1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18   \file termUtils.cpp
19   \author N. Kielbasiewicz
20   \since 27 feb 2013
21   \date 1 mar 2013
23   \brief Implementation of term utility functions
24 */
26 #include "termUtils.hpp"
27 #include "../TermMatrix.hpp"
28 #include "../KernelOperatorOnTermVector.hpp"
29 #include "../../form/BilinearForm.hpp"
30 #include "SauterSchwabIM.hpp"
31 #include "DuffyIM.hpp"
32 #include <vector>
33 #include <sstream>
35 namespace xlifepp
36 {
38 //! special cast function used by FEComputation's
toRealComplex(const Vector<real_t> & v,const complex_t & c)39 real_t toRealComplex(const Vector<real_t>& v,const complex_t& c) {return c.real();}
toRealComplex(const Vector<complex_t> &,const complex_t & c)40 complex_t toRealComplex(const Vector<complex_t>&,const complex_t& c) {return c;}
toRealComplex(const Vector<Vector<real_t>> & v,const complex_t & c)41 real_t toRealComplex(const Vector<Vector<real_t> >& v,const complex_t& c) {return c.real();}
toRealComplex(const Vector<Vector<complex_t>> & v,const complex_t & c)42 complex_t toRealComplex(const Vector<Vector<complex_t> >& v,const complex_t& c) {return c;}
44 // build a storage from a pair of Space
45 // for FE space it is assumed that only connected dofs in contiguous elements give non zero values
46 // FE spaces must live on same domain
buildStorage(const Space & rs,const Space & cs,StorageType st,AccessType at)47 MatrixStorage* buildStorage(const Space& rs, const Space& cs, StorageType st, AccessType at)
48 {
49   trace_p->push("buildStorage");
51   // the storage id is built from the adresses of Space objects
52   std::stringstream ss;
53   ss << &rs << "-" << &cs;
54   MatrixStorage* res = findMatrixStorage(ss.str(), st, at);
56   if(res != 0)
57     {
58       // the storage already exists, then we return a pointer to
59       trace_p->pop();
60       return res;
61     }
63   // we have to build a new storage
64   //detect special case : one domain is the extension of the other
65   const MeshDomain* cdom = cs.domain()->meshDomain(), *rdom = rs.domain()->meshDomain();
66   string_t extension="";
67   if(cdom!=0 && rdom!=0 && cdom!=rdom)
68     {
69       if(cdom->extensionof_p == rdom) extension="c=ext_r";
70       if(rdom->extensionof_p == cdom) extension="r=ext_c";
71     }
72   std::vector<number_t>::const_iterator cit_r, cit_c;
74   //build col index
75   number_t dimr=rs.nbDofs(), dimc=cs.nbDofs();
76   std::vector<std::set<number_t> > colset;      // temporary vector of col index
77   if(st!=_dense)
78     {
79       colset.resize(dimr);
80       if(rs.typeOfSubSpace() == _spSpace || cs.typeOfSubSpace() == _spSpace || (cs.domain()!=rs.domain() && extension==""))
81         {
82           std::set<number_t> colInd;
83           std::set<number_t>::iterator jt=colInd.begin();
84           for(number_t j = 0; j < dimc; j++) jt=colInd.insert(jt, j + 1);
85           std::vector<std::set<number_t> >::iterator it=colset.begin();
86           for(number_t i = 0; i < dimr; i++, it++) { *it = colInd; }
87         }
89       else if(extension=="c=ext_r") // case of extension of row domain
90         {
92           std::set<GeomElement*> elts_ext(cdom->geomElements.begin(),cdom->geomElements.end()); //set of column geom elements
93           number_t n = rs.nbOfElements();
94           for(number_t k = 0; k < n; k++)  //loop on side domain elements
95             {
96               std::vector<number_t> red = rs.elementDofs(k);            // row dof ranks for element k
97               GeomElement* gelt = rs.element_p(k)->geomElt_p;           // geometric element supporting side element
98               std::vector<GeoNumPair>& parents=gelt->parentSides();     // parent of side element
99               std::vector<GeoNumPair>::iterator itp=parents.begin();
100               for(; itp!=parents.end(); ++itp)  //loop on parents
101                 if(elts_ext.find(itp->first)!=elts_ext.end())     //parent elts in extended domain
102                   {
103                     std::vector<number_t> ced = cs.elementDofs(cs.numElement(itp->first)); // col dof ranks for element k ### A VERIFIER
104                     for(cit_r = red.begin(); cit_r != red.end(); cit_r++)
105                       for(cit_c = ced.begin(); cit_c != ced.end(); cit_c++)
106                         colset[*cit_r - 1].insert(*cit_c);
107                   }
108             }
109         }
110       else if(extension=="r=ext_c") // case of a extension of col domain
111         {
112           std::set<GeomElement*> elts_ext(rdom->geomElements.begin(),rdom->geomElements.end());//set of row geom elements
113           number_t n = cs.nbOfElements();
114           for(number_t k = 0; k < n; k++)  //loop on side domain elements
115             {
116               std::vector<number_t> ced = cs.elementDofs(k);            // col dof ranks for element k
117               GeomElement* gelt = cs.element_p(k)->geomElt_p;           // geometric element supporting side element
118               std::vector<GeoNumPair>& parents=gelt->parentSides();     // parent of side element
119               std::vector<GeoNumPair>::iterator itp=parents.begin();
120               for(; itp!=parents.end(); ++itp)  //loop on parents
121                 if(elts_ext.find(itp->first)!=elts_ext.end())     //parent elts in extended domain
122                   {
123                     std::vector<number_t> red = rs.elementDofs(rs.numElement(itp->first)); // row dof ranks for element k ### A VERIFIER
124                     for(cit_r = red.begin(); cit_r != red.end(); cit_r++)
125                       for(cit_c = ced.begin(); cit_c != ced.end(); cit_c++)
126                         colset[*cit_r - 1].insert(*cit_c);
127                   }
128             }
129         }
130       else     // both spaces are standard finite element spaces
131         {
132           number_t n = rs.nbOfElements();
133           // build list of col index for each rows
134           if(at!=_sym)
135             {
136               for(number_t k = 0; k < n; k++)
137                 {
138                   // dof ranks for element k
139                   std::vector<number_t> red = rs.elementDofs(k);               // row dof ranks for element k
140                   GeomElement* gelt = rs.element_p(k)->geomElt_p;              // geometric element supporting element
141                   number_t kc=k;
142                   if(cs.element_p(k)->geomElt_p!=gelt) kc=cs.numElement(gelt); //not the same support, find the right one
143                   std::vector<number_t> ced = cs.elementDofs(kc);              // col dof ranks for element k
144                   for(cit_r = red.begin(); cit_r != red.end(); cit_r++)
145                     for(cit_c = ced.begin(); cit_c != ced.end(); cit_c++)
146                       colset[*cit_r - 1].insert(*cit_c);
147                 }
148             }
149           else //symmetric storage : keep only  strict lower part indices
150             {
151               for(number_t k = 0; k < n; k++)
152                 {
153                   std::vector<number_t> red = rs.elementDofs(k);               // row dof ranks for element k
154                   GeomElement* gelt = rs.element_p(k)->geomElt_p;              // geometric element supporting element
155                   number_t kc=k;
156                   if(cs.element_p(k)->geomElt_p!=gelt) kc=cs.numElement(gelt); //not the same support, find the right one
157                   std::vector<number_t> ced = cs.elementDofs(kc);              // col dof ranks for element k
158                   for(cit_r = red.begin(); cit_r != red.end(); cit_r++)
159                     for(cit_c = ced.begin(); cit_c != ced.end(); cit_c++)
160                       if(*cit_r > *cit_c) colset[*cit_r - 1].insert(*cit_c);
161                 }
162             }
163         }
164     }
165   // construct the storage with the column indices by rows
166   switch(st)
167     {
168       case _cs :
169         switch(at)
170           {
171             case _sym :  trace_p->pop(); return new SymCsStorage(dimr, colset, _lower, ss.str());
172             case _row :  trace_p->pop(); return new RowCsStorage(dimr, dimc, colset, ss.str());
173             case _col :  trace_p->pop(); return new ColCsStorage(dimr, dimc, colset, ss.str());
174             case _dual :  trace_p->pop(); return new DualCsStorage(dimr, dimc, colset, ss.str());
175             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_cs));
176           }
177         break;
178       case _skyline :
179         switch(at)
180           {
181             case _sym :  trace_p->pop(); return new SymSkylineStorage(dimr, colset, ss.str());
182             case _dual :  trace_p->pop(); return new DualSkylineStorage(dimr, dimc, colset, ss.str());
183             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_skyline));
184           }
185         break;
186       case _dense :
187         switch(at)
188           {
189             case _sym :  trace_p->pop(); return new SymDenseStorage(dimr, ss.str());
190             case _row :  trace_p->pop(); return new RowDenseStorage(dimr, dimc, ss.str());
191             case _col :  trace_p->pop(); return new ColDenseStorage(dimr, dimc, ss.str());
192             case _dual :  trace_p->pop(); return new DualDenseStorage(dimr, dimc, ss.str());
193             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_dense));
194           }
195         break;
196       default : error("storage_not_implemented","buildStorage",words("storage type",st));
197     }
198   trace_p->pop();
199   return 0;
200 }
202 /*! modify MatrixStorage stm to include dense submatrix given by its row and column indices (rows and cols)
203     the new storage is of type (st,at)
204     rows (resp. cols) has to be a subset of row indices (resp. column indices) of the stm storage
205     if overwrite=true the current storage is overwritten and returned
206     else a new MatrixStorage is returned, the stm storage being not cleared!
207 */
updateStorage(MatrixStorage & stm,const std::vector<number_t> rows,const std::vector<number_t> cols,StorageType st,AccessType at,bool overwrite)209 MatrixStorage* updateStorage(MatrixStorage& stm, const std::vector<number_t> rows, const std::vector<number_t> cols,
210                              StorageType st, AccessType at, bool overwrite)
211 {
212   trace_p->push("updateStorage(MatrixStorage, rows, cols,...)");
213   MatrixStorage* newstm=&stm;
214   if(!overwrite) newstm= stm.clone();
215   if(stm.storageType()==st && stm.accessType()==at)  //target storage is same as stm storage
216     {
217       switch(st)
218         {
219           case _cs :
220           case _skyline : newstm->addSubMatrixIndices(rows,cols);
221           default :  //dense in dense, nothing to do
222             trace_p->pop();
223             return newstm;
224         }
225     }
227   error("storage_not_handled", words("storage type",stm.storageType()),words("access type",stm.accessType()));
228   trace_p->pop();
229   return newstm;
230 }
232 // build a storage from  type and dimension, no allocation of pointers (void matrix)
buildStorage(StorageType st,AccessType at,number_t dimr,number_t dimc)233 MatrixStorage* buildStorage(StorageType st, AccessType at, number_t dimr, number_t dimc)
234 {
235   switch(st)
236     {
237       case _cs :
238         switch(at)
239           {
240             case _sym :  return new SymCsStorage(dimr);
241             case _row :  return new RowCsStorage(dimr, dimc);
242             case _col :  return new ColCsStorage(dimr, dimc);
243             case _dual :  return new DualCsStorage(dimr, dimc);
244             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_cs));
245           }
246         break;
247       case _skyline :
248         switch(at)
249           {
250             case _sym :  return new SymSkylineStorage(dimr);
251             case _dual : return new DualSkylineStorage(dimr, dimc);
252             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_skyline));
253           }
254         break;
255       case _dense :
256         switch(at)
257           {
258             case _sym :  return new SymDenseStorage(dimr);
259             case _row :  return new RowDenseStorage(dimr, dimc);
260             case _col :  return new ColDenseStorage(dimr, dimc);
261             case _dual : return new DualDenseStorage(dimr, dimc);
262             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_dense));
263           }
264         break;
265       default : error("storage_not_implemented","buildStorage",words("storage type",st));
266     }
267   return 0;
268 }
270 // build a storage from  type, dimension and column indices (vector of vectors)
buildStorage(StorageType st,AccessType at,number_t dimr,number_t dimc,const std::vector<std::vector<number_t>> & indices)271 MatrixStorage* buildStorage(StorageType st, AccessType at, number_t dimr, number_t dimc, const std::vector<std::vector<number_t> >& indices)
272 {
273   trace_p->push("buildStorage");
274   string_t str="";
275   switch(st)
276     {
277       case _cs :
278         switch(at)
279           {
280             case _sym :  trace_p->pop(); return new SymCsStorage(dimr, indices, _all, str);
281             case _row :  trace_p->pop(); return new RowCsStorage(dimr, dimc, indices, str);
282             case _col :
283               {
284                 trace_p->pop();
285                 std::vector<std::vector<number_t> > rowindices(dimc);
286                 std::vector<std::vector<number_t> >::const_iterator itr=indices.begin();
287                 std::vector<number_t>::const_iterator itc;
288                 number_t r=1;
289                 for(; itr!=indices.end(); itr++, r++)
290                   for(itc=itr->begin(); itc!= itr->end(); itc++) rowindices[*itc - 1].push_back(r);
291                 return new ColCsStorage(dimr, dimc, rowindices, str);
292               }
293             case _dual :  trace_p->pop(); return new DualCsStorage(dimr, dimc, indices, str);
294             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_cs));
295           }
296         break;
297       case _skyline :
298         switch(at)
299           {
300             case _sym :  trace_p->pop(); return new SymSkylineStorage(dimr, indices, str);
301             case _dual :  trace_p->pop(); return new DualSkylineStorage(dimr, dimc, indices, str);
302             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_skyline));
303           }
304         break;
305       case _dense :
306         switch(at)
307           {
308             case _sym :  trace_p->pop(); return new SymDenseStorage(dimr, str);
309             case _row :  trace_p->pop(); return new RowDenseStorage(dimr, dimc, str);
310             case _col :  trace_p->pop(); return new ColDenseStorage(dimr, dimc, str);
311             case _dual :  trace_p->pop(); return new DualDenseStorage(dimr, dimc, str);
312             default : error("storage_bad_access", words("access type",at), words("storage type",_dense));
313           }
314         break;
315       default : error("storage_not_implemented","buildStorage",words("storage type",st));
316     }
318   trace_p->pop();
319   return 0;
320 }
322 // build a storage from  type, dimension and column indices (vector of sets)
buildStorage(StorageType st,AccessType at,number_t dimr,number_t dimc,const std::vector<std::set<number_t>> & colIndices)323 MatrixStorage* buildStorage(StorageType st, AccessType at, number_t dimr, number_t dimc, const std::vector<std::set<number_t> >& colIndices)
324 {
325   // convert set to vector
326   std::vector<std::vector<number_t> > indices(colIndices.size());
327   std::vector<std::set<number_t> >::const_iterator itc;
328   std::vector<std::vector<number_t> >::iterator iti = indices.begin();
329   for(itc = colIndices.begin(); itc != colIndices.end(); ++itc, ++iti)
330     *iti = std::vector<number_t>(itc->begin(), itc->end());
331   return buildStorage(st,at,dimr,dimc,indices);
332 }
334 /*! compute interpolated normals on Lagrange Dofs of space sp
335     solve the projection problem Mk*nk = M0*n0 where
336        Mk is the mass matrix associated to sp interpolation
337        M0 is the "hybrid" mass matrix between sp interpolation and P0 interpolation
338     the normals are returned as a vector of Vector
340     NOTE : this method is well adapted for planar element (same normal every where in element)
341            in case of curved geometric element, the method may be improved by using Gauss Lobatto interpolation of higher degree
342 */
interpolatedNormals(Space & sp,std::vector<Vector<real_t>> & ns)343 void interpolatedNormals(Space& sp, std::vector<Vector<real_t> >& ns)
344 {
345   if(!sp.isFE())
346     {
347       where("interpolatedNormals(Space, vector<Vector<Real> >");
348       error("not_fe_space_type", sp.name());
349     }
350   const Interpolation* intp=sp.rootSpace()->interpolation();
351   if(intp->type!=_Lagrange) error("lagrange_fe_space_only",sp.name());
353   trace_p->push("interpolatedNormals");
355   if(intp->numtype > 0)  //non P0 case
356     {
358       const GeomDomain& dom=*sp.domain();
359       dimen_t d=dom.mesh()->spaceDim();
360       Unknown n(*sp.rootSpace(),"n",d);
361       TestFunction t(n,"t");
363       //define matrix
364       TermMatrix Mk(intg(dom,n|t),"normalPkM");
365       Space V0(dom,P0,"V0",false);
366       Unknown n0(V0,"n0",d);
367       TermMatrix M0(intg(dom,n0|t),"normalPkP0M");
369       //fill normal P0 in a TermVector
370       TermVector N0(n0, dom, Vector<real_t>(d,0.),"normalsP0");
371       Vector<Vector<real_t> >::iterator it=N0.begin()->second->entries()->beginrv();
372       for(number_t k=0; k<sp.nbOfElements(); k++, it++)
373         {
374           const Element* elt=sp.element_p(k);
375           MeshElement* melt = elt->geomElt_p->meshElement();
376           if(melt==0) melt=elt->geomElt_p->buildSideMeshElement();
377           GeomMapData gmap(melt);
378           gmap.computeJacobianMatrix(elt->refElt_p->geomRefElem_p->centroid());
379           gmap.computeOutwardNormal();
380           *it = gmap.normalVector;
381         }
383       //solve projection problem
384       TermVector Nk=directSolve(Mk,M0*N0);
386       //return normals
387       ns= *Nk.begin()->second->entries()->rvEntries_p;
388       std::vector<Vector<real_t> >::iterator itn=ns.begin();
389       for(; itn!=ns.end(); itn++)  *itn/=itn->norm2();
390     }
392   else //P0 interpolation
393     {
394       verboseLevel(10);
395       ns.resize(sp.nbOfElements());
396       std::vector<Vector<real_t> >::iterator it=ns.begin();
397       for(number_t k=0; k<sp.nbOfElements(); k++, it++)
398         {
399           const Element* elt=sp.element_p(k);
400           MeshElement* melt = elt->geomElt_p->meshElement();
401           if(melt==0) melt=elt->geomElt_p->buildSideMeshElement();
402           GeomMapData gmap(melt);
403           gmap.computeJacobianMatrix(elt->refElt_p->geomRefElem_p->centroid());
404           gmap.computeOutwardNormal();
405           *it = gmap.normalVector;
406         }
407     }
408   trace_p->pop();
409   return;
410 }
412 //compute normals of a side domain using interpolation given by an unknown
normalsOn(GeomDomain & dom,const Unknown & u)413 TermVector normalsOn(GeomDomain& dom, const Unknown& u)
414 {
415   if (!dom.isSideDomain() && ((dom.dim()+1)!=dom.spaceDim()))
416   {
417     where("normalsOn(Domain, Unknown)");
418     error("domain_not_side", dom.name());
419   }
420   const Space* spu = u.space();
421   const Interpolation* itp0 = findInterpolation(Lagrange, _standard, 0, L2);
422   const Space* sp0=0; bool sub = false;
423   if (spu->interpolation()==itp0)
424   {
425     if (spu->domain() == &dom) sp0 = spu;  // u space is a P0 space
426     else if (spu->domain()->include(dom)) {sp0 = spu; sub=true;}
427   }
428   if (sp0==0) // find or create space P0
429   {
430     std::vector<Space*>::iterator it;
431     for (it = Space::theSpaces.begin(); it != Space::theSpaces.end() && (sp0==0 || sub==false); ++it)
432     {
433       const Space* spit = (*it)->space();
434       if (spit != 0)
435       {
436         const Interpolation* itp = spit->interpolation();
437         if (itp == itp0)
438         {
439           if (spit->domain()==&dom) sp0=spit;
440           else if (spit->domain()->include(dom)) {sp0=spit; sub=true;}
441         }
442       }
443     }
444   }
445   if (sp0==0) sp0 = new Space(dom, P0, "P0");           // no P0 space found
446   else if (sub) sp0 = Space::findSubSpace(&dom, sp0);    // P0 parent space found
447   dimen_t d = dom.spaceDim();
448   Unknown n0(*const_cast<Space*>(sp0), "n_"+dom.name(),d);
450   // fill normal P0 in a TermVector
451   TermVector N0(n0, dom, Vector<real_t>(d,0.),"normalsP0");
452   Vector<Vector<real_t> >::iterator it=N0.begin()->second->entries()->beginrv();
453   for (number_t k=0; k<sp0->nbOfElements(); k++, it++)
454   {
455     if (!dom.meshDomain()->normalComputed)
456     {
457       const Element* elt=sp0->element_p(k);
458       MeshElement* melt = elt->geomElt_p->meshElement();
459       if (melt==0) melt=elt->geomElt_p->buildSideMeshElement();
460       GeomMapData gmap(melt);
461       gmap.computeJacobianMatrix(elt->refElt_p->geomRefElem_p->centroid());
462       gmap.computeOutwardNormal();
463       *it = gmap.normalVector;
464     }
465     else *it = sp0->element_p(k)->geomElt_p->meshElement()->geomMapData_p->normalVector;
467   }
469   if (spu->interpolation()==itp0) return N0;
471   //project normal on space spu
472   Unknown* uc = const_cast<Unknown*>(&u);
473   //if(spu->dimFun()==1 && u.nbOfComponents()==1)  uc=new Unknown(*const_cast<Space*>(spu),"uc_"+tostring(spu),d); // permissive, user pass a scalar unknown
474   if (uc->nbOfComponents()!=d && spu->dimFun()!=d) error("unknown_inconsistent_size", uc->name(), d, uc->nbOfComponents());
475   TestFunction t(*uc,"t_u");
476   TermMatrix Mk(intg(dom,(*uc)|t),"u_t_mass");
477   TermMatrix M0(intg(dom,n0|t),"n0_t_mass");
478   TermVector Nk=directSolve(Mk,M0*N0);
479   return Nk;
480 }
482 /*! precompute geometry data and shape values on any element for any quadrature involved
483     restricted to one order geometric element, take large place but computation is then faster in case of IE!!!
485     dom   : integration domain
486     subsp : subspace providing the list of elements
487     quads : list of quadratures
488     nbc   : number of components of the unknown
489     der   : compute shape derivatives if true
490     nor   : compute normal if true
491     extendedDomain : true when dealing with an extended domain
492 */
preComputationIE(const GeomDomain & dom,const Space * subsp,std::set<Quadrature * > & quads,dimen_t nbc,bool der,bool nor,bool extendedDomain)493 void preComputationIE(const GeomDomain& dom, const Space* subsp, std::set<Quadrature*>& quads, dimen_t nbc, bool der, bool nor,
494                       bool extendedDomain)
495 {
496   der=true;  //force computation of derivatives to avoid misfit when recall
498   //shapevalues for all single quadrature (non parallel)
499   for(number_t k = 0; k < subsp->nbOfElements(); k++) // data related to element
500     {
501       const Element* elt = subsp->element_p(k);
502       RefElement* relt = elt->refElt_p;                              //reference element related to element
503       GeomElement* gelt = elt->geomElt_p;
504       const GeomRefElement* grelt = gelt->geomRefElement();
505       number_t sw = relt->nbDofs()*nbc;
506       if(extendedDomain) //build geometric data for extended element
507         {
508           if(gelt->meshElement()==0) gelt->buildSideMeshElement();
509           MeshElement* melt = gelt->meshElement();
510           GeomMapData* mapdata = melt->geomMapData_p;
511           if(mapdata==0) mapdata=new GeomMapData(melt);
512           mapdata->computeJacobianMatrix(std::vector<real_t>(gelt->elementDim(),0.));
513           mapdata->invertJacobianMatrix();
514           melt->geomMapData_p = mapdata;
515         }
516       //precompute reference shape values
517       std::set<Quadrature*>::iterator itq=quads.begin();
518       for(; itq!=quads.end(); ++itq)
519         {
520           std::map<Quadrature*,std::vector<ShapeValues> >::iterator itmq=relt->qshvs_.find(*itq);
521           if(itmq==relt->qshvs_.end() || itmq->second.begin()->w.size()!=sw) //shapevalues re-computed
522             {
523               dimen_t dq = (*itq)->dim();                               //dimension of quadrature points
524               number_t nq = (*itq)->numberOfPoints();                   //number of quadrature points
525               if(!extendedDomain)  //no extension
526                 {
527                   std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator itp = (*itq)->point();
528                   relt->qshvs_[*itq]=std::vector<ShapeValues>(nq);          //to store all shapevalues at quadrature points
529                   std::vector<ShapeValues>::iterator itshv = relt->qshvs_[*itq].begin();
530                   for(number_t i = 0; i < nq; i++, itp += dq, itshv++)
531                     {
532                       relt->computeShapeValues(itp, der);
533                       *itshv = relt->shapeValues;
534                       if(nbc>1) itshv->extendToVector(nbc);    //extend scalar shape functions to nbc vector shape functions
535                     }
536                 }
537               else // in case of extension build shapevalues for each side of ref element stored sequentially
538                 {
539                   number_t nbs = relt->geomRefElem_p->nbSides();
540                   relt->qshvs_[*itq]=std::vector<ShapeValues>(nbs*nq);       //to store all shapevalues at quadrature points
541                   std::vector<ShapeValues>::iterator itshv = relt->qshvs_[*itq].begin();
542                   for(number_t s=1; s<=nbs; ++s) //loop on side
543                     {
544                       std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator itp = (*itq)->point();
545                       for(number_t i = 0; i < nq; i++, itp += dq, itshv++)
546                         {
547                           relt->computeShapeValues(grelt->sideToElt(s,itp).begin(), der);
548                           *itshv = relt->shapeValues;
549                           if(nbc>1) itshv->extendToVector(nbc);    //extend scalar shape functions to nbc vector shape functions
550                         }
551                     }
552                 }
553             }
554         }
555     }
556     //precompute signDofs of element if required
557     #ifdef XLIFEPP_WITH_OMP
558     #pragma omp parallel for
559     #endif // XLIFEPP_WITH_OMP
560     for(number_t k = 0; k < subsp->nbOfElements(); k++) // data related to element
561     {
562       const Element* elt = subsp->element_p(k);
563       if(elt->refElt_p->dofCompatibility == _signDofCompatibility)  elt->setDofSigns();
564     }
566   MeshDomain* mdom=const_cast<MeshDomain*>(dom.meshDomain());
567   //compute map of quadrature points (parallel)
569   #pragma omp parallel for
570 #endif // XLIFEPP_WITH_OMP
571   for(number_t k = 1; k <= mdom->numberOfElements(); k++)
572     {
573       GeomElement* gelt =mdom->element(k);
574       //geometry information
575       if(gelt->meshElement()==0) gelt->buildSideMeshElement();
576       MeshElement* melt = gelt->meshElement();
577       GeomMapData* mapdata=melt->geomMapData_p;
578       if(mapdata==0) mapdata=new GeomMapData(melt);
579       mapdata->computeJacobianMatrix(std::vector<real_t>(gelt->elementDim(),0.));
580       mapdata->invertJacobianMatrix();
581       mapdata->computeDifferentialElement();
582       melt->geomMapData_p = mapdata;
583       if(nor) mapdata->computeOutwardNormal();
584       //physical points
585       std::set<Quadrature*>::iterator itq=quads.begin();
586       for(; itq!=quads.end(); ++itq)
587         {
588           dimen_t dq = (*itq)->dim();                                 //dimension of quadrature points
589           number_t nq = (*itq)->numberOfPoints();                     //number of quadrature points
590           std::map<Quadrature*,std::vector<Point> >::iterator itmqphy= mapdata->phyPoints.find(*itq);
591           if(itmqphy==mapdata->phyPoints.end())  //create physical points
592             {
593               mapdata->phyPoints[*itq] = std::vector<Point>(nq);
594               std::vector<Point>::iterator itphy=mapdata->phyPoints[*itq].begin();
595               std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator itp = (*itq)->point();
596               for(number_t i = 0; i < nq; i++, itp += dq, ++itphy) *itphy = mapdata->geomMap(itp);
597             }
598         }
599     }
600 }
602 /*! precompute geometry data and shape values on any element for any quadrature involved
603     restricted to one order geometric element, take large place but computation is then faster in case of IE!!!
605     subsp : subspace providing the list of elements
606     quads : list of quadratures
607     nbc   : number of components of the unknown
608     der   : compute shape derivatives if true
609     nor   : compute normal if true
610 */
preComputationIE_old(const Space * subsp,std::set<Quadrature * > & quads,dimen_t nbc,bool der,bool nor)611 void preComputationIE_old(const Space* subsp, std::set<Quadrature*>& quads, dimen_t nbc, bool der, bool nor)
612 {
613   der=true;  //force computation of derivatives to avoid misfit when recall
615   for(number_t k = 0; k < subsp->nbOfElements(); k++) // data related to u
616     {
617       const Element* elt = subsp->element_p(k);
618       GeomElement* gelt = elt->geomElt_p;
620       //geometry information
621       if(gelt->meshElement()==0) gelt->buildSideMeshElement();
622       MeshElement* melt = gelt->meshElement();
623       GeomMapData* mapdata=melt->geomMapData_p;
624       if(mapdata==0) mapdata=new GeomMapData(melt);
625       mapdata->computeJacobianMatrix(std::vector<real_t>(elt->dim(),0.));
626       mapdata->invertJacobianMatrix();
627       mapdata->computeDifferentialElement();
628       melt->geomMapData_p = mapdata;
629       if(nor) mapdata->computeOutwardNormal();
631       //shapevalues and physical points for all single quadrature
632       RefElement* relt = elt->refElt_p;                              //reference element related to element
633       std::set<Quadrature*>::iterator itq=quads.begin();
634       for(; itq!=quads.end(); ++itq)
635         {
636           std::map<Quadrature*,std::vector<ShapeValues> >::iterator itmq=relt->qshvs_.find(*itq);
637           dimen_t dq = (*itq)->dim();                                 //dimension of quadrature points
638           number_t nq = (*itq)->numberOfPoints();                     //number of quadrature points
639           if(itmq==relt->qshvs_.end()) //shapevalues not computed
640             {
641               relt->qshvs_[*itq]=std::vector<ShapeValues>(nq);          //to store all shapevalues at quadrature points
642               std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator itp = (*itq)->point();
643               std::vector<ShapeValues>::iterator itshv = relt->qshvs_[*itq].begin();
644               for(number_t i = 0; i < nq; i++, itp += dq, itshv++)
645                 {
646                   relt->computeShapeValues(itp, der);
647                   *itshv = relt->shapeValues;
648                   if(nbc>1) itshv->extendToVector(nbc);    //extend scalar shape functions to nbc vector shape functions
649                 }
650             }
651           //compute map of quadrature points
652           std::map<Quadrature*,std::vector<Point> >::iterator itmqphy= mapdata->phyPoints.find(*itq);
653           if(itmqphy==mapdata->phyPoints.end())  //create physical points
654             {
655               mapdata->phyPoints[*itq] = std::vector<Point>(nq);
656               std::vector<Point>::iterator itphy=mapdata->phyPoints[*itq].begin();
657               std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator itp = (*itq)->point();
658               for(number_t i = 0; i < nq; i++, itp += dq, ++itphy)
659                 *itphy = mapdata->geomMap(itp);                      //quadrature point in physical space
660             }
661         }
662     }
663 }
665 //===================================================================================================================================
666 /*! check and set quadrature pointers of IntegrationsMethods if they are not set
668   if intgMethods is empty
669       if kernel is singular (Kernel::singularType!=_notSingular) add if possible
670           - a well suited singular quadrature method applied to adjacent elements (dist=0)
671           - some regular quadrature products applied to non adjacent elements (one for 0<dist<=1, one for 1<dist<=2 and one for dist>2)
672       if kernel is regular (Kernel::singularType==_notSingular) add
673           - a regular quadrature products
674   if intgMethods contains only a singular quadrature
675       if kernel is regular stop on error
676       if kernel is singular, check if singular quadrature is consistent
677          if not stop on error
678          else add some regular quadrature products applied to non adjacent elements (one for 0<dist<=1, one for 1<dist<=2 and one for dist>2)
679   if intgMethods contains only a regular quadrature
680       if kernel is regular check if it is consistent
681       if kernel is singular add a well suited singular quadrature method applied to adjacent elements (dist=0)
682   if intgMethods are more than one integration method
683      if kernel is singular,
684         check if there is only one consistent singular quadrature for dist=0, if not stop on error
685         if there is no regular quadrature, add some
686      if kernel is regular, check that all are regular quadratures
688  At the end of the process, produce an intgMethods vector consistent with the Kernel
689  In a second step, update pointers of quadrature if required
690 */
691 // Implemented here due to a cyclic dependance library
692 //===================================================================================================================================
setIntegrationMethods()693 void DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()
694 {
695   const Kernel* kerp = kopus_p->kernel();
696   string_t mes="in DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods(), ";
697   const std::set<ShapeType>& shapes_u = domainu_p->meshDomain()->shapeTypes;
698   const std::set<ShapeType>& shapes_v = domainv_p->meshDomain()->shapeTypes;
699   if (shapes_u.size()!=1 || shapes_v.size()!=1)
700   {
701     where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
702     error("domain_multiple_shapes");
703   }
704   ShapeType shu = *shapes_u.begin(), shv = *shapes_v.begin();
706   //analyze given integration methods
707   SingularityType st=_notsingular;
708   real_t so = 0;
709   bool hasSingPart = false, hasRegPart = false;
710   string_t sn ="Id", ssn="Id";
711   number_t nbsq=0, nbrq=0, i=0;
712   bool waitRegularPart = false;
713   if (kerp!=0) //if kerp not allocated, assume ker=Id
714   {
715     st=kerp->singularType;
716     so=kerp->singularOrder;
717     hasSingPart = kerp->singPart!=0;
718     hasRegPart  = kerp->regPart!=0;
719     sn=kerp->shortname;
720     if (hasSingPart) ssn = kerp->singPart->shortname;
721   }
722   std::multimap<real_t, int_t> ims;  //intg methods number indexed by distance (negative number for singular quadrature method)
723   std::multimap<real_t, int_t>::iterator itm, itme;
724   std::vector<IntgMeth>::iterator iti=intgMethods.begin();
725   for (; iti!=intgMethods.end(); ++iti, ++i)  //loop on integration methods
726   {
727     const IntegrationMethod* im =iti->intgMeth;
728     if (im->imType==_quadratureIM) //single quadrature, build the product of quadrature
729     {
730       const QuadratureIM* qim = static_cast<const QuadratureIM*>(im);
731       iti->intgMeth = new ProductIM(qim->quadRule,qim->degree);
732       im = iti->intgMeth;
733     }
734     if (!im->isDoubleIM())
735     {
736       where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
737       error("im_not_single");
738     }
739     FunctionPart pai=iti->functionPart;
740     if (pai==_regularPart && !hasRegPart)
741     {
742       where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
743       error("null_pointer","kerp->regPart");
744     }
745     if (pai==_singularPart && !hasSingPart)
746     {
747       where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
748       error("null_pointer","kerp->singPart");
749     }
750     SingularityType sti=im->singularType;
751     real_t soi=im->singularOrder;
752     real_t di = iti->bound;
753     if (sti ==_notsingular)   //regular quadrature
754     {
755       if (st!=_notsingular && pai!=_regularPart && di==0)
756       {
757         where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
758         error("im_not_handled",im->name);
759       }
760       ims.insert(std::pair<real_t,number_t>(di,i+1));
761       nbrq++;  //regular quadrature is valid
762     }
763     else //singular quadrature
764     {
765       if (sti!=st || soi!=so)  //check singularity consitency
766       {
767         where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
768         error("im_not_handled",im->name);
769       }
770       string_t nai=im->kerName;
771       string_t na= sn;
772       if (pai==_singularPart) {na=ssn; waitRegularPart = true;}
773       if (nai!="" && nai!=na)  // check if intg method is dedicated to particular kernel
774       {
775         where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
776         error("im_not_handled",im->name);
777       }
778       if (di>0)
779       {
780         where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
781         error("im_not_handled",im->name);
782       }
783       IntegrationMethodType imt=im->type();
784       string_t mes2="";
785       if (imt==_SauterSchwabIM && (shu!=_triangle || shv!=_triangle))
786       {
787         where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
788         error("im_shape_only", "Sauter-Schwab", words("shape", _triangle), words("shape",shu), words("shape",shv));
789       }
790       if (imt==_DuffyIM && (shu!=_segment || shv!=_segment))
791       {
792         where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
793         error("im_shape_only", "Duffy", words("shape", _segment), words("shape",shu), words("shape",shv));
794       }
795       if (imt==_LenoirSalles3dIM && (shu!=_triangle || shv!=_triangle))
796       {
797         where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
798         error("im_shape_only", "Lenoir-Salles3D", words("shape", _triangle), words("shape",shu), words("shape",shv));
799       }
800       if (imt==_LenoirSalles2dIM && (shu!=_segment || shv!=_segment))
801       {
802         where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
803         error("im_shape_only", "Lenoir-Salles2D", words("shape", _segment), words("shape",shu), words("shape",shv));
804       }
805       ims.insert(std::pair<real_t,number_t>(di,-(i+1)));
806       nbsq++;  //singular quadrature is valid
807     }
808   }
810   // finalize analyze and add omitted integration methods by using default ones
811   if (st!=_notsingular && so<0 && domainu_p==domainv_p)  //kernel is singular, nbsq should be 1
812   {
813     if (nbsq>1) //too much singular quadrature
814     {
815       where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
816       string_t mes="";
817       itm=ims.lower_bound(0.); itme = ims.upper_bound(0.);
818       for (; itm!=itme; ++itm)
819         if (itme->second<0) mes+=" "+intgMethods[std::abs(itme->second)-1].intgMeth->name;
820       error("multiple_im",mes);
821     }
822     if (nbsq==0) //add default singular method  (NOT WORK FOR MOMENT BECAUSE DuffyIMNew and SauterSchwabNew are not included, lib dependance !)
823     {
824       if (shu==_segment &&  shv==_segment)  //use Duffy order 6
825         intgMethods.push_back(IntgMeth(DuffyIM(),_allFunction, 0.));
826       else
827       {
828         if (shu==_triangle && shv==_triangle)  //use Sauter-Schwab order 3
829           intgMethods.push_back(IntgMeth(SauterSchwabIM(),_allFunction, 0.));
830         else
831         {
832           where("DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setIntegrationMethods()");
833           error("im_not_found");
834         }
835       }
836       nbsq=1;
837     }
838   }
840   //deal with regular quadratures
841   if (st!=_notsingular && so<0)  //kernel is singular
842   {
843     if (waitRegularPart)  //find if there is a regular quadrature for regularPart and dist=0
844     {
845       itm=ims.lower_bound(0.); itme = ims.upper_bound(0.);
846       for(; itm!=itme && waitRegularPart ; ++itm)
847         if(itme->second>0 && intgMethods[itme->second-1].functionPart==_regularPart)  waitRegularPart=false;
848     }
849     if (waitRegularPart) // create a quadrature for regular part
850       intgMethods.push_back(IntgMeth(ProductIM(symmetrical_Gauss,3),_regularPart, 0.));
851     if (nbrq==0) //add additional regular quadrature
852     {
853       intgMethods.push_back(IntgMeth(ProductIM(symmetrical_Gauss,5),_allFunction, 1.));
854       intgMethods.push_back(IntgMeth(ProductIM(symmetrical_Gauss,4),_allFunction, 2.));
855       intgMethods.push_back(IntgMeth(ProductIM(symmetrical_Gauss,3),_allFunction, theRealMax));
856     }
857   }
858   else  //kernel is regular
859   {
860     if(nbrq==0) intgMethods.push_back(IntgMeth(ProductIM(symmetrical_Gauss,3),_allFunction, theRealMax));
861   }
863   // update QuadratureIM pointers of regular quadratures
864   for (iti=intgMethods.begin(); iti!=intgMethods.end(); ++iti)
865   {
866     const IntegrationMethod* im =iti->intgMeth;
867     if (im->type()==_productIM) //update single quadrature pointers
868     {
869       const ProductIM* pim=static_cast<const ProductIM*>(im);
870       if (pim->getxIM()->type()==_quadratureIM) static_cast<QuadratureIM*>(pim->getxIM())->setQuadratures(shapes_v);
871       if (pim->getyIM()->type()==_quadratureIM) static_cast<QuadratureIM*>(pim->getyIM())->setQuadratures(shapes_u);
872       pim->name = pim->getxIM()->name+" x "+pim->getyIM()->name;
873     }
874   }
875 }
setHMIntegrationMethods()877 void DoubleIntgBilinearForm::setHMIntegrationMethods()
878 {
879   if (intgMethod_p==0) return;  //no integration method
880   if (intgMethod_p->type()!=_HMatrixIM) return;  //not a HMatrixIM method
881   const HMatrixIM* him= static_cast<const HMatrixIM*>(intgMethod_p);
882   intgMethods=him->intgMethods;
883   setIntegrationMethods();
884 }
886 // IntegrationMethods constructors
887 // implemented here due to cyclic dependance library
IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt)888 IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt)
889 {
890   switch (imt)
891   {
892     case _SauterSchwabIM :  add(SauterSchwabIM(),_allFunction, theRealMax); break;
893     case _DuffyIM : add(DuffyIM(),_allFunction,0.); break;
894     case _LenoirSalles2dIM : add(LenoirSalles2dIM(),_allFunction,theRealMax); break;
895     case _LenoirSalles3dIM : add(LenoirSalles3dIM(),_allFunction,theRealMax); break;
896     case _LenoirSalles2dIR : add(LenoirSalles2dIR(),_allFunction,theRealMax); break;
897     case _LenoirSalles3dIR : add(LenoirSalles3dIR(),_allFunction,theRealMax); break;
898     default:
899       where("IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType)");
900       error("im_not_handled", words("imtype", imt));
901   }
902 }
IntegrationMethods(QuadRule qr,number_t ord)904 IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(QuadRule qr, number_t ord)
905 {
906   add(QuadratureIM(qr,ord),_allFunction,theRealMax);
907 }
IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt,QuadRule qr2,number_t ord2)909 IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt, QuadRule qr2, number_t ord2)
910 {
911   switch (imt)
912   {
913     case _SauterSchwabIM :  add(SauterSchwabIM(),_allFunction, 0.); break;
914     case _DuffyIM : add(DuffyIM(),_allFunction,0.); break;
915     case _LenoirSalles2dIM : add(LenoirSalles2dIM(),_allFunction,0.); break;
916     case _LenoirSalles3dIM : add(LenoirSalles3dIM(),_allFunction,0.); break;
917     case _LenoirSalles2dIR : add(LenoirSalles2dIR(),_allFunction,0.); break;
918     case _LenoirSalles3dIR : add(LenoirSalles3dIR(),_allFunction,0.); break;
919     default:
920       where("IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType, QuadRule, Number)");
921       error("im_not_handled", words("imtype", imt));
922   }
923   add(QuadratureIM(qr2,ord2),_allFunction,theRealMax);
924 }
IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt,number_t ord1,real_t b1,QuadRule qr2,number_t ord2)926 IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt, number_t ord1, real_t b1, QuadRule qr2, number_t ord2)
927 {
928   switch (imt)
929   {
930     case _SauterSchwabIM :  add(SauterSchwabIM(ord1),_allFunction,b1); break;
931     case _DuffyIM : add(DuffyIM(ord1),_allFunction,b1); break;
932     case _LenoirSalles2dIM : add(LenoirSalles2dIM(),_allFunction,b1); break;
933     case _LenoirSalles3dIM : add(LenoirSalles2dIM(),_allFunction,b1); break;
934     case _LenoirSalles2dIR : add(LenoirSalles2dIR(),_allFunction,b1); break;
935     case _LenoirSalles3dIR : add(LenoirSalles3dIR(),_allFunction,b1); break;
936     default:
937       where("IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType, Number, Real, QuadRule, Number)");
938       error("im_not_handled", words("imtype", imt));
939   }
940   add(QuadratureIM(qr2,ord2),_allFunction, theRealMax);
941 }
IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt,number_t ord1,real_t b1,QuadRule qr2,number_t ord2,real_t b2,QuadRule qr3,number_t ord3)943 IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt, number_t ord1, real_t b1,
944                                        QuadRule qr2, number_t ord2, real_t b2, QuadRule qr3, number_t ord3)
945 {
946   switch (imt)
947   {
948     case _SauterSchwabIM :  add(SauterSchwabIM(ord1),_allFunction,b1); break;
949     case _DuffyIM : add(DuffyIM(ord1),_allFunction,b1); break;
950     case _LenoirSalles2dIM : add(LenoirSalles2dIM(),_allFunction,b1); break;
951     case _LenoirSalles3dIM : add(LenoirSalles2dIM(),_allFunction,b1); break;
952     case _LenoirSalles2dIR : add(LenoirSalles2dIR(),_allFunction,b1); break;
953     case _LenoirSalles3dIR : add(LenoirSalles3dIR(),_allFunction,b1); break;
954     default:
955       where("IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType, Number, Real, QuadRule, Number, Real, QuadRule, Number)");
956       error("im_not_handled", words("imtype", imt));
957   }
958   add(QuadratureIM(qr2,ord2),_allFunction,b2);
959   add(QuadratureIM(qr3,ord3),_allFunction,theRealMax);
960 }
IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt,number_t ord1,real_t b1,QuadRule qr2,number_t ord2,real_t b2,QuadRule qr3,number_t ord3,real_t b3,QuadRule qr4,number_t ord4)962 IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType imt, number_t ord1, real_t b1,
963                                        QuadRule qr2, number_t ord2, real_t b2, QuadRule qr3, number_t ord3, real_t b3, QuadRule qr4, number_t ord4)
964 {
965   switch (imt)
966   {
967     case _SauterSchwabIM :  add(SauterSchwabIM(ord1),_allFunction,b1); break;
968     case _DuffyIM : add(DuffyIM(ord1),_allFunction,b1); break;
969     case _LenoirSalles2dIM : add(LenoirSalles2dIM(),_allFunction,b1); break;
970     case _LenoirSalles3dIM : add(LenoirSalles2dIM(),_allFunction,b1); break;
971     case _LenoirSalles2dIR : add(LenoirSalles2dIR(),_allFunction,b1); break;
972     case _LenoirSalles3dIR : add(LenoirSalles3dIR(),_allFunction,b1); break;
973     default:
974       where("IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(IntegrationMethodType, Number, Real, QuadRule, Number, Real, QuadRule, Number, Real, QuadRule, Number)");
975       error("im_not_handled", words("imtype", imt));
976   }
977   add(QuadratureIM(qr2,ord2),_allFunction,b2);
978   add(QuadratureIM(qr3,ord3),_allFunction,b3);
979   add(QuadratureIM(qr4,ord4),_allFunction,theRealMax);
980 }
IntegrationMethods(QuadRule qr1,number_t ord1,real_t b1,QuadRule qr2,number_t ord2)982 IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(QuadRule qr1, number_t ord1, real_t b1, QuadRule qr2, number_t ord2)
983 {
984   add(QuadratureIM(qr1,ord1),_allFunction,b1);
985   add(QuadratureIM(qr2,ord2),_allFunction,theRealMax);
986 }
IntegrationMethods(QuadRule qr1,number_t ord1,real_t b1,QuadRule qr2,number_t ord2,real_t b2,QuadRule qr3,number_t ord3)988 IntegrationMethods::IntegrationMethods(QuadRule qr1, number_t ord1, real_t b1, QuadRule qr2, number_t ord2, real_t b2, QuadRule qr3, number_t ord3)
989 {
990   add(QuadratureIM(qr1,ord1),_allFunction,b1);
991   add(QuadratureIM(qr2,ord2),_allFunction,b2);
992   add(QuadratureIM(qr3,ord3),_allFunction,theRealMax);
993 }
995 } // end of namespace xlifepp