1 /* blas/scnrm2.f -- translated by f2c (version 20050501).
2    You must link the resulting object file with libf2c:
3         on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib;
4         on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm
5         or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm
6         -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in
7                 cc *.o -lf2c -lm
8         Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/libf2c.zip, e.g.,
10                 http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip
11 */
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C" {
15 #endif
16 #include "v3p_netlib.h"
18 /*<       REAL             FUNCTION SCNRM2( N, X, INCX ) >*/
scnrm2_(integer * n,complex * x,integer * incx)19 doublereal scnrm2_(integer *n, complex *x, integer *incx)
20 {
21     /* System generated locals */
22     integer i__1, i__2, i__3;
23     real ret_val, r__1;
25     /* Builtin functions */
26     double r_imag(complex *), sqrt(doublereal);
28     /* Local variables */
29     integer ix;
30     real ssq, temp, norm, scale;
32 /*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
33 /*<       INTEGER                           INCX, N >*/
34 /*     .. Array Arguments .. */
35 /*<       COMPLEX                           X( * ) >*/
36 /*     .. */
38 /*  SCNRM2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector via the function */
39 /*  name, so that */
41 /*     SCNRM2 := sqrt( conjg( x' )*x ) */
45 /*  -- This version written on 25-October-1982. */
46 /*     Modified on 14-October-1993 to inline the call to CLASSQ. */
47 /*     Sven Hammarling, Nag Ltd. */
50 /*     .. Parameters .. */
51 /*<       REAL                  ONE         , ZERO >*/
52 /*<       PARAMETER           ( ONE = 1.0E+0, ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) >*/
53 /*     .. Local Scalars .. */
54 /*<       INTEGER               IX >*/
55 /*<       REAL                  NORM, SCALE, SSQ, TEMP >*/
56 /*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
57 /*<       INTRINSIC             ABS, AIMAG, REAL, SQRT >*/
58 /*     .. */
59 /*     .. Executable Statements .. */
60 /*<       IF( N.LT.1 .OR. INCX.LT.1 )THEN >*/
61     /* Parameter adjustments */
62     --x;
64     /* Function Body */
65     if (*n < 1 || *incx < 1) {
66 /*<          NORM  = ZERO >*/
67         norm = (float)0.;
68 /*<       ELSE >*/
69     } else {
70 /*<          SCALE = ZERO >*/
71         scale = (float)0.;
72 /*<          SSQ   = ONE >*/
73         ssq = (float)1.;
74 /*        The following loop is equivalent to this call to the LAPACK */
75 /*        auxiliary routine: */
76 /*        CALL CLASSQ( N, X, INCX, SCALE, SSQ ) */
78 /*<          DO 10, IX = 1, 1 + ( N - 1 )*INCX, INCX >*/
79         i__1 = (*n - 1) * *incx + 1;
80         i__2 = *incx;
81         for (ix = 1; i__2 < 0 ? ix >= i__1 : ix <= i__1; ix += i__2) {
82 /*<             IF( REAL( X( IX ) ).NE.ZERO )THEN >*/
83             i__3 = ix;
84             if (x[i__3].r != (float)0.) {
85 /*<                TEMP = ABS( REAL( X( IX ) ) ) >*/
86                 i__3 = ix;
87                 temp = (r__1 = x[i__3].r, dabs(r__1));
88 /*<                IF( SCALE.LT.TEMP )THEN >*/
89                 if (scale < temp) {
90 /*<                   SSQ   = ONE   + SSQ*( SCALE/TEMP )**2 >*/
91 /* Computing 2nd power */
92                     r__1 = scale / temp;
93                     ssq = ssq * (r__1 * r__1) + (float)1.;
94 /*<                   SCALE = TEMP >*/
95                     scale = temp;
96 /*<                ELSE >*/
97                 } else {
98 /*<                   SSQ   = SSQ   +     ( TEMP/SCALE )**2 >*/
99 /* Computing 2nd power */
100                     r__1 = temp / scale;
101                     ssq += r__1 * r__1;
102 /*<                END IF >*/
103                 }
104 /*<             END IF >*/
105             }
106 /*<             IF( AIMAG( X( IX ) ).NE.ZERO )THEN >*/
107             if (r_imag(&x[ix]) != (float)0.) {
108 /*<                TEMP = ABS( AIMAG( X( IX ) ) ) >*/
109                 temp = (r__1 = r_imag(&x[ix]), dabs(r__1));
110 /*<                IF( SCALE.LT.TEMP )THEN >*/
111                 if (scale < temp) {
112 /*<                   SSQ   = ONE   + SSQ*( SCALE/TEMP )**2 >*/
113 /* Computing 2nd power */
114                     r__1 = scale / temp;
115                     ssq = ssq * (r__1 * r__1) + (float)1.;
116 /*<                   SCALE = TEMP >*/
117                     scale = temp;
118 /*<                ELSE >*/
119                 } else {
120 /*<                   SSQ   = SSQ   +     ( TEMP/SCALE )**2 >*/
121 /* Computing 2nd power */
122                     r__1 = temp / scale;
123                     ssq += r__1 * r__1;
124 /*<                END IF >*/
125                 }
126 /*<             END IF >*/
127             }
128 /*<    10    CONTINUE >*/
129 /* L10: */
130         }
131 /*<          NORM  = SCALE * SQRT( SSQ ) >*/
132         norm = scale * sqrt(ssq);
133 /*<       END IF >*/
134     }
136 /*<       SCNRM2 = NORM >*/
137     ret_val = norm;
138 /*<       RETURN >*/
139     return ret_val;
141 /*     End of SCNRM2. */
143 /*<       END >*/
144 } /* scnrm2_ */
146 #ifdef __cplusplus
147         }
148 #endif