1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
16 /*
17  * Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation.
18  * Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
19  * license for use of this work by or on behalf of the
20  * U.S. Government. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
21  * or without modification, are permitted provided that this Notice and any
22  * statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies.
23  */
25 #include "vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator.h"
27 #include "vtkAbstractVolumeMapper.h"
28 #include "vtkColorTransferFunction.h"
29 #include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
30 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
31 #include "vtkPiecewiseFunction.h"
32 #include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h"
33 #include "vtkVolume.h"
34 #include "vtkVolumeProperty.h"
36 #include <cmath>
38 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator);
42 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator()44 vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator::vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator()
45 {
46   this->Property = nullptr;
48   this->NumComponents = 0;
49   this->ColorTable = nullptr;
50   this->AttenuationTable = nullptr;
51   this->TableShift = nullptr;
52   this->TableScale = nullptr;
54   this->UseAverageColor = 0;
55   this->TransferFunctionTableSize = 1024;
56 }
~vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator()58 vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator::~vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator()
59 {
60   for (int i = 0; i < this->NumComponents; i++)
61   {
62     delete[] this->ColorTable[i];
63     delete[] this->AttenuationTable[i];
64   }
65   delete[] this->ColorTable;
66   delete[] this->AttenuationTable;
67   delete[] this->TableShift;
68   delete[] this->TableScale;
69 }
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)71 void vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
72 {
73   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
75   os << indent << "UseAverageColor: " << this->UseAverageColor << endl;
76   os << indent << "TransferFunctionTableSize: " << this->TransferFunctionTableSize << endl;
77 }
79 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetTransferFunctionTables(vtkDataArray * scalars)81 void vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator::GetTransferFunctionTables(vtkDataArray* scalars)
82 {
83   for (int i = 0; i < this->NumComponents; i++)
84   {
85     delete[] this->ColorTable[i];
86     delete[] this->AttenuationTable[i];
87   }
88   delete[] this->ColorTable;
89   delete[] this->AttenuationTable;
90   delete[] this->TableShift;
91   delete[] this->TableScale;
93   this->NumComponents = scalars->GetNumberOfComponents();
95   this->ColorTable = new float*[this->NumComponents];
96   this->AttenuationTable = new float*[this->NumComponents];
97   this->TableShift = new double[this->NumComponents];
98   this->TableScale = new double[this->NumComponents];
100   for (int c = 0; c < this->NumComponents; c++)
101   {
102     double range[2];
103     scalars->GetRange(range, c);
104     if (range[0] >= range[1])
105     {
106       range[1] = range[0] + 1;
107     }
108     this->TableScale[c] = this->TransferFunctionTableSize / (range[1] - range[0]);
109     this->TableShift[c] = -range[0] * this->TransferFunctionTableSize / (range[1] - range[0]);
111     this->ColorTable[c] = new float[3 * this->TransferFunctionTableSize];
112     if (this->Property->GetColorChannels(c) == 1)
113     {
114       // Get gray values.  Store temporarily in allocated RGB array.
115       this->Property->GetGrayTransferFunction(c)->GetTable(
116         range[0], range[1], this->TransferFunctionTableSize, this->ColorTable[c]);
117       // Convert gray into RGB.  Copy backward so that we can use the same
118       // array.
119       for (int i = this->TransferFunctionTableSize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
120       {
121         this->ColorTable[c][3 * i + 0] = this->ColorTable[c][3 * i + 1] =
122           this->ColorTable[c][3 * i + 2] = this->ColorTable[c][i];
123       }
124     }
125     else
126     {
127       this->Property->GetRGBTransferFunction(c)->GetTable(
128         range[0], range[1], this->TransferFunctionTableSize, this->ColorTable[c]);
129     }
131     this->AttenuationTable[c] = new float[this->TransferFunctionTableSize];
132     this->Property->GetScalarOpacity(c)->GetTable(
133       range[0], range[1], this->TransferFunctionTableSize, this->AttenuationTable[c]);
135     // Adjust attenuation by scalar unit length.  This will make the unit
136     // length the same as the model.
137     float unitlength = this->Property->GetScalarOpacityUnitDistance(c);
138     for (int i = 0; i < this->TransferFunctionTableSize; i++)
139     {
140       this->AttenuationTable[c][i] /= unitlength;
141     }
142   }
144   this->TablesBuilt.Modified();
145 }
147 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize(vtkVolume * volume,vtkDataArray * scalars)149 void vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator::Initialize(
150   vtkVolume* volume, vtkDataArray* scalars)
151 {
152   vtkVolumeProperty* property = volume->GetProperty();
154   if ((property == this->Property) && (this->TablesBuilt > property->GetMTime()) &&
155     (this->TablesBuilt > this->MTime))
156   {
157     // Nothing changed from the last time Initialize was run.
158     return;
159   }
161   this->Property = property;
162   this->Volume = volume;
164   if (property->GetIndependentComponents())
165   {
166     this->GetTransferFunctionTables(scalars);
167   }
168 }
170 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Integrate(vtkDoubleArray * intersectionLengths,vtkDataArray * nearIntersections,vtkDataArray * vtkNotUsed (farIntersections),float color[4])172 void vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator::Integrate(vtkDoubleArray* intersectionLengths,
173   vtkDataArray* nearIntersections, vtkDataArray* vtkNotUsed(farIntersections), float color[4])
174 {
175   vtkIdType numIntersections = intersectionLengths->GetNumberOfTuples();
177   if (this->Property->GetIndependentComponents())
178   {
179     if (this->NumComponents == 1)
180     {
181       // Optimize for what I think is one of the most common uses.
182       for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < numIntersections; i++)
183       {
184         int table_index =
185           (int)(this->TableScale[0] * nearIntersections->GetComponent(i, 0) + this->TableShift[0]);
186         if (table_index < 0)
187         {
188           table_index = 0;
189         }
190         if (table_index >= this->TransferFunctionTableSize)
191         {
192           table_index = this->TransferFunctionTableSize - 1;
193         }
194         float* c = this->ColorTable[0] + 3 * table_index;
195         float tau = this->AttenuationTable[0][table_index];
196         float alpha = 1 - (float)exp(-intersectionLengths->GetComponent(i, 0) * tau);
197         color[0] += c[0] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
198         color[1] += c[1] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
199         color[2] += c[2] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
200         color[3] += alpha * (1 - color[3]);
201       }
202     }
203     else
204     {
205       // Generic case.
206       for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < numIntersections; i++)
207       {
208         float newcolor[4];
209         int table_index =
210           (int)(this->TableScale[0] * nearIntersections->GetComponent(i, 0) + this->TableShift[0]);
211         if (table_index < 0)
212         {
213           table_index = 0;
214         }
215         if (table_index >= this->TransferFunctionTableSize)
216         {
217           table_index = this->TransferFunctionTableSize - 1;
218         }
219         float* c = this->ColorTable[0] + 3 * table_index;
220         float tau = this->AttenuationTable[0][table_index];
221         newcolor[0] = c[0];
222         newcolor[1] = c[1];
223         newcolor[2] = c[2];
224         newcolor[3] = tau;
225         for (int component = 1; component < this->NumComponents; component++)
226         {
227           table_index =
228             (int)(this->TableScale[component] * nearIntersections->GetComponent(i, component) +
229               this->TableShift[component]);
230           if (table_index < 0)
231           {
232             table_index = 0;
233           }
234           if (table_index >= this->TransferFunctionTableSize)
235           {
236             table_index = this->TransferFunctionTableSize - 1;
237           }
238           c = this->ColorTable[component] + 3 * table_index;
239           tau = this->AttenuationTable[component][table_index];
240           // Here we handle the mixing of material properties.  This never
241           // seems to be defined very clearly.  I handle this by assuming
242           // that each scalar represents a cloud of particles of a certain
243           // color and a certain density.  We mix the scalars in the same
244           // way as mixing these particles together.  By necessity, the
245           // density becomes greater.  The "opacity" parameter is really
246           // interpreted as the attenuation coefficient (which is
247           // proportional to density) and can therefore easily be greater
248           // than one.  The opacity of the resulting color will, however,
249           // always be scaled between 0 and 1.
250           if (tau + newcolor[3] > 1.0e-8f)
251           {
252             newcolor[0] *= newcolor[3] / (tau + newcolor[3]);
253             newcolor[1] *= newcolor[3] / (tau + newcolor[3]);
254             newcolor[2] *= newcolor[3] / (tau + newcolor[3]);
255             newcolor[0] += c[0] * tau / (tau + newcolor[3]);
256             newcolor[1] += c[1] * tau / (tau + newcolor[3]);
257             newcolor[2] += c[2] * tau / (tau + newcolor[3]);
258             newcolor[3] += tau;
259           }
260         }
261         float alpha = 1 - (float)exp(-intersectionLengths->GetComponent(i, 0) * newcolor[3]);
262         color[0] += newcolor[0] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
263         color[1] += newcolor[1] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
264         color[2] += newcolor[2] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
265         color[3] += alpha * (1 - color[3]);
266       }
267     }
268   }
269   else
270   {
271     int numComponents = nearIntersections->GetNumberOfComponents();
272     for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < numIntersections; i++)
273     {
274       double c[4];
275       if (numComponents == 4)
276       {
277         nearIntersections->GetTuple(i, c);
278       }
279       else
280       {
281         double* lt = nearIntersections->GetTuple(i);
282         c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = lt[0];
283         c[3] = lt[1];
284       }
285       float alpha = 1 - (float)exp(-intersectionLengths->GetComponent(i, 0) * c[3]);
286       color[0] += (float)c[0] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
287       color[1] += (float)c[1] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
288       color[2] += (float)c[2] * alpha * (1 - color[3]);
289       color[3] += alpha * (1 - color[3]);
290     }
291   }
292 }