1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     factor_tactic.cpp
8 Abstract:
10     Polynomial factorization tactic.
12 Author:
14     Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2012-02-03
16 Revision History:
18 --*/
19 #include "tactic/tactical.h"
20 #include "ast/expr2polynomial.h"
21 #include "ast/rewriter/rewriter_def.h"
23 class factor_tactic : public tactic {
25     struct rw_cfg : public default_rewriter_cfg {
26         ast_manager &               m;
27         arith_util                  m_util;
28         unsynch_mpq_manager         m_qm;
29         polynomial::manager         m_pm;
30         default_expr2polynomial     m_expr2poly;
31         polynomial::factor_params   m_fparams;
32         bool                        m_split_factors;
rw_cfgfactor_tactic::rw_cfg34         rw_cfg(ast_manager & _m, params_ref const & p):
35             m(_m),
36             m_util(_m),
37             m_pm(m.limit(), m_qm),
38             m_expr2poly(m, m_pm) {
39             updt_params(p);
40         }
updt_paramsfactor_tactic::rw_cfg42         void updt_params(params_ref const & p) {
43             m_split_factors = p.get_bool("split_factors", true);
44             m_fparams.updt_params(p);
45         }
mk_mulfactor_tactic::rw_cfg47         expr * mk_mul(unsigned sz, expr * const * args) {
48             SASSERT(sz > 0);
49             if (sz == 1)
50                 return args[0];
51             return m_util.mk_mul(sz, args);
52         }
mk_zero_forfactor_tactic::rw_cfg54         expr * mk_zero_for(expr * arg) {
55             return m_util.mk_numeral(rational(0), m_util.is_int(arg));
56         }
58         // p1^k1 * p2^k2 = 0 --> p1*p2 = 0
mk_eqfactor_tactic::rw_cfg59         void mk_eq(polynomial::factors const & fs, expr_ref & result) {
60             expr_ref_buffer args(m);
61             expr_ref arg(m);
62             for (unsigned i = 0; i < fs.distinct_factors(); i++) {
63                 m_expr2poly.to_expr(fs[i], true, arg);
64                 args.push_back(arg);
65             }
66             result = m.mk_eq(mk_mul(args.size(), args.data()), mk_zero_for(arg));
67         }
69         // p1^k1 * p2^k2 = 0 --> p1 = 0 or p2 = 0
mk_split_eqfactor_tactic::rw_cfg70         void mk_split_eq(polynomial::factors const & fs, expr_ref & result) {
71             expr_ref_buffer args(m);
72             expr_ref arg(m);
73             for (unsigned i = 0; i < fs.distinct_factors(); i++) {
74                 m_expr2poly.to_expr(fs[i], true, arg);
75                 args.push_back(m.mk_eq(arg, mk_zero_for(arg)));
76             }
77             if (args.size() == 1)
78                 result = args[0];
79             else
80                 result = m.mk_or(args.size(), args.data());
81         }
flipfactor_tactic::rw_cfg83         decl_kind flip(decl_kind k) {
84             SASSERT(k == OP_LT || k == OP_GT || k == OP_LE || k == OP_GE);
85             switch (k) {
86             case OP_LT: return OP_GT;
87             case OP_LE: return OP_GE;
88             case OP_GT: return OP_LT;
89             case OP_GE: return OP_LE;
90             default:
91                 UNREACHABLE();
92                 return k;
93             }
94         }
96         // p1^{2*k1} * p2^{2*k2 + 1} >=< 0
97         // -->
98         // (p1^2)*p2 >=<0
mk_compfactor_tactic::rw_cfg99         void mk_comp(decl_kind k, polynomial::factors const & fs, expr_ref & result) {
100             SASSERT(k == OP_LT || k == OP_GT || k == OP_LE || k == OP_GE);
101             expr_ref_buffer args(m);
102             expr_ref arg(m);
103             for (unsigned i = 0; i < fs.distinct_factors(); i++) {
104                 m_expr2poly.to_expr(fs[i], true, arg);
105                 if (fs.get_degree(i) % 2 == 0)
106                     arg = m_util.mk_power(arg, m_util.mk_numeral(rational(2), m_util.is_int(arg)));
107                 args.push_back(arg);
108             }
109             expr * lhs = mk_mul(args.size(), args.data());
110             result = m.mk_app(m_util.get_family_id(), k, lhs, mk_zero_for(lhs));
111         }
113         // See mk_split_strict_comp and mk_split_nonstrict_comp
split_even_oddfactor_tactic::rw_cfg114         void split_even_odd(bool strict, polynomial::factors const & fs, expr_ref_buffer & even_eqs, expr_ref_buffer & odd_factors) {
115             expr_ref arg(m);
116             for (unsigned i = 0; i < fs.distinct_factors(); i++) {
117                 m_expr2poly.to_expr(fs[i], true, arg);
118                 if (fs.get_degree(i) % 2 == 0) {
119                     expr * eq = m.mk_eq(arg, mk_zero_for(arg));
120                     if (strict)
121                         even_eqs.push_back(m.mk_not(eq));
122                     else
123                         even_eqs.push_back(eq);
124                 }
125                 else {
126                     odd_factors.push_back(arg);
127                 }
128             }
129         }
131         // Strict case
132         // p1^{2*k1} * p2^{2*k2 + 1} >< 0
133         // -->
134         // p1 != 0 and p2 >< 0
135         //
136         // Nonstrict
137         // p1^{2*k1} * p2^{2*k2 + 1} >=< 0
138         // -->
139         // p1 = 0 or p2 >=< 0
140         //
mk_split_compfactor_tactic::rw_cfg141         void mk_split_comp(decl_kind k, polynomial::factors const & fs, expr_ref & result) {
142             SASSERT(k == OP_LT || k == OP_GT || k == OP_LE || k == OP_GE);
143             bool strict = (k == OP_LT) || (k == OP_GT);
144             expr_ref_buffer args(m);
145             expr_ref_buffer odd_factors(m);
146             split_even_odd(strict, fs, args, odd_factors);
147             if (odd_factors.empty()) {
148                 if (k == OP_LT) {
149                     result = m.mk_false();
150                     return;
151                 }
152                 if (k == OP_GE) {
153                     result = m.mk_true();
154                     return;
155                 }
156             }
157             else {
158                 args.push_back(m.mk_app(m_util.get_family_id(), k, mk_mul(odd_factors.size(), odd_factors.data()), mk_zero_for(odd_factors[0])));
159             }
160             SASSERT(!args.empty());
161             if (args.size() == 1)
162                 result = args[0];
163             else if (strict)
164                 result = m.mk_and(args.size(), args.data());
165             else
166                 result = m.mk_or(args.size(), args.data());
167         }
factorfactor_tactic::rw_cfg169         br_status factor(func_decl * f, expr * lhs, expr * rhs, expr_ref & result) {
170             polynomial_ref p1(m_pm);
171             polynomial_ref p2(m_pm);
172             scoped_mpz d1(m_qm);
173             scoped_mpz d2(m_qm);
174             m_expr2poly.to_polynomial(lhs, p1, d1);
175             m_expr2poly.to_polynomial(rhs, p2, d2);
176             TRACE("factor_tactic_bug",
177                   tout << "lhs: " << mk_ismt2_pp(lhs, m) << "\n";
178                   tout << "p1:  " << p1 << "\n";
179                   tout << "d1:  " << d1 << "\n";
180                   tout << "rhs: " << mk_ismt2_pp(rhs, m) << "\n";
181                   tout << "p2:  " << p2 << "\n";
182                   tout << "d2:  " << d2 << "\n";);
183             scoped_mpz lcm(m_qm);
184             m_qm.lcm(d1, d2, lcm);
185             m_qm.div(lcm, d1, d1);
186             m_qm.div(lcm, d2, d2);
187             m_qm.neg(d2);
188             polynomial_ref p(m_pm);
189             p = m_pm.addmul(d1, m_pm.mk_unit(), p1, d2, m_pm.mk_unit(), p2);
190             if (is_const(p))
191                 return BR_FAILED;
192             polynomial::factors fs(m_pm);
193             TRACE("factor_tactic_bug", tout << "p: " << p << "\n";);
194             m_pm.factor(p, fs, m_fparams);
195             SASSERT(fs.distinct_factors() > 0);
196             TRACE("factor_tactic_bug", tout << "factors:\n"; fs.display(tout); tout << "\n";);
197             if (fs.distinct_factors() == 1 && fs.get_degree(0) == 1)
198                 return BR_FAILED;
199             if (m.is_eq(f)) {
200                 if (m_split_factors)
201                     mk_split_eq(fs, result);
202                 else
203                     mk_eq(fs, result);
204             }
205             else {
206                 decl_kind k = f->get_decl_kind();
207                 if (m_qm.is_neg(fs.get_constant()))
208                     k = flip(k);
210                 if (m_split_factors)
211                     mk_split_comp(k, fs, result);
212                 else
213                     mk_comp(k, fs, result);
214             }
215             return BR_DONE;
216         }
reduce_appfactor_tactic::rw_cfg218         br_status reduce_app(func_decl * f, unsigned num, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result, proof_ref & result_pr) {
219             if (num != 2)
220                 return BR_FAILED;
221             if (m.is_eq(f) && (m_util.is_arith_expr(args[0]) || m_util.is_arith_expr(args[1])) && (!m.is_bool(args[0])))
222                 return factor(f, args[0], args[1], result);
223             if (f->get_family_id() != m_util.get_family_id())
224                 return BR_FAILED;
225             switch (f->get_decl_kind()) {
226             case OP_LT:
227             case OP_GT:
228             case OP_LE:
229             case OP_GE:
230                 return factor(f, args[0], args[1], result);
231             }
232             return BR_FAILED;
233         }
234     };
236     struct rw : public rewriter_tpl<rw_cfg> {
237         rw_cfg m_cfg;
rwfactor_tactic::rw239         rw(ast_manager & m, params_ref const & p):
240             rewriter_tpl<rw_cfg>(m, m.proofs_enabled(), m_cfg),
241             m_cfg(m, p) {
242         }
243     };
245     struct imp {
246         ast_manager & m;
247         rw            m_rw;
impfactor_tactic::imp249         imp(ast_manager & _m, params_ref const & p):
250             m(_m),
251             m_rw(m, p) {
252         }
updt_paramsfactor_tactic::imp255         void updt_params(params_ref const & p) {
256             m_rw.cfg().updt_params(p);
257         }
operator ()factor_tactic::imp259         void operator()(goal_ref const & g,
260                         goal_ref_buffer & result) {
261             tactic_report report("factor", *g);
262             bool produce_proofs = g->proofs_enabled();
264             expr_ref   new_curr(m);
265             proof_ref  new_pr(m);
266             unsigned   size = g->size();
267             for (unsigned idx = 0; !g->inconsistent() && idx < size; idx++) {
268                 expr * curr = g->form(idx);
269                 m_rw(curr, new_curr, new_pr);
270                 if (produce_proofs) {
271                     proof * pr = g->pr(idx);
272                     new_pr     = m.mk_modus_ponens(pr, new_pr);
273                 }
274                 g->update(idx, new_curr, new_pr, g->dep(idx));
275             }
276             g->inc_depth();
277             result.push_back(g.get());
278         }
279     };
281     imp *      m_imp;
282     params_ref m_params;
283 public:
factor_tactic(ast_manager & m,params_ref const & p)284     factor_tactic(ast_manager & m, params_ref const & p):
285         m_params(p) {
286         m_imp = alloc(imp, m, p);
287     }
translate(ast_manager & m)289     tactic * translate(ast_manager & m) override {
290         return alloc(factor_tactic, m, m_params);
291     }
~factor_tactic()293     ~factor_tactic() override {
294         dealloc(m_imp);
295     }
updt_params(params_ref const & p)297     void updt_params(params_ref const & p) override {
298         m_params = p;
299         m_imp->m_rw.cfg().updt_params(p);
300     }
collect_param_descrs(param_descrs & r)302     void collect_param_descrs(param_descrs & r) override {
303         r.insert("split_factors", CPK_BOOL,
304                  "(default: true) apply simplifications such as (= (* p1 p2) 0) --> (or (= p1 0) (= p2 0)).");
305         polynomial::factor_params::get_param_descrs(r);
306     }
operator ()(goal_ref const & in,goal_ref_buffer & result)308     void operator()(goal_ref const & in,
309                     goal_ref_buffer & result) override {
310         try {
311             (*m_imp)(in, result);
312         }
313         catch (z3_error & ex) {
314             throw ex;
315         }
316         catch (z3_exception & ex) {
317             throw tactic_exception(ex.msg());
318         }
319     }
cleanup()321     void cleanup() override {
322         imp * d = alloc(imp, m_imp->m, m_params);
323         std::swap(d, m_imp);
324         dealloc(d);
325     }
328 };
mk_factor_tactic(ast_manager & m,params_ref const & p)330 tactic * mk_factor_tactic(ast_manager & m, params_ref const & p) {
331     return clean(alloc(factor_tactic, m, p));
332 }