1# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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3# distributed with this work for additional information
4# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
5# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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18import mxnet as mx
19import numpy as np
21def conv_act_layer(from_layer, name, num_filter, kernel=(1,1), pad=(0,0), \
22    stride=(1,1), act_type="relu", use_batchnorm=False):
23    """
24    wrapper for a small Convolution group
26    Parameters:
27    ----------
28    from_layer : mx.symbol
29        continue on which layer
30    name : str
31        base name of the new layers
32    num_filter : int
33        how many filters to use in Convolution layer
34    kernel : tuple (int, int)
35        kernel size (h, w)
36    pad : tuple (int, int)
37        padding size (h, w)
38    stride : tuple (int, int)
39        stride size (h, w)
40    act_type : str
41        activation type, can be relu...
42    use_batchnorm : bool
43        whether to use batch normalization
45    Returns:
46    ----------
47    (conv, relu) mx.Symbols
48    """
49    conv = mx.symbol.Convolution(data=from_layer, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, \
50        stride=stride, num_filter=num_filter, name="{}_conv".format(name))
51    if use_batchnorm:
52        conv = mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data=conv, name="{}_bn".format(name))
53    relu = mx.symbol.Activation(data=conv, act_type=act_type, \
54        name="{}_{}".format(name, act_type))
55    return relu
57def legacy_conv_act_layer(from_layer, name, num_filter, kernel=(1,1), pad=(0,0), \
58    stride=(1,1), act_type="relu", use_batchnorm=False):
59    """
60    wrapper for a small Convolution group
62    Parameters:
63    ----------
64    from_layer : mx.symbol
65        continue on which layer
66    name : str
67        base name of the new layers
68    num_filter : int
69        how many filters to use in Convolution layer
70    kernel : tuple (int, int)
71        kernel size (h, w)
72    pad : tuple (int, int)
73        padding size (h, w)
74    stride : tuple (int, int)
75        stride size (h, w)
76    act_type : str
77        activation type, can be relu...
78    use_batchnorm : bool
79        whether to use batch normalization
81    Returns:
82    ----------
83    (conv, relu) mx.Symbols
84    """
85    assert not use_batchnorm, "batchnorm not yet supported"
86    bias = mx.symbol.Variable(name="conv{}_bias".format(name),
87        init=mx.init.Constant(0.0), attr={'__lr_mult__': '2.0'})
88    conv = mx.symbol.Convolution(data=from_layer, bias=bias, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, \
89        stride=stride, num_filter=num_filter, name="conv{}".format(name))
90    relu = mx.symbol.Activation(data=conv, act_type=act_type, \
91        name="{}{}".format(act_type, name))
92    if use_batchnorm:
93        relu = mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data=relu, name="bn{}".format(name))
94    return conv, relu
96def multi_layer_feature(body, from_layers, num_filters, strides, pads, min_filter=128):
97    """Wrapper function to extract features from base network, attaching extra
98    layers and SSD specific layers
100    Parameters
101    ----------
102    from_layers : list of str
103        feature extraction layers, use '' for add extra layers
104        For example:
105        from_layers = ['relu4_3', 'fc7', '', '', '', '']
106        which means extract feature from relu4_3 and fc7, adding 4 extra layers
107        on top of fc7
108    num_filters : list of int
109        number of filters for extra layers, you can use -1 for extracted features,
110        however, if normalization and scale is applied, the number of filter for
111        that layer must be provided.
112        For example:
113        num_filters = [512, -1, 512, 256, 256, 256]
114    strides : list of int
115        strides for the 3x3 convolution appended, -1 can be used for extracted
116        feature layers
117    pads : list of int
118        paddings for the 3x3 convolution, -1 can be used for extracted layers
119    min_filter : int
120        minimum number of filters used in 1x1 convolution
122    Returns
123    -------
124    list of mx.Symbols
126    """
127    # arguments check
128    assert len(from_layers) > 0
129    assert isinstance(from_layers[0], str) and len(from_layers[0].strip()) > 0
130    assert len(from_layers) == len(num_filters) == len(strides) == len(pads)
132    internals = body.get_internals()
133    layers = []
134    for k, params in enumerate(zip(from_layers, num_filters, strides, pads)):
135        from_layer, num_filter, s, p = params
136        if from_layer.strip():
137            # extract from base network
138            layer = internals[from_layer.strip() + '_output']
139            layers.append(layer)
140        else:
141            # attach from last feature layer
142            assert len(layers) > 0
143            assert num_filter > 0
144            layer = layers[-1]
145            num_1x1 = max(min_filter, num_filter // 2)
146            conv_1x1 = conv_act_layer(layer, 'multi_feat_%d_conv_1x1' % (k),
147                num_1x1, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), stride=(1, 1), act_type='relu')
148            conv_3x3 = conv_act_layer(conv_1x1, 'multi_feat_%d_conv_3x3' % (k),
149                num_filter, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(p, p), stride=(s, s), act_type='relu')
150            layers.append(conv_3x3)
151    return layers
153def multibox_layer(from_layers, num_classes, sizes=[.2, .95],
154                    ratios=[1], normalization=-1, num_channels=[],
155                    clip=False, interm_layer=0, steps=[]):
156    """
157    the basic aggregation module for SSD detection. Takes in multiple layers,
158    generate multiple object detection targets by customized layers
160    Parameters:
161    ----------
162    from_layers : list of mx.symbol
163        generate multibox detection from layers
164    num_classes : int
165        number of classes excluding background, will automatically handle
166        background in this function
167    sizes : list or list of list
168        [min_size, max_size] for all layers or [[], [], []...] for specific layers
169    ratios : list or list of list
170        [ratio1, ratio2...] for all layers or [[], [], ...] for specific layers
171    normalizations : int or list of int
172        use normalizations value for all layers or [...] for specific layers,
173        -1 indicate no normalizations and scales
174    num_channels : list of int
175        number of input layer channels, used when normalization is enabled, the
176        length of list should equals to number of normalization layers
177    clip : bool
178        whether to clip out-of-image boxes
179    interm_layer : int
180        if > 0, will add a intermediate Convolution layer
181    steps : list
182        specify steps for each MultiBoxPrior layer, leave empty, it will calculate
183        according to layer dimensions
185    Returns:
186    ----------
187    list of outputs, as [loc_preds, cls_preds, anchor_boxes]
188    loc_preds : localization regression prediction
189    cls_preds : classification prediction
190    anchor_boxes : generated anchor boxes
191    """
192    assert len(from_layers) > 0, "from_layers must not be empty list"
193    assert num_classes > 0, \
194        "num_classes {} must be larger than 0".format(num_classes)
196    assert len(ratios) > 0, "aspect ratios must not be empty list"
197    if not isinstance(ratios[0], list):
198        # provided only one ratio list, broadcast to all from_layers
199        ratios = [ratios] * len(from_layers)
200    assert len(ratios) == len(from_layers), \
201        "ratios and from_layers must have same length"
203    assert len(sizes) > 0, "sizes must not be empty list"
204    if len(sizes) == 2 and not isinstance(sizes[0], list):
205        # provided size range, we need to compute the sizes for each layer
206         assert sizes[0] > 0 and sizes[0] < 1
207         assert sizes[1] > 0 and sizes[1] < 1 and sizes[1] > sizes[0]
208         tmp = np.linspace(sizes[0], sizes[1], num=(len(from_layers)-1))
209         # Ref for start_offset value:
210         # https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.02325
211         start_offset = 0.1
212         min_sizes = [start_offset] + tmp.tolist()
213         max_sizes = tmp.tolist() + [tmp[-1]+start_offset]
214         sizes = zip(min_sizes, max_sizes)
215    assert len(sizes) == len(from_layers), \
216        "sizes and from_layers must have same length"
218    if not isinstance(normalization, list):
219        normalization = [normalization] * len(from_layers)
220    assert len(normalization) == len(from_layers)
222    assert sum(x > 0 for x in normalization) <= len(num_channels), \
223        "must provide number of channels for each normalized layer"
225    if steps:
226        assert len(steps) == len(from_layers), "provide steps for all layers or leave empty"
228    loc_pred_layers = []
229    cls_pred_layers = []
230    anchor_layers = []
231    num_classes += 1 # always use background as label 0
233    for k, from_layer in enumerate(from_layers):
234        from_name = from_layer.name
235        # normalize
236        if normalization[k] > 0:
237            from_layer = mx.symbol.L2Normalization(data=from_layer, \
238                mode="channel", name="{}_norm".format(from_name))
239            scale = mx.symbol.Variable(name="{}_scale".format(from_name),
240                shape=(1, num_channels.pop(0), 1, 1),
241                init=mx.init.Constant(normalization[k]),
242                attr={'__wd_mult__': '0.1'})
243            from_layer = mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs=scale, rhs=from_layer)
244        if interm_layer > 0:
245            from_layer = mx.symbol.Convolution(data=from_layer, kernel=(3,3), \
246                stride=(1,1), pad=(1,1), num_filter=interm_layer, \
247                name="{}_inter_conv".format(from_name))
248            from_layer = mx.symbol.Activation(data=from_layer, act_type="relu", \
249                name="{}_inter_relu".format(from_name))
251        # estimate number of anchors per location
252        # here I follow the original version in caffe
253        # TODO: better way to shape the anchors??
254        size = sizes[k]
255        assert len(size) > 0, "must provide at least one size"
256        size_str = "(" + ",".join([str(x) for x in size]) + ")"
257        ratio = ratios[k]
258        assert len(ratio) > 0, "must provide at least one ratio"
259        ratio_str = "(" + ",".join([str(x) for x in ratio]) + ")"
260        num_anchors = len(size) -1 + len(ratio)
262        # create location prediction layer
263        num_loc_pred = num_anchors * 4
264        bias = mx.symbol.Variable(name="{}_loc_pred_conv_bias".format(from_name),
265            init=mx.init.Constant(0.0), attr={'__lr_mult__': '2.0'})
266        loc_pred = mx.symbol.Convolution(data=from_layer, bias=bias, kernel=(3,3), \
267            stride=(1,1), pad=(1,1), num_filter=num_loc_pred, \
268            name="{}_loc_pred_conv".format(from_name))
269        loc_pred = mx.symbol.transpose(loc_pred, axes=(0,2,3,1))
270        loc_pred = mx.symbol.Flatten(data=loc_pred)
271        loc_pred_layers.append(loc_pred)
273        # create class prediction layer
274        num_cls_pred = num_anchors * num_classes
275        bias = mx.symbol.Variable(name="{}_cls_pred_conv_bias".format(from_name),
276            init=mx.init.Constant(0.0), attr={'__lr_mult__': '2.0'})
277        cls_pred = mx.symbol.Convolution(data=from_layer, bias=bias, kernel=(3,3), \
278            stride=(1,1), pad=(1,1), num_filter=num_cls_pred, \
279            name="{}_cls_pred_conv".format(from_name))
280        cls_pred = mx.symbol.transpose(cls_pred, axes=(0,2,3,1))
281        cls_pred = mx.symbol.Flatten(data=cls_pred)
282        cls_pred_layers.append(cls_pred)
284        # create anchor generation layer
285        if steps:
286            step = (steps[k], steps[k])
287        else:
288            step = '(-1.0, -1.0)'
289        anchors = mx.symbol.contrib.MultiBoxPrior(from_layer, sizes=size_str, ratios=ratio_str,
290                                                  clip=clip, name="{}_anchors".format(from_name),
291                                                  steps=step)
292        anchors = mx.symbol.Flatten(data=anchors)
293        anchor_layers.append(anchors)
295    loc_preds = mx.symbol.Concat(*loc_pred_layers, num_args=len(loc_pred_layers), \
296        dim=1, name="multibox_loc_pred")
297    cls_preds = mx.symbol.Concat(*cls_pred_layers, num_args=len(cls_pred_layers), \
298        dim=1)
299    cls_preds = mx.symbol.Reshape(data=cls_preds, shape=(0, -1, num_classes))
300    cls_preds = mx.symbol.transpose(cls_preds, axes=(0, 2, 1), name="multibox_cls_pred")
301    anchor_boxes = mx.symbol.Concat(*anchor_layers, \
302        num_args=len(anchor_layers), dim=1)
303    anchor_boxes = mx.symbol.Reshape(data=anchor_boxes, shape=(0, -1, 4), name="multibox_anchors")
304    return [loc_preds, cls_preds, anchor_boxes]