1module UI.Cards (Card, State(..), drawUI, handleEvent, theMap) where
3import Brick
4import Control.Monad
5import Control.Monad.IO.Class
6import Lens.Micro.Platform
7import Types
8import States
9import StateManagement
10import Data.Char (isSpace)
11import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
12import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
13import Data.Maybe
14import Text.Wrap
15import Data.Text (pack)
16import UI.Attributes
17import UI.BrickHelpers
18import System.FilePath
19import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
20import qualified Data.Text as T
21import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
22import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
23import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border.Style as BS
24import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
25import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
28--------------------- DRAWING ---------------------
31drawUI :: CS -> [Widget Name]
32drawUI s =  [maybe emptyWidget (`drawPopup` s) (s^.popup), drawCardUI s <=> drawInfo s]
34drawInfo :: CS -> Widget Name
35drawInfo s = if not (s ^. showControls) then emptyWidget else
36  strWrap . ("ESC: quit" <>) $ case s ^. cardState of
37    DefinitionState {}     -> ", ENTER: flip card / continue"
38    MultipleChoiceState {} -> ", ENTER: submit answer / continue"
39    MultipleAnswerState {} -> ", ENTER: select / continue, c: submit selection"
40    OpenQuestionState {}   -> ", LEFT/RIGHT/TAB: navigate gaps, ENTER: submit answer / continue, F1: show answer"
41    ReorderState {}        -> ", ENTER: grab, c: submit answer"
43drawCardBox :: Widget Name -> Widget Name
44drawCardBox w = C.center $
45                withBorderStyle BS.unicodeRounded $
46                B.border $
47                withAttr textboxAttr $
48                hLimitPercent 60 w
50drawFooter :: CS -> Widget Name
51drawFooter s = if s^.reviewMode
52  then padLeftRight 1 $ wrong <+> progress <+> correct
53  else progress
54  -- not guaranteed that progress is horizontally centered i think
55  where progress = C.hCenter $ str (show (s^.index + 1) ++ "/" ++ show (s^.nCards))
56        wrong = withAttr wrongAttr (str ("✗ " <> show nWrong))
57        correct = withAttr correctAttr (str ("✓ " <> show nCorrect))
58        nCorrect = length (s^.correctCards)
59        nWrong = s^.index - nCorrect + (if endCard then 1 else 0)
60        endCard = maybe False (isFinalPopup . view popupState) (s^.popup)
62drawCardUI :: CS -> Widget Name
63drawCardUI s = let p = 1 in
64  joinBorders $ drawCardBox $ (<=> drawFooter s) $
65  case (s ^. cards) !! (s ^. index) of
66    Definition title descr -> drawHeader title
67                          <=> B.hBorder
68                          <=> padLeftRight p (drawDef s descr <=> str " ")
70    MultipleChoice question correct others -> drawHeader question
71                                          <=> B.hBorder
72                                          <=> padLeftRight p (drawChoices s (listMultipleChoice correct others) <=> str " ")
74    OpenQuestion title perforated -> drawHeader title
75                                 <=> B.hBorder
76                                 <=> padLeftRight p (atLeastV 1 (drawPerforated s perforated) <=> str " ")
78    MultipleAnswer question options -> drawHeader question
79                                   <=> B.hBorder
80                                   <=> padRight (Pad p) (drawOptions s options <=> str " ")
82    Reorder question _ -> drawHeader question
83                      <=> B.hBorder
84                      <=> padLeftRight p (drawReorder s <=> str " ")
86drawHeader :: String -> Widget Name
87drawHeader title = withAttr titleAttr $
88                   padLeftRight 1 $
89                   hCenteredStrWrap title
91wrapSettings :: WrapSettings
92wrapSettings = WrapSettings {preserveIndentation=False, breakLongWords=True}
94drawDescr :: String -> Widget Name
95drawDescr = strWrapWith wrapSettings
97drawDef :: CS -> String -> Widget Name
98drawDef s def = if s ^. showHints then drawHintedDef s def else drawNormalDef s def
100drawHintedDef :: CS -> String -> Widget Name
101drawHintedDef s def = case s ^. cardState of
102  DefinitionState {_flipped=f} -> if f then drawDescr def else drawDescr [if isSpace' char then char else '_' | char <- def]
103  _ -> error "impossible: "
105isSpace' :: Char -> Bool
106isSpace' '\r' = True
107isSpace' a    = isSpace a
109drawNormalDef:: CS -> String -> Widget Name
110drawNormalDef s def = case s ^. cardState of
111  DefinitionState {_flipped=f} -> if f
112    then drawDescr def
113    else Widget Greedy Fixed $ do
114      c <- getContext
115      let w = c^.availWidthL
116      render . vBox $ [str " " | _ <- wrapTextToLines wrapSettings w (pack def)]
117  _ -> error "impossible: "
119drawChoices :: CS -> [String] -> Widget Name
120drawChoices s options = case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of
121  (MultipleChoiceState {_highlighted=i, _tried=kvs}, MultipleChoice _ (CorrectOption k _) _)  -> vBox formattedOptions
123             where formattedOptions :: [Widget Name]
124                   formattedOptions = [ prefix <+> coloring (drawDescr opt) |
125                                        (j, opt) <- zip [0..] options,
126                                        let prefix = if i == j then withAttr highlightedChoiceAttr (str "* ") else str "  "
127                                            chosen = M.findWithDefault False j kvs
128                                            coloring = case (chosen, j==k) of
129                                              (False, _)    -> id
130                                              (True, False) -> withAttr incorrectChoiceAttr
131                                              (True, True)  -> withAttr correctChoiceAttr
132                                          ]
133  _ -> error "impossible"
135drawOptions :: CS -> NonEmpty Option -> Widget Name
136drawOptions s = case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of
137  (MultipleAnswerState {_highlighted=j, _selected=kvs, _entered=submitted}, _) ->
138    vBox . NE.toList .  NE.map drawOption . (`NE.zip` NE.fromList [0..])
139      where drawOption (Option kind text, i) = coloring (str "[") <+> coloring (highlighting (str symbol)) <+> coloring (str "] ") <+> drawDescr text
140              where symbol = if (i == j && not submitted) || enabled then "*" else " "
141                    enabled = M.findWithDefault False i kvs
142                    highlighting = if i == j && not submitted then withAttr highlightedOptAttr else id
143                    coloring = case (submitted, enabled, kind) of
144                                  (True, True, Correct) -> withAttr correctOptAttr
145                                  (True, False, Incorrect) -> withAttr correctOptAttr
146                                  (True, _, _) -> withAttr incorrectOptAttr
147                                  (False, True, _) -> withAttr selectedOptAttr
148                                  _ -> id
150  _ -> error "hopefully this is never shown"
153drawPerforated :: CS -> Perforated -> Widget Name
154drawPerforated s p = drawSentence s $ perforatedToSentence p
156drawSentence :: CS -> Sentence -> Widget Name
157drawSentence state sentence = Widget Greedy Fixed $ do
158  c <- getContext
159  let w = c^.availWidthL
160  render $ makeSentenceWidget w state sentence
162makeSentenceWidget :: Int -> CS -> Sentence -> Widget Name
163makeSentenceWidget w state = vBox . fst . makeSentenceWidget' 0 0
164  where
165    makeSentenceWidget' :: Int -> Int -> Sentence -> ([Widget Name], Bool)
166    makeSentenceWidget' padding _ (Normal s) = let (ws, _, fit) = wrapStringWithPadding padding w s in (ws, fit)
167    makeSentenceWidget' padding i (Perforated pre _ post) = case state ^. cardState of
168      OpenQuestionState {_gapInput = kvs, _highlighted=j, _entered=submitted, _correctGaps=cgs} ->
169        let (ws, n, fit') = wrapStringWithPadding padding w pre
170            gap = M.findWithDefault "" i kvs
171            n' =  w - n - textWidth gap
173            cursor :: Widget Name -> Widget Name
174            -- i is the index of the gap that we are drawing; j is the gap that is currently selected
175            cursor = if i == j then showCursor Ordinary (Location (textWidth gap, 0)) else id
177            correct = M.findWithDefault False i cgs
178            coloring = case (submitted, correct) of
179              (False, _) -> withAttr gapAttr
180              (True, False) -> withAttr incorrectGapAttr
181              (True, True) -> withAttr correctGapAttr
183            gapWidget = cursor $ coloring (str gap) in
185              if n' >= 0
186                then let (ws1@(w':ws'), fit) = makeSentenceWidget' (w-n') (i+1) post in
187                  if fit then ((ws & _last %~ (<+> (gapWidget <+> w'))) ++ ws', fit')
188                  else ((ws & _last %~ (<+> gapWidget)) ++ ws1, fit')
189              else let (ws1@(w':ws'), fit) = makeSentenceWidget' (textWidth gap) (i+1) post in
190                if fit then (ws ++ [gapWidget <+> w'] ++ ws', fit')
191                else (ws ++ [gapWidget] ++ ws1, fit')
192      _ -> error "PANIC!"
194wrapStringWithPadding :: Int -> Int -> String -> ([Widget Name], Int, Bool)
195wrapStringWithPadding padding w s
196  | null (words s) = ([str ""], padding, True)
197  | otherwise = if textWidth (head (words s)) < w - padding then
198    let startsWithSpace = head s == ' '
199        s' = if startsWithSpace then " " <> replicate padding 'X' <> tail s else replicate padding 'X' ++ s
200        lastLetter = last s
201        postfix = if lastLetter == ' ' then T.pack [lastLetter] else T.empty
202        ts = wrapTextToLines wrapSettings w (pack s') & ix 0 %~ (if startsWithSpace then (T.pack " " `T.append`) . T.drop (padding + 1) else T.drop padding)
203        ts' = ts & _last %~ (`T.append` postfix)
204        padding' = textWidth (last ts') + (if length ts' == 1 then 1 else 0) * padding in
205          (map txt (filter (/=T.empty) ts'), padding', True)
206  else
207    let lastLetter = last s
208        (x: xs) = s
209        s' = if x == ' ' then xs else s
210        postfix = if lastLetter == ' ' then T.pack [lastLetter] else T.empty
211        ts = wrapTextToLines wrapSettings w (pack s')
212        ts' = ts & _last %~ (`T.append` postfix) in
213    (map txt (filter (/=T.empty) ts'), textWidth (last ts'), False)
215drawReorder :: CS -> Widget Name
216drawReorder s = case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of
217  (ReorderState {_highlighted=j, _grabbed=g, _order=kvs, _number=n, _entered=submitted}, Reorder _ _) ->
218    vBox . flip map (map (\i -> (i, kvs M.! i)) [0..n-1]) $
219    \(i, (k, text)) ->
220      let color = case (i == j,  g) of
221                  (True, True ) -> withAttr grabbedElementAttr
222                  (True, False) -> withAttr highlightedElementAttr
223                  _             -> id
225          number =
226            case (submitted, i+1 == k) of
227              (False, _)    -> str (show (i+1) <> ". ")
228              (True, False) -> withAttr incorrectElementAttr (str (show k <> ". "))
229              (True, True ) -> withAttr correctElementAttr (str (show k <> ". "))
230      in
231        number <+> color (drawDescr text)
233  _ -> error "cardstate mismatch"
236---------------------- Events ----------------------
238halt' :: GlobalState -> EventM n (Next GlobalState)
239halt' = flip (moveToModeOrQuit' (\(CardSelectorState s) -> CardSelectorState <$> refreshRecents s)) CardSelector
241handleEvent :: GlobalState -> CS -> BrickEvent Name Event -> EventM Name (Next GlobalState)
242handleEvent gs s (VtyEvent e) =
243  let update = updateCS gs
244      continue' = continue . update in
245    case e of
246      V.EvKey V.KEsc []                -> halt' gs
247      V.EvKey V.KRight [V.MCtrl]       -> if not (s^.reviewMode) then next gs s else continue gs
248      V.EvKey V.KLeft  [V.MCtrl]       -> if not (s^.reviewMode) then previous gs s else continue gs
250      ev ->
251        flip (`maybe` (\p -> handlePopupEvent p gs s ev)) (s ^. popup) $
252          case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of
253            (DefinitionState{_flipped = f}, _) ->
254              case ev of
255                V.EvKey V.KEnter [] ->
256                  if f
257                    then if not (s^.reviewMode) then next gs s
258                      else continue' (s & popup ?~ correctPopup)
259                    else continue' $ s & cardState.flipped %~ not
260                _ -> continue' s
262            (MultipleChoiceState {_highlighted = i, _number = n, _tried = kvs}, MultipleChoice _ (CorrectOption j _) _) ->
263              case ev of
264                V.EvKey V.KUp [] -> continue' up
265                V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue' up
266                V.EvKey V.KDown [] -> continue' down
267                V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue' down
269                V.EvKey V.KEnter [] ->
270                    if frozen
271                      then next gs $ s & if correctlyAnswered then correctCards %~ (s^.index:) else id
272                      else continue' $ s & cardState.tried %~ M.insert i True
275                _ -> continue' s
277              where frozen = M.findWithDefault False j kvs
279                    down = if i < n-1 && not frozen
280                            then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
281                            else s
283                    up = if i > 0 && not frozen
284                          then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1
285                          else s
287                    correctlyAnswered = i == j && M.size (M.filter (==True) kvs) == 1
289            (MultipleAnswerState {_highlighted = i, _number = n, _entered = submitted, _selected = kvs}, MultipleAnswer _ opts) ->
290              case ev of
291                V.EvKey V.KUp [] -> continue' up
292                V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue' up
293                V.EvKey V.KDown [] -> continue' down
294                V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue' down
296                V.EvKey (V.KChar 'c') [] -> continue' $ s & (cardState.entered) .~ True
298                V.EvKey V.KEnter [] ->
299                    if frozen
300                      then next gs $ s & if correctlyAnswered then correctCards %~ (s^.index:) else id
301                      else continue' $ s & cardState.selected %~ M.adjust not i
303                _ -> continue' s
306              where frozen = submitted
308                    down = if i < n-1 && not frozen
309                            then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
310                            else s
312                    up = if i > 0 && not frozen
313                          then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1
314                          else s
316                    correctlyAnswered = NE.toList (NE.map isOptionCorrect opts) == map snd (M.toAscList kvs)
318            (OpenQuestionState {_highlighted = i, _number = n, _gapInput = kvs, _correctGaps = cGaps, _failed=fail}, OpenQuestion _ perforated) ->
319              let frozen = M.foldr (&&) True cGaps in
320                case ev of
321                  V.EvKey (V.KFun 1) [] -> continue' $
322                    s & cardState.gapInput .~ correctAnswers
323                      & cardState.entered .~ True
324                      & cardState.failed .~ True
325                      & cardState.correctGaps .~ M.fromAscList [(i, True) | i <- [0..n-1]]
326                          where correctAnswers = M.fromAscList $ zip [0..] $ map NE.head (sentenceToGaps (perforatedToSentence perforated))
328                  V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') [] -> continue' $
329                    if i < n - 1 && not frozen
330                      then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
331                      else s & (cardState.highlighted) .~ 0
333                  V.EvKey V.KRight [] -> continue' $
334                    if i < n - 1 && not frozen
335                      then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
336                      else s
338                  V.EvKey V.KLeft [] -> continue' $
339                    if i > 0 && not frozen
340                      then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1
341                      else s
343                  V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [] -> continue' $
344                    if frozen then s else s & cardState.gapInput.at i.non "" %~ (++[c])
346                  V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> if frozen
347                    then if fail
348                      then next gs s
349                      else next gs (s & correctCards %~ (s^.index:))
350                    else continue' s'
351                      where sentence = perforatedToSentence perforated
352                            gaps = sentenceToGaps sentence
354                            s' = s & (cardState.correctGaps) %~ M.mapWithKey (\j _ -> M.findWithDefault "" j kvs `elem` gaps !! j)
355                                  & (cardState.entered) .~ True
357                            s'' = if M.foldr (&&) True (s' ^. cardState.correctGaps)
358                                    then s'
359                                    else s' & cardState.failed .~ True
361                  V.EvKey V.KBS [] -> continue' $
362                      if frozen then s else s & cardState.gapInput.ix i %~ backspace
363                    where backspace "" = ""
364                          backspace xs = init xs
365                  _ -> continue' s
367            (ReorderState {_highlighted = i, _entered = submitted, _grabbed=dragging, _number = n, _order = kvs }, Reorder _ elts) ->
368              case ev of
369                V.EvKey V.KUp [] -> continue' up
370                V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue' up
371                V.EvKey V.KDown [] -> continue' down
372                V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue' down
374                V.EvKey (V.KChar 'c') [] -> continue' $ s & (cardState.entered) .~ True
376                V.EvKey V.KEnter [] ->
377                    if frozen
378                      then next gs $ s & if correct then correctCards %~ (s^.index:) else id
379                      else continue' $ s & cardState.grabbed %~ not
381                _ -> continue' s
384              where frozen = submitted
386                    down =
387                      case (frozen, i < n - 1, dragging) of
388                        (True, _, _)  -> s
389                        (_, False, _) -> s
390                        (_, _, False) -> s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
391                        (_, _, True)  -> s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
392                                          & (cardState.order) %~ interchange i (i+1)
394                    up =
395                      case (frozen, i > 0, dragging) of
396                        (True, _, _)  -> s
397                        (_, False, _) -> s
398                        (_, _, False) -> s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1
399                        (_, _, True)  -> s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1
400                                          & (cardState.order) %~ interchange i (i-1)
402                    correct = all (uncurry (==) . (\i -> (i+1, fst (kvs M.! i)))) [0..n-1]
404            _ -> error "impossible"
405handleEvent gs _ _ = continue gs
407next :: GlobalState -> CS -> EventM Name (Next GlobalState)
408next gs s
409  | s ^. index + 1 < length (s ^. cards) = continue . updateCS gs . straightenState $ s & index +~ 1
410  | s ^. reviewMode                      =
411      let thePopup =
412            if null (s^.correctCards) || length (s^. correctCards) == length (s^.cards)
413              then finalPopup
414              else deckMakerPopup
415      in continue . updateCS gs $ s & popup ?~ thePopup
416  | otherwise                            = halt' gs
418previous :: GlobalState -> CS -> EventM Name (Next GlobalState)
419previous gs s | s ^. index > 0 = continue . updateCS gs . straightenState $ s & index -~ 1
420              | otherwise      = continue gs
422straightenState :: CS -> CS
423straightenState s =
424  let card = (s ^. cards) !! (s ^. index) in s
425    & currentCard .~ card
426    & cardState .~ defaultCardState card
428interchange :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> Map a b -> Map a b
429interchange i j kvs =
430  let vali = kvs M.! i
431      valj = kvs M.! j in
432  M.insert j vali (M.insert i valj kvs)
435---------------------- Popups ----------------------
438isFinalPopup :: PopupState -> Bool
439isFinalPopup FinalPopup       = True
440isFinalPopup DeckMakerPopup{} = True
441isFinalPopup _                = False
443correctPopup :: Popup CS
444correctPopup = Popup drawer eventHandler initialState
445  where drawer s =
446          let selected = maybe 0 (^?! popupState.popupSelected) (s^.popup)
447              colorNo  = if selected == 0 then selectedNoButtonAttr else noButtonAttr
448              colorYes = if selected == 1 then selectedYesButtonAttr else yesButtonAttr
449              no = withAttr colorNo $ str "No"
450              yes = withAttr colorYes $ str "Yes" in
451                centerPopup $
452                B.borderWithLabel (str "Correct?") $
453                hLimit 20 $
454                str " " <=>
455                str " " <=>
456                (hFill ' ' <+> no <+> hFill ' ' <+> yes <+> hFill ' ')
458        initialState = CorrectPopup 0
460        eventHandler gs s ev =
461          let update = updateCS gs
462              continue' = continue . update
463              p = fromJust (s ^. popup)
464            in case ev of
465              V.EvKey V.KLeft  [] -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected .~ 0)
466              V.EvKey V.KRight [] -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected .~ 1)
467              -- V.EvKey V.KRight [] -> s & popup .~ popupState.popupSelected .~ Just 1
468              V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> next gs $ s & popup .~ Nothing
469                                                 & if p ^?! popupState.popupSelected == 1 then correctCards %~ (s^.index:) else id
470              _ -> continue' s
472finalPopup :: Popup CS
473finalPopup = Popup drawer eventHandler initialState
474  where drawer s =
475          let wrong    = withAttr wrongAttr   (str (" Incorrect: " <> show nWrong)   <+> hFill ' ')
476              correct  = withAttr correctAttr (str (" Correct:   " <> show nCorrect) <+> hFill ' ')
477              nCorrect = length (s^.correctCards)
478              nWrong   = s^.index + 1 - nCorrect in
479                centerPopup $
480                B.borderWithLabel (str "Finished") $
481                hLimit 20 $
482                str " " <=>
483                wrong <=>
484                correct
486        initialState = FinalPopup
488        eventHandler gs s (V.EvKey V.KEnter []) = halt' gs
489        eventHandler gs _ _ = continue gs
491deckMakerPopup :: Popup CS
492deckMakerPopup = Popup drawer eventHandler initialState
493  where drawer s =
494          let state    = fromMaybe initialState $ view popupState <$> s^.popup
495              j = state ^?! popupSelected
497              makeSym lens i = case (state ^?! lens, i == j) of
498                (_, True) -> withAttr highlightedOptAttr $ str "*"
499                (True, _) -> withAttr selectedOptAttr    $ str "*"
500                _         -> withAttr selectedOptAttr    $ str " "
502              makeBox lens i =
503                (if state ^?! lens then withAttr selectedOptAttr else id) $
504                  str "[" <+> makeSym lens i <+> str "]"
506              wBox = makeBox makeDeckIncorrect 0
507              cBox = makeBox makeDeckCorrect 1
509              wrong    = wBox <+> withAttr wrongAttr   (str (" Incorrect: " <> show nWrong)   <+> hFill ' ')
510              correct  = cBox <+> withAttr correctAttr (str (" Correct:   " <> show nCorrect) <+> hFill ' ')
511              nCorrect = length (s^.correctCards)
512              nWrong   = s^.index + 1 - nCorrect in
513                centerPopup $
514                B.borderWithLabel (str "Generate decks") $
515                hLimit 20 $
516                str " " <=>
517                wrong <=>
518                correct <=>
519                str " " <=>
520                C.hCenter ((if j == 2 then withAttr selectedAttr else id) (str "Ok"))
522        initialState = DeckMakerPopup 0 False False
524        eventHandler gs s ev =
525          let update = updateCS gs
526              continue' = continue . update
527              p = fromJust (s ^. popup)
528              state = p ^. popupState
529          in case state ^?! popupSelected of
530            0 -> case ev of
531              V.EvKey V.KEnter []      -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.makeDeckIncorrect %~ not)
532              V.EvKey V.KDown  []      -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected +~ 1)
533              V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected +~ 1)
534              _ -> continue' s
535            1 -> case ev of
536              V.EvKey V.KEnter []      -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.makeDeckCorrect %~ not)
537              V.EvKey V.KDown  []      -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected +~ 1)
538              V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected +~ 1)
539              V.EvKey V.KUp  []        -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected -~ 1)
540              V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected -~ 1)
541              _ -> continue' s
542            2 -> case ev of
543              V.EvKey V.KEnter []      -> liftIO (generateDecks (s ^. pathToFile) (s ^. cards) (s ^. correctCards) (state ^?! makeDeckCorrect) (state ^?! makeDeckIncorrect))
544                                       *> halt' gs
545              V.EvKey V.KUp  []        -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected -~ 1)
546              V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue' $ s & popup ?~ (p & popupState.popupSelected -~ 1)
547              _ -> continue' s
549generateDecks :: FilePath -> [Card] -> [Int] -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
550generateDecks fp cards corrects makeCorrect makeIncorrect =
551  when (makeCorrect || makeIncorrect) $
552    do let (correct, incorrect) = splitCorrectIncorrect cards corrects
553       when makeCorrect   $ writeFile (replaceBaseName fp (takeBaseName fp <> "+")) (cardsToString correct)
554       when makeIncorrect $ writeFile (replaceBaseName fp (takeBaseName fp <> "-")) (cardsToString incorrect)
556-- gets list of cards, list of indices of correct cards; returns (correct, incorrect)
557splitCorrectIncorrect :: [Card] -> [Int] -> ([Card], [Card])
558splitCorrectIncorrect cards indices = doSplit [] [] (zip [0..] cards) (reverse indices)
559  where doSplit cs ws [] _  = (reverse cs, reverse ws)
560        doSplit cs ws ((_, x):xs) [] = doSplit cs (x:ws) xs []
561        doSplit cs ws ((j, x):xs) (i:is) =
562          if i == j
563            then doSplit (x:cs) ws xs is
564            else doSplit cs (x:ws) xs (i:is)