableNames->value[7738] = "PB_DISC_38";
1926   this->VariableNames->value[7739] = "PB_DISC_39";
1927   this->VariableNames->value[7740] = "PB_DISC_40";
1928   this->VariableNames->value[7741] = "PB_DISC_41";
1929   this->VariableNames->value[7742] = "PB_DISC_42";
1930   this->VariableNames->value[7743] = "PB_DISC_43";
1931   this->VariableNames->value[7744] = "PB_DISC_44";
1932   this->VariableNames->value[7745] = "PB_DISC_45";
1933   this->VariableNames->value[7746] = "PB_DISC_46";
1934   this->VariableNames->value[7747] = "PB_DISC_47";
1935   this->VariableNames->value[7748] = "PB_DISC_48";
1936   this->VariableNames->value[7749] = "PB_DISC_49";
1938   this->VariableNames->value[7750] = "PB_DISC_M1_00";
1939   this->VariableNames->value[7751] = "PB_DISC_M1_01";
1940   this->VariableNames->value[7752] = "PB_DISC_M1_02";
1941   this->VariableNames->value[7753] = "PB_DISC_M1_03";
1942   this->VariableNames->value[7754] = "PB_DISC_M1_04";
1943   this->VariableNames->value[7755] = "PB_DISC_M1_05";
1944   this->VariableNames->value[7756] = "PB_DISC_M1_06";
1945   this->VariableNames->value[7757] = "PB_DISC_M1_07";
1946   this->VariableNames->value[7758] = "PB_DISC_M1_08";
1947   this->VariableNames->value[7759] = "PB_DISC_M1_09";
1948   this->VariableNames->value[7760] = "PB_DISC_M1_10";
1949   this->VariableNames->value[7761] = "PB_DISC_M1_11";
1950   this->VariableNames->value[7762] = "PB_DISC_M1_12";
1951   this->VariableNames->value[7763] = "PB_DISC_M1_13";
1952   this->VariableNames->value[7764] = "PB_DISC_M1_14";
1953   this->VariableNames->value[7765] = "PB_DISC_M1_15";
1954   this->VariableNames->value[7766] = "PB_DISC_M1_16";
1955   this->VariableNames->value[7767] = "PB_DISC_M1_17";
1956   this->VariableNames->value[7768] = "PB_DISC_M1_18";
1957   this->VariableNames->value[7769] = "PB_DISC_M1_19";
1958   this->VariableNames->value[7770] = "PB_DISC_M1_20";
1959   this->VariableNames->value[7771] = "PB_DISC_M1_21";
1960   this->VariableNames->value[7772] = "PB_DISC_M1_22";
1961   this->VariableNames->value[7773] = "PB_DISC_M1_23";
1962   this->VariableNames->value[7774] = "PB_DISC_M1_24";
1963   this->VariableNames->value[7775] = "PB_DISC_M1_25";
1964   this->VariableNames->value[7776] = "PB_DISC_M1_26";
1965   this->VariableNames->value[7777] = "PB_DISC_M1_27";
1966   this->VariableNames->value[7778] = "PB_DISC_M1_28";
1967   this->VariableNames->value[7779] = "PB_DISC_M1_29";
1968   this->VariableNames->value[7780] = "PB_DISC_M1_30";
1969   this->VariableNames->value[7781] = "PB_DISC_M1_31";
1970   this->VariableNames->value[7782] = "PB_DISC_M1_32";
1971   this->VariableNames->value[7783] = "PB_DISC_M1_33";
1972   this->VariableNames->value[7784] = "PB_DISC_M1_34";
1973   this->VariableNames->value[7785] = "PB_DISC_M1_35";
1974   this->VariableNames->value[7786] = "PB_DISC_M1_36";
1975   this->VariableNames->value[7787] = "PB_DISC_M1_37";
1976   this->VariableNames->value[7788] = "PB_DISC_M1_38";
1977   this->VariableNames->value[7789] = "PB_DISC_M1_39";
1978   this->VariableNames->value[7790] = "PB_DISC_M1_40";
1979   this->VariableNames->value[7791] = "PB_DISC_M1_41";
1980   this->VariableNames->value[7792] = "PB_DISC_M1_42";
1981   this->VariableNames->value[7793] = "PB_DISC_M1_43";
1982   this->VariableNames->value[7794] = "PB_DISC_M1_44";
1983   this->VariableNames->value[7795] = "PB_DISC_M1_45";
1984   this->VariableNames->value[7796] = "PB_DISC_M1_46";
1985   this->VariableNames->value[7797] = "PB_DISC_M1_47";
1986   this->VariableNames->value[7798] = "PB_DISC_M1_48";
1987   this->VariableNames->value[7799] = "PB_DISC_M1_49";
1989   this->VariableNames->value[7800] = "PB_DISC_M2_00";
1990   this->VariableNames->value[7801] = "PB_DISC_M2_01";
1991   this->VariableNames->value[7802] = "PB_DISC_M2_02";
1992   this->VariableNames->value[7803] = "PB_DISC_M2_03";
1993   this->VariableNames->value[7804] = "PB_DISC_M2_04";
1994   this->VariableNames->value[7805] = "PB_DISC_M2_05";
1995   this->VariableNames->value[7806] = "PB_DISC_M2_06";
1996   this->VariableNames->value[7807] = "PB_DISC_M2_07";
1997   this->VariableNames->value[7808] = "PB_DISC_M2_08";
1998   this->VariableNames->value[7809] = "PB_DISC_M2_09";
1999   this->VariableNames->value[7810] = "PB_DISC_M2_10";
2000   this->VariableNames->value[7811] = "PB_DISC_M2_11";
2001   this->VariableNames->value[7812] = "PB_DISC_M2_12";
2002   this->VariableNames->value[7813] = "PB_DISC_M2_13";
2003   this->VariableNames->value[7814] = "PB_DISC_M2_14";
2004   this->VariableNames->value[7815] = "PB_DISC_M2_15";
2005   this->VariableNames->value[7816] = "PB_DISC_M2_16";
2006   this->VariableNames->value[7817] = "PB_DISC_M2_17";
2007   this->VariableNames->value[7818] = "PB_DISC_M2_18";
2008   this->VariableNames->value[7819] = "PB_DISC_M2_19";
2009   this->VariableNames->value[7820] = "PB_DISC_M2_20";
2010   this->VariableNames->value[7821] = "PB_DISC_M2_21";
2011   this->VariableNames->value[7822] = "PB_DISC_M2_22";
2012   this->VariableNames->value[7823] = "PB_DISC_M2_23";
2013   this->VariableNames->value[7824] = "PB_DISC_M2_24";
2014   this->VariableNames->value[7825] = "PB_DISC_M2_25";
2015   this->VariableNames->value[7826] = "PB_DISC_M2_26";
2016   this->VariableNames->value[7827] = "PB_DISC_M2_27";
2017   this->VariableNames->value[7828] = "PB_DISC_M2_28";
2018   this->VariableNames->value[7829] = "PB_DISC_M2_29";
2019   this->VariableNames->value[7830] = "PB_DISC_M2_30";
2020   this->VariableNames->value[7831] = "PB_DISC_M2_31";
2021   this->VariableNames->value[7832] = "PB_DISC_M2_32";
2022   this->VariableNames->value[7833] = "PB_DISC_M2_33";
2023   this->VariableNames->value[7834] = "PB_DISC_M2_34";
2024   this->VariableNames->value[7835] = "PB_DISC_M2_35";
2025   this->VariableNames->value[7836] = "PB_DISC_M2_36";
2026   this->VariableNames->value[7837] = "PB_DISC_M2_37";
2027   this->VariableNames->value[7838] = "PB_DISC_M2_38";
2028   this->VariableNames->value[7839] = "PB_DISC_M2_39";
2029   this->VariableNames->value[7840] = "PB_DISC_M2_40";
2030   this->VariableNames->value[7841] = "PB_DISC_M2_41";
2031   this->VariableNames->value[7842] = "PB_DISC_M2_42";
2032   this->VariableNames->value[7843] = "PB_DISC_M2_43";
2033   this->VariableNames->value[7844] = "PB_DISC_M2_44";
2034   this->VariableNames->value[7845] = "PB_DISC_M2_45";
2035   this->VariableNames->value[7846] = "PB_DISC_M2_46";
2036   this->VariableNames->value[7847] = "PB_DISC_M2_47";
2037   this->VariableNames->value[7848] = "PB_DISC_M2_48";
2038   this->VariableNames->value[7849] = "PB_DISC_M2_49";
2040   this->VariableNames->value[7850] = "PB_QMOM_00";
2041   this->VariableNames->value[7851] = "PB_QMOM_01";
2042   this->VariableNames->value[7852] = "PB_QMOM_02";
2043   this->VariableNames->value[7853] = "PB_QMOM_03";
2044   this->VariableNames->value[7854] = "PB_QMOM_04";
2045   this->VariableNames->value[7855] = "PB_QMOM_05";
2046   this->VariableNames->value[7856] = "PB_QMOM_06";
2047   this->VariableNames->value[7857] = "PB_QMOM_07";
2048   this->VariableNames->value[7858] = "PB_QMOM_08";
2049   this->VariableNames->value[7859] = "PB_QMOM_09";
2050   this->VariableNames->value[7860] = "PB_QMOM_10";
2051   this->VariableNames->value[7861] = "PB_QMOM_11";
2052   this->VariableNames->value[7862] = "PB_QMOM_12";
2053   this->VariableNames->value[7863] = "PB_QMOM_13";
2054   this->VariableNames->value[7864] = "PB_QMOM_14";
2055   this->VariableNames->value[7865] = "PB_QMOM_15";
2056   this->VariableNames->value[7866] = "PB_QMOM_16";
2057   this->VariableNames->value[7867] = "PB_QMOM_17";
2058   this->VariableNames->value[7868] = "PB_QMOM_18";
2059   this->VariableNames->value[7869] = "PB_QMOM_19";
2060   this->VariableNames->value[7870] = "PB_QMOM_20";
2061   this->VariableNames->value[7871] = "PB_QMOM_21";
2062   this->VariableNames->value[7872] = "PB_QMOM_22";
2063   this->VariableNames->value[7873] = "PB_QMOM_23";
2064   this->VariableNames->value[7874] = "PB_QMOM_24";
2065   this->VariableNames->value[7875] = "PB_QMOM_25";
2066   this->VariableNames->value[7876] = "PB_QMOM_26";
2067   this->VariableNames->value[7877] = "PB_QMOM_27";
2068   this->VariableNames->value[7878] = "PB_QMOM_28";
2069   this->VariableNames->value[7879] = "PB_QMOM_29";
2070   this->VariableNames->value[7880] = "PB_QMOM_30";
2071   this->VariableNames->value[7881] = "PB_QMOM_31";
2072   this->VariableNames->value[7882] = "PB_QMOM_32";
2073   this->VariableNames->value[7883] = "PB_QMOM_33";
2074   this->VariableNames->value[7884] = "PB_QMOM_34";
2075   this->VariableNames->value[7885] = "PB_QMOM_35";
2076   this->VariableNames->value[7886] = "PB_QMOM_36";
2077   this->VariableNames->value[7887] = "PB_QMOM_37";
2078   this->VariableNames->value[7888] = "PB_QMOM_38";
2079   this->VariableNames->value[7889] = "PB_QMOM_39";
2080   this->VariableNames->value[7890] = "PB_QMOM_40";
2081   this->VariableNames->value[7891] = "PB_QMOM_41";
2082   this->VariableNames->value[7892] = "PB_QMOM_42";
2083   this->VariableNames->value[7893] = "PB_QMOM_43";
2084   this->VariableNames->value[7894] = "PB_QMOM_44";
2085   this->VariableNames->value[7895] = "PB_QMOM_45";
2086   this->VariableNames->value[7896] = "PB_QMOM_46";
2087   this->VariableNames->value[7897] = "PB_QMOM_47";
2088   this->VariableNames->value[7898] = "PB_QMOM_48";
2089   this->VariableNames->value[7899] = "PB_QMOM_49";
2091   this->VariableNames->value[7900] = "PB_QMOM_M1_00";
2092   this->VariableNames->value[7901] = "PB_QMOM_M1_01";
2093   this->VariableNames->value[7902] = "PB_QMOM_M1_02";
2094   this->VariableNames->value[7903] = "PB_QMOM_M1_03";
2095   this->VariableNames->value[7904] = "PB_QMOM_M1_04";
2096   this->VariableNames->value[7905] = "PB_QMOM_M1_05";
2097   this->VariableNames->value[7906] = "PB_QMOM_M1_06";
2098   this->VariableNames->value[7907] = "PB_QMOM_M1_07";
2099   this->VariableNames->value[7908] = "PB_QMOM_M1_08";
2100   this->VariableNames->value[7909] = "PB_QMOM_M1_09";
2101   this->VariableNames->value[7910] = "PB_QMOM_M1_10";
2102   this->VariableNames->value[7911] = "PB_QMOM_M1_11";
2103   this->VariableNames->value[7912] = "PB_QMOM_M1_12";
2104   this->VariableNames->value[7913] = "PB_QMOM_M1_13";
2105   this->VariableNames->value[7914] = "PB_QMOM_M1_14";
2106   this->VariableNames->value[7915] = "PB_QMOM_M1_15";
2107   this->VariableNames->value[7916] = "PB_QMOM_M1_16";
2108   this->VariableNames->value[7917] = "PB_QMOM_M1_17";
2109   this->VariableNames->value[7918] = "PB_QMOM_M1_18";
2110   this->VariableNames->value[7919] = "PB_QMOM_M1_19";
2111   this->VariableNames->value[7920] = "PB_QMOM_M1_20";
2112   this->VariableNames->value[7921] = "PB_QMOM_M1_21";
2113   this->VariableNames->value[7922] = "PB_QMOM_M1_22";
2114   this->VariableNames->value[7923] = "PB_QMOM_M1_23";
2115   this->VariableNames->value[7924] = "PB_QMOM_M1_24";
2116   this->VariableNames->value[7925] = "PB_QMOM_M1_25";
2117   this->VariableNames->value[7926] = "PB_QMOM_M1_26";
2118   this->VariableNames->value[7927] = "PB_QMOM_M1_27";
2119   this->VariableNames->value[7928] = "PB_QMOM_M1_28";
2120   this->VariableNames->value[7929] = "PB_QMOM_M1_29";
2121   this->VariableNames->value[7930] = "PB_QMOM_M1_30";
2122   this->VariableNames->value[7931] = "PB_QMOM_M1_31";
2123   this->VariableNames->value[7932] = "PB_QMOM_M1_32";
2124   this->VariableNames->value[7933] = "PB_QMOM_M1_33";
2125   this->VariableNames->value[7934] = "PB_QMOM_M1_34";
2126   this->VariableNames->value[7935] = "PB_QMOM_M1_35";
2127   this->VariableNames->value[7936] = "PB_QMOM_M1_36";
2128   this->VariableNames->value[7937] = "PB_QMOM_M1_37";
2129   this->VariableNames->value[7938] = "PB_QMOM_M1_38";
2130   this->VariableNames->value[7939] = "PB_QMOM_M1_39";
2131   this->VariableNames->value[7940] = "PB_QMOM_M1_40";
2132   this->VariableNames->value[7941] = "PB_QMOM_M1_41";
2133   this->VariableNames->value[7942] = "PB_QMOM_M1_42";
2134   this->VariableNames->value[7943] = "PB_QMOM_M1_43";
2135   this->VariableNames->value[7944] = "PB_QMOM_M1_44";
2136   this->VariableNames->value[7945] = "PB_QMOM_M1_45";
2137   this->VariableNames->value[7946] = "PB_QMOM_M1_46";
2138   this->VariableNames->value[7947] = "PB_QMOM_M1_47";
2139   this->VariableNames->value[7948] = "PB_QMOM_M1_48";
2140   this->VariableNames->value[7949] = "PB_QMOM_M1_49";
2142   this->VariableNames->value[7950] = "PB_QMOM_M2_00";
2143   this->VariableNames->value[7951] = "PB_QMOM_M2_01";
2144   this->VariableNames->value[7952] = "PB_QMOM_M2_02";
2145   this->VariableNames->value[7953] = "PB_QMOM_M2_03";
2146   this->VariableNames->value[7954] = "PB_QMOM_M2_04";
2147   this->VariableNames->value[7955] = "PB_QMOM_M2_05";
2148   this->VariableNames->value[7956] = "PB_QMOM_M2_06";
2149   this->VariableNames->value[7957] = "PB_QMOM_M2_07";
2150   this->VariableNames->value[7958] = "PB_QMOM_M2_08";
2151   this->VariableNames->value[7959] = "PB_QMOM_M2_09";
2152   this->VariableNames->value[7960] = "PB_QMOM_M2_10";
2153   this->VariableNames->value[7961] = "PB_QMOM_M2_11";
2154   this->VariableNames->value[7962] = "PB_QMOM_M2_12";
2155   this->VariableNames->value[7963] = "PB_QMOM_M2_13";
2156   this->VariableNames->value[7964] = "PB_QMOM_M2_14";
2157   this->VariableNames->value[7965] = "PB_QMOM_M2_15";
2158   this->VariableNames->value[7966] = "PB_QMOM_M2_16";
2159   this->VariableNames->value[7967] = "PB_QMOM_M2_17";
2160   this->VariableNames->value[7968] = "PB_QMOM_M2_18";
2161   this->VariableNames->value[7969] = "PB_QMOM_M2_19";
2162   this->VariableNames->value[7970] = "PB_QMOM_M2_20";
2163   this->VariableNames->value[7971] = "PB_QMOM_M2_21";
2164   this->VariableNames->value[7972] = "PB_QMOM_M2_22";
2165   this->VariableNames->value[7973] = "PB_QMOM_M2_23";
2166   this->VariableNames->value[7974] = "PB_QMOM_M2_24";
2167   this->VariableNames->value[7975] = "PB_QMOM_M2_25";
2168   this->VariableNames->value[7976] = "PB_QMOM_M2_26";
2169   this->VariableNames->value[7977] = "PB_QMOM_M2_27";
2170   this->VariableNames->value[7978] = "PB_QMOM_M2_28";
2171   this->VariableNames->value[7979] = "PB_QMOM_M2_29";
2172   this->VariableNames->value[7980] = "PB_QMOM_M2_30";
2173   this->VariableNames->value[7981] = "PB_QMOM_M2_31";
2174   this->VariableNames->value[7982] = "PB_QMOM_M2_32";
2175   this->VariableNames->value[7983] = "PB_QMOM_M2_33";
2176   this->VariableNames->value[7984] = "PB_QMOM_M2_34";
2177   this->VariableNames->value[7985] = "PB_QMOM_M2_35";
2178   this->VariableNames->value[7986] = "PB_QMOM_M2_36";
2179   this->VariableNames->value[7987] = "PB_QMOM_M2_37";
2180   this->VariableNames->value[7988] = "PB_QMOM_M2_38";
2181   this->VariableNames->value[7989] = "PB_QMOM_M2_39";
2182   this->VariableNames->value[7990] = "PB_QMOM_M2_40";
2183   this->VariableNames->value[7991] = "PB_QMOM_M2_41";
2184   this->VariableNames->value[7992] = "PB_QMOM_M2_42";
2185   this->VariableNames->value[7993] = "PB_QMOM_M2_43";
2186   this->VariableNames->value[7994] = "PB_QMOM_M2_44";
2187   this->VariableNames->value[7995] = "PB_QMOM_M2_45";
2188   this->VariableNames->value[7996] = "PB_QMOM_M2_46";
2189   this->VariableNames->value[7997] = "PB_QMOM_M2_47";
2190   this->VariableNames->value[7998] = "PB_QMOM_M2_48";
2191   this->VariableNames->value[7999] = "PB_QMOM_M2_49";
2193   this->VariableNames->value[8000] = "PB_SMM_00";
2194   this->VariableNames->value[8001] = "PB_SMM_01";
2195   this->VariableNames->value[8002] = "PB_SMM_02";
2196   this->VariableNames->value[8003] = "PB_SMM_03";
2197   this->VariableNames->value[8004] = "PB_SMM_04";
2198   this->VariableNames->value[8005] = "PB_SMM_05";
2199   this->VariableNames->value[8006] = "PB_SMM_06";
2200   this->VariableNames->value[8007] = "PB_SMM_07";
2201   this->VariableNames->value[8008] = "PB_SMM_08";
2202   this->VariableNames->value[8009] = "PB_SMM_09";
2203   this->VariableNames->value[8010] = "PB_SMM_10";
2204   this->VariableNames->value[8011] = "PB_SMM_11";
2205   this->VariableNames->value[8012] = "PB_SMM_12";
2206   this->VariableNames->value[8013] = "PB_SMM_13";
2207   this->VariableNames->value[8014] = "PB_SMM_14";
2208   this->VariableNames->value[8015] = "PB_SMM_15";
2209   this->VariableNames->value[8016] = "PB_SMM_16";
2210   this->VariableNames->value[8017] = "PB_SMM_17";
2211   this->VariableNames->value[8018] = "PB_SMM_18";
2212   this->VariableNames->value[8019] = "PB_SMM_19";
2213   this->VariableNames->value[8020] = "PB_SMM_20";
2214   this->VariableNames->value[8021] = "PB_SMM_21";
2215   this->VariableNames->value[8022] = "PB_SMM_22";
2216   this->VariableNames->value[8023] = "PB_SMM_23";
2217   this->VariableNames->value[8024] = "PB_SMM_24";
2218   this->VariableNames->value[8025] = "PB_SMM_25";
2219   this->VariableNames->value[8026] = "PB_SMM_26";
2220   this->VariableNames->value[8027] = "PB_SMM_27";
2221   this->VariableNames->value[8028] = "PB_SMM_28";
2222   this->VariableNames->value[8029] = "PB_SMM_29";
2223   this->VariableNames->value[8030] = "PB_SMM_30";
2224   this->VariableNames->value[8031] = "PB_SMM_31";
2225   this->VariableNames->value[8032] = "PB_SMM_32";
2226   this->VariableNames->value[8033] = "PB_SMM_33";
2227   this->VariableNames->value[8034] = "PB_SMM_34";
2228   this->VariableNames->value[8035] = "PB_SMM_35";
2229   this->VariableNames->value[8036] = "PB_SMM_36";
2230   this->VariableNames->value[8037] = "PB_SMM_37";
2231   this->VariableNames->value[8038] = "PB_SMM_38";
2232   this->VariableNames->value[8039] = "PB_SMM_39";
2233   this->VariableNames->value[8040] = "PB_SMM_40";
2234   this->VariableNames->value[8041] = "PB_SMM_41";
2235   this->VariableNames->value[8042] = "PB_SMM_42";
2236   this->VariableNames->value[8043] = "PB_SMM_43";
2237   this->VariableNames->value[8044] = "PB_SMM_44";
2238   this->VariableNames->value[8045] = "PB_SMM_45";
2239   this->VariableNames->value[8046] = "PB_SMM_46";
2240   this->VariableNames->value[8047] = "PB_SMM_47";
2241   this->VariableNames->value[8048] = "PB_SMM_48";
2242   this->VariableNames->value[8049] = "PB_SMM_49";
2244   this->VariableNames->value[8050] = "PB_SMM_M1_00";
2245   this->VariableNames->value[8051] = "PB_SMM_M1_01";
2246   this->VariableNames->value[8052] = "PB_SMM_M1_02";
2247   this->VariableNames->value[8053] = "PB_SMM_M1_03";
2248   this->VariableNames->value[8054] = "PB_SMM_M1_04";
2249   this->VariableNames->value[8055] = "PB_SMM_M1_05";
2250   this->VariableNames->value[8056] = "PB_SMM_M1_06";
2251   this->VariableNames->value[8057] = "PB_SMM_M1_07";
2252   this->VariableNames->value[8058] = "PB_SMM_M1_08";
2253   this->VariableNames->value[8059] = "PB_SMM_M1_09";
2254   this->VariableNames->value[8060] = "PB_SMM_M1_10";
2255   this->VariableNames->value[8061] = "PB_SMM_M1_11";
2256   this->VariableNames->value[8062] = "PB_SMM_M1_12";
2257   this->VariableNames->value[8063] = "PB_SMM_M1_13";
2258   this->VariableNames->value[8064] = "PB_SMM_M1_14";
2259   this->VariableNames->value[8065] = "PB_SMM_M1_15";
2260   this->VariableNames->value[8066] = "PB_SMM_M1_16";
2261   this->VariableNames->value[8067] = "PB_SMM_M1_17";
2262   this->VariableNames->value[8068] = "PB_SMM_M1_18";
2263   this->VariableNames->value[8069] = "PB_SMM_M1_19";
2264   this->VariableNames->value[8070] = "PB_SMM_M1_20";
2265   this->VariableNames->value[8071] = "PB_SMM_M1_21";
2266   this->VariableNames->value[8072] = "PB_SMM_M1_22";
2267   this->VariableNames->value[8073] = "PB_SMM_M1_23";
2268   this->VariableNames->value[8074] = "PB_SMM_M1_24";
2269   this->VariableNames->value[8075] = "PB_SMM_M1_25";
2270   this->VariableNames->value[8076] = "PB_SMM_M1_26";
2271   this->VariableNames->value[8077] = "PB_SMM_M1_27";
2272   this->VariableNames->value[8078] = "PB_SMM_M1_28";
2273   this->VariableNames->value[8079] = "PB_SMM_M1_29";
2274   this->VariableNames->value[8080] = "PB_SMM_M1_30";
2275   this->VariableNames->value[8081] = "PB_SMM_M1_31";
2276   this->VariableNames->value[8082] = "PB_SMM_M1_32";
2277   this->VariableNames->value[8083] = "PB_SMM_M1_33";
2278   this->VariableNames->value[8084] = "PB_SMM_M1_34";
2279   this->VariableNames->value[8085] = "PB_SMM_M1_35";
2280   this->VariableNames->value[8086] = "PB_SMM_M1_36";
2281   this->VariableNames->value[8087] = "PB_SMM_M1_37";
2282   this->VariableNames->value[8088] = "PB_SMM_M1_38";
2283   this->VariableNames->value[8089] = "PB_SMM_M1_39";
2284   this->VariableNames->value[8090] = "PB_SMM_M1_40";
2285   this->VariableNames->value[8091] = "PB_SMM_M1_41";
2286   this->VariableNames->value[8092] = "PB_SMM_M1_42";
2287   this->VariableNames->value[8093] = "PB_SMM_M1_43";
2288   this->VariableNames->value[8094] = "PB_SMM_M1_44";
2289   this->VariableNames->value[8095] = "PB_SMM_M1_45";
2290   this->VariableNames->value[8096] = "PB_SMM_M1_46";
2291   this->VariableNames->value[8097] = "PB_SMM_M1_47";
2292   this->VariableNames->value[8098] = "PB_SMM_M1_48";
2293   this->VariableNames->value[8099] = "PB_SMM_M1_49";
2295   this->VariableNames->value[8100] = "PB_SMM_M2_00";
2296   this->VariableNames->value[8101] = "PB_SMM_M2_01";
2297   this->VariableNames->value[8102] = "PB_SMM_M2_02";
2298   this->VariableNames->value[8103] = "PB_SMM_M2_03";
2299   this->VariableNames->value[8104] = "PB_SMM_M2_04";
2300   this->VariableNames->value[8105] = "PB_SMM_M2_05";
2301   this->VariableNames->value[8106] = "PB_SMM_M2_06";
2302   this->VariableNames->value[8107] = "PB_SMM_M2_07";
2303   this->VariableNames->value[8108] = "PB_SMM_M2_08";
2304   this->VariableNames->value[8109] = "PB_SMM_M2_09";
2305   this->VariableNames->value[8110] = "PB_SMM_M2_10";
2306   this->VariableNames->value[8111] = "PB_SMM_M2_11";
2307   this->VariableNames->value[8112] = "PB_SMM_M2_12";
2308   this->VariableNames->value[8113] = "PB_SMM_M2_13";
2309   this->VariableNames->value[8114] = "PB_SMM_M2_14";
2310   this->VariableNames->value[8115] = "PB_SMM_M2_15";
2311   this->VariableNames->value[8116] = "PB_SMM_M2_16";
2312   this->VariableNames->value[8117] = "PB_SMM_M2_17";
2313   this->VariableNames->value[8118] = "PB_SMM_M2_18";
2314   this->VariableNames->value[8119] = "PB_SMM_M2_19";
2315   this->VariableNames->value[8120] = "PB_SMM_M2_20";
2316   this->VariableNames->value[8121] = "PB_SMM_M2_21";
2317   this->VariableNames->value[8122] = "PB_SMM_M2_22";
2318   this->VariableNames->value[8123] = "PB_SMM_M2_23";
2319   this->VariableNames->value[8124] = "PB_SMM_M2_24";
2320   this->VariableNames->value[8125] = "PB_SMM_M2_25";
2321   this->VariableNames->value[8126] = "PB_SMM_M2_26";
2322   this->VariableNames->value[8127] = "PB_SMM_M2_27";
2323   this->VariableNames->value[8128] = "PB_SMM_M2_28";
2324   this->VariableNames->value[8129] = "PB_SMM_M2_29";
2325   this->VariableNames->value[8130] = "PB_SMM_M2_30";
2326   this->VariableNames->value[8131] = "PB_SMM_M2_31";
2327   this->VariableNames->value[8132] = "PB_SMM_M2_32";
2328   this->VariableNames->value[8133] = "PB_SMM_M2_33";
2329   this->VariableNames->value[8134] = "PB_SMM_M2_34";
2330   this->VariableNames->value[8135] = "PB_SMM_M2_35";
2331   this->VariableNames->value[8136] = "PB_SMM_M2_36";
2332   this->VariableNames->value[8137] = "PB_SMM_M2_37";
2333   this->VariableNames->value[8138] = "PB_SMM_M2_38";
2334   this->VariableNames->value[8139] = "PB_SMM_M2_39";
2335   this->VariableNames->value[8140] = "PB_SMM_M2_40";
2336   this->VariableNames->value[8141] = "PB_SMM_M2_41";
2337   this->VariableNames->value[8142] = "PB_SMM_M2_42";
2338   this->VariableNames->value[8143] = "PB_SMM_M2_43";
2339   this->VariableNames->value[8144] = "PB_SMM_M2_44";
2340   this->VariableNames->value[8145] = "PB_SMM_M2_45";
2341   this->VariableNames->value[8146] = "PB_SMM_M2_46";
2342   this->VariableNames->value[8147] = "PB_SMM_M2_47";
2343   this->VariableNames->value[8148] = "PB_SMM_M2_48";
2344   this->VariableNames->value[8149] = "PB_SMM_M2_49";
2346 }
2348 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ParseCaseFile()2349 void vtkFLUENTReader::ParseCaseFile()
2350 {
2351   this->FluentCaseFile->clear();
2352   this->FluentCaseFile->seekg (0, ios::beg);
2354   while (this->GetCaseChunk())
2355   {
2357     int index = this->GetCaseIndex();
2358     switch (index)
2359     {
2360       case 0:
2361         break;
2362       case 1:
2363         break;
2364       case 2:
2365         this->GridDimension = this->GetDimension();
2366         break;
2367       case 4:
2368         this->GetLittleEndianFlag();
2369         break;
2370       case 10:
2371         this->GetNodesAscii();
2372         break;
2373       case 12:
2374         this->GetCellsAscii();
2375         break;
2376       case 13:
2377         this->GetFacesAscii();
2378         break;
2379       case 18:
2380         this->GetPeriodicShadowFacesAscii();
2381         break;
2382       case 37:
2383         this->GetSpeciesVariableNames();
2384         break;
2385       case 38:
2386         break;
2387       case 39:
2388         break;
2389       case 40:
2390         break;
2391       case 41:
2392         break;
2393       case 45:
2394         break;
2395       case 58:
2396         this->GetCellTreeAscii();
2397         break;
2398       case 59:
2399         this->GetFaceTreeAscii();
2400         break;
2401       case 61:
2402         this->GetInterfaceFaceParentsAscii();
2403         break;
2404       case 62:
2405         this->GetNonconformalGridInterfaceFaceInformationAscii();
2406         break;
2407       case 63:
2408         break;
2409       case 64:
2410         break;
2411       case 2010:
2412         this->GetNodesSinglePrecision();
2413         break;
2414       case 3010:
2415         this->GetNodesDoublePrecision();
2416         break;
2417       case 2012:
2418         this->GetCellsBinary();
2419         break;
2420       case 3012:
2421         this->GetCellsBinary();  // Should be the same as single precision..
2422                            //only grabbing ints.
2423         break;
2424       case 2013:
2425         this->GetFacesBinary();
2426         break;
2427       case 3013:
2428         this->GetFacesBinary();
2429         break;
2430       case 2018:
2431         this->GetPeriodicShadowFacesBinary();
2432         break;
2433       case 3018:
2434         this->GetPeriodicShadowFacesBinary();
2435         break;
2436       case 2040:
2437         break;
2438       case 3040:
2439         break;
2440       case 2041:
2441         break;
2442       case 3041:
2443         break;
2444       case 2058:
2445         this->GetCellTreeBinary();
2446         break;
2447       case 3058:
2448         this->GetCellTreeBinary();
2449         break;
2450       case 2059:
2451         this->GetFaceTreeBinary();
2452         break;
2453       case 3059:
2454         this->GetFaceTreeBinary();
2455         break;
2456       case 2061:
2457         this->GetInterfaceFaceParentsBinary();
2458         break;
2459       case 3061:
2460         this->GetInterfaceFaceParentsBinary();
2461         break;
2462       case 2062:
2463         this->GetNonconformalGridInterfaceFaceInformationBinary();
2464         break;
2465       case 3062:
2466         this->GetNonconformalGridInterfaceFaceInformationBinary();
2467         break;
2468       case 2063:
2469         break;
2470       case 3063:
2471         break;
2472       default:
2473         //cout << "Undefined Section = " << index << endl;
2474         break;
2475     }
2476   }
2477 }
2479 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDimension()2480 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetDimension()
2481 {
2482   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2483   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+4, 1 );
2484   return atoi(info.c_str());
2485 }
2487 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetLittleEndianFlag()2488 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetLittleEndianFlag()
2489 {
2490   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2491   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2492   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2493   int flag;
2494   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%d", &flag);
2496   if (flag == 60)
2497   {
2498     this->SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian();
2499   }
2500   else
2501   {
2502     this->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian();
2503   }
2504 }
2506 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetNodesAscii()2507 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetNodesAscii()
2508 {
2509   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2510   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2511   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2512   unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex;
2513   int type, nd;
2514   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %d %d", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex,
2515                                          &type, &nd);
2517   if (this->CaseBuffer->value.at(5) == '0')
2518   {
2519     this->Points->Allocate(lastIndex);
2520   }
2521   else
2522   {
2523     size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 5);
2524     size_t dend = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
2525     std::string pdata = this->CaseBuffer->
2526                            value.substr(dstart+1, dend-start-1);
2527     std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
2529     double x, y, z;
2530     if (this->GridDimension == 3)
2531     {
2532       for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2533       {
2534         pdatastream >> x;
2535         pdatastream >> y;
2536         pdatastream >> z;
2537         this->Points->InsertPoint(i-1, x, y, z);
2538       }
2539     }
2540     else
2541     {
2542       for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2543       {
2544         pdatastream >> x;
2545         pdatastream >> y;
2546         this->Points->InsertPoint(i-1, x, y, 0.0);
2547       }
2548     }
2549   }
2550 }
2552 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetNodesSinglePrecision()2553 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetNodesSinglePrecision()
2554 {
2555   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2556   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2557   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2558   unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex;
2559   int type;
2560   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %d", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex, &type);
2562   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2563   size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
2565   double x, y, z;
2566   if (this->GridDimension == 3)
2567   {
2568     for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2569     {
2570       x = this->GetCaseBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2571       ptr = ptr + 4;
2573       y = this->GetCaseBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2574       ptr = ptr + 4;
2576       z = this->GetCaseBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2577       ptr = ptr + 4;
2578       this->Points->InsertPoint(i-1, x, y, z);
2579     }
2580   }
2581   else
2582   {
2583     for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2584     {
2585       x = this->GetCaseBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2586       ptr = ptr + 4;
2588       y = this->GetCaseBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2589       ptr = ptr + 4;
2591       z = 0.0;
2593       this->Points->InsertPoint(i-1, x, y, z);
2594     }
2595   }
2596 }
2598 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetNodesDoublePrecision()2599 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetNodesDoublePrecision()
2600 {
2601   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2602   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2603   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2604   unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex;
2605   int type;
2606   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %d", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex, &type);
2608   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2609   size_t ptr = dstart+1;
2611   if (this->GridDimension == 3)
2612   {
2613     for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2614     {
2615       double x = this->GetCaseBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2616       ptr = ptr + 8;
2618       double y = this->GetCaseBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2619       ptr = ptr + 8;
2621       double z = this->GetCaseBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2622       ptr = ptr + 8;
2623       this->Points->InsertPoint(i-1, x, y, z);
2624     }
2625   }
2626   else
2627   {
2628     for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2629     {
2630       double x = this->GetCaseBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2631       ptr = ptr + 8;
2633       double y = this->GetCaseBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2634       ptr = ptr + 8;
2636       this->Points->InsertPoint(i-1, x, y, 0.0);
2637     }
2638   }
2639 }
2641 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCellsAscii()2642 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetCellsAscii()
2643 {
2644   if (this->CaseBuffer->value.at(5) == '0')
2645   { // Cell Info
2646     size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2647     size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2648     std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2649     unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex;
2650     int type;
2651     sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %d", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex,
2652                                         &type);
2653     this->Cells->value.resize(lastIndex);
2654   }
2655   else
2656   { // Cell Definitions
2657     size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2658     size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2659     std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2660     unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex;
2661     int type, elementType;
2662     sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %d %d", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex,
2663                                            &type, &elementType);
2665     if (elementType == 0)
2666     {
2667       size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 5);
2668       size_t dend = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
2669       std::string pdata = this->CaseBuffer->
2670                                    value.substr(dstart+1, dend-start-1);
2671       std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
2672       for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2673       {
2674         pdatastream >> this->Cells->value[i-1].type;
2675         this->Cells->value[i-1].zone = zoneId;
2676         this->Cells->value[i-1].parent = 0;
2677         this->Cells->value[i-1].child  = 0;
2678       }
2679     }
2680     else
2681     {
2682       for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2683       {
2684         this->Cells->value[i-1].type = elementType;
2685         this->Cells->value[i-1].zone = zoneId;
2686         this->Cells->value[i-1].parent = 0;
2687         this->Cells->value[i-1].child  = 0;
2688       }
2689     }
2690   }
2691 }
2693 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCellsBinary()2694 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetCellsBinary()
2695 {
2696   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2697   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2698   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2699   unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex, type, elementType;
2700   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x %x", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex,
2701                                          &type, &elementType);
2703   if (elementType == 0)
2704   {
2705     size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2706     size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
2707     for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2708     {
2709       this->Cells->value[i-1].type =
2710         this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2711       ptr = ptr +4;
2712       this->Cells->value[i-1].zone = zoneId;
2713       this->Cells->value[i-1].parent = 0;
2714       this->Cells->value[i-1].child  = 0;
2715     }
2716   }
2717   else
2718   {
2719     for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2720     {
2721       this->Cells->value[i-1].type = elementType;
2722       this->Cells->value[i-1].zone = zoneId;
2723       this->Cells->value[i-1].parent = 0;
2724       this->Cells->value[i-1].child  = 0;
2725     }
2726   }
2727 }
2729 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetFacesAscii()2730 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetFacesAscii()
2731 {
2733   if (this->CaseBuffer->value.at(5) == '0')
2734   { // Face Info
2735     size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2736     size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2737     std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2738     unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex, bcType;
2739     sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex,
2740                                         &bcType);
2742     this->Faces->value.resize(lastIndex);
2743   }
2744   else
2745   { // Face Definitions
2746     size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2747     size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2748     std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2749     unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex, bcType, faceType;
2750     sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x %x", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex,
2751                                            &bcType, &faceType);
2753     size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2754     size_t dend = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
2755     std::string pdata = this->CaseBuffer->
2756                                  value.substr(dstart+1, dend-start-1);
2757     std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
2759     int numberOfNodesInFace = 0;
2760     for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2761     {
2762       if (faceType == 0 || faceType == 5)
2763       {
2764         pdatastream >> numberOfNodesInFace;
2765       }
2766       else
2767       {
2768         numberOfNodesInFace = faceType;
2769       }
2770       this->Faces->value[i-1].nodes.resize(numberOfNodesInFace);
2771       for (int j = 0; j<numberOfNodesInFace; j++)
2772       {
2773         pdatastream >> hex >> this->Faces->value[i-1].nodes[j];
2774         this->Faces->value[i-1].nodes[j]--;
2775       }
2776       pdatastream >> hex >> this->Faces->value[i-1].c0;
2777       pdatastream >> hex >> this->Faces->value[i-1].c1;
2778       this->Faces->value[i-1].c0--;
2779       this->Faces->value[i-1].c1--;
2780       this->Faces->value[i-1].type = numberOfNodesInFace;
2781       this->Faces->value[i-1].zone = zoneId;
2782       this->Faces->value[i-1].periodicShadow = 0;
2783       this->Faces->value[i-1].parent = 0;
2784       this->Faces->value[i-1].child = 0;
2785       this->Faces->value[i-1].interfaceFaceParent = 0;
2786       this->Faces->value[i-1].ncgParent = 0;
2787       this->Faces->value[i-1].ncgChild = 0;
2788       this->Faces->value[i-1].interfaceFaceChild = 0;
2789       if (this->Faces->value[i-1].c0 >= 0)
2790       {
2791         this->Cells->value[this->Faces->value[i-1].c0].faces.push_back(i-1);
2792       }
2793       if (this->Faces->value[i-1].c1 >= 0)
2794       {
2795         this->Cells->value[this->Faces->value[i-1].c1].faces.push_back(i-1);
2796       }
2797     }
2798   }
2799 }
2801 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetFacesBinary()2802 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetFacesBinary()
2803 {
2804   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2805   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2806   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2807   unsigned int zoneId, firstIndex, lastIndex, bcType, faceType;
2808   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x %x", &zoneId, &firstIndex, &lastIndex,
2809                                          &bcType, &faceType);
2810   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2811   int numberOfNodesInFace = 0;
2812   size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
2813   for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2814   {
2815     if ((faceType == 0) || (faceType == 5))
2816     {
2817       numberOfNodesInFace = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2818       ptr = ptr + 4;
2819     }
2820     else
2821     {
2822       numberOfNodesInFace = faceType;
2823     }
2825     this->Faces->value[i-1].nodes.resize(numberOfNodesInFace);
2827     for (int k = 0; k<numberOfNodesInFace; k++)
2828     {
2829       this->Faces->value[i-1].nodes[k] =
2830         this->GetCaseBufferInt(static_cast< int >(ptr));
2831       this->Faces->value[i-1].nodes[k]--;
2832       ptr = ptr + 4;
2833     }
2835     this->Faces->value[i-1].c0 =
2836       this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2837     ptr = ptr + 4;
2838     this->Faces->value[i-1].c1 =
2839         this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2840     ptr = ptr + 4;
2841     this->Faces->value[i-1].c0--;
2842     this->Faces->value[i-1].c1--;
2843     this->Faces->value[i-1].type = numberOfNodesInFace;
2844     this->Faces->value[i-1].zone = zoneId;
2845     this->Faces->value[i-1].periodicShadow = 0;
2846     this->Faces->value[i-1].parent = 0;
2847     this->Faces->value[i-1].child = 0;
2848     this->Faces->value[i-1].interfaceFaceParent = 0;
2849     this->Faces->value[i-1].ncgParent = 0;
2850     this->Faces->value[i-1].ncgChild = 0;
2851     this->Faces->value[i-1].interfaceFaceChild = 0;
2852     if (this->Faces->value[i-1].c0 >= 0)
2853     {
2854       this->Cells->value[this->Faces->value[i-1].c0].faces.push_back(i-1);
2855     }
2856     if (this->Faces->value[i-1].c1 >= 0)
2857     {
2858       this->Cells->value[this->Faces->value[i-1].c1].faces.push_back(i-1);
2859     }
2860   }
2861 }
2863 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetPeriodicShadowFacesAscii()2864 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetPeriodicShadowFacesAscii()
2865 {
2866   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2867   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2868   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2869   unsigned int firstIndex, lastIndex, periodicZone, shadowZone;
2870   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x", &firstIndex, &lastIndex, &periodicZone,
2871                                       &shadowZone);
2873   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2874   size_t dend = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
2875   std::string pdata = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(dstart+1, dend-start-1);
2876   std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
2878   int faceIndex1, faceIndex2;
2879   for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2880   {
2881     pdatastream >> hex >> faceIndex1;
2882     pdatastream >> hex >> faceIndex2;
2883     this->Faces->value[faceIndex1].periodicShadow = 1;
2884   }
2885 }
2887 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetPeriodicShadowFacesBinary()2888 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetPeriodicShadowFacesBinary()
2889 {
2890   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2891   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2892   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2893   unsigned int firstIndex, lastIndex, periodicZone, shadowZone;
2894   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x", &firstIndex, &lastIndex, &periodicZone,
2895                                       &shadowZone);
2897   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2898   size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
2900   //int faceIndex1, faceIndex2;
2901   for (unsigned int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
2902   {
2903     //faceIndex1 = this->GetCaseBufferInt(ptr);
2904     this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2905     ptr = ptr + 4;
2906     //faceIndex2 = this->GetCaseBufferInt(ptr);
2907     this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2908     ptr = ptr + 4;
2909   }
2910 }
2912 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCellTreeAscii()2913 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetCellTreeAscii()
2914 {
2915   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2916   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2917   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2918   unsigned int cellId0, cellId1, parentZoneId, childZoneId;
2919   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x", &cellId0, &cellId1, &parentZoneId,
2920                                       &childZoneId);
2922   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2923   size_t dend = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
2924   std::string pdata = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(dstart+1, dend-start-1);
2925   std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
2927   int numberOfKids, kid;
2928   for (unsigned int i = cellId0; i <= cellId1; i++)
2929   {
2930     this->Cells->value[i-1].parent = 1;
2931     pdatastream >> hex >> numberOfKids;
2932     for (int j = 0; j < numberOfKids; j++)
2933     {
2934       pdatastream >> hex >> kid;
2935       this->Cells->value[kid-1].child = 1;
2936     }
2937   }
2938 }
2940 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCellTreeBinary()2941 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetCellTreeBinary()
2942 {
2944   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2945   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2946   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2947   unsigned int cellId0, cellId1, parentZoneId, childZoneId;
2948   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x", &cellId0, &cellId1, &parentZoneId,
2949                                       &childZoneId);
2951   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2952   size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
2954   int numberOfKids, kid;
2955   for (unsigned int i = cellId0; i <= cellId1; i++)
2956   {
2957     this->Cells->value[i-1].parent = 1;
2958     numberOfKids = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2959     ptr = ptr + 4;
2960     for (int j = 0; j < numberOfKids; j++)
2961     {
2962       kid = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
2963       ptr = ptr + 4;
2964       this->Cells->value[kid-1].child = 1;
2965     }
2966   }
2967 }
2969 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetFaceTreeAscii()2970 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetFaceTreeAscii()
2971 {
2972   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
2973   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
2974   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
2975   unsigned int faceId0, faceId1, parentZoneId, childZoneId;
2976   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x", &faceId0, &faceId1, &parentZoneId,
2977                                       &childZoneId);
2979   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
2980   size_t dend = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
2981   std::string pdata = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(dstart+1, dend-start-1);
2982   std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
2984   int numberOfKids, kid;
2985   for (unsigned int i = faceId0; i <= faceId1; i++)
2986   {
2987     this->Faces->value[i-1].parent = 1;
2988     pdatastream >> hex >> numberOfKids;
2989     for (int j = 0; j < numberOfKids; j++)
2990     {
2991       pdatastream >> hex >> kid;
2992       this->Faces->value[kid-1].child = 1;
2993     }
2994   }
2995 }
2997 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetFaceTreeBinary()2998 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetFaceTreeBinary()
2999 {
3000   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
3001   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
3002   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
3003   unsigned int faceId0, faceId1, parentZoneId, childZoneId;
3004   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x %x %x", &faceId0, &faceId1, &parentZoneId,
3005                                       &childZoneId);
3007   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
3008   size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
3010   int numberOfKids, kid;
3011   for (unsigned int i = faceId0; i <= faceId1; i++)
3012   {
3013     this->Faces->value[i-1].parent = 1;
3014     numberOfKids = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
3015     ptr = ptr + 4;
3016     for (int j = 0; j < numberOfKids; j++)
3017     {
3018       kid = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
3019       ptr = ptr + 4;
3020       this->Faces->value[kid-1].child = 1;
3021     }
3022   }
3023 }
3025 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetInterfaceFaceParentsAscii()3026 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetInterfaceFaceParentsAscii()
3027 {
3028   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
3029   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
3030   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
3031   unsigned int faceId0, faceId1;
3032   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x", &faceId0, &faceId1);
3034   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
3035   size_t dend = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
3036   std::string pdata = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(dstart+1, dend-start-1);
3037   std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
3039   int parentId0, parentId1;
3040   for (unsigned int i = faceId0; i <= faceId1; i++)
3041   {
3042     pdatastream >> hex >> parentId0;
3043     pdatastream >> hex >> parentId1;
3044     this->Faces->value[parentId0-1].interfaceFaceParent = 1;
3045     this->Faces->value[parentId1-1].interfaceFaceParent = 1;
3046     this->Faces->value[i-1].interfaceFaceChild = 1;
3047   }
3049 }
3051 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetInterfaceFaceParentsBinary()3052 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetInterfaceFaceParentsBinary()
3053 {
3054   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
3055   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
3056   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
3057   unsigned int faceId0, faceId1;
3058   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%x %x", &faceId0, &faceId1);
3060   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
3061   size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
3063   int parentId0, parentId1;
3064   for (unsigned int i = faceId0; i <= faceId1; i++)
3065   {
3066     parentId0 = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
3067     ptr = ptr + 4;
3068     parentId1 = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
3069     ptr = ptr + 4;
3070     this->Faces->value[parentId0-1].interfaceFaceParent = 1;
3071     this->Faces->value[parentId1-1].interfaceFaceParent = 1;
3072     this->Faces->value[i-1].interfaceFaceChild = 1;
3073   }
3075 }
3077 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetNonconformalGridInterfaceFaceInformationAscii()3078 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetNonconformalGridInterfaceFaceInformationAscii()
3079 {
3080   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
3081   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
3082   std::string info = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
3083   int kidId, parentId, numberOfFaces;
3084   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%d %d %d", &kidId, &parentId, &numberOfFaces);
3086   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
3087   size_t dend = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
3088   std::string pdata = this->CaseBuffer->value.substr(dstart+1, dend-start-1);
3089   std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
3091   int child, parent;
3092   for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFaces; i++)
3093   {
3094     pdatastream >> hex >> child;
3095     pdatastream >> hex >> parent;
3096     this->Faces->value[child-1].ncgChild = 1;
3097     this->Faces->value[parent-1].ncgParent = 1;
3098   }
3100 }
3102 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetNonconformalGridInterfaceFaceInformationBinary()3103 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetNonconformalGridInterfaceFaceInformationBinary()
3104 {
3105   size_t start = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
3106   size_t end = this->CaseBuffer->value.find(')',1);
3107   std::string info = CaseBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
3108   int kidId, parentId, numberOfFaces;
3109   sscanf(info.c_str(), "%d %d %d", &kidId, &parentId, &numberOfFaces);
3111   size_t dstart = this->CaseBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
3112   size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
3114   int child, parent;
3115   for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFaces; i++)
3116   {
3117     child = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
3118     ptr = ptr + 4;
3119     parent = this->GetCaseBufferInt( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
3120     ptr = ptr + 4;
3121     this->Faces->value[child-1].ncgChild = 1;
3122     this->Faces->value[parent-1].ncgParent = 1;
3123   }
3125 }
3127 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CleanCells()3128 void vtkFLUENTReader::CleanCells()
3129 {
3131   std::vector<int> t;
3132   for (int i = 0; i < (int)Cells->value.size(); i++)
3133   {
3135     if ( ((this->Cells->value[i].type == 1)&&
3136           (this->Cells->value[i].faces.size() != 3))||
3137          ((this->Cells->value[i].type == 2)&&
3138           (this->Cells->value[i].faces.size() != 4))||
3139          ((this->Cells->value[i].type == 3)&&
3140           (this->Cells->value[i].faces.size() != 4))||
3141          ((this->Cells->value[i].type == 4)&&
3142           (this->Cells->value[i].faces.size() != 6))||
3143          ((this->Cells->value[i].type == 5)&&
3144           (this->Cells->value[i].faces.size() != 5))||
3145          ((this->Cells->value[i].type == 6)&&
3146           (this->Cells->value[i].faces.size() != 5)) )
3147     {
3149       // Copy faces
3150       t.clear();
3151       for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].faces.size(); j++)
3152       {
3153         t.push_back(this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]);
3154       }
3156       // Clear Faces
3157       this->Cells->value[i].faces.clear();
3159       // Copy the faces that are not flagged back into the cell
3160       for (int j = 0; j < (int)t.size(); j++)
3161       {
3162         if ( (this->Faces->value[t[j]].child == 0 ) &&
3163              (this->Faces->value[t[j]].ncgChild == 0 ) &&
3164              (this->Faces->value[t[j]].interfaceFaceChild == 0 ))
3165         {
3166           this->Cells->value[i].faces.push_back(t[j]);
3167         }
3168       }
3169     }
3170   }
3171 }
3173 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PopulateCellNodes()3174 void vtkFLUENTReader::PopulateCellNodes()
3175 {
3176   for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->Cells->value.size(); i++)
3177   {
3178     switch (this->Cells->value[i].type)
3179     {
3180       case 1:  // Triangle
3181         this->PopulateTriangleCell(i);
3182         break;
3184       case 2:  // Tetrahedron
3185         this->PopulateTetraCell(i);
3186         break;
3188       case 3:  // Quadrilateral
3189         this->PopulateQuadCell(i);
3190         break;
3192       case 4:  // Hexahedral
3193         this->PopulateHexahedronCell(i);
3194         break;
3196       case 5:  // Pyramid
3197         this->PopulatePyramidCell(i);
3198         break;
3200       case 6:  // Wedge
3201         this->PopulateWedgeCell(i);
3202         break;
3204       case 7:  // Polyhedron
3205         this->PopulatePolyhedronCell(i);
3206         break;
3207     }
3208   }
3209 }
3211 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCaseBufferInt(int ptr)3212 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetCaseBufferInt(int ptr)
3213 {
3214   union mix_i
3215   {
3216     int i;
3217     char c[4];
3218   } mi = {1};
3220   for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
3221   {
3222     if (this->GetSwapBytes())
3223     {
3224       mi.c[3 - j] = this->CaseBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
3225     }
3226     else
3227     {
3228       mi.c[j] = this->CaseBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
3229     }
3230   }
3231   return mi.i;
3232 }
3234 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCaseBufferFloat(int ptr)3235 float vtkFLUENTReader::GetCaseBufferFloat(int ptr)
3236 {
3237   union mix_f
3238   {
3239     float f;
3240     char c[4];
3241   } mf = {1.0};
3243   for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
3244   {
3245     if (this->GetSwapBytes())
3246     {
3247       mf.c[3 - j] = this->CaseBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
3248     }
3249     else
3250     {
3251       mf.c[j] = this->CaseBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
3252     }
3253   }
3254   return mf.f;
3255 }
3257 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCaseBufferDouble(int ptr)3258 double vtkFLUENTReader::GetCaseBufferDouble(int ptr)
3259 {
3260   union mix_i
3261   {
3262     double d;
3263     char c[8];
3264   } md = {1.0};
3266   for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
3267   {
3268     if (this->GetSwapBytes())
3269     {
3270       md.c[7 - j] = this->CaseBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
3271     }
3272     else
3273     {
3274       md.c[j] = this->CaseBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
3275     }
3276   }
3277   return md.d;
3278 }
3280 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PopulateTriangleCell(int i)3281 void vtkFLUENTReader::PopulateTriangleCell(int i)
3282 {
3283   this->Cells->value[i].nodes.resize(3);
3284   if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].c0 == i)
3285   {
3286     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] =
3287       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[0];
3288     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] =
3289       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[1];
3290   }
3291   else
3292   {
3293     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] =
3294       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[0];
3295     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] =
3296       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[1];
3297   }
3299   if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0]!=
3300       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0]
3301       && this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0]!=
3302          this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1])
3303   {
3304     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3305       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0];
3306   }
3307   else
3308   {
3309     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3310       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1];
3311   }
3312 }
3314 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PopulateTetraCell(int i)3315 void vtkFLUENTReader::PopulateTetraCell(int i)
3316 {
3317   this->Cells->value[i].nodes.resize(4);
3319   if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].c0 == i)
3320   {
3321     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] =
3322       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[0];
3323     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] =
3324       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[1];
3325     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3326       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[2];
3327   }
3328   else
3329   {
3330     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3331       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[0];
3332     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] =
3333       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[1];
3334     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] =
3335       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[2];
3336   }
3338   if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0]!=
3339         this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0]
3340       && this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0]!=
3341          this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1]
3342       && this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0] !=
3343          this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] )
3344   {
3345     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3346       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0];
3347   }
3348   else if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1] !=
3349               this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] &&
3350             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1] !=
3351               this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] &&
3352             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1] !=
3353               this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2])
3354   {
3355     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3356       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1];
3357   }
3358   else
3359   {
3360     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3361       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[2];
3362   }
3363 }
3365 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PopulateQuadCell(int i)3366 void vtkFLUENTReader::PopulateQuadCell(int i)
3367 {
3368   this->Cells->value[i].nodes.resize(4);
3370   if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].c0 == i)
3371   {
3372     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] =
3373       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[0];
3374     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] =
3375       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[1];
3376   }
3377   else
3378   {
3379     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] =
3380       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[0];
3381     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] =
3382       this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[1];
3383   }
3385   if ((this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0] !=
3386          this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] &&
3387        this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0] !=
3388          this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1]) &&
3389        (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1] !=
3390          this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] &&
3391        this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1] !=
3392          this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1]))
3393   {
3394     if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].c0 == i)
3395     {
3396       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3397         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0];
3398       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3399         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1];
3400     }
3401     else
3402     {
3403       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3404         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[0];
3405       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3406         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[1]].nodes[1];
3407     }
3408   }
3409   else if ((this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].nodes[0] !=
3410               this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] &&
3411             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].nodes[0] !=
3412              this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1]) &&
3413             (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].nodes[1] !=
3414               this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] &&
3415             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].nodes[1] !=
3416               this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1]))
3417   {
3418     if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].c0 == i)
3419     {
3420       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3421         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].nodes[0];
3422       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3423         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].nodes[1];
3424     }
3425     else
3426     {
3427       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3428         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].nodes[0];
3429       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3430         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[2]].nodes[1];
3431     }
3432   }
3433   else
3434   {
3435     if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[3]].c0 == i)
3436     {
3437       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3438         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[3]].nodes[0];
3439       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3440         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[3]].nodes[1];
3441     }
3442     else
3443     {
3444       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] =
3445         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[3]].nodes[0];
3446       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] =
3447         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[3]].nodes[1];
3448     }
3449   }
3450 }
3452 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PopulateHexahedronCell(int i)3453 void vtkFLUENTReader::PopulateHexahedronCell(int i)
3454 {
3455   this->Cells->value[i].nodes.resize(8);
3457   if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].c0 == i)
3458   {
3459     for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
3460     {
3461       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j] =
3462         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[j];
3463     }
3464   }
3465   else
3466   {
3467     for (int j = 3; j >=0; j--)
3468     {
3469       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3-j]=
3470         this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[0]].nodes[j];
3471     }
3472   }
3474   //  Look for opposite face of hexahedron
3475   for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++)
3476   {
3477     int flag = 0;
3478     for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3479     {
3480       if ( (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] ==
3481               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k]) ||
3482            (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] ==
3483               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k]) ||
3484            (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] ==
3485               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k]) ||
3486            (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] ==
3487               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k]) )
3488       {
3489         flag = 1;
3490       }
3491     }
3492     if (flag == 0)
3493     {
3494       if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].c1 == i)
3495       {
3496         for (int k = 4; k < 8; k++)
3497         {
3498           this->Cells->value[i].nodes[k] =
3499             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k-4];
3500         }
3501       }
3502       else
3503       {
3504         for (int k = 7; k >= 4; k--)
3505         {
3506           this->Cells->value[i].nodes[k] =
3507             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[7-k];
3508         }
3509       }
3510     }
3511   }
3513   //  Find the face with points 0 and 1 in them.
3514   int f01[4] = {-1, -1, -1, -1};
3515   for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++)
3516   {
3517     int flag0 = 0;
3518     int flag1 = 0;
3519     for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3520     {
3521       if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] ==
3522           this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3523       {
3524         flag0 = 1;
3525       }
3526       if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] ==
3527           this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3528       {
3529         flag1 = 1;
3530       }
3531     }
3532     if ((flag0 == 1) && (flag1 == 1))
3533     {
3534       if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].c0 == i)
3535       {
3536         for (int k=0; k<4; k++)
3537         {
3538           f01[k] = this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k];
3539         }
3540       }
3541       else
3542       {
3543         for (int k=3; k>=0; k--)
3544         {
3545           f01[k] = this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k];
3546         }
3547       }
3548     }
3549   }
3551   //  Find the face with points 0 and 3 in them.
3552   int f03[4] =  {-1, -1, -1, -1};
3553   for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++)
3554   {
3555     int flag0 = 0;
3556     int flag1 = 0;
3557     for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3558     {
3559       if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] ==
3560           this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3561       {
3562         flag0 = 1;
3563       }
3564       if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] ==
3565           this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3566       {
3567         flag1 = 1;
3568       }
3569     }
3571     if ((flag0 == 1) && (flag1 == 1))
3572     {
3573       if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].c0 == i)
3574       {
3575         for (int k=0; k<4; k++)
3576         {
3577           f03[k] = this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k];
3578         }
3579       }
3580       else
3581       {
3582         for (int k=3; k>=0; k--)
3583         {
3584           f03[k] = this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k];
3585         }
3586       }
3587     }
3588   }
3590   // What point is in f01 and f03 besides 0 ... this is point 4
3591   int p4 = 0;
3592   for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3593   {
3594     if ( f01[k] != this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0])
3595     {
3596       for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
3597       {
3598         if (f01[k] == f03[n])
3599         {
3600           p4 = f01[k];
3601         }
3602       }
3603     }
3604   }
3606   // Since we know point 4 now we check to see if points
3607   //  4, 5, 6, and 7 are in the correct positions.
3608   int t[8];
3609   t[4] = this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4];
3610   t[5] = this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5];
3611   t[6] = this->Cells->value[i].nodes[6];
3612   t[7] = this->Cells->value[i].nodes[7];
3613   if (p4 == this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5])
3614   {
3615     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5] = t[6];
3616     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[6] = t[7];
3617     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[7] = t[4];
3618     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4] = t[5];
3619   }
3620   else if (p4 == Cells->value[i].nodes[6])
3621   {
3622     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5] = t[7];
3623     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[6] = t[4];
3624     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[7] = t[5];
3625     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4] = t[6];
3626   }
3627   else if (p4 == Cells->value[i].nodes[7])
3628   {
3629     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5] = t[4];
3630     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[6] = t[5];
3631     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[7] = t[6];
3632     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4] = t[7];
3633   }
3634   // else point 4 was lined up so everything was correct.
3635 }
3637 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PopulatePyramidCell(int i)3638 void vtkFLUENTReader::PopulatePyramidCell(int i)
3639 {
3640   this->Cells->value[i].nodes.resize(5);
3641   //  The quad face will be the base of the pyramid
3642   for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].faces.size(); j++)
3643   {
3644     if ( this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes.size() == 4)
3645     {
3646       if (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].c0 == i)
3647       {
3648         for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3649         {
3650           this->Cells->value[i].nodes[k] =
3651             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k];
3652         }
3653       }
3654       else
3655       {
3656         for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3657         {
3658           this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3-k] =
3659             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k];
3660         }
3661       }
3662     }
3663   }
3665   // Just need to find point 4
3666   for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].faces.size(); j++)
3667   {
3668     if ( this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes.size() == 3)
3669     {
3670       for (int k = 0; k < 3; k ++)
3671       {
3672         if ( (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k] !=
3673                 this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0]) &&
3674              (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k] !=
3675                 this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1]) &&
3676              (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k] !=
3677                 this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2]) &&
3678              (this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k] !=
3679                 this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3]) )
3680         {
3681           this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4] =
3682             this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k];
3683         }
3684       }
3685     }
3686   }
3688 }
3690 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PopulateWedgeCell(int i)3691 void vtkFLUENTReader::PopulateWedgeCell(int i)
3692 {
3693   this->Cells->value[i].nodes.resize(6);
3695   //  Find the first triangle face and make it the base.
3696   int base = 0;
3697   int first = 0;
3698   for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].faces.size(); j++)
3699   {
3700     if ((this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].type == 3) &&
3701         (first == 0))
3702     {
3703       base = this->Cells->value[i].faces[j];
3704       first = 1;
3705     }
3706   }
3708   //  Find the second triangle face and make it the top.
3709   int top = 0;
3710   int second = 0;
3711   for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].faces.size(); j++)
3712   {
3713     if ((this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].type == 3) &&
3714         (second == 0) && (this->Cells->value[i].faces[j] != base))
3715     {
3716       top = this->Cells->value[i].faces[j];
3717       second = 1;
3718     }
3719   }
3721   // Load Base nodes into the nodes std::vector
3722   if (this->Faces->value[base].c0 == i)
3723   {
3724     for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
3725     {
3726       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j] = this->Faces->value[base].nodes[j];
3727     }
3728   }
3729   else
3730   {
3731     for (int j = 2; j >=0; j--)
3732     {
3733       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2-j] = this->Faces->value[base].nodes[j];
3734     }
3735   }
3736   // Load Top nodes into the nodes std::vector
3737   if (this->Faces->value[top].c1 == i)
3738   {
3739     for (int j = 3; j < 6; j++)
3740     {
3741       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j] = this->Faces->value[top].nodes[j-3];
3742     }
3743   }
3744   else
3745   {
3746     for (int j = 3; j < 6; j++)
3747     {
3748       this->Cells->value[i].nodes[j] = this->Faces->value[top].nodes[5-j];
3749     }
3750   }
3752   //  Find the quad face with points 0 and 1 in them.
3753   int w01[4] = {-1, -1, -1, -1};
3754   for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].faces.size(); j++)
3755   {
3756     if (this->Cells->value[i].faces[j] != base &&
3757       this->Cells->value[i].faces[j] != top)
3758     {
3759       int wf0 = 0;
3760       int wf1 = 0;
3761       for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3762       {
3763         if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] ==
3764               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3765         {
3766           wf0 = 1;
3767         }
3768         if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[1] ==
3769               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3770         {
3771           wf1 = 1;
3772         }
3773         if ((wf0 == 1) && (wf1 == 1))
3774         {
3775           for (int n=0; n<4; n++)
3776           {
3777             w01[n]=this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[n];
3778           }
3779         }
3780       }
3781     }
3782   }
3784   //  Find the quad face with points 0 and 2 in them.
3785   int w02[4] = {-1, -1, -1, -1};
3786   for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].faces.size(); j++)
3787   {
3788     if (this->Cells->value[i].faces[j] != base &&
3789       this->Cells->value[i].faces[j] != top)
3790     {
3791       int wf0 = 0;
3792       int wf2 = 0;
3793       for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3794       {
3795         if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0] ==
3796               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3797         {
3798           wf0 = 1;
3799         }
3800         if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[2] ==
3801               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3802         {
3803           wf2 = 1;
3804         }
3805         if ((wf0 == 1) && (wf2 == 1))
3806         {
3807           for (int n=0; n<4; n++)
3808           {
3809             w02[n]=this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[n];
3810           }
3811         }
3812       }
3813     }
3814   }
3816   // Point 3 is the point that is in both w01 and w02
3818   // What point is in f01 and f02 besides 0 ... this is point 3
3819   int p3 = 0;
3820   for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
3821   {
3822     if ( w01[k] != this->Cells->value[i].nodes[0])
3823     {
3824       for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
3825       {
3826         if (w01[k] == w02[n])
3827         {
3828           p3 = w01[k];
3829         }
3830       }
3831     }
3832   }
3834   // Since we know point 3 now we check to see if points
3835   //  3, 4, and 5 are in the correct positions.
3836   int t[6];
3837   t[3] = this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3];
3838   t[4] = this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4];
3839   t[5] = this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5];
3840   if (p3 == this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4])
3841   {
3842     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] = t[4];
3843     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4] = t[5];
3844     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5] = t[3];
3845   }
3846   else if (p3 == this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5])
3847   {
3848     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[3] = t[5];
3849     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[4] = t[3];
3850     this->Cells->value[i].nodes[5] = t[4];
3851   }
3852   // else point 3 was lined up so everything was correct.
3854 }
3856 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PopulatePolyhedronCell(int i)3857 void vtkFLUENTReader::PopulatePolyhedronCell(int i)
3858 {
3859   //  We can't set the size on the nodes std::vector because we
3860   //  are not sure how many we are going to have.
3861   //  All we have to do here is add the nodes from the faces into
3862   //  nodes std::vector within the cell.  All we have to check for is
3863   //  duplicate nodes.
3864   //
3865   //cout << "number of faces in cell = " << Cells[i].faces.size() << endl;
3867   for (int j = 0; j < (int)this->Cells->value[i].faces.size(); j++)
3868   {
3869     //cout << "number of nodes in face = " <<
3870     //Faces[Cells[i].faces[j]].nodes.size() << endl;
3871     int k;
3872     for(k=0; k < (int)this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].
3873                             nodes.size(); k++)
3874     {
3875       int flag;
3876       flag = 0;
3877       // Is the node already in the cell?
3878       for (int n = 0; n < (int)Cells->value[i].nodes.size(); n++)
3879       {
3880         if (this->Cells->value[i].nodes[n] ==
3881               this->Faces->value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k])
3882         {
3883           flag = 1;
3884         }
3885       }
3886       if (flag == 0)
3887       {
3888         //No match - insert node into cell.
3889         this->Cells->value[i].nodes.
3890               push_back(this->Faces->
3891                         value[this->Cells->value[i].faces[j]].nodes[k]);
3892       }
3893     }
3894   }
3895 }
3897 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ParseDataFile()3898 void vtkFLUENTReader::ParseDataFile()
3899 {
3900   while (this->GetDataChunk())
3901   {
3902     int index = this->GetDataIndex();
3903     switch (index)
3904     {
3905       case 0:
3906         //cout << "Comment Section" << endl;
3907         break;
3909       case 4:
3910         //cout << "Machine Configuration Section" << endl;
3911         break;
3913       case 33:
3914         //cout << "Grid Size Section" << endl;
3915         break;
3917       case 37:
3918         //cout << "Variables Section" << endl;
3919         break;
3921       case 300:
3922         //cout << "Data Section" << endl;
3923         GetData(1);
3924         break;
3926       case 301:
3927         //cout << "Residuals Section" << endl;
3928         break;
3930       case 302:
3931         //cout << "Residuals Section" << endl;
3932         break;
3934       case 2300:
3935         //cout << "Single Precision Data Section" << endl;
3936         GetData(2);
3937         break;
3939       case 2301:
3940         //cout << "Single Precision Residuals Section" << endl;
3941         break;
3943       case 2302:
3944         //cout << "Single Precision Residuals Section" << endl;
3945         break;
3947       case 3300:
3948         //cout << "Single Precision Data Section" << endl;
3949         GetData(3);
3950         break;
3952       case 3301:
3953         //cout << "Single Precision Residuals Section" << endl;
3954         break;
3956       case 3302:
3957         //cout << "Single Precision Residuals Section" << endl;
3958         break;
3960       default:
3961         //cout << "Data Undefined Section = " << index << endl;
3962         break;
3963     }
3964   }
3965 }
3967 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDataBufferInt(int ptr)3968 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetDataBufferInt(int ptr)
3969 {
3970   union mix_i
3971   {
3972     int i;
3973     char c[4];
3974   } mi = {1};
3976   for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
3977   {
3978     if (this->GetSwapBytes())
3979     {
3980       mi.c[3 - j] = this->DataBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
3981     }
3982     else
3983     {
3984       mi.c[j] = this->DataBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
3985     }
3986   }
3987   return mi.i;
3988 }
3990 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDataBufferFloat(int ptr)3991 float vtkFLUENTReader::GetDataBufferFloat(int ptr)
3992 {
3993   union mix_f
3994   {
3995     float f;
3996     char c[4];
3997   } mf = {1.0};
3999   for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
4000   {
4001     if (this->GetSwapBytes())
4002     {
4003       mf.c[3 - j] = this->DataBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
4004     }
4005     else
4006     {
4007       mf.c[j] = this->DataBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
4008     }
4009   }
4010   return mf.f;
4011 }
4013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDataBufferDouble(int ptr)4014 double vtkFLUENTReader::GetDataBufferDouble(int ptr)
4015 {
4016   union mix_i
4017   {
4018     double d;
4019     char c[8];
4020   } md = {1.0};
4022   for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
4023   {
4024     if (this->GetSwapBytes())
4025     {
4026       md.c[7 - j] = this->DataBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
4027     }
4028     else
4029     {
4030       md.c[j] = this->DataBuffer->value.at(ptr+j);
4031     }
4032   }
4033   return md.d;
4034 }
4036 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetData(int dataType)4037 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetData(int dataType)
4038 {
4039   size_t start = this->DataBuffer->value.find('(', 1);
4040   size_t end = this->DataBuffer->value.find(')',1);
4041   std::string info = this->DataBuffer->value.substr(start+1,end-start-1 );
4042   std::stringstream infostream(info);
4043   int subSectionId, zoneId, size, nTimeLevels, nPhases, firstId, lastId;
4044   infostream >> subSectionId >> zoneId >> size >> nTimeLevels >> nPhases >>
4045                 firstId >> lastId;
4047   // Is this a cell zone?
4048   int zmatch = 0;
4049   for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->CellZones->value.size(); i++)
4050   {
4051     if (this->CellZones->value[i] == zoneId)
4052     {
4053       zmatch = 1;
4054     }
4055   }
4057   if (zmatch)
4058   {
4060     // Set up stream or pointer to data
4061     size_t dstart = this->DataBuffer->value.find('(', 7);
4062     size_t dend = this->DataBuffer->value.find(')', dstart+1);
4063     std::string pdata = this->DataBuffer->
4064                            value.substr(dstart+1, dend-dstart-2);
4065     std::stringstream pdatastream(pdata);
4066     size_t ptr = dstart + 1;
4068     // Is this a new variable?
4069     int match = 0;
4070     for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->SubSectionIds->value.size(); i++)
4071     {
4072       if (subSectionId == this->SubSectionIds->value[i])
4073       {
4074         match = 1;
4075       }
4076     }
4078     if ((match == 0) && (size < 4))
4079     { // new variable
4080       this->SubSectionIds->value.push_back(subSectionId);
4081       this->SubSectionSize->value.push_back(size);
4082       this->SubSectionZones->
4083             value.resize(this->SubSectionZones->value.size()+1);
4084       this->SubSectionZones->
4085             value[this->SubSectionZones->value.size()-1].push_back(zoneId);
4086     }
4088     if (size == 1)
4089     {
4090       this->NumberOfScalars++;
4091       this->ScalarDataChunks->
4092         value.resize(this->ScalarDataChunks->value.size() + 1);
4093       this->ScalarDataChunks->
4094             value[this->ScalarDataChunks->value.size()-1].subsectionId =
4095               subSectionId;
4096       this->ScalarDataChunks->
4097             value[this->ScalarDataChunks->value.size()-1].zoneId = zoneId;
4098       for (int i=firstId; i<=lastId; i++)
4099       {
4100         double temp;
4101         if (dataType == 1)
4102         {
4103           pdatastream >> temp;
4104         }
4105         else if (dataType == 2)
4106         {
4107           temp = this->GetDataBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
4108           ptr = ptr + 4;
4109         }
4110         else
4111         {
4112           temp = this->GetDataBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
4113           ptr = ptr + 8;
4114         }
4115         this->ScalarDataChunks->value[this->ScalarDataChunks->value.size()-1].
4116                                 scalarData.push_back(temp);
4117       }
4118     }
4119     else if (size == 3)
4120     {
4121       this->NumberOfVectors++;
4122       this->VectorDataChunks->
4123         value.resize(this->VectorDataChunks->value.size() + 1);
4124       this->VectorDataChunks->
4125             value[this->VectorDataChunks->value.size()-1].subsectionId =
4126               subSectionId;
4127       this->VectorDataChunks->
4128             value[this->VectorDataChunks->value.size()-1].zoneId = zoneId;
4129       for (int i=firstId; i<=lastId; i++)
4130       {
4131         double tempx, tempy, tempz;
4133         if (dataType == 1)
4134         {
4135           pdatastream >> tempx;
4136           pdatastream >> tempy;
4137           pdatastream >> tempz;
4138         }
4139         else if (dataType == 2)
4140         {
4141           tempx = this->GetDataBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
4142           ptr = ptr + 4;
4143           tempy = this->GetDataBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
4144           ptr = ptr + 4;
4145           tempz = this->GetDataBufferFloat( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
4146           ptr = ptr + 4;
4147         }
4148         else
4149         {
4150           tempx = this->GetDataBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
4151           ptr = ptr + 8;
4152           tempy = this->GetDataBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
4153           ptr = ptr + 8;
4154           tempz = this->GetDataBufferDouble( static_cast< int >(ptr) );
4155           ptr = ptr + 8;
4156         }
4157         this->VectorDataChunks->value[this->VectorDataChunks->value.size()-1].
4158                                 iComponentData.push_back(tempx);
4159         this->VectorDataChunks->value[this->VectorDataChunks->value.size()-1].
4160                                 jComponentData.push_back(tempy);
4161         this->VectorDataChunks->value[this->VectorDataChunks->value.size()-1].
4162                                 kComponentData.push_back(tempz);
4163       }
4164     }
4165     else
4166     {
4167       //cout << "Weird Variable Size = " << size << endl;
4168     }
4169   }
4170 }
4171 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian()4172 void vtkFLUENTReader::SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian()
4173 {
4175   this->SwapBytesOn();
4176 #else
4177   this->SwapBytesOff();
4178 #endif
4179 }
4180 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian()4181 void vtkFLUENTReader::SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian()
4182 {
4184   this->SwapBytesOn();
4185 #else
4186   this->SwapBytesOff();
4187 #endif
4188 }
4189 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetDataByteOrder(int byteOrder)4190 void vtkFLUENTReader::SetDataByteOrder(int byteOrder)
4191 {
4192   if ( byteOrder == VTK_FILE_BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN )
4193   {
4194     this->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian();
4195   }
4196   else
4197   {
4198     this->SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian();
4199   }
4200 }
4201 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDataByteOrder()4202 int vtkFLUENTReader::GetDataByteOrder()
4203 {
4205   if ( this->SwapBytes )
4206   {
4208   }
4209   else
4210   {
4212   }
4213 #else
4214   if ( this->SwapBytes )
4215   {
4217   }
4218   else
4219   {
4221   }
4222 #endif
4223 }
4224 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDataByteOrderAsString()4225 const char *vtkFLUENTReader::GetDataByteOrderAsString()
4226 {
4228   if ( this->SwapBytes )
4229   {
4230     return "LittleEndian";
4231   }
4232   else
4233   {
4234     return "BigEndian";
4235   }
4236 #else
4237   if ( this->SwapBytes )
4238   {
4239     return "BigEndian";
4240   }
4241   else
4242   {
4243     return "LittleEndian";
4244   }
4245 #endif
4246 }
4247 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetSpeciesVariableNames()4248 void vtkFLUENTReader::GetSpeciesVariableNames()
4249 {
4250     //Locate the "(species (names" entry
4251   std::string variables = this->CaseBuffer->value;
4252   size_t startPos = variables.find("(species (names (") +17;
4253   if (startPos != std::string::npos)
4254   {
4255     variables.erase( 0, startPos);
4257     size_t endPos = variables.find(')');
4258     variables.erase(endPos);
4260     std::stringstream tokenizer(variables);
4262     int iterator = 0;
4264     while ( !tokenizer.eof() )
4265     {
4266       std::string temp;
4267       tokenizer >> temp;
4269       this->VariableNames->value[200 + iterator] = temp;
4270       this->VariableNames->value[250 + iterator] = "M1_" + temp;
4271       this->VariableNames->value[300 + iterator] = "M2_" + temp;
4272       this->VariableNames->value[450 + iterator] = "DPMS_" + temp;
4273       this->VariableNames->value[850 + iterator] = "DPMS_DS_" + temp;
4274       this->VariableNames->value[1000 + iterator] = "MEAN_" + temp;
4275       this->VariableNames->value[1050 + iterator] = "RMS_" + temp;
4276       this->VariableNames->value[1250 + iterator] = "CREV_" + temp;
4278       iterator++;
4279     }
4280   }
4281 }