2markers =
3    seed: set the python, numpy and mxnet random seeds to a specified value for test reproducibility
4    serial: mark a test that requires more resources to run that are thus only suitable for serial run.
5    remote_required: mark a test that requires internet access.
6    gpu: mark a test that requires GPU.
7    integration: mark an integration test
8    skip_master: mark a test that is temporarily skipped for mxnet master validation.
9    py3_only: mark a test that is intended for a python3-only feature.
11env =
12    MXNET_HOME=tests/data
14filterwarnings =
15    error
16    # ignore warning about package resolution using __spec__ or __package__
17    # can't reproduce locally
18    ignore:.*can't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__.*:ImportWarning