1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkEnSightGoldReader.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkEnSightGoldReader
17  * @brief   class to read EnSight Gold files
18  *
19  * vtkEnSightGoldReader is a class to read EnSight Gold files into vtk.
20  * Because the different parts of the EnSight data can be of various data
21  * types, this reader produces multiple outputs, one per part in the input
22  * file.
23  * All variable information is being stored in field data.  The descriptions
24  * listed in the case file are used as the array names in the field data.
25  * For complex vector variables, the description is appended with _r (for the
26  * array of real values) and _i (for the array if imaginary values).  Complex
27  * scalar variables are stored as a single array with 2 components, real and
28  * imaginary, listed in that order.
29  * @warning
30  * You must manually call Update on this reader and then connect the rest
31  * of the pipeline because (due to the nature of the file format) it is
32  * not possible to know ahead of time how many outputs you will have or
33  * what types they will be.
34  * This reader can only handle static EnSight datasets (both static geometry
35  * and variables).
36  * @par Thanks:
37  * Thanks to Yvan Fournier for providing the code to support nfaced elements.
38  */
40 #ifndef vtkEnSightGoldReader_h
41 #define vtkEnSightGoldReader_h
43 #include "vtkEnSightReader.h"
44 #include "vtkIOEnSightModule.h" // For export macro
46 class vtkMultiBlockDataSet;
48 class VTKIOENSIGHT_EXPORT vtkEnSightGoldReader : public vtkEnSightReader
49 {
50 public:
51   static vtkEnSightGoldReader* New();
52   vtkTypeMacro(vtkEnSightGoldReader, vtkEnSightReader);
53   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
55 protected:
56   vtkEnSightGoldReader();
57   ~vtkEnSightGoldReader() override;
59   /**
60    * Read the geometry file.  If an error occurred, 0 is returned; otherwise 1.
61    */
62   int ReadGeometryFile(const char* fileName, int timeStep, vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
64   /**
65    * Read the measured geometry file.  If an error occurred, 0 is returned;
66    * otherwise 1.
67    */
68   int ReadMeasuredGeometryFile(
69     const char* fileName, int timeStep, vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
71   /**
72    * Read scalars per node for this dataset.  If an error occurred, 0 is
73    * returned; otherwise 1.  If there will be more than one component in
74    * the data array, it is assumed that 0 is the first component added.
75    */
76   int ReadScalarsPerNode(const char* fileName, const char* description, int timeStep,
77     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output, int measured = 0, int numberOfComponents = 1,
78     int component = 0) override;
80   /**
81    * Read vectors per node for this dataset.  If an error occurred, 0 is
82    * returned; otherwise 1.
83    */
84   int ReadVectorsPerNode(const char* fileName, const char* description, int timeStep,
85     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output, int measured = 0) override;
87   /**
88    * Read asimmetric tensors per node for this dataset.  If an error occurred, 0 is
89    * returned; otherwise 1.
90    */
91   int ReadAsymmetricTensorsPerNode(const char* fileName, const char* description, int timeStep,
92     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
94   /**
95    * Read tensors per node for this dataset.  If an error occurred, 0 is
96    * returned; otherwise 1.
97    */
98   int ReadTensorsPerNode(const char* fileName, const char* description, int timeStep,
99     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
101   /**
102    * Read scalars per element for this dataset.  If an error occurred, 0 is
103    * returned; otherwise 1.  If there will be more than one componenet in the
104    * data array, it is assumed that 0 is the first component added.
105    */
106   int ReadScalarsPerElement(const char* fileName, const char* description, int timeStep,
107     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output, int numberOfComponents = 1, int component = 0) override;
109   /**
110    * Read vectors per element for this dataset.  If an error occurred, 0 is
111    * returned; otherwise 1.
112    */
113   int ReadVectorsPerElement(const char* fileName, const char* description, int timeStep,
114     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
116   /**
117    * Read asymmetric tensors per element for this dataset.  If an error occurred, 0 is
118    * returned; otherwise 1.
119    */
120   int ReadAsymmetricTensorsPerElement(const char* fileName, const char* description, int timeStep,
121     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
123   /**
124    * Read tensors per element for this dataset.  If an error occurred, 0 is
125    * returned; otherwise 1.
126    */
127   int ReadTensorsPerElement(const char* fileName, const char* description, int timeStep,
128     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
130   /**
131    * Read an unstructured part (partId) from the geometry file and create a
132    * vtkUnstructuredGrid output.  Return 0 if EOF reached. Return -1 if
133    * an error occurred.
134    */
135   int CreateUnstructuredGridOutput(
136     int partId, char line[256], const char* name, vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
138   /**
139    * Read a structured part from the geometry file and create a
140    * vtkStructuredGrid output.  Return 0 if EOF reached.
141    */
142   int CreateStructuredGridOutput(
143     int partId, char line[256], const char* name, vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output) override;
145   /**
146    * Read a structured part from the geometry file and create a
147    * vtkRectilinearGrid output.  Return 0 if EOF reached.
148    */
149   int CreateRectilinearGridOutput(
150     int partId, char line[256], const char* name, vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output);
152   /**
153    * Read a structured part from the geometry file and create a
154    * vtkImageData output.  Return 0 if EOF reached.
155    */
156   int CreateImageDataOutput(
157     int partId, char line[256], const char* name, vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output);
159   int NodeIdsListed;
160   int ElementIdsListed;
162   class FileOffsetMapInternal;
163   FileOffsetMapInternal* FileOffsets;
165 private:
166   vtkEnSightGoldReader(const vtkEnSightGoldReader&) = delete;
167   void operator=(const vtkEnSightGoldReader&) = delete;
169   /**
170    * Opens a variable file name. This will compute the full path and then open
171    * it. `variableType` is simply used to report helpful error messages.
172    */
173   bool OpenVariableFile(const char* fname, const char* variableType);
175   /**
176    * Jump forward to a particular timestep in the variable file, if
177    * applicable.
178    */
179   bool SkipToTimeStep(const char* fileName, int timeStep);
181   class UndefPartialHelper;
182   friend class UndefPartialHelper;
183 };
185 #endif