1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3<TS version="2.1" language="de_DE">
5    <name>dvbcut</name>
6    <message>
7        <source>Recognized files (*.dvbcut *.m2t *.mpg *.rec* *.ts *.tts* *.trp *.vdr);;dvbcut project files (*.dvbcut);;MPEG files (*.m2t *.mpg *.rec* *.ts *.tts* *.trp *.vdr);;All files (*)</source>
8        <translation>Bekannte Formate (*.dvbcut *.m2t *.mpg *.rec* *.ts *.tts* *.trp *.vdr);;DVBcut-Projektdateien (*.dvbcut);;MPEG-Dateien (*.m2t *.mpg *.rec* *.ts *.tts* *.trp *.vdr);;Alle Dateien (*)</translation>
9    </message>
10    <message>
11        <source>dvbcut index files (*.idx);;All files (*)</source>
12        <translation>DVBcut-Indexdateien (*.idx);;Alle Dateien (*)</translation>
13    </message>
14    <message>
15        <source>dvbcut project files (*.dvbcut);;All files (*)</source>
16        <translation>DVBcut-Projektdateien (*.dvbcut);;Alle Dateien (*)</translation>
17    </message>
18    <message>
19        <source>%1
21(assuming No)
23        <extracomment>Question during batch processing - print the prompt and tell the user that you assume the answer is No.</extracomment>
24        <translation>%1
26(vermutlich nicht)</translation>
27    </message>
28    <message>
29        <source>%1
33        <extracomment>Error during batch processing - print text and tell the user you&apos;re aborting the batch</extracomment>
34        <translation>%1
38    </message>
39    <message>
40        <source>Choose the name of the picture file</source>
41        <translation>Bilddatei speichern</translation>
42    </message>
43    <message>
44        <source>Images (*.%1)</source>
45        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with file extension</extracomment>
46        <translation>Bilddateien (*.%1)</translation>
47    </message>
48    <message>
49        <source>File exists - dvbcut</source>
50        <translation>Datei vorhanden - DVBcut</translation>
51    </message>
52    <message>
53        <source>%1
54already exists. Overwrite?</source>
55        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with filename</extracomment>
56        <translation>%1
57Vorhandene Datei überschreiben? </translation>
58    </message>
59    <message>
60        <source>dvbcut</source>
61        <translation>DVBcut</translation>
62    </message>
63    <message>
64        <source>&lt;head&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;&quot;&gt;&lt;p&gt;Version %1&lt;/p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https://github.com/bernhardu/dvbcut-deb&quot;&gt;Git source repository.&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.gnu.org/licenses/&quot;&gt;http://www.gnu.org/licenses/&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
65        <translation></translation>
66    </message>
67    <message>
68        <source>Help file %1 not available</source>
69        <translation>Hilfedatei
71nicht vorhanden</translation>
72    </message>
73    <message>
74        <source>Choose one or more MPEG files to open</source>
75        <translation>MPEG-Datei(en) oder Projektdatei öffnen</translation>
76    </message>
77    <message>
78        <source>Failed to read project file - dvbcut</source>
79        <translation>Konnte Projektdatei nicht lesen - DVBcut</translation>
80    </message>
81    <message>
82        <source>%1:
83Not a valid dvbcut project file</source>
84        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with filename</extracomment>
85        <translation>%1:
86Keine gültige DVBcut-Projektdatei</translation>
87    </message>
88    <message>
89        <source>%1:
90No MPEG filename given in project file</source>
91        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with project filename</extracomment>
92        <translation>%1:
93Projektdatei enthält keine MPEG-Dateinamen</translation>
94    </message>
95    <message>
96        <source>Failed to open file - dvbcut</source>
97        <translation>Konnte Datei nicht öffnen - DVBcut</translation>
98    </message>
99    <message>
100        <source>Choose the name of the index file</source>
101        <translation>Indexdatei auswählen</translation>
102    </message>
103    <message>
104        <source>Invalid index file - dvbcut</source>
105        <translation>Ungültige Indexdatei - DVBcut</translation>
106    </message>
107    <message>
108        <source>Index file mismatch - dvbcut</source>
109        <extracomment>The index file belongs to another MPEG file</extracomment>
110        <translation>Fehlerhafte Indexdatei - DVBcut</translation>
111    </message>
112    <message>
113        <source>Indexing &apos;%1&apos;...</source>
114        <extracomment>Text shown in the main window status bar when generating index. For example: &quot;Indexing &apos;path/to/file.mpg&apos;...&quot;</extracomment>
115        <translation>Indiziere &apos;%1&apos;...</translation>
116    </message>
117    <message>
118        <source>Error creating index - dvbcut</source>
119        <translation>Fehler beim Indexieren - DVBcut</translation>
120    </message>
121    <message>
122        <source>Cannot create index for
125        <extracomment>%1 will be replaced with filename, %2 with error description</extracomment>
126        <translation>Index konnte nicht erstellt werden
129    </message>
130    <message>
131        <source>Error saving index file - dvbcut</source>
132        <translation>Fehler beim Speichern der Indexdatei - DVBcut</translation>
133    </message>
134    <message>
135        <source>Invalid MPEG file - dvbcut</source>
136        <translation>Ungültige MPEG-Datei - DVBcut</translation>
137    </message>
138    <message>
139        <source>The chosen file
141does not contain any video</source>
142        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with filename</extracomment>
143        <translation>Die Datei
145enthält keine Videodaten</translation>
146    </message>
147    <message>
148        <source>Failed to write project file - dvbcut</source>
149        <translation>Konnte Projektdatei nicht speichern - DVBcut</translation>
150    </message>
151    <message>
152        <source>%1:
153Could not open file</source>
154        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with filename</extracomment>
155        <translation>%1:
156Konnte Datei nicht öffnen</translation>
157    </message>
158    <message>
159        <source>Choose the name of the project file</source>
160        <translation>Projektdatei speichern</translation>
161    </message>
162    <message>
163        <source>MPEG program stream/DVD (DVBCUT multiplexer)</source>
164        <translation></translation>
165    </message>
166    <message>
167        <source>MPEG program stream (DVBCUT multiplexer)</source>
168        <translation></translation>
169    </message>
170    <message>
171        <source>MPEG program stream/DVD (libavformat)</source>
172        <translation></translation>
173    </message>
174    <message>
175        <source>MPEG transport stream (libavformat)</source>
176        <translation></translation>
177    </message>
178    <message>
179        <source>Command not found - dvbcut</source>
180        <translation>Befehl nicht gefunden - DVBcut</translation>
181    </message>
182    <message>
183        <source>Problems with piped output to:
185        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with pipe command</extracomment>
186        <translation>Probleme bei der Ausgabe auf:
188    </message>
189    <message>
190        <source>Unable to set up muxer!</source>
191        <translation>Kann den Muxer nicht einrichten!</translation>
192    </message>
193    <message numerus="yes">
194        <source>%1. Exporting %n pictures: %2 .. %3</source>
195        <extracomment>Example: 1. Exporting 600 pictures: 00:05:45.240/00 .. 00:06:09.240/00</extracomment>
196        <translation>
197            <numerusform>%1. Exportiere %n Bild: %2 .. %3</numerusform>
198            <numerusform>%1. Exportiere %n Bilder: %2 .. %3</numerusform>
199        </translation>
200    </message>
201    <message numerus="yes">
202        <source>Saved %n pictures (%1:%2:%3.%4)</source>
203        <extracomment>Example: Saved 3627 pictures (00:02:25.80)</extracomment>
204        <translation>
205            <numerusform>%n Bild gespeichert (%1:%2:%3.%4)</numerusform>
206            <numerusform>%n Bilder gespeichert (%1:%2:%3.%4)</numerusform>
207        </translation>
208    </message>
209    <message>
210        <source>Performing post processing</source>
211        <translatorcomment> </translatorcomment>
212        <translation>Führe die Nachbearbeitung aus</translation>
213    </message>
214    <message>
215        <source>Problems with post processing command:
217        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with pipe command</extracomment>
218        <translation>Probleme beim Nachbearbeiten mit:
220    </message>
221    <message>
222        <source>Command not found!</source>
223        <translation>Befehl nicht gefunden!</translation>
224    </message>
225    <message>
226        <source>Post processing error - dvbcut</source>
227        <translation>Fehler bei der Nachbearbeitung - DVBcut</translation>
228    </message>
229    <message>
230        <source>Post processing command:
232 returned non-zero exit code: %1</source>
233        <extracomment>%1 will be replaced with exit code, %2 with pipe command</extracomment>
234        <translation>Nachbearbeitung:
236 mit Rückgabewert ungleich 0: %1</translation>
237    </message>
238    <message>
239        <source>Command reported some problems... please check!</source>
240        <translation>Der Befehl meldete Probleme... Bitte überprüfen!</translation>
241    </message>
242    <message>
243        <source>Chapter list</source>
244        <translation>Kapitel-Liste</translation>
245    </message>
246    <message>
247        <source>Simple XML-file for dvdauthor with chapter marks</source>
248        <translation>Einfache XML-Datei für dvdauthor mit Kapitelmarkierungen</translation>
249    </message>
250    <message>
251        <source>Go to</source>
252        <translation>Gehe zu Position</translation>
253    </message>
254    <message>
255        <source>Delete</source>
256        <translation>Marker löschen</translation>
257    </message>
258    <message>
259        <source>Delete others</source>
260        <translation>Alle anderen löschen</translation>
261    </message>
262    <message>
263        <source>Delete all</source>
264        <translation>Alle löschen</translation>
265    </message>
266    <message>
267        <source>Delete all start/stops</source>
268        <translation>Alle Start/Stopp löschen</translation>
269    </message>
270    <message>
271        <source>Delete all chapters</source>
272        <translation>Alle Kapitel löschen</translation>
273    </message>
274    <message>
275        <source>Delete all bookmarks</source>
276        <translation>Alle Lesezeichen löschen</translation>
277    </message>
278    <message>
279        <source>Convert to start marker</source>
280        <translation>Umwandeln in START-Markierung</translation>
281    </message>
282    <message>
283        <source>Convert to stop marker</source>
284        <translation>Umwandeln in STOPP-Markierung</translation>
285    </message>
286    <message>
287        <source>Convert to chapter marker</source>
288        <translation>Umwandeln in KAPITEL-Markierung</translation>
289    </message>
290    <message>
291        <source>Convert to bookmark</source>
292        <translation>Umwandeln in Lesezeichen</translation>
293    </message>
294    <message>
295        <source>Display difference from this picture</source>
296        <translation>Zeige Abweichungen zu aktuellem Bild</translation>
297    </message>
298    <message>
299        <source>Open &amp;recent...</source>
300        <translation>Zu&amp;letzt bearbeitete Dateien...</translation>
301    </message>
302    <message>
303        <source>Convert bookmarks</source>
304        <translation>Lesezeichen konvertieren</translation>
305    </message>
306    <message>
307        <source>START / STOP</source>
308        <translation>START / STOPP</translation>
309    </message>
310    <message>
311        <source>STOP / START</source>
312        <translation>STOPP / START</translation>
313    </message>
314    <message>
315        <source>4 : 3</source>
316        <translation>4 : 3</translation>
317    </message>
318    <message>
319        <source>16 : 9</source>
320        <translation>16 : 9</translation>
321    </message>
322    <message>
323        <source>Audio track</source>
324        <translation>Audiospur</translation>
325    </message>
326    <message>
327        <source>Searching ...</source>
328        <translation>Suche ...</translation>
329    </message>
330    <message>
331        <source>Please set a stop marker for the picture to be searched.
332Then go where the picture is expected to appear the next time e.g. the end of the commercial break.</source>
333        <translation>Bitte einen STOPP-Marker für das zu suchende Bild setzen.
334Danach bitte in den Bereich gehen, in dem das zu suchende Bild demnächst erwartet wird z.B. am Ende der Werbepause.</translation>
335    </message>
338    <name>dvbcutbase</name>
339    <message>
340        <source>dvbcut</source>
341        <translation>DVBcut</translation>
342    </message>
343    <message>
344        <source>go</source>
345        <translation>Gehe zu</translation>
346    </message>
347    <message>
348        <source>&amp;File</source>
349        <translation>&amp;Datei</translation>
350    </message>
351    <message>
352        <source>&amp;Edit</source>
353        <translation>&amp;Bearbeiten</translation>
354    </message>
355    <message>
356        <source>&amp;View</source>
357        <translation>&amp;Ansicht</translation>
358    </message>
359    <message>
360        <source>&amp;Play</source>
361        <translation>Wieder&amp;gabe</translation>
362    </message>
363    <message>
364        <source>&amp;Help</source>
365        <translation>&amp;Hilfe</translation>
366    </message>
367    <message>
368        <source>New</source>
369        <translation>Neu</translation>
370    </message>
371    <message>
372        <source>&amp;Open...</source>
373        <translation>Ö&amp;ffnen...</translation>
374    </message>
375    <message>
376        <source>&amp;Save</source>
377        <translation>&amp;Speichern</translation>
378    </message>
379    <message>
380        <source>Save &amp;As...</source>
381        <translation>Speichern &amp;unter...</translation>
382    </message>
383    <message>
384        <source>Save Snapshot...</source>
385        <translation>Video-Schnappschuss speichern...</translation>
386    </message>
387    <message>
388        <source>Save Chapter Snapshots...</source>
389        <translation>Kapitel-Schnappschuss speichern...</translation>
390    </message>
391    <message>
392        <source>Export video...</source>
393        <translation>Video exportieren...</translation>
394    </message>
395    <message>
396        <source>Close</source>
397        <translation>Beenden</translation>
398    </message>
399    <message>
400        <source>File toolbar</source>
401        <translation>Datei Toolbar</translation>
402    </message>
403    <message>
404        <source>Edit toolbar</source>
405        <translation>Bearbeiten Toolbar</translation>
406    </message>
407    <message>
408        <source>Play toolbar</source>
409        <translation>Wiedergabe Toolbar</translation>
410    </message>
411    <message>
412        <source>Set start marker</source>
413        <translation>START-Markierung setzen</translation>
414    </message>
415    <message>
416        <source>Set stop marker</source>
417        <translation>STOPP-Markierung setzen</translation>
418    </message>
419    <message>
420        <source>Set chapter marker</source>
421        <translation>Kapitel-Markierung setzen</translation>
422    </message>
423    <message>
424        <source>Set bookmark</source>
425        <translation>Lesezeichen setzen</translation>
426    </message>
427    <message>
428        <source>Auto chapters</source>
429        <translation>Kapitel vorschlagen lassen</translation>
430    </message>
431    <message>
432        <source>Suggest bookmarks</source>
433        <translation>Lesezeichen vorschlagen lassen</translation>
434    </message>
435    <message>
436        <source>Import bookmarks</source>
437        <translation>Lesezeichen importieren</translation>
438    </message>
439    <message>
440        <source>Normal</source>
441        <translation></translation>
442    </message>
443    <message>
444        <source>Unscaled</source>
445        <translation>nicht skaliert</translation>
446    </message>
447    <message>
448        <source>Show difference to current picture</source>
449        <translation>Zeige Abweichungen zu aktuellem Bild</translation>
450    </message>
451    <message>
452        <source>Zoom in</source>
453        <translation>vergrößern</translation>
454    </message>
455    <message>
456        <source>Zoom out</source>
457        <translation>verkleinern</translation>
458    </message>
459    <message>
460        <source>Full size</source>
461        <translation>1:1 Original</translation>
462    </message>
463    <message>
464        <source>Half size</source>
465        <translation>1:2 Hälfte</translation>
466    </message>
467    <message>
468        <source>Quarter size</source>
469        <translation>1:4 Viertel</translation>
470    </message>
471    <message>
472        <source>Custom size</source>
473        <translation>benutzerdefiniert</translation>
474    </message>
475    <message>
476        <source>Play</source>
477        <translation>Start</translation>
478    </message>
479    <message>
480        <source>Stop</source>
481        <translation>Stopp</translation>
482    </message>
483    <message>
484        <source>Play audio: last 2 seconds</source>
485        <translation>Audio abspielen: letzte 2 Sekunden</translation>
486    </message>
487    <message>
488        <source>Audio -&gt;|</source>
489        <translation></translation>
490    </message>
491    <message>
492        <source>Play audio: next 2 seconds</source>
493        <translation>Audio abspielen: nächste 2 Sekunden</translation>
494    </message>
495    <message>
496        <source>Audio |-&gt;</source>
497        <translation></translation>
498    </message>
499    <message>
500        <source>&amp;About</source>
501        <translation>Ü&amp;ber</translation>
502    </message>
503    <message>
504        <source>&amp;Contents</source>
505        <translation>&amp;Inhalt</translation>
506    </message>
507    <message>
508        <source>Search duplicate of last stop</source>
509        <translation>Suche Duplikat des letzten Stopps</translation>
510    </message>
511    <message>
512        <source>Search duplicate of last stop event from current picture</source>
513        <translation>Suche Duplikat des Bildes des letzten Stopps beginnend mit dem aktuellen Bild</translation>
514    </message>
517    <name>eventlist</name>
518    <message>
519        <source>START</source>
520        <extracomment>Text shown on start markers in the main window marker list</extracomment>
521        <translation></translation>
522    </message>
523    <message>
524        <source>STOP</source>
525        <extracomment>Text shown on stop markers in the main window marker list</extracomment>
526        <translation>STOPP</translation>
527    </message>
528    <message>
529        <source>CHAPTER</source>
530        <extracomment>Text shown on chapter markers in the main window marker list</extracomment>
531        <translation>KAPITEL</translation>
532    </message>
533    <message>
534        <source>BOOKMARK</source>
535        <extracomment>Text shown on bookmark markers in the main window marker list</extracomment>
536        <translation>LESEZEICHEN</translation>
537    </message>
540    <name>exportdialog</name>
541    <message>
542        <source>Export video...</source>
543        <translation>Video exportieren...</translation>
544    </message>
545    <message>
546        <source>MPEG program streams (*.mpg);;All files (*)</source>
547        <translation>MPEG program streams (*.mpg);;Alle Dateien (*)</translation>
548    </message>
551    <name>exportdialogbase</name>
552    <message>
553        <source>dvbcut: export video</source>
554        <translation>DVBcut: Video exportieren</translation>
555    </message>
556    <message>
557        <source>Export as:</source>
558        <translation>Exportieren als:</translation>
559    </message>
560    <message>
561        <source>Output format:</source>
562        <translation>Ausgabeformat:</translation>
563    </message>
564    <message>
565        <source>...</source>
566        <translation></translation>
567    </message>
568    <message>
569        <source>Audio channels</source>
570        <translation>Audio-Kanäle</translation>
571    </message>
572    <message>
573        <source>&amp;OK</source>
574        <translation></translation>
575    </message>
576    <message>
577        <source>&amp;Cancel</source>
578        <translation>&amp;Abbruch</translation>
579    </message>
582    <name>helpDialog</name>
583    <message>
584        <source>Prev</source>
585        <translation>Vorheriges</translation>
586    </message>
587    <message>
588        <source>Next</source>
589        <translation>Nächstes</translation>
590    </message>
591    <message>
592        <source>Home</source>
593        <translation>Anfang</translation>
594    </message>
595    <message>
596        <source>Close</source>
597        <translation>Schließen</translation>
598    </message>
599    <message>
600        <source>dvbcut help</source>
601        <translation>Hilfe zu DVBcut</translation>
602    </message>
605    <name>index</name>
606    <message>
607        <source>Open (%1): %2
609        <extracomment>1% will be replaced with filename, %2 with error description</extracomment>
610        <translation>Öffnen (%1): %2</translation>
611    </message>
612    <message>
613        <source>Write (%1): %2
615        <extracomment>1% will be replaced with filename, %2 with error description</extracomment>
616        <translation>Schreiben (%1): %2</translation>
617    </message>
618    <message>
619        <source>refusing to write index to a tty
621        <translation>Schreiben des Index auf tty abgelehnt</translation>
622    </message>
623    <message>
624        <source>write: %1
626        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with error description</extracomment>
627        <translation>Schreiben: %1</translation>
628    </message>
629    <message>
630        <source>%1: open: %2
632        <extracomment>%1 will be replaced with filename, %2 with error description</extracomment>
633        <translation>%1: Öffnen: %2</translation>
634    </message>
635    <message>
636        <source>Read (%1): %2
638        <extracomment>%1 will be replaced with filename, %2 with error description</extracomment>
639        <translation>Lesen (%1): %2</translation>
640    </message>
641    <message>
642        <source>Invalid index file &apos;%1&apos;
644        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with filename</extracomment>
645        <translation>Ungültige Indexdatei &apos;%1&apos;</translation>
646    </message>
647    <message>
648        <source>Invalid index file (%1)
650        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with filename</extracomment>
651        <translation>Ungültige Indexdatei (%1)</translation>
652    </message>
653    <message>
654        <source>Index file (%1) does not correspond to MPEG file
656        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with filename</extracomment>
657        <translation>Indexdatei (%1) gehört nicht zur MPEG-Datei</translation>
658    </message>
661    <name>mpgfile</name>
662    <message>
663        <source>File too short</source>
664        <translation>Dateiinhalt zu kurz</translation>
665    </message>
666    <message>
667        <source>Unknown file type</source>
668        <translation>Unbekannter Dateityp</translation>
669    </message>
670    <message>
671        <source>Estimated mux rate: %1 MB/s</source>
672        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with floating point number</extracomment>
673        <translation>Geschätzte Muxrate:%1 MB/s </translation>
674    </message>
675    <message>
676        <source>putpacket(streampic=%1) returned false</source>
677        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with streampic number</extracomment>
678        <translation>putpacket(streampic=%1) gab Fehler zurück</translation>
679    </message>
680    <message>
681        <source>Audio channel %1: starts %2 milliseconds after video</source>
682        <translation>Audiokanal %1: Ausgabe beginnt %2 Millisekunden nach dem Video</translation>
683    </message>
684    <message>
685        <source>Audio channel %1: starts %2 milliseconds before video</source>
686        <translation>Audiokanal %1: Ausgabe beginnt %2 Millisekunden vor dem Video</translation>
687    </message>
688    <message>
689        <source>Audio channel %1: stops %2 milliseconds after video</source>
690        <translation>Audiokanal %1: Ausgabe endet %2 Millisekunden nach dem Video</translation>
691    </message>
692    <message>
693        <source>Audio channel %1: stops %2 milliseconds before video</source>
694        <translation>Audiokanal %1: Ausgabe endet %2 Millisekunden vor dem Video</translation>
695    </message>
696    <message>
697        <source>Audio channel %1: delayed %2 milliseconds</source>
698        <translation>Audiokanal %1:  Ausgabe verzögert um %2 Millisekunden</translation>
699    </message>
700    <message numerus="yes">
701        <source>Recoding %n pictures</source>
702        <translation>
703            <numerusform>Neukodierung von %n Bild</numerusform>
704            <numerusform>Neukodierung von %n Bildern</numerusform>
705        </translation>
706    </message>
707    <message>
708        <source>avcodec_open(mpeg2video_encoder) returned %1</source>
709        <extracomment>Placeholder will be replaced with return value (integer)</extracomment>
710        <translation>avcodec_open(mpeg2video_encoder): Rückgabewert %1</translation>
711    </message>
714    <name>mplayererrorbase</name>
715    <message>
716        <source>dvbcut: MPlayer error</source>
717        <translation>DVBcut: MPlayer-Fehler</translation>
718    </message>
719    <message>
720        <source>MPlayer finished unsuccessfully.</source>
721        <translation>MPlayer wurde unerwartet beendet.</translation>
722    </message>
723    <message>
724        <source>Okay</source>
725        <translation>OK</translation>
726    </message>
729    <name>progressstatusbar</name>
730    <message>
731        <source>cancel</source>
732        <translation>Abbruch</translation>
733    </message>
736    <name>progresswindow</name>
737    <message>
738        <source>Close</source>
739        <translation>Schließen</translation>
740    </message>
743    <name>progresswindowbase</name>
744    <message>
745        <source>dvbcut</source>
746        <translation>DVBcut</translation>
747    </message>
748    <message>
749        <source>&amp;Cancel</source>
750        <translation>&amp;Abbruch</translation>
751    </message>