1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 // .SECTION Description
16 //
17 //
18 // .SECTION See Also
20 #ifndef vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer_h
21 #define vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer_h
23 #include "vtkInteractionWidgetsModule.h" // For export macro
24 #include "vtkPointPlacer.h"
26 class vtkRenderer;
28 class VTKINTERACTIONWIDGETS_EXPORT vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer : public vtkPointPlacer
29 {
30 public:
31   /**
32    * Instantiate this class.
33    */
34   static vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer* New();
36   ///@{
37   /**
38    * Standard methods for instances of this class.
39    */
40   vtkTypeMacro(vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer, vtkPointPlacer);
41   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
42   ///@}
44   // Description:
45   // Given a renderer and a display position, compute
46   // the world position and orientation. The orientation
47   // computed by the placer will always line up with the
48   // standard coordinate axes. The world position will be
49   // computed by projecting the display position onto the
50   // focal plane. This method is typically used to place a
51   // point for the first time.
52   int ComputeWorldPosition(
53     vtkRenderer* ren, double displayPos[2], double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9]) override;
55   /**
56    * Given a renderer, a display position, and a reference
57    * world position, compute a new world position. The
58    * orientation will be the standard coordinate axes, and the
59    * computed world position will be created by projecting
60    * the display point onto a plane that is parallel to
61    * the focal plane and runs through the reference world
62    * position. This method is typically used to move existing
63    * points.
64    */
65   int ComputeWorldPosition(vtkRenderer* ren, double displayPos[2], double refWorldPos[3],
66     double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9]) override;
68   ///@{
69   /**
70    * Validate a world position. All world positions
71    * are valid so these methods always return 1.
72    */
73   int ValidateWorldPosition(double worldPos[3]) override;
74   int ValidateWorldPosition(double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9]) override;
75   ///@}
77   ///@{
78   /**
79    * Optionally specify a signed offset from the focal plane for the points to
80    * be placed at.  If negative, the constraint plane is offset closer to the
81    * camera. If positive, its further away from the camera.
82    */
83   vtkSetMacro(Offset, double);
84   vtkGetMacro(Offset, double);
85   ///@}
87   ///@{
88   /**
89    * Optionally Restrict the points to a set of bounds. The placer will
90    * invalidate points outside these bounds.
91    */
92   vtkSetVector6Macro(PointBounds, double);
93   vtkGetVector6Macro(PointBounds, double);
94   ///@}
96 protected:
97   vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer();
98   ~vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer() override;
100   void GetCurrentOrientation(double worldOrient[9]);
102   double PointBounds[6];
103   double Offset;
105 private:
106   vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer(const vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer&) = delete;
107   void operator=(const vtkFocalPlanePointPlacer&) = delete;
108 };
110 #endif