1 //============================================================================
2 //  Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
3 //  All rights reserved.
4 //  See LICENSE.txt for details.
5 //  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
6 //  the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
7 //  PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
8 //
9 //  Copyright 2014 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
10 //  Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC.
11 //  Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security.
12 //
13 //  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
14 //  the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
15 //
16 //  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
17 //  Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
18 //  this software.
19 //============================================================================
20 #ifndef vtk_m_worklet_internal_DispatcherBase_h
21 #define vtk_m_worklet_internal_DispatcherBase_h
23 #include <vtkm/StaticAssert.h>
25 #include <vtkm/internal/FunctionInterface.h>
26 #include <vtkm/internal/Invocation.h>
28 #include <vtkm/cont/DeviceAdapter.h>
29 #include <vtkm/cont/ErrorBadType.h>
30 #include <vtkm/cont/Logging.h>
31 #include <vtkm/cont/TryExecute.h>
33 #include <vtkm/cont/arg/ControlSignatureTagBase.h>
34 #include <vtkm/cont/arg/Transport.h>
35 #include <vtkm/cont/arg/TypeCheck.h>
36 #include <vtkm/cont/internal/DynamicTransform.h>
38 #include <vtkm/exec/arg/ExecutionSignatureTagBase.h>
40 #include <vtkm/internal/brigand.hpp>
42 #include <vtkm/worklet/internal/WorkletBase.h>
44 #include <sstream>
46 namespace vtkm
47 {
48 namespace cont
49 {
51 // Forward declaration.
52 template <typename CellSetList>
53 class DynamicCellSetBase;
54 }
55 }
57 namespace vtkm
58 {
59 namespace worklet
60 {
61 namespace internal
62 {
64 template <typename Domain>
65 inline auto scheduling_range(const Domain& inputDomain) -> decltype(inputDomain.GetNumberOfValues())
66 {
67   return inputDomain.GetNumberOfValues();
68 }
70 template <typename Domain>
71 inline auto scheduling_range(const Domain* const inputDomain)
72   -> decltype(inputDomain->GetNumberOfValues())
73 {
74   return inputDomain->GetNumberOfValues();
75 }
77 template <typename Domain, typename SchedulingRangeType>
78 inline auto scheduling_range(const Domain& inputDomain, SchedulingRangeType type)
79   -> decltype(inputDomain.GetSchedulingRange(type))
80 {
81   return inputDomain.GetSchedulingRange(type);
82 }
84 template <typename Domain, typename SchedulingRangeType>
85 inline auto scheduling_range(const Domain* const inputDomain, SchedulingRangeType type)
86   -> decltype(inputDomain->GetSchedulingRange(type))
87 {
88   return inputDomain->GetSchedulingRange(type);
89 }
91 namespace detail
92 {
94 // This code is actually taking an error found at compile-time and not
95 // reporting it until run-time. This seems strange at first, but this
96 // behavior is actually important. With dynamic arrays and similar dynamic
97 // classes, there may be types that are technically possible (such as using a
98 // vector where a scalar is expected) but in reality never happen. Thus, for
99 // these unsupported combinations we just silently halt the compiler from
100 // attempting to create code for these errant conditions and throw a run-time
101 // error if one every tries to create one.
PrintFailureMessage(int index)102 inline void PrintFailureMessage(int index)
103 {
104   std::stringstream message;
105   message << "Encountered bad type for parameter " << index
106           << " when calling Invoke on a dispatcher.";
107   throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType(message.str());
108 }
PrintNullPtrMessage(int index,int mode)110 inline void PrintNullPtrMessage(int index, int mode)
111 {
112   std::stringstream message;
113   if (mode == 0)
114   {
115     message << "Encountered nullptr for parameter " << index;
116   }
117   else
118   {
119     message << "Encountered nullptr for " << index << " from last parameter ";
120   }
121   message << " when calling Invoke on a dispatcher.";
122   throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue(message.str());
123 }
125 template <typename T>
126 inline void not_nullptr(T* ptr, int index, int mode = 0)
127 {
128   if (!ptr)
129   {
130     PrintNullPtrMessage(index, mode);
131   }
132 }
133 template <typename T>
134 inline void not_nullptr(T&&, int, int mode = 0)
135 {
136   (void)mode;
137 }
139 template <typename T>
as_ref(T * ptr)140 inline T& as_ref(T* ptr)
141 {
142   return *ptr;
143 }
144 template <typename T>
as_ref(T && t)145 inline T&& as_ref(T&& t)
146 {
147   return std::forward<T>(t);
148 }
151 template <typename T, bool noError>
152 struct ReportTypeOnError;
153 template <typename T>
154 struct ReportTypeOnError<T, true> : std::true_type
155 {
156 };
158 template <int Value, bool noError>
159 struct ReportValueOnError;
160 template <int Value>
161 struct ReportValueOnError<Value, true> : std::true_type
162 {
163 };
165 template <typename T>
166 struct remove_pointer_and_decay : std::remove_pointer<typename std::decay<T>::type>
167 {
168 };
170 // Is designed as a brigand fold operation.
171 template <typename Type, typename State>
172 struct DetermineIfHasDynamicParameter
173 {
174   using T = typename std::remove_pointer<Type>::type;
175   using DynamicTag = typename vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTraits<T>::DynamicTag;
176   using isDynamic =
177     typename std::is_same<DynamicTag, vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagCastAndCall>::type;
179   using type = std::integral_constant<bool, (State::value || isDynamic::value)>;
180 };
183 // Is designed as a brigand fold operation.
184 template <typename WorkletType>
185 struct DetermineHasCorrectParameters
186 {
187   template <typename Type, typename State, typename SigTypes>
188   struct Functor
189   {
190     //T is the type of the Param at the current index
191     //State if the index to use to fetch the control signature tag
192     using ControlSignatureTag = typename brigand::at_c<SigTypes, State::value>;
193     using TypeCheckTag = typename ControlSignatureTag::TypeCheckTag;
195     using T = typename std::remove_pointer<Type>::type;
196     static constexpr bool isCorrect = vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck<TypeCheckTag, T>::value;
198     // If you get an error on the line below, that means that your code has called the
199     // Invoke method on a dispatcher, and one of the arguments of the Invoke is the wrong
200     // type. Each argument of Invoke corresponds to a tag in the arguments of the
201     // ControlSignature of the worklet. If there is a mismatch, then you get an error here
202     // (instead of where you called the dispatcher). For example, if the worklet has a
203     // control signature as ControlSignature(CellSetIn, ...) and the first argument passed
204     // to Invoke is an ArrayHandle, you will get an error here because you cannot use an
205     // ArrayHandle in place of a CellSetIn argument. (You need to use a CellSet.) See a few
206     // lines later for some diagnostics to help you trace where the error occurred.
209     // If you are getting the error described above, the following lines will give you some
210     // diagnostics (in the form of compile errors). Each one will result in a compile error
211     // reporting an undefined type for ReportTypeOnError (or ReportValueOnError). What we are
212     // really reporting is the first template argument, which is one of the types or values that
213     // should help pinpoint where the error is. The comment for static_assert provides the
214     // type/value being reported. (Note that some compilers report better types than others. If
215     // your compiler is giving unhelpful types like "T" or "WorkletType", you may need to try a
216     // different compiler.)
217     static_assert(ReportTypeOnError<T, isCorrect>::value, "Type passed to Invoke");
218     static_assert(ReportTypeOnError<WorkletType, isCorrect>::value, "Worklet being invoked.");
219     static_assert(ReportValueOnError<State::value, isCorrect>::value, "Index of Invoke parameter");
220     static_assert(ReportTypeOnError<TypeCheckTag, isCorrect>::value, "Type check tag used");
222     // This final static_assert gives a human-readable error message. Ideally, this would be
223     // placed first, but some compilers will suppress further errors when a static_assert
224     // fails, so you would not see the other diagnostic error messages.
225     static_assert(isCorrect,
226                   "The type of one of the arguments to the dispatcher's Invoke method is "
227                   "incompatible with the corresponding tag in the worklet's ControlSignature.");
229     using type = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, State::value + 1>;
230   };
231 };
233 // Checks that an argument in a ControlSignature is a valid control signature
234 // tag. Causes a compile error otherwise.
235 struct DispatcherBaseControlSignatureTagCheck
236 {
237   template <typename ControlSignatureTag, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
238   struct ReturnType
239   {
240     // If you get a compile error here, it means there is something that is
241     // not a valid control signature tag in a worklet's ControlSignature.
242     VTKM_IS_CONTROL_SIGNATURE_TAG(ControlSignatureTag);
243     using type = ControlSignatureTag;
244   };
245 };
247 // Checks that an argument in a ExecutionSignature is a valid execution
248 // signature tag. Causes a compile error otherwise.
249 struct DispatcherBaseExecutionSignatureTagCheck
250 {
251   template <typename ExecutionSignatureTag, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
252   struct ReturnType
253   {
254     // If you get a compile error here, it means there is something that is not
255     // a valid execution signature tag in a worklet's ExecutionSignature.
256     VTKM_IS_EXECUTION_SIGNATURE_TAG(ExecutionSignatureTag);
257     using type = ExecutionSignatureTag;
258   };
259 };
261 struct DispatcherBaseTryExecuteFunctor
262 {
263   template <typename Device, typename DispatcherBaseType, typename Invocation, typename RangeType>
264   VTKM_CONT bool operator()(Device device,
265                             const DispatcherBaseType* self,
266                             Invocation& invocation,
267                             const RangeType& dimensions)
268   {
269     self->InvokeTransportParameters(
270       invocation, dimensions, self->Scatter.GetOutputRange(dimensions), device);
271     return true;
272   }
273 };
275 // A look up helper used by DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor to determine
276 //the types independent of the device we are templated on.
277 template <typename ControlInterface, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
278 struct DispatcherBaseTransportInvokeTypes
279 {
280   //Moved out of DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor to reduce code generation
281   using ControlSignatureTag = typename ControlInterface::template ParameterType<Index>::type;
282   using TransportTag = typename ControlSignatureTag::TransportTag;
283 };
286 inline vtkm::Id FlatRange(vtkm::Id range)
287 {
288   return range;
289 }
292 inline vtkm::Id FlatRange(const vtkm::Id3& range)
293 {
294   return range[0] * range[1] * range[2];
295 }
297 // A functor used in a StaticCast of a FunctionInterface to transport arguments
298 // from the control environment to the execution environment.
299 template <typename ControlInterface, typename InputDomainType, typename Device>
300 struct DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor
301 {
302   const InputDomainType& InputDomain; // Warning: this is a reference
303   vtkm::Id InputRange;
304   vtkm::Id OutputRange;
306   // TODO: We need to think harder about how scheduling on 3D arrays works.
307   // Chances are we need to allow the transport for each argument to manage
308   // 3D indices (for example, allocate a 3D array instead of a 1D array).
309   // But for now, just treat all transports as 1D arrays.
310   template <typename InputRangeType, typename OutputRangeType>
311   VTKM_CONT DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor(const InputDomainType& inputDomain,
312                                            const InputRangeType& inputRange,
313                                            const OutputRangeType& outputRange)
314     : InputDomain(inputDomain)
315     , InputRange(FlatRange(inputRange))
316     , OutputRange(FlatRange(outputRange))
317   {
318   }
321   template <typename ControlParameter, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
322   struct ReturnType
323   {
324     using TransportTag =
325       typename DispatcherBaseTransportInvokeTypes<ControlInterface, Index>::TransportTag;
326     using T = typename remove_pointer_and_decay<ControlParameter>::type;
327     using TransportType = typename vtkm::cont::arg::Transport<TransportTag, T, Device>;
328     using type = typename TransportType::ExecObjectType;
329   };
331   // template<typename ControlParameter, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
332   // VTKM_CONT typename ReturnType<ControlParameter, Index>::type operator()(
333   //   ControlParameter const& invokeData,
334   //   vtkm::internal::IndexTag<Index>) const
335   // {
336   //   using TransportTag =
337   //     typename DispatcherBaseTransportInvokeTypes<ControlInterface, Index>::TransportTag;
338   //   using T = typename remove_pointer_and_decay<ControlParameter>::type;
339   //   vtkm::cont::arg::Transport<TransportTag, T, Device> transport;
340   //   return transport(invokeData, as_ref(this->InputDomain), this->InputRange, this->OutputRange);
341   // }
343   template <typename ControlParameter, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
344   VTKM_CONT typename ReturnType<ControlParameter, Index>::type operator()(
345     ControlParameter&& invokeData,
346     vtkm::internal::IndexTag<Index>) const
347   {
348     using TransportTag =
349       typename DispatcherBaseTransportInvokeTypes<ControlInterface, Index>::TransportTag;
350     using T = typename remove_pointer_and_decay<ControlParameter>::type;
351     vtkm::cont::arg::Transport<TransportTag, T, Device> transport;
353     not_nullptr(invokeData, Index);
354     return transport(
355       as_ref(invokeData), as_ref(this->InputDomain), this->InputRange, this->OutputRange);
356   }
360 private:
361   void operator=(const DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor&) = delete;
362 };
364 //forward declares
365 template <std::size_t LeftToProcess>
366 struct for_each_dynamic_arg;
368 template <std::size_t LeftToProcess, typename TypeCheckTag>
369 struct convert_arg_wrapper
370 {
371   template <typename T, typename... Args>
372   void operator()(T&& t, Args&&... args) const
373   {
374     using Type = typename std::decay<T>::type;
375     using valid =
376       std::integral_constant<bool, vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck<TypeCheckTag, Type>::value>;
377     this->WillContinue(valid(), std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
378   }
379   template <typename T, typename... Args>
380   void WillContinue(std::true_type, T&& t, Args&&... args) const
381   {
382     for_each_dynamic_arg<LeftToProcess - 1>()(std::forward<Args>(args)..., std::forward<T>(t));
383   }
384   template <typename... Args>
385   void WillContinue(std::false_type, Args&&...) const
386   {
387     vtkm::worklet::internal::detail::PrintFailureMessage(LeftToProcess);
388   }
389 };
391 template <std::size_t LeftToProcess,
392           typename T,
393           typename ContParams,
394           typename Trampoline,
395           typename... Args>
396 inline void convert_arg(vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagStatic,
397                         T&& t,
398                         const ContParams&,
399                         const Trampoline& trampoline,
400                         Args&&... args)
401 { //This is a static array, so just push it to the back
402   using popped_sig = brigand::pop_front<ContParams>;
403   for_each_dynamic_arg<LeftToProcess - 1>()(
404     trampoline, popped_sig(), std::forward<Args>(args)..., std::forward<T>(t));
405 }
407 template <std::size_t LeftToProcess,
408           typename T,
409           typename ContParams,
410           typename Trampoline,
411           typename... Args>
412 inline void convert_arg(vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagCastAndCall,
413                         T&& t,
414                         const ContParams&,
415                         const Trampoline& trampoline,
416                         Args&&... args)
417 { //This is something dynamic so cast and call
418   using tag_check = typename brigand::at_c<ContParams, 0>::TypeCheckTag;
419   using popped_sig = brigand::pop_front<ContParams>;
421   not_nullptr(t, LeftToProcess, 1);
422   vtkm::cont::CastAndCall(as_ref(t),
423                           convert_arg_wrapper<LeftToProcess, tag_check>(),
424                           trampoline,
425                           popped_sig(),
426                           std::forward<Args>(args)...);
427 }
429 template <std::size_t LeftToProcess>
430 struct for_each_dynamic_arg
431 {
432   template <typename Trampoline, typename ContParams, typename T, typename... Args>
433   void operator()(const Trampoline& trampoline, ContParams&& sig, T&& t, Args&&... args) const
434   {
435     //Determine that state of T when it is either a `cons&` or a `* const&`
436     using Type = typename std::remove_pointer<typename std::decay<T>::type>::type;
437     using tag = typename vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTraits<Type>::DynamicTag;
438     //convert the first item to a known type
439     convert_arg<LeftToProcess>(
440       tag(), std::forward<T>(t), sig, trampoline, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
441   }
442 };
444 template <>
445 struct for_each_dynamic_arg<0>
446 {
447   template <typename Trampoline, typename ContParams, typename... Args>
448   void operator()(const Trampoline& trampoline, ContParams&&, Args&&... args) const
449   {
450     trampoline.StartInvokeDynamic(std::false_type(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
451   }
452 };
454 template <typename Trampoline, typename ContParams, typename... Args>
455 inline void deduce(Trampoline&& trampoline, ContParams&& sig, Args&&... args)
456 {
457   for_each_dynamic_arg<sizeof...(Args)>()(std::forward<Trampoline>(trampoline), sig, args...);
458 }
461 #if defined(VTKM_MSVC)
462 #pragma warning(push)
463 #pragma warning(disable : 4068) //unknown pragma
464 #endif
465 #if defined(__NVCC__) && defined(__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__)
466 // Disable warning "calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__"
467 // In some cases nv_exec_check_disable doesn't work and therefore you need
468 // to use the following suppressions
469 #pragma push
471 #if (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ < 8)
472 #pragma diag_suppress 2670
473 #pragma diag_suppress 2668
474 #endif
476 #if (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ >= 8)
477 #pragma diag_suppress 2735
478 #pragma diag_suppress 2737
479 #pragma diag_suppress 2739
480 #endif
482 #if (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ >= 9)
483 #pragma diag_suppress 2828
484 #pragma diag_suppress 2864
485 #pragma diag_suppress 2867
486 #pragma diag_suppress 2885
487 #endif
489 #if (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ >= 10)
490 #pragma diag_suppress 2905
491 #endif
493 #endif
494 //This is a separate function as the pragma guards can cause nvcc
495 //to have an internal compiler error (codegen #3028)
496 template <typename... Args>
497 inline auto make_funcIFace(Args&&... args) -> decltype(
498   vtkm::internal::make_FunctionInterface<void, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>(args...))
499 {
500   return vtkm::internal::make_FunctionInterface<void, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>(args...);
501 }
502 #if defined(__NVCC__) && defined(__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__)
503 #pragma pop
504 #endif
505 #if defined(VTKM_MSVC)
506 #pragma warning(pop)
507 #endif
510 } // namespace detail
512 /// This is a help struct to detect out of bound placeholders defined in the
513 /// execution signature at compile time
514 template <vtkm::IdComponent MaxIndexAllowed>
515 struct PlaceholderValidator
516 {
517   PlaceholderValidator() {}
519   // An overload operator to detect possible out of bound placeholder
520   template <int N>
521   void operator()(brigand::type_<vtkm::placeholders::Arg<N>>) const
522   {
523     static_assert(N <= MaxIndexAllowed,
524                   "An argument in the execution signature"
525                   " (usually _2, _3, _4, etc.) refers to a control signature argument that"
526                   " does not exist. For example, you will get this error if you have _3 (or"
527                   " _4 or _5 or so on) as one of the execution signature arguments, but you"
528                   " have fewer than 3 (or 4 or 5 or so on) arguments in the control signature.");
529   }
531   template <typename DerivedType>
532   void operator()(brigand::type_<DerivedType>) const
533   {
534   }
535 };
537 /// Base class for all dispatcher classes. Every worklet type should have its
538 /// own dispatcher.
539 ///
540 template <typename DerivedClass, typename WorkletType, typename BaseWorkletType>
541 class DispatcherBase
542 {
543 private:
544   using MyType = DispatcherBase<DerivedClass, WorkletType, BaseWorkletType>;
546   friend struct detail::for_each_dynamic_arg<0>;
548 protected:
549   using ControlInterface =
550     vtkm::internal::FunctionInterface<typename WorkletType::ControlSignature>;
551   using ExecutionInterface =
552     vtkm::internal::FunctionInterface<typename WorkletType::ExecutionSignature>;
554   static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent NUM_INVOKE_PARAMS = ControlInterface::ARITY;
556 private:
557   // We don't really need these types, but declaring them checks the arguments
558   // of the control and execution signatures.
559   using ControlSignatureCheck = typename ControlInterface::template StaticTransformType<
560     detail::DispatcherBaseControlSignatureTagCheck>::type;
561   using ExecutionSignatureCheck = typename ExecutionInterface::template StaticTransformType<
562     detail::DispatcherBaseExecutionSignatureTagCheck>::type;
564   template <typename... Args>
565   VTKM_CONT void StartInvoke(Args&&... args) const
566   {
567     using ParameterInterface =
568       vtkm::internal::FunctionInterface<void(typename std::decay<Args>::type...)>;
571                            "Dispatcher Invoke called with wrong number of arguments.");
573     static_assert(
574       std::is_base_of<BaseWorkletType, WorkletType>::value,
575       "The worklet being scheduled by this dispatcher doesn't match the type of the dispatcher");
577     // Check if the placeholders defined in the execution environment exceed the max bound
578     // defined in the control environment by throwing a nice compile error.
579     using ComponentSig = typename ExecutionInterface::ComponentSig;
580     brigand::for_each<ComponentSig>(PlaceholderValidator<NUM_INVOKE_PARAMS>{});
582     //We need to determine if we have the need to do any dynamic
583     //transforms. This is fairly simple of a query. We just need to check
584     //everything in the FunctionInterface and see if any of them have the
585     //proper dynamic trait. Doing this, allows us to generate zero dynamic
586     //check & convert code when we already know all the types. This results
587     //in smaller executables and libraries.
588     using ParamTypes = typename ParameterInterface::ParameterSig;
589     using HasDynamicTypes =
590       brigand::fold<ParamTypes,
591                     std::false_type,
592                     detail::DetermineIfHasDynamicParameter<brigand::_element, brigand::_state>>;
594     this->StartInvokeDynamic(HasDynamicTypes(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
595   }
597   template <typename... Args>
598   VTKM_CONT void StartInvokeDynamic(std::true_type, Args&&... args) const
599   {
600     // As we do the dynamic transform, we are also going to check the static
601     // type against the TypeCheckTag in the ControlSignature tags. To do this,
602     // the check needs access to both the parameter (in the parameters
603     // argument) and the ControlSignature tags (in the ControlInterface type).
604     using ContParamsInfo =
605       vtkm::internal::detail::FunctionSigInfo<typename WorkletType::ControlSignature>;
606     typename ContParamsInfo::Parameters parameters;
607     detail::deduce(*this, parameters, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
608   }
610   template <typename... Args>
611   VTKM_CONT void StartInvokeDynamic(std::false_type, Args&&... args) const
612   {
613     using ParameterInterface =
614       vtkm::internal::FunctionInterface<void(typename std::decay<Args>::type...)>;
616     //Nothing requires a conversion from dynamic to static types, so
617     //next we need to verify that each argument's type is correct. If not
618     //we need to throw a nice compile time error
619     using ParamTypes = typename ParameterInterface::ParameterSig;
620     using ContSigTypes = typename vtkm::internal::detail::FunctionSigInfo<
621       typename WorkletType::ControlSignature>::Parameters;
623     //isAllValid will throw a compile error if everything doesn't match
624     using isAllValid = brigand::fold<
625       ParamTypes,
626       std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 0>,
627       typename detail::DetermineHasCorrectParameters<WorkletType>::
628         template Functor<brigand::_element, brigand::_state, brigand::pin<ContSigTypes>>>;
630     //this warning exists so that we don't get a warning from not using isAllValid
631     using expectedLen = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, sizeof...(Args)>;
632     static_assert(isAllValid::value == expectedLen::value,
633                   "All arguments failed the TypeCheck pass");
635     //This is a separate function as the pragma guards can cause nvcc
636     //to have an internal compiler error (codegen #3028)
637     auto fi = detail::make_funcIFace(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
639     auto ivc = vtkm::internal::Invocation<ParameterInterface,
640                                           ControlInterface,
641                                           ExecutionInterface,
642                                           WorkletType::InputDomain::INDEX,
643                                           vtkm::internal::NullType,
644                                           vtkm::internal::NullType>(
645       fi, vtkm::internal::NullType{}, vtkm::internal::NullType{});
646     static_cast<const DerivedClass*>(this)->DoInvoke(ivc);
647   }
649 public:
650   //@{
651   /// Setting the device ID will force the execute to happen on a particular device. If no device
652   /// is specified (or the device ID is set to any), then a device will automatically be chosen
653   /// based on the runtime device tracker.
654   ///
656   void SetDevice(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device) { this->Device = device; }
658   VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId GetDevice() const { return this->Device; }
659   //@}
661   using ScatterType = typename WorkletType::ScatterType;
663   template <typename... Args>
664   VTKM_CONT void Invoke(Args&&... args) const
665   {
666     VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf,
667                    "Invoking Worklet: '%s'",
668                    vtkm::cont::TypeName<WorkletType>().c_str());
669     this->StartInvoke(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
670   }
672 protected:
674   DispatcherBase(const WorkletType& worklet, const ScatterType& scatter)
675     : Worklet(worklet)
676     , Scatter(scatter)
677     , Device(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny())
678   {
679   }
681   friend struct internal::detail::DispatcherBaseTryExecuteFunctor;
683   template <typename Invocation>
684   VTKM_CONT void BasicInvoke(Invocation& invocation, vtkm::Id numInstances) const
685   {
686     bool success =
687       vtkm::cont::TryExecuteOnDevice(this->Device,
688                                      internal::detail::DispatcherBaseTryExecuteFunctor(),
689                                      this,
690                                      invocation,
691                                      numInstances);
692     if (!success)
693     {
694       throw vtkm::cont::ErrorExecution("Failed to execute worklet on any device.");
695     }
696   }
698   template <typename Invocation>
699   VTKM_CONT void BasicInvoke(Invocation& invocation, vtkm::Id2 dimensions) const
700   {
701     this->BasicInvoke(invocation, vtkm::Id3(dimensions[0], dimensions[1], 1));
702   }
704   template <typename Invocation>
705   VTKM_CONT void BasicInvoke(Invocation& invocation, vtkm::Id3 dimensions) const
706   {
707     bool success =
708       vtkm::cont::TryExecuteOnDevice(this->Device,
709                                      internal::detail::DispatcherBaseTryExecuteFunctor(),
710                                      this,
711                                      invocation,
712                                      dimensions);
713     if (!success)
714     {
715       throw vtkm::cont::ErrorExecution("Failed to execute worklet on any device.");
716     }
717   }
719   WorkletType Worklet;
720   ScatterType Scatter;
722 private:
723   // Dispatchers cannot be copied
724   DispatcherBase(const MyType&) = delete;
725   void operator=(const MyType&) = delete;
727   vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId Device;
729   template <typename Invocation,
730             typename InputRangeType,
731             typename OutputRangeType,
732             typename DeviceAdapter>
733   VTKM_CONT void InvokeTransportParameters(Invocation& invocation,
734                                            const InputRangeType& inputRange,
735                                            OutputRangeType&& outputRange,
736                                            DeviceAdapter device) const
737   {
738     // The first step in invoking a worklet is to transport the arguments to
739     // the execution environment. The invocation object passed to this function
740     // contains the parameters passed to Invoke in the control environment. We
741     // will use the template magic in the FunctionInterface class to invoke the
742     // appropriate Transport class on each parameter and get a list of
743     // execution objects (corresponding to the arguments of the Invoke in the
744     // control environment) in a FunctionInterface. Specifically, we use a
745     // static transform of the FunctionInterface to call the transport on each
746     // argument and return the corresponding execution environment object.
747     using ParameterInterfaceType = typename Invocation::ParameterInterface;
748     ParameterInterfaceType& parameters = invocation.Parameters;
750     using TransportFunctorType =
751       detail::DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor<typename Invocation::ControlInterface,
752                                              typename Invocation::InputDomainType,
753                                              DeviceAdapter>;
754     using ExecObjectParameters =
755       typename ParameterInterfaceType::template StaticTransformType<TransportFunctorType>::type;
757     ExecObjectParameters execObjectParameters = parameters.StaticTransformCont(
758       TransportFunctorType(invocation.GetInputDomain(), inputRange, outputRange));
760     // Get the arrays used for scattering input to output.
761     typename WorkletType::ScatterType::OutputToInputMapType outputToInputMap =
762       this->Scatter.GetOutputToInputMap(inputRange);
763     typename WorkletType::ScatterType::VisitArrayType visitArray =
764       this->Scatter.GetVisitArray(inputRange);
766     // Replace the parameters in the invocation with the execution object and
767     // pass to next step of Invoke. Also add the scatter information.
768     this->InvokeSchedule(invocation.ChangeParameters(execObjectParameters)
769                            .ChangeOutputToInputMap(outputToInputMap.PrepareForInput(device))
770                            .ChangeVisitArray(visitArray.PrepareForInput(device)),
771                          outputRange,
772                          device);
773   }
775   template <typename Invocation, typename RangeType, typename DeviceAdapter>
776   VTKM_CONT void InvokeSchedule(const Invocation& invocation, RangeType range, DeviceAdapter) const
777   {
778     using Algorithm = vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm<DeviceAdapter>;
779     using TaskTypes = typename vtkm::cont::DeviceTaskTypes<DeviceAdapter>;
781     // The TaskType class handles the magic of fetching values
782     // for each instance and calling the worklet's function.
783     // The TaskType will evaluate to one of the following classes:
784     //
785     // vtkm::exec::internal::TaskSingular
786     // vtkm::exec::internal::TaskTiling1D
787     // vtkm::exec::internal::TaskTiling3D
788     auto task = TaskTypes::MakeTask(this->Worklet, invocation, range);
789     Algorithm::ScheduleTask(task, range);
790   }
791 };
792 }
793 }
794 } // namespace vtkm::worklet::internal
796 #endif //vtk_m_worklet_internal_DispatcherBase_h