1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright 2020 wxMaxima Team -->
3<component type="desktop">
4  <id>io.github.wxmaxima_developers.wxMaxima</id>
5  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
6  <project_license>GPL-2.0+</project_license>
7  <name>wxMaxima</name>
8  <update_contact>wxMaxima@physikbuch.de</update_contact>
9  <summary>A graphical user interface for Maxima, a powerful computer algebra system</summary>
10  <description>
11    <p>
12      wxMaxima is a graphical user interface for the computer algebra system Maxima:
13      a program that solves mathematical problems by manipulating
14      equations (and outputting the resulting formula), instead of just
15      calculating a number. wxMaxima eases the use of Maxima by making
16      most of its commands available through a menu system and by
17      providing input dialogs for commands that require more than one
18      argument. It also implements its own display engine that outputs
19      mathematical symbols directly instead of depicting them with
20      ASCII characters.
21    </p>
22    <p>
23      wxMaxima also features 2D and 3D inline plots, simple animations,
24      mixing of text and mathematical calculations to create documents,
25      exporting of input and output to TeX, document structuring and a
26      browser for Maxima's manual including command index and full text
27      searching.
28    </p>
29  </description>
30  <screenshots>
31    <screenshot type="default">
32      <image>https://wxMaxima-developers.github.io/wxmaxima/images/linux_1.png</image>
33      <caption>An example of a plot embedded in a work sheet</caption>
34    </screenshot>
35  </screenshots>
36  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima/issues</url>
37  <url type="homepage">https://wxMaxima-developers.github.io/wxmaxima/</url>
38  <url type="help">https://wxmaxima-developers.github.io/wxmaxima/help.html</url>
39  <developer_name>wxMaxima Team</developer_name>
40  <kudos>
41    <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
42    <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
43    <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
44  </kudos>
45  <launchable type="desktop-id">io.github.wxmaxima_developers.wxMaxima.desktop</launchable>
46  <provides>
47    <binary>wxMaxima</binary>
48  </provides>
49  <translation type="gettext">wxMaxima</translation>
50  <content_rating type="oars-1.0">
51    <content_attribute id="social-info">mild</content_attribute>
52  </content_rating>
53  <releases>
54    <release version="20.04.0" date="2020-04-18">
55      <description>
56	<p>
57	  MacOS X compatibility, tons of bugfixes and many new features.
58	</p>
59        <ul>
60	  <li>Resolved a crash on right-clicking a GroupCell</li>
61	  <li>Help works again in the german translation</li>
62	  <li>View/Invert worksheet brightness now toggles an instant dark worksheet mode</li>
63	  <li>Removed an unnecessary info dialogue on startup</li>
64	  <li>Right-click-suggestions for similar command names</li>
65	  <li>Corrected the initial slideshow size</li>
66	  <li>An Ukrainian translation update from Yuri Chornoivan</li>
67	  <li>A Russian translation update from OlesyaGerasimenko</li>
68	  <li>A more stable language selection mechanism</li>
69	  <li>Extended the "fitting data" example</li>
70	  <li>A example on how to iterate through lists efficiently</li>
71	  <li>Many spelling corrections and better formulations</li>
72	  <li>A big number of small bug-fixes</li>
73	  <li>Another noticeable SpeedUp</li>
74        </ul>
75      </description>
76    </release>
77    <release version="20.03.1" date="2020-03-15">
78      <description>
79	<p>
80	  The last release introduced a crash that was easy to trigger.
81	  In order to prevent a situation in which every packager has to
82	  search for a remedy separately a new release was made.
83	</p>
84        <ul>
85	  <li>Resolved a crash on right-clicking a GroupCell</li>
86	  <li>Help works again in the german translation</li>
87	  <li>Removed an unnecessary info dialogue on startup</li>
88	  <li>Right-click-suggestions for similar command names</li>
89        </ul>
90      </description>
91    </release>
92    <release version="20.03.0" date="2020-03-13">
93      <description>
94	<p>
95	  A bugfix-only release.
96	</p>
97        <ul>
98	  <li>Corrected a few last bugs for pre- and post- super- and subscripts</li>
99	  <li>Many improvements to the manpage and the html documentation</li>
100	  <li>Improved support for pre- and post- super- and subscripts provided
101	  by Robert Dodier</li>
102	  <li>Now the system's web browser is used for showing help</li>
103	  <li>Support for importing static and some types of animated gif files</li>
104	  <li>Animation frames created using draw() now can be popped out
105	  interactively</li>
106	  <li>A option to configure the max amount of gnuplot data to save for
107	  this feature</li>
108	  <li>wxMaxima now no more crashes on FreeBSD</li>
109	  <li>wxMaxima now tries not to use stderr as stderr on the mac breaks
110	  communication with maxima</li>
111	  <li>As always: Many additional bugfixes</li>
112        </ul>
113      </description>
114    </release>
115    <release version="20.02.4" date="2020-02-24">
116      <description>
117	<p>
118	  A bugfix-only release.
119	</p>
120        <ul>
121	  <li>Corrected a few last bugs for pre- and post- super- and subscripts</li>
122        </ul>
123      </description>
124    </release>
125    <release version="20.02.3" date="2020-02-23">
126      <description>
127	<p>
128	  A features-only release (except for spelling corrections).
129	</p>
130        <ul>
131	  <li>Support for pre- and post- super- and subscripts</li>
132        </ul>
133      </description>
134    </release>
135    <release version="20.02.2" date="2020-02-22">
136      <description>
137	<p>
138	  A bugfix release.
139	</p>
140        <ul>
141	  <li>Resolved two deadlocks that were introduced in 20.02.1</li>
142	  <li>Resolved two asserts on MS Windows</li>
143	  <li>Actually included the russian translation update</li>
144	  <li>Many code cleanups and additional bug fixes</li>
145	  <li>Another small performance boost</li>
146        </ul>
147      </description>
148    </release>
149    <release version="20.02.1" date="2020-02-13">
150      <description>
151	<p>
152	  Multithreading and bug fixes.
153	</p>
154        <ul>
155	  <li>wxMaxima now can use Multi-threading, if a new enough OpenMP is found</li>
156	  <li>Better scroll wheel support</li>
157	  <li>A Russian translation update by OlesyaGerasimenko</li>
158	  <li>It was possible that a part of a fraction wasn't displayed</li>
159	  <li>Several additional bug fixes</li>
160	  <li>Cppcheck code analysis now is only run if explicitly enabled</li>
161	  <li>The minimum cmake version now is 3.7</li>
162        </ul>
163      </description>
164    </release>
166    <release version="20.02.0" date="2020-02-01">
167      <description>
168	<p>
169	  Bugfixes and better unicode support.
170	</p>
171        <ul>
172	  <li>The MacOs build should now generate working .dmg installers</li>
173	  <li>Another small tutorial</li>
174	  <li>Symbols sidebar: Correctly remember additional symbols</li>
175	  <li>Unicode chars can now be input using the hexcode+alt+x method</li>
176	  <li>A unicode sidebar that isn't shown by default as it starts up slow</li>
177	  <li>Resolved an assert shown by some systems on startup</li>
178	  <li>Many corrections to the display routines</li>
179        </ul>
180      </description>
181    </release>
182    <release version="20.01.3" date="2020-01-22">
183      <description>
184	<p>
185	  Another bugfix release.
186	</p>
187        <ul>
188	  <li>Language selection now works even on systems with missing language support</li>
189	  <li>Resolved a copy-and-paste regression</li>
190	  <li>A russian translation update by OlesyaGerasimenko</li>
191	  <li>German translation updates</li>
192	  <li>Improved stability of the communication with Maxima</li>
193	  <li>Preparation for Maxima's pre-sub-and supscript feature</li>
194	  <li>Corrected a few visual glitches of the worksheet</li>
195	  <li>More tutorials describing a few of Maxima's features</li>
196        </ul>
197      </description>
198    </release>
199    <release version="20.01.2" date="2020-01-06">
200      <description>
201	<p>
202	  Several important bugfixes.
203	</p>
204        <ul>
205	  <li>Corrected html export of the lowest sectioning unit</li>
206	  <li>Sometimes text after fractions wasn't displayed</li>
207	  <li>Copy-and-paste should now work in more cases</li>
208	  <li>Selecting text within fractions should now work again</li>
209	  <li>Corrected a few display glitches of the worksheet</li>
210	  <li>wxMaxima now comes with five example files</li>
211	  <li>More and better-working mouse-over tooltips</li>
212        </ul>
213      </description>
214    </release>
215    <release version="20.01.1" date="2020-01-01">
216      <description>
217	<p>
218	  Small improvements prior to the maxima release.
219	</p>
220        <ul>
221	  <li>Resolved a crash whilst unpacking the svg icons</li>
222	  <li>Nice menu icons for the operating systems that support this</li>
223	  <li>Started to bundle small tutorials with wxMaxima</li>
224	  <li>Many small additional bug fixes</li>
225        </ul>
226      </description>
227    </release>
228    <release version="19.12.4" date="2019-12-28">
229      <description>
230	<p>
231	  Resolved a crash.
232	</p>
233        <ul>
234	  <li>Unpacking the svg icons no more can lead to an infinite size file</li>
235        </ul>
236      </description>
237    </release>
238    <release version="19.12.3" date="2019-12-27">
239      <description>
240	<p>
241	  Big improvements for the graphical output.
242	</p>
243        <ul>
244	  <li>A Russian traslation update by OlesyaGerasimenko</li>
245	  <li>The manual is now found on Gentoo, too</li>
246	  <li>Big improvements to the maths output</li>
247	  <li>A major speedUp by caching already-determined text snippet sizes</li>
248	  <li>All icons that aren't provided by the operating system now are
249	  rendered from SVG</li>
250	  <li>Internal communication with maxima is now more MathML-like in
251	  many places</li>
252	  <li>Many additional small bug fixes</li>
253        </ul>
254      </description>
255    </release>
256    <release version="19.12.2" date="2019-12-22">
257      <description>
258	<p>
259	  A new release that improves usability.
260	</p>
261        <ul>
262	  <li>An hungarian translation update by István Blahota</li>
263	  <li>Drastically sped up the lookalike char detection</li>
264	  <li>Fixes for many small bugs</li>
265	  <li>Many changes that prevent typical programming errors</li>
266	  <li>Saving to .wxm sets the worksheet to "saved" again</li>
267	  <li>More cases of modern wxWidgets signal handling</li>
268	  <li>SVG support that unfortunately lacks a font renderer</li>
269	  <li>Right-click menus for the symbols sidebars</li>
270	  <li>(Mostly) fixed the index in the manual</li>
271	  <li>Allow building and installing the manual in other formats (epub, pdf, ...)</li>
272        </ul>
273      </description>
274    </release>
275    <release version="19.12.1" date="2019-12-06">
276      <description>
277	<p>
278	  A new release bringing in a feature requested by the maxima-
279	  discuss mailing list.
280	</p>
281        <ul>
282	  <li>Made the tooltips more visible</li>
283	  <li>Added a warning tooltip about missing multiplication signs</li>
284	  <li>Sped up drawing of new cells correcting the size calculations</li>
285	  <li>Warn if lookalike chars are used</li>
286	  <li>An option to turn all multiplication dots on</li>
287	  <li>A few additional bug fixes that (besides others) resolve a potential crash</li>
288        </ul>
289    </description>
290    </release>
291    <release version="19.12.0" date="2019-12-01">
292      <description>
293	<p>
294	  This release contains many non-user visible changes and tons of bug
295	  fixes.
296	</p>
297        <ul>
298	  <li>wxMaxima now uses C++11 that makes the code more readable and helps
299	  finding bugs</li>
300	  <li>If found wxMaxima now asks cppcheck to find bugs</li>
301	  <li>Increased the speed of the program again</li>
302	  <li>Opening the config dialogue since 19.11.0 unchecked "offer known answers"</li>
303	  <li>Changing the worksheet style was partially broken</li>
304	  <li>A big number of additional small bug fixes in various places</li>
305	  <li>A config option that forces displaying all multiplication signs</li>
306        </ul>
307    </description>
308    </release>
310    <release version="19.11.1" date="2019-11-17">
311      <description>
312	<p>
313	  A bugfix release.
314	</p>
315        <ul>
316	  <li>Improved italian translation by Marco Ciampa</li>
317	  <li>Autocompletion no more causes asserts</li>
318	  <li>A better logic that decides which cell to send to maxima</li>
319	  <li>wxMaxima now supports "-l", "-u" and "-X" command-line args like maxima</li>
320	  <li>The help files now are all installed in the Right Place</li>
321	  <li>Many additional small bug fixes</li>
322        </ul>
323    </description>
324    </release>
325    <release version="19.11.0" date="2019-11-11">
326      <description>
327	<p>
328	  A release that contains usability improvements and bug fixes.
329	</p>
330        <ul>
331	  <li>Chinese translation updates from liulitchi</li>
332	  <li>Turkish translation updates from TufanSirin</li>
333	  <li>Hungarian translation updates from Blahota István</li>
334	  <li>German translation updates from Wolfgang Dautermann and Gunter Königsmann</li>
335	  <li>Better detection of the Gnuplot location</li>
336	  <li>Better detection of the right place to open autocomplete popups in</li>
337	  <li>Better formatting of special unicode operators</li>
338	  <li>If autosave on closing fails: Allow the user to ask to exit anyway</li>
339	  <li>Enable Autosave even if the option to keep the file saved is disabled</li>
340	  <li>A context menu with the "display labels" choices</li>
341	  <li>A context menu with "max number of digits" choices</li>
342	  <li>A speedup by preventing recursive calls to resize functions</li>
343	  <li>Corrected parametric plots in the plot wizard</li>
344	  <li>A command-line switch that copies all log messages to stderr</li>
345	  <li>Batch mode no more adds documents to "recent documents"</li>
346	  <li>For purists: A "don't offer known answers" config option</li>
347	  <li>Now some toolbar items can be disabled</li>
348	  <li>Added more toolbar buttons that evaluate cells</li>
349	  <li>Many additional bug fixes</li>
350        </ul>
351    </description>
352    </release>
353    <release version="19.10.0" date="2019-10-04">
354      <description>
355	<p>
356	  Resolved an Regression.
357	</p>
358        <ul>
359	  <li>Corrected a Regression: The better display of exponents failed for exp(x^2)</li>
360          <li>Seems like some Windows computers only have a numpad enter key</li>
361          <li>Chinese translation updates from liulitchi</li>
362          <li>Russian translation updates from OlesyaGerasimenko</li>
363        </ul>
364      </description>
365    </release>
366    <release version="19.09.1" date="2019-09-30">
367      <description>
368	<p>
369	  Many small improvements, thanks to all the testers!
370	</p>
371        <ul>
372	  <li>The names of greek letters are no more converted to greek letters in variable
373	  names by default</li>
374          <li>Smarter Formatting of asterisk and hyphen</li>
375          <li>An automatic per-commit Windows Build for Appveyor</li>
376          <li>Always recalculate the worksheet size when needed</li>
377          <li>Better vertical alignment of exponents</li>
378          <li>The layout is now more consistent between platforms</li>
379	  <li> Chinese translation updates from liulitchi</li>
380	  <li>wxMaxima now remembers the question for each answer, not only its number</li>
381	  <li>Now the manual can be localized, too</li>
382	  <li>Non-breaking spaces are now replaced by ordinary spaces
383	  before being sent to maxima</li>
384	  <li>As always: Many additional bug fixes</li>
385        </ul>
386      </description>
387    </release>
388    <release version="19.09.0" date="2019-09-08">
389      <description>
390	<p>
391	  Bugfix release.
392	</p>
393        <ul>
394          <li>Handle timeouts when writing to Maxima and partial writes</li>
395          <li>Worksheet text disappeared on scrolling on some platforms</li>
396          <li>Sped up sending code to Maxima</li>
397          <li>No more quoting of Unicode characters within strings sent to Maxima</li>
398        </ul>
399      </description>
400    </release>
401    <release version="19.08.1" date="2019-08-17">
402      <description>
403	<p>
404	  Another bugfix release.
405	</p>
406        <ul>
407          <li>Bugfixes for nearly every instance something was drawn on the screen</li>
408          <li>Better handling of multi-cell lisp code</li>
409        </ul>
410      </description>
411    </release>
412    <release version="19.08.0" date="2019-08-14">
413      <description>
414	<p>
415	  A bugfix release.
416	</p>
417        <ul>
418          <li>Updated the russian translation</li>
419          <li>More and better test cases</li>
420          <li>Another SpeedUp involving drawing the worksheet</li>
421          <li>Correctly handle nested comments</li>
422          <li>Format lisp code correctly</li>
423          <li>Correctly read the default style</li>
424          <li>Gracefully handle invalid colors</li>
425          <li>Changed the default communication port to 40100</li>
426          <li>Several fixes for different combinations of wxWidgets and GTK versions</li>
427        </ul>
428      </description>
429    </release>
430  </releases>