Title: amserverconfig
Author: Kevin Till <kevin.till@zmanda.com>
Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.78.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
Date: 02/09/2016
Manual: System Administration Commands
Source: Amanda 3.3.9
Language: English

"AMSERVERCONFIG" "8" "02/09/2016" "Amanda 3.3.9" "System Administration Commands"
* Define some portability stuff
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amserverconfig - program to setup initial Amanda configuration

\w'amserverconfig 'u amserverconfig config [--template template] [--no-vtape] [--tapetype tapetype] [--tpchanger tpchanger] [--tapedev tapedev] [--changerfile changerfile] [--changerdev changerdev] [--labelstr labelstr] [--mailto mailto] [--dumpcycle dumpcycle] [--runspercycle runspercycle] [--runtapes runtapes] [--tapecycle tapecycle] [--help]


After Amanda rpms are successfully installed, amserverconfig will setup initial Amanda configuration files. It will create /var/lib/amanda/guntar-lists directory if one does not exist. amserverconfig does not change existing Amanda configurations. amserverconfig must be run by user amandabackup.


Options may be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is not ambiguous. Option argument can either separated by \*(Aq=\*(Aq or a space. Example: --templ=harddisk --tapedev /dev/nst0

amserverconfig builds a new "config" Amanda configuration. Customize the configuration with the options below.

--template template

build Amanda configuration with pre-configured template files. Currently, harddisk, single-tape, tape-changer and S3 are the valid inputs for this option. Pre-configured template files can be found in /var/lib/amanda/template.d. This option may be combined with other options. If tape-changer is chosen for this option, program mtx is required. amserverconfig will search for mtx in the following directory: "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin", "/bin" and amandabackup\*(Aqs PATH. If harddisk is chosen and --no-vtape is not specified, amserverconfig will create and label virtual tape file://var/lib/amanda/vtapes/$config.


Do not create virtual tapes in the harddisk template case.

--tapedev tapedev

The path name of non-rewinding tape device. default [file://var/lib/amanda/vtapes/$config]

--tpchanger tpchanger

The name of the tape changer. default [chg-disk]

--changerdev changerdev

A tape changer configuration parameter. default [/dev/null]

--changerfile changerfile

A tape changer configuration parameter. default [/etc/amanda/$config/changer.conf]

--labelstr labelstr

The tape label constraint regular expression. default [^$config-[0-9][0-9]*$] If this option is used with --template=harddisk, only alphanumeric string is supported.

--tapetype tapetype

The type of tape drive associated with tapedev or tpchanger. default [HARDDISK]

--mailto mailto

A space separated list of recipients for mail reports. default [amandabackup]

--dumpcycle dumpcycle

The number of days in the backup cycle. default [1week]

--runspercycle runspercycle

The number of days in the backup cycle. default [5]

--runtapes runtapes

The maximum number of tapes used in a single run. default [1]

--tapecycle tapecycle

The size of tape rotation. default [25]


Display usage.



Amanda configuration template files install location


amandabackup home directory


A directory which contains backup timestamp and list of files backed up.


Amanda configuration files location for $config(e.g: DailySet1).


A directory contains dumptypes and tapetypes files used by all Amanda configurations.


Amanda file on the client. It keeps track of structures of previous dumps.


directory contains Amanda debug log files.

On success, zero is returned. On error, 1 is returned.

amanda(8), amanda.conf(5), amaddclient(8)

The Amanda Wiki: : http://wiki.zmanda.com/


Kevin Till <kevin.till@zmanda.com>

Zmanda, Inc. (http://www.zmanda.com)