1 //============================================================================
2 //  Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
3 //  All rights reserved.
4 //  See LICENSE.txt for details.
5 //  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
6 //  the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
7 //  PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
8 //
9 //  Copyright 2015 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
10 //  Copyright 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
11 //  Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security.
12 //
13 //  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
14 //  the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
15 //
16 //  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
17 //  Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
18 //  this software.
19 //============================================================================
21 #include <vtkm/VectorAnalysis.h>
22 #include <vtkm/cont/Algorithm.h>
23 #include <vtkm/rendering/raytracing/BVHTraverser.h>
24 #include <vtkm/rendering/raytracing/QuadIntersector.h>
25 #include <vtkm/rendering/raytracing/RayOperations.h>
26 #include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapTopology.h>
28 namespace vtkm
29 {
30 namespace rendering
31 {
32 namespace raytracing
33 {
34 namespace detail
35 {
37 template <typename Device>
38 class QuadLeafIntersector : public vtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase
39 {
40 public:
41   using IdType = vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 5>;
42   using IdHandle = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 5>>;
43   using IdArrayPortal = typename IdHandle::ExecutionTypes<Device>::PortalConst;
44   using FloatHandle = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32>;
45   using FloatPortal = typename FloatHandle::ExecutionTypes<Device>::PortalConst;
46   IdArrayPortal QuadIds;
QuadLeafIntersector(const IdHandle & quadIds)48   QuadLeafIntersector(const IdHandle& quadIds)
49     : QuadIds(quadIds.PrepareForInput(Device()))
50   {
51   }
53   template <typename vec3, typename Precision>
quad(const vec3 & ray_origin,const vec3 & ray_direction,const vec3 & v00,const vec3 & v10,const vec3 & v11,const vec3 & v01,Precision & u,Precision & v,Precision & t) const54   VTKM_EXEC bool quad(const vec3& ray_origin,
55                       const vec3& ray_direction,
56                       const vec3& v00,
57                       const vec3& v10,
58                       const vec3& v11,
59                       const vec3& v01,
60                       Precision& u,
61                       Precision& v,
62                       Precision& t) const
63   {
65     /* An Efficient Ray-Quadrilateral Intersection Test
66          Ares Lagae Philip Dutr´e
67          http://graphics.cs.kuleuven.be/publications/LD05ERQIT/index.html
69       v01 *------------ * v11
70           |\           |
71           |  \         |
72           |    \       |
73           |      \     |
74           |        \   |
75           |          \ |
76       v00 *------------* v10
77       */
78     // Rejects rays that are parallel to Q, and rays that intersect the plane of
79     // Q either on the left of the line V00V01 or on the right of the line V00V10.
81     vec3 E03 = v01 - v00;
82     vec3 P = vtkm::Cross(ray_direction, E03);
83     vec3 E01 = v10 - v00;
84     Precision det = vtkm::dot(E01, P);
86     if (vtkm::Abs(det) < vtkm::Epsilon<Precision>())
87       return false;
88     Precision inv_det = 1.0f / det;
89     vec3 T = ray_origin - v00;
90     Precision alpha = vtkm::dot(T, P) * inv_det;
91     if (alpha < 0.0)
92       return false;
93     vec3 Q = vtkm::Cross(T, E01);
94     Precision beta = vtkm::dot(ray_direction, Q) * inv_det;
95     if (beta < 0.0)
96       return false;
98     if ((alpha + beta) > 1.0f)
99     {
101       // Rejects rays that intersect the plane of Q either on the
102       // left of the line V11V10 or on the right of the line V11V01.
104       vec3 E23 = v01 - v11;
105       vec3 E21 = v10 - v11;
106       vec3 P_prime = vtkm::Cross(ray_direction, E21);
107       Precision det_prime = vtkm::dot(E23, P_prime);
108       if (vtkm::Abs(det_prime) < vtkm::Epsilon<Precision>())
109         return false;
110       Precision inv_det_prime = 1.0f / det_prime;
111       vec3 T_prime = ray_origin - v11;
112       Precision alpha_prime = vtkm::dot(T_prime, P_prime) * inv_det_prime;
113       if (alpha_prime < 0.0f)
114         return false;
115       vec3 Q_prime = vtkm::Cross(T_prime, E23);
116       Precision beta_prime = vtkm::dot(ray_direction, Q_prime) * inv_det_prime;
117       if (beta_prime < 0.0f)
118         return false;
119     }
121     // Compute the ray parameter of the intersection point, and
122     // reject the ray if it does not hit Q.
124     t = vtkm::dot(E03, Q) * inv_det;
125     if (t < 0.0)
126       return false;
129     // Compute the barycentric coordinates of V11
130     Precision alpha_11, beta_11;
131     vec3 E02 = v11 - v00;
132     vec3 n = vtkm::Cross(E01, E02);
134     if ((vtkm::Abs(n[0]) >= vtkm::Abs(n[1])) && (vtkm::Abs(n[0]) >= vtkm::Abs(n[2])))
135     {
137       alpha_11 = ((E02[1] * E03[2]) - (E02[2] * E03[1])) / n[0];
138       beta_11 = ((E01[1] * E02[2]) - (E01[2] * E02[1])) / n[0];
139     }
140     else if ((vtkm::Abs(n[1]) >= vtkm::Abs(n[0])) && (vtkm::Abs(n[1]) >= vtkm::Abs(n[2])))
141     {
143       alpha_11 = ((E02[2] * E03[0]) - (E02[0] * E03[2])) / n[1];
144       beta_11 = ((E01[2] * E02[0]) - (E01[0] * E02[2])) / n[1];
145     }
146     else
147     {
149       alpha_11 = ((E02[0] * E03[1]) - (E02[1] * E03[0])) / n[2];
150       beta_11 = ((E01[0] * E02[1]) - (E01[1] * E02[0])) / n[2];
151     }
153     // Compute the bilinear coordinates of the intersection point.
154     if (vtkm::Abs(alpha_11 - 1.0f) < vtkm::Epsilon<Precision>())
155     {
157       u = alpha;
158       if (vtkm::Abs(beta_11 - 1.0f) < vtkm::Epsilon<Precision>())
159         v = beta;
160       else
161         v = beta / ((u * (beta_11 - 1.0f)) + 1.0f);
162     }
163     else if (vtkm::Abs(beta_11 - 1.0) < vtkm::Epsilon<Precision>())
164     {
166       v = beta;
167       u = alpha / ((v * (alpha_11 - 1.0f)) + 1.0f);
168     }
169     else
170     {
172       Precision A = 1.0f - beta_11;
173       Precision B = (alpha * (beta_11 - 1.0f)) - (beta * (alpha_11 - 1.0f)) - 1.0f;
174       Precision C = alpha;
175       Precision D = (B * B) - (4.0f * A * C);
176       Precision QQ = -0.5f * (B + ((B < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * vtkm::Sqrt(D)));
177       u = QQ / A;
178       if ((u < 0.0f) || (u > 1.0f))
179         u = C / QQ;
180       v = beta / ((u * (beta_11 - 1.0f)) + 1.0f);
181     }
183     return true;
184   }
186   template <typename PointPortalType, typename LeafPortalType, typename Precision>
IntersectLeaf(const vtkm::Int32 & currentNode,const vtkm::Vec<Precision,3> & origin,const vtkm::Vec<Precision,3> & dir,const PointPortalType & points,vtkm::Id & hitIndex,Precision & closestDistance,Precision & minU,Precision & minV,LeafPortalType leafs,const Precision & minDistance) const187   VTKM_EXEC inline void IntersectLeaf(
188     const vtkm::Int32& currentNode,
189     const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& origin,
190     const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& dir,
191     const PointPortalType& points,
192     vtkm::Id& hitIndex,
193     Precision& closestDistance, // closest distance in this set of primitives
194     Precision& minU,
195     Precision& minV,
196     LeafPortalType leafs,
197     const Precision& minDistance) const // report intesections past this distance
198   {
199     const vtkm::Id quadCount = leafs.Get(currentNode);
200     for (vtkm::Id i = 1; i <= quadCount; ++i)
201     {
202       const vtkm::Id quadIndex = leafs.Get(currentNode + i);
203       if (quadIndex < QuadIds.GetNumberOfValues())
204       {
205         IdType pointIndex = QuadIds.Get(quadIndex);
206         Precision dist;
207         vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> q, r, s, t;
208         q = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(pointIndex[1]));
209         r = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(pointIndex[2]));
210         s = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(pointIndex[3]));
211         t = vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>(points.Get(pointIndex[4]));
212         Precision u, v;
214         bool ret = quad(origin, dir, q, r, s, t, u, v, dist);
215         if (ret)
216         {
217           if (dist < closestDistance && dist > minDistance)
218           {
219             //matid = vtkm::Vec<, 3>(points.Get(cur_offset + 2))[0];
220             closestDistance = dist;
221             hitIndex = quadIndex;
222             minU = u;
223             minV = v;
224           }
225         }
226       }
227     } // for
228   }
229 };
231 struct IntersectFunctor
232 {
233   template <typename Device, typename Precision>
operator ()vtkm::rendering::raytracing::detail::IntersectFunctor234   VTKM_CONT bool operator()(Device,
235                             QuadIntersector* self,
236                             Ray<Precision>& rays,
237                             bool returnCellIndex)
238   {
240     self->IntersectRaysImp(Device(), rays, returnCellIndex);
241     return true;
242   }
243 };
245 class CalculateNormals : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
246 {
247 public:
CalculateNormals()249   CalculateNormals() {}
250   typedef void ControlSignature(FieldIn<>,
251                                 FieldIn<>,
252                                 FieldOut<>,
253                                 FieldOut<>,
254                                 FieldOut<>,
255                                 WholeArrayIn<Vec3RenderingTypes>,
256                                 WholeArrayIn<>);
257   typedef void ExecutionSignature(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7);
258   template <typename Precision, typename PointPortalType, typename IndicesPortalType>
operator ()(const vtkm::Id & hitIndex,const vtkm::Vec<Precision,3> & rayDir,Precision & normalX,Precision & normalY,Precision & normalZ,const PointPortalType & points,const IndicesPortalType & indicesPortal) const259   VTKM_EXEC inline void operator()(const vtkm::Id& hitIndex,
260                                    const vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3>& rayDir,
261                                    Precision& normalX,
262                                    Precision& normalY,
263                                    Precision& normalZ,
264                                    const PointPortalType& points,
265                                    const IndicesPortalType& indicesPortal) const
266   {
267     if (hitIndex < 0)
268       return;
270     vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 5> quadId = indicesPortal.Get(hitIndex);
272     vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> a, b, c;
273     a = points.Get(quadId[1]);
274     b = points.Get(quadId[2]);
275     c = points.Get(quadId[3]);
277     vtkm::Vec<Precision, 3> normal = vtkm::TriangleNormal(a, b, c);
278     vtkm::Normalize(normal);
280     //flip the normal if its pointing the wrong way
281     if (vtkm::dot(normal, rayDir) > 0.f)
282       normal = -normal;
284     normalX = normal[0];
285     normalY = normal[1];
286     normalZ = normal[2];
287   }
288 }; //class CalculateNormals
290 template <typename Precision>
291 class GetScalar : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
292 {
293 private:
294   Precision MinScalar;
295   Precision invDeltaScalar;
297 public:
GetScalar(const vtkm::Float32 & minScalar,const vtkm::Float32 & maxScalar)299   GetScalar(const vtkm::Float32& minScalar, const vtkm::Float32& maxScalar)
300     : MinScalar(minScalar)
301   {
302     //Make sure the we don't divide by zero on
303     //something like an iso-surface
304     if (maxScalar - MinScalar != 0.f)
305       invDeltaScalar = 1.f / (maxScalar - MinScalar);
306     else
307       invDeltaScalar = 1.f / minScalar;
308   }
309   typedef void ControlSignature(FieldIn<>,
310                                 FieldInOut<>,
311                                 WholeArrayIn<ScalarRenderingTypes>,
312                                 WholeArrayIn<>);
313   typedef void ExecutionSignature(_1, _2, _3, _4);
314   template <typename ScalarPortalType, typename IndicesPortalType>
operator ()(const vtkm::Id & hitIndex,Precision & scalar,const ScalarPortalType & scalars,const IndicesPortalType & indicesPortal) const315   VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Id& hitIndex,
316                             Precision& scalar,
317                             const ScalarPortalType& scalars,
318                             const IndicesPortalType& indicesPortal) const
319   {
320     if (hitIndex < 0)
321       return;
323     //TODO: this should be interpolated?
324     vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id, 5> pointId = indicesPortal.Get(hitIndex);
326     scalar = Precision(scalars.Get(pointId[0]));
327     //normalize
328     scalar = (scalar - MinScalar) * invDeltaScalar;
329   }
330 }; //class GetScalar
332 } // namespace detail
QuadIntersector()334 QuadIntersector::QuadIntersector()
335   : ShapeIntersector()
336 {
337 }
~QuadIntersector()339 QuadIntersector::~QuadIntersector()
340 {
341 }
IntersectRays(Ray<vtkm::Float32> & rays,bool returnCellIndex)344 void QuadIntersector::IntersectRays(Ray<vtkm::Float32>& rays, bool returnCellIndex)
345 {
346   vtkm::cont::TryExecute(detail::IntersectFunctor(), this, rays, returnCellIndex);
347 }
IntersectRays(Ray<vtkm::Float64> & rays,bool returnCellIndex)349 void QuadIntersector::IntersectRays(Ray<vtkm::Float64>& rays, bool returnCellIndex)
350 {
351   vtkm::cont::TryExecute(detail::IntersectFunctor(), this, rays, returnCellIndex);
352 }
354 template <typename Device, typename Precision>
IntersectRaysImp(Device,Ray<Precision> & rays,bool vtkmNotUsed (returnCellIndex))355 void QuadIntersector::IntersectRaysImp(Device,
356                                        Ray<Precision>& rays,
357                                        bool vtkmNotUsed(returnCellIndex))
358 {
360   detail::QuadLeafIntersector<Device> leafIntersector(this->QuadIds);
362   BVHTraverser<detail::QuadLeafIntersector> traverser;
363   traverser.IntersectRays(rays, this->BVH, leafIntersector, this->CoordsHandle, Device());
365   RayOperations::UpdateRayStatus(rays);
366 }
368 template <typename Precision>
IntersectionDataImp(Ray<Precision> & rays,const vtkm::cont::Field * scalarField,const vtkm::Range & scalarRange)369 void QuadIntersector::IntersectionDataImp(Ray<Precision>& rays,
370                                           const vtkm::cont::Field* scalarField,
371                                           const vtkm::Range& scalarRange)
372 {
373   ShapeIntersector::IntersectionPoint(rays);
375   // TODO: if this is nodes of a mesh, support points
376   bool isSupportedField =
377     (scalarField->GetAssociation() == vtkm::cont::Field::Association::POINTS ||
378      scalarField->GetAssociation() == vtkm::cont::Field::Association::CELL_SET);
379   if (!isSupportedField)
380     throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue("Field not accociated with a cell set");
382   vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<detail::CalculateNormals>(detail::CalculateNormals())
383     .Invoke(rays.HitIdx, rays.Dir, rays.NormalX, rays.NormalY, rays.NormalZ, CoordsHandle, QuadIds);
385   vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<detail::GetScalar<Precision>>(
386     detail::GetScalar<Precision>(vtkm::Float32(scalarRange.Min), vtkm::Float32(scalarRange.Max)))
387     .Invoke(rays.HitIdx, rays.Scalar, *scalarField, QuadIds);
388 }
IntersectionData(Ray<vtkm::Float32> & rays,const vtkm::cont::Field * scalarField,const vtkm::Range & scalarRange)390 void QuadIntersector::IntersectionData(Ray<vtkm::Float32>& rays,
391                                        const vtkm::cont::Field* scalarField,
392                                        const vtkm::Range& scalarRange)
393 {
394   IntersectionDataImp(rays, scalarField, scalarRange);
395 }
IntersectionData(Ray<vtkm::Float64> & rays,const vtkm::cont::Field * scalarField,const vtkm::Range & scalarRange)397 void QuadIntersector::IntersectionData(Ray<vtkm::Float64>& rays,
398                                        const vtkm::cont::Field* scalarField,
399                                        const vtkm::Range& scalarRange)
400 {
401   IntersectionDataImp(rays, scalarField, scalarRange);
402 }
GetNumberOfShapes() const404 vtkm::Id QuadIntersector::GetNumberOfShapes() const
405 {
406   return QuadIds.GetNumberOfValues();
407 }
408 }
409 }
410 } //namespace vtkm::rendering::raytracing