1# This data file was generated by the Spreadsheet Calculator.
2# You almost certainly shouldn't edit it.
4set numeric
5label A0 = "This spreadsheet illustrates the use of the "
6label A1 = "@irr() function to calculate real-rate-of-return"
7label A2 = "for a given cash flow.  That is, the percentage"
8label A3 = "return which yields a certain cash flow or"
9label A4 = "sequence of payments"
10label A6 = "Example 1"
11label A7 = "payments"
12let B7 = -100
13let C7 = 10
14let D7 = 10
15let E7 = 10
16let F7 = 110
17label A8 = "@irr()"
18let B8 = @irr(B7:F7)
19label A9 = "an investment of 100, yielding payments of 10"
20label A10 = "with a final payoff of the principal and interest.  "
21label A11 = "Clearly, 10% or 1.10"
22label A12 = "Example 2"
23let B13 = -103.15
24label C13 = "l"
25let D13 = 9.13
26let E13 = 9.13
27let F13 = 9.13
28let G13 = 109.13
29label A14 = "return"
30let B14 = @irr(B13:G13)
31fmt B14 "#.0000"
32label A15 = "More realistic example, showing also that the formula"
33label A16 = "will ignore text or non-numeric entries"
34let F16 = -104
35label A17 = "Example 3.  Vertical input works too."
36label E17 = "return"
37let F17 = 8.7
38let E18 = @irr(F16:F21)
39fmt E18 "#.0000"
40let F18 = 3.2
41let F19 = 9.3
42let F20 = 8.7
43let F21 = 109.3
44label A22 = "Error testing"
45let A23 = 100
46let B23 = 1
47let C23 = 2
48let D23 = 3
49let E23 = -105
50let F23 = @irr(A23:E23)
51label G23 = "invalid"
52let A24 = 1
53let F24 = @irr(A24:E24)
54label G24 = "bad range"
55label A25 = "a"
56label B25 = "b"
57let F25 = @irr(A25:E25)
58goto A0