1 /*
2  * Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
3  * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
4  * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
5  *
6  * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
7  */
9 #include "exodusII.h"
11 /*!
12 \deprecated Use ex_put_conn()(exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, elem_blk_id, connect, 0, 0)
14 The function ex_put_elem_conn() writes the connectivity array for an
15 element block. The function ex_put_elem_block() must be invoked before
16 this call is made.
18 \return In case of an error, ex_put_elem_conn() returns a negative
19 number; a warning will return a positive number.  Possible causes of
20 errors include:
21   -  data file opened for read only.
22   -  data file not initialized properly with call to ex_put_init().
23   -  ex_put_elem_block() was not called previously.
25 \param[in] exoid        exodus file ID returned from a previous call to
26 ex_create() or ex_open().
27 \param[in] elem_blk_id  The element block ID.
28 \param[in] connect      Size [num_elem_this_blk,num_nodes_per_elem],
29                         The connectivity array; a list of nodes (internal node
30 IDs;
31                         See Section LocalNodeIds) that define each element in
32 the element
33                         block. The node index cycles faster than the element
34 index.
36 Refer to the code example in ex_put_elem_block() for an example of
37 writing the connectivity array for an element block.
39 */
ex_put_elem_conn(int exoid,ex_entity_id elem_blk_id,const void_int * connect)41 int ex_put_elem_conn(int exoid, ex_entity_id elem_blk_id, const void_int *connect)
42 {
43   return ex_put_conn(exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, elem_blk_id, connect, 0, 0);
44 }