1 /**
2 Copyright (c) 2011 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     spacer_util.cpp
8 Abstract:
10     Utility functions for SPACER.
13 Author:
15     Krystof Hoder (t-khoder) 2011-8-19.
16     Arie Gurfinkel
17     Anvesh Komuravelli
19 Revision History:
21     Modified by Anvesh Komuravelli
23 Notes:
26 --*/
28 #include <sstream>
29 #include <algorithm>
31 #include "util/util.h"
32 #include "ast/ast.h"
33 #include "ast/occurs.h"
34 #include "ast/ast_pp.h"
35 #include "ast/scoped_proof.h"
36 #include "ast/for_each_expr.h"
37 #include "ast/rewriter/bool_rewriter.h"
38 #include "ast/rewriter/expr_safe_replace.h"
39 #include "ast/array_decl_plugin.h"
40 #include "ast/arith_decl_plugin.h"
41 #include "ast/datatype_decl_plugin.h"
42 #include "ast/bv_decl_plugin.h"
43 #include "ast/rewriter/rewriter.h"
44 #include "ast/rewriter/rewriter_def.h"
45 #include "ast/rewriter/factor_equivs.h"
46 #include "ast/rewriter/expr_replacer.h"
49 #include "smt/params/smt_params.h"
50 #include "model/model.h"
51 #include "model/model_evaluator.h"
52 #include "model/model_smt2_pp.h"
53 #include "model/model_pp.h"
55 #include "qe/qe_lite.h"
56 #include "qe/qe_mbp.h"
57 #include "qe/mbp/mbp_term_graph.h"
58 #include "qe/mbp/mbp_plugin.h"
60 #include "tactic/tactical.h"
61 #include "tactic/core/propagate_values_tactic.h"
62 #include "tactic/arith/propagate_ineqs_tactic.h"
63 #include "tactic/arith/arith_bounds_tactic.h"
65 #include "muz/base/dl_util.h"
66 #include "muz/spacer/spacer_legacy_mev.h"
67 #include "muz/spacer/spacer_qe_project.h"
68 #include "muz/spacer/spacer_manager.h"
69 #include "muz/spacer/spacer_util.h"
71 namespace spacer {
is_clause(ast_manager & m,expr * n)73     bool is_clause(ast_manager& m, expr* n) {
74         if (spacer::is_literal(m, n))
75             return true;
76         if (m.is_or(n)) {
77             for (expr* arg : *to_app(n)) {
78                 if (!spacer::is_literal(m, arg))
79                     return false;
80                 return true;
81             }
82         }
83         return false;
84     }
is_literal(ast_manager & m,expr * n)86     bool is_literal(ast_manager& m, expr* n) {
87         return spacer::is_atom(m, n) || (m.is_not(n) && spacer::is_atom(m, to_app(n)->get_arg(0)));
88     }
is_atom(ast_manager & m,expr * n)90     bool is_atom(ast_manager& m, expr* n) {
91         if (is_quantifier(n) || !m.is_bool(n))
92             return false;
93         if (is_var(n))
94             return true;
95         SASSERT(is_app(n));
96         if (to_app(n)->get_family_id() != m.get_basic_family_id()) {
97             return true;
98         }
100         if ((m.is_eq(n) && !m.is_bool(to_app(n)->get_arg(0))) ||
101             m.is_true(n) || m.is_false(n))
102             return true;
104         // x=y is atomic if x and y are Bool and atomic
105         expr* e1, * e2;
106         if (m.is_eq(n, e1, e2) && spacer::is_atom(m, e1) && spacer::is_atom(m, e2))
107             return true;
108         return false;
109     }
subst_vars(ast_manager & m,app_ref_vector const & vars,model & mdl,expr_ref & fml)111     void subst_vars(ast_manager& m,
112         app_ref_vector const& vars, model& mdl, expr_ref& fml) {
113         model::scoped_model_completion _sc_(mdl, true);
114         expr_safe_replace sub(m);
115         for (app* v : vars) sub.insert(v, mdl(v));
116         sub(fml);
117     }
to_mbp_benchmark(std::ostream & out,expr * fml,const app_ref_vector & vars)119     void to_mbp_benchmark(std::ostream& out, expr* fml, const app_ref_vector& vars) {
120         ast_manager& m = vars.m();
121         ast_pp_util pp(m);
122         pp.collect(fml);
123         pp.display_decls(out);
125         out << "(define-fun mbp_benchmark_fml () Bool\n  ";
126         out << mk_pp(fml, m) << ")\n\n";
128         out << "(push 1)\n"
129             << "(assert mbp_benchmark_fml)\n"
130             << "(check-sat)\n"
131             << "(mbp mbp_benchmark_fml (";
132         for (auto v : vars) { out << mk_pp(v, m) << " "; }
133         out << "))\n"
134             << "(pop 1)\n"
135             << "(exit)\n";
136     }
qe_project_z3(ast_manager & m,app_ref_vector & vars,expr_ref & fml,model & mdl,bool reduce_all_selects,bool use_native_mbp,bool dont_sub)138     void qe_project_z3(ast_manager& m, app_ref_vector& vars, expr_ref& fml,
139         model& mdl, bool reduce_all_selects, bool use_native_mbp,
140         bool dont_sub) {
141         params_ref p;
142         p.set_bool("reduce_all_selects", reduce_all_selects);
143         p.set_bool("dont_sub", dont_sub);
145         qe::mbproj mbp(m, p);
146         mbp.spacer(vars, mdl, fml);
147     }
149     /*
150      * eliminate simple equalities using qe_lite
151      * then, MBP for Booleans (substitute), reals (based on LW), ints (based on Cooper), and arrays
152      */
qe_project_spacer(ast_manager & m,app_ref_vector & vars,expr_ref & fml,model & mdl,bool reduce_all_selects,bool use_native_mbp,bool dont_sub)153     void qe_project_spacer(ast_manager& m, app_ref_vector& vars, expr_ref& fml,
154         model& mdl, bool reduce_all_selects, bool use_native_mbp,
155         bool dont_sub) {
156         th_rewriter rw(m);
157         TRACE("spacer_mbp",
158             tout << "Before projection:\n";
159         tout << fml << "\n";
160         tout << "Vars:\n" << vars;);
162         {
163             // Ensure that top-level AND of fml is flat
164             expr_ref_vector flat(m);
165             flatten_and(fml, flat);
166             fml = mk_and(flat);
167         }
170         // uncomment for benchmarks
171         //to_mbp_benchmark(verbose_stream(), fml, vars);
173         app_ref_vector arith_vars(m);
174         app_ref_vector array_vars(m);
175         array_util arr_u(m);
176         arith_util ari_u(m);
177         expr_safe_replace bool_sub(m);
178         expr_ref bval(m);
180         while (true) {
181             params_ref p;
182             qe_lite qe(m, p, false);
183             qe(vars, fml);
184             rw(fml);
186             TRACE("spacer_mbp",
187                 tout << "After qe_lite:\n";
188             tout << mk_pp(fml, m) << "\n";
189             tout << "Vars:\n" << vars;);
191             SASSERT(!m.is_false(fml));
194             // sort out vars into bools, arith (int/real), and arrays
195             for (app* v : vars) {
196                 if (m.is_bool(v)) {
197                     // obtain the interpretation of the ith var
198                     // using model completion
199                     model::scoped_model_completion _sc_(mdl, true);
200                     bool_sub.insert(v, mdl(v));
201                 }
202                 else if (arr_u.is_array(v)) {
203                     array_vars.push_back(v);
204                 }
205                 else {
206                     SASSERT(ari_u.is_int(v) || ari_u.is_real(v));
207                     arith_vars.push_back(v);
208                 }
209             }
211             // substitute Booleans
212             if (!bool_sub.empty()) {
213                 bool_sub(fml);
214                 // -- bool_sub is not simplifying
215                 rw(fml);
216                 SASSERT(!m.is_false(fml));
217                 TRACE("spacer_mbp", tout << "Projected Booleans:\n" << fml << "\n"; );
218                 bool_sub.reset();
219             }
221             TRACE("spacer_mbp", tout << "Array vars:\n"; tout << array_vars;);
223             vars.reset();
225             // project arrays
226             {
227                 scoped_no_proof _sp(m);
228                 // -- local rewriter that is aware of current proof mode
229                 th_rewriter srw(m);
230                 spacer_qe::array_project(mdl, array_vars, fml, vars, reduce_all_selects);
231                 SASSERT(array_vars.empty());
232                 srw(fml);
233                 SASSERT(!m.is_false(fml));
234             }
236             TRACE("spacer_mbp",
237                 tout << "extended model:\n";
238             model_pp(tout, mdl);
239             tout << "Auxiliary variables of index and value sorts:\n";
240             tout << vars;);
242             if (vars.empty()) { break; }
243         }
245         // project reals and ints
246         if (!arith_vars.empty()) {
247             TRACE("spacer_mbp", tout << "Arith vars:\n" << arith_vars;);
249             if (use_native_mbp) {
250                 qe::mbproj mbp(m);
251                 expr_ref_vector fmls(m);
252                 flatten_and(fml, fmls);
254                 mbp(true, arith_vars, mdl, fmls);
255                 fml = mk_and(fmls);
256                 SASSERT(arith_vars.empty());
257             }
258             else {
259                 scoped_no_proof _sp(m);
260                 spacer_qe::arith_project(mdl, arith_vars, fml);
261             }
263             TRACE("spacer_mbp",
264                 tout << "Projected arith vars:\n" << fml << "\n";
265             tout << "Remaining arith vars:\n" << arith_vars << "\n";);
266             SASSERT(!m.is_false(fml));
267         }
269         if (!arith_vars.empty()) {
270             mbqi_project(mdl, arith_vars, fml);
271         }
273         // substitute any remaining arith vars
274         if (!dont_sub && !arith_vars.empty()) {
275             subst_vars(m, arith_vars, mdl, fml);
276             TRACE("spacer_mbp",
277                 tout << "After substituting remaining arith vars:\n";
278             tout << mk_pp(fml, m) << "\n";
279             );
280             // an extra round of simplification because subst_vars is not simplifying
281             rw(fml);
282         }
284         DEBUG_CODE(
285             model_evaluator mev(mdl);
286             mev.set_model_completion(false);
287             SASSERT(mev.is_true(fml));
288         );
290         vars.reset();
291         if (dont_sub && !arith_vars.empty()) {
292             vars.append(arith_vars);
293         }
294     }
apply_accessor(ast_manager & m,ptr_vector<func_decl> const & acc,unsigned j,func_decl * f,expr * c)297     static expr* apply_accessor(ast_manager& m,
298         ptr_vector<func_decl> const& acc,
299         unsigned j,
300         func_decl* f,
301         expr* c) {
302         if (is_app(c) && to_app(c)->get_decl() == f) {
303             return to_app(c)->get_arg(j);
304         }
305         else {
306             return m.mk_app(acc[j], c);
307         }
308     }
qe_project(ast_manager & m,app_ref_vector & vars,expr_ref & fml,model & mdl,bool reduce_all_selects,bool use_native_mbp,bool dont_sub)310     void qe_project(ast_manager& m, app_ref_vector& vars, expr_ref& fml,
311         model& mdl, bool reduce_all_selects, bool use_native_mbp,
312         bool dont_sub) {
313         if (use_native_mbp)
314             qe_project_z3(m, vars, fml, mdl,
315                 reduce_all_selects, use_native_mbp, dont_sub);
316         else
317             qe_project_spacer(m, vars, fml, mdl,
318                 reduce_all_selects, use_native_mbp, dont_sub);
319     }
expand_literals(ast_manager & m,expr_ref_vector & conjs)321     void expand_literals(ast_manager& m, expr_ref_vector& conjs) {
322         if (conjs.empty())
323             return;
324         arith_util arith(m);
325         datatype_util dt(m);
326         bv_util       bv(m);
327         expr* e1, * e2, * c, * val;
328         rational r;
329         unsigned bv_size;
331         TRACE("spacer_expand", tout << "begin expand\n" << conjs << "\n";);
333         for (unsigned i = 0; i < conjs.size(); ++i) {
334             expr* e = conjs[i].get();
335             if (m.is_eq(e, e1, e2) && arith.is_int_real(e1)) {
336                 conjs[i] = arith.mk_le(e1, e2);
337                 if (i + 1 == conjs.size()) {
338                     conjs.push_back(arith.mk_ge(e1, e2));
339                 }
340                 else {
341                     conjs.push_back(conjs[i + 1].get());
342                     conjs[i + 1] = arith.mk_ge(e1, e2);
343                 }
344                 ++i;
345             }
346             else if ((m.is_eq(e, c, val) && is_app(val) && dt.is_constructor(to_app(val))) ||
347                 (m.is_eq(e, val, c) && is_app(val) && dt.is_constructor(to_app(val)))) {
348                 func_decl* f = to_app(val)->get_decl();
349                 func_decl* r = dt.get_constructor_is(f);
350                 conjs[i] = m.mk_app(r, c);
351                 ptr_vector<func_decl> const& acc = *dt.get_constructor_accessors(f);
352                 for (unsigned j = 0; j < acc.size(); ++j) {
353                     conjs.push_back(m.mk_eq(apply_accessor(m, acc, j, f, c), to_app(val)->get_arg(j)));
354                 }
355             }
356             else if ((m.is_eq(e, c, val) && bv.is_numeral(val, r, bv_size)) ||
357                 (m.is_eq(e, val, c) && bv.is_numeral(val, r, bv_size))) {
358                 rational two(2);
359                 for (unsigned j = 0; j < bv_size; ++j) {
360                     parameter p(j);
361                     expr* e = m.mk_eq(m.mk_app(bv.get_family_id(), OP_BIT1), bv.mk_extract(j, j, c));
362                     if ((r % two).is_zero()) {
363                         e = m.mk_not(e);
364                     }
365                     r = div(r, two);
366                     if (j == 0) {
367                         conjs[i] = e;
368                     }
369                     else {
370                         conjs.push_back(e);
371                     }
372                 }
373             }
374         }
375         TRACE("spacer_expand", tout << "end expand\n" << conjs << "\n";);
376     }
378     namespace {
379         class implicant_picker {
380             model& m_model;
381             ast_manager& m;
382             arith_util m_arith;
384             expr_ref_vector m_todo;
385             expr_mark m_visited;
387             // add literal to the implicant
388             // applies lightweight normalization
add_literal(expr * e,expr_ref_vector & out)389             void add_literal(expr* e, expr_ref_vector& out) {
390                 SASSERT(m.is_bool(e));
392                 expr_ref res(m), v(m);
393                 v = m_model(e);
394                 // the literal must have a value
395                 SASSERT(m.limit().is_canceled() || m.is_true(v) || m.is_false(v));
397                 res = m.is_false(v) ? m.mk_not(e) : e;
399                 if (m.is_distinct(res)) {
400                     // --(distinct a b) == (not (= a b))
401                     if (to_app(res)->get_num_args() == 2) {
402                         res = m.mk_eq(to_app(res)->get_arg(0),
403                             to_app(res)->get_arg(1));
404                         res = m.mk_not(res);
405                     }
406                 }
408                 expr* nres = nullptr, * f1 = nullptr, * f2 = nullptr;
409                 if (m.is_not(res, nres)) {
410                     // --(not (xor a b)) == (= a b)
411                     if (m.is_xor(nres, f1, f2))
412                         res = m.mk_eq(f1, f2);
413                     // -- split arithmetic inequality
414                     else if (m.is_eq(nres, f1, f2) && m_arith.is_int_real(f1)) {
415                         res = m_arith.mk_lt(f1, f2);
416                         if (!m_model.is_true(res))
417                             res = m_arith.mk_lt(f2, f1);
418                     }
419                 }
422                 if (!m_model.is_true(res)) {
423                     IF_VERBOSE(2, verbose_stream()
424                         << "(spacer-model-anomaly: " << res << ")\n");
425                 }
426                 out.push_back(res);
427             }
process_app(app * a,expr_ref_vector & out)429             void process_app(app* a, expr_ref_vector& out) {
430                 if (m_visited.is_marked(a)) return;
431                 SASSERT(m.is_bool(a));
432                 expr_ref v(m);
433                 v = m_model(a);
434                 bool is_true = m.is_true(v);
436                 if (!is_true && !m.is_false(v)) return;
438                 expr* na = nullptr, * f1 = nullptr, * f2 = nullptr, * f3 = nullptr;
440                 SASSERT(!m.is_false(a));
441                 if (m.is_true(a)) {
442                     // noop
443                 }
444                 else if (a->get_family_id() != m.get_basic_family_id()) {
445                     add_literal(a, out);
446                 }
447                 else if (is_uninterp_const(a)) {
448                     add_literal(a, out);
449                 }
450                 else if (m.is_not(a, na)) {
451                     m_todo.push_back(na);
452                 }
453                 else if (m.is_distinct(a)) {
454                     if (!is_true) {
455                         expr_ref tmp = mbp::project_plugin::pick_equality(m, m_model, a);
456                         m_todo.push_back(tmp);
457                     }
458                     else if (a->get_num_args() == 2) {
459                         add_literal(a, out);
460                     }
461                     else {
462                         m_todo.push_back(m.mk_distinct_expanded(a->get_num_args(),
463                             a->get_args()));
464                     }
465                 }
466                 else if (m.is_and(a)) {
467                     if (is_true) {
468                         m_todo.append(a->get_num_args(), a->get_args());
469                     }
470                     else {
471                         for (expr* e : *a) {
472                             if (m_model.is_false(e)) {
473                                 m_todo.push_back(e);
474                                 break;
475                             }
476                         }
477                     }
478                 }
479                 else if (m.is_or(a)) {
480                     if (!is_true)
481                         m_todo.append(a->get_num_args(), a->get_args());
482                     else {
483                         for (expr* e : *a) {
484                             if (m_model.is_true(e)) {
485                                 m_todo.push_back(e);
486                                 break;
487                             }
488                         }
489                     }
490                 }
491                 else if (m.is_eq(a, f1, f2) ||
492                     (is_true && m.is_not(a, na) && m.is_xor(na, f1, f2))) {
493                     if (!m.are_equal(f1, f2) && !m.are_distinct(f1, f2)) {
494                         if (m.is_bool(f1) &&
495                             (!is_uninterp_const(f1) || !is_uninterp_const(f2)))
496                             m_todo.append(a->get_num_args(), a->get_args());
497                         else
498                             add_literal(a, out);
499                     }
500                 }
501                 else if (m.is_ite(a, f1, f2, f3)) {
502                     if (m.are_equal(f2, f3)) {
503                         m_todo.push_back(f2);
504                     }
505                     else if (m_model.is_true(f2) && m_model.is_true(f3)) {
506                         m_todo.push_back(f2);
507                         m_todo.push_back(f3);
508                     }
509                     else if (m_model.is_false(f2) && m_model.is_false(f3)) {
510                         m_todo.push_back(f2);
511                         m_todo.push_back(f3);
512                     }
513                     else if (m_model.is_true(f1)) {
514                         m_todo.push_back(f1);
515                         m_todo.push_back(f2);
516                     }
517                     else if (m_model.is_false(f1)) {
518                         m_todo.push_back(f1);
519                         m_todo.push_back(f3);
520                     }
521                 }
522                 else if (m.is_xor(a, f1, f2)) {
523                     m_todo.append(a->get_num_args(), a->get_args());
524                 }
525                 else if (m.is_implies(a, f1, f2)) {
526                     if (is_true) {
527                         if (m_model.is_true(f2))
528                             m_todo.push_back(f2);
529                         else if (m_model.is_false(f1))
530                             m_todo.push_back(f1);
531                     }
532                     else
533                         m_todo.append(a->get_num_args(), a->get_args());
534                 }
535                 else {
536                     IF_VERBOSE(0,
537                         verbose_stream() << "Unexpected expression: "
538                         << mk_pp(a, m) << "\n");
539                     UNREACHABLE();
540                 }
541             }
pick_literals(expr * e,expr_ref_vector & out)543             void pick_literals(expr* e, expr_ref_vector& out) {
544                 SASSERT(m_todo.empty());
545                 if (m_visited.is_marked(e) || !is_app(e)) return;
547                 // -- keep track of all created expressions to
548                 // -- make sure that expression ids are stable
549                 expr_ref_vector pinned(m);
551                 m_todo.reset();
552                 m_todo.push_back(e);
553                 while (!m_todo.empty()) {
554                     pinned.push_back(m_todo.back());
555                     m_todo.pop_back();
556                     if (!is_app(pinned.back())) continue;
557                     app* a = to_app(pinned.back());
558                     process_app(a, out);
559                     m_visited.mark(a, true);
560                 }
561                 m_todo.reset();
562             }
pick_implicant(const expr_ref_vector & in,expr_ref_vector & out)564             bool pick_implicant(const expr_ref_vector& in, expr_ref_vector& out) {
565                 m_visited.reset();
566                 bool is_true = m_model.is_true(in);
568                 for (expr* e : in) {
569                     if (is_true || m_model.is_true(e)) {
570                         pick_literals(e, out);
571                     }
572                 }
573                 m_visited.reset();
574                 return is_true;
575             }
577         public:
implicant_picker(model & mdl)579             implicant_picker(model& mdl) :
580                 m_model(mdl), m(m_model.get_manager()), m_arith(m), m_todo(m) {}
operator ()(expr_ref_vector & in,expr_ref_vector & out)582             void operator()(expr_ref_vector& in, expr_ref_vector& out) {
583                 model::scoped_model_completion _sc_(m_model, false);
584                 pick_implicant(in, out);
585             }
586         };
587     }
compute_implicant_literals(model & mdl,expr_ref_vector & formula)589     expr_ref_vector compute_implicant_literals(model& mdl,
590         expr_ref_vector& formula) {
591         // flatten the formula and remove all trivial literals
593         // TBD: not clear why there is a dependence on it(other than
594         // not handling of Boolean constants by implicant_picker), however,
595         // it was a source of a problem on a benchmark
596         expr_ref_vector res(formula.get_manager());
597         flatten_and(formula);
598         if (!formula.empty()) {
599             implicant_picker ipick(mdl);
600             ipick(formula, res);
601         }
602         return res;
603     }
simplify_bounds_old(expr_ref_vector & cube)605     void simplify_bounds_old(expr_ref_vector& cube) {
606         ast_manager& m = cube.m();
607         scoped_no_proof _no_pf_(m);
608         goal_ref g(alloc(goal, m, false, false, false));
609         for (expr* c : cube)
610             g->assert_expr(c);
612         goal_ref_buffer result;
613         tactic_ref simplifier = mk_arith_bounds_tactic(m);
614         (*simplifier)(g, result);
615         SASSERT(result.size() == 1);
616         goal* r = result[0];
617         cube.reset();
618         for (unsigned i = 0; i < r->size(); ++i) {
619             cube.push_back(r->form(i));
620         }
621     }
simplify_bounds_new(expr_ref_vector & cube)623     void simplify_bounds_new(expr_ref_vector& cube) {
624         ast_manager& m = cube.m();
625         scoped_no_proof _no_pf_(m);
626         goal_ref g(alloc(goal, m, false, false, false));
627         for (expr* c : cube)
628             g->assert_expr(c);
630         goal_ref_buffer goals;
631         tactic_ref prop_values = mk_propagate_values_tactic(m);
632         tactic_ref prop_bounds = mk_propagate_ineqs_tactic(m);
633         tactic_ref t = and_then(prop_values.get(), prop_bounds.get());
635         (*t)(g, goals);
636         SASSERT(goals.size() == 1);
638         g = goals[0];
639         cube.reset();
640         for (unsigned i = 0; i < g->size(); ++i) {
641             cube.push_back(g->form(i));
642         }
643     }
simplify_bounds(expr_ref_vector & cube)645     void simplify_bounds(expr_ref_vector& cube) {
646         simplify_bounds_new(cube);
647     }
649     /// Adhoc rewriting of arithmetic expressions
650     struct adhoc_rewriter_cfg : public default_rewriter_cfg {
651         ast_manager& m;
652         arith_util m_util;
adhoc_rewriter_cfgspacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg654         adhoc_rewriter_cfg(ast_manager& manager) : m(manager), m_util(m) {}
is_lespacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg656         bool is_le(func_decl const* n) const { return m_util.is_le(n); }
is_gespacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg657         bool is_ge(func_decl const* n) const { return m_util.is_ge(n); }
reduce_appspacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg659         br_status reduce_app(func_decl* f, unsigned num, expr* const* args,
660             expr_ref& result, proof_ref& result_pr) {
661             expr* e;
662             if (is_le(f))
663                 return mk_le_core(args[0], args[1], result);
664             if (is_ge(f))
665                 return mk_ge_core(args[0], args[1], result);
666             if (m.is_not(f) && m.is_not(args[0], e)) {
667                 result = e;
668                 return BR_DONE;
669             }
670             return BR_FAILED;
671         }
mk_le_corespacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg673         br_status mk_le_core(expr* arg1, expr* arg2, expr_ref& result) {
674             // t <= -1  ==> t < 0 ==> !(t >= 0)
675             if (m_util.is_int(arg1) && m_util.is_minus_one(arg2)) {
676                 result = m.mk_not(m_util.mk_ge(arg1, mk_zero()));
677                 return BR_DONE;
678             }
679             return BR_FAILED;
680         }
mk_ge_corespacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg681         br_status mk_ge_core(expr* arg1, expr* arg2, expr_ref& result) {
682             // t >= 1 ==> t > 0 ==> !(t <= 0)
683             if (m_util.is_int(arg1) && is_one(arg2)) {
685                 result = m.mk_not(m_util.mk_le(arg1, mk_zero()));
686                 return BR_DONE;
687             }
688             return BR_FAILED;
689         }
mk_zerospacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg690         expr* mk_zero() { return m_util.mk_numeral(rational(0), true); }
is_onespacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg691         bool is_one(expr const* n) const {
692             rational val; return m_util.is_numeral(n, val) && val.is_one();
693         }
694     };
normalize(expr * e,expr_ref & out,bool use_simplify_bounds,bool use_factor_eqs)696     void normalize(expr* e, expr_ref& out,
697         bool use_simplify_bounds,
698         bool use_factor_eqs)
699     {
701         params_ref params;
702         // arith_rewriter
703         params.set_bool("sort_sums", true);
704         params.set_bool("gcd_rounding", true);
705         params.set_bool("arith_lhs", true);
706         // poly_rewriter
707         params.set_bool("som", true);
708         params.set_bool("flat", true);
710         // apply rewriter
711         th_rewriter rw(out.m(), params);
712         rw(e, out);
714         adhoc_rewriter_cfg adhoc_cfg(out.m());
715         rewriter_tpl<adhoc_rewriter_cfg> adhoc_rw(out.m(), false, adhoc_cfg);
716         adhoc_rw(out.get(), out);
718         if (out.m().is_and(out)) {
719             expr_ref_vector v(out.m());
720             flatten_and(out, v);
722             if (v.size() > 1) {
723                 if (use_simplify_bounds) {
724                     // remove redundant inequalities
725                     simplify_bounds(v);
726                 }
727                 if (use_factor_eqs) {
728                     // -- refactor equivalence classes and choose a representative
729                     mbp::term_graph egraph(out.m());
730                     egraph.add_lits(v);
731                     v.reset();
732                     egraph.to_lits(v);
733                 }
734                 // sort arguments of the top-level and
735                 std::stable_sort(v.data(), v.data() + v.size(), ast_lt_proc());
737                 TRACE("spacer_normalize",
738                     tout << "Normalized:\n"
739                     << out << "\n"
740                     << "to\n"
741                     << mk_and(v) << "\n";);
742                 TRACE("spacer_normalize",
743                     mbp::term_graph egraph(out.m());
744                 for (expr* e : v) egraph.add_lit(to_app(e));
745                 tout << "Reduced app:\n"
746                     << mk_pp(egraph.to_expr(), out.m()) << "\n";);
747                 out = mk_and(v);
748             }
749         }
750     }
752     // rewrite term such that the pretty printing is easier to read
753     struct adhoc_rewriter_rpp : public default_rewriter_cfg {
754         ast_manager& m;
755         arith_util m_arith;
adhoc_rewriter_rppspacer::adhoc_rewriter_rpp757         adhoc_rewriter_rpp(ast_manager& manager) : m(manager), m_arith(m) {}
is_lespacer::adhoc_rewriter_rpp759         bool is_le(func_decl const* n) const { return m_arith.is_le(n); }
is_gespacer::adhoc_rewriter_rpp760         bool is_ge(func_decl const* n) const { return m_arith.is_ge(n); }
is_ltspacer::adhoc_rewriter_rpp761         bool is_lt(func_decl const* n) const { return m_arith.is_lt(n); }
is_gtspacer::adhoc_rewriter_rpp762         bool is_gt(func_decl const* n) const { return m_arith.is_gt(n); }
is_zerospacer::adhoc_rewriter_rpp763         bool is_zero(expr const* n) const { rational val; return m_arith.is_numeral(n, val) && val.is_zero(); }
reduce_appspacer::adhoc_rewriter_rpp765         br_status reduce_app(func_decl* f, unsigned num, expr* const* args,
766             expr_ref& result, proof_ref& result_pr)
767         {
768             br_status st = BR_FAILED;
769             expr* e1, * e2, * e3, * e4;
771             // rewrites(=(+ A(* -1 B)) 0) into(= A B)
772             if (m.is_eq(f) && is_zero(args[1]) &&
773                 m_arith.is_add(args[0], e1, e2) &&
774                 m_arith.is_mul(e2, e3, e4) && m_arith.is_minus_one(e3)) {
775                 result = m.mk_eq(e1, e4);
776                 return BR_DONE;
777             }
778             // simplify normalized leq, where right side is different from 0
779             // rewrites(<=(+ A(* -1 B)) C) into(<= A B+C)
780             else if ((is_le(f) || is_lt(f) || is_ge(f) || is_gt(f)) &&
781                 m_arith.is_add(args[0], e1, e2) &&
782                 m_arith.is_mul(e2, e3, e4) && m_arith.is_minus_one(e3)) {
783                 expr_ref rhs(m);
784                 rhs = is_zero(args[1]) ? e4 : m_arith.mk_add(e4, args[1]);
786                 if (is_le(f)) {
787                     result = m_arith.mk_le(e1, rhs);
788                     st = BR_DONE;
789                 }
790                 else if (is_lt(f)) {
791                     result = m_arith.mk_lt(e1, rhs);
792                     st = BR_DONE;
793                 }
794                 else if (is_ge(f)) {
795                     result = m_arith.mk_ge(e1, rhs);
796                     st = BR_DONE;
797                 }
798                 else if (is_gt(f)) {
799                     result = m_arith.mk_gt(e1, rhs);
800                     st = BR_DONE;
801                 }
802                 else
803                 {
804                     UNREACHABLE();
805                 }
806             }
807             // simplify negation of ordering predicate
808             else if (m.is_not(f)) {
809                 if (m_arith.is_lt(args[0], e1, e2)) {
810                     result = m_arith.mk_ge(e1, e2);
811                     st = BR_DONE;
812                 }
813                 else if (m_arith.is_le(args[0], e1, e2)) {
814                     result = m_arith.mk_gt(e1, e2);
815                     st = BR_DONE;
816                 }
817                 else if (m_arith.is_gt(args[0], e1, e2)) {
818                     result = m_arith.mk_le(e1, e2);
819                     st = BR_DONE;
820                 }
821                 else if (m_arith.is_ge(args[0], e1, e2)) {
822                     result = m_arith.mk_lt(e1, e2);
823                     st = BR_DONE;
824                 }
825             }
826             return st;
827         }
828     };
mk_epp(ast * t,ast_manager & m,unsigned indent,unsigned num_vars,char const * var_prefix)830     mk_epp::mk_epp(ast* t, ast_manager& m, unsigned indent,
831         unsigned num_vars, char const* var_prefix) :
832         mk_pp(t, m, m_epp_params, indent, num_vars, var_prefix), m_epp_expr(m) {
833         m_epp_params.set_uint("min_alias_size", UINT_MAX);
834         m_epp_params.set_uint("max_depth", UINT_MAX);
836         if (is_expr(m_ast)) {
837             rw(to_expr(m_ast), m_epp_expr);
838             m_ast = m_epp_expr;
839         }
840     }
rw(expr * e,expr_ref & out)842     void mk_epp::rw(expr* e, expr_ref& out) {
843         adhoc_rewriter_rpp cfg(out.m());
844         rewriter_tpl<adhoc_rewriter_rpp> arw(out.m(), false, cfg);
845         arw(e, out);
846     }
ground_expr(expr * e,expr_ref & out,app_ref_vector & vars)848     void ground_expr(expr* e, expr_ref& out, app_ref_vector& vars) {
849         expr_free_vars fv;
850         ast_manager& m = out.m();
852         fv(e);
853         if (vars.size() < fv.size()) {
854             vars.resize(fv.size());
855         }
856         for (unsigned i = 0, sz = fv.size(); i < sz; ++i) {
857             sort* s = fv[i] ? fv[i] : m.mk_bool_sort();
858             vars[i] = mk_zk_const(m, i, s);
859             var_subst vs(m, false);
860             out = vs(e, vars.size(), (expr**)vars.data());
861         }
862     }
864     struct index_term_finder {
865         ast_manager& m;
866         array_util       m_array;
867         app_ref          m_var;
868         expr_ref_vector& m_res;
index_term_finderspacer::index_term_finder870         index_term_finder(ast_manager& mgr, app* v, expr_ref_vector& res) : m(mgr), m_array(m), m_var(v, m), m_res(res) {}
operator ()spacer::index_term_finder871         void operator()(var* n) {}
operator ()spacer::index_term_finder872         void operator()(quantifier* n) {}
operator ()spacer::index_term_finder873         void operator()(app* n) {
874             if (m_array.is_select(n) || m.is_eq(n)) {
875                 unsigned i = 0;
876                 for (expr* arg : *n) {
877                     if ((m.is_eq(n) || i > 0) && m_var != arg) m_res.push_back(arg);
878                     ++i;
879                 }
880             }
881         }
882     };
mbqi_project_var(model & mdl,app * var,expr_ref & fml)884     bool mbqi_project_var(model& mdl, app* var, expr_ref& fml) {
885         ast_manager& m = fml.get_manager();
886         model::scoped_model_completion _sc_(mdl, false);
888         expr_ref val(m);
889         val = mdl(var);
891         TRACE("mbqi_project_verbose",
892             tout << "MBQI: var: " << mk_pp(var, m) << "\n"
893             << "fml: " << fml << "\n";);
894         expr_ref_vector terms(m);
895         index_term_finder finder(m, var, terms);
896         for_each_expr(finder, fml);
898         TRACE("mbqi_project_verbose", tout << "terms:\n" << terms << "\n";);
900         for (expr* term : terms) {
901             expr_ref tval(m);
902             tval = mdl(term);
904             TRACE("mbqi_project_verbose",
905                 tout << "term: " << mk_pp(term, m)
906                 << " tval: " << tval << " val: " << val << "\n";);
908             // -- if the term does not contain an occurrence of var
909             // -- and is in the same equivalence class in the model
910             if (tval == val && !occurs(var, term)) {
911                 TRACE("mbqi_project",
912                     tout << "MBQI: replacing " << mk_pp(var, m)
913                     << " with " << mk_pp(term, m) << "\n";);
914                 expr_safe_replace sub(m);
915                 sub.insert(var, term);
916                 sub(fml);
917                 return true;
918             }
919         }
921         TRACE("mbqi_project",
922             tout << "MBQI: failed to eliminate " << mk_pp(var, m)
923             << " from " << fml << "\n";);
925         return false;
926     }
mbqi_project(model & mdl,app_ref_vector & vars,expr_ref & fml)928     void mbqi_project(model& mdl, app_ref_vector& vars, expr_ref& fml) {
929         ast_manager& m = fml.get_manager();
930         expr_ref tmp(m);
931         model::scoped_model_completion _sc_(mdl, false);
932         // -- evaluate to initialize mev cache
933         tmp = mdl(fml);
934         tmp.reset();
936         unsigned j = 0;
937         for (app* v : vars)
938             if (!mbqi_project_var(mdl, v, fml))
939                 vars[j++] = v;
940         vars.shrink(j);
941     }
943     struct found {};
944     struct check_select {
945         array_util a;
check_selectspacer::check_select946         check_select(ast_manager& m) : a(m) {}
operator ()spacer::check_select947         void operator()(expr* n) {}
operator ()spacer::check_select948         void operator()(app* n) { if (a.is_select(n)) throw found(); }
949     };
contains_selects(expr * fml,ast_manager & m)951     bool contains_selects(expr* fml, ast_manager& m) {
952         check_select cs(m);
953         try {
954             for_each_expr(cs, fml);
955             return false;
956         }
957         catch (const found&) {
958             return true;
959         }
960     }
962     struct collect_indices {
963         app_ref_vector& m_indices;
964         array_util      a;
collect_indicesspacer::collect_indices965         collect_indices(app_ref_vector& indices) : m_indices(indices),
966             a(indices.get_manager()) {}
operator ()spacer::collect_indices967         void operator()(expr* n) {}
operator ()spacer::collect_indices968         void operator()(app* n) {
969             if (a.is_select(n)) {
970                 // for all but first argument
971                 for (unsigned i = 1; i < n->get_num_args(); ++i) {
972                     expr* arg = n->get_arg(i);
973                     if (is_app(arg))
974                         m_indices.push_back(to_app(arg));
975                 }
976             }
977         }
978     };
get_select_indices(expr * fml,app_ref_vector & indices)980     void get_select_indices(expr* fml, app_ref_vector& indices) {
981         collect_indices ci(indices);
982         for_each_expr(ci, fml);
983     }
985     struct collect_decls {
986         app_ref_vector& m_decls;
987         std::string& prefix;
collect_declsspacer::collect_decls988         collect_decls(app_ref_vector& decls, std::string& p) : m_decls(decls), prefix(p) {}
operator ()spacer::collect_decls989         void operator()(expr* n) {}
operator ()spacer::collect_decls990         void operator()(app* n) {
991             if (n->get_decl()->get_name().str().find(prefix) != std::string::npos)
992                 m_decls.push_back(n);
993         }
994     };
find_decls(expr * fml,app_ref_vector & decls,std::string & prefix)996     void find_decls(expr* fml, app_ref_vector& decls, std::string& prefix) {
997         collect_decls cd(decls, prefix);
998         for_each_expr(cd, fml);
999     }
1001     // set the value of a boolean function to true in model
set_true_in_mdl(model & model,func_decl * f)1002     void set_true_in_mdl(model& model, func_decl* f) {
1003         SASSERT(f->get_arity() == 0);
1004         model.unregister_decl(f);
1005         model.register_decl(f, model.get_manager().mk_true());
1006         model.reset_eval_cache();
1007     }
1008 } // namespace spacer
1009 template class rewriter_tpl<spacer::adhoc_rewriter_cfg>;
1010 template class rewriter_tpl<spacer::adhoc_rewriter_rpp>;