2layout: "docs"
3page_title: "Vault Enterprise Sentinel Integration"
4sidebar_title: "Sentinel"
5sidebar_current: "docs-vault-enterprise-sentinel"
6description: |-
7  An overview of how Sentinel interacts with Vault Enterprise.
11# Overview
13Vault Enterprise integrates HashiCorp Sentinel to provide a rich set of access
14control functionality. Because Vault is a security-focused product trusted with
15high-risk secrets and assets, and because of its default-deny stance,
16integration with Vault is implemented in a defense-in-depth fashion. This takes
17the form of multiple types of policies and a fixed evaluation order.
19## Policy Types
21Vault's policy system has been expanded to support three types of policies:
23- `ACLs` - These are the [traditional Vault
24  policies](/docs/concepts/policies.html) and remain unchanged.
26- `Role Governing Policies (RGPs)` - RGPs are Sentinel policies that are tied
27  to particular tokens, Identity entities, or Identity groups. They have access
28  to a rich set of controls across various aspects of Vault.
30- `Endpoint Governing Policies (EGPs)` - EGPs are Sentinel policies that are
31  tied to particular paths instead of tokens. They have access to as much
32  request information as possible, but they can take effect even on
33  unauthenticated paths, such as login paths.
35Not every unauthenticated path supports EGPs. For instance, the paths related
36to root token generation cannot support EGPs because it's already the mechanism
37of last resort if, for instance, all clients are locked out of Vault due to
38misconfigured EGPs.
40Like with ACLs, [root tokens](/docs/concepts/tokens.html#root-tokens) tokens
41are not subject to Sentinel policy checks.
43Sentinel execution should be considered to be significantly slower than normal
44ACL policy checking. If high performance is needed, testing should be performed
45appropriately when introducing Sentinel policies.
47## Policy Evaluation
49During evaluation, all policy types, if they exist, must grant access.
50Evaluation uses the following logic:
521. If the request is unauthenticated, skip to step 3. Otherwise, evaluate the
53   token's ACL policies. These must grant access; as always, a failure to be
54   granted capabilities on a path via ACL policies denies the request.
552. RGPs attached to the token are evaluated. All policies must pass according
56   to their enforcement level.
573. EGPs set on the requested path, and any prefix-matching EGPs set on
58   less-specific paths, are evaluated. All policies must pass according to
59   their enforcement level.
61Any failure at any of these steps results in a denied request.
63## Policy Overriding
65Vault supports normal Sentinel overriding behavior. Requests to override can be
66specified on the command line via the `policy-override` flag or in HTTP
67requests by setting the `X-Vault-Policy-Override` header to `true`.
69Override requests are visible in Vault's audit log; in addition, override
70requests and their eventual status (whether they ended up being required) are
71logged as warnings in Vault's server logs.
73## MFA
75Sentinel policies support the [Identity-based MFA
76system](/docs/enterprise/mfa/index.html) in Vault Enterprise.  Within a single
77request, multiple checks of any named MFA method will only trigger
78authentication behavior for that method once, regardless of whether its
79validity is checked via ACLs, RGPs, or EGPs.
81EGPs can be used to require MFA on otherwise unauthenticated paths, such as
82login paths. On such paths, the request data will perform a lookahead to try to
83discover the appropriate Identity information to use for MFA. It may be
84necessary to pre-populate Identity entries or supply additional parameters with
85the request if you require more information to use MFA than the endpoint is
86able to glean from the original request alone.
88# Using Sentinel
90## Configuration
92Sentinel policies can be configured via the `sys/policies/rgp/` and
93`sys/policies/egp/` endpoints; see [the
94documentation](/api/system/policies.html) for more information.
96Once set, RGPs can be assigned to Identity entities and groups or to tokens
97just like ACL policies. As a result, they cannot share names with ACL policies.
99When setting an EGP, a list of paths must be provided specifying on which paths
100that EGP should take effect. Endpoints can have multiple distinct EGPs set on
101them; all are evaluated for each request. Paths can use a glob character (`*`)
102as the last character of the path to perform a prefix match; a path that
103consists only of a `*` will apply to the root of the API. Since requests are
104subject to an EGPs exactly matching the requested path and any glob EGPs
105sitting further up the request path, an EGP with a path of `*` will thus take
106effect on all requests.
108## Properties and Examples
110See the [Examples](/docs/enterprise/sentinel/examples.html) page for examples
111of Sentinel in action, and the
112[Properties](/docs/enterprise/sentinel/properties.html) page for detailed
113property documentation.
115## Learn
117Refer to the [Sentinel Policies](https://learn.hashicorp.com/vault/identity-access-management/iam-sentinel)
118guide for a step-by-step tutorial.