1  /*++
2  Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation
4  Module Name:
6   bv_bounds.h
8  Abstract:
10  A class used to determine bounds on bit-vector variables.
11  The satisfiability procedure is polynomial.
14  Author:
16  Mikolas Janota (MikolasJanota)
18  Revision History:
19  --*/
20 #pragma once
21 #include "ast/ast.h"
22 #include "ast/bv_decl_plugin.h"
23 #include "ast/rewriter/rewriter_types.h"
25 /* \brief A class to analyze constraints on bit vectors.
27   The objective is to identify inconsistencies in polynomial time.
28   All bounds/intervals are closed. Methods that add new constraints
29   return false if inconsistency has already been reached.
30   Typical usage is to call repeatedly add_constraint(e) and call is_sat() in the end.
31  */
32 class bv_bounds {
33 public:
34     typedef rational numeral;
35     typedef std::pair<numeral, numeral> interval;
36     typedef obj_map<app, numeral>       bound_map;
bv_bounds(ast_manager & m)37     bv_bounds(ast_manager& m) : m_m(m), m_bv_util(m), m_okay(true) {};
38     ~bv_bounds();
39 public: // bounds addition methods
40     br_status rewrite(unsigned limit, func_decl * f, unsigned num, expr * const * args, expr_ref& result);
42     /** \brief Add a constraint to the system.
44        The added constraints are to be considered by is_sat.
45        Currently, only special types of inequalities are supported, e.g. v <= v+1.
46        Other constraints are ignored.
47        Returns false if the system became trivially unsatisfiable
48     **/
49     bool add_constraint(expr* e);
51     bool bound_up(app * v, const numeral& u); // v <= u
52     bool bound_lo(app * v, const numeral& l); // l <= v
53     inline bool add_neg_bound(app * v, const numeral& a, const numeral& b); // not (a<=v<=b)
54     bool add_bound_signed(app * v, const numeral& a, const numeral& b, bool negate);
55     bool add_bound_unsigned(app * v, const numeral& a, const numeral& b, bool negate);
56 public:
57     bool is_sat();  ///< Determine if the set of considered constraints is satisfiable.
58     bool is_okay();
singletons()59     const bound_map& singletons() { return m_singletons; }
bvu()60     bv_util& bvu() { return m_bv_util;  }
61     void reset();
62 protected:
63     struct ninterval {
64         //ninterval(app * v, numeral lo, numeral hi, bool negated) : v(v), lo(lo), hi(hi), negated(negated) {}
65         app * v;
66         numeral lo, hi;
67         bool negated;
68     };
69     enum conv_res { CONVERTED, UNSAT, UNDEF };
70     conv_res convert(expr * e, vector<ninterval>& nis, bool negated);
71     conv_res record(app * v, numeral lo, numeral hi, bool negated, vector<ninterval>& nis);
72     conv_res convert_signed(app * v, const numeral& a, const numeral& b, bool negate, vector<ninterval>& nis);
74     typedef vector<interval>            intervals;
75     typedef obj_map<app, intervals*>    intervals_map;
76     ast_manager&              m_m;
77     bound_map                 m_unsigned_lowers;
78     bound_map                 m_unsigned_uppers;
79     intervals_map             m_negative_intervals;
80     bound_map                 m_singletons;
81     bv_util                   m_bv_util;
82     bool                      m_okay;
83     bool                      is_sat(app * v);
84 bool                      is_sat_core(app * v);
85     inline bool               in_range(app *v, const numeral& l);
86     inline bool               is_constant_add(unsigned bv_sz, expr * e, app*& v, numeral& val);
87     void                      record_singleton(app * v,  numeral& singleton_value);
88     inline bool               to_bound(const expr * e) const;
89     bool is_uleq(expr * e, expr * &  v, numeral & c);
90 };
is_okay()93 inline bool bv_bounds::is_okay() { return m_okay; }
to_bound(const expr * e)95 inline bool bv_bounds::to_bound(const expr * e) const {
96     return is_app(e) && m_bv_util.is_bv(e)
97        && !m_bv_util.is_bv_add(e)
98        && !m_bv_util.is_numeral(e);
99 }
in_range(app * v,const bv_bounds::numeral & n)101 inline bool bv_bounds::in_range(app *v, const bv_bounds::numeral& n) {
102     const unsigned bv_sz = m_bv_util.get_bv_size(v);
103     const bv_bounds::numeral zero(0);
104     const bv_bounds::numeral mod(rational::power_of_two(bv_sz));
105     return (zero <= n) && (n < mod);
106 }
is_constant_add(unsigned bv_sz,expr * e,app * & v,numeral & val)108 inline bool bv_bounds::is_constant_add(unsigned bv_sz, expr * e, app*& v, numeral& val) {
109     SASSERT(e && !v);
110     SASSERT(m_bv_util.get_bv_size(e) == bv_sz);
111     expr *lhs(nullptr), *rhs(nullptr);
112     if (!m_bv_util.is_bv_add(e, lhs, rhs)) {
113         v = to_app(e);
114         val = rational(0);
115         return true;
116     }
117     if (to_bound(lhs) && m_bv_util.is_numeral(rhs, val, bv_sz)) {
118         v = to_app(lhs);
119         return true;
120     }
121     if (to_bound(rhs) && m_bv_util.is_numeral(lhs, val, bv_sz)) {
122         v = to_app(rhs);
123         return true;
124     }
125     return false;
126 }