2Title: whichman, ftff, ftwhich -- Fault tolerant search utilities
3Version: 2.3
4Entered-date: 19JAN04
5Description: whichman uses a fault tolerant approximate matching algorithm
6             to search for man-pages that match approximately the
7             specified name. It can be used to locate the right page
8             in case the man-page is available in several sections.
9             The fault tolerant matching is very useful in cases where
10             you remember only roughly the name of a command.
11             Example: whichman netwhat   This finds netstat.8:
12             /usr/man/man8/netstat.8
13             The package contains also a fault tolerant file find utility (ftff)
14             and a fault tolerant version of the "which" command (ftwhich).
15             Both use the same algorithm as whichman.
16             The error tolerant approximate string match is based on
17             the Levenshtein Distance between two strings. This is a
18             measure for the number of replacements, insertions and
19             deletions that are necessary to transform string A into string B
20Keywords: man, which, search, find
21Author: guido@linuxfocus.org (Guido Socher)
22Maintained-by: guido(at)linuxfocus.org (Guido Socher)
23Primary-site: www.ibiblio.org /pub/Linux/apps/doctools/
24              1k  whichman-2.2.lsm
25              19k whichman-2.2.tar.gz
26Original-site: http://main.linuxfocus.org/~guido/
27Platforms: Linux, probably any Unix
28Copying-policy: GPL