1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkRenderWindow.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow
17  * @brief   platform independent render window
18  *
19  *
20  * vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow provides a skeleton for implementing a render window
21  * using one's own OpenGL context and drawable.
22  * To be effective, one must register an observer for WindowMakeCurrentEvent,
23  * WindowIsCurrentEvent and WindowFrameEvent.  When this class sends a WindowIsCurrentEvent,
24  * the call data is an bool* which one can use to return whether the context is current.
25  */
27 #ifndef vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow_h
28 #define vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow_h
30 #include "vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.h"
31 #include "vtkRenderingOpenGL2Module.h" // For export macro
33 class VTKRENDERINGOPENGL2_EXPORT vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow : public vtkOpenGLRenderWindow
34 {
35 public:
36   static vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow* New();
37   vtkTypeMacro(vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow, vtkOpenGLRenderWindow);
38   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
40 protected:
41   vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow();
42   ~vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow() override;
44 public:
45   //! Cleans up graphics resources allocated in the context for this VTK scene.
46   void Finalize() override;
48   //! flush the pending drawing operations
49   //! Class user may to watch for WindowFrameEvent and act on it
50   void Frame() override;
52   //! Makes the context current.  It is the class user's
53   //! responsibility to watch for WindowMakeCurrentEvent and set it current.
54   void MakeCurrent() override;
56   //! Returns if the context is current.  It is the class user's
57   //! responsibility to watch for WindowIsCurrentEvent and set the bool* flag
58   //! passed through the call data parameter.
59   bool IsCurrent() override;
61   //! Returns if OpenGL is supported.  It is the class user's
62   //! responsibility to watch for WindowSupportsOpenGLEvent and set the int* flag
63   //! passed through the call data parameter.
64   int SupportsOpenGL() override;
66   //! Returns if the context is direct.  It is the class user's
67   //! responsibility to watch for WindowIsDirectEvent and set the int* flag
68   //! passed through the call data parameter.
69   vtkTypeBool IsDirect() override;
71   // {@
72   //! set the drawing buffers to use
73   void SetFrontLeftBuffer(unsigned int);
74   void SetFrontRightBuffer(unsigned int);
75   void SetBackLeftBuffer(unsigned int);
76   void SetBackRightBuffer(unsigned int);
77   // }@
79   void SetOwnContext(vtkTypeBool);
81   //! no-op (for API compat with OpenGL1).
PushState()82   void PushState() {}
83   //! no-op (for API compat with OpenGL1).
PopState()84   void PopState() {}
86   // {@
87   //! does nothing
88   void SetWindowId(void*) override;
89   void* GetGenericWindowId() override;
90   void SetDisplayId(void*) override;
91   void SetParentId(void*) override;
92   void* GetGenericDisplayId() override;
93   void* GetGenericParentId() override;
94   void* GetGenericContext() override;
95   void* GetGenericDrawable() override;
96   void SetWindowInfo(const char*) override;
97   void SetParentInfo(const char*) override;
98   int* GetScreenSize() VTK_SIZEHINT(2) override;
99   void HideCursor() override;
100   void ShowCursor() override;
101   void SetFullScreen(vtkTypeBool) override;
102   void WindowRemap() override;
103   vtkTypeBool GetEventPending() override;
104   void SetNextWindowId(void*) override;
105   void SetNextWindowInfo(const char*) override;
106   void CreateAWindow() override;
107   void DestroyWindow() override;
108   // }@
110   ///@{
111   /**
112    * Allow to update state within observer callback without changing
113    * data argument and MTime.
114    */
115   void SetIsDirect(vtkTypeBool newValue);
116   void SetSupportsOpenGL(int newValue);
117   void SetIsCurrent(bool newValue);
118   ///@}
120   /**
121    * Override the Render method to do some state management.
122    * This method saves the OpenGL state before asking its child renderers to
123    * render their image. Once this is done, the OpenGL state is restored.
124    * \sa vtkOpenGLRenderWindow::SaveGLState()
125    * \sa vtkOpenGLRenderWindow::RestoreGLState()
126    */
127   void Render() override;
129   /**
130    * Overridden to pass explicitly specified MaximumHardwareLineWidth, if any.
131    */
132   float GetMaximumHardwareLineWidth() override;
134   ///@{
135   /**
136    * Specify a non-zero line width to force the hardware line width determined
137    * by the window.
138    */
139   vtkSetClampMacro(ForceMaximumHardwareLineWidth, float, 0, VTK_FLOAT_MAX);
140   vtkGetMacro(ForceMaximumHardwareLineWidth, float);
141   ///@}
143   ///@{
144   /**
145    * Set this to true to indicate that the context is now ready. For backwards
146    * compatibility reasons, it's set to true by default. If set to false, the
147    * `Render` call will be skipped entirely.
148    */
149   vtkSetMacro(ReadyForRendering, bool);
150   vtkGetMacro(ReadyForRendering, bool);
152   /**
153    * Set the size of the screen in pixels.
154    * An HDTV for example would be 1920 x 1080 pixels.
155    */
156   vtkSetVector2Macro(ScreenSize, int);
158   /**
159    * Overridden to invoke vtkCommand::CursorChangedEvent
160    */
161   void SetCurrentCursor(int cShape) override;
163   // since we are using an external context it must
164   // specify if the window is mapped or not.
165   vtkSetMacro(Mapped, vtkTypeBool);
167   /**
168    * Overridden to simply call `GetReadyForRendering`
169    */
170   VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0(
171     "Deprecated in 9.1 because no one knows what it's for and nothing uses it")
172   bool IsDrawable() override;
174   /**
175    * Initialize OpenGL for this window.
176    */
177   void OpenGLInit() override;
179 protected:
180   /**
181    * Overridden to not attempt to read pixels if `this->ReadyForRendering` is
182    * false. In that case, this method will simply return `VTK_ERROR`. Otherwise,
183    * the superclass' implementation will be called.
184    */
185   int ReadPixels(
186     const vtkRecti& rect, int front, int glFormat, int glType, void* data, int right) override;
188   int SetPixelData(
189     int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned char* data, int front, int right) override;
190   int SetPixelData(
191     int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int front, int right) override;
192   int SetRGBACharPixelData(
193     int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned char* data, int front, int blend, int right) override;
194   int SetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int front,
195     int blend = 0, int right = 0) override;
197   int DirectStatus;
198   int SupportsOpenGLStatus;
199   bool CurrentStatus;
200   float ForceMaximumHardwareLineWidth;
201   bool ReadyForRendering;
203 private:
204   vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow(const vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow&) = delete;
205   void operator=(const vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow&) = delete;
206 };
208 #endif