1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * timecode.c: timecode file input
3  *****************************************************************************
4  * Copyright (C) 2010-2021 x264 project
5  *
6  * Authors: Yusuke Nakamura <muken.the.vfrmaniac@gmail.com>
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11  * (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
21  *
22  * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
23  * For more information, contact us at licensing@x264.com.
24  *****************************************************************************/
26 #include "input.h"
28 #define FAIL_IF_ERROR( cond, ... ) FAIL_IF_ERR( cond, "timecode", __VA_ARGS__ )
30 typedef struct
31 {
32     cli_input_t input;
33     hnd_t p_handle;
34     int auto_timebase_num;
35     int auto_timebase_den;
36     uint64_t timebase_num;
37     uint64_t timebase_den;
38     int stored_pts_num;
39     int64_t *pts;
40     double assume_fps;
41     double last_timecode;
42 } timecode_hnd_t;
sigexp10(double value,double * exponent)44 static inline double sigexp10( double value, double *exponent )
45 {
46     /* This function separates significand and exp10 from double floating point. */
47     *exponent = pow( 10, floor( log10( value ) ) );
48     return value / *exponent;
49 }
51 #define DOUBLE_EPSILON 5e-6
52 #define MKV_TIMEBASE_DEN 1000000000
correct_fps(double fps,timecode_hnd_t * h)54 static double correct_fps( double fps, timecode_hnd_t *h )
55 {
56     int i = 1;
57     uint64_t fps_num, fps_den;
58     double exponent;
59     double fps_sig = sigexp10( fps, &exponent );
60     while( 1 )
61     {
62         fps_den = i * h->timebase_num;
63         fps_num = round( fps_den * fps_sig ) * exponent;
64         FAIL_IF_ERROR( fps_num > UINT32_MAX, "tcfile fps correction failed.\n"
65                        "                  Specify an appropriate timebase manually or remake tcfile.\n" );
66         if( fabs( ((double)fps_num / fps_den) / exponent - fps_sig ) < DOUBLE_EPSILON )
67             break;
68         ++i;
69     }
70     if( h->auto_timebase_den )
71     {
72         h->timebase_den = h->timebase_den ? lcm( h->timebase_den, fps_num ) : fps_num;
73         if( h->timebase_den > UINT32_MAX )
74             h->auto_timebase_den = 0;
75     }
76     return (double)fps_num / fps_den;
77 }
try_mkv_timebase_den(double * fpss,timecode_hnd_t * h,int loop_num)79 static int try_mkv_timebase_den( double *fpss, timecode_hnd_t *h, int loop_num )
80 {
81     h->timebase_num = 0;
82     h->timebase_den = MKV_TIMEBASE_DEN;
83     for( int num = 0; num < loop_num; num++ )
84     {
85         uint64_t fps_den;
86         double exponent;
87         double fps_sig = sigexp10( fpss[num], &exponent );
88         fps_den = round( MKV_TIMEBASE_DEN / fps_sig ) / exponent;
89         h->timebase_num = fps_den && h->timebase_num ? gcd( h->timebase_num, fps_den ) : fps_den;
90         FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->timebase_num > UINT32_MAX || !h->timebase_num, "automatic timebase generation failed.\n"
91                        "                  Specify timebase manually.\n" );
92     }
93     return 0;
94 }
parse_tcfile(FILE * tcfile_in,timecode_hnd_t * h,video_info_t * info)96 static int parse_tcfile( FILE *tcfile_in, timecode_hnd_t *h, video_info_t *info )
97 {
98     char buff[256];
99     int ret, tcfv, num, seq_num, timecodes_num;
100     double *timecodes = NULL;
101     double *fpss = NULL;
103     ret = fscanf( tcfile_in, "# timecode format v%d", &tcfv );
104     FAIL_IF_ERROR( ret != 1 || (tcfv != 1 && tcfv != 2), "unsupported timecode format\n" );
105 #define NO_TIMECODE_LINE (buff[0] == '#' || buff[0] == '\n' || buff[0] == '\r')
106     if( tcfv == 1 )
107     {
108         int64_t file_pos;
109         double assume_fps, seq_fps;
110         int start, end = -1;
111         int prev_start = -1, prev_end = -1;
113         h->assume_fps = 0;
114         for( num = 2; fgets( buff, sizeof(buff), tcfile_in ) != NULL; num++ )
115         {
116             if( NO_TIMECODE_LINE )
117                 continue;
118             FAIL_IF_ERROR( sscanf( buff, "assume %lf", &h->assume_fps ) != 1 && sscanf( buff, "Assume %lf", &h->assume_fps ) != 1,
119                            "tcfile parsing error: assumed fps not found\n" );
120             break;
121         }
122         FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->assume_fps <= 0, "invalid assumed fps %.6f\n", h->assume_fps );
124         file_pos = ftell( tcfile_in );
125         h->stored_pts_num = 0;
126         for( seq_num = 0; fgets( buff, sizeof(buff), tcfile_in ) != NULL; num++ )
127         {
128             if( NO_TIMECODE_LINE )
129             {
130                 if( sscanf( buff, "# TDecimate Mode 3:  Last Frame = %d", &end ) == 1 )
131                     h->stored_pts_num = end + 1;
132                 continue;
133             }
134             ret = sscanf( buff, "%d,%d,%lf", &start, &end, &seq_fps );
135             FAIL_IF_ERROR( ret != 3 && ret != EOF, "invalid input tcfile\n" );
136             FAIL_IF_ERROR( start > end || start <= prev_start || end <= prev_end || seq_fps <= 0,
137                            "invalid input tcfile at line %d: %s\n", num, buff );
138             prev_start = start;
139             prev_end = end;
140             if( h->auto_timebase_den || h->auto_timebase_num )
141                 ++seq_num;
142         }
143         if( !h->stored_pts_num )
144             h->stored_pts_num = end + 2;
145         timecodes_num = h->stored_pts_num;
146         fseek( tcfile_in, file_pos, SEEK_SET );
148         timecodes = malloc( timecodes_num * sizeof(double) );
149         if( !timecodes )
150             return -1;
151         if( h->auto_timebase_den || h->auto_timebase_num )
152         {
153             fpss = malloc( (seq_num + 1) * sizeof(double) );
154             if( !fpss )
155                 goto fail;
156         }
158         assume_fps = correct_fps( h->assume_fps, h );
159         if( assume_fps < 0 )
160             goto fail;
161         timecodes[0] = 0;
162         for( num = seq_num = 0; num < timecodes_num - 1 && fgets( buff, sizeof(buff), tcfile_in ) != NULL; )
163         {
164             if( NO_TIMECODE_LINE )
165                 continue;
166             ret = sscanf( buff, "%d,%d,%lf", &start, &end, &seq_fps );
167             if( ret != 3 )
168                 start = end = timecodes_num - 1;
169             for( ; num < start && num < timecodes_num - 1; num++ )
170                 timecodes[num + 1] = timecodes[num] + 1 / assume_fps;
171             if( num < timecodes_num - 1 )
172             {
173                 if( h->auto_timebase_den || h->auto_timebase_num )
174                     fpss[seq_num++] = seq_fps;
175                 seq_fps = correct_fps( seq_fps, h );
176                 if( seq_fps < 0 )
177                     goto fail;
178                 for( num = start; num <= end && num < timecodes_num - 1; num++ )
179                     timecodes[num + 1] = timecodes[num] + 1 / seq_fps;
180             }
181         }
182         for( ; num < timecodes_num - 1; num++ )
183             timecodes[num + 1] = timecodes[num] + 1 / assume_fps;
184         if( h->auto_timebase_den || h->auto_timebase_num )
185             fpss[seq_num] = h->assume_fps;
187         if( h->auto_timebase_num && !h->auto_timebase_den )
188         {
189             double exponent;
190             double assume_fps_sig, seq_fps_sig;
191             if( try_mkv_timebase_den( fpss, h, seq_num + 1 ) < 0 )
192                 goto fail;
193             fseek( tcfile_in, file_pos, SEEK_SET );
194             assume_fps_sig = sigexp10( h->assume_fps, &exponent );
195             assume_fps = MKV_TIMEBASE_DEN / ( round( MKV_TIMEBASE_DEN / assume_fps_sig ) / exponent );
196             for( num = 0; num < timecodes_num - 1 && fgets( buff, sizeof(buff), tcfile_in ) != NULL; )
197             {
198                 if( NO_TIMECODE_LINE )
199                     continue;
200                 ret = sscanf( buff, "%d,%d,%lf", &start, &end, &seq_fps );
201                 if( ret != 3 )
202                     start = end = timecodes_num - 1;
203                 seq_fps_sig = sigexp10( seq_fps, &exponent );
204                 seq_fps = MKV_TIMEBASE_DEN / ( round( MKV_TIMEBASE_DEN / seq_fps_sig ) / exponent );
205                 for( ; num < start && num < timecodes_num - 1; num++ )
206                     timecodes[num + 1] = timecodes[num] + 1 / assume_fps;
207                 for( num = start; num <= end && num < timecodes_num - 1; num++ )
208                     timecodes[num + 1] = timecodes[num] + 1 / seq_fps;
209             }
210             for( ; num < timecodes_num - 1; num++ )
211                 timecodes[num + 1] = timecodes[num] + 1 / assume_fps;
212         }
213         if( fpss )
214         {
215             free( fpss );
216             fpss = NULL;
217         }
219         h->assume_fps = assume_fps;
220         h->last_timecode = timecodes[timecodes_num - 1];
221     }
222     else    /* tcfv == 2 */
223     {
224         int64_t file_pos = ftell( tcfile_in );
226         h->stored_pts_num = 0;
227         while( fgets( buff, sizeof(buff), tcfile_in ) != NULL )
228         {
229             if( NO_TIMECODE_LINE )
230             {
231                 if( !h->stored_pts_num )
232                     file_pos = ftell( tcfile_in );
233                 continue;
234             }
235             h->stored_pts_num++;
236         }
237         timecodes_num = h->stored_pts_num;
238         FAIL_IF_ERROR( !timecodes_num, "input tcfile doesn't have any timecodes!\n" );
239         fseek( tcfile_in, file_pos, SEEK_SET );
241         timecodes = malloc( timecodes_num * sizeof(double) );
242         if( !timecodes )
243             return -1;
245         num = 0;
246         if( fgets( buff, sizeof(buff), tcfile_in ) != NULL )
247         {
248             ret = sscanf( buff, "%lf", &timecodes[0] );
249             timecodes[0] *= 1e-3;         /* Timecode format v2 is expressed in milliseconds. */
250             FAIL_IF_ERROR( ret != 1, "invalid input tcfile for frame 0\n" );
251             for( num = 1; num < timecodes_num && fgets( buff, sizeof(buff), tcfile_in ) != NULL; )
252             {
253                 if( NO_TIMECODE_LINE )
254                     continue;
255                 ret = sscanf( buff, "%lf", &timecodes[num] );
256                 timecodes[num] *= 1e-3;         /* Timecode format v2 is expressed in milliseconds. */
257                 FAIL_IF_ERROR( ret != 1 || timecodes[num] <= timecodes[num - 1],
258                                "invalid input tcfile for frame %d\n", num );
259                 ++num;
260             }
261         }
262         FAIL_IF_ERROR( num < timecodes_num, "failed to read input tcfile for frame %d", num );
264         if( timecodes_num == 1 )
265             h->timebase_den = info->fps_num;
266         else if( h->auto_timebase_den )
267         {
268             fpss = malloc( (timecodes_num - 1) * sizeof(double) );
269             if( !fpss )
270                 goto fail;
271             for( num = 0; num < timecodes_num - 1; num++ )
272             {
273                 fpss[num] = 1 / (timecodes[num + 1] - timecodes[num]);
274                 if( h->auto_timebase_den )
275                 {
276                     int i = 1;
277                     uint64_t fps_num, fps_den;
278                     double exponent;
279                     double fps_sig = sigexp10( fpss[num], &exponent );
280                     while( 1 )
281                     {
282                         fps_den = i * h->timebase_num;
283                         fps_num = round( fps_den * fps_sig ) * exponent;
284                         if( fps_num > UINT32_MAX || fabs( ((double)fps_num / fps_den) / exponent - fps_sig ) < DOUBLE_EPSILON )
285                             break;
286                         ++i;
287                     }
288                     h->timebase_den = fps_num && h->timebase_den ? lcm( h->timebase_den, fps_num ) : fps_num;
289                     if( h->timebase_den > UINT32_MAX )
290                     {
291                         h->auto_timebase_den = 0;
292                         continue;
293                     }
294                 }
295             }
296             if( h->auto_timebase_num && !h->auto_timebase_den )
297                 if( try_mkv_timebase_den( fpss, h, timecodes_num - 1 ) < 0 )
298                     goto fail;
299             free( fpss );
300             fpss = NULL;
301         }
303         if( timecodes_num > 1 )
304             h->assume_fps = 1 / (timecodes[timecodes_num - 1] - timecodes[timecodes_num - 2]);
305         else
306             h->assume_fps = (double)info->fps_num / info->fps_den;
307         h->last_timecode = timecodes[timecodes_num - 1];
308     }
310     if( h->auto_timebase_den || h->auto_timebase_num )
311     {
312         uint64_t i = gcd( h->timebase_num, h->timebase_den );
313         h->timebase_num /= i;
314         h->timebase_den /= i;
315         x264_cli_log( "timecode", X264_LOG_INFO, "automatic timebase generation %"PRIu64"/%"PRIu64"\n", h->timebase_num, h->timebase_den );
316     }
317     else FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->timebase_den > UINT32_MAX || !h->timebase_den, "automatic timebase generation failed.\n"
318                         "                  Specify an appropriate timebase manually.\n" );
320     h->pts = malloc( h->stored_pts_num * sizeof(int64_t) );
321     if( !h->pts )
322         goto fail;
323     for( num = 0; num < h->stored_pts_num; num++ )
324     {
325         h->pts[num] = timecodes[num] * ((double)h->timebase_den / h->timebase_num) + 0.5;
326         FAIL_IF_ERROR( num > 0 && h->pts[num] <= h->pts[num - 1], "invalid timebase or timecode for frame %d\n", num );
327     }
329     free( timecodes );
330     return 0;
332 fail:
333     if( timecodes )
334         free( timecodes );
335     if( fpss )
336         free( fpss );
337     return -1;
338 }
open_file(char * psz_filename,hnd_t * p_handle,video_info_t * info,cli_input_opt_t * opt)343 static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt )
344 {
345     int ret = 0;
346     FILE *tcfile_in;
347     timecode_hnd_t *h = malloc( sizeof(timecode_hnd_t) );
348     FAIL_IF_ERROR( !h, "malloc failed\n" );
349     h->input = cli_input;
350     h->p_handle = *p_handle;
351     h->pts = NULL;
352     if( opt->timebase )
353     {
354         ret = sscanf( opt->timebase, "%"SCNu64"/%"SCNu64, &h->timebase_num, &h->timebase_den );
355         if( ret == 1 )
356         {
357             h->timebase_num = strtoul( opt->timebase, NULL, 10 );
358             h->timebase_den = 0; /* set later by auto timebase generation */
359         }
360         FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->timebase_num > UINT32_MAX || h->timebase_den > UINT32_MAX,
361                        "timebase you specified exceeds H.264 maximum\n" );
362     }
363     h->auto_timebase_num = !ret;
364     h->auto_timebase_den = ret < 2;
365     if( h->auto_timebase_num )
366         h->timebase_num = info->fps_den; /* can be changed later by auto timebase generation */
367     if( h->auto_timebase_den )
368         h->timebase_den = 0;             /* set later by auto timebase generation */
370     tcfile_in = x264_fopen( psz_filename, "rb" );
371     FAIL_IF_ERROR( !tcfile_in, "can't open `%s'\n", psz_filename );
372     if( !x264_is_regular_file( tcfile_in ) )
373     {
374         x264_cli_log( "timecode", X264_LOG_ERROR, "tcfile input incompatible with non-regular file `%s'\n", psz_filename );
375         fclose( tcfile_in );
376         return -1;
377     }
379     if( parse_tcfile( tcfile_in, h, info ) < 0 )
380     {
381         if( h->pts )
382             free( h->pts );
383         fclose( tcfile_in );
384         return -1;
385     }
386     fclose( tcfile_in );
388     info->timebase_num = h->timebase_num;
389     info->timebase_den = h->timebase_den;
390     info->vfr = 1;
392     *p_handle = h;
393     return 0;
394 }
get_frame_pts(timecode_hnd_t * h,int frame,int real_frame)396 static int64_t get_frame_pts( timecode_hnd_t *h, int frame, int real_frame )
397 {
398     if( frame < h->stored_pts_num )
399         return h->pts[frame];
400     else
401     {
402         if( h->pts && real_frame )
403         {
404             x264_cli_log( "timecode", X264_LOG_INFO, "input timecode file missing data for frame %d and later\n"
405                           "                 assuming constant fps %.6f\n", frame, h->assume_fps );
406             free( h->pts );
407             h->pts = NULL;
408         }
409         double timecode = h->last_timecode + 1 / h->assume_fps;
410         if( real_frame )
411             h->last_timecode = timecode;
412         return timecode * ((double)h->timebase_den / h->timebase_num) + 0.5;
413     }
414 }
read_frame(cli_pic_t * pic,hnd_t handle,int frame)416 static int read_frame( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle, int frame )
417 {
418     timecode_hnd_t *h = handle;
419     if( h->input.read_frame( pic, h->p_handle, frame ) )
420         return -1;
422     pic->pts = get_frame_pts( h, frame, 1 );
423     pic->duration = get_frame_pts( h, frame + 1, 0 ) - pic->pts;
425     return 0;
426 }
release_frame(cli_pic_t * pic,hnd_t handle)428 static int release_frame( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle )
429 {
430     timecode_hnd_t *h = handle;
431     if( h->input.release_frame )
432         return h->input.release_frame( pic, h->p_handle );
433     return 0;
434 }
picture_alloc(cli_pic_t * pic,hnd_t handle,int csp,int width,int height)436 static int picture_alloc( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle, int csp, int width, int height )
437 {
438     timecode_hnd_t *h = handle;
439     return h->input.picture_alloc( pic, h->p_handle, csp, width, height );
440 }
picture_clean(cli_pic_t * pic,hnd_t handle)442 static void picture_clean( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle )
443 {
444     timecode_hnd_t *h = handle;
445     h->input.picture_clean( pic, h->p_handle );
446 }
close_file(hnd_t handle)448 static int close_file( hnd_t handle )
449 {
450     timecode_hnd_t *h = handle;
451     if( h->pts )
452         free( h->pts );
453     h->input.close_file( h->p_handle );
454     free( h );
455     return 0;
456 }
458 const cli_input_t timecode_input = { open_file, picture_alloc, read_frame, release_frame, picture_clean, close_file };