1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     subpaving_t.h
8 Abstract:
10     Subpaving template for non-linear arithmetic.
12 Author:
14     Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2012-07-31.
16 Revision History:
18 --*/
19 #pragma once
21 #include<iostream>
22 #include "util/tptr.h"
23 #include "util/small_object_allocator.h"
24 #include "util/chashtable.h"
25 #include "util/parray.h"
26 #include "math/interval/interval.h"
27 #include "util/scoped_numeral_vector.h"
28 #include "math/subpaving/subpaving_types.h"
29 #include "util/params.h"
30 #include "util/statistics.h"
31 #include "util/lbool.h"
32 #include "util/id_gen.h"
33 #include "util/rlimit.h"
34 #ifdef _MSC_VER
35 #pragma warning(disable : 4200)
36 #pragma warning(disable : 4355)
37 #endif
39 namespace subpaving {
41 template<typename C>
42 class context_t {
43 public:
44     typedef typename C::numeral_manager       numeral_manager;
45     typedef typename numeral_manager::numeral numeral;
47     /**
48        \brief Inequalities used to encode a problem.
49     */
50     class ineq {
51         friend class context_t;
52         var         m_x;
53         numeral     m_val;
54         unsigned    m_ref_count:30;
55         unsigned    m_lower:1;
56         unsigned    m_open:1;
57     public:
x()58         var x() const { return m_x; }
value()59         numeral const & value() const { return m_val; }
is_lower()60         bool is_lower() const { return m_lower; }
is_open()61         bool is_open() const { return m_open; }
62         void display(std::ostream & out, numeral_manager & nm, display_var_proc const & proc = display_var_proc());
operatorlt_var_proc63         struct lt_var_proc { bool operator()(ineq const * a, ineq const * b) const { return a->m_x < b->m_x; } };
64     };
66     class node;
68     class constraint {
69     public:
70         enum kind {
72             // TODO: add SIN, COS, TAN, ...
73         };
74     protected:
75         kind     m_kind;
76         uint64_t m_timestamp;
77     public:
constraint(kind k)78         constraint(kind k):m_kind(k), m_timestamp(0) {}
get_kind()80         kind get_kind() const { return m_kind; }
82         // Return the timestamp of the last propagation visit
timestamp()83         uint64_t timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }
84         // Reset propagation visit time
set_visited(uint64_t ts)85         void set_visited(uint64_t ts) { m_timestamp = ts; }
86     };
88     /**
89        \brief Clauses in the problem description and lemmas learned during paving.
90     */
91     class clause : public constraint {
92         friend class context_t;
93         unsigned m_size;            //!< Number of atoms in the clause.
94         unsigned m_lemma:1;         //!< True if it is a learned clause.
95         unsigned m_watched:1;       //!< True if it we are watching this clause. All non-lemmas are watched.
96         unsigned m_num_jst:30;      //!< Number of times it is used to justify some bound.
97         ineq *   m_atoms[0];
get_obj_size(unsigned sz)98         static unsigned get_obj_size(unsigned sz) { return sizeof(clause) + sz*sizeof(ineq*); }
99     public:
clause()100         clause():constraint(constraint::CLAUSE) {}
size()101         unsigned size() const { return m_size; }
watched()102         bool watched() const { return m_watched; }
103         ineq * operator[](unsigned i) const { SASSERT(i < size()); return m_atoms[i]; }
104         void display(std::ostream & out, numeral_manager & nm, display_var_proc const & proc = display_var_proc());
105     };
107     class justification {
108         void * m_data;
109     public:
110         enum kind {
111             AXIOM = 0,
112             ASSUMPTION,
113             CLAUSE,
114             VAR_DEF
115         };
117         justification(bool axiom = true) {
118             m_data = axiom ? reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<size_t>(AXIOM)) : reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<size_t>(ASSUMPTION));
119         }
justification(justification const & source)120         justification(justification const & source) { m_data = source.m_data; }
justification(clause * c)121         explicit justification(clause * c) { m_data = TAG(void*, c, CLAUSE); }
justification(var x)122         explicit justification(var x) { m_data = BOXTAGINT(void*, x, VAR_DEF);  }
get_kind()124         kind get_kind() const { return static_cast<kind>(GET_TAG(m_data)); }
is_clause()125         bool is_clause() const { return get_kind() == CLAUSE; }
is_axiom()126         bool is_axiom() const { return get_kind() == AXIOM; }
is_assumption()127         bool is_assumption() const { return get_kind() == ASSUMPTION; }
is_var_def()128         bool is_var_def() const { return get_kind() == VAR_DEF; }
get_clause()130         clause * get_clause() const {
131             SASSERT(is_clause());
132             return UNTAG(clause*, m_data);
133         }
get_var()135         var get_var() const {
136             SASSERT(is_var_def());
137             return UNBOXINT(m_data);
138         }
140         bool operator==(justification const & other) const { return m_data == other.m_data;  }
141         bool operator!=(justification const & other) const { return !operator==(other); }
142     };
144     class bound {
145         friend class context_t;
146         numeral       m_val;
147         unsigned      m_x:29;
148         unsigned      m_lower:1;
149         unsigned      m_open:1;
150         unsigned      m_mark:1;
151         uint64_t      m_timestamp;
152         bound *       m_prev;
153         justification m_jst;
set_timestamp(uint64_t ts)154         void set_timestamp(uint64_t ts) { m_timestamp = ts; }
155     public:
x()156         var x() const { return static_cast<var>(m_x); }
value()157         numeral const & value() const { return m_val; }
value()158         numeral & value() { return m_val; }
is_lower()159         bool is_lower() const { return m_lower; }
is_open()160         bool is_open() const { return m_open; }
timestamp()161         uint64_t timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }
prev()162         bound * prev() const { return m_prev; }
jst()163         justification jst() const { return m_jst; }
164         void display(std::ostream & out, numeral_manager & nm, display_var_proc const & proc = display_var_proc());
165     };
167     struct bound_array_config {
168         typedef context_t                value_manager;
169         typedef small_object_allocator   allocator;
170         typedef bound *                  value;
171         static const bool ref_count        = false;
172         static const bool preserve_roots   = true;
173         static const unsigned max_trail_sz = 16;
174         static const unsigned factor       = 2;
175     };
177     // auxiliary declarations for parray_manager
dec_ref(bound *)178     void dec_ref(bound *) {}
inc_ref(bound *)179     void inc_ref(bound *) {}
181     typedef parray_manager<bound_array_config> bound_array_manager;
182     typedef typename bound_array_manager::ref  bound_array;
184     /**
185        \brief Node in the context_t.
186     */
187     class node {
188         bound_array_manager & m_bm;
189         bound_array           m_lowers;
190         bound_array           m_uppers;
191         var                   m_conflict;
192         unsigned              m_id;
193         unsigned              m_depth;
194         bound *               m_trail;
195         node *                m_parent; //!< parent node
196         node *                m_first_child;
197         node *                m_next_sibling;
198         // Doubly linked list of leaves to be processed
199         node *                m_prev;
200         node *                m_next;
201     public:
202         node(context_t & s, unsigned id);
203         node(node * parent, unsigned id);
204         // return unique identifier.
id()205         unsigned id() const { return m_id; }
bm()206         bound_array_manager & bm() const { return m_bm; }
lowers()207         bound_array & lowers() { return m_lowers; }
uppers()208         bound_array & uppers() { return m_uppers; }
inconsistent()209         bool inconsistent() const { return m_conflict != null_var; }
set_conflict(var x)210         void set_conflict(var x) { SASSERT(!inconsistent()); m_conflict = x; }
trail_stack()211         bound * trail_stack() const { return m_trail; }
parent_trail_stack()212         bound * parent_trail_stack() const { return m_parent == nullptr ? nullptr : m_parent->m_trail; }
lower(var x)213         bound * lower(var x) const { return bm().get(m_lowers, x); }
upper(var x)214         bound * upper(var x) const { return bm().get(m_uppers, x); }
parent()215         node * parent() const { return m_parent; }
first_child()216         node * first_child() const { return m_first_child; }
next_sibling()217         node * next_sibling() const { return m_next_sibling; }
prev()218         node * prev() const { return m_prev; }
next()219         node * next() const { return m_next; }
220         /**
221            \brief Return true if x is unbounded in this node
222         */
is_unbounded(var x)223         bool is_unbounded(var x) const { return lower(x) == nullptr && upper(x) == nullptr; }
224         void push(bound * b);
set_first_child(node * n)226         void set_first_child(node * n) { m_first_child = n; }
set_next_sibling(node * n)227         void set_next_sibling(node * n) { m_next_sibling = n; }
set_next(node * n)228         void set_next(node * n) { m_next = n; }
set_prev(node * n)229         void set_prev(node * n) { m_prev = n; }
depth()231         unsigned depth() const { return m_depth; }
232     };
234     /**
235        \brief Intervals are just temporary place holders.
236        The pavers maintain bounds.
237     */
238     struct interval {
239         bool   m_constant; // Flag: constant intervals are pairs <node*, var>
240         // constant intervals
241         node * m_node;
242         var    m_x;
243         // mutable intervals
244         numeral      m_l_val;
245         bool         m_l_inf;
246         bool         m_l_open;
247         numeral      m_u_val;
248         bool         m_u_inf;
249         bool         m_u_open;
intervalinterval251         interval():m_constant(false) {}
set_constantinterval252         void set_constant(node * n, var x) {
253             m_constant = true;
254             m_node = n;
255             m_x = x;
256         }
set_mutableinterval257         void set_mutable() { m_constant = false; }
258     };
260     class interval_config {
261     public:
262         typedef typename C::numeral_manager         numeral_manager;
263         typedef typename numeral_manager::numeral   numeral;
264         typedef typename context_t::interval        interval;
265     private:
266         numeral_manager & m_manager;
267     public:
interval_config(numeral_manager & m)268         interval_config(numeral_manager & m):m_manager(m) {}
m()270         numeral_manager & m() const { return m_manager; }
round_to_minus_inf()271         void round_to_minus_inf() { C::round_to_minus_inf(m()); }
round_to_plus_inf()272         void round_to_plus_inf() {  C::round_to_plus_inf(m()); }
set_rounding(bool to_plus_inf)273         void set_rounding(bool to_plus_inf) {  C::set_rounding(m(), to_plus_inf); }
lower(interval const & a)274         numeral const & lower(interval const & a) const {
275             if (a.m_constant) {
276                 bound * b = a.m_node->lower(a.m_x);
277                 return b == nullptr ? a.m_l_val /* don't care */ : b->value();
278             }
279             return a.m_l_val;
280         }
upper(interval const & a)281         numeral const & upper(interval const & a) const {
282             if (a.m_constant) {
283                 bound * b = a.m_node->upper(a.m_x);
284                 return b == nullptr ? a.m_u_val /* don't care */ : b->value();
285             }
286             return a.m_u_val;
287         }
lower(interval & a)288         numeral & lower(interval & a) { SASSERT(!a.m_constant); return a.m_l_val; }
upper(interval & a)289         numeral & upper(interval & a) { SASSERT(!a.m_constant); return a.m_u_val; }
lower_is_inf(interval const & a)290         bool lower_is_inf(interval const & a) const { return a.m_constant ? a.m_node->lower(a.m_x) == nullptr : a.m_l_inf; }
upper_is_inf(interval const & a)291         bool upper_is_inf(interval const & a) const { return a.m_constant ? a.m_node->upper(a.m_x) == nullptr : a.m_u_inf; }
lower_is_open(interval const & a)292         bool lower_is_open(interval const & a) const {
293             if (a.m_constant) {
294                 bound * b = a.m_node->lower(a.m_x);
295                 return b == nullptr || b->is_open();
296             }
297             return a.m_l_open;
298         }
upper_is_open(interval const & a)299         bool upper_is_open(interval const & a) const {
300             if (a.m_constant) {
301                 bound * b = a.m_node->upper(a.m_x);
302                 return b == nullptr || b->is_open();
303             }
304             return a.m_u_open;
305         }
306         // Setters
set_lower(interval & a,numeral const & n)307         void set_lower(interval & a, numeral const & n) { SASSERT(!a.m_constant); m().set(a.m_l_val, n); }
set_upper(interval & a,numeral const & n)308         void set_upper(interval & a, numeral const & n) { SASSERT(!a.m_constant); m().set(a.m_u_val, n); }
set_lower_is_open(interval & a,bool v)309         void set_lower_is_open(interval & a, bool v) { SASSERT(!a.m_constant); a.m_l_open = v; }
set_upper_is_open(interval & a,bool v)310         void set_upper_is_open(interval & a, bool v) { SASSERT(!a.m_constant); a.m_u_open = v; }
set_lower_is_inf(interval & a,bool v)311         void set_lower_is_inf(interval & a, bool v) { SASSERT(!a.m_constant); a.m_l_inf = v; }
set_upper_is_inf(interval & a,bool v)312         void set_upper_is_inf(interval & a, bool v) { SASSERT(!a.m_constant); a.m_u_inf = v; }
313     };
315     typedef ::interval_manager<interval_config> interval_manager;
317     class definition : public constraint {
318     public:
definition(typename constraint::kind k)319         definition(typename constraint::kind k):constraint(k) {}
320     };
322     class monomial : public definition {
323         friend class context_t;
324         unsigned m_size;
325         power    m_powers[0];
326         monomial(unsigned sz, power const * pws);
get_obj_size(unsigned sz)327         static unsigned get_obj_size(unsigned sz) { return sizeof(monomial) + sz*sizeof(power); }
328     public:
size()329         unsigned size() const { return m_size; }
get_power(unsigned idx)330         power const & get_power(unsigned idx) const { SASSERT(idx < size()); return m_powers[idx]; }
get_powers()331         power const * get_powers() const { return m_powers; }
x(unsigned idx)332         var x(unsigned idx) const { return get_power(idx).x(); }
degree(unsigned idx)333         unsigned degree(unsigned idx) const { return get_power(idx).degree(); }
334         void display(std::ostream & out, display_var_proc const & proc = display_var_proc(), bool use_star = false) const;
335     };
337     class polynomial : public definition {
338         friend class context_t;
339         unsigned    m_size;
340         numeral     m_c;
341         numeral *   m_as;
342         var *       m_xs;
get_obj_size(unsigned sz)343         static unsigned get_obj_size(unsigned sz) { return sizeof(polynomial) + sz*sizeof(numeral) + sz*sizeof(var); }
344     public:
polynomial()345         polynomial():definition(constraint::POLYNOMIAL) {}
size()346         unsigned size() const { return m_size; }
a(unsigned i)347         numeral const & a(unsigned i) const { return m_as[i]; }
x(unsigned i)348         var x(unsigned i) const { return m_xs[i]; }
xs()349         var const * xs() const { return m_xs; }
as()350         numeral const * as() const { return m_as; }
c()351         numeral const & c() const { return m_c; }
352         void display(std::ostream & out, numeral_manager & nm, display_var_proc const & proc = display_var_proc(), bool use_star = false) const;
353     };
355     /**
356        \brief Watched element (aka occurrence) can be:
358        - A clause
359        - A definition (i.e., a variable)
361        Remark: we cannot use the two watched literal approach since we process multiple nodes.
362     */
363     class watched {
364     public:
365         enum kind { CLAUSE=0, DEFINITION };
366     private:
367         void * m_data;
368     public:
watched()369         watched():m_data(nullptr) {}
watched(var x)370         explicit watched(var x) { m_data = BOXTAGINT(void*, x, DEFINITION); }
watched(clause * c)371         explicit watched(clause * c) { m_data = TAG(void*, c, CLAUSE); }
get_kind()372         kind get_kind() const { return static_cast<kind>(GET_TAG(m_data)); }
is_clause()373         bool is_clause() const { return get_kind() != DEFINITION; }
is_definition()374         bool is_definition() const { return get_kind() == DEFINITION; }
get_clause()375         clause * get_clause() const { SASSERT(is_clause()); return UNTAG(clause*, m_data); }
get_var()376         var get_var() const { SASSERT(is_definition()); return UNBOXINT(m_data); }
377         bool operator==(watched const & other) const { return m_data == other.m_data;  }
378         bool operator!=(watched const & other) const { return !operator==(other); }
379     };
381     /**
382        \brief Abstract functor for selecting the next leaf node to be explored.
383     */
384     class node_selector {
385         context_t * m_ctx;
386     public:
node_selector(context_t * ctx)387         node_selector(context_t * ctx):m_ctx(ctx) {}
~node_selector()388         virtual ~node_selector() {}
ctx()390         context_t * ctx() const { return m_ctx; }
392         // Return the next leaf node to be processed.
393         // Front and back are the first and last nodes in the doubly linked list of
394         // leaf nodes.
395         // Remark: new nodes are always inserted in the front of the list.
396         virtual node * operator()(node * front, node * back) = 0;
397     };
399     /**
400        \brief Abstract functor for selecting the next variable to branch.
401     */
402     class var_selector {
403         context_t * m_ctx;
404     public:
var_selector(context_t * ctx)405         var_selector(context_t * ctx):m_ctx(ctx) {}
~var_selector()406         virtual ~var_selector() {}
ctx()408         context_t * ctx() const { return m_ctx; }
410         // Return the next variable to branch.
411         virtual var operator()(node * n) = 0;
413         // -----------------------------------
414         //
415         // Event handlers
416         //
417         // -----------------------------------
419         // Invoked when a new variable is created.
new_var_eh(var x)420         virtual void new_var_eh(var x) {}
421         // Invoked when node n is created
new_node_eh(node * n)422         virtual void new_node_eh(node * n) {}
423         // Invoked before deleting node n.
del_node_eh(node * n)424         virtual void del_node_eh(node * n) {}
425         // Invoked when variable x is used during conflict resolution.
used_var_eh(node * n,var x)426         virtual void used_var_eh(node * n, var x) {}
427     };
429     class node_splitter;
430     friend class node_splitter;
432     /**
433        \brief Abstract functor for creating children for node n by branching on a given variable.
434     */
435     class node_splitter {
436         context_t * m_ctx;
437     public:
node_splitter(context_t * ctx)438         node_splitter(context_t * ctx):m_ctx(ctx) {}
~node_splitter()439         virtual ~node_splitter() {}
ctx()441         context_t * ctx() const { return m_ctx; }
mk_node(node * p)442         node * mk_node(node * p) { return ctx()->mk_node(p); }
mk_decided_bound(var x,numeral const & val,bool lower,bool open,node * n)443         bound * mk_decided_bound(var x, numeral const & val, bool lower, bool open, node * n) {
444             return ctx()->mk_bound(x, val, lower, open, n, justification());
445         }
447         /**
448           \brief Create children nodes for n by splitting on x.
450           \pre n is a leaf. The interval for x in n has more than one element.
451         */
452         virtual void operator()(node * n, var x) = 0;
453     };
455     /**
456        \brief Return most recent splitting var for node n.
457     */
458     var splitting_var(node * n) const;
460     /**
461        \brief Return true if x is a definition.
462     */
is_definition(var x)463     bool is_definition(var x) const { return m_defs[x] != 0; }
465     typedef svector<watched> watch_list;
466     typedef _scoped_numeral_vector<numeral_manager> scoped_numeral_vector;
468 private:
469     reslimit&                 m_limit;
470     C                         m_c;
471     bool                      m_arith_failed; //!< True if the arithmetic module produced an exception.
472     bool                      m_own_allocator;
473     small_object_allocator *  m_allocator;
474     bound_array_manager       m_bm;
475     interval_manager          m_im;
476     scoped_numeral_vector     m_num_buffer;
478     bool_vector             m_is_int;
479     ptr_vector<definition>    m_defs;
480     vector<watch_list>        m_wlist;
482     ptr_vector<ineq>          m_unit_clauses;
483     ptr_vector<clause>        m_clauses;
484     ptr_vector<clause>        m_lemmas;
486     id_gen                    m_node_id_gen;
488     uint64_t                  m_timestamp;
489     node *                    m_root;
490     // m_leaf_head is the head of a doubly linked list of leaf nodes to be processed.
491     node *                    m_leaf_head;
492     node *                    m_leaf_tail;
494     var                       m_conflict;
495     ptr_vector<bound>         m_queue;
496     unsigned                  m_qhead;
498     display_var_proc          m_default_display_proc;
499     display_var_proc *        m_display_proc;
501     scoped_ptr<node_selector> m_node_selector;
502     scoped_ptr<var_selector>  m_var_selector;
503     scoped_ptr<node_splitter> m_node_splitter;
505     svector<power>            m_pws;
507     // Configuration
508     numeral                   m_epsilon;         //!< If upper - lower < epsilon, then new bound is not propagated.
509     bool                      m_zero_epsilon;
510     numeral                   m_max_bound;       //!< Bounds > m_max and < -m_max are not propagated
511     numeral                   m_minus_max_bound; //!< -m_max_bound
512     numeral                   m_nth_root_prec;   //!< precision for computing the nth root
513     unsigned                  m_max_depth;       //!< Maximum depth
514     unsigned                  m_max_nodes;       //!< Maximum number of nodes in the tree
515     unsigned long long        m_max_memory;      // in bytes
517     // Counters
518     unsigned                  m_num_nodes;
520     // Statistics
521     unsigned                  m_num_conflicts;
522     unsigned                  m_num_mk_bounds;
523     unsigned                  m_num_splits;
524     unsigned                  m_num_visited;
526     // Temporary
527     numeral                   m_tmp1, m_tmp2, m_tmp3;
528     interval                  m_i_tmp1, m_i_tmp2, m_i_tmp3;
531     friend class node;
set_arith_failed()533     void set_arith_failed() { m_arith_failed = true; }
535     void checkpoint();
bm()537     bound_array_manager & bm() { return m_bm; }
im()538     interval_manager & im() { return m_im; }
allocator()539     small_object_allocator & allocator() const { return *m_allocator; }
541     bound * mk_bound(var x, numeral const & val, bool lower, bool open, node * n, justification jst);
542     void del_bound(bound * b);
543     // Create a new bound and add it to the propagation queue.
544     void propagate_bound(var x, numeral const & val, bool lower, bool open, node * n, justification jst);
546     bool is_int(monomial const * m) const;
547     bool is_int(polynomial const * p) const;
is_monomial(var x)549     bool is_monomial(var x) const { return m_defs[x] != 0 && m_defs[x]->get_kind() == constraint::MONOMIAL; }
get_monomial(var x)550     monomial * get_monomial(var x) const { SASSERT(is_monomial(x)); return static_cast<monomial*>(m_defs[x]); }
is_polynomial(var x)551     bool is_polynomial(var x) const { return m_defs[x] != 0 && m_defs[x]->get_kind() == constraint::POLYNOMIAL; }
get_polynomial(var x)552     polynomial * get_polynomial(var x) const { SASSERT(is_polynomial(x)); return static_cast<polynomial*>(m_defs[x]); }
553     static void display(std::ostream & out, numeral_manager & nm, display_var_proc const & proc, var x, numeral & k, bool lower, bool open);
554     void display(std::ostream & out, var x) const;
555     void display_definition(std::ostream & out, definition const * d, bool use_star = false) const;
556     void display(std::ostream & out, constraint * a, bool use_star = false) const;
557     void display(std::ostream & out, bound * b) const;
558     void display(std::ostream & out, ineq * a) const;
559     void display_params(std::ostream & out) const;
560     void add_unit_clause(ineq * a, bool axiom);
561     // Remark: Not all lemmas need to be watched. Some of them can be used to justify clauses only.
562     void add_clause_core(unsigned sz, ineq * const * atoms, bool lemma, bool watched);
563     void del_clause(clause * cls);
565     node * mk_node(node * parent = nullptr);
566     void del_node(node * n);
567     void del_nodes();
569     void del(interval & a);
570     void del_clauses(ptr_vector<clause> & cs);
571     void del_unit_clauses();
572     void del_clauses();
573     void del_monomial(monomial * m);
574     void del_sum(polynomial * p);
575     void del_definitions();
577     /**
578        \brief Insert n in the beginning of the doubly linked list of leaves.
580        \pre n is a leaf, and it is not already in the list.
581     */
582     void push_front(node * n);
584     /**
585        \brief Insert n in the end of the doubly linked list of leaves.
587        \pre n is a leaf, and it is not already in the list.
588     */
589     void push_back(node * n);
591     /**
592        \brief Remove n from the doubly linked list of leaves.
594        \pre n is a leaf, and it is in the list.
595     */
596     void remove_from_leaf_dlist(node * n);
598     /**
599        \brief Remove all nodes from the leaf dlist.
600     */
601     void reset_leaf_dlist();
603     /**
604        \brief Add all leaves back to the leaf dlist.
605     */
606     void rebuild_leaf_dlist(node * n);
608     // -----------------------------------
609     //
610     // Propagation
611     //
612     // -----------------------------------
614     /**
615        \brief Return true if the given node is in an inconsistent state.
616     */
inconsistent(node * n)617     bool inconsistent(node * n) const { return n->inconsistent(); }
619     /**
620        \brief Set a conflict produced by the bounds of x at the given node.
621     */
622     void set_conflict(var x, node * n);
624     /**
625        \brief Return true if bound b may propagate a new bound using constraint c at node n.
626     */
627     bool may_propagate(bound * b, constraint * c, node * n);
629     /**
630        \brief Normalize bound if x is integer.
632        Examples:
633        x < 2     --> x <= 1
634        x <= 2.3  --> x <= 2
635     */
636     void normalize_bound(var x, numeral & val, bool lower, bool & open);
638     /**
639        \brief Return true if (x, k, lower, open) is a relevant new bound at node n.
640        That is, it improves the current bound, and satisfies m_epsilon and m_max_bound.
641     */
642     bool relevant_new_bound(var x, numeral const & k, bool lower, bool open, node * n);
644     /**
645        \brief Return true if the lower and upper bounds of x are 0 at node n.
646     */
647     bool is_zero(var x, node * n) const;
649     /**
650        \brief Return true if upper bound of x is 0 at node n.
651     */
652     bool is_upper_zero(var x, node * n) const;
654     /**
655        \brief Return true if lower and upper bounds of x are conflicting at node n. That is, upper(x) < lower(x)
656     */
657     bool conflicting_bounds(var x, node * n) const;
659     /**
660        \brief Return true if x is unbounded at node n.
661     */
is_unbounded(var x,node * n)662     bool is_unbounded(var x, node * n) const { return n->is_unbounded(x); }
664     /**
665        \brief Return true if b is the most recent lower/upper bound for variable b->x() at node n.
666     */
667     bool most_recent(bound * b, node * n) const;
669     /**
670        \brief Add most recent bounds of node n into the propagation queue.
671        That is, all bounds b s.t. b is in the trail of n, but not in the tail of parent(n), and most_recent(b, n).
672     */
673     void add_recent_bounds(node * n);
675     /**
676        \brief Propagate new bounds at node n using get_monomial(x)
677        \pre is_monomial(x)
678     */
679     void propagate_monomial(var x, node * n);
680     void propagate_monomial_upward(var x, node * n);
681     void propagate_monomial_downward(var x, node * n, unsigned i);
683     /**
684        \brief Propagate new bounds at node n using get_polynomial(x)
685        \pre is_polynomial(x)
686     */
687     void propagate_polynomial(var x, node * n);
688     // Propagate a new bound for y using the polynomial associated with x. x may be equal to y.
689     void propagate_polynomial(var x, node * n, var y);
691     /**
692        \brief Propagate new bounds at node n using clause c.
693     */
694     void propagate_clause(clause * c, node * n);
696     /**
697        \brief Return the truth value of inequaliy t at node n.
698     */
699     lbool value(ineq * t, node * n);
701     /**
702        \brief Propagate new bounds at node n using the definition of variable x.
703        \pre is_definition(x)
704     */
705     void propagate_def(var x, node * n);
707     /**
708        \brief Propagate constraints in b->x()'s watch list.
709     */
710     void propagate(node * n, bound * b);
712     /**
713        \brief Perform bound propagation at node n.
714     */
715     void propagate(node * n);
717     /**
718        \brief Try to propagate at node n using all definitions.
719     */
720     void propagate_all_definitions(node * n);
722     // -----------------------------------
723     //
724     // Main
725     //
726     // -----------------------------------
727     void init();
729     /**
730        \brief Assert unit clauses in the node n.
731     */
732     void assert_units(node * n);
734     // -----------------------------------
735     //
736     // Debugging support
737     //
738     // -----------------------------------
740     /**
741        \brief Return true if b is a bound for node n.
742     */
743     bool is_bound_of(bound * b, node * n) const;
745     /**
746        \brief Check the consistency of the doubly linked list of leaves.
747     */
748     bool check_leaf_dlist() const;
750     /**
751        \brief Check paving tree structure.
752     */
753     bool check_tree() const;
755     /**
756        \brief Check main invariants.
757     */
758     bool check_invariant() const;
760 public:
761     context_t(reslimit& lim, C const & c, params_ref const & p, small_object_allocator * a);
762     ~context_t();
764     /**
765        \brief Return true if the arithmetic module failed.
766     */
arith_failed()767     bool arith_failed() const { return m_arith_failed; }
nm()769     numeral_manager & nm() const { return m_c.m(); }
num_vars()771     unsigned num_vars() const { return m_is_int.size(); }
is_int(var x)773     bool is_int(var x) const { SASSERT(x < num_vars()); return m_is_int[x]; }
775     /**
776        \brief Create a new variable.
777     */
778     var mk_var(bool is_int);
780     /**
781        \brief Create the monomial xs[0]^ks[0] * ... * xs[sz-1]^ks[sz-1].
782        The result is a variable y s.t. y = xs[0]^ks[0] * ... * xs[sz-1]^ks[sz-1].
784        \pre for all i \in [0, sz-1] : ks[i] > 0
785        \pre sz > 0
786     */
787     var mk_monomial(unsigned sz, power const * pws);
789     /**
790        \brief Create the sum c + as[0]*xs[0] + ... + as[sz-1]*xs[sz-1].
791        The result is a variable y s.t. y = c + as[0]*xs[0] + ... + as[sz-1]*xs[sz-1].
793        \pre sz > 0
794        \pre for all i \in [0, sz-1] : as[i] != 0
795     */
796     var mk_sum(numeral const & c, unsigned sz, numeral const * as, var const * xs);
798     /**
799        \brief Create an inequality.
800     */
801     ineq * mk_ineq(var x, numeral const & k, bool lower, bool open);
802     void inc_ref(ineq * a);
803     void dec_ref(ineq * a);
805     /**
806        \brief Assert the clause atoms[0] \/ ... \/ atoms[sz-1]
807        \pre sz > 1
808     */
add_clause(unsigned sz,ineq * const * atoms)809     void add_clause(unsigned sz, ineq * const * atoms) { add_clause_core(sz, atoms, false, true); }
811     /**
812        \brief Assert a constraint of one of the forms: x < k, x > k, x <= k, x >= k.
814        If axiom == true, then the constraint is not tracked in proofs.
815     */
816     void add_ineq(var x, numeral const & k, bool lower, bool open, bool axiom);
818     /**
819        \brief Store in the given vector all leaves of the paving tree.
820     */
821     void collect_leaves(ptr_vector<node> & leaves) const;
823     /**
824        \brief Display constraints asserted in the subpaving.
825     */
826     void display_constraints(std::ostream & out, bool use_star = false) const;
828     /**
829        \brief Display bounds for each leaf of the tree.
830     */
831     void display_bounds(std::ostream & out) const;
833     void display_bounds(std::ostream & out, node * n) const;
set_display_proc(display_var_proc * p)835     void set_display_proc(display_var_proc * p) { m_display_proc = p; }
837     void updt_params(params_ref const & p);
839     static void collect_param_descrs(param_descrs & d);
841     void reset_statistics();
843     void collect_statistics(statistics & st) const;
845     void operator()();
846 };
848 };