1 /*!
2  * Copyright 2019-2020 XGBoost contributors
3  */
4 #include <xgboost/data.h>
5 #include <thrust/iterator/discard_iterator.h>
6 #include <thrust/iterator/transform_output_iterator.h>
7 #include "../common/categorical.h"
8 #include "../common/hist_util.cuh"
9 #include "../common/random.h"
10 #include "./ellpack_page.cuh"
11 #include "device_adapter.cuh"
13 namespace xgboost {
EllpackPage()15 EllpackPage::EllpackPage() : impl_{new EllpackPageImpl()} {}
EllpackPage(DMatrix * dmat,const BatchParam & param)17 EllpackPage::EllpackPage(DMatrix* dmat, const BatchParam& param)
18     : impl_{new EllpackPageImpl(dmat, param)} {}
20 EllpackPage::~EllpackPage() = default;
EllpackPage(EllpackPage && that)22 EllpackPage::EllpackPage(EllpackPage&& that) { std::swap(impl_, that.impl_); }
Size() const24 size_t EllpackPage::Size() const { return impl_->Size(); }
SetBaseRowId(size_t row_id)26 void EllpackPage::SetBaseRowId(size_t row_id) { impl_->SetBaseRowId(row_id); }
28 // Bin each input data entry, store the bin indices in compressed form.
CompressBinEllpackKernel(common::CompressedBufferWriter wr,common::CompressedByteT * __restrict__ buffer,const size_t * __restrict__ row_ptrs,const Entry * __restrict__ entries,const float * __restrict__ cuts,const uint32_t * __restrict__ cut_rows,common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types,size_t base_row,size_t n_rows,size_t row_stride,unsigned int null_gidx_value)29 __global__ void CompressBinEllpackKernel(
30     common::CompressedBufferWriter wr,
31     common::CompressedByteT* __restrict__ buffer,  // gidx_buffer
32     const size_t* __restrict__ row_ptrs,           // row offset of input data
33     const Entry* __restrict__ entries,      // One batch of input data
34     const float* __restrict__ cuts,         // HistogramCuts::cut_values_
35     const uint32_t* __restrict__ cut_rows,  // HistogramCuts::cut_ptrs_
36     common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types,
37     size_t base_row,                        // batch_row_begin
38     size_t n_rows,
39     size_t row_stride,
40     unsigned int null_gidx_value) {
41   size_t irow = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
42   int ifeature = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
43   if (irow >= n_rows || ifeature >= row_stride) {
44     return;
45   }
46   int row_length = static_cast<int>(row_ptrs[irow + 1] - row_ptrs[irow]);
47   unsigned int bin = null_gidx_value;
48   if (ifeature < row_length) {
49     Entry entry = entries[row_ptrs[irow] - row_ptrs[0] + ifeature];
50     int feature = entry.index;
51     float fvalue = entry.fvalue;
52     // {feature_cuts, ncuts} forms the array of cuts of `feature'.
53     const float* feature_cuts = &cuts[cut_rows[feature]];
54     int ncuts = cut_rows[feature + 1] - cut_rows[feature];
55     bool is_cat = common::IsCat(feature_types, ifeature);
56     // Assigning the bin in current entry.
57     // S.t.: fvalue < feature_cuts[bin]
58     if (is_cat) {
59       auto it = dh::MakeTransformIterator<int>(
60           feature_cuts, [](float v) { return common::AsCat(v); });
61       bin = thrust::lower_bound(thrust::seq, it, it + ncuts, common::AsCat(fvalue)) - it;
62     } else {
63       bin = thrust::upper_bound(thrust::seq, feature_cuts, feature_cuts + ncuts,
64                                 fvalue) -
65             feature_cuts;
66     }
68     if (bin >= ncuts) {
69       bin = ncuts - 1;
70     }
71     // Add the number of bins in previous features.
72     bin += cut_rows[feature];
73   }
74   // Write to gidx buffer.
75   wr.AtomicWriteSymbol(buffer, bin, (irow + base_row) * row_stride + ifeature);
76 }
78 // Construct an ELLPACK matrix with the given number of empty rows.
EllpackPageImpl(int device,common::HistogramCuts cuts,bool is_dense,size_t row_stride,size_t n_rows)79 EllpackPageImpl::EllpackPageImpl(int device, common::HistogramCuts cuts,
80                                  bool is_dense, size_t row_stride,
81                                  size_t n_rows)
82     : is_dense(is_dense),
83       cuts_(std::move(cuts)),
84       row_stride(row_stride),
85       n_rows(n_rows) {
86   monitor_.Init("ellpack_page");
87   dh::safe_cuda(cudaSetDevice(device));
89   monitor_.Start("InitCompressedData");
90   InitCompressedData(device);
91   monitor_.Stop("InitCompressedData");
92 }
EllpackPageImpl(int device,common::HistogramCuts cuts,const SparsePage & page,bool is_dense,size_t row_stride,common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types)94 EllpackPageImpl::EllpackPageImpl(int device, common::HistogramCuts cuts,
95                                  const SparsePage &page, bool is_dense,
96                                  size_t row_stride,
97                                  common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types)
98     : cuts_(std::move(cuts)), is_dense(is_dense), n_rows(page.Size()),
99       row_stride(row_stride) {
100   this->InitCompressedData(device);
101   this->CreateHistIndices(device, page, feature_types);
102 }
104 // Construct an ELLPACK matrix in memory.
EllpackPageImpl(DMatrix * dmat,const BatchParam & param)105 EllpackPageImpl::EllpackPageImpl(DMatrix* dmat, const BatchParam& param)
106     : is_dense(dmat->IsDense()) {
107   monitor_.Init("ellpack_page");
108   dh::safe_cuda(cudaSetDevice(param.gpu_id));
110   n_rows = dmat->Info().num_row_;
112   monitor_.Start("Quantiles");
113   // Create the quantile sketches for the dmatrix and initialize HistogramCuts.
114   row_stride = GetRowStride(dmat);
115   cuts_ = common::DeviceSketch(param.gpu_id, dmat, param.max_bin);
116   monitor_.Stop("Quantiles");
118   monitor_.Start("InitCompressedData");
119   this->InitCompressedData(param.gpu_id);
120   monitor_.Stop("InitCompressedData");
122   dmat->Info().feature_types.SetDevice(param.gpu_id);
123   auto ft = dmat->Info().feature_types.ConstDeviceSpan();
124   monitor_.Start("BinningCompression");
125   CHECK(dmat->SingleColBlock());
126   for (const auto& batch : dmat->GetBatches<SparsePage>()) {
127     CreateHistIndices(param.gpu_id, batch, ft);
128   }
129   monitor_.Stop("BinningCompression");
130 }
132 template <typename AdapterBatchT>
133 struct WriteCompressedEllpackFunctor {
WriteCompressedEllpackFunctorxgboost::WriteCompressedEllpackFunctor134   WriteCompressedEllpackFunctor(common::CompressedByteT* buffer,
135                                 const common::CompressedBufferWriter& writer,
136                                 AdapterBatchT batch,
137                                 EllpackDeviceAccessor accessor,
138                                 common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types,
139                                 const data::IsValidFunctor& is_valid)
140       : d_buffer(buffer),
141       writer(writer),
142       batch(std::move(batch)),
143       accessor(std::move(accessor)),
144       feature_types(std::move(feature_types)),
145       is_valid(is_valid) {}
147   common::CompressedByteT* d_buffer;
148   common::CompressedBufferWriter writer;
149   AdapterBatchT batch;
150   EllpackDeviceAccessor accessor;
151   common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types;
152   data::IsValidFunctor is_valid;
154   using Tuple = thrust::tuple<size_t, size_t, size_t>;
operator ()xgboost::WriteCompressedEllpackFunctor155   __device__ size_t operator()(Tuple out) {
156     auto e = batch.GetElement(out.get<2>());
157     if (is_valid(e)) {
158       // -1 because the scan is inclusive
159       size_t output_position =
160           accessor.row_stride * e.row_idx + out.get<1>() - 1;
161       uint32_t bin_idx = 0;
162       if (common::IsCat(feature_types, e.column_idx)) {
163         bin_idx = accessor.SearchBin<true>(e.value, e.column_idx);
164       } else {
165         bin_idx = accessor.SearchBin<false>(e.value, e.column_idx);
166       }
167       writer.AtomicWriteSymbol(d_buffer, bin_idx, output_position);
168     }
169     return 0;
170   }
171 };
173 template <typename Tuple>
174 struct TupleScanOp {
operator ()xgboost::TupleScanOp175   __device__ Tuple operator()(Tuple a, Tuple b) {
176     // Key equal
177     if (a.template get<0>() == b.template get<0>()) {
178       b.template get<1>() += a.template get<1>();
179       return b;
180     }
181     // Not equal
182     return b;
183   }
184 };
186 // Here the data is already correctly ordered and simply needs to be compacted
187 // to remove missing data
188 template <typename AdapterBatchT>
CopyDataToEllpack(const AdapterBatchT & batch,common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types,EllpackPageImpl * dst,int device_idx,float missing)189 void CopyDataToEllpack(const AdapterBatchT &batch,
190                        common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types,
191                        EllpackPageImpl *dst, int device_idx, float missing) {
192   // Some witchcraft happens here
193   // The goal is to copy valid elements out of the input to an ELLPACK matrix
194   // with a given row stride, using no extra working memory Standard stream
195   // compaction needs to be modified to do this, so we manually define a
196   // segmented stream compaction via operators on an inclusive scan. The output
197   // of this inclusive scan is fed to a custom function which works out the
198   // correct output position
199   auto counting = thrust::make_counting_iterator(0llu);
200   data::IsValidFunctor is_valid(missing);
201   auto key_iter = dh::MakeTransformIterator<size_t>(
202       counting,
203       [=] __device__(size_t idx) {
204         return batch.GetElement(idx).row_idx;
205       });
206   auto value_iter = dh::MakeTransformIterator<size_t>(
207       counting,
208       [=] __device__(size_t idx) -> size_t {
209         return is_valid(batch.GetElement(idx));
210       });
212   auto key_value_index_iter = thrust::make_zip_iterator(
213       thrust::make_tuple(key_iter, value_iter, counting));
215   // Tuple[0] = The row index of the input, used as a key to define segments
216   // Tuple[1] = Scanned flags of valid elements for each row
217   // Tuple[2] = The index in the input data
218   using Tuple = thrust::tuple<size_t, size_t, size_t>;
220   auto device_accessor = dst->GetDeviceAccessor(device_idx);
221   common::CompressedBufferWriter writer(device_accessor.NumSymbols());
222   auto d_compressed_buffer = dst->gidx_buffer.DevicePointer();
224   // We redirect the scan output into this functor to do the actual writing
225   WriteCompressedEllpackFunctor<AdapterBatchT> functor(
226       d_compressed_buffer, writer, batch, device_accessor, feature_types,
227       is_valid);
228   dh::TypedDiscard<Tuple> discard;
229   thrust::transform_output_iterator<
230     WriteCompressedEllpackFunctor<AdapterBatchT>, decltype(discard)>
231       out(discard, functor);
232   // Go one level down into cub::DeviceScan API to set OffsetT as 64 bit
233   // So we don't crash on n > 2^31
234   size_t temp_storage_bytes = 0;
235   using DispatchScan =
236       cub::DispatchScan<decltype(key_value_index_iter), decltype(out),
237                         TupleScanOp<Tuple>, cub::NullType, int64_t>;
238   DispatchScan::Dispatch(nullptr, temp_storage_bytes, key_value_index_iter, out,
239                          TupleScanOp<Tuple>(), cub::NullType(), batch.Size(),
240                          nullptr, false);
241   dh::TemporaryArray<char> temp_storage(temp_storage_bytes);
242   DispatchScan::Dispatch(temp_storage.data().get(), temp_storage_bytes,
243                          key_value_index_iter, out, TupleScanOp<Tuple>(),
244                          cub::NullType(), batch.Size(), nullptr, false);
245 }
WriteNullValues(EllpackPageImpl * dst,int device_idx,common::Span<size_t> row_counts)247 void WriteNullValues(EllpackPageImpl* dst, int device_idx,
248                      common::Span<size_t> row_counts) {
249   // Write the null values
250   auto device_accessor = dst->GetDeviceAccessor(device_idx);
251   common::CompressedBufferWriter writer(device_accessor.NumSymbols());
252   auto d_compressed_buffer = dst->gidx_buffer.DevicePointer();
253   auto row_stride = dst->row_stride;
254   dh::LaunchN(row_stride * dst->n_rows, [=] __device__(size_t idx) {
255     // For some reason this variable got captured as const
256     auto writer_non_const = writer;
257     size_t row_idx = idx / row_stride;
258     size_t row_offset = idx % row_stride;
259     if (row_offset >= row_counts[row_idx]) {
260       writer_non_const.AtomicWriteSymbol(d_compressed_buffer,
261                                          device_accessor.NullValue(), idx);
262     }
263   });
264 }
266 template <typename AdapterBatch>
EllpackPageImpl(AdapterBatch batch,float missing,int device,bool is_dense,int nthread,common::Span<size_t> row_counts_span,common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types,size_t row_stride,size_t n_rows,size_t n_cols,common::HistogramCuts const & cuts)267 EllpackPageImpl::EllpackPageImpl(AdapterBatch batch, float missing, int device,
268                                  bool is_dense, int nthread,
269                                  common::Span<size_t> row_counts_span,
270                                  common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types,
271                                  size_t row_stride, size_t n_rows, size_t n_cols,
272                                  common::HistogramCuts const& cuts) {
273   dh::safe_cuda(cudaSetDevice(device));
275   *this = EllpackPageImpl(device, cuts, is_dense, row_stride, n_rows);
276   CopyDataToEllpack(batch, feature_types, this, device, missing);
277   WriteNullValues(this, device, row_counts_span);
278 }
280 #define ELLPACK_BATCH_SPECIALIZE(__BATCH_T)                                    \
281   template EllpackPageImpl::EllpackPageImpl(                                   \
282       __BATCH_T batch, float missing, int device, bool is_dense, int nthread,  \
283       common::Span<size_t> row_counts_span,                                    \
284       common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types, size_t row_stride,        \
285       size_t n_rows, size_t n_cols, common::HistogramCuts const &cuts);
287 ELLPACK_BATCH_SPECIALIZE(data::CudfAdapterBatch)
288 ELLPACK_BATCH_SPECIALIZE(data::CupyAdapterBatch)
290 // A functor that copies the data from one EllpackPage to another.
291 struct CopyPage {
292   common::CompressedBufferWriter cbw;
293   common::CompressedByteT* dst_data_d;
294   common::CompressedIterator<uint32_t> src_iterator_d;
295   // The number of elements to skip.
296   size_t offset;
CopyPagexgboost::CopyPage298   CopyPage(EllpackPageImpl *dst, EllpackPageImpl const *src, size_t offset)
299       : cbw{dst->NumSymbols()}, dst_data_d{dst->gidx_buffer.DevicePointer()},
300         src_iterator_d{src->gidx_buffer.DevicePointer(), src->NumSymbols()},
301         offset(offset) {}
operator ()xgboost::CopyPage303   __device__ void operator()(size_t element_id) {
304     cbw.AtomicWriteSymbol(dst_data_d, src_iterator_d[element_id],
305                           element_id + offset);
306   }
307 };
309 // Copy the data from the given EllpackPage to the current page.
Copy(int device,EllpackPageImpl const * page,size_t offset)310 size_t EllpackPageImpl::Copy(int device, EllpackPageImpl const *page,
311                              size_t offset) {
312   monitor_.Start("Copy");
313   size_t num_elements = page->n_rows * page->row_stride;
314   CHECK_EQ(row_stride, page->row_stride);
315   CHECK_EQ(NumSymbols(), page->NumSymbols());
316   CHECK_GE(n_rows * row_stride, offset + num_elements);
317   if (page == this) {
318     LOG(FATAL) << "Concatenating the same Ellpack.";
319     return this->n_rows * this->row_stride;
320   }
321   gidx_buffer.SetDevice(device);
322   page->gidx_buffer.SetDevice(device);
323   dh::LaunchN(num_elements, CopyPage(this, page, offset));
324   monitor_.Stop("Copy");
325   return num_elements;
326 }
328 // A functor that compacts the rows from one EllpackPage into another.
329 struct CompactPage {
330   common::CompressedBufferWriter cbw;
331   common::CompressedByteT* dst_data_d;
332   common::CompressedIterator<uint32_t> src_iterator_d;
333   /*! \brief An array that maps the rows from the full DMatrix to the compacted
334    * page.
335    *
336    * The total size is the number of rows in the original, uncompacted DMatrix.
337    * Elements are the row ids in the compacted page. Rows not needed are set to
338    * SIZE_MAX.
339    *
340    * An example compacting 16 rows to 8 rows:
341    * [SIZE_MAX, 0, 1, SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MAX, 2, SIZE_MAX, 3, 4, 5, SIZE_MAX, 6,
343    */
344   common::Span<size_t> row_indexes;
345   size_t base_rowid;
346   size_t row_stride;
CompactPagexgboost::CompactPage348   CompactPage(EllpackPageImpl* dst, EllpackPageImpl const* src,
349               common::Span<size_t> row_indexes)
350       : cbw{dst->NumSymbols()},
351         dst_data_d{dst->gidx_buffer.DevicePointer()},
352         src_iterator_d{src->gidx_buffer.DevicePointer(), src->NumSymbols()},
353         row_indexes(row_indexes),
354         base_rowid{src->base_rowid},
355         row_stride{src->row_stride} {}
operator ()xgboost::CompactPage357   __device__ void operator()(size_t row_id) {
358     size_t src_row = base_rowid + row_id;
359     size_t dst_row = row_indexes[src_row];
360     if (dst_row == SIZE_MAX) return;
361     size_t dst_offset = dst_row * row_stride;
362     size_t src_offset = row_id * row_stride;
363     for (size_t j = 0; j < row_stride; j++) {
364       cbw.AtomicWriteSymbol(dst_data_d, src_iterator_d[src_offset + j],
365                             dst_offset + j);
366     }
367   }
368 };
370 // Compacts the data from the given EllpackPage into the current page.
Compact(int device,EllpackPageImpl const * page,common::Span<size_t> row_indexes)371 void EllpackPageImpl::Compact(int device, EllpackPageImpl const* page,
372                               common::Span<size_t> row_indexes) {
373   monitor_.Start("Compact");
374   CHECK_EQ(row_stride, page->row_stride);
375   CHECK_EQ(NumSymbols(), page->NumSymbols());
376   CHECK_LE(page->base_rowid + page->n_rows, row_indexes.size());
377   gidx_buffer.SetDevice(device);
378   page->gidx_buffer.SetDevice(device);
379   dh::LaunchN(page->n_rows, CompactPage(this, page, row_indexes));
380   monitor_.Stop("Compact");
381 }
383 // Initialize the buffer to stored compressed features.
InitCompressedData(int device)384 void EllpackPageImpl::InitCompressedData(int device) {
385   size_t num_symbols = NumSymbols();
387   // Required buffer size for storing data matrix in ELLPack format.
388   size_t compressed_size_bytes =
389     common::CompressedBufferWriter::CalculateBufferSize(row_stride * n_rows,
390       num_symbols);
391   gidx_buffer.SetDevice(device);
392   // Don't call fill unnecessarily
393   if (gidx_buffer.Size() == 0) {
394     gidx_buffer.Resize(compressed_size_bytes, 0);
395   } else {
396     gidx_buffer.Resize(compressed_size_bytes, 0);
397     thrust::fill(dh::tbegin(gidx_buffer), dh::tend(gidx_buffer), 0);
398   }
399 }
401 // Compress a CSR page into ELLPACK.
CreateHistIndices(int device,const SparsePage & row_batch,common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types)402 void EllpackPageImpl::CreateHistIndices(int device,
403                                         const SparsePage& row_batch,
404                                         common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types) {
405   if (row_batch.Size() == 0) return;
406   unsigned int null_gidx_value = NumSymbols() - 1;
408   const auto& offset_vec = row_batch.offset.ConstHostVector();
410   // bin and compress entries in batches of rows
411   size_t gpu_batch_nrows =
412       std::min(dh::TotalMemory(device) / (16 * row_stride * sizeof(Entry)),
413                static_cast<size_t>(row_batch.Size()));
415   size_t gpu_nbatches = common::DivRoundUp(row_batch.Size(), gpu_batch_nrows);
417   for (size_t gpu_batch = 0; gpu_batch < gpu_nbatches; ++gpu_batch) {
418     size_t batch_row_begin = gpu_batch * gpu_batch_nrows;
419     size_t batch_row_end =
420         std::min((gpu_batch + 1) * gpu_batch_nrows, row_batch.Size());
421     size_t batch_nrows = batch_row_end - batch_row_begin;
423     const auto ent_cnt_begin = offset_vec[batch_row_begin];
424     const auto ent_cnt_end = offset_vec[batch_row_end];
426     /*! \brief row offset in SparsePage (the input data). */
427     dh::device_vector<size_t> row_ptrs(batch_nrows + 1);
428     thrust::copy(offset_vec.data() + batch_row_begin,
429                  offset_vec.data() + batch_row_end + 1, row_ptrs.begin());
431     // number of entries in this batch.
432     size_t n_entries = ent_cnt_end - ent_cnt_begin;
433     dh::device_vector<Entry> entries_d(n_entries);
434     // copy data entries to device.
435     if (row_batch.data.DeviceCanRead()) {
436       auto const& d_data = row_batch.data.ConstDeviceSpan();
437       dh::safe_cuda(cudaMemcpyAsync(
438           entries_d.data().get(), d_data.data() + ent_cnt_begin,
439           n_entries * sizeof(Entry), cudaMemcpyDefault));
440     } else {
441       const std::vector<Entry>& data_vec = row_batch.data.ConstHostVector();
442       dh::safe_cuda(cudaMemcpyAsync(
443           entries_d.data().get(), data_vec.data() + ent_cnt_begin,
444           n_entries * sizeof(Entry), cudaMemcpyDefault));
445     }
447     const dim3 block3(32, 8, 1);  // 256 threads
448     const dim3 grid3(common::DivRoundUp(batch_nrows, block3.x),
449                      common::DivRoundUp(row_stride, block3.y), 1);
450     auto device_accessor = GetDeviceAccessor(device);
451     dh::LaunchKernel {grid3, block3}(
452         CompressBinEllpackKernel, common::CompressedBufferWriter(NumSymbols()),
453         gidx_buffer.DevicePointer(), row_ptrs.data().get(),
454         entries_d.data().get(), device_accessor.gidx_fvalue_map.data(),
455         device_accessor.feature_segments.data(), feature_types,
456         batch_row_begin, batch_nrows, row_stride,
457         null_gidx_value);
458   }
459 }
461 // Return the number of rows contained in this page.
Size() const462 size_t EllpackPageImpl::Size() const { return n_rows; }
464 // Return the memory cost for storing the compressed features.
MemCostBytes(size_t num_rows,size_t row_stride,const common::HistogramCuts & cuts)465 size_t EllpackPageImpl::MemCostBytes(size_t num_rows, size_t row_stride,
466                                      const common::HistogramCuts& cuts) {
467   // Required buffer size for storing data matrix in EtoLLPack format.
468   size_t compressed_size_bytes =
469       common::CompressedBufferWriter::CalculateBufferSize(row_stride * num_rows,
470                                                           cuts.TotalBins() + 1);
471   return compressed_size_bytes;
472 }
GetDeviceAccessor(int device,common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types) const474 EllpackDeviceAccessor EllpackPageImpl::GetDeviceAccessor(
475     int device, common::Span<FeatureType const> feature_types) const {
476   gidx_buffer.SetDevice(device);
477   return {device,
478           cuts_,
479           is_dense,
480           row_stride,
481           base_rowid,
482           n_rows,
483           common::CompressedIterator<uint32_t>(gidx_buffer.ConstDevicePointer(),
484                                                NumSymbols()),
485           feature_types};
486 }
487 }  // namespace xgboost