1# ffmpeg -f lavfi -i sine -c:a mp3 -f mp4 -t 50ms mp3.mp4
2$ fq -d mp4 verbose /mp3.mp4
3     |00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.{}: /mp3.mp4 (mp4) 0x0-0x564.7 (1381)
4     |                                               |                |  boxes[0:4]: 0x0-0x564.7 (1381)
5     |                                               |                |    [0]{}: box 0x0-0x1b.7 (28)
60x000|00 00 00 1c                                    |....            |      size: 28 0x0-0x3.7 (4)
70x000|            66 74 79 70                        |    ftyp        |      type: "ftyp" (File type and compatibility) 0x4-0x7.7 (4)
80x000|                        69 73 6f 6d            |        isom    |      major_brand: "isom" 0x8-0xb.7 (4)
90x000|                                    00 00 02 00|            ....|      minor_version: 512 0xc-0xf.7 (4)
10     |                                               |                |      brands[0:3]: 0x10-0x1b.7 (12)
110x010|69 73 6f 6d                                    |isom            |        [0]: "isom" brand (All files based on the ISO Base Media File Format) 0x10-0x13.7 (4)
120x010|            69 73 6f 32                        |    iso2        |        [1]: "iso2" brand (All files based on the 2004 edition of the ISO file format) 0x14-0x17.7 (4)
130x010|                        6d 70 34 31            |        mp41    |        [2]: "mp41" brand (MP4 version 1) 0x18-0x1b.7 (4)
14     |                                               |                |    [1]{}: box 0x1c-0x23.7 (8)
150x010|                                    00 00 00 08|            ....|      size: 8 0x1c-0x1f.7 (4)
160x020|66 72 65 65                                    |free            |      type: "free" (Free space) 0x20-0x23.7 (4)
17     |                                               |                |      data: raw bits 0x24-NA (0)
18     |                                               |                |    [2]{}: box 0x24-0x29d.7 (634)
190x020|            00 00 02 7a                        |    ...z        |      size: 634 0x24-0x27.7 (4)
200x020|                        6d 64 61 74            |        mdat    |      type: "mdat" (Media data container) 0x28-0x2b.7 (4)
210x020|                                    ff fb 50 c4|            ..P.|      data: raw bits 0x2c-0x29d.7 (626)
220x030|00 00 0a 2c 43 2e 55 94 80 01 81 15 66 23 3a d0|...,C.U.....f#:.|
23*    |until 0x29d.7 (626)                            |                |
24     |                                               |                |    [3]{}: box 0x29e-0x564.7 (711)
250x290|                                          00 00|              ..|      size: 711 0x29e-0x2a1.7 (4)
260x2a0|02 c7                                          |..              |
270x2a0|      6d 6f 6f 76                              |  moov          |      type: "moov" (Container for all the meta-data) 0x2a2-0x2a5.7 (4)
28     |                                               |                |      boxes[0:3]: 0x2a6-0x564.7 (703)
29     |                                               |                |        [0]{}: box 0x2a6-0x311.7 (108)
300x2a0|                  00 00 00 6c                  |      ...l      |          size: 108 0x2a6-0x2a9.7 (4)
310x2a0|                              6d 76 68 64      |          mvhd  |          type: "mvhd" (Movie header, overall declarations) 0x2aa-0x2ad.7 (4)
320x2a0|                                          00   |              . |          version: 0 0x2ae-0x2ae.7 (1)
330x2a0|                                             00|               .|          flags: 0 0x2af-0x2b1.7 (3)
340x2b0|00 00                                          |..              |
350x2b0|      00 00 00 00                              |  ....          |          creation_time: "1904-01-04T00:00:00Z" (0) 0x2b2-0x2b5.7 (4)
360x2b0|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |          modification_time: "1904-01-04T00:00:00Z" (0) 0x2b6-0x2b9.7 (4)
370x2b0|                              00 00 03 e8      |          ....  |          time_scale: 1000 0x2ba-0x2bd.7 (4)
380x2b0|                                          00 00|              ..|          duration: 76 0x2be-0x2c1.7 (4)
390x2c0|00 4c                                          |.L              |
400x2c0|      00 01 00 00                              |  ....          |          preferred_rate: 1 0x2c2-0x2c5.7 (4)
410x2c0|                  01 00                        |      ..        |          preferred_volume: 1 0x2c6-0x2c7.7 (2)
420x2c0|                        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|        ........|          reserved: "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" 0x2c8-0x2d1.7 (10)
430x2d0|00 00                                          |..              |
44     |                                               |                |          matrix_structure{}: 0x2d2-0x2f5.7 (36)
450x2d0|      00 01 00 00                              |  ....          |            a: 1 0x2d2-0x2d5.7 (4)
460x2d0|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |            b: 0 0x2d6-0x2d9.7 (4)
470x2d0|                              00 00 00 00      |          ....  |            u: 0 0x2da-0x2dd.7 (4)
480x2d0|                                          00 00|              ..|            c: 0 0x2de-0x2e1.7 (4)
490x2e0|00 00                                          |..              |
500x2e0|      00 01 00 00                              |  ....          |            d: 1 0x2e2-0x2e5.7 (4)
510x2e0|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |            v: 0 0x2e6-0x2e9.7 (4)
520x2e0|                              00 00 00 00      |          ....  |            x: 0 0x2ea-0x2ed.7 (4)
530x2e0|                                          00 00|              ..|            y: 0 0x2ee-0x2f1.7 (4)
540x2f0|00 00                                          |..              |
550x2f0|      40 00 00 00                              |  @...          |            w: 1 0x2f2-0x2f5.7 (4)
560x2f0|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |          preview_time: 0 0x2f6-0x2f9.7 (4)
570x2f0|                              00 00 00 00      |          ....  |          preview_duration: 0 0x2fa-0x2fd.7 (4)
580x2f0|                                          00 00|              ..|          poster_time: 0 0x2fe-0x301.7 (4)
590x300|00 00                                          |..              |
600x300|      00 00 00 00                              |  ....          |          selection_time: 0 0x302-0x305.7 (4)
610x300|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |          selection_duration: 0 0x306-0x309.7 (4)
620x300|                              00 00 00 00      |          ....  |          current_time: 0 0x30a-0x30d.7 (4)
630x300|                                          00 00|              ..|          next_track_id: 2 0x30e-0x311.7 (4)
640x310|00 02                                          |..              |
65     |                                               |                |        [1]{}: box 0x312-0x502.7 (497)
660x310|      00 00 01 f1                              |  ....          |          size: 497 0x312-0x315.7 (4)
670x310|                  74 72 61 6b                  |      trak      |          type: "trak" (Container for an individual track or stream) 0x316-0x319.7 (4)
68     |                                               |                |          boxes[0:3]: 0x31a-0x502.7 (489)
69     |                                               |                |            [0]{}: box 0x31a-0x375.7 (92)
700x310|                              00 00 00 5c      |          ...\  |              size: 92 0x31a-0x31d.7 (4)
710x310|                                          74 6b|              tk|              type: "tkhd" (Track header, overall information about the track) 0x31e-0x321.7 (4)
720x320|68 64                                          |hd              |
730x320|      00                                       |  .             |              version: 0 0x322-0x322.7 (1)
740x320|         00 00 03                              |   ...          |              flags: 3 0x323-0x325.7 (3)
750x320|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |              creation_time: "1904-01-04T00:00:00Z" (0) 0x326-0x329.7 (4)
760x320|                              00 00 00 00      |          ....  |              modification_time: "1904-01-04T00:00:00Z" (0) 0x32a-0x32d.7 (4)
770x320|                                          00 00|              ..|              track_id: 1 0x32e-0x331.7 (4)
780x330|00 01                                          |..              |
790x330|      00 00 00 00                              |  ....          |              reserved1: 0 0x332-0x335.7 (4)
800x330|                  00 00 00 4c                  |      ...L      |              duration: 76 0x336-0x339.7 (4)
810x330|                              00 00 00 00 00 00|          ......|              reserved2: raw bits 0x33a-0x341.7 (8)
820x340|00 00                                          |..              |
830x340|      00 00                                    |  ..            |              layer: 0 0x342-0x343.7 (2)
840x340|            00 01                              |    ..          |              alternate_group: 1 0x344-0x345.7 (2)
850x340|                  01 00                        |      ..        |              volume: 1 0x346-0x347.7 (2)
860x340|                        00 00                  |        ..      |              reserved3: 0 0x348-0x349.7 (2)
87     |                                               |                |              matrix_structure{}: 0x34a-0x36d.7 (36)
880x340|                              00 01 00 00      |          ....  |                a: 1 0x34a-0x34d.7 (4)
890x340|                                          00 00|              ..|                b: 0 0x34e-0x351.7 (4)
900x350|00 00                                          |..              |
910x350|      00 00 00 00                              |  ....          |                u: 0 0x352-0x355.7 (4)
920x350|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |                c: 0 0x356-0x359.7 (4)
930x350|                              00 01 00 00      |          ....  |                d: 1 0x35a-0x35d.7 (4)
940x350|                                          00 00|              ..|                v: 0 0x35e-0x361.7 (4)
950x360|00 00                                          |..              |
960x360|      00 00 00 00                              |  ....          |                x: 0 0x362-0x365.7 (4)
970x360|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |                y: 0 0x366-0x369.7 (4)
980x360|                              40 00 00 00      |          @...  |                w: 1 0x36a-0x36d.7 (4)
990x360|                                          00 00|              ..|              track_width: 0 0x36e-0x371.7 (4)
1000x370|00 00                                          |..              |
1010x370|      00 00 00 00                              |  ....          |              track_height: 0 0x372-0x375.7 (4)
102     |                                               |                |            [1]{}: box 0x376-0x399.7 (36)
1030x370|                  00 00 00 24                  |      ...$      |              size: 36 0x376-0x379.7 (4)
1040x370|                              65 64 74 73      |          edts  |              type: "edts" (Edit list container) 0x37a-0x37d.7 (4)
105     |                                               |                |              boxes[0:1]: 0x37e-0x399.7 (28)
106     |                                               |                |                [0]{}: box 0x37e-0x399.7 (28)
1070x370|                                          00 00|              ..|                  size: 28 0x37e-0x381.7 (4)
1080x380|00 1c                                          |..              |
1090x380|      65 6c 73 74                              |  elst          |                  type: "elst" (An edit list) 0x382-0x385.7 (4)
1100x380|                  00                           |      .         |                  version: 0 0x386-0x386.7 (1)
1110x380|                     00 00 00                  |       ...      |                  flags: 0 0x387-0x389.7 (3)
1120x380|                              00 00 00 01      |          ....  |                  entry_count: 1 0x38a-0x38d.7 (4)
113     |                                               |                |                  entries[0:1]: 0x38e-0x399.7 (12)
114     |                                               |                |                    [0]{}: entry 0x38e-0x399.7 (12)
1150x380|                                          00 00|              ..|                      segment_duration: 50 0x38e-0x391.7 (4)
1160x390|00 32                                          |.2              |
1170x390|      00 00 04 51                              |  ...Q          |                      media_time: 1105 0x392-0x395.7 (4)
1180x390|                  00 01 00 00                  |      ....      |                      media_rate: 1 0x396-0x399.7 (4)
119     |                                               |                |            [2]{}: box 0x39a-0x502.7 (361)
1200x390|                              00 00 01 69      |          ...i  |              size: 361 0x39a-0x39d.7 (4)
1210x390|                                          6d 64|              md|              type: "mdia" (Container for the media information in a track) 0x39e-0x3a1.7 (4)
1220x3a0|69 61                                          |ia              |
123     |                                               |                |              boxes[0:3]: 0x3a2-0x502.7 (353)
124     |                                               |                |                [0]{}: box 0x3a2-0x3c1.7 (32)
1250x3a0|      00 00 00 20                              |  ...           |                  size: 32 0x3a2-0x3a5.7 (4)
1260x3a0|                  6d 64 68 64                  |      mdhd      |                  type: "mdhd" (Media header, overall information about the media) 0x3a6-0x3a9.7 (4)
1270x3a0|                              00               |          .     |                  version: 0 0x3aa-0x3aa.7 (1)
1280x3a0|                                 00 00 00      |           ...  |                  flags: 0 0x3ab-0x3ad.7 (3)
1290x3a0|                                          00 00|              ..|                  creation_time: "1904-01-04T00:00:00Z" (0) 0x3ae-0x3b1.7 (4)
1300x3b0|00 00                                          |..              |
1310x3b0|      00 00 00 00                              |  ....          |                  modification_time: "1904-01-04T00:00:00Z" (0) 0x3b2-0x3b5.7 (4)
1320x3b0|                  00 00 ac 44                  |      ...D      |                  time_scale: 44100 0x3b6-0x3b9.7 (4)
1330x3b0|                              00 00 0c ee      |          ....  |                  duration: 3310 0x3ba-0x3bd.7 (4)
1340x3b0|                                          55 c4|              U.|                  language: "und" 0x3be-0x3bf.7 (2)
1350x3c0|00 00                                          |..              |                  quality: 0 0x3c0-0x3c1.7 (2)
136     |                                               |                |                [1]{}: box 0x3c2-0x3ee.7 (45)
1370x3c0|      00 00 00 2d                              |  ...-          |                  size: 45 0x3c2-0x3c5.7 (4)
1380x3c0|                  68 64 6c 72                  |      hdlr      |                  type: "hdlr" (Handler, declares the media (handler) type) 0x3c6-0x3c9.7 (4)
1390x3c0|                              00               |          .     |                  version: 0 0x3ca-0x3ca.7 (1)
1400x3c0|                                 00 00 00      |           ...  |                  flags: 0 0x3cb-0x3cd.7 (3)
1410x3c0|                                          00 00|              ..|                  component_type: "" 0x3ce-0x3d1.7 (4)
1420x3d0|00 00                                          |..              |
1430x3d0|      73 6f 75 6e                              |  soun          |                  component_subtype: "soun" (Audio Track) 0x3d2-0x3d5.7 (4)
1440x3d0|                  00 00 00 00                  |      ....      |                  component_manufacturer: "" 0x3d6-0x3d9.7 (4)
1450x3d0|                              00 00 00 00      |          ....  |                  component_flags: 0 0x3da-0x3dd.7 (4)
1460x3d0|                                          00 00|              ..|                  component_flags_mask: 0 0x3de-0x3e1.7 (4)
1470x3e0|00 00                                          |..              |
1480x3e0|      53 6f 75 6e 64 48 61 6e 64 6c 65 72 00   |  SoundHandler. |                  component_name: "SoundHandler" 0x3e2-0x3ee.7 (13)
149     |                                               |                |                [2]{}: box 0x3ef-0x502.7 (276)
1500x3e0|                                             00|               .|                  size: 276 0x3ef-0x3f2.7 (4)
1510x3f0|00 01 14                                       |...             |
1520x3f0|         6d 69 6e 66                           |   minf         |                  type: "minf" (Media information container) 0x3f3-0x3f6.7 (4)
153     |                                               |                |                  boxes[0:3]: 0x3f7-0x502.7 (268)
154     |                                               |                |                    [0]{}: box 0x3f7-0x406.7 (16)
1550x3f0|                     00 00 00 10               |       ....     |                      size: 16 0x3f7-0x3fa.7 (4)
1560x3f0|                                 73 6d 68 64   |           smhd |                      type: "smhd" (Sound media header, overall information (sound track only)) 0x3fb-0x3fe.7 (4)
1570x3f0|                                             00|               .|                      version: 0 0x3ff-0x3ff.7 (1)
1580x400|00 00 00                                       |...             |                      flags: 0 0x400-0x402.7 (3)
1590x400|         00 00                                 |   ..           |                      balance: 0 0x403-0x404.7 (2)
1600x400|               00 00                           |     ..         |                      reserved: 0 0x405-0x406.7 (2)
161     |                                               |                |                    [1]{}: box 0x407-0x42a.7 (36)
1620x400|                     00 00 00 24               |       ...$     |                      size: 36 0x407-0x40a.7 (4)
1630x400|                                 64 69 6e 66   |           dinf |                      type: "dinf" (Data information box, container) 0x40b-0x40e.7 (4)
164     |                                               |                |                      boxes[0:1]: 0x40f-0x42a.7 (28)
165     |                                               |                |                        [0]{}: box 0x40f-0x42a.7 (28)
1660x400|                                             00|               .|                          size: 28 0x40f-0x412.7 (4)
1670x410|00 00 1c                                       |...             |
1680x410|         64 72 65 66                           |   dref         |                          type: "dref" (Data reference box, declares source(s) of media data in track) 0x413-0x416.7 (4)
1690x410|                     00                        |       .        |                          version: 0 0x417-0x417.7 (1)
1700x410|                        00 00 00               |        ...     |                          flags: 0 0x418-0x41a.7 (3)
1710x410|                                 00 00 00 01   |           .... |                          entry_count: 1 0x41b-0x41e.7 (4)
172     |                                               |                |                          boxes[0:1]: 0x41f-0x42a.7 (12)
173     |                                               |                |                            [0]{}: box 0x41f-0x42a.7 (12)
1740x410|                                             00|               .|                              size: 12 0x41f-0x422.7 (4)
1750x420|00 00 0c                                       |...             |
1760x420|         75 72 6c 20                           |   url          |                              type: "url " 0x423-0x426.7 (4)
1770x420|                     00                        |       .        |                              version: 0 0x427-0x427.7 (1)
1780x420|                        00 00 01               |        ...     |                              flags: 1 0x428-0x42a.7 (3)
179     |                                               |                |                              data: raw bits 0x42b-NA (0)
180     |                                               |                |                    [2]{}: box 0x42b-0x502.7 (216)
1810x420|                                 00 00 00 d8   |           .... |                      size: 216 0x42b-0x42e.7 (4)
1820x420|                                             73|               s|                      type: "stbl" (Sample table box, container for the time/space map) 0x42f-0x432.7 (4)
1830x430|74 62 6c                                       |tbl             |
184     |                                               |                |                      boxes[0:5]: 0x433-0x502.7 (208)
185     |                                               |                |                        [0]{}: box 0x433-0x492.7 (96)
1860x430|         00 00 00 60                           |   ...`         |                          size: 96 0x433-0x436.7 (4)
1870x430|                     73 74 73 64               |       stsd     |                          type: "stsd" (Sample descriptions (codec types, initialization etc.)) 0x437-0x43a.7 (4)
1880x430|                                 00            |           .    |                          version: 0 0x43b-0x43b.7 (1)
1890x430|                                    00 00 00   |            ... |                          flags: 0 0x43c-0x43e.7 (3)
1900x430|                                             00|               .|                          entry_count: 1 0x43f-0x442.7 (4)
1910x440|00 00 01                                       |...             |
192     |                                               |                |                          boxes[0:1]: 0x443-0x492.7 (80)
193     |                                               |                |                            [0]{}: box 0x443-0x492.7 (80)
1940x440|         00 00 00 50                           |   ...P         |                              size: 80 0x443-0x446.7 (4)
1950x440|                     6d 70 34 61               |       mp4a     |                              type: "mp4a" 0x447-0x44a.7 (4)
1960x440|                                 00 00 00 00 00|           .....|                              reserved: raw bits 0x44b-0x450.7 (6)
1970x450|00                                             |.               |
1980x450|   00 01                                       | ..             |                              data_reference_index: 1 0x451-0x452.7 (2)
1990x450|         00 00                                 |   ..           |                              version: 0 0x453-0x454.7 (2)
2000x450|               00 00                           |     ..         |                              revision_level: 0 0x455-0x456.7 (2)
2010x450|                     00 00 00 00               |       ....     |                              max_packet_size: 0 0x457-0x45a.7 (4)
2020x450|                                 00 02         |           ..   |                              num_audio_channels: 2 0x45b-0x45c.7 (2)
2030x450|                                       00 10   |             .. |                              sample_size: 16 0x45d-0x45e.7 (2)
2040x450|                                             00|               .|                              compression_id: 0 0x45f-0x460.7 (2)
2050x460|00                                             |.               |
2060x460|   00 00                                       | ..             |                              packet_size: 0 0x461-0x462.7 (2)
2070x460|         ac 44 00 00                           |   .D..         |                              sample_rate: 44100 0x463-0x466.7 (4)
208     |                                               |                |                              boxes[0:1]: 0x467-0x492.7 (44)
209     |                                               |                |                                [0]{}: box 0x467-0x492.7 (44)
2100x460|                     00 00 00 2c               |       ...,     |                                  size: 44 0x467-0x46a.7 (4)
2110x460|                                 65 73 64 73   |           esds |                                  type: "esds" (Elementary stream descriptor) 0x46b-0x46e.7 (4)
2120x460|                                             00|               .|                                  version: 0 0x46f-0x472.7 (4)
2130x470|00 00 00                                       |...             |
214     |                                               |                |                                  descriptor{}: (mpeg_es) 0x473-0x492.7 (32)
2150x470|         03                                    |   .            |                                    tag_id: "ES_DescrTag" (3) 0x473-0x473.7 (1)
2160x470|            80 80 80 1b                        |    ....        |                                    length: 27 0x474-0x477.7 (4)
2170x470|                        00 01                  |        ..      |                                    es_id: 1 0x478-0x479.7 (2)
2180x470|                              00               |          .     |                                    stream_dependency_flag: false 0x47a-0x47a (0.1)
2190x470|                              00               |          .     |                                    url_flag: false 0x47a.1-0x47a.1 (0.1)
2200x470|                              00               |          .     |                                    ocr_stream_flag: false 0x47a.2-0x47a.2 (0.1)
2210x470|                              00               |          .     |                                    stream_priority: 0 0x47a.3-0x47a.7 (0.5)
222     |                                               |                |                                    dec_config_descr{}: 0x47b-0x48c.7 (18)
2230x470|                                 04            |           .    |                                      tag_id: "DecoderConfigDescrTag" (4) 0x47b-0x47b.7 (1)
2240x470|                                    80 80 80 0d|            ....|                                      length: 13 0x47c-0x47f.7 (4)
2250x480|6b                                             |k               |                                      object_type_indication: "MPEGObjectTypeMP3" (107) 0x480-0x480.7 (1)
2260x480|   15                                          | .              |                                      stream_type: "AudioStream" (5) 0x481-0x481.5 (0.6)
2270x480|   15                                          | .              |                                      upstream: false 0x481.6-0x481.6 (0.1)
2280x480|   15                                          | .              |                                      specific_info_flag: true 0x481.7-0x481.7 (0.1)
2290x480|      00 00 00                                 |  ...           |                                      buffer_size_db: 0 0x482-0x484.7 (3)
2300x480|               00 01 04 a2                     |     ....       |                                      max_bit_rate: 66722 0x485-0x488.7 (4)
2310x480|                           00 01 04 a2         |         ....   |                                      avg_bit_rate: 66722 0x489-0x48c.7 (4)
232     |                                               |                |                                    sl_config_descr{}: 0x48d-0x492.7 (6)
2330x480|                                       06      |             .  |                                      tag_id: "SLConfigDescrTag" (6) 0x48d-0x48d.7 (1)
2340x480|                                          80 80|              ..|                                      length: 1 0x48e-0x491.7 (4)
2350x490|80 01                                          |..              |
2360x490|      02                                       |  .             |                                      data: raw bits 0x492-0x492.7 (1)
237     |                                               |                |                        [1]{}: box 0x493-0x4b2.7 (32)
2380x490|         00 00 00 20                           |   ...          |                          size: 32 0x493-0x496.7 (4)
2390x490|                     73 74 74 73               |       stts     |                          type: "stts" (Sample time-to-sample) 0x497-0x49a.7 (4)
2400x490|                                 00            |           .    |                          version: 0 0x49b-0x49b.7 (1)
2410x490|                                    00 00 00   |            ... |                          flags: 0 0x49c-0x49e.7 (3)
2420x490|                                             00|               .|                          entry_count: 2 0x49f-0x4a2.7 (4)
2430x4a0|00 00 02                                       |...             |
244     |                                               |                |                          entries[0:2]: 0x4a3-0x4b2.7 (16)
245     |                                               |                |                            [0]{}: entry 0x4a3-0x4aa.7 (8)
2460x4a0|         00 00 00 02                           |   ....         |                              count: 2 0x4a3-0x4a6.7 (4)
2470x4a0|                     00 00 04 80               |       ....     |                              delta: 1152 0x4a7-0x4aa.7 (4)
248     |                                               |                |                            [1]{}: entry 0x4ab-0x4b2.7 (8)
2490x4a0|                                 00 00 00 01   |           .... |                              count: 1 0x4ab-0x4ae.7 (4)
2500x4a0|                                             00|               .|                              delta: 1006 0x4af-0x4b2.7 (4)
2510x4b0|00 03 ee                                       |...             |
252     |                                               |                |                        [2]{}: box 0x4b3-0x4ce.7 (28)
2530x4b0|         00 00 00 1c                           |   ....         |                          size: 28 0x4b3-0x4b6.7 (4)
2540x4b0|                     73 74 73 63               |       stsc     |                          type: "stsc" (Sample-to-chunk, partial data-offset information) 0x4b7-0x4ba.7 (4)
2550x4b0|                                 00            |           .    |                          version: 0 0x4bb-0x4bb.7 (1)
2560x4b0|                                    00 00 00   |            ... |                          flags: 0 0x4bc-0x4be.7 (3)
2570x4b0|                                             00|               .|                          entry_count: 1 0x4bf-0x4c2.7 (4)
2580x4c0|00 00 01                                       |...             |
259     |                                               |                |                          entries[0:1]: 0x4c3-0x4ce.7 (12)
260     |                                               |                |                            [0]{}: entry 0x4c3-0x4ce.7 (12)
2610x4c0|         00 00 00 01                           |   ....         |                              first_chunk: 1 0x4c3-0x4c6.7 (4)
2620x4c0|                     00 00 00 03               |       ....     |                              samples_per_chunk: 3 0x4c7-0x4ca.7 (4)
2630x4c0|                                 00 00 00 01   |           .... |                              sample_description_id: 1 0x4cb-0x4ce.7 (4)
264     |                                               |                |                        [3]{}: box 0x4cf-0x4ee.7 (32)
2650x4c0|                                             00|               .|                          size: 32 0x4cf-0x4d2.7 (4)
2660x4d0|00 00 20                                       |..              |
2670x4d0|         73 74 73 7a                           |   stsz         |                          type: "stsz" (Sample sizes (framing)) 0x4d3-0x4d6.7 (4)
2680x4d0|                     00                        |       .        |                          version: 0 0x4d7-0x4d7.7 (1)
2690x4d0|                        00 00 00               |        ...     |                          flags: 0 0x4d8-0x4da.7 (3)
2700x4d0|                                 00 00 00 00   |           .... |                          sample_size: 0 0x4db-0x4de.7 (4)
2710x4d0|                                             00|               .|                          entry_count: 3 0x4df-0x4e2.7 (4)
2720x4e0|00 00 03                                       |...             |
273     |                                               |                |                          entries[0:3]: 0x4e3-0x4ee.7 (12)
2740x4e0|         00 00 00 d0                           |   ....         |                            [0]: 208 size 0x4e3-0x4e6.7 (4)
2750x4e0|                     00 00 00 d1               |       ....     |                            [1]: 209 size 0x4e7-0x4ea.7 (4)
2760x4e0|                                 00 00 00 d1   |           .... |                            [2]: 209 size 0x4eb-0x4ee.7 (4)
277     |                                               |                |                        [4]{}: box 0x4ef-0x502.7 (20)
2780x4e0|                                             00|               .|                          size: 20 0x4ef-0x4f2.7 (4)
2790x4f0|00 00 14                                       |...             |
2800x4f0|         73 74 63 6f                           |   stco         |                          type: "stco" (Chunk offset, partial data-offset information) 0x4f3-0x4f6.7 (4)
2810x4f0|                     00                        |       .        |                          version: 0 0x4f7-0x4f7.7 (1)
2820x4f0|                        00 00 00               |        ...     |                          flags: 0 0x4f8-0x4fa.7 (3)
2830x4f0|                                 00 00 00 01   |           .... |                          entry_count: 1 0x4fb-0x4fe.7 (4)
284     |                                               |                |                          entries[0:1]: 0x4ff-0x502.7 (4)
2850x4f0|                                             00|               .|                            [0]: 44 chunk_offset 0x4ff-0x502.7 (4)
2860x500|00 00 2c                                       |..,             |
287     |                                               |                |        [2]{}: box 0x503-0x564.7 (98)
2880x500|         00 00 00 62                           |   ...b         |          size: 98 0x503-0x506.7 (4)
2890x500|                     75 64 74 61               |       udta     |          type: "udta" (User-data) 0x507-0x50a.7 (4)
290     |                                               |                |          boxes[0:1]: 0x50b-0x564.7 (90)
291     |                                               |                |            [0]{}: box 0x50b-0x564.7 (90)
2920x500|                                 00 00 00 5a   |           ...Z |              size: 90 0x50b-0x50e.7 (4)
2930x500|                                             6d|               m|              type: "meta" (Metadata container) 0x50f-0x512.7 (4)
2940x510|65 74 61                                       |eta             |
2950x510|         00 00 00 00                           |   ....         |              maybe_flags: 0 0x513-0x516.7 (4)
296     |                                               |                |              boxes[0:2]: 0x517-0x564.7 (78)
297     |                                               |                |                [0]{}: box 0x517-0x537.7 (33)
2980x510|                     00 00 00 21               |       ...!     |                  size: 33 0x517-0x51a.7 (4)
2990x510|                                 68 64 6c 72   |           hdlr |                  type: "hdlr" (Handler, declares the media (handler) type) 0x51b-0x51e.7 (4)
3000x510|                                             00|               .|                  version: 0 0x51f-0x51f.7 (1)
3010x520|00 00 00                                       |...             |                  flags: 0 0x520-0x522.7 (3)
3020x520|         00 00 00 00                           |   ....         |                  component_type: "" 0x523-0x526.7 (4)
3030x520|                     6d 64 69 72               |       mdir     |                  component_subtype: "mdir" (Metadata) 0x527-0x52a.7 (4)
3040x520|                                 61 70 70 6c   |           appl |                  component_manufacturer: "appl" 0x52b-0x52e.7 (4)
3050x520|                                             00|               .|                  component_flags: 0 0x52f-0x532.7 (4)
3060x530|00 00 00                                       |...             |
3070x530|         00 00 00 00                           |   ....         |                  component_flags_mask: 0 0x533-0x536.7 (4)
3080x530|                     00                        |       .        |                  component_name: "" 0x537-0x537.7 (1)
309     |                                               |                |                [1]{}: box 0x538-0x564.7 (45)
3100x530|                        00 00 00 2d            |        ...-    |                  size: 45 0x538-0x53b.7 (4)
3110x530|                                    69 6c 73 74|            ilst|                  type: "ilst" 0x53c-0x53f.7 (4)
312     |                                               |                |                  boxes[0:1]: 0x540-0x564.7 (37)
313     |                                               |                |                    [0]{}: box 0x540-0x564.7 (37)
3140x540|00 00 00 25                                    |...%            |                      size: 37 0x540-0x543.7 (4)
3150x540|            a9 74 6f 6f                        |    .too        |                      type: "�too" 0x544-0x547.7 (4)
316     |                                               |                |                      boxes[0:1]: 0x548-0x564.7 (29)
317     |                                               |                |                        [0]{}: box 0x548-0x564.7 (29)
3180x540|                        00 00 00 1d            |        ....    |                          size: 29 0x548-0x54b.7 (4)
3190x540|                                    64 61 74 61|            data|                          type: "data" 0x54c-0x54f.7 (4)
3200x550|00                                             |.               |                          version: 0 0x550-0x550.7 (1)
3210x550|   00 00 01                                    | ...            |                          flags: 1 0x551-0x553.7 (3)
3220x550|            00 00 00 00                        |    ....        |                          reserved: 0 0x554-0x557.7 (4)
3230x550|                        4c 61 76 66 35 38 2e 34|        Lavf58.4|                          data: "Lavf58.45.100" 0x558-0x564.7 (13)
3240x560|35 2e 31 30 30|                                |5.100|          |
325     |                                               |                |  tracks[0:1]: 0x2c-0x29d.7 (626)
326     |                                               |                |    [0]{}: track 0x2c-0x29d.7 (626)
327     |                                               |                |      samples[0:3]: 0x2c-0x29d.7 (626)
328     |                                               |                |        [0]{}: sample (mp3_frame) 0x2c-0xfb.7 (208)
329     |                                               |                |          header{}: 0x2c-0x2f.7 (4)
3300x020|                                    ff fb      |            ..  |            sync: 0b11111111111 (valid) 0x2c-0x2d.2 (1.3)
3310x020|                                       fb      |             .  |            mpeg_version: "1" (3) (MPEG Version 1) 0x2d.3-0x2d.4 (0.2)
3320x020|                                       fb      |             .  |            layer: 3 (1) (MPEG Layer 3) 0x2d.5-0x2d.6 (0.2)
333     |                                               |                |            sample_count: 1152 0x2d.7-NA (0)
3340x020|                                       fb      |             .  |            protection_absent: true (No CRC) 0x2d.7-0x2d.7 (0.1)
3350x020|                                          50   |              P |            bitrate: 64000 (5) 0x2e-0x2e.3 (0.4)
3360x020|                                          50   |              P |            sample_rate: 44100 (0) 0x2e.4-0x2e.5 (0.2)
3370x020|                                          50   |              P |            padding: "Not padded" (0b0) 0x2e.6-0x2e.6 (0.1)
3380x020|                                          50   |              P |            private: 0 0x2e.7-0x2e.7 (0.1)
3390x020|                                             c4|               .|            channels: "Mono" (0b11) 0x2f-0x2f.1 (0.2)
3400x020|                                             c4|               .|            channel_mode: "None" (0b0) 0x2f.2-0x2f.3 (0.2)
3410x020|                                             c4|               .|            copyright: 0 0x2f.4-0x2f.4 (0.1)
3420x020|                                             c4|               .|            original: 1 0x2f.5-0x2f.5 (0.1)
3430x020|                                             c4|               .|            emphasis: "None" (0b0) 0x2f.6-0x2f.7 (0.2)
344     |                                               |                |          side_info{}: 0x30-0x40.7 (17)
3450x030|00 00                                          |..              |            main_data_end: 0 0x30-0x31 (1.1)
3460x030|   00                                          | .              |            private_bits: 0 0x31.1-0x31.5 (0.5)
3470x030|   00 0a                                       | ..             |            share0: 0 0x31.6-0x32.1 (0.4)
348     |                                               |                |            granules[0:2]: 0x32.2-0x40.7 (14.6)
349     |                                               |                |              [0]{}: granule 0x32.2-0x39.4 (7.3)
350     |                                               |                |                channels[0:1]: 0x32.2-0x39.4 (7.3)
351     |                                               |                |                  [0]{}: channel 0x32.2-0x39.4 (7.3)
3520x030|      0a 2c                                    |  .,            |                    part2_3_length: 651 0x32.2-0x33.5 (1.4)
3530x030|         2c 43                                 |   ,C           |                    big_values: 33 0x33.6-0x34.6 (1.1)
3540x030|            43 2e                              |    C.          |                    global_gain: 151 0x34.7-0x35.6 (1)
3550x030|               2e 55                           |     .U         |                    scalefac_compress: 2 0x35.7-0x36.2 (0.4)
3560x030|                  55                           |      U         |                    blocksplit_flag: 1 0x36.3-0x36.3 (0.1)
3570x030|                  55                           |      U         |                    block_type: "start block" (1) 0x36.4-0x36.5 (0.2)
3580x030|                  55                           |      U         |                    switch_point: 0 0x36.6-0x36.6 (0.1)
3590x030|                  55 94                        |      U.        |                    table_select0: 25 0x36.7-0x37.3 (0.5)
3600x030|                     94 80                     |       ..       |                    table_select1: 9 0x37.4-0x38 (0.5)
3610x030|                        80                     |        .       |                    subblock_gain0: 0 0x38.1-0x38.3 (0.3)
3620x030|                        80                     |        .       |                    subblock_gain1: 0 0x38.4-0x38.6 (0.3)
3630x030|                        80 01                  |        ..      |                    subblock_gain2: 0 0x38.7-0x39.1 (0.3)
3640x030|                           01                  |         .      |                    preflag: 0 0x39.2-0x39.2 (0.1)
3650x030|                           01                  |         .      |                    scalefac_scale: 0 0x39.3-0x39.3 (0.1)
3660x030|                           01                  |         .      |                    count1table_select: 0 0x39.4-0x39.4 (0.1)
367     |                                               |                |              [1]{}: granule 0x39.5-0x40.7 (7.3)
368     |                                               |                |                channels[0:1]: 0x39.5-0x40.7 (7.3)
369     |                                               |                |                  [0]{}: channel 0x39.5-0x40.7 (7.3)
3700x030|                           01 81 15            |         ...    |                    part2_3_length: 770 0x39.5-0x3b (1.4)
3710x030|                                 15 66         |           .f   |                    big_values: 85 0x3b.1-0x3c.1 (1.1)
3720x030|                                    66 23      |            f#  |                    global_gain: 152 0x3c.2-0x3d.1 (1)
3730x030|                                       23      |             #  |                    scalefac_compress: 8 0x3d.2-0x3d.5 (0.4)
3740x030|                                       23      |             #  |                    blocksplit_flag: 1 0x3d.6-0x3d.6 (0.1)
3750x030|                                       23 3a   |             #: |                    block_type: "3 short windows" (2) 0x3d.7-0x3e (0.2)
3760x030|                                          3a   |              : |                    switch_point: 0 0x3e.1-0x3e.1 (0.1)
3770x030|                                          3a   |              : |                    table_select0: 29 0x3e.2-0x3e.6 (0.5)
3780x030|                                          3a d0|              :.|                    table_select1: 13 0x3e.7-0x3f.3 (0.5)
3790x030|                                             d0|               .|                    subblock_gain0: 0 0x3f.4-0x3f.6 (0.3)
3800x030|                                             d0|               .|                    subblock_gain1: 0 0x3f.7-0x40.1 (0.3)
3810x040|00                                             |.               |
3820x040|00                                             |.               |                    subblock_gain2: 0 0x40.2-0x40.4 (0.3)
3830x040|00                                             |.               |                    preflag: 0 0x40.5-0x40.5 (0.1)
3840x040|00                                             |.               |                    scalefac_scale: 0 0x40.6-0x40.6 (0.1)
3850x040|00                                             |.               |                    count1table_select: 0 0x40.7-0x40.7 (0.1)
3860x040|   07 aa c3 8e 33 85 d3 64 f1 a1 c1 08 1c 58 1f| ....3..d.....X.|          data: raw bits 0x41-0xfb.7 (187)
3870x050|5e 1f 18 1c 46 04 1e 89 e5 b3 2e 5a 0f a8 3b 13|^...F......Z..;.|
388*    |until 0xfb.7 (187)                             |                |
389     |                                               |                |          other_data: raw bits 0xfc-NA (0)
390     |                                               |                |          crc_calculated: "2e0a" (raw bits) 0xfc-NA (0)
391     |                                               |                |        [1]{}: sample (mp3_frame) 0xfc-0x1cc.7 (209)
392     |                                               |                |          header{}: 0xfc-0xff.7 (4)
3930x0f0|                                    ff fb      |            ..  |            sync: 0b11111111111 (valid) 0xfc-0xfd.2 (1.3)
3940x0f0|                                       fb      |             .  |            mpeg_version: "1" (3) (MPEG Version 1) 0xfd.3-0xfd.4 (0.2)
3950x0f0|                                       fb      |             .  |            layer: 3 (1) (MPEG Layer 3) 0xfd.5-0xfd.6 (0.2)
396     |                                               |                |            sample_count: 1152 0xfd.7-NA (0)
3970x0f0|                                       fb      |             .  |            protection_absent: true (No CRC) 0xfd.7-0xfd.7 (0.1)
3980x0f0|                                          52   |              R |            bitrate: 64000 (5) 0xfe-0xfe.3 (0.4)
3990x0f0|                                          52   |              R |            sample_rate: 44100 (0) 0xfe.4-0xfe.5 (0.2)
4000x0f0|                                          52   |              R |            padding: "Padded" (0b1) 0xfe.6-0xfe.6 (0.1)
4010x0f0|                                          52   |              R |            private: 0 0xfe.7-0xfe.7 (0.1)
4020x0f0|                                             c4|               .|            channels: "Mono" (0b11) 0xff-0xff.1 (0.2)
4030x0f0|                                             c4|               .|            channel_mode: "None" (0b0) 0xff.2-0xff.3 (0.2)
4040x0f0|                                             c4|               .|            copyright: 0 0xff.4-0xff.4 (0.1)
4050x0f0|                                             c4|               .|            original: 1 0xff.5-0xff.5 (0.1)
4060x0f0|                                             c4|               .|            emphasis: "None" (0b0) 0xff.6-0xff.7 (0.2)
407     |                                               |                |          side_info{}: 0x100-0x110.7 (17)
4080x100|04 82                                          |..              |            main_data_end: 9 0x100-0x101 (1.1)
4090x100|   82                                          | .              |            private_bits: 0 0x101.1-0x101.5 (0.5)
4100x100|   82 0a                                       | ..             |            share0: 8 0x101.6-0x102.1 (0.4)
411     |                                               |                |            granules[0:2]: 0x102.2-0x110.7 (14.6)
412     |                                               |                |              [0]{}: granule 0x102.2-0x109.4 (7.3)
413     |                                               |                |                channels[0:1]: 0x102.2-0x109.4 (7.3)
414     |                                               |                |                  [0]{}: channel 0x102.2-0x109.4 (7.3)
4150x100|      0a 60                                    |  .`            |                    part2_3_length: 664 0x102.2-0x103.5 (1.4)
4160x100|         60 21                                 |   `!           |                    big_values: 16 0x103.6-0x104.6 (1.1)
4170x100|            21 10                              |    !.          |                    global_gain: 136 0x104.7-0x105.6 (1)
4180x100|               10 bd                           |     ..         |                    scalefac_compress: 5 0x105.7-0x106.2 (0.4)
4190x100|                  bd                           |      .         |                    blocksplit_flag: 1 0x106.3-0x106.3 (0.1)
4200x100|                  bd                           |      .         |                    block_type: "end" (3) 0x106.4-0x106.5 (0.2)
4210x100|                  bd                           |      .         |                    switch_point: 0 0x106.6-0x106.6 (0.1)
4220x100|                  bd f1                        |      ..        |                    table_select0: 31 0x106.7-0x107.3 (0.5)
4230x100|                     f1 00                     |       ..       |                    table_select1: 2 0x107.4-0x108 (0.5)
4240x100|                        00                     |        .       |                    subblock_gain0: 0 0x108.1-0x108.3 (0.3)
4250x100|                        00                     |        .       |                    subblock_gain1: 0 0x108.4-0x108.6 (0.3)
4260x100|                        00 01                  |        ..      |                    subblock_gain2: 0 0x108.7-0x109.1 (0.3)
4270x100|                           01                  |         .      |                    preflag: 0 0x109.2-0x109.2 (0.1)
4280x100|                           01                  |         .      |                    scalefac_scale: 0 0x109.3-0x109.3 (0.1)
4290x100|                           01                  |         .      |                    count1table_select: 0 0x109.4-0x109.4 (0.1)
430     |                                               |                |              [1]{}: granule 0x109.5-0x110.7 (7.3)
431     |                                               |                |                channels[0:1]: 0x109.5-0x110.7 (7.3)
432     |                                               |                |                  [0]{}: channel 0x109.5-0x110.7 (7.3)
4330x100|                           01 59 04            |         .Y.    |                    part2_3_length: 690 0x109.5-0x10b (1.4)
4340x100|                                 04 a1         |           ..   |                    big_values: 18 0x10b.1-0x10c.1 (1.1)
4350x100|                                    a1 e2      |            ..  |                    global_gain: 135 0x10c.2-0x10d.1 (1)
4360x100|                                       e2      |             .  |                    scalefac_compress: 8 0x10d.2-0x10d.5 (0.4)
4370x100|                                       e2      |             .  |                    blocksplit_flag: 1 0x10d.6-0x10d.6 (0.1)
4380x100|                                       e2 be   |             .. |                    block_type: "start block" (1) 0x10d.7-0x10e (0.2)
4390x100|                                          be   |              . |                    switch_point: 0 0x10e.1-0x10e.1 (0.1)
4400x100|                                          be   |              . |                    table_select0: 31 0x10e.2-0x10e.6 (0.5)
4410x100|                                          be 20|              . |                    table_select1: 2 0x10e.7-0x10f.3 (0.5)
4420x100|                                             20|                |                    subblock_gain0: 0 0x10f.4-0x10f.6 (0.3)
4430x100|                                             20|                |                    subblock_gain1: 0 0x10f.7-0x110.1 (0.3)
4440x110|00                                             |.               |
4450x110|00                                             |.               |                    subblock_gain2: 0 0x110.2-0x110.4 (0.3)
4460x110|00                                             |.               |                    preflag: 0 0x110.5-0x110.5 (0.1)
4470x110|00                                             |.               |                    scalefac_scale: 0 0x110.6-0x110.6 (0.1)
4480x110|00                                             |.               |                    count1table_select: 0 0x110.7-0x110.7 (0.1)
4490x110|   01 d9 81 38 05 c9 80 20 04 f1 80 8e 07 01 96| ...8... .......|          data: raw bits 0x111-0x1c2.7 (178)
4500x120|d2 b0 19 91 ec 2a 39 85 70 0d c9 82 90 07 39 81|.....*9.p.....9.|
451*    |until 0x1c2.7 (178)                            |                |
4520x1c0|         85                                    |   .            |          padding_byte: raw bits 0x1c3-0x1c3.7 (1)
4530x1c0|            62 08 3d a0 52 36 7f 26 17         |    b.=.R6.&.   |          other_data: raw bits 0x1c4-0x1cc.7 (9)
454     |                                               |                |          crc_calculated: "9950" (raw bits) 0x1cd-NA (0)
455     |                                               |                |        [2]{}: sample (mp3_frame) 0x1cd-0x29d.7 (209)
456     |                                               |                |          header{}: 0x1cd-0x1d0.7 (4)
4570x1c0|                                       ff fb   |             .. |            sync: 0b11111111111 (valid) 0x1cd-0x1ce.2 (1.3)
4580x1c0|                                          fb   |              . |            mpeg_version: "1" (3) (MPEG Version 1) 0x1ce.3-0x1ce.4 (0.2)
4590x1c0|                                          fb   |              . |            layer: 3 (1) (MPEG Layer 3) 0x1ce.5-0x1ce.6 (0.2)
460     |                                               |                |            sample_count: 1152 0x1ce.7-NA (0)
4610x1c0|                                          fb   |              . |            protection_absent: true (No CRC) 0x1ce.7-0x1ce.7 (0.1)
4620x1c0|                                             52|               R|            bitrate: 64000 (5) 0x1cf-0x1cf.3 (0.4)
4630x1c0|                                             52|               R|            sample_rate: 44100 (0) 0x1cf.4-0x1cf.5 (0.2)
4640x1c0|                                             52|               R|            padding: "Padded" (0b1) 0x1cf.6-0x1cf.6 (0.1)
4650x1c0|                                             52|               R|            private: 0 0x1cf.7-0x1cf.7 (0.1)
4660x1d0|c4                                             |.               |            channels: "Mono" (0b11) 0x1d0-0x1d0.1 (0.2)
4670x1d0|c4                                             |.               |            channel_mode: "None" (0b0) 0x1d0.2-0x1d0.3 (0.2)
4680x1d0|c4                                             |.               |            copyright: 0 0x1d0.4-0x1d0.4 (0.1)
4690x1d0|c4                                             |.               |            original: 1 0x1d0.5-0x1d0.5 (0.1)
4700x1d0|c4                                             |.               |            emphasis: "None" (0b0) 0x1d0.6-0x1d0.7 (0.2)
471     |                                               |                |          side_info{}: 0x1d1-0x1e1.7 (17)
4720x1d0|   0d 80                                       | ..             |            main_data_end: 27 0x1d1-0x1d2 (1.1)
4730x1d0|      80                                       |  .             |            private_bits: 0 0x1d2.1-0x1d2.5 (0.5)
4740x1d0|      80 0d                                    |  ..            |            share0: 0 0x1d2.6-0x1d3.1 (0.4)
475     |                                               |                |            granules[0:2]: 0x1d3.2-0x1e1.7 (14.6)
476     |                                               |                |              [0]{}: granule 0x1d3.2-0x1da.4 (7.3)
477     |                                               |                |                channels[0:1]: 0x1d3.2-0x1da.4 (7.3)
478     |                                               |                |                  [0]{}: channel 0x1d3.2-0x1da.4 (7.3)
4790x1d0|         0d e4                                 |   ..           |                    part2_3_length: 889 0x1d3.2-0x1d4.5 (1.4)
4800x1d0|            e4 c9                              |    ..          |                    big_values: 100 0x1d4.6-0x1d5.6 (1.1)
4810x1d0|               c9 7b                           |     .{         |                    global_gain: 189 0x1d5.7-0x1d6.6 (1)
4820x1d0|                  7b f9                        |      {.        |                    scalefac_compress: 15 0x1d6.7-0x1d7.2 (0.4)
4830x1d0|                     f9                        |       .        |                    blocksplit_flag: 1 0x1d7.3-0x1d7.3 (0.1)
4840x1d0|                     f9                        |       .        |                    block_type: "3 short windows" (2) 0x1d7.4-0x1d7.5 (0.2)
4850x1d0|                     f9                        |       .        |                    switch_point: 0 0x1d7.6-0x1d7.6 (0.1)
4860x1d0|                     f9 89                     |       ..       |                    table_select0: 24 0x1d7.7-0x1d8.3 (0.5)
4870x1d0|                        89 84                  |        ..      |                    table_select1: 19 0x1d8.4-0x1d9 (0.5)
4880x1d0|                           84                  |         .      |                    subblock_gain0: 0 0x1d9.1-0x1d9.3 (0.3)
4890x1d0|                           84                  |         .      |                    subblock_gain1: 2 0x1d9.4-0x1d9.6 (0.3)
4900x1d0|                           84 91               |         ..     |                    subblock_gain2: 2 0x1d9.7-0x1da.1 (0.3)
4910x1d0|                              91               |          .     |                    preflag: 0 0x1da.2-0x1da.2 (0.1)
4920x1d0|                              91               |          .     |                    scalefac_scale: 1 0x1da.3-0x1da.3 (0.1)
4930x1d0|                              91               |          .     |                    count1table_select: 0 0x1da.4-0x1da.4 (0.1)
494     |                                               |                |              [1]{}: granule 0x1da.5-0x1e1.7 (7.3)
495     |                                               |                |                channels[0:1]: 0x1da.5-0x1e1.7 (7.3)
496     |                                               |                |                  [0]{}: channel 0x1da.5-0x1e1.7 (7.3)
4970x1d0|                              91 30 8d         |          .0.   |                    part2_3_length: 609 0x1da.5-0x1dc (1.4)
4980x1d0|                                    8d a3      |            ..  |                    big_values: 54 0x1dc.1-0x1dd.1 (1.1)
4990x1d0|                                       a3 03   |             .. |                    global_gain: 140 0x1dd.2-0x1de.1 (1)
5000x1d0|                                          03   |              . |                    scalefac_compress: 0 0x1de.2-0x1de.5 (0.4)
5010x1d0|                                          03   |              . |                    blocksplit_flag: 1 0x1de.6-0x1de.6 (0.1)
5020x1d0|                                          03 b2|              ..|                    block_type: "end" (3) 0x1de.7-0x1df (0.2)
5030x1d0|                                             b2|               .|                    switch_point: 0 0x1df.1-0x1df.1 (0.1)
5040x1d0|                                             b2|               .|                    table_select0: 25 0x1df.2-0x1df.6 (0.5)
5050x1d0|                                             b2|               .|                    table_select1: 15 0x1df.7-0x1e0.3 (0.5)
5060x1e0|f0                                             |.               |
5070x1e0|f0                                             |.               |                    subblock_gain0: 0 0x1e0.4-0x1e0.6 (0.3)
5080x1e0|f0 00                                          |..              |                    subblock_gain1: 0 0x1e0.7-0x1e1.1 (0.3)
5090x1e0|   00                                          | .              |                    subblock_gain2: 0 0x1e1.2-0x1e1.4 (0.3)
5100x1e0|   00                                          | .              |                    preflag: 0 0x1e1.5-0x1e1.5 (0.1)
5110x1e0|   00                                          | .              |                    scalefac_scale: 0 0x1e1.6-0x1e1.6 (0.1)
5120x1e0|   00                                          | .              |                    count1table_select: 0 0x1e1.7-0x1e1.7 (0.1)
5130x1e0|      53 ca 1e 59 fd 29 ba 0b 84 d4 8a f8 8d cb|  S..Y.)........|          data: raw bits 0x1e2-0x281.7 (160)
5140x1f0|a0 77 10 07 47 8b 8c 7b 2e 82 33 01 c4 c0 04 9f|.w..G..{..3.....|
515*    |until 0x281.7 (160)                            |                |
5160x280|      6a                                       |  j             |          padding_byte: raw bits 0x282-0x282.7 (1)
5170x280|         4c 41 4d 45 33 2e 31 30 30 aa aa aa aa|   LAME3.100....|          other_data: raw bits 0x283-0x29d.7 (27)
5180x290|aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa      |..............  |
519     |                                               |                |          crc_calculated: "c36b" (raw bits) 0x29e-NA (0)