1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4  * distributed with this work for additional information
5  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
16  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17  * under the License.
18  */
20 /*!
21  * \file detail/extern.h
22  * \brief Helpers for using external functions
23  */
27 #include <tvm/operation.h>
28 #include <vector>
29 #include <string>
32 namespace topi {
33 namespace detail {
34 using namespace tvm;
36 /*!
37  * \brief Construct a buffer to pass to an external function
38  *
39  * \param shape The shape of the buffer
40  * \param dtype The type of the buffer elements
41  * \param name The name of the buffer
42  *
43  * \return The Buffer object
44  */
DeclExternBuffer(Array<Expr> shape,Type dtype,std::string name)45 inline Buffer DeclExternBuffer(Array<Expr> shape,
46                                Type dtype,
47                                std::string name) {
48   auto data = var(name, Handle());
49   auto elem_offset = Expr();
50   return BufferNode::make(data, dtype, shape, Array<Expr>(), elem_offset, name, "",
51                           -1, 0, kDefault);
52 }
54 /*!
55  * \brief A function which constructs an Expr representing the invocation of an external
56  * function. The function expects two arguments: an array of Buffers holding the input
57  * tensor values, and a pre-allocated array of Buffers to be filled with the outputs.
58  */
59 using FExtern = std::function<Expr(Array<Buffer>, Array<Buffer>)>;
61 /*!
62  * \brief Create tensors representing the result of invoking an external function.
63  * This function will create the necessary buffers to hold input and output tensor values.
64  *
65  * \param out_shapes An array where each element is the shape of the corresponding output tensor.
66  * \param out_types An array where each element is the dtype of the corresponding output tensor.
67  * \param inputs An array of input Tensors
68  * \param fextern A function that constructs an Expr representing the invocation of
69  * the external function given the input and output buffers.
70  * \param name The name of the operation
71  * \param tag The tag to mark the operation
72  * \param attrs The additional auxiliary attributes of the operation.
73  *
74  * \return An array of Tensors representing the outputs of the function invocation. There will
75  * be one output Tensor for each element of out_shapes, with dtype equal to the corresponding
76  * element of out_types.
77  */
make_extern(const Array<Array<Expr>> & out_shapes,const std::vector<Type> & out_types,const Array<Tensor> & inputs,FExtern fextern,std::string name,std::string tag,::tvm::Map<std::string,NodeRef> attrs)78 inline Array<Tensor> make_extern(const Array< Array<Expr> >& out_shapes,
79                                  const std::vector<Type>& out_types,
80                                  const Array<Tensor>& inputs,
81                                  FExtern fextern,
82                                  std::string name,
83                                  std::string tag,
84                                  ::tvm::Map<std::string, NodeRef> attrs) {
85   CHECK_EQ(out_shapes.size(), out_types.size())
86     << "make_extern: out_shapes and out_types must have equal size";
88   Array<Buffer> input_placeholders;
89   for (auto t : inputs) {
90     input_placeholders.push_back(DeclExternBuffer(t->shape, t->dtype, t->op->name));
91   }
92   Array<Buffer> output_placeholders;
93   for (size_t i = 0; i < out_shapes.size(); ++i) {
94     output_placeholders.push_back(DeclExternBuffer(out_shapes[i], out_types[i], name));
95   }
97   auto body = fextern(input_placeholders, output_placeholders);
98   auto body_stmt = tvm::ir::Evaluate::make(body);
100   auto op = ExternOpNode::make(
101       name, tag, attrs, inputs,
102       input_placeholders, output_placeholders, body_stmt);
104   Array<Tensor> outputs;
105   for (size_t i = 0; i < output_placeholders.size(); ++i) {
106     outputs.push_back(op.output(i));
107   }
108   return outputs;
109 }
111 /*!
112  * \brief This function is used to create a DLTensor structure on the stack to
113  * be able to pass a symbolic buffer as arguments to TVM PackedFunc
114  *
115  * \param buf The buffer to pack
116  *
117  * \return An expression representing the pack operation
118  */
pack_buffer(Buffer buf)119 inline Expr pack_buffer(Buffer buf) {
120   CHECK_GT(buf->shape.size(), 0) << "buf shape must have at least one element";
121   auto shape = tvm::ir::Call::make(Handle(), tvm::ir::intrinsic::tvm_stack_make_shape,
122                                    buf->shape, tvm::ir::Call::CallType::Intrinsic);
123   Expr strides;
124   if (buf->strides.size() > 0) {
125     strides = tvm::ir::Call::make(Handle(), tvm::ir::intrinsic::tvm_stack_make_shape,
126                                   buf->shape, tvm::ir::Call::CallType::Intrinsic);
127   } else {
128     strides = 0;
129   }
130   Array<Expr> pack_args{
131     buf->data,
132     shape,
133     strides,
134     make_const(Int(32), static_cast<int64_t>(buf->shape.size())),
135     make_const(buf->dtype, 0),
136     buf->elem_offset
137   };
138   return tvm::ir::Call::make(Handle(), tvm::ir::intrinsic::tvm_stack_make_array,
139                              pack_args, tvm::ir::Call::CallType::Intrinsic);
140 }
142 /*!
143  * \brief Construct an Expr representing the invocation of a PackedFunc
144  *
145  * \param args An array containing the registered name of the PackedFunc followed
146  * by the arguments to pass to the PackedFunc when called. The first element of the
147  * array must be a constant string expression.
148  *
149  * \return An expression representing the invocation
150  */
call_packed(Array<Expr> args)151 inline Expr call_packed(Array<Expr> args) {
152   return tvm::ir::Call::make(Int(32), tvm::ir::intrinsic::tvm_call_packed,
153                              args, tvm::ir::Call::CallType::Intrinsic);
154 }
156 }  // namespace detail
157 }  // namespace topi
158 #endif  // TOPI_DETAIL_EXTERN_H_