1<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
2      type="topic" style="task"
3      id="mime-types-custom">
5  <info>
6    <link type="guide" xref="software#management" />
7    <link type="seealso" xref="mime-types" />
8    <link type="seealso" xref="mime-types-custom-user" />
9    <revision pkgversion="3.12" date="2014-06-17" status="review"/>
11    <credit type="author copyright">
12      <name>Petr Kovar</name>
13      <email>pknbe@volny.cz</email>
14      <years>2014</years>
15    </credit>
17    <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
19    <desc>Create a MIME type specification and register a default
20    application.</desc>
21  </info>
23    <title>Add a custom MIME type for all users</title>
24    <p>
25      To add a custom MIME type for all users on the system and register a default
26      application for that MIME type, you need to create a new MIME type
27      specification file in the <file>/usr/share/mime/packages/</file>
28      directory and a <file>.desktop</file> file in the
29      <file>/usr/share/applications/</file> directory.
30    </p>
31    <steps>
32      <title>Add a custom <sys>application/x-newtype</sys>
33      MIME Type for All Users</title>
34      <item>
35        <p>
36          Create the <file>/usr/share/mime/packages/application-x-newtype.xml</file>
37          file:
38        </p>
39        <code mime="application/xml"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
40<mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">
41  <mime-type type="application/x-newtype">
42    <comment>new mime type</comment>
43    <glob pattern="*.xyz"/>
44  </mime-type>
46      <p>
47        The sample <file>application-x-newtype.xml</file> file above
48        defines a new MIME type <sys>application/x-newtype</sys>
49        and assigns file names with the <file>.xyz</file> extension to
50        that MIME type.
51      </p>
52      </item>
53      <item>
54        <p>
55          Create a new <file>.desktop</file> file named, for example,
56          <file>myapplication1.desktop</file>, and place it in the
57          <file>/usr/share/applications/</file> directory:
58        </p>
59        <code>[Desktop Entry]
62Name=<var>My Application 1</var>
64      <p>
65        The sample <file>myapplication1.desktop</file> file above
66        associates the <sys>application/x-newtype</sys> MIME type
67        with an application named <app>My Application 1</app>,
68        which is run by a command <cmd>myapplication1</cmd>.
69      </p>
70      </item>
71      <item>
72        <p>As root, update the MIME database for your changes to take effect:</p>
73        <screen><output># </output><input>update-mime-database /usr/share/mime</input>
74        </screen>
75      </item>
76      <item>
77        <p>As root, update the application database:</p>
78        <screen><output># </output><input>update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications</input>
79        </screen>
80      </item>
81      <item>
82        <p>
83          To verify that you have successfully associated
84          <file>*.xyz</file> files with the
85          <sys>application/x-newtype</sys> MIME type, first create
86          an empty file, for example <file>test.xyz</file>:
87        </p>
88        <screen><output>$ </output><input>touch test.xyz</input></screen>
89        <p>
90          Then run the <cmd>gio info</cmd> command:
91        </p>
92        <screen><output>$ </output><input>gio info test.xyz | grep "standard::content-type"</input>
93  standard::content-type: application/x-newtype</screen>
94        </item>
95        <item>
96          <p>
97          To verify that <file>myapplication1.desktop</file> has been
98          correctly set as the default registered application for the
99          <sys>application/x-newtype</sys> MIME type, run the
100          <cmd>gio mime</cmd> command:
101          </p>
102        <screen><output>$ </output><input>gio mime application/x-newtype</input>
103Default application for “application/x-newtype”: myapplication1.desktop
104Registered applications:
105	myapplication1.desktop
106Recommended applications:
107	myapplication1.desktop</screen>
108      </item>
109    </steps>