1 /*
2  * filter_tracker.cpp -- Motion tracker
3  * Copyright (C) 2016 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle
4  *
5  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
18  */
20 #include <framework/mlt.h>
21 #include <opencv2/tracking.hpp>
22 #include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
26 typedef struct
27 {
28 	cv::Ptr<cv::Tracker> tracker;
29 #if CV_VERSION_INT < 0x040500
30 	cv::Rect2d boundingBox;
31 #else
32 	cv::Rect boundingBox;
33 #endif
34 	char * algo;
35 	mlt_rect startRect;
36 	bool initialized;
37 	bool playback;
38 	bool analyze;
39 	int last_position;
40 	int analyse_width;
41 	int analyse_height;
42 	mlt_position producer_in;
43 	mlt_position producer_length;
44 } private_data;
property_changed(mlt_service owner,mlt_filter filter,mlt_event_data event_data)47 static void property_changed( mlt_service owner, mlt_filter filter, mlt_event_data event_data )
48 {
49 	private_data* pdata = (private_data*)filter->child;
50 	mlt_properties filter_properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter );
51 	const char *name = mlt_event_data_to_string(event_data);
53 	if ( name && !strcmp( name, "results" ) )
54 	{
55 		mlt_properties_anim_get_int( filter_properties, "results", 0, -1 );
56 		mlt_animation anim = mlt_properties_get_animation( filter_properties, "results" );
57 		if ( anim && mlt_animation_key_count( anim ) > 0 )
58 		{
59 			// We received valid analysis data
60 			pdata->initialized = true;
61 			pdata->playback = true;
62 			return;
63 		}
64 		else
65                 {
66 			// Analysis data was discarded
67 			pdata->initialized = false;
68 			pdata->producer_length = 0;
69 			pdata->playback = false;
70 			mlt_properties_set( filter_properties, "_results", NULL );
71 		}
72 	}
73 	if ( !pdata->initialized )
74 	{
75 		return;
76 	}
77 	if ( !strcmp( name, "rect" ) )
78 	{
79 		// The initial rect was changed, we need to reset the tracker with this new rect
80 		mlt_rect rect = mlt_properties_get_rect( filter_properties, "rect" );
81 		if ( rect.x != pdata->startRect.x || rect.y != pdata->startRect.y || rect.w != pdata->startRect.w || rect.h != pdata->startRect.h )
82 		{
83 			pdata->playback = false;
84 			pdata->initialized = false;
85 		}
86 	}
87 	else if ( !strcmp( name, "algo" ) )
88 	{
89 		char *algo = mlt_properties_get( filter_properties, "algo" );
90 		if ( pdata->algo && *pdata->algo != '\0' && strcmp( algo, pdata->algo ) )
91 		{
92 			pdata->playback = false;
93 			pdata->initialized = false;
94 		}
95 	}
96 	else if ( !strcmp( name, "_reset" ) )
97 	{
98 		mlt_properties_set( filter_properties, "results", NULL );
99 	}
100 }
apply(mlt_filter filter,private_data * data,int width,int height,int position,int length)102 static void apply( mlt_filter filter, private_data* data, int width, int height, int position, int length )
103 {
104 	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter );
105 	mlt_rect rect = mlt_properties_anim_get_rect( properties, "results", position, length );
106 	mlt_profile profile = mlt_service_profile( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) );
107 	// Calculate the region now
108 	double scale_width = mlt_profile_scale_width( profile, width );
109 	double scale_height = mlt_profile_scale_height( profile, height );
110 	rect.x *= scale_width;
111 	rect.w *= scale_width;
112 	rect.y *= scale_height;
113 	rect.h *= scale_height;
114 	data->boundingBox.x = rect.x;
115 	data->boundingBox.y= rect.y;
116 	data->boundingBox.width = rect.w;
117 	data->boundingBox.height = rect.h;
118 }
analyze(mlt_filter filter,cv::Mat cvFrame,private_data * data,int width,int height,int position,int length)121 static void analyze( mlt_filter filter, cv::Mat cvFrame, private_data* data, int width, int height, int position, int length )
122 {
123 	mlt_properties filter_properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter );
125 	if ( data->analyse_width == -1 )
126 	{
127 		// Store analyze width/height
128 		data->analyse_width = width;
129 		data->analyse_height = height;
130 	}
131 	else if ( data->analyse_width != width || data->analyse_height != height )
132 	{
133 		// Frame size changed, reset all stored data
134 		data->initialized = false;
135 		data->analyse_width = width;
136 		data->analyse_height = height;
137 	}
138 	// Create tracker and initialize it
139 	if (!data->initialized)
140 	{
141 		// Build tracker
142 		data->algo = mlt_properties_get( filter_properties, "algo" );
144 		if ( !data->algo || *data->algo == '\0' || !strcmp(data->algo, "KCF" ) )
145 		{
146 			data->tracker = cv::TrackerKCF::create();
147 		}
148 #if CV_VERSION_INT >= 0x030402 && CV_VERSION_INT < 0x040500
149 		else if ( !strcmp(data->algo, "CSRT" ) )
150 		{
151 			data->tracker = cv::TrackerCSRT::create();
152 		}
153 		else if ( !strcmp(data->algo, "MOSSE" ) )
154 		{
155 			data->tracker = cv::TrackerMOSSE::create();
156 		}
157 #endif
158 		else if ( !strcmp(data->algo, "MIL" ) )
159 		{
160 			data->tracker = cv::TrackerMIL::create();
161 		}
162 #if CV_VERSION_INT >= 0x030402 && CV_VERSION_INT < 0x040500
163 		else if ( !strcmp(data->algo, "TLD" ) )
164 		{
165 			data->tracker = cv::TrackerTLD::create();
166 		}
167 		else
168 		{
169 			data->tracker = cv::TrackerBoosting::create();
170 		}
171 #endif // CV_VERSION_INT >= 0x030402 && CV_VERSION_INT < 0x040500
172 #else
173 		if ( data->algo == NULL || !strcmp(data->algo, "" ) )
174 		{
175 			data->tracker = cv::Tracker::create( "KCF" );
176 		}
177 		else
178 		{
179 			data->tracker = cv::Tracker::create( data->algo );
180 		}
181 #endif
183 		// Discard previous results
184 		mlt_properties_set( filter_properties, "_results", "" );
185 		if( data->tracker == NULL )
186 		{
187 			fprintf( stderr, "Tracker initialized FAILED\n" );
188 		}
189 		else
190 		{
191 			data->startRect = mlt_properties_get_rect( filter_properties, "rect" );
192 			mlt_profile profile = mlt_service_profile( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) );
193 			double scale_width = mlt_profile_scale_width( profile, width );
194 			double scale_height = mlt_profile_scale_height( profile, height );
195 			data->startRect.x *= scale_width;
196 			data->startRect.w *= scale_width;
197 			data->startRect.y *= scale_height;
198 			data->startRect.h *= scale_height;
200 			// Ensure startRect is within frame boundaries
201 			if ( data->startRect.x > width )
202 			{
203 				data->startRect.x = width - 10;
204 			}
205 			else
206 			{
207 				data->startRect.x = MAX( 0., data->startRect.x );
208 			}
209 			if ( data->startRect.y > height )
210 			{
211 				data->startRect.y = height - 10;
212 			}
213 			else
214 			{
215 				data->startRect.y = MAX( 0., data->startRect.y );
216 			}
217 			if ( data->startRect.x + data->startRect.w > width )
218 			{
219 				data->startRect.w = width - data->startRect.x;
220 			}
221 			if ( data->startRect.y + data->startRect.h > height )
222 			{
223 				data->startRect.h = height - data->startRect.y;
224 			}
226 			data->boundingBox.x = data->startRect.x;
227 			data->boundingBox.y= data->startRect.y;
228 			data->boundingBox.width = data->startRect.w;
229 			data->boundingBox.height = data->startRect.h;
230 			if ( data->boundingBox.width <1 ) {
231 				data->boundingBox.width = 50;
232 			}
233 			if ( data->boundingBox.height <1 ) {
234 				data->boundingBox.height = 50;
235 			}
236 #if CV_VERSION_INT >= 0x030402 && CV_VERSION_INT < 0x040500
237 			if ( data->tracker->init( cvFrame, data->boundingBox ) ) {
238 #else
239 			{
240 				data->tracker->init( cvFrame, data->boundingBox );
241 #endif
242 				data->initialized = true;
243 				data->analyze = true;
244 				data->last_position = position - 1;
245 			}
246 			// init anim property
247 			mlt_properties_anim_get_int( filter_properties, "_results", 0, length );
248 			mlt_animation anim = mlt_properties_get_animation( filter_properties, "_results" );
249 			if ( anim == NULL ) {
250 				fprintf( stderr, "animation initialized FAILED\n" );
251 			}
252 		}
253 	}
254 	else
255 	{
256 		data->tracker->update( cvFrame, data->boundingBox );
257 	}
258 	if( data->analyze && position != data->last_position + 1 )
259 	{
260 		// We are in real time, do not try to store data
261 		data->analyze = false;
262 	}
263 	if ( !data->analyze )
264 	{
265 		return;
266 	}
267 	// Store results in temp variable
268 	mlt_rect rect;
269 	rect.x = data->boundingBox.x;
270 	rect.y = data->boundingBox.y;
271 	rect.w = data->boundingBox.width;
272 	rect.h = data->boundingBox.height;
273 	rect.o = 0;
275 	int steps = mlt_properties_get_int(filter_properties, "steps");
276 	if ( steps > 1 && position > 0 && position < length - 1 )
277 	{
278 		if ( position % steps == 0 )
279 			mlt_properties_anim_set_rect( filter_properties, "_results", rect, position, length, mlt_keyframe_smooth );
280 	}
281 	else
282 	{
283 		mlt_properties_anim_set_rect( filter_properties, "_results", rect, position, length, mlt_keyframe_smooth );
284 	}
285 	if ( position + 1 == length )
286 	{
287 		//Analysis finished, store results
288 		mlt_animation anim = mlt_properties_get_animation( filter_properties, "_results");
289 		mlt_properties_set( filter_properties, "results", strdup( mlt_animation_serialize( anim ) ) );
290 		// Discard temporary data
291 		mlt_properties_set( filter_properties, "_results", (char*) NULL );
293 		data->playback = true;
294 	}
295 	data->last_position = position;
296 }
299 /** Get the image.
300 */
301 static int filter_get_image( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
302 {
303 	int error = 0;
304 	mlt_filter filter = (mlt_filter) mlt_frame_pop_service( frame );
305 	mlt_properties filter_properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter );
306 	mlt_position position = mlt_filter_get_position( filter, frame );
307 	mlt_service_lock( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) );
308 	int shape_width = mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "shape_width" );
309 	int blur = mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "blur" );
310 	cv::Mat cvFrame;
312 	private_data* data = (private_data*) filter->child;
313 	if ( shape_width == 0 && blur == 0 && !data->playback ) {
314 		error = mlt_frame_get_image( frame, image, format, width, height, 1 );
315 	}
316 	else
317 	{
318 		*format = mlt_image_rgb;
319 		error = mlt_frame_get_image( frame, image, format, width, height, 1 );
320 		cvFrame = cv::Mat( *height, *width, CV_8UC3, *image );
321 	}
322 	if ( data->producer_length == 0 )
323 	{
324 		mlt_producer producer = mlt_frame_get_original_producer( frame );
325 		if ( producer )
326 		{
327 			data->producer_in = mlt_producer_get_in( producer );
328 			data->producer_length = mlt_producer_get_playtime( producer );
329 		}
330 	}
331 	if ( !data->initialized )
332 	{
333 		mlt_properties_anim_get_int( filter_properties, "results", 0, data->producer_length );
334 		mlt_animation anim = mlt_properties_get_animation( filter_properties, "results" );
335 		if ( anim && mlt_animation_key_count(anim) > 0 )
336 		{
337 			data->initialized = true;
338 			data->playback = true;
339 		}
340 	}
341 	if( data->playback )
342 	{
343 		// Clip already analysed, don't re-process
344 		apply( filter, data, *width, *height, position, data->producer_in + data->producer_length );
345 	}
346 	else
347 	{
348 		analyze( filter, cvFrame, data, *width, *height, position, data->producer_in + data->producer_length );
349 	}
350 	// ensure bounding box is within the frame boundaries or OpenCV will crash
351 	if ( data->boundingBox.x > *width )
352 	{
353 		data->boundingBox.x = *width - 10;
354 	}
355 	else
356 	{
357 		data->boundingBox.x = MAX(0., data->boundingBox.x);
358 	}
359 	if ( data->boundingBox.y > *height )
360 	{
361 		data->boundingBox.y = *height - 10;
362 	}
363 	else
364 	{
365 		data->boundingBox.y = MAX(0., data->boundingBox.y);
366 	}
367 	if ( data->boundingBox.x + data->boundingBox.width > *width )
368 	{
369 		data->boundingBox.width = *width - data->boundingBox.x;
370 	}
371 	if ( data->boundingBox.y + data->boundingBox.height > *height )
372 	{
373 		data->boundingBox.height = *height - data->boundingBox.y;
374 	}
376 	if ( blur > 0 )
377 	{
378 		switch ( mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "blur_type" ) )
379 		{
380 			case 1:
381 				// Gaussian Blur
382 				cv::GaussianBlur( cvFrame( data->boundingBox ), cvFrame( data->boundingBox ), cv::Size( 0, 0 ), blur );
383                                 break;
384 			case 0:
385 			default:
386 				// Median Blur
387 				++blur;
388 				if ( blur % 2 == 0 )
389 				{
390 					// median blur param must be odd and, minimum 3
391 					++blur;
392 				}
393 				cv::medianBlur( cvFrame( data->boundingBox ), cvFrame( data->boundingBox ), blur );
394 				break;
395 		}
396 	}
398 	// Paint overlay shape
399 	if ( shape_width != 0 )
400         {
401 		// Get the OpenCV image
402 		mlt_color shape_color = mlt_properties_get_color( filter_properties, "shape_color" );
403 		switch ( mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "shape" ) )
404                 {
405 		case 2:
406 			// Arrow
407 			cv::arrowedLine( cvFrame, cv::Point( data->boundingBox.x + data->boundingBox.width/2, data->boundingBox.y - data->boundingBox.height/2 ), cv::Point( data->boundingBox.x + data->boundingBox.width/2, data->boundingBox.y ), cv::Scalar( shape_color.r, shape_color.g, shape_color.b ), MAX( shape_width, 1 ), 4, 0, .2 );
408 			break;
409 		case 1:
410 			// Ellipse
411 			{
412 				cv::RotatedRect bounding = cv::RotatedRect( cv::Point2f( data->boundingBox.x + data->boundingBox.width/2, data->boundingBox.y + data->boundingBox.height/2 ), cv::Size2f( data->boundingBox.width, data->boundingBox.height ), 0);
413 				cv::ellipse( cvFrame, bounding, cv::Scalar( shape_color.r, shape_color.g, shape_color.b ), shape_width, 1 );
414 			}
415 			break;
416 		case 0:
417 		default:
418 			// Rectangle
419 			cv::rectangle( cvFrame, data->boundingBox, cv::Scalar( shape_color.r, shape_color.g, shape_color.b ), shape_width, 1 );
420 			break;
421 		}
422 	}
424 	mlt_service_unlock( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) );
425 	return error;
426 }
429 /** Filter processing.
430 */
431 static mlt_frame filter_process( mlt_filter filter, mlt_frame frame )
432 {
433 	mlt_frame_push_service( frame, filter );
434 	mlt_frame_push_get_image( frame, filter_get_image );
435 	return frame;
436 }
438 static void filter_close( mlt_filter filter )
439 {
440 	private_data* data = (private_data*) filter->child;
441 	free ( data );
442 	filter->child = NULL;
443 	filter->close = NULL;
444 	filter->parent.close = NULL;
445 	mlt_service_close( &filter->parent );
446 }
448 /** Constructor for the filter.
449 */
451 extern "C" {
453 mlt_filter filter_tracker_init( mlt_profile profile, mlt_service_type type, const char *id, char *arg )
454 {
455 	mlt_filter filter = mlt_filter_new();
456 	private_data* data = (private_data*) calloc( 1, sizeof(private_data) );
458 	if ( filter && data)
459 	{
460 		mlt_properties properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter );
461 		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "shape_width", 1 );
462 		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "steps", 5 );
463 		mlt_properties_set( properties, "algo", "KCF" );
464 		data->initialized = false;
465 		data->playback = false;
466 		data->boundingBox.x = 0;
467 		data->boundingBox.y= 0;
468 		data->boundingBox.width = 0;
469 		data->boundingBox.height = 0;
470 		data->analyze = false;
471 		data->last_position = -1;
472 		data->analyse_width = -1;
473 		data->analyse_height = -1;
474 		data->producer_in = 0;
475 		data->producer_length = 0;
476 		filter->child = data;
478 		// Create a unique ID for storing data on the frame
479 		filter->close = filter_close;
480 		filter->process = filter_process;
482 		mlt_events_listen( properties, filter, "property-changed", (mlt_listener)property_changed );
483 	}
484 	else
485 	{
486 		mlt_log_error( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ), "Filter tracker failed\n" );
488 		if( filter )
489 		{
490 			mlt_filter_close( filter );
491 		}
493 		if( data )
494 		{
495 			free( data );
496 		}
498 		filter = NULL;
499 	}
500 	return filter;
501 }
503 }