1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkDelimitedTextReader.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation.
17   Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
18   the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
21 #include "vtkDelimitedTextReader.h"
22 #include "vtkCommand.h"
23 #include "vtkDataSetAttributes.h"
24 #include "vtkIdTypeArray.h"
25 #include "vtkInformation.h"
26 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
27 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
28 #include "vtkSmartPointer.h"
29 #include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
30 #include "vtkTable.h"
31 #include "vtkUnicodeStringArray.h"
32 #include "vtkStringArray.h"
33 #include "vtkStringToNumeric.h"
35 #include "vtkTextCodec.h"
36 #include "vtkTextCodecFactory.h"
38 #include <sstream>
39 #include <iostream>
40 #include <algorithm>
41 #include <iterator>
42 #include <stdexcept>
43 #include <string>
44 #include <set>
45 #include <vector>
47 #include <cctype>
49 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 // DelimitedTextIterator
52 /// Output iterator object that parses a stream of Unicode characters into records and
53 /// fields, inserting them into a vtkTable.
55 namespace {
57 class DelimitedTextIterator : public vtkTextCodec::OutputIterator
58 {
59 public:
60   typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
61   typedef vtkUnicodeStringValueType value_type;
62   typedef std::string::difference_type difference_type;
63   typedef value_type* pointer;
64   typedef value_type& reference;
DelimitedTextIterator(const vtkIdType max_records,const vtkUnicodeString & record_delimiters,const vtkUnicodeString & field_delimiters,const vtkUnicodeString & string_delimiters,const vtkUnicodeString & whitespace,const vtkUnicodeString & escape,bool have_headers,bool unicode_array_output,bool merg_cons_delimiters,bool use_string_delimeter,vtkTable * const output_table)66   DelimitedTextIterator(
67     const vtkIdType max_records,
68     const vtkUnicodeString& record_delimiters,
69     const vtkUnicodeString& field_delimiters,
70     const vtkUnicodeString& string_delimiters,
71     const vtkUnicodeString& whitespace,
72     const vtkUnicodeString& escape,
73     bool have_headers,
74     bool unicode_array_output,
75     bool merg_cons_delimiters,
76     bool use_string_delimeter,
77     vtkTable* const output_table
78       ) :
79     MaxRecords(max_records),
80     MaxRecordIndex(have_headers ? max_records + 1 : max_records),
81     RecordDelimiters(record_delimiters.begin(), record_delimiters.end()),
82     FieldDelimiters(field_delimiters.begin(), field_delimiters.end()),
83     StringDelimiters(string_delimiters.begin(), string_delimiters.end()),
84     Whitespace(whitespace.begin(), whitespace.end()),
85     EscapeDelimiter(escape.begin(), escape.end()),
86     HaveHeaders(have_headers),
87     UnicodeArrayOutput(unicode_array_output),
88     WhiteSpaceOnlyString(true),
89     OutputTable(output_table),
90     CurrentRecordIndex(0),
91     CurrentFieldIndex(0),
92     RecordAdjacent(true),
93     MergeConsDelims(merg_cons_delimiters),
94     ProcessEscapeSequence(false),
95     UseStringDelimiter(use_string_delimeter),
96     WithinString(0)
97   {
98   }
~DelimitedTextIterator()100   ~DelimitedTextIterator() override
101   {
102     // Ensure that all table columns have the same length ...
103     for(vtkIdType i = 0; i != this->OutputTable->GetNumberOfColumns(); ++i)
104     {
105       if(this->OutputTable->GetColumn(i)->GetNumberOfTuples() !=
106           this->OutputTable->GetColumn(0)->GetNumberOfTuples())
107       {
108         this->OutputTable->GetColumn(i)
109             ->Resize(this->OutputTable->GetColumn(0)->GetNumberOfTuples());
110       }
111     }
112   }
operator ++(int)114   DelimitedTextIterator& operator++(int) override
115   {
116     return *this;
117   }
operator *()119   DelimitedTextIterator& operator*() override
120   {
121     return *this;
122   }
124   // Handle windows files that do not have a carriage return line feed on the last line of the file ...
ReachedEndOfInput()125   void ReachedEndOfInput()
126   {
127     if(this->CurrentField.empty())
128     {
129       return;
130     }
131     vtkUnicodeString::value_type value =
132         this->CurrentField[this->CurrentField.character_count()-1];
133     if(!this->RecordDelimiters.count(value) && !this->Whitespace.count(value))
134     {
135       this->InsertField();
136     }
137   }
operator =(const vtkUnicodeString::value_type value)139   DelimitedTextIterator& operator=(const vtkUnicodeString::value_type value) override
140   {
141     // If we've already read our maximum number of records, we're done ...
142     if(this->MaxRecords && this->CurrentRecordIndex == this->MaxRecordIndex)
143     {
144       return *this;
145     }
147     // Strip adjacent record delimiters and whitespace...
148     if(this->RecordAdjacent && (this->RecordDelimiters.count(value) ||
149                                 this->Whitespace.count(value)))
150     {
151       return *this;
152     }
153     else
154     {
155       this->RecordAdjacent = false;
156     }
158     // Look for record delimiters ...
159     if(this->RecordDelimiters.count(value))
160     {
161       this->InsertField();
162       this->CurrentRecordIndex += 1;
163       this->CurrentFieldIndex = 0;
164       this->CurrentField.clear();
165       this->RecordAdjacent = true;
166       this->WithinString = 0;
167       this->WhiteSpaceOnlyString = true;
168       return *this;
169     }
171     // Look for field delimiters unless we're in a string ...
172     if(!this->WithinString && this->FieldDelimiters.count(value))
173     {
174        // Handle special case of merging consective delimiters ...
175       if( !(this->CurrentField.empty() && this->MergeConsDelims) )
176       {
177         this->InsertField();
178         this->CurrentFieldIndex += 1;
179         this->CurrentField.clear();
180       }
181       return *this;
182     }
184     // Check for start of escape sequence ...
185     if(!this->ProcessEscapeSequence && this->EscapeDelimiter.count(value))
186     {
187       this->ProcessEscapeSequence = true;
188       return *this;
189     }
191     // Process escape sequence ...
192     if(this->ProcessEscapeSequence)
193     {
194       vtkUnicodeString curr_char;
195       curr_char += value;
196       if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("0"))
197       {
198         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\0");
199       }
200       else if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("a"))
201       {
202         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\a");
203       }
204       else if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("b"))
205       {
206         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\b");
207       }
208       else if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("t"))
209       {
210         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\t");
211       }
212       else if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("n"))
213       {
214         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\n");
215       }
216       else if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("v"))
217       {
218         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\v");
219       }
220       else if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("f"))
221       {
222         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\f");
223       }
224       else if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("r"))
225       {
226         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\r");
227       }
228       else if(curr_char == vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\\"))
229       {
230         this->CurrentField += vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\\");
231       }
232       else
233       {
234         this->CurrentField += value;
235       }
236       this->ProcessEscapeSequence = false;
237       return *this;
238     }
240     // Start a string ...
241     if(!this->WithinString && this->StringDelimiters.count(value) &&
242         this->UseStringDelimiter)
243     {
244       this->WithinString = value;
245       this->CurrentField.clear();
246       return *this;
247     }
249     // End a string ...
250     if(this->WithinString && (this->WithinString == value) &&
251         this->UseStringDelimiter)
252     {
253       this->WithinString = 0;
254       return *this;
255     }
257     if(!this->Whitespace.count(value))
258     {
259      this->WhiteSpaceOnlyString = false;
260     }
261     // Keep growing the current field ...
262     this->CurrentField += value;
263     return *this;
264   }
266 private:
InsertField()267   void InsertField()
268   {
269     if(this->CurrentFieldIndex >= this->OutputTable->GetNumberOfColumns() &&
270         0 == this->CurrentRecordIndex)
271     {
272       vtkAbstractArray* array;
273       if(this->UnicodeArrayOutput)
274       {
275         array = vtkUnicodeStringArray::New();
276       }
277       else
278       {
279         array = vtkStringArray::New();
280       }
282       if(this->HaveHeaders)
283       {
284         array->SetName(this->CurrentField.utf8_str());
285       }
286       else
287       {
288         std::stringstream buffer;
289         buffer << "Field " << this->CurrentFieldIndex;
290         array->SetName(buffer.str().c_str());
291         if(this->UnicodeArrayOutput)
292         {
293           array->SetNumberOfTuples(this->CurrentRecordIndex + 1);
294           vtkArrayDownCast<vtkUnicodeStringArray>(array)->SetValue(this->CurrentRecordIndex, this->CurrentField);
295         }
296         else
297         {
298           std::string s;
299           this->CurrentField.utf8_str(s);
300           vtkArrayDownCast<vtkStringArray>(array)->InsertValue(this->CurrentRecordIndex, s);
301         }
302       }
303       this->OutputTable->AddColumn(array);
304       array->Delete();
305     }
306     else if(this->CurrentFieldIndex < this->OutputTable->GetNumberOfColumns())
307     {
308       // Handle case where input file has header information ...
309       vtkIdType rec_index;
310       if(this->HaveHeaders)
311       {
312         rec_index = this->CurrentRecordIndex - 1;
313       }
314       else
315       {
316         rec_index = this->CurrentRecordIndex;
317       }
319       if(this->UnicodeArrayOutput)
320       {
321         vtkUnicodeStringArray* uarray = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkUnicodeStringArray>(this->OutputTable->GetColumn(this->CurrentFieldIndex));
322         uarray->SetNumberOfTuples(rec_index + 1);
323         uarray->SetValue(rec_index, this->CurrentField);
324       }
325       else
326       {
327         vtkStringArray* sarray = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkStringArray>(this->OutputTable->GetColumn(this->CurrentFieldIndex));
328         std::string s;
329         this->CurrentField.utf8_str(s);
330         sarray->InsertValue(rec_index,s);
331       }
332     }
333   }
335   vtkIdType MaxRecords;
336   vtkIdType MaxRecordIndex;
337   std::set<vtkUnicodeString::value_type> RecordDelimiters;
338   std::set<vtkUnicodeString::value_type> FieldDelimiters;
339   std::set<vtkUnicodeString::value_type> StringDelimiters;
340   std::set<vtkUnicodeString::value_type> Whitespace;
341   std::set<vtkUnicodeString::value_type> EscapeDelimiter;
342   bool HaveHeaders;
343   bool UnicodeArrayOutput;
344   bool WhiteSpaceOnlyString;
345   vtkTable* OutputTable;
346   vtkIdType CurrentRecordIndex;
347   vtkIdType CurrentFieldIndex;
348   vtkUnicodeString CurrentField;
349   bool RecordAdjacent;
350   bool MergeConsDelims;
351   bool ProcessEscapeSequence;
352   bool UseStringDelimiter;
353   vtkUnicodeString::value_type WithinString;
354 };
356 } // End anonymous namespace
358 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
359 // vtkDelimitedTextReader
361 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkDelimitedTextReader);
vtkDelimitedTextReader()363 vtkDelimitedTextReader::vtkDelimitedTextReader() :
364   FileName(nullptr),
365   UnicodeCharacterSet(nullptr),
366   MaxRecords(0),
367   UnicodeRecordDelimiters(vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\r\n")),
368   UnicodeFieldDelimiters(vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8(",")),
369   UnicodeStringDelimiters(vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\"")),
370   UnicodeWhitespace(vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8(" \t\r\n\v\f")),
371   UnicodeEscapeCharacter(vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8("\\")),
372   HaveHeaders(false),
373   ReplacementCharacter('x')
374 {
375   this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(0);
376   this->SetNumberOfOutputPorts(1);
378   this->ReadFromInputString = 0;
379   this->InputString = nullptr;
380   this->InputStringLength = 0;
381   this->MergeConsecutiveDelimiters = false;
382   this->PedigreeIdArrayName = nullptr;
383   this->SetPedigreeIdArrayName("id");
384   this->GeneratePedigreeIds = true;
385   this->OutputPedigreeIds = false;
386   this->AddTabFieldDelimiter = false;
387   this->UnicodeOutputArrays = false;
388   this->FieldDelimiterCharacters = nullptr;
389   this->SetFieldDelimiterCharacters(",");
390   this->StringDelimiter='"';
391   this->UseStringDelimiter = true;
392   this->DetectNumericColumns = false;
393   this->ForceDouble = false;
394   this->DefaultIntegerValue = 0;
395   this->DefaultDoubleValue = 0.0;
396   this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion = false;
397 }
~vtkDelimitedTextReader()399 vtkDelimitedTextReader::~vtkDelimitedTextReader()
400 {
401   this->SetPedigreeIdArrayName(nullptr);
402   this->SetUnicodeCharacterSet(nullptr);
403   this->SetFileName(nullptr);
404   this->SetInputString(nullptr);
405   this->SetFieldDelimiterCharacters(nullptr);
406 }
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)408 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
409 {
410   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
411   os << indent << "FileName: "
412      << (this->FileName ? this->FileName : "(none)") << endl;
413   os << indent << "ReadFromInputString: "
414      << (this->ReadFromInputString ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
415   if ( this->InputString )
416   {
417     os << indent << "Input String: " << this->InputString << "\n";
418   }
419   else
420   {
421     os << indent << "Input String: (None)\n";
422   }
423   os << indent << "UnicodeCharacterSet: "
424      << (this->UnicodeCharacterSet ? this->UnicodeCharacterSet : "(none)") << endl;
425   os << indent << "MaxRecords: " << this->MaxRecords
426      << endl;
427   os << indent << "UnicodeRecordDelimiters: '" << this->UnicodeRecordDelimiters.utf8_str()
428      << "'" << endl;
429   os << indent << "UnicodeFieldDelimiters: '" << this->UnicodeFieldDelimiters.utf8_str()
430      << "'" << endl;
431   os << indent << "UnicodeStringDelimiters: '" << this->UnicodeStringDelimiters.utf8_str()
432      << "'" << endl;
433   os << indent << "StringDelimiter: "
434      << this->StringDelimiter << endl;
435   os << indent << "ReplacementCharacter: " << this->ReplacementCharacter << endl;
436   os << indent << "FieldDelimiterCharacters: "
437      << (this->FieldDelimiterCharacters ? this->FieldDelimiterCharacters : "(none)") << endl;
438   os << indent << "HaveHeaders: "
439      << (this->HaveHeaders ? "true" : "false") << endl;
440   os << indent << "MergeConsecutiveDelimiters: "
441      << (this->MergeConsecutiveDelimiters ? "true" : "false") << endl;
442   os << indent << "UseStringDelimiter: "
443      << (this->UseStringDelimiter ? "true" : "false") << endl;
444   os << indent << "DetectNumericColumns: "
445     << (this->DetectNumericColumns? "true" : "false") << endl;
446   os << indent << "ForceDouble: "
447     << (this->ForceDouble ? "true" : "false") << endl;
448   os << indent << "DefaultIntegerValue: "
449     << this->DefaultIntegerValue << endl;
450   os << indent << "DefaultDoubleValue: "
451     << this->DefaultDoubleValue << endl;
452   os << indent << "TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion: "
453     << (this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion ? "true" : "false") << endl;
454   os << indent << "GeneratePedigreeIds: "
455     << this->GeneratePedigreeIds << endl;
456   os << indent << "PedigreeIdArrayName: "
457     << this->PedigreeIdArrayName << endl;
458   os << indent << "OutputPedigreeIds: "
459     << (this->OutputPedigreeIds ? "true" : "false") << endl;
460   os << indent << "AddTabFieldDelimiter: "
461     << (this->AddTabFieldDelimiter ? "true" : "false") << endl;
462 }
SetInputString(const char * in)464 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::SetInputString(const char *in)
465 {
466   int len = 0;
467   if (in != nullptr)
468   {
469     len = static_cast<int>(strlen(in));
470   }
471   this->SetInputString(in, len);
472 }
SetInputString(const char * in,int len)474 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::SetInputString(const char *in, int len)
475 {
476   if (this->InputString && in && strncmp(in, this->InputString, len) == 0)
477   {
478     return;
479   }
481   delete [] this->InputString;
483   if (in && len>0)
484   {
485     // Add a nullptr terminator so that GetInputString
486     // callers (from wrapped languages) get a valid
487     // C string in *ALL* cases...
488     //
489     this->InputString = new char[len+1];
490     memcpy(this->InputString,in,len);
491     this->InputString[len] = 0;
492     this->InputStringLength = len;
493   }
494   else
495   {
496     this->InputString = nullptr;
497     this->InputStringLength = 0;
498   }
500   this->Modified();
501 }
SetUnicodeRecordDelimiters(const vtkUnicodeString & delimiters)503 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::SetUnicodeRecordDelimiters(const vtkUnicodeString& delimiters)
504 {
505   this->UnicodeRecordDelimiters = delimiters;
506   this->Modified();
507 }
GetUnicodeRecordDelimiters()509 vtkUnicodeString vtkDelimitedTextReader::GetUnicodeRecordDelimiters()
510 {
511   return this->UnicodeRecordDelimiters;
512 }
SetUTF8RecordDelimiters(const char * delimiters)514 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::SetUTF8RecordDelimiters(const char* delimiters)
515 {
516   this->UnicodeRecordDelimiters = vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8(delimiters);
517   this->Modified();
518 }
GetUTF8RecordDelimiters()520 const char* vtkDelimitedTextReader::GetUTF8RecordDelimiters()
521 {
522   return this->UnicodeRecordDelimiters.utf8_str();
523 }
SetUnicodeFieldDelimiters(const vtkUnicodeString & delimiters)525 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::SetUnicodeFieldDelimiters(const vtkUnicodeString& delimiters)
526 {
527   this->UnicodeFieldDelimiters = delimiters;
528   this->Modified();
529 }
GetUnicodeFieldDelimiters()531 vtkUnicodeString vtkDelimitedTextReader::GetUnicodeFieldDelimiters()
532 {
533   return this->UnicodeFieldDelimiters;
534 }
SetUTF8FieldDelimiters(const char * delimiters)536 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::SetUTF8FieldDelimiters(const char* delimiters)
537 {
538   this->UnicodeFieldDelimiters = vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8(delimiters);
539   this->Modified();
540 }
GetUTF8FieldDelimiters()542 const char* vtkDelimitedTextReader::GetUTF8FieldDelimiters()
543 {
544   return this->UnicodeFieldDelimiters.utf8_str();
545 }
SetUnicodeStringDelimiters(const vtkUnicodeString & delimiters)547 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::SetUnicodeStringDelimiters(const vtkUnicodeString& delimiters)
548 {
549   this->UnicodeStringDelimiters = delimiters;
550   this->Modified();
551 }
GetUnicodeStringDelimiters()553 vtkUnicodeString vtkDelimitedTextReader::GetUnicodeStringDelimiters()
554 {
555   return this->UnicodeStringDelimiters;
556 }
SetUTF8StringDelimiters(const char * delimiters)558 void vtkDelimitedTextReader::SetUTF8StringDelimiters(const char* delimiters)
559 {
560   this->UnicodeStringDelimiters = vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8(delimiters);
561   this->Modified();
562 }
GetUTF8StringDelimiters()564 const char* vtkDelimitedTextReader::GetUTF8StringDelimiters()
565 {
566   return this->UnicodeStringDelimiters.utf8_str();
567 }
GetLastError()569 vtkStdString vtkDelimitedTextReader::GetLastError()
570 {
571   return this->LastError;
572 }
RequestData(vtkInformation *,vtkInformationVector **,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)574 int vtkDelimitedTextReader::RequestData(
575   vtkInformation*,
576   vtkInformationVector**,
577   vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
578 {
579   vtkTable* const output_table = vtkTable::GetData(outputVector);
581   this->LastError = "";
583   try
584   {
585     // We only retrieve one piece ...
586     vtkInformation* const outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
587     if(outInfo->Has(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER()) &&
588       outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER()) > 0)
589     {
590       return 1;
591     }
593     if (!this->PedigreeIdArrayName)
594     {
595       throw std::runtime_error("You must specify a pedigree id array name");
596     }
598     istream* input_stream_pt = nullptr;
599     ifstream file_stream;
600     std::istringstream string_stream;
602     if(!this->ReadFromInputString)
603     {
604       // If the filename hasn't been specified, we're done ...
605       if(!this->FileName)
606       {
607         return 1;
608       }
609       // Get the total size of the input file in bytes
610       file_stream.open(this->FileName, ios::binary);
611       if(!file_stream.good())
612       {
613         throw std::runtime_error(
614           "Unable to open input file " + std::string(this->FileName));
615       }
617       file_stream.seekg(0, ios::end);
618       //const vtkIdType total_bytes = file_stream.tellg();
619       file_stream.seekg(0, ios::beg);
621       input_stream_pt = dynamic_cast<istream*>(&file_stream);
622     }
623     else
624     {
625       string_stream.str(this->InputString);
626       input_stream_pt = dynamic_cast<istream*>(&string_stream);
627     }
629     vtkStdString character_set;
630     vtkTextCodec* transCodec = nullptr;
632     if(this->UnicodeCharacterSet)
633     {
634       this->UnicodeOutputArrays = true;
635       character_set = this->UnicodeCharacterSet;
636       transCodec = vtkTextCodecFactory::CodecForName(this->UnicodeCharacterSet);
637     }
638     else
639     {
640       char tstring[2];
641       tstring[1] = '\0';
642       tstring[0] = this->StringDelimiter;
643       // don't use Set* methods since they change the MTime in
644       // RequestData() !!!!!
645       std::string fieldDelimiterCharacters = this->FieldDelimiterCharacters;
646       if (this->AddTabFieldDelimiter)
647       {
648         fieldDelimiterCharacters.push_back('\t');
649       }
650       this->UnicodeFieldDelimiters =
651             vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8(fieldDelimiterCharacters);
652       this->UnicodeStringDelimiters =
653         vtkUnicodeString::from_utf8(tstring);
654       this->UnicodeOutputArrays = false;
655       transCodec = vtkTextCodecFactory::CodecToHandle(*input_stream_pt);
656     }
658     if (nullptr == transCodec)
659     {
660       // should this use the locale instead??
661       return 1;
662     }
664     DelimitedTextIterator iterator(
665       this->MaxRecords,
666       this->UnicodeRecordDelimiters,
667       this->UnicodeFieldDelimiters,
668       this->UnicodeStringDelimiters,
669       this->UnicodeWhitespace,
670       this->UnicodeEscapeCharacter,
671       this->HaveHeaders,
672       this->UnicodeOutputArrays,
673       this->MergeConsecutiveDelimiters,
674       this->UseStringDelimiter,
675       output_table);
677     vtkTextCodec::OutputIterator& outIter = iterator;
679     transCodec->ToUnicode(*input_stream_pt, outIter);
680     iterator.ReachedEndOfInput();
681     transCodec->Delete();
683     if(this->OutputPedigreeIds)
684     {
685       if (this->GeneratePedigreeIds)
686       {
687         vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray> pedigreeIds =
688           vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray>::New();
689         vtkIdType numRows = output_table->GetNumberOfRows();
690         pedigreeIds->SetNumberOfTuples(numRows);
691         pedigreeIds->SetName(this->PedigreeIdArrayName);
692         for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
693         {
694           pedigreeIds->InsertValue(i, i);
695         }
696         output_table->GetRowData()->SetPedigreeIds(pedigreeIds);
697       }
698       else
699       {
700         vtkAbstractArray* arr =
701           output_table->GetColumnByName(this->PedigreeIdArrayName);
702         if (arr)
703         {
704           output_table->GetRowData()->SetPedigreeIds(arr);
705         }
706         else
707         {
708           throw std::runtime_error(
709                 "Could not find pedigree id array: " +
710                 vtkStdString(this->PedigreeIdArrayName));
711         }
712       }
713     }
715     if (this->DetectNumericColumns && !this->UnicodeOutputArrays)
716     {
717       vtkStringToNumeric* converter = vtkStringToNumeric::New();
718       converter->SetForceDouble(this->ForceDouble);
719       converter->SetDefaultIntegerValue(this->DefaultIntegerValue);
720       converter->SetDefaultDoubleValue(this->DefaultDoubleValue);
721       converter->SetTrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion(this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion);
722       vtkTable* clone = output_table->NewInstance();
723       clone->ShallowCopy(output_table);
724       converter->SetInputData(clone);
725       converter->Update();
726       clone->Delete();
727       output_table->ShallowCopy(converter->GetOutputDataObject(0));
728       converter->Delete();
729     }
731   }
732   catch(std::exception& e)
733   {
734     vtkErrorMacro(<< "caught exception: " << e.what() << endl);
735     this->LastError = e.what();
736     output_table->Initialize();
737   }
738   catch(...)
739   {
740     vtkErrorMacro(<< "caught unknown exception." << endl);
741     this->LastError = "Unknown exception.";
742     output_table->Initialize();
743   }
745   return 1;
746 }