1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18 	\file unit_HMatrix.cpp
19 	\author E. Lunéville
20 	\since 17 may 2016
21 	\date 17 may 2016
23 	Low level tests of Hmatrix class.
24 	Almost functionalities are checked.
25 	This function may either creates a reference file storing the results (check=false)
26 	or compares results to those stored in the reference file (check=true)
27 	It returns reporting informations in a string
28 */
30 #include "xlife++-libs.h"
31 #include "hierarchicalMatrix.h"
32 #include "testUtils.hpp"
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <fstream>
36 #include <vector>
38 #undef __STRICT_ANSI__ // _controlfp is a non-standard function documented in MSDN
39 #include <float.h>
40 #include <stdio.h>
42 using namespace xlifepp;
44 namespace unit_HMatrix
45 {
unit_HMatrix(bool check)47 String unit_HMatrix(bool check)
48 {
49   String rootname = "unit_HMatrix";
50   trace_p->push(rootname);
51   std::stringstream out;                  // string stream receiving results
52   out.precision(testPrec);
53   verboseLevel(5);
54   //Trace::trackingMode=true;
55   //numberOfThreads(1);
57   //test on a sphere
58   Mesh meshd(Sphere(_center=Point(0.,0.,0.),_radius=1.,_nnodes=9,_domain_name="Omega"),_triangle,1,_subdiv);
59   Domain omega=meshd.domain("Omega");
60   Space W(omega,P0,"V",false);
61   Unknown u(W,"u"); TestFunction v(u,"v");
62   Vector<Real> x(W.dimSpace(),1.);
63   Kernel Gl=Laplace3dKernel();
64   IntegrationMethods ims(Sauter_Schwab,5,0.,_defaultRule,5,2.,_defaultRule,4,4.,_defaultRule,3);
66   Number nbp=50;
68   out<<"----------------- Laplace kernel single layer, dense matrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
69   std::cout<<"----------------- Laplace kernel single layer, dense matrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
70   BilinearForm blf=intg(omega,omega,u*Gl*v,ims,_noSymmetry);
71   elapsedTime();
72   TermMatrix A(blf,_denseRowStorage, "A");
73   elapsedTime("build dense matrix");
74   LargeMatrix<Real>& Alm=A.getLargeMatrix<Real>();
75   Vector<Real> Ax;
76   elapsedTime();
77   for(Number k=0; k<nbp; ++k) Ax=Alm*x;
78   out<<"dense matrix ("<<Alm.nbNonZero()<<") |A*x| = "<<norm(Ax)<<eol;
79   elapsedTime("dense matrix x vector");
81   Number nbox=10;
82   ClusterTree<FeDof> ct(W.feSpace()->dofs,_cardinalityBisection,nbox);
83   //ct.print(out);
84   elapsedTime("create Cluster tree");
86   HMatrix<Real,FeDof> hm(ct,ct,nbox,nbox);
87   elapsedTime("create HMatrix");
88   //ct.saveToFile("cluster_sphere.txt");
89   //hm.saveStructureToFile("hmatrix.dat");
90   hm.load(Alm);  //load HMatrix from LargeMatrix
91   elapsedTime("load HMatrix from LargeMatrix");
93   //test matrix vector product
94   //==========================
95   elapsedTime();
96   Vector<Real> amx;
97   for(number_t k=0; k<50; k++) amx=Alm*x;
98   elapsedTime("A*x");
99   HMatrixNode<Real,FeDof>::initCounter();
100   Vector<Real> hmx;
101   for(number_t k=0; k<5; k++)  hmx = hm*x;
102   elapsedTime("hm*x");
103   HMatrixNode<Real,FeDof>::stopCounter();
104   out<<"|amx-hmx| = "<<norm(amx-hmx)<<" matrixVectorProductCount = "<<HMatrixNode<Real,FeDof>::counter<<eol;
105   //test get leaves
106   std::list<HMatrixNode<Real,FeDof>* > leaves=hm.getLeaves();
107   std::list<HMatrixNode<Real,FeDof>* >::iterator itl=leaves.begin();
108   out<<" number of leaves = "<<leaves.size()<<eol;
109   //for(;itl!=leaves.end();++itl) (*itl)->printNode(out);
111   Number nt=20;
112   Number unsafe=0;
113   std::list<HMatrixNode<Real,FeDof>* > oleaves=hm.getLeaves(_row,nt,unsafe);
114   out<<"list of leaves with nt="<<nt<<" unsafe = "<<unsafe
115      <<" number of safe packets = "<<(oleaves.size()-unsafe)/nt<<eol;
116   itl=oleaves.begin();
117   //for(;itl!=oleaves.end();++itl) (*itl)->printNode(out);
119   out<<"norm2(am)="<<norm2(Alm)<<" norm2(hm)="<<hm.norm2()<<eol;
121   //test HMatrixNode stuff
122   //======================
123 //  _clearfp();
124 //   unsigned ucw = 0;
125 //   _controlfp_s(&ucw, 0, _EM_INVALID|_EM_OVERFLOW);  //activate Nan and overflow sigtrap
126   verboseLevel(20);
128   Vector<Real>::iterator ity;
129   HMatrixNode<Real,FeDof>* hno=hm.child(5);
130   out<<"----------------- HNode product -------------------"<<eol;
131   //hno->print(out);
132   Vector<Real> y0=Ax, y=Ax;
133   y0*=0; hno->multMatrixVector(x,y0);
134 //  out<<"hno*x=";
135 //  ity=y0.begin();
136 //  for(number_t k=0;k<y0.size();++k, ++ity) if(*ity!=0) out<<" "<<k<<"->"<<*ity;
137   out<<"norm2(hno*x)="<<norm2(y0)<<eol;
138   out<<eol;
139   out<<"----------------- HNode hierarchical to LargeMatrix -------------------"<<eol;
140   hno->toLargeMatrix();
141   //hno->print(out);
142   y*=0; hno->multMatrixVector(x,y);
143   out<<"norm2(hno*x-Ax)="<<norm2(y-y0)<<eol;
144   out<<"----------------- HNode LargeMatrix to Hierarchical -------------------"<<eol;
145   hno->toHierarchical();
146   //hno->print(out);
147   y*=0; hno->multMatrixVector(x,y);
148   out<<"norm2(hno*x-Ax)="<<norm2(y-y0)<<eol;
149   out<<"----------------- HNode hierarchical to LowRankMatrix -------------------"<<eol;
150   hno->toApproximateMatrix(_lowRankApproximation,0,1.E-04);
151   //hno->print(out);
152   y*=0; hno->multMatrixVector(x,y);
153   out<<"norm2(hno*x-Ax)="<<norm2(y-y0)<<eol;
154   out<<"----------------- HNode LowRankMatrix to hierarchical -------------------"<<eol;
155   hno->toHierarchical();
156   //hno->print(out);
157   y*=0; hno->multMatrixVector(x,y);
158   out<<"norm2(hno*x-Ax)="<<norm2(y-y0)<<eol;
160   //test building Hmatrix from bilinear form
161   //========================================
162   Number sb=10;
163   HMatrixIM him0(_cardinalityBisection, sb,sb,_noHMApproximation,0.,ims);
165   // no approximation
166   out<<"----------------- Laplace kernel single layer, Hmatrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
167   theCout<<"----------------- Laplace kernel single layer, Hmatrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
168   BilinearForm blfhm0=intg(omega,omega,u*Gl*v,him0);
169   elapsedTime();
170   TermMatrix Ahm0(blfhm0,"Ahm0");
171   elapsedTime("build HMatrix exact");
172   HMatrix<real_t,FeDof>& hmA0=Ahm0.getHMatrix<Real>();
173   Vector<Real> Ahm0x;
174   elapsedTime();
175   for(Number k=0; k<nbp; ++k) Ahm0x=hmA0*x;
176   elapsedTime("exact Hmatrix x vector");
177   out<<"exact HM "; hmA0.printSummary(out); out<<" |A*x- hmA0*x| = "<<norm(Ax-Ahm0x)<<eol;
179   //test compression methods
180   DofCluster rowCluster=him0.rowCluster(), colCluster=him0.colCluster();
181   HMatrixIM him_svd(_svdCompression, 0.000001, ims, rowCluster, colCluster);
182   BilinearForm blfhm_svd=intg(omega,omega,u*Gl*v,him_svd);
183   elapsedTime();
184   TermMatrix Ahm_svd(blfhm_svd,"Ahm_svd");
185   elapsedTime("build HMatrix svd compression");
186   HMatrix<real_t,FeDof>& hmA_svd=Ahm_svd.getHMatrix<Real>();
187   Vector<Real> Ahm_svdx;
188   elapsedTime();
189   for(Number k=0; k<nbp; ++k) Ahm_svdx=hmA_svd*x;
190   elapsedTime("exact Hmatrix svd x vector");
191   out<<"svd HM "; hmA_svd.printSummary(out); out<<" |A*x- Ahm_svd*x| = "<<norm(Ax-Ahm_svdx)<<eol;
193   //test with a combination of a HMatrix and a LargeMatrix
194   out<<"----------------- Laplace kernel double layer - Id, dense matrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
195   theCout<<"----------------- Laplace kernel double layer - Id, dense matrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
196   BilinearForm blm=intg(omega,omega,u*ndotgrad_y(Gl)*v,ims)-0.5*intg(omega,u*v);;
197   TermMatrix B(blm,"B");
198   elapsedTime("build dense matrix");
199   Vector<Real> Bx;
200   LargeMatrix<Real>& Blm=B.getLargeMatrix<Real>();
201   elapsedTime();
202   for(Number k=0; k<nbp; ++k) Bx=Blm*x;
203   out<<"|B*x| = "<<norm(Bx)<<eol;
204   elapsedTime("dense matrix x vector");
205   out<<"----------------- Laplace kernel double layer - Id, Hmatrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
206   theCout<<"----------------- Laplace kernel double layer - Id, Hmatrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
207   BilinearForm blm0=intg(omega,omega,u*ndotgrad_y(Gl)*v,him0)-0.5*intg(omega,u*v);
208   TermMatrix B0(blm0, "B0");
209   elapsedTime("build exact HM/LM matrix");
210   Vector<Real> B0x;
211   HMatrix<real_t,FeDof>& B0hm=B0.getHMatrix<Real>();
212   elapsedTime();
213   for(Number k=0; k<nbp; ++k) B0x=B0hm*x;
214   out<<"exact HM/LM |B*x-B0*x| = "<<norm(Bx-B0x)<<eol;
215   elapsedTime("exact HM/LM matrix x vector");
217   //test for Helmholtz Kernel
218   out<<"----------------- Helmholtz kernel single layer, dense matrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
219   theCout<<"----------------- Helmholtz kernel single layer, dense matrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
220   Kernel Gh=Helmholtz3dKernel(2.);
221   Vector<Complex> z(W.dimSpace(),Complex(1.));
222   BilinearForm cblm=intg(omega,omega,u*Gh*v,ims);
223   TermMatrix C(cblm,"B");
224   elapsedTime("build full matrix");
225   Vector<Complex> Cx;
226   LargeMatrix<Complex>& Clm=C.getLargeMatrix<Complex>();
227   elapsedTime();
228   for(Number k=0; k<nbp; ++k) Cx=Clm*z;
229   out<<"|C*x| = "<<norm(Cx)<<eol;
230   elapsedTime("full matrix x vector");
232   // no approximation
233   out<<"----------------- Helmholtz kernel single layer, Hmatrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
234   theCout<<"----------------- Helmholtz kernel single layer, Hmatrix computation -------------------"<<eol;
235   BilinearForm cblfhm0=intg(omega,omega,u*Gh*v,him0);
236   elapsedTime();
237   TermMatrix Chm0(cblfhm0,"Chm0");
238   elapsedTime("build HMatrix exact");
239   HMatrix<Complex,FeDof>& hmC0=Chm0.getHMatrix<Complex>();
240   Vector<Complex> Chm0x;
241   elapsedTime();
242   for(Number k=0; k<nbp; ++k) Chm0x=hmC0*z;
243   elapsedTime("exact Hmatrix x vector");
244   out<<"exact HM/LM |C*x- hmC0*x| = "<<norm(Cx-Chm0x)<<eol;
246   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
247   // save results in a file or compare results with some references value in a file
248   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
249   trace_p->pop();
250   if(check) { return diffResFile(out, rootname); }
251   else { return saveResToFile(out, rootname); }
252 }
254 }