1 /*****************************************************************
2 |
3 |   Platinum - Device Data
4 |
5 | Copyright (c) 2004-2010, Plutinosoft, LLC.
6 | All rights reserved.
7 | http://www.plutinosoft.com
8 |
9 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 | of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 |
14 | OEMs, ISVs, VARs and other distributors that combine and
15 | distribute commercially licensed software with Platinum software
16 | and do not wish to distribute the source code for the commercially
17 | licensed software under version 2, or (at your option) any later
18 | version, of the GNU General Public License (the "GPL") must enter
19 | into a commercial license agreement with Plutinosoft, LLC.
20 | licensing@plutinosoft.com
21 |
22 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 | GNU General Public License for more details.
26 |
27 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28 | along with this program; see the file LICENSE.txt. If not, write to
29 | the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
30 | 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
31 | http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
32 |
33 ****************************************************************/
35 /** @file
36  UPnP Device information
37  */
39 #ifndef _PLT_DEVICE_DATA_H_
40 #define _PLT_DEVICE_DATA_H_
42 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
43 |   includes
44 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
45 #include "Neptune.h"
46 #include "PltConstants.h"
48 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
49 |   forward declarations
50 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
51 class PLT_Service;
52 class PLT_DeviceData;
54 typedef NPT_Reference<PLT_DeviceData> PLT_DeviceDataReference;
55 typedef NPT_List<PLT_DeviceDataReference> PLT_DeviceDataReferenceList;
57 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
58 |   PLT_DeviceIcon class
59 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
60 /**
61  The PLT_DeviceIcon class represents a given instance of a UPnP device icon.
62  */
63 class PLT_DeviceIcon
64 {
65 public:
66     PLT_DeviceIcon(const char* mimetype = "",
67                    NPT_Int32   width = 0,
68                    NPT_Int32   height = 0,
69                    NPT_Int32   depth = 0,
70                    const char* urlpath = "") :
m_MimeType(mimetype)71         m_MimeType(mimetype),
72         m_Width(width),
73         m_Height(height),
74         m_Depth(depth),
75         m_UrlPath(urlpath) {}
~PLT_DeviceIcon()76     virtual ~PLT_DeviceIcon() {}
78     NPT_String  m_MimeType;
79     NPT_Int32   m_Width;
80     NPT_Int32   m_Height;
81     NPT_Int32   m_Depth;
82     NPT_String  m_UrlPath;
83 };
85 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
86 |   PLT_DeviceData class
87 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
88 /**
89  The PLT_DeviceData class holds information about a device being advertised or
90  found by a control point. It maintains a list of services and
91  embedded devices if any.
92  */
93 class PLT_DeviceData
94 {
95 public:
96     PLT_DeviceData(
97         NPT_HttpUrl      description_url = NPT_HttpUrl(NULL, 0, "/description.xml"),
98         const char*      uuid = "",
99         NPT_TimeInterval lease_time = *PLT_Constants::GetInstance().GetDefaultDeviceLease(),
100         const char*      device_type = "",
101         const char*      friendly_name = "");
103     /* methods */
104     virtual NPT_Result  GetDescription(NPT_String& desc);
105     virtual NPT_String  GetDescriptionUrl(const char* ip_address = NULL);
106     virtual NPT_HttpUrl GetURLBase();
107     virtual NPT_HttpUrl NormalizeURL(const NPT_String& url);
108     virtual NPT_Result  GetDescription(NPT_XmlElementNode* parent, NPT_XmlElementNode** device = NULL);
109     virtual NPT_String  GetIconUrl(const char* mimetype = NULL, NPT_Int32 maxsize = 0, NPT_Int32 maxdepth = 0);
IsRoot()111     bool                    IsRoot()              { return m_ParentUUID.IsEmpty();   }
GetLeaseTime()112     const NPT_TimeInterval& GetLeaseTime()        const { return m_LeaseTime;        }
GetUUID()113     const NPT_String&       GetUUID()             const { return m_UUID;             }
GetFriendlyName()114     const NPT_String&       GetFriendlyName()     const { return m_FriendlyName;     }
GetType()115     const NPT_String&       GetType()             const { return m_DeviceType;       }
GetModelDescription()116     const NPT_String&       GetModelDescription() const { return m_ModelDescription; }
GetParentUUID()117     const NPT_String&       GetParentUUID()       const { return m_ParentUUID;       }
GetLocalIP()118     const NPT_IpAddress&    GetLocalIP()          const { return m_LocalIfaceIp;     }
GetServices()120     const NPT_Array<PLT_Service*>&            GetServices()        const { return m_Services; }
GetEmbeddedDevices()121     const NPT_Array<PLT_DeviceDataReference>& GetEmbeddedDevices() const { return m_EmbeddedDevices; }
123     NPT_Result FindEmbeddedDevice(const char* uuid, PLT_DeviceDataReference& device);
124     NPT_Result FindEmbeddedDeviceByType(const char* type, PLT_DeviceDataReference& device);
125     NPT_Result FindServiceById(const char* id, PLT_Service*& service);
126     NPT_Result FindServiceByType(const char* type, PLT_Service*& service);
127 	NPT_Result FindServiceByName(const char* name, PLT_Service*& service);
128     NPT_Result FindServiceBySCPDURL(const char* url, PLT_Service*& service, bool recursive = false);
129     NPT_Result FindServiceByControlURL(const char* url, PLT_Service*& service, bool recursive = false);
130     NPT_Result FindServiceByEventSubURL(const char* url, PLT_Service*& service, bool recursive = false);
132     /* called by PLT_Device subclasses */
133     NPT_Result AddEmbeddedDevice(PLT_DeviceDataReference& device);
134     NPT_Result RemoveEmbeddedDevice(PLT_DeviceDataReference& device);
135     NPT_Result AddService(PLT_Service* service);
136 	NPT_Result RemoveService(PLT_Service* service);
138     /* BOOTID UPnP 1/1 */
139     void SetBootId(NPT_UInt32 bootId);
140     void SetNextBootId(NPT_UInt32 nextBootId);
141     NPT_UInt32 GenerateNextBootId();
143     operator const char* ();
145 protected:
146     virtual ~PLT_DeviceData();
148     virtual void       Cleanup();
OnAddExtraInfo(NPT_XmlElementNode *)149     virtual NPT_Result OnAddExtraInfo(NPT_XmlElementNode* /*device_node*/) { return NPT_SUCCESS; }
152 private:
153     /* called by PLT_CtrlPoint when an existing device location is updated */
154     NPT_Result    SetDescriptionUrl(NPT_HttpUrl& url);
155     NPT_Result    SetLeaseTime(NPT_TimeInterval lease_time, NPT_TimeStamp lease_time_last_update = 0.);
156     NPT_Result    SetURLBase(NPT_HttpUrl& url_base);
157     NPT_TimeStamp GetLeaseTimeLastUpdate();
158     void          UpdateConfigId();
160     /* class methods */
161     static NPT_Result SetDescription(PLT_DeviceDataReference&      root_device,
162                                      NPT_TimeInterval              leasetime,
163                                      NPT_HttpUrl                   description_url,
164                                      const char*                   description,
165                                      const NPT_HttpRequestContext& context);
166     static NPT_Result SetDescriptionDevice(PLT_DeviceDataReference&      device,
167                                            NPT_XmlElementNode*           device_node,
168                                            const NPT_HttpRequestContext& context);
170 public:
171     NPT_String m_Manufacturer;
172     NPT_String m_ManufacturerURL;
173     NPT_String m_ModelDescription;
174     NPT_String m_ModelName;
175     NPT_String m_ModelNumber;
176     NPT_String m_ModelURL;
177     NPT_String m_SerialNumber;
178     NPT_String m_UPC;
179     NPT_String m_PresentationURL;
180     NPT_String m_DlnaDoc;
181     NPT_String m_DlnaCap;
182     NPT_String m_AggregationFlags;
184 protected:
185     friend class NPT_Reference<PLT_DeviceData>;
186     friend class PLT_CtrlPoint;
187     friend class PLT_DeviceReadyIterator;
188     friend class PLT_DeviceHost;
190     //members
191     NPT_String                         m_ParentUUID;
192     NPT_String                         m_UUID;
193     NPT_HttpUrl                        m_URLDescription;
194     NPT_HttpUrl                        m_URLBase;
195     NPT_String                         m_DeviceType;
196     NPT_String                         m_FriendlyName;
197     NPT_TimeInterval                   m_LeaseTime;
198     NPT_TimeStamp                      m_LeaseTimeLastUpdate;
199     NPT_Array<PLT_Service*>            m_Services;
200     NPT_Array<PLT_DeviceDataReference> m_EmbeddedDevices;
201     NPT_Array<PLT_DeviceIcon>          m_Icons;
203     /* IP address of interface used when retrieving device description.
204        We need the info for the control point subscription callback */
205     NPT_IpAddress                      m_LocalIfaceIp;
206     NPT_String                         m_Representation;
208 private:
209     NPT_UInt32                         m_BootId;
210     NPT_UInt32                         m_NextBootId;
211     NPT_UInt32                         m_ConfigId;
212 };
214 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
215 |   PLT_DeviceDataFinder
216 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
217 /**
218  The PLT_DeviceDataFinder class returns a PLT_DeviceData instance given
219  a device UUID.
220  */
221 class PLT_DeviceDataFinder
222 {
223 public:
224     // methods
PLT_DeviceDataFinder(const char * uuid)225     PLT_DeviceDataFinder(const char* uuid) : m_UUID(uuid) {}
~PLT_DeviceDataFinder()226     virtual ~PLT_DeviceDataFinder() {}
operator()228     bool operator()(const PLT_DeviceDataReference& data) const {
229         return data->GetUUID().Compare(m_UUID, true) ? false : true;
230     }
232 private:
233     // members
234     NPT_String m_UUID;
235 };
237 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
238 |   PLT_DeviceDataFinderByType
239 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
240 /**
241  The PLT_DeviceDataFinderByType class returns a PLT_DeviceData instance
242  given a device type.
243  */
244 class PLT_DeviceDataFinderByType
245 {
246 public:
247     // methods
PLT_DeviceDataFinderByType(const char * type)248     PLT_DeviceDataFinderByType(const char* type) : m_Type(type) {}
~PLT_DeviceDataFinderByType()249     virtual ~PLT_DeviceDataFinderByType() {}
operator()251     bool operator()(const PLT_DeviceDataReference& data) const {
252         return data->GetType().Compare(m_Type, true) ? false : true;
253     }
255 private:
256     // members
257     NPT_String m_Type;
258 };
260 #endif /* _PLT_DEVICE_DATA_H_ */