1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter
17  * @brief   map field data to dataset attribute data
18  *
19  * vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter is a class that maps field data into
20  * dataset attributes. The input to this filter is any type of dataset and
21  * the output is the same dataset (geometry/topology) with new attribute data
22  * (attribute data is passed through if not replaced during filter
23  * execution).
24  *
25  * To use this filter you must specify which field data from the input
26  * dataset to use. There are three possibilities: the cell field data, the
27  * point field data, or the field data associated with the data object
28  * superclass. Then you specify which attribute data to create: either cell
29  * attribute data or point attribute data.  Finally, you must define how to
30  * construct the various attribute data types (e.g., scalars, vectors,
31  * normals, etc.) from the arrays and the components of the arrays from the
32  * field data. This is done by associating components in the input field with
33  * components making up the attribute data. For example, you would specify a
34  * scalar with three components (RGB) by assigning components from the field
35  * for the R, then G, then B values of the scalars.  You may also have to
36  * specify component ranges (for each R-G-B) to make sure that the number of
37  * R, G, and B values is the same. Also, you may want to normalize the
38  * components which helps distribute the data uniformly.
39  *
40  * This filter is often used in conjunction with
41  * vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter.  vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter filter
42  * generates dataset topology and geometry and passes its input field data
43  * along to its output. Then this filter is used to generate the attribute
44  * data to go along with the dataset.
45  *
46  * @warning
47  * Make sure that the data you extract is consistent. That is, if you have N
48  * points, extract N point attributes (scalars, vectors, etc.).
49  *
50  * @sa
51  * vtkFieldData vtkDataSet vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter
52  * vtkDataSetAttributes vtkDataArray
53  */
55 #ifndef vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter_h
56 #define vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter_h
58 #include "vtkDataSetAlgorithm.h"
59 #include "vtkFiltersCoreModule.h" // For export macro
63 #define VTK_CELL_DATA_FIELD 2
65 #define VTK_CELL_DATA 0
66 #define VTK_POINT_DATA 1
68 class vtkDataArray;
69 class vtkDataSetAttributes;
70 class vtkFieldData;
72 class VTKFILTERSCORE_EXPORT vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter : public vtkDataSetAlgorithm
73 {
74 public:
75   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
76   vtkTypeMacro(vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter, vtkDataSetAlgorithm);
78   /**
79    * Construct object with input field set to the data object field, and the
80    * output attribute data set to generate point data.
81    */
82   static vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter* New();
84   ///@{
85   /**
86    * Specify which field data to use to generate the output attribute
87    * data. There are three choices: the field data associated with the
88    * vtkDataObject superclass; the point field attribute data; and the cell
89    * field attribute data.
90    */
91   vtkSetMacro(InputField, int);
92   vtkGetMacro(InputField, int);
SetInputFieldToDataObjectField()93   void SetInputFieldToDataObjectField() { this->SetInputField(VTK_DATA_OBJECT_FIELD); }
SetInputFieldToPointDataField()94   void SetInputFieldToPointDataField() { this->SetInputField(VTK_POINT_DATA_FIELD); }
SetInputFieldToCellDataField()95   void SetInputFieldToCellDataField() { this->SetInputField(VTK_CELL_DATA_FIELD); }
96   ///@}
98   ///@{
99   /**
100    * Specify which attribute data to output: point or cell data attributes.
101    */
102   vtkSetMacro(OutputAttributeData, int);
103   vtkGetMacro(OutputAttributeData, int);
SetOutputAttributeDataToCellData()104   void SetOutputAttributeDataToCellData() { this->SetOutputAttributeData(VTK_CELL_DATA); }
SetOutputAttributeDataToPointData()105   void SetOutputAttributeDataToPointData() { this->SetOutputAttributeData(VTK_POINT_DATA); }
106   ///@}
108   ///@{
109   /**
110    * Define the component(s) of the field to be used for the scalar
111    * components.  Note that the parameter comp must lie between (0,4). To
112    * define the field component to use you specify an array name and the
113    * component in that array. The (min,max) values are the range of data in
114    * the component you wish to extract.
115    */
116   void SetScalarComponent(
117     int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
SetScalarComponent(int comp,const char * arrayName,int arrayComp)118   void SetScalarComponent(int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
119   {
120     this->SetScalarComponent(comp, arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1, this->DefaultNormalize);
121   }
122   const char* GetScalarComponentArrayName(int comp);
123   int GetScalarComponentArrayComponent(int comp);
124   int GetScalarComponentMinRange(int comp);
125   int GetScalarComponentMaxRange(int comp);
126   int GetScalarComponentNormalizeFlag(int comp);
127   ///@}
129   ///@{
130   /**
131    * Define the component(s) of the field to be used for the vector
132    * components.  Note that the parameter comp must lie between (0,3). To
133    * define the field component to use you specify an array name and the
134    * component in that array. The (min,max) values are the range of data in
135    * the component you wish to extract.
136    */
137   void SetVectorComponent(
138     int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
SetVectorComponent(int comp,const char * arrayName,int arrayComp)139   void SetVectorComponent(int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
140   {
141     this->SetVectorComponent(comp, arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1, this->DefaultNormalize);
142   }
143   const char* GetVectorComponentArrayName(int comp);
144   int GetVectorComponentArrayComponent(int comp);
145   int GetVectorComponentMinRange(int comp);
146   int GetVectorComponentMaxRange(int comp);
147   int GetVectorComponentNormalizeFlag(int comp);
148   ///@}
150   ///@{
151   /**
152    * Define the component(s) of the field to be used for the normal
153    * components.  Note that the parameter comp must lie between (0,3). To
154    * define the field component to use you specify an array name and the
155    * component in that array. The (min,max) values are the range of data in
156    * the component you wish to extract.
157    */
158   void SetNormalComponent(
159     int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
SetNormalComponent(int comp,const char * arrayName,int arrayComp)160   void SetNormalComponent(int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
161   {
162     this->SetNormalComponent(comp, arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1, this->DefaultNormalize);
163   }
164   const char* GetNormalComponentArrayName(int comp);
165   int GetNormalComponentArrayComponent(int comp);
166   int GetNormalComponentMinRange(int comp);
167   int GetNormalComponentMaxRange(int comp);
168   int GetNormalComponentNormalizeFlag(int comp);
169   ///@}
171   ///@{
172   /**
173    * Define the components of the field to be used for the tensor
174    * components.  Note that the parameter comp must lie between (0,9). To
175    * define the field component to use you specify an array name and the
176    * component in that array. The (min,max) values are the range of data in
177    * the component you wish to extract.
178    */
179   void SetTensorComponent(
180     int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
SetTensorComponent(int comp,const char * arrayName,int arrayComp)181   void SetTensorComponent(int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
182   {
183     this->SetTensorComponent(comp, arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1, this->DefaultNormalize);
184   }
185   const char* GetTensorComponentArrayName(int comp);
186   int GetTensorComponentArrayComponent(int comp);
187   int GetTensorComponentMinRange(int comp);
188   int GetTensorComponentMaxRange(int comp);
189   int GetTensorComponentNormalizeFlag(int comp);
190   ///@}
192   ///@{
193   /**
194    * Define the components of the field to be used for the cell texture coord
195    * components.  Note that the parameter comp must lie between (0,9). To
196    * define the field component to use you specify an array name and the
197    * component in that array. The (min,max) values are the range of data in
198    * the component you wish to extract.
199    */
200   void SetTCoordComponent(
201     int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
SetTCoordComponent(int comp,const char * arrayName,int arrayComp)202   void SetTCoordComponent(int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
203   {
204     this->SetTCoordComponent(comp, arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1, this->DefaultNormalize);
205   }
206   const char* GetTCoordComponentArrayName(int comp);
207   int GetTCoordComponentArrayComponent(int comp);
208   int GetTCoordComponentMinRange(int comp);
209   int GetTCoordComponentMaxRange(int comp);
210   int GetTCoordComponentNormalizeFlag(int comp);
211   ///@}
213   ///@{
214   /**
215    * Set the default Normalize() flag for those methods setting a default
216    * Normalize value (e.g., SetScalarComponents).
217    */
218   vtkSetMacro(DefaultNormalize, vtkTypeBool);
219   vtkGetMacro(DefaultNormalize, vtkTypeBool);
220   vtkBooleanMacro(DefaultNormalize, vtkTypeBool);
221   ///@}
223   // Helper functions, made public to support other classes
225   /**
226    * Given an array of names of arrays in field data, return the common type
227    * for these arrays. For example, if a vector is constructed of the three
228    * type (char,int,float), the return type is float.
229    */
230   static int GetComponentsType(int numComp, vtkDataArray** arrays);
232   /**
233    * Construct a portion of a data array (the comp portion) from another data
234    * array and its component. The variables min and max control the range of
235    * the data to use from the other data array; normalize is a flag that when
236    * set will normalize the data between (0,1).
237    */
238   static int ConstructArray(vtkDataArray* da, int comp, vtkDataArray* fieldArray, int fieldComp,
239     vtkIdType min, vtkIdType max, int normalize);
241   /**
242    * Return an array of a particular name from field data and do error checking.
243    */
244   static vtkDataArray* GetFieldArray(vtkFieldData* fd, const char* name, int comp);
246   /**
247    * Specify an array name for one of the components.
248    */
249   static void SetArrayName(vtkObject* self, char*& name, const char* newName);
251   /**
252    * Update the maximum and minimum component range values. Returns a flag
253    * indicating whether the range was updated.
254    */
255   static int UpdateComponentRange(vtkDataArray* da, vtkIdType compRange[2]);
257   /**
258    * If output does not need exact extent, the I do not either.
259    */
260   int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
262 protected:
263   vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter();
264   ~vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter() override;
266   int RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**,
267     vtkInformationVector*) override; // generate output data
269   int InputField;
270   int OutputAttributeData;
272   int NumberOfScalarComponents;         // the number of components to fill-in
273   char* ScalarArrays[4];                // the name of the arrays used to construct the scalar
274   int ScalarArrayComponents[4];         // the components of the arrays used to construct
275   vtkIdType ScalarComponentRange[4][2]; // the range of the components to use
276   int ScalarNormalize[4];               // flags control normalization
278   char* VectorArrays[3];                // the name of the arrays used to construct the vectors
279   int VectorArrayComponents[3];         // the components of the arrays used to construct
280   vtkIdType VectorComponentRange[3][2]; // the range of the components to use
281   int VectorNormalize[3];               // flags control normalization
283   char* GhostLevelArray;                 // the name of the array used to construct the ghost levels
284   int GhostLevelArrayComponent;          // the component of the array used to construct
285   vtkIdType GhostLevelComponentRange[2]; // the range of the components to use
286   int GhostLevelNormalize;               // flags control normalization
288   char* NormalArrays[3];                // the name of the arrays used to construct the normals
289   int NormalArrayComponents[3];         // the components of the arrays used to construct
290   vtkIdType NormalComponentRange[3][2]; // the range of the components to use
291   int NormalNormalize[3];               // flags control normalization
293   char* TensorArrays[9];                // the name of the arrays used to construct the tensors
294   int TensorArrayComponents[9];         // the components of the arrays used to construct
295   vtkIdType TensorComponentRange[9][2]; // the range of the components to use
296   int TensorNormalize[9];               // flags control normalization
298   int NumberOfTCoordComponents;         // the number of components to fill-in
299   char* TCoordArrays[3];                // the name of the arrays used to construct the tcoords
300   int TCoordArrayComponents[3];         // the components of the arrays used to construct
301   vtkIdType TCoordComponentRange[3][2]; // the range of the components to use
302   int TCoordNormalize[3];               // flags control normalization
304   vtkTypeBool DefaultNormalize;
306   void ConstructScalars(int num, vtkFieldData* fd, vtkDataSetAttributes* attr,
307     vtkIdType componentRange[4][2], char* arrays[4], int arrayComponents[4], int normalize[4],
308     int numComp);
309   void ConstructVectors(int num, vtkFieldData* fd, vtkDataSetAttributes* attr,
310     vtkIdType componentRange[3][2], char* arrays[3], int arrayComponents[3], int normalize[3]);
311   void ConstructGhostLevels(int num, vtkFieldData* fd, vtkDataSetAttributes* attr,
312     vtkIdType componentRange[2], char* array, int arrayComponent, int normalize);
313   void ConstructNormals(int num, vtkFieldData* fd, vtkDataSetAttributes* attr,
314     vtkIdType componentRange[3][2], char* arrays[3], int arrayComponents[3], int normalize[3]);
315   void ConstructTCoords(int num, vtkFieldData* fd, vtkDataSetAttributes* attr,
316     vtkIdType componentRange[3][2], char* arrays[3], int arrayComponents[3], int normalize[3],
317     int numComp);
318   void ConstructTensors(int num, vtkFieldData* fd, vtkDataSetAttributes* attr,
319     vtkIdType componentRange[9][2], char* arrays[9], int arrayComponents[9], int normalize[9]);
320   void ConstructFieldData(int num, vtkDataSetAttributes* attr);
322 private:
323   vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter(const vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter&) = delete;
324   void operator=(const vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter&) = delete;
325 };
327 #endif